Topic: ~*Free compatibility readings*~
blessed39 Knowflake Posts: 127 From: Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 28, 2012 11:07 PM
Please do a reading for my boyfriend and I? Thank you so much!! Me: 10/2/81, Orange, CA 4:30 AM Him: 2/4/1982, Oakland, CA, Time Unknown Thank you!!! IP: Logged |
Mellove Newflake Posts: 2 From: Netherlands Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 29, 2012 11:30 AM
Hi, I 've been reading here a lot lately because I am studying the relationship with my Lover. If you like to take a look: Nice :-)Me: 26 June 1972 - 7:10 AM - Rucphen - Netherlands He: 23 March 1968 - 11:15 AM - Oristano - Italy As I said, I have been looking into A LOT and find it a very interesting match .. I wonder How you 'feel' about the Venus - Jupiter - Neptune - Venus "point up" aspects in our composite chart.... IP: Logged |
Dreaming111 Knowflake Posts: 1704 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted February 29, 2012 05:48 PM
Hi, I'm sure you're flogged with requests, so I do feel bad asking.. So if you have the time and if it's interesting enough, would you mind taking a look at mine and this guy's compatibility and viability together? If you don't have the time or it's a bland chart, then just say the word I'll understand completely. : ) Me ( female ): June 21st, 1983 4:32pm (DST) San Jose, California, USA Him: August 13th, 1983 6:57am (DST) Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA Romantic relationship Thanks IP: Logged |
Scorpiobri11987 Newflake Posts: 24 From: Washington, DC, USA Registered: Mar 2012
posted March 03, 2012 01:02 AM
Desmond April 17, 1987 Chicago, Il 5:46pmBrionna November 9, 1987 West covina, CA 2:52pm My fiance and I....currently wondering if we can work through our issues and get married. Wondering if this is long term. I'm Brionna. I really appreciate this, I've been trying to figure it out...thank you sooooo much! ------------------ ScorpioBri <3 IP: Logged |
starcrossedleo Knowflake Posts: 378 From: Registered: May 2011
posted March 03, 2012 02:04 PM
RASCan you look at our compatibility. I loved the readings you've done so far. Him 11/4/61 time unk Troy, NY Her(me) 8/23/63 12:40AM Gloversville NY We have been dating on and off 7 years-we reunited 6 months ago and just broke up. Starcrossedleo IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 03, 2012 04:42 PM
Why dontcha try and see if you can tell your own compatibility? :PCompare the composite with these: IP: Logged |
Mellove Newflake Posts: 2 From: Netherlands Registered: Feb 2012
posted March 04, 2012 04:58 AM
Hi RAS, I have been doing a lot of reading about my composite and synastry chart. Here, on astro, on cafeastrology and of course in my many books. You can read about all the individual aspects, but it is not so easy to make a whole of it. Than I saw your request for dates to use for your investigation and I thought it would be nice to hear someone elses idea about it! But I see you get many, so I understand that you don't manage to take a look at all :-) Good luck with your investigation, I'll keep reading!!IP: Logged |
ShyVirgo1979 Knowflake Posts: 1658 From: Registered: May 2011
posted March 06, 2012 04:20 PM
So I have a question for runaround I have done what u suggested and I've done a lil synastry and there plenty of website to describe the aspects. I'm not so familiar with composites however and if I've followed this thread right I think I have a stellium in the composite with someone. In this composite we have the sun, mercury, mars, and saturn all in virgo and all in the 3rd house. That's what u call a stellium right? But I have NO clue what that means! I've googled it and can't find anything on that. Do u have any input?IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 06, 2012 04:39 PM
ShyVirgo, you can go to and for synastry which are the websites I posted in this thread for other people's readings. You can use for a second opinion but it's not always accurate.As far as this stellium you have goes, it's described in the other thread where I posted all the readings with their composite charts.  IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 10, 2012 04:22 AM
Twinswans newlywed couple from thread "is venus strong enough?"Link: The reading with my personal analysis and the composite chart image can be found in the "READINGS WILL BE POSTED HERE" thread ------
From She's Sun in Gemini and him's Sun in Virgo
The two of you are both intellectual creatures, more rational than emotional, and you have a good mental rapport. You both love to talk and you appreciate one another's wit. him, however, has a more practical, down-to-earth turn of mind, while She just enjoys playing with ideas, without needing a purpose or practical application for them. She is also more of a risk-taker and will gladly do something once "just for the experience" while him is more careful, cautious, and discriminating. For the most part, however, you understand each other well, and can be quite compatible. him's Sun Square She's Sun Your relationship is dynamic and energizing. You challenge each other to grow and develop, but unfortunately the process tends to be abrasive and frustrating. The differences in your personalities that are described at the beginning of Chapter 1 deserve careful reading and attention because if not understood and handled properly, they can lead to mutual frustration him's Sun Trine She's Mars Successful cooperation in achieving goals and accomplishing tasks is highlighted. You make an excellent working team and you are able to assist each other in achieving specific, concrete goals. The sexual attraction between you is also very strong him's Sun Opposite She's Jupiter There is a great deal of enthusiasm and optimism in your relationship. You inspire each other to expand your horizons, explore new possibilities, and improve your financial and social situation. You have a lot of good will towards each other, and also allow each other a lot of freedom. You do not smother each other. You may, however, engage in risky speculations together that are driven more by optimism and hopefulness than by well thought out plans, and consequently fall far short of your expectations. Overall, however, this astrological influence is a positive one of good will and optimism. him's Sun Conjunct She's Ascendant There is a very warm and vital connection between you, and She, in particular, will be a very influential person in him's life, and at times monopolizes or dominates him's attention. Upon meeting you may have felt that you already knew one another very well. Certainly you have much in common in terms of your attitudes and interests, which makes you both feel very comfortable and close to one another. The more time you spend together, the more your identities merge and you will feel very much a part of one another, a deep mutual dependence upon one another, a very important part of one another's lives him's Moon Opposite She's Moon Although many of your personal tastes and habits are different, they rarely conflict with each other. Both of you are able to accept each other's personal habits and idiosyncrasies, without feeling like you must force each other to fit your preconceived notions of what your partner should be like. You have a strong sense of acceptance and belonging together. him's Moon Sextile She's Venus Romantic love for each other is very strong, and there is a very sweet, tender, and romantic quality to your feelings for each other. You also evoke feelings of good will and tenderness in each other. This is a sweet relationship that could easily become a long-lasting one. him's Moon Opposite She's Saturn Although you both strive to be responsible, respectful, and dedicated to each other, there is a strong tendency for this relationship to focus TOO MUCH on responsibilities and commitments. him is likely to feel unjustly criticized, frustrated by She's moral and ethical attitudes, and eventually resent the limitations and responsibilities imposed by this relationship. Emotional distance, coolness, indifference to feelings, and a sense of loneliness or oppression can develop between you. To make this relationship work, you both must avoid the tendency to let your sense of responsibility and concern for the other person cause you to try to control your partner's life. Composite Report for She and him Sun in Leo The primary concern of this relationship is to grow in dignity and confidence and to shine in the world. You can help each other become more creatively self-expressive. You treat each other with honesty and respect. Moon in Virgo This relationship is vulnerable to criticism so the two of you are always trying to improve yourselves and each other. You feel comfortable handling practical matters and can attend to the details of relating with great ease. Ascendant in Scorpio It's difficult to know you two and because of this you may be the victims of misunderstandings from time to time. You are a magnetic couple. You project an air of mystery and depth and hidden passion. You like being alone together. Sun Trine Uranus Being together will bring many changes into your lives. You'll become more progressive, more open to experimentation and new ideas, more adventurous and less conventional. You'll foster one another's freedom and autonomy, and develop a relationship that may look odd to other people, but which truly fits your own needs and authentic selves. What may have seemed radical or too far out to you, now will become quite easy for you to accept. The more the two of you cooperate with the impulse toward newness and "nowness" (letting go of the need to maintain the familiar, or cling to preconceived expectations), the better and more smooth your relationship will be. One of the purposes of the two of you coming together is to open you both to new ways of expressing yourselves and understanding the world Sun Sesquiquadrate Neptune No matter how practical and well-grounded the two of you are as individuals, together you have some real blind spots, things which you don't see clearly at all, or which you see through a haze of fantasy and hope. Deception and/or self-deception can undermine this relationship if you are not as clear, precise, and honest with one another as you can be. It would be extremely helpful if you can find an objective third party to give you some realistic feedback about one another or any problems that may come up between you. Financial business or other practical affairs which are joint endeavors should also be checked by a competent outside party. One troublesome tendency the two of you have is to try to "save" one another. Attempts to rescue or to play a "helpless" victim in need of rescuing will not work out well. At your best, you enhance one another's sensitivity and evoke compassion and understanding in one another. At worst, you may deceive one another or create false images Moon Conjunct Mercury Through your relationship with one another, and especially your intimate conversations, both of you will understand your past histories, your emotions, and your own inner lives much more clearly. Being in one another's presence evokes in both of you the desire to confide, to tell your stories, to speak about your private selves. You are able to talk for hours. There is often a sentimental or nostalgic tone to your discussions. Visiting old childhood haunts together, studying your family trees, looking at and discussing old photographs, describing your dreams to each other, talking about your children or your mate or parents - this type of sharing will be a crucial aspect of your bond. Even if you are not the sort of person who discusses feelings or readily confides in others, you'll find that with this particular person, you can and will. You make good counselors for one another. At times you may feel that your discussions are too subjective, or always become personal even when the initial topic is broad and rather impersonal. For the two or you, emotional attitudes and feelings will always color your communication. This is an essential part of the purpose of your relationship: examining feelings and the past in order to understand them. Moon Trine Jupiter Quite simply, one of the purposes of your relationship is to BE HAPPY. Play, laughter, humor, and just feeling wonderful in each other's presence is the heart of it. You put one another in a good mood, and can cheer one another up quite easily. It will be unusual for both of you to be down for very long when you're together. To others you will appear to be unusually blessed. You seem "gifted" together, and you will be... uncommon good fortune and "miracles" happen to you, and as a couple you will be quite generous and willing to share the good that comes your way. A feeling of openness, spaciousness, tolerance, and generosity towards one another permeates your bond ------------------------------------------- GRUPOVENUS.COM REPORT
She's Moon in Saggitarius and Him's Moon in Gemini You have a great rapport, and your emotional needs coincide very well. Personal freedom and mobility mean a lot to both of you, and neither of you wants to possess or be possessed totally. You share an unending curiosity and mental restlessness, a love of books and movies and ideas, an urge to travel, to meet different kinds of people, and to discover new things. You are both playful and humorous, though She is more philosophical, idealistic, and optimistic than Him. Him's humor can be rather black at times. Both of you are also rather intellectual and need an intelligent, communicative partner. You are very companionable together and are likely to enjoy a very satisfying friendship in addition to whatever romantic attachment you have. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
She's Saturn opposition Him's Moon orb 2° 20' Although you both strive to be responsible, respectful, and dedicated to each other, there is a strong tendency for this relationship to focus TOO MUCH on responsibilities and commitments. Him is likely to feel unjustly criticized, frustrated by She's moral and ethical attitudes, and eventually resent the limitations and responsibilities imposed by this relationship. Emotional distance, coolness, indifference to feelings, and a sense of loneliness or oppression can develop between you. To make this relationship work, you both must avoid the tendency to let your sense of responsibility and concern for the other person cause you to try to control your partner's life. She's Pluto conjunct Him's Venus orb 2° 46'
Romantic and sexual attraction is very powerful, but is likely to have an intense, obsessive quality as well. Him, in particular, may feel that She comes on too strong or is too insatiable and demanding. Jealousy, sexual manipulation, or unrestrained emotional fervor are strong potentials between the two of you. An almost fated, love-hate kind of relationship is very possible. She's Mercury opposition Him's Ascendant orb 1° 53'
It seems that you always have lots to talk about, and you enjoy sharing ideas and points of view on any topic. Your approach, style, and interests are often different but this does not lessen the enthusiasm and interest in each other's concerns, plans, and ideas. She's Mars conjunct Him's Ascendant orb 1° 3'
There is a dynamic, vital, almost aggressive quality to your relationship. You share many of the same goals, and you enjoy working together to achieve them. You stimulate each other to accomplish and do more, and you put each other in an energetic, self-confident mood. The attraction between you is strong and this relationship will have a big effect on both of you. The sexual attraction between you is immediate, very natural, and spontaneous, though perhaps lacking in sensitivity at times. She's Ascendant conjunct Him's Sun orb 2° 44'
There is a very warm and vital connection between you, and Him, in particular, will be a very influential person in She's life, and at times monopolizes or dominates She's attention. Upon meeting you may have felt that you already knew one another very well. Certainly you have much in common in terms of your attitudes and interests, which makes you both feel very comfortable and close to one another. The more time you spend together, the more your identities merge and you will feel very much a part of one another, a deep mutual dependence upon one another, a very important part of one another's lives. She's Sun square Him's Sun orb 2° 19'
Your relationship is dynamic and energizing. You challenge each other to grow and develop, but unfortunately the process tends to be abrasive and frustrating. The differences in your personalities that are described at the beginning of Chapter 1 deserve careful reading and attention because if not understood and handled properly, they can lead to mutual frustration. She's Mercury square Him's Mercury orb 1° 0'
You approach problems and solve mental problems in very different ways, and this tends to be a source of friction in your relationship. For example, one of you may feel that the other depends too much on intuition rather than logic, or makes decisions too impulsively, or focuses too narrowly, etc. These differences tend to be very irritating to each other, so try to be very tolerant of each other. Sometimes you will simply not be able to work together on a problem; you will need to sometimes work independently of each other to 'stay out of each other's hair'. She's Mercury square Him's Pluto orb 0° 0'
Your conversations have a deep, probing quality. There is a strong tendency to attempt to coerce your partner to understand your point of view and agree with you. Him may attempt to dominate She's thinking, or radically alter She's view of things. She's Venus sextile Him's Moon orb 1° 50'
Romantic love for each other is very strong, and there is a very sweet, tender, and romantic quality to your feelings for each other. You also evoke feelings of good will and tenderness in each other. This is a sweet relationship that could easily become a long-lasting one. She's Venus square Him's Venus orb 2° 12'
Your tastes in art, music, and food are frequently very different and, more importantly, your approach to romance and sexuality is often at odds with each other. These differences are not severe and are likely to cause only minor annoyances, but nevertheless are a nuisance, leading to a feeling of distance and mutual misunderstanding. She's Mars square Him's Mercury orb 0° 10'
The tendency to argumentativeness, verbal abuse, and mutual misunderstanding is very strong so please heed the following advice, especially if your relationship is a permanent one: try to avoid abusive language towards each other, and do not try to coerce the other person to accept your views. You enjoy challenging each other's ideas, showing the weaknesses, inconsistencies, or superficialities in each other's reasoning. While the intention is good, the net result can be hurt feelings and anger. Typically there is some truth to each other's point of view, but a lack of real appreciation and respect for each other's ideas triggers argumentativeness. She's Mars square Him's Pluto orb 0° 50'
You inspire, inflame, vitalize, and energize one another and you can accomplish much together, but you can easily become overly zealous, even fanatical, in your pursuits. It is also likely that your objectives will sometimes be different and you will feel at cross-purposes with each other. You often end up in power struggles, being very competitive with each other, and trying to manipulate or dominate one another. Him, especially, can override or undermine She's efforts. Sexual attraction is very strong, but as with other things, one of you is likely to come on too strong to the other and this may be offensive to your partner. There is a driving, compelling, somewhat impersonal quality to your love-making at times. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship She's Sun in Him's 6 house Him's Sun in She's 1 house She's Moon in Him's 11 house Him's Moon in She's 9 house She's Mercury in Him's 7 house Him's Mercury in She's 1 house She's Venus in Him's 7 house Him's Venus in She's 2 house She's Mars in Him's 1 house Him's Mars in She's 11 house She's Jupiter in Him's 2 house Him's Jupiter in She's 1 house She's Saturn in Him's 11 house Him's Saturn in She's 1 house She's Uranus in Him's 11 house Him's Uranus in She's 3 house She's Neptune in Him's 12 house Him's Neptune in She's 3 house She's Pluto in Him's 10 house Him's Pluto in She's 1 house She's Moon conjunct Him's Uranus orb 4° 53' She's Mercury sextile Him's Sun orb 3° 10' She's Mercury trine Him's Uranus orb 3° 47' She's Mars trine Him's Sun orb 4° 0' She's Jupiter opposition Him's Sun orb 4° 16' She's Jupiter trine Him's Uranus orb 4° 53' She's Uranus sextile Him's Mercury orb 2° 6' She's Uranus sextile Him's Pluto orb 3° 8' She's Neptune sextile Him's Venus orb 2° 52' ----- SASSTROLOGY LOVE CALCULATOR 46% Compatible See what the stars have in store for all your relationships at » Pushing Each Other's Buttons Like Beirut in the 80's, get ready for some action as the bullets start to fly when you two get together. Not literally (we hope), but there's some serious tension between the two of you where each of you gets ticked off by the other's attitude. He's not the kind of person who likes narcissistic people (who is?), so your out of this world ego can start to rub him the wrong way after a while. At the same time, he's likely to set off a bunch of your pet peeves without even realizing it. As is the case with the Palestinian conflict, a measure of tact is required to confront your underlying issues. To you, it's your world, and he's just a part of it. Normally he wouldn't even think about dating someone like you, so he must see something pretty irresistible in you. If you're determined to make this work and get past your petty annoyances, there's some hope for you yet. Relationships, in general, are a 50/50 split, not a one-sided affair. So compromise is a word you should add to your vocabulary pronto.
IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 10, 2012 04:45 AM
Inthemisosoup and her grandma's Sun in Aries and inthemisosoup's Sun in Sagittarius Enthusiasm, a sense of adventure, and high spirited play infuse your relationship. You both feel you can be yourselves fully with one another: you don't have to tone down any of your exuberance and energy, the way you might with someone else. In fact, you inspire and vitalize one another's strength. grandma sometimes clashes or competes with other strong individuals, but inthemisosoup is tolerant, not threatened, and doesn't take the bait. Also, you both need personal freedom and space, and even if you spend all of your time together, you are unlikely to feel smothered in this relationship. A happy twosome grandma's Sun Trine inthemisosoup's Sun Your basic aims and approach to life are in harmony, and the mutual respect you feel forms the basis of an excellent friendship or partnership. You feel understood, appreciated, recognized, and affirmed by one another. You stimulate, vitalize, motivate, and believe in each other grandma's Sun Trine inthemisosoup's Uranus Playfulness and a zest for newness infuse your relationship. You really spark each other's imagination and creativity. This quality is especially welcome in a long-term relationship because you will not fall into a lifeless routine. You spur each other to explore, take risks, and develop new creative outlets. You encourage each other's independence. There is an electric, spontaneous quality between you , and your sexual relationship is lively and exciting as well grandma's Sun Sextile inthemisosoup's Ascendant There is a pleasant, harmonious quality to your relationship that makes the two of you really enjoy your times together. Whether you are talking, playing, or taking care of daily chores together, you find that you invariably appreciate and enjoy each other's company. Regardless of whether your romantic relationship is permanent, you will always be good friends. grandma's Moon Trine inthemisosoup's Mercury You enjoy long talks and you feel very much at home with each other. You are able to openly share your feelings about various issues, whether they are political, religious, or personal in nature. You will find that as you spend more time together, your tastes, interests, hobbies, and activities tend to blend together harmoniously. The feeling of friendship and inner understanding of each other is very satisfying and of a very positive nature. Composite Report for inthemisosoup and grandma Sun in Aquarius
There is a lot of freedom in this relationship. You bring out what is unique and unusual in each other. Your interests as a couple are often futuristic and offbeat, even eccentric. Your goals are humanitarian. A socially active, interesting pair. Moon in Taurus Your sense of emotional security in this relationship must be absolute. You like to feel that you possess each other. You're very good at pleasing each other on a sensual level. Stubborn attitudes may prolong your disagreements Ascendant in Scorpio It's difficult to know you two and because of this you may be the victims of misunderstandings from time to time. You are a magnetic couple. You project an air of mystery and depth and hidden passion. You like being alone together. Sun Opposite Venus Quite simply, one of your purposes in being together is to create and express beauty, whether this is in the form of a beautiful, loving relationship, or gracious and artful works. There can also be an element of vanity, artifice, or show-offiness - the desire to be seen and recognized as a Beautiful Couple, whether or not that's entirely true. Hiding or downplaying your difficulties and the "uglies" in your relationship may be helpful to a point, but if you try to maintain this image of yourselves as a happy, loving twosome despite your actual conflicts, then deeper troubles may never get attended to. However, whatever friction, dissonance, or ill will develops between you, there will also always be an urge to harmonize, reconcile, and ease your differences, and to create cooperation. It will take a lot for the two of you to ever turn against each other entirely Sun Conjunct Uranus Your relationship is permeated with a tone of unconventionality, spontaneity, and unusual rhythms. Other people may see the way you relate to one another as strange, even unnatural, because you don't conform to any of the standard patterns. Personal freedom, autonomy, and "space" will be yours in this relationship, to an unusual degree. Even if neither of you is especially progressive or "liberated" in your attitudes towards human relationships, you will be forced to open your minds and to be more non-possessive and less rigid and inhibited than you've ever been before. All of this will be disruptive and unsettling to you, unless you willingly embrace and learn from change, and give up preconceived attitudes and expectations of how it "should" be. A lot of your "shoulds" will be shattered, if you are clinging too stubbornly to them. Surprise and newness are the essence of this relationship Moon Trine Mercury Long, intimate chats, talking and listening to one another, sharing confidential or personal stories, discussing emotional concerns and/or family matters - these play a crucial role in your relationship. You may tell one another extremely personal details of your lives, even before you know one another that well, and it will be very easy for you to divulge these things to one another. At times your conversations may become very trivial and gossipy, but somehow satisfying nonetheless. You are good listeners, sounding boards for one another, and through your relationship, you both get some clearer understanding and objectivity about the things that really matter to you. The inner, private, personal aspect of life will be the primary focus in your discussions. If you live at a distance from one another, correspondence or long-distance phone calls will keep you close. Part of the purpose of your relationship is for each of you to have a confidante and counselor ------------------
Grandma's Moon in Cancer and Miso's Moon in Pisces The two of you understand each other very well and you share many of the same traits. You can have a very strong emotional or psychic rapport, so much so that you communicate nonverbally quite easily. It is likely that you will become good friends. Both of you are highly receptive and sensitive to the emotional tone surrounding you. You have an intuitive awareness of others' inner feelings and needs, and are sympathetic almost to a fault. Your discussions of art, literature, music, and psychology are likely to be lively because both of you seek deeper meaning and significance from your experiences, and both of you find that you can communicate subtle perceptions and observations with each other. You cooperate well in any area that has an aesthetic or humanitarian element. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Mercury Mutually Aspects Uranus You inspire each other to think along new, creative lines and together you can devise very original and unusual ideas, products, and plans. Be wary of the tendency to be very impulsive when making joint decisions. Sometimes the two of you abruptly seize an opportunity, realizing later that you were swept away by the excitement and novelty of the idea, and the idea is not that practical or realistic. Grandma's Mercury conjunct Miso's Moon orb 0° 41'
You enjoy long conversations, confiding in each other, sharing your inner feelings and thoughts. You enjoy 'psychoanalyzing' each other and others as well. At worst, this can degrade into gossip and at best it can provide a depth of mutual understanding and self-discovery that is enlightening, nourishing, and refreshing. Grandma's Jupiter conjunct Miso's Moon orb 1° 15'
You both really enjoy each other's company. You put each other in a good mood and an optimistic, friendly, jovial atmosphere develops when you get together. Grandma's Sun trine Miso's Sun orb 2° 25'
Your basic aims and approach to life are in harmony, and the mutual respect you feel forms the basis of an excellent friendship or partnership. You feel understood, appreciated, recognized, and affirmed by one another. You stimulate, vitalize, motivate, and believe in each other. Grandma's Mercury square Miso's Uranus orb 1° 8'
You often say things to shock or shake up each other, and you can get very high-strung when you are together. You tend to set a fast pace. You may also find yourselves periodically jumping on a new bandwagon, experimenting with a new idea, or exploring new alternatives. However, the impatience with each other is likely to cause sudden arguments and anger to flare. Grandma's Venus sextile Miso's Moon orb 0° 58'
There is a great deal of warmth and kindness in this relationship. You do not hesitate to assist each other and you feel like family even if you are not biologically related. Grandma's Jupiter square Miso's Sun orb 2° 49'
Enthusiasm, optimism, and good will are very strong. Grandma is able to see ways that Miso can grow, expand, and develop in practical and concrete ways as well as in attitude and inner ways. Grandma, however, may try to push Miso too hastily and be deceived by unrealistic expectations, resulting in foolish joint speculations and unsuccessful ventures. Try not to let your shared enthusiasm and optimism spawn unrealistic hopes and expectations. Grandma's Saturn square Miso's Mars orb 1° 18'
In your friendship, Miso is the eager, passionate, active and impulsive one, and Grandma frequently puts on the brakes or tries to control, play down, and restrain Miso's desires and drives. Miso is likely to feel very frustrated, angry or discouraged if Grandma expresses disapproval or caution too often, and this can be a source of considerable friction between you. Grandma feels overwhelmed and envious of Miso's intensity and assertiveness, but instead of trying to hold Miso down, Grandma should confront the fears and inhibitions that Miso's directness evokes. Grandma's Uranus trine Miso's Mercury orb 2° 23'
Your conversations are spirited and often exhilarating. You spark each other to view situations in a new light and you inspire creative, original, inventive ideas. This relationship inspires creativity and originality, and a fresh perspective towards any problem or situation. Grandma's Sun sextile Miso's Ascendant orb 0° 30'
There is a pleasant, harmonious quality to your relationship that makes the two of you really enjoy your times together. Whether you are talking, playing, or taking care of chores together, you find that you invariably appreciate and enjoy each other's company, and feel energized when you are together. Grandma's Ascendant square Miso's Mercury orb 0° 39'
Frequently the two of you view a situation very differently, and you frequently respond to events very differently. Unfortunately, you are also inclined to feel that your approach is superior and feel very frustrated that you cannot enlighten the other. Very often, also, this annoying situation is triggered by a relatively minor incident. Try to better appreciate your friend's point of view. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship Grandma's Sun in Miso's 2 house Miso's Sun in Grandma's 4 house Grandma's Moon in Miso's 6 house Miso's Moon in Grandma's 7 house Grandma's Mercury in Miso's 1 house Miso's Mercury in Grandma's 4 house Grandma's Venus in Miso's 3 house and Miso's Venus in Grandma's 3 house Grandma's Mars in Miso's 4 house Miso's Mars in Grandma's 7 house Grandma's Jupiter in Miso's 1 house Miso's Jupiter in Grandma's 7 house Grandma's Saturn in Miso's 10 house Miso's Saturn in Grandma's 4 house Grandma's Uranus in Miso's 1 house Miso's Uranus in Grandma's 4 house Grandma's Neptune in Miso's 7 house Miso's Neptune in Grandma's 5 house Grandma's Pluto in Miso's 5 house Miso's Pluto in Grandma's 3 house Grandma's Sun trine Miso's Uranus orb 3° 29' Grandma's Moon trine Miso's Moon orb 4° 38' Grandma's Moon trine Miso's Mercury orb 3° 6' Grandma's Mercury square Miso's Sun orb 4° 46' Grandma's Mars opposition Miso's Uranus orb 3° 27' Grandma's Jupiter conjunct Miso's Jupiter orb 4° 36' Grandma's Jupiter square Miso's Uranus orb 3° 5' Grandma's Uranus square Miso's Neptune orb 4° 19' Grandma's Neptune square Miso's Mercury orb 3° 43' Grandma's Venus square Miso's Ascendant orb 3° 7' ------ sasstrology love caluclator 83% Compatible See what the stars have in store for all your relationships at » Like a Glove We hope you're ready to settle down with your soul mate because you've definitely found her, someone you finally understand on a really deep level in all her profound craziness! You can actually be yourself around this girl because you know she's gonna love you even when you're totally breaking out or come home all sweaty from the gym. Not only can you actually be yourselves around each other, but when you're together - and you'll want to be together all the time - everything is a thousand times cooler, so you'll find your lives can become easily intertwined. You two are so synergistic, you could even turn a trip to the National Museum of Mold Spores & Boredom into an awesome romantic escapade. So when each of you is having a bad day, you manage to make each other laugh and genuinely feel better all over just hearing the sound of each other's voices (collective aw). And guess what? Your synergy also extends to your finances, so you'll be able to afford your adventures and generate some extra cash to boot. Go ahead - start that project together! Pop out a few kids! It'll likely be the best thing you've ever done, and mostly because you're doing it together. IP: Logged |
Scorpiobri11987 Newflake Posts: 24 From: Washington, DC, USA Registered: Mar 2012
posted March 10, 2012 05:08 AM
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 10, 2012 05:25 AM
oliviaaa and her boyfriend's Sun in Aries and oliviaaa's Sun in Libra
A basic difference in your personalities is that oliviaaa likes to look at both sides of an issue and consider any situation from every angle. oliviaaa likes to discuss ideas with others, get their opinion, and sometimes has difficulty coming to a definitive decision. boyfriend is prone to be just the opposite, taking a strong, more one-sided view of a situation and frequently is uninterested in hearing others' point of view. In order for your relationship to work, you will have to reconcile this basic difference in your personalities. Over time, oliviaaa may feel that boyfriend is a selfish egotist and boyfriend may feel that oliviaaa is a weak-willed wimp. Obviously, you will need to have greater appreciation and respect for each other than this! oliviaaa makes many more compromises and accommodations for the relationship than boyfriend does. boyfriend's Sun Square oliviaaa's Saturn oliviaaa must be very careful not to harshly criticize or judge boyfriend. There is a strong tendency for boyfriend to feel blocked, frustrated, and discouraged by oliviaaa. Typically, oliviaaa will feel surprised by boyfriend's feelings of frustration and anger, and feel that boyfriend is just being overly sensitive to criticism. There is an element of truth to both viewpoints: oliviaaa tends to be too critical of boyfriend and boyfriend tends to be too sensitive to the criticism; the combination can be disastrous! boyfriend may try to ignore the problem, but ignoring the problem will not cause the problem to disappear. This is a relationship that can help both of you mature a great deal; you are able to build a secure, stable life together and face many challenges and responsibilities together that you have been trying to avoid. However, the tendency to become overly concerned with your responsibilities and be too conservative, cautious, and restrictive towards each other must not get out of hand, or you will both feel severely confined and restricted by being together oliviaaa's Sun Opposite boyfriend's Moon The two of you are attracted to each other in a magnetic, almost fated, kind of way. If you aren't married yet, there is a high probability that some day you will be! The two of you are drawn to each other even though, in some ways, you have opposite personalities. boyfriend's Moon Opposite oliviaaa's Mercury Lively, insightful conversations are frequent in this relationship. You love confiding in each other, pouring out your deepest concerns, fears, and hopes to each other. You also enjoy discussing and analyzing issues at length. In general, these conversations are enjoyable and enlightening, but occasionally they may degrade into gossip and oliviaaa may sometimes take an overly intellectual, cool, detached approach to boyfriend's feelings. boyfriend's Moon Opposite oliviaaa's Venus The love you feel for each other has a particularly sweet, romantic quality that draws the two of you together. You evoke the tender side of each other, and you simply love doing things for each other and giving gifts to one another. Your love for each other is very strong. Because you care for each other so much, you can also hurt each other's feelings rather easily. boyfriend's Moon Opposite oliviaaa's Ascendant Although your tastes and preferences are often completely opposite from each other, you love and admire each other very deeply. There is almost a maternal tenderness that you feel for each other, and the warm sympathy and caring that you feel for each other fosters a close and lasting relationship. There is a "soul kinship" between you. Composite Report for oliviaaa and boyfriend Sun in Capricorn
The two of you probably feel you have come together to accomplish something and you can achieve a great deal from lots of hard work. But don't let this stop you from enjoying the sweet side of life. A cautious and practical relationship. Moon in Aquarius You both need to contribute to this relationship on an equal basis. Emotions may arise in an erratic fashion, especially if there are restrictions placed on them. You need to feel free with one another. Real closeness may be hard won Ascendant in Sagittarius The two of you probably spend a lot of time outdoors. You like traveling together and talking with people. You especially enjoy philosophical discussions. People see you as freedom lovers -- jovial and optimistic. You need room to move & grow. Sun Sextile Mars Together, you will be dynamic, energetic, bold, and able to accomplish a great deal. You may find that spending a lot of time together gives you more energy and more desire to do and to achieve. You excel together in athletics, vigorous outdoor activities, and the like. Part of the essence of your relationship has to do with fostering confidence and a positive, active approach to life. You enable each other to be assertive, and to feel proud of yourselves and your achievements. Sun Trine Jupiter Through your relationship to one another, you both develop greater understanding, wisdom, confidence, and faith in yourselves and in life. You help each other be the best you can be, encourage one another to take risks, envision the possibilities rather than focusing on the impossibilities. Materially, you could generate much prosperity and financial well-being if that is your mutual goal. You have very good fortune together in that way. Fulfilling self-expression, and joyful recognition for what the two of you do together, are even more of a focus, however. Whatever endeavors you pursue as a duo will seem somehow blessed or unusually well-received ------------------------------------- Grupovenus Boyfriend's Sun in Aries and Oliviaaa's Sun in Libra A basic difference in your personalities is that Oliviaaa likes to look at both sides of an issue and consider any situation from every angle. Oliviaaa likes to discuss ideas with others, get their opinion, and sometimes has difficulty coming to a definitive decision. Boyfriend is prone to be just the opposite, taking a strong, more one-sided view of a situation and frequently is uninterested in hearing others' point of view. In order for your relationship to work, you will have to reconcile this basic difference in your personalities. Over time, Oliviaaa may feel that Boyfriend is a selfish egotist and Boyfriend may feel that Oliviaaa is a weak-willed wimp. Obviously, you will need to have greater appreciation and respect for each other than this! Oliviaaa makes many more compromises and accommodations for the relationship than Boyfriend does. Boyfriend's Moon in Taurus and Oliviaaa's Moon in Saggitarius
You have very different, and often conflicting, emotional needs and yearnings. Oliviaaa is expansive, craves adventure, and wants to be where the energy and action is. Oliviaaa's curiosity and quest for growth, knowledge, or new experiences creates a strong urge for travel or changes in residence. Boyfriend, on the other hand, is very attached to the familiar, and prefers a steady routine, domestic peace and stability. Boyfriend is very slow and resistant to changes in home life or personal relationships, and may feel threatened by Oliviaaa's restlessness. Also, Oliviaaa is an idealist with great hopes and plans for the future, while Boyfriend lives primarily in the present and is more involved with immediate, tangible concerns. Oliviaaa may feel that Boyfriend doesn't understand or appreciate Oliviaaa's dreams, and that Boyfriend stifles Oliviaaa's enthusiasm with an insistence on realism and practicality. Boyfriend may feel that Oliviaaa lives in an unreal world, ignores the facts at hand, and leaves Boyfriend to take care of the work and business of day to day life. However, you both have an essentially generous, live-and- let-live attitude which may enable you to overlook the differences between you. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Boyfriend's Moon opposition Oliviaaa's Mercury orb 2° 51' Lively, insightful conversations are frequent in this relationship. You love confiding in each other, pouring out your deepest concerns, fears, and hopes to each other. You also enjoy discussing and analyzing issues at length. In general, these conversations are enjoyable and enlightening, but occasionally they may degrade into gossip and Oliviaaa may sometimes take an overly intellectual, cool, detached approach to Boyfriend's feelings. Boyfriend's Mars conjunct Oliviaaa's Uranus orb 0° 12'
You feel energized and get into a dynamic, sometimes impatient and reckless mood together. You enjoy engaging in exciting or daring activities together. You get impatient with each other and can easily get into lots of arguments and feelings of irritation and annoyance with each other. If you find each other at all physically attractive, then your sexual responsiveness to each other is very direct and even aggressive at times. Boyfriend's Saturn conjunct Oliviaaa's Moon orb 1° 40'
Together you can build a solid, secure relationship, a place of refuge and strength, but you must take care not to make it a prison with too much emphasis on commitment, responsibility, and duty. Boyfriend, in particular, has a strong parental attitude towards Oliviaaa, providing stability and support, yet also restricting, disciplining, or criticizing Oliviaaa's emotional, childish needs. Boyfriend can be cool and indifferent towards Oliviaaa's neediness. A pessimistic, heavy, serious atmosphere may develop between the two of you. Boyfriend's Sun square Oliviaaa's Saturn orb 0° 43'
Oliviaaa must be very careful not to harshly criticize or judge Boyfriend. There is a strong tendency for Boyfriend to feel blocked, frustrated, and discouraged by Oliviaaa. Typically, Oliviaaa will feel surprised by Boyfriend's feelings of frustration and anger, and feel that Boyfriend is just being overly sensitive to criticism. There is an element of truth to both viewpoints: Oliviaaa tends to be too critical of Boyfriend and Boyfriend tends to be too sensitive to the criticism; the combination can be disastrous! Boyfriend may try to ignore the problem, but ignoring the problem will not cause the problem to disappear. This is a relationship that can help both of you mature a great deal; you are able to build a secure, stable life together and face many challenges and responsibilities together that you have been trying to avoid. However, the tendency to become overly concerned with your responsibilities and be too conservative, cautious, and restrictive towards each other must not get out of hand, or you will both feel severely confined and restricted by being together. Boyfriend's Venus square Oliviaaa's Jupiter orb 1° 28'
You enjoy laughing, having fun, socializing, and going out together. You are great pals, but the relationship may not be serious enough to warrant a lasting commitment to each other. Consequently you both may decide to not marry even though you may love each other very much. If you do marry, you will allow each other a great deal of freedom, but you are likely to disagree on how to handle finances, budgeting, and investments. Boyfriend's Venus trine Oliviaaa's Neptune orb 2° 13'
You evoke in each other a greater sensitivity to music, art, and poetry, as well as feelings of compassion and sympathy. You find each other fascinating and interesting and you love exploring new dimensions of feeling and sensitivity through music, art, poetry, or religion. There is also a dreamy, romantic quality to the love that you have for each other. Boyfriend's Jupiter square Oliviaaa's Moon orb 0° 13'
You enjoy joking and kidding each other, and you spark each other's sense of humor. In fact, it is sometimes difficult to be serious with each other; the tendency to be light-hearted and jovial is too irresistible. Also, you are very supportive and encouraging to each other, but you tend to be overly optimistic about each other and make promises that you cannot fulfill. You encourage each other to be extravagant, sometimes too much so. Boyfriend's Ascendant square Oliviaaa's Sun orb 0° 1'
Although the two of you are strongly attracted to each other, you often 'rub each other the wrong way'. Your personal tastes and interests are frequently different. If you try to convince each other that your life style, tastes, and interests are better than your partner's, then you will frustrate each other and fail to appreciate and really understand each other. You must accept the fact that the two of you are different people with your own unique qualities. Don't try to force each other to adopt your own tastes, hobbies, and interests, as it will only make matters worse. Boyfriend's Ascendant square Oliviaaa's Mercury orb 0° 13'
Frequently the two of you view a situation very differently, and you frequently respond to events very differently. Unfortunately, you are also inclined to feel that your approach is superior and feel very frustrated that you cannot enlighten your partner. Very often, also, this annoying situation is triggered by a relatively minor incident. Try to better appreciate your partner's point of view. Boyfriend's Ascendant square Oliviaaa's Venus orb 2° 34'
There is a strong romantic quality to your relationship, but you will also experience times when the qualities of your partner contrast sharply with the qualities that you had envisioned that your 'Ideal Lover' would have. Do not try to force your partner to conform to your desires; each person must be true to themselves. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship Boyfriend's Sun in Oliviaaa's 6 house Oliviaaa's Sun in Boyfriend's 9 house Boyfriend's Moon in Oliviaaa's 7 house Oliviaaa's Moon in Boyfriend's 10 house Boyfriend's Mercury in Oliviaaa's 5 house Oliviaaa's Mercury in Boyfriend's 9 house Boyfriend's Venus in Oliviaaa's 7 house Oliviaaa's Venus in Boyfriend's 8 house Boyfriend's Mars in Oliviaaa's 3 house Oliviaaa's Mars in Boyfriend's 4 house Boyfriend's Jupiter in Oliviaaa's 5 house Oliviaaa's Jupiter in Boyfriend's 7 house Boyfriend's Saturn in Oliviaaa's 2 house Oliviaaa's Saturn in Boyfriend's 12 house Boyfriend's Uranus in Oliviaaa's 2 house Oliviaaa's Uranus in Boyfriend's 12 house Boyfriend's Neptune in Oliviaaa's 3 house Oliviaaa's Neptune in Boyfriend's 12 house Boyfriend's Pluto in Oliviaaa's 1 house Oliviaaa's Pluto in Boyfriend's 9 house Boyfriend's Moon opposition Oliviaaa's Sun orb 3° 3' Boyfriend's Moon trine Oliviaaa's Uranus orb 4° 20' Boyfriend's Venus trine Oliviaaa's Uranus orb 3° 36' Boyfriend's Jupiter square Oliviaaa's Mars orb 3° 19' Boyfriend's Pluto square Oliviaaa's Jupiter orb 4° 50' Boyfriend's Moon opposition Oliviaaa's Ascendant orb 4° 34' ---------------- sasstorlogy love calculator 32% Compatible See what the stars have in store for all your relationships at » Too Much of a Good Thing? Just a hunch, but you may have woken up as recently as this morning wondering where your wallet went and why you've got that random Teletubby tattoo on your left butt cheek. Shake off the haze, and then we'll talk answers. Ready? When you guys get together, you're all about overindulging. Three-day benders and late-night binges appear in your repertoire about as often as the word "change" in an Obama campaign speech. Before you max out your twelfth credit card (or pay your rent with money earned from donating bodily fluids), we beg you both: please, please, please reconsider this relationship. Neither one of you has a particularly strong handle on what it takes to truly be happy, and trust us - that turbo-charged Porsche 911 ain't it. According to all sources, your key to the good life lies in a healthy dose of stability and common sense. Translate that to your love life, and it means you need to be with someone who's more grounded than you, someone who you respect, and someone who can provide a voice of reason. If you find this "yin" to your "yang," you can still be the fun, impulsive wild child without paying the price for wreaking havoc on, well, everything. The problem with you two is that you tend to get freaked out by her big personality, especially when she's working overtime to get her point across. Start cruising the library for someone more suited to balancing your crazy side, and wave bye-bye to your super toxic party pal. Oh and don't worry too much about her; we're sure she'll have forgotten about you by the time the next foam party kicks into high gear. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 12, 2012 01:06 AM
Yuting and her april 13 friend
413's Sun in Aries and Yuting's Sun in Leo Both of you are independent, self-motivated individuals, very much concerned with your own creative work and interests. 413, however, often acts in a manner that is socially inappropriate while Yuting is more aware of appearances and is more concerned with the response of others. 413 is somewhat indifferent to other people's opinions, while Yuting craves approval and affirmation from others. You are both immensely proud and neither of you wants to take the back seat in any relationship. There is a great deal of harmony between you, but being two spirited and somewhat volatile people, when you clash your fights are likely to be dramatic and boisterous. 413's Moon in Aries and Yuting's Moon in Aries
Both of you are assertive, emotionally self-sufficient individuals who respond with positive action, anger, or compulsive busyness whenever you are upset. Often you deny or downplay any feelings of weakness, dependency, or neediness in yourselves or others. You expect yourself to 'snap out of it' whenever you feel sad, low, or moody, and you're frequently impatient with others' emotional needs as well. Both of you instinctively want to lead and don't compromise or take commands very readily. Both of you also have a competitive spirit and may enjoy playing sports or other athletic activities together, but you can easily end up feeling like rivals rather than friends. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Moon Mutually Aspects Venus This relationship is mutually supportive. You take a great interest in each other's welfare and you find that you can express affection and warmth towards each other openly. It is likely that your close friendship will last a lifetime. Mars Mutually Aspects Uranus
Putting the two of you together is like putting a match and gasoline together: it's explosive! You make each other feel fired up and zealous, and you jointly pursue goals with vigor and intense dynamic energy. You must strive to be patient and understanding with each other because the volatile energy of this relationship can erupt into anger and combativeness. You are very impulsive and probably reckless together. 413's Moon opposition Yuting's Uranus orb 2° 40'
Yuting is instrumental in freeing 413 from many old habits and attitudes. Both of you find this relationship enlivening and you often get into a free-spirited, even zany, mood together. Any contracts or commitments you make to each other, however, may be short-lived as events and circumstances are likely to change so often that your plans need to be constantly revised. 413's Moon trine Yuting's Venus orb 0° 40'
There is much warmth and kindness in this relationship. Both of you find it easy to express kindness openly towards each other, and the emotional rapport is excellent. This friendship is likely to be a lasting, harmonious one. 413's Mercury sextile Yuting's Saturn orb 1° 26'
You communicate with each other very clearly and you are able to 'talk each other's language'. This astrological influence, for example, is an excellent one for a student-teacher relationship, scientific research, and business pursuits. 413's Venus sextile Yuting's Moon orb 1° 7'
There is a great deal of warmth and kindness in this relationship. You do not hesitate to assist each other and you feel like family even if you are not biologically related. 413's Venus square Yuting's Mercury orb 1° 22'
You enjoy sharing ideas about the arts, literature, and people but often you fail to understand each other and sometimes reach a complete impasse. Your feelings towards each other are sometimes misunderstood, too. Both of you will have to tolerate one another's different points of view for this relationship to work successfully. 413's Venus trine Yuting's Uranus orb 1° 41'
This is a lively, enthusiastic, exciting relationship. You feel very uninhibited with each other and are able to express yourselves freely with each other. If you both enjoy dancing, music, or similar sports, then you have found an excellent partner for these activities! 413's Mars sextile Yuting's Moon orb 0° 57'
You probably enjoy sports or other vigorous physical activities together. You work together well as a team and can accomplish much together. 413's Mars square Yuting's Mercury orb 0° 41'
The tendency to argumentativeness, verbal abuse, and mutual misunderstanding is very strong so please heed the following advice: try to avoid abusive language towards each other, and do not try to coerce the other person to accept your views. You enjoy challenging each other's ideas, showing the weaknesses, inconsistencies, or superficialities in each other's reasoning. While the intention is good, the net result can be hurt feelings and anger. Typically there is some truth to each other's point of view, but a lack of real appreciation and respect for each other's ideas triggers argumentativeness. 413's Mars sextile Yuting's Venus orb 1° 37'
You stimulate one another's creative, artistic, romantic, and loving impulses and feelings, and there is much warmth and mutual affection between you. Because you make each other feel more alive and energized, you love to spend time together. 413's Mars trine Yuting's Uranus orb 0° 22'
An electric, exciting quality infuses your relationship and you encourage one another to be bold, confident, and assertive. Vigorous physical activities, like sports, are good outlets for the vital dynamic energy you generate together. Your unusual, original, unconventional impulses emerge when you are together, also. 413's Jupiter square Yuting's Moon orb 1° 59'
You enjoy joking and kidding each other, and you spark each other's sense of humor. In fact, it is sometimes difficult to be serious with each other; the tendency to be light-hearted and jovial is too irresistible. Also, you are very supportive and encouraging to each other, but you tend to be overly optimistic about each other and make promises that you cannot fulfill. You encourage each other to be extravagant, sometimes too much so. 413's Jupiter trine Yuting's Mercury orb 2° 15'
Communication is open and harmonious. You are able to help each other incorporate new ideas and expand your perspective. If you have a close, long-lasting friendship, you will develop similar political, social, and philosophical views. Your overall beliefs and aims are in harmony. If you have a business relationship, you will do well in areas that involve long- distance communication, such as advertising, publishing, etc. 413's Uranus sextile Yuting's Sun orb 1° 22'
There is a light-hearted, buoyant quality to your relationship that makes you really enjoy each other's company. You spark each other's sense of humor and you enjoy joking and 'horsing around' with each other. You also appreciate each other's creative interests and encourage each other to pursue original, creative activities. Yuting especially feels freer and less inhibited by being with 413. 413's Uranus trine Yuting's Mars orb 0° 55'
An electric, exciting quality infuses your relationship and you encourage one another to be bold, confident, and assertive. Vigorous physical activities, like sports, are good outlets for the vital dynamic energy you generate together. Your unusual, original, unconventional impulses emerge when you are together, also. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship 413's Sun in Yuting's 12 house Yuting's Sun in 413's 1 house 413's Moon in Yuting's 11 house Yuting's Moon in 413's 9 house 413's Mercury in Yuting's 11 house Yuting's Mercury in 413's 2 house 413's Venus in Yuting's 1 house and Yuting's Venus in 413's 1 house 413's Mars in Yuting's 1 house Yuting's Mars in 413's 7 house 413's Jupiter in Yuting's 8 house Yuting's Jupiter in 413's 5 house 413's Saturn in Yuting's 1 house Yuting's Saturn in 413's 11 house 413's Uranus in Yuting's 6 house Yuting's Uranus in 413's 3 house 413's Neptune in Yuting's 7 house Yuting's Neptune in 413's 5 house 413's Pluto in Yuting's 5 house Yuting's Pluto in 413's 3 house 413's Moon trine Yuting's Sun orb 4° 1' 413's Moon conjunct Yuting's Moon orb 3° 15' 413's Mercury trine Yuting's Neptune orb 3° 25' 413's Venus conjunct Yuting's Saturn orb 3° 48' 413's Saturn opposition Yuting's Neptune orb 3° 43' 413's Uranus sextile Yuting's Venus orb 3° 19' 413's Pluto sextile Yuting's Jupiter orb 3° 4' -------------
413's Moon Conjunct yuting's Moon There is a great similarity in your moods, instinctive responses to life, and emotional needs. Many of your personal tastes and habits are also similar. This similarity in temperaments promotes harmony and a naturally cooperative feeling for each other. 413's Moon Trine yuting's Venus There is much warmth and kindness in this relationship. Both of you find it easy to express kindness openly towards each other, and the emotional rapport is excellent. This friendhip is likely to be a lasting, harmonious one. 413's Moon Opposite yuting's Uranus yuting is instrumental in freeing 413 from many old habits and attitudes. Both of you find this relationship enlivening and you often get into a free-spirited, even zany, mood together. Any contracts or commitments you make to each other, however, may be short-lived as events and circumstances are likely to change so often that your plans need to be constantly revised Composite Report for yuting and 413 Sun in Gemini
Your interests as a couple are many and varied. You put much of your energy into travel, thought and communication. People find you fascinating -- if unreliable at times. You may need to focus on fewer things in order to accomplish what you want. Moon in Aries This relationship can be very demanding. You have fiery, impulsive wants and needs. You feel adventurous when you're together. Anger may rise between you quite often, but it passes quickly. Impatient. You arouse each other. Ascendant in Gemini The two of you can't get enough experiences. The more stimulating your environment, the happier you are. You enjoy talking with others and people find you interesting and witty. People identify you best through your intellectual endeavors. Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Sun Opposite Jupiter One of the purposes of your friendship is to inspire each other to aim higher, to do bigger things, to see much more of the world, and to expand your sense of what is possible. The energy generated when you are together inclines you to do things on a grand scale, and to constantly strive to expand, grow, and improve your lives. Inner growth and spiritual or psychological development are enhanced when you are together. Higher ideals, religion, philosophy, and the big questions of life will become a focus of your relationship, even if neither of you is especially oriented toward these subjects. There may well be differences and friction over these topics, but you both will learn about your own faith and beliefs via your friendship Moon square venus remendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, and protect one another will always be present in your friendship. Some problem from your past will have to be dealt with or may have something to do with your becoming friends. The good feelings and heart in this relationship will enable you to help each other through many of the difficulties life sends your way. Moon Conjunct Mars You arouse a lot of emotion in one another - be it anger, enthusiasm, love, or animosity. Heated arguments and letting off steam are probably unavoidable when the two of you get together. However, an honest, direct, naked expression of anger as well as any other emotions you experience can be the basis of real closeness, as long as you don't let it get out of hand. You are not exactly gentle with one another. Undercurrents of rivalry and competition will be strong, and either you will compete against one another, or the two of you will be a hot team in competition with other people. Together, you act on impulse and emotion, and as a team you have a lot of vitality and courage. You may be involved in more battles (with yourselves or the outside world) than you care to be, though. Moon Opposite Uranus The two of you are destined to have a rather unsettling affect upon one another. Your relationship may begin quite suddenly and unexpectedly and disrupt your normal routine. Both of you feel free and unrestrained around each other You are inclined to "act crazy" together, doing things that are totally out of character or far more radical and daring than either of you would be inclined to do alone. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 12, 2012 01:29 AM
Yuting and her cancer Cancer's Sun in Cancer and Yuting's Sun in Leo There can be an unusually warm loving bond between you, though your temperaments are quite different. Yuting is very proud and wants recognition, appreciation, respect, and love. Cancer wants to be needed and desires sympathy, tenderness, and emotional support. Yuting has difficulty accepting and expressing needs, sadness, or weakness, and is uncomfortable when Cancer expresses doubts, insecurities, weaknesses, or moodiness, but appreciates Cancer's warmth and support. Yuting is the more dominant of the two of you and is likely to take the lead in your relationship - which is fine with Cancer, who has no need to be on top. Cancer's Moon in Aquarius and Yuting's Moon in Aries
Yuting's emotions tend to be hot and fiery, while Cancer is cooler, more detached, impersonal and fair. When something provokes Yuting's impatience or anger, Cancer can be infuriatingly logical and reasonable. Both of you are active and independent and insist upon having the freedom to pursue your personal interests and desires. Both of you resist authority, and will not be dominated by anyone. Also, both of you have a craving for newness and a willingness to let go of the old and the past in order to embrace a new opportunity or to follow your direction regardless of tradition or convention. Though similar in temperament, you may not always get along because neither of you compromises very readily. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Mars Mutually Aspects Ascendant You enjoy working together and competing against each other as well. It is likely that you enjoy challenging each other in a sport or game or perhaps even a duel of wits. This is a dynamic relationship that is likely to be a mutually inspiring one as well. You are prone to argue though. If either of you attempts to dominate the other or fails to be sufficiently assertive, then the other will become angry, resentful, and very frustrated, so be wary of the tendency to infuriate each other by being either too aggressive or too passive when you are together. Cancer's Moon opposition Yuting's Sun orb 0° 1'
Over time the two of you will become best friends or worst enemies - with no in between! There is a strong bond between you and you really understand and appreciate each other, but if a conflict or radically different viewpoints and ideals should ever arise in your relationship, you just as quickly become adversaries, embracing diametrically opposite attitudes and ideas. Cancer's Moon conjunct Yuting's Mars orb 0° 29'
There is a dynamic, almost aggressive quality to your relationship. A good outlet for this energy is competitive sports and outdoor activities. You enjoy challenging each other and competing against one another. You also have the ability to accomplish a great deal together and make a dynamic working partnership - as long as you can refrain from arguing with each other. Cancer's Uranus opposition Yuting's Moon orb 0° 25'
Cancer is instrumental in freeing Yuting from many old habits and attitudes. Both of you find this relationship enlivening and you often get into a free-spirited, even zany, mood together. Any contracts or commitments you make to each other, however, may be short-lived as events and circumstances are likely to change so often that your plans need to be constantly revised. Important changes or transformations in your understanding of life, your personal sense of meaning or faith, occur through your interaction and the things you do together.
Cancer's Mercury trine Yuting's Moon orb 2° 29'
You enjoy long talks and you feel very much at home with each other. You are able to openly share your feelings about almost any subject. You will find that as you spend more time together, your tastes, interests, hobbies, and activities tend to blend together harmoniously. Your friendship is a strong and lasting one. Cancer's Mars square Yuting's Ascendant orb 0° 7'
The two of you frequently approach work and goals in very different ways, and consequently you are inclined to step on each other's toes. Yuting may feel that Cancer is pushy or insensitive to all of the issues and concerns that are involved in a situation. You can work together very effectively, but it requires you to allow each other the freedom to approach problems in a very different way than you would. Very often you can accomplish more by working separately from each other on different aspects of a problem rather than attempting to work jointly. Cancer's Ascendant square Yuting's Sun orb 0° 35'
You often unintentionally 'rub each other the wrong way'. Your personal tastes and interests are frequently different. If you try to convince each other that your life style, tastes, and interests are better than your friend's, then you will frustrate each other and fail to appreciate and really understand each other. You must accept the fact that the two of you are different people with your own unique qualities. Don't try to force each other to adopt your own tastes, hobbies, and interests, as it will only make matters worse. Cancer's Ascendant square Yuting's Mars orb 0° 7'
The two of you frequently approach work and goals in very different ways, and consequently you are inclined to step on each other's toes. Cancer may feel that Yuting is pushy or insensitive to all of the issues and concerns that are involved in a situation. You can work together very effectively, but it requires you to allow each other the freedom to approach problems in a very different way than you would. Very often you can accomplish more by working separately from each other on different aspects of a problem rather than attempting to work jointly. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship Cancer's Sun in Yuting's 3 house Yuting's Sun in Cancer's 4 house Cancer's Moon in Yuting's 10 house Yuting's Moon in Cancer's 12 house Cancer's Mercury in Yuting's 3 house Yuting's Mercury in Cancer's 5 house Cancer's Venus in Yuting's 2 house Yuting's Venus in Cancer's 4 house Cancer's Mars in Yuting's 10 house and Yuting's Mars in Cancer's 10 house Cancer's Jupiter in Yuting's 7 house and Yuting's Jupiter in Cancer's 7 house Cancer's Saturn in Yuting's 1 house and Yuting's Saturn in Cancer's 1 house Cancer's Uranus in Yuting's 5 house Yuting's Uranus in Cancer's 6 house Cancer's Neptune in Yuting's 7 house and Yuting's Neptune in Cancer's 7 house Cancer's Pluto in Yuting's 5 house and Yuting's Pluto in Cancer's 5 house Cancer's Moon opposition Yuting's Venus orb 4° 43' Cancer's Mercury sextile Yuting's Saturn orb 2° 26' Cancer's Mercury sextile Yuting's Uranus orb 3° 4' Cancer's Mars opposition Yuting's Sun orb 4° 35' Cancer's Jupiter conjunct Yuting's Neptune orb 3° 24' Cancer's Saturn trine Yuting's Pluto orb 4° 28' Cancer's Uranus sextile Yuting's Venus orb 2° 59' Cancer's Uranus trine Yuting's Saturn orb 4° 30' Cancer's Neptune conjunct Yuting's Jupiter orb 3° 33' Cancer's Neptune opposition Yuting's Saturn orb 4° 35' Cancer's Neptune sextile Yuting's Pluto orb 2° 33' Cancer's Pluto sextile Yuting's Neptune orb 3° 2' Cancer's Moon square Yuting's Ascendant orb 4° 40' Cancer's Jupiter opposition Yuting's Ascendant orb 4° 49' Cancer's Ascendant square Yuting's Venus -------------------------- yuting's Sun Opposite cancer's Moon
Over time the two of you will become best friends or worst enemies - with no in between! There is a strong bond between you and you really understand and appreciate each other, but if a conflict or radically different viewpoints and ideals should ever arise in your relationship, you just as quickly become adversaries, embracing diametrically opposite attitudes and ideas. cancer's Moon Opposite yuting's Venus There is a great deal of warmth and kindness in this relationship. This is a personal relationship and you feel emotionally in tune with each other cancer's Moon Conjunct yuting's Mars There is a dynamic, almost aggressive quality to your relationship. A good outlet for this energy is competitive sports and outdoor activities. You enjoy challenging each other and competing against one another. You also have the ability to accomplish a great deal together and make a dynamic working partnership - as long as you can refrain from arguing with each other. Composite Report for yuting and cancer Sun in Leo The primary concern of this relationship is to grow in dignity and confidence and to shine in the world. You can help each other become more creatively self-expressive. You treat each other with honesty and respect. Moon in Pisces This is a very romantic, possibly even purely spiritual relationship. You are very sensitive to each other's moods, always knowing how your partner feels. At times, it is difficult to know which emotion belongs to whom. A psychic connection Ascendant in Taurus Being together brings out the sensualist in each of you. You enjoy life more fully and feel things more deeply when you are in each other's company. You like your surroundings to be soft and inviting. As a couple you are comfortable to be around. Sun Conjunct Venus Your relationship will grow to become a strong friendship. You are also able to work together well in any endeavor that requires good artistic sensitivity. There can also be an element of vanity, artifice, or show-offiness in whatever you two do together. Hiding or downplaying your difficulties and the "uglies" in your relationship may be helpful to a point, but if you try to do this despite your actual conflicts, then deeper troubles may never get attended to. However, whatever friction, dissonance, or ill will develops between you, there will also always be an urge to harmonize, reconcile, and ease your differences, and to create cooperation. It will take a lot for the two of you to ever turn against each other entirely Sun Sextile Saturn Longevity, mutual conscientiousness and loyalty are essential aspects of your friendship. You tend to focus on practical activities, and on taking care of duties, obligations, and responsibilities. You foster the conservative in one another, and enjoy the peaceful, somewhat serious time you spend together. Others may wonder that you aren't bored with each other's company! And it is possible that you may fall into a rut and begin to take your friend for granted. Nevertheless you are destined to have a long-lasting alliance Sun trine neptune nselfishness, tolerance, and forgiveness flow readily between you, and you may share spiritual aspirations and an inspiring idealism. You have high standards for your friendship and may expect yourselves or one another to be the Perfect Friend, all-giving and always impeccable in your dealings with each other. For the most part you both try to live up to these lofty images, and to not taint your relationship with selfish or mundane considerations. The psychic tie is strong between you, too. You may experience an unusual ability to "read" one another, send messages to one another telepathically, and so on. Any interest you have in the metaphysical or imaginative arts will be highlighted, and become an important focus in your relationship. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 12, 2012 01:44 AM
Yuting and aug20 aug20's Sun Conjunct yuting's Sun You strongly identify with each other and are very much alike in important ways. It is easy for you to be together because you do not have to explain yourselves to one another. An innate appreciation and understanding of one another's essence exists between you, and this is vitalizing and ego-affirming for both of you. However, you share the same flaws and weaknesses as well as the positive qualities, and you may find it difficult to be with someone who so clearly exhibits the very things you like least about yourself. The more you accept yourself, the more beneficial and delightful your relationship with one another is aug20's Sun Square yuting's Jupiter Enthusiasm, optimism, and good will are very strong. yuting is able to see ways that aug20 can grow, expand, and develop in practical and concrete ways as well as in attitude and inner ways. yuting, however, may try to push aug20 too hastily and be deceived by unrealistic expectations, resulting in foolish joint speculations and unsuccessful ventures. Try not to let your shared enthusiasm and optimism spawn unrealistic hopes and expectations aug20's Sun Square yuting's Neptune You must guard against mutual deception and misunderstandings. aug20 tends to have an unrealistic view of yuting, and yuting has a tendency to unconsciously capitalize on aug20's imaginative and often simply erroneous perceptions. The tendency to be dishonest, hide things from each other, exaggerate, and spur each other to unrealistic hopes and dreams is very strong. Both of you must be able to distinguish fantasy from fact, and utilize the increased sensitivity and heightened imagination that you inspire in each other, without letting it cloud your ability to clearly and realistically see other and understand each other. aug20's Moon Square yuting's Uranus The two of you can be eccentric and zany together. You snap each other out of your usual habits and you act spontaneously and creatively. Many times it is difficult for the two of you to focus on practical, mundane affairs together - you would rather spend your time together doing something more exciting and original. This relationship follows an unpredictable course and you are likely to come together and then drift apart frequently and unexpectedly Composite Report for yuting and aug20 Sun in Leo The primary concern of this relationship is to grow in dignity and confidence and to shine in the world. You can help each other become more creatively self-expressive. You treat each other with honesty and respect. Moon in Taurus Your sense of emotional security in this relationship must be absolute. You like to feel that you possess each other. You're very good at pleasing each other on a sensual level. Stubborn attitudes may prolong your disagreements Ascendant in Pisces You are not very assertive as a couple. You tend to keep more to yourselves. You are impressionable and extremely sensitive to your environment; you may need to protect yourselves if it becomes overstimulating. People see you as quiet and dreamy. Sun Conjunct Venus Your relationship will grow to become a strong friendship. You are also able to work together well in any endeavor that requires good artistic sensitivity. There can also be an element of vanity, artifice, or show-offiness in whatever you two do together. Hiding or downplaying your difficulties and the "uglies" in your relationship may be helpful to a point, but if you try to do this despite your actual conflicts, then deeper troubles may never get attended to. However, whatever friction, dissonance, or ill will develops between you, there will also always be an urge to harmonize, reconcile, and ease your differences, and to create cooperation. It will take a lot for the two of you to ever turn against each other entirely Moon Square Venus Tremendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, and protect one another will always be present in your friendship. Some problem from your past will have to be dealt with or may have something to do with your becoming friends. The good feelings and heart in this relationship will enable you to help each other through many of the difficulties life sends your way. Moon Conjunct Saturn Deep karmic debts are being worked through here, coloring your friendship with a serious, heavy tone, or a sense of obligation. Both of you feel that there is a wall between you that is difficult to overcome, and feelings of distance, coolness, insecurity, and inhibition can prevent you from opening up with one another fully. Feelings and emotional needs get subordinated to practical considerations, duty, work, or other demands. You tend to evoke a sense of inadequacy and guilt in one another. One or the other may harshly judge or be excruciatingly demanding of the other. On the other hand, you may be extremely attached to and dependent upon one another, but there is an inherent sense of obligation which tones this (i.e. "I could never leave her; I'm supposed to take care of her..." or "I promised his father I'd look out for him...). In any case, this is not a light, fun-filled relationship at least not strictly. Emotional obligation is very much a part of it. Moon Opposite Neptune There is an aspect between the two of you that can be very tricky to manage. Even if both of you are decidedly realistic, practical, sensible people, when you are together you have a real blind spot. You cannot see certain problems very clearly, and you may deceive yourselves or each other unintentionally. Emotionally you are extremely sensitive and "tuned in" to one another, so much so that you may be unable to distinguish your friend's feelings and moods from your own. You absorb and take on one another's emotions very readily. This blurring of emotional boundaries is the source of confusion or disorientation, and it may also give you the false belief that you can save, rescue, or fix the other person's dilemmas. If, however, you can avoid that trap, the two of you can have an enormously beneficial effect on one another's spiritual development. Essentially, in this relationship the spiritual or soul needs take precedence over the practical or material concerns. Moon Trine Pluto If you expect this relationship to be light, or strictly of a business or impersonal nature, you are in for a surprise. Over time you will find that you share things that are deeply meaningful and important to you, and you develop a very strong bond, and will grow to feel as if you are family members. If either or both of you tends to be too rational and intellectual, your relationship with one another will remedy that! You'll share deeper feelings and become much more open to your own inner emotional life through your friendship. In fact, you may well have come together after one or both of you suffered a significant loss or trauma, and were thus much more aware of your feelings and those deeper concerns that crisis forces upon us. -------------- Aug20's Moon in Cancer and Yuting's Moon in Aries Yuting is often abrupt, impatient, and not averse to fighting or being confrontational. Aug20, on the other hand, is very sensitive to disruption in the emotional atmosphere. Aug20 wants peace and a supportive (rather than combative) environment. Also, Yuting is basically honest and direct, whereas Aug20 is frequently indirect, hoping Yuting will sense, feel, or intuit what it is that Aug20 needs and wants - and this is rarely the case! Aug20 is adept at picking up subtle clues, sensing and feeling others' needs, but Yuting is not! Aug20 may secretly feel that Yuting is selfish and uncaring. Yuting may feel that Aug20 is manipulative and overly dependent. The two of you will have to make a lot of adjustments in order to relate comfortably with each other. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Aug20's Mercury conjunct Yuting's Mercury orb 0° 41' The striking similarity in your thinking - the way you approach problems and handle specific mental tasks, as well as approach broader, more philosophical problems - provides a good basis for mutual understanding, ease of communication, and enjoyable conversation. Aug20's Jupiter conjunct Yuting's Mercury orb 1° 46'
Your conversations frequently turn to philosophical, religious, or political areas. Your discussions often move more towards the forest than the trees. You help each other get a broader perspective of your situation and you are likely to find yourselves traveling, exploring, and, in many ways, broadening your horizons. Aug20 believes in and encourages Yuting's ideas, plans, and intellect. You find one another mysteriously fascinating or attractive and your relationship is deep, intense, and compelled by emotional forces that neither of you fully understand. Power, manipulation, control, and a battle of wills may well be major themes in your relationship, and much goes on behind the scenes that nobody sees. Positively, you can empower one another, and encourage one another to bring out hidden creative gifts or strengths that have been buried or suppressed. You can help each other express yourselves more powerfully and confidently. You are a potent force for good, for life, and growth, OR for destructiveness, in one another's lives - nothing in between.
Aug20's Sun square Yuting's Jupiter orb 0° 16'
Enthusiasm, optimism, and good will are very strong. Yuting is able to see ways that Aug20 can grow, expand, and develop in practical and concrete ways as well as in attitude and inner ways. Yuting, however, may try to push Aug20 too hastily and be deceived by unrealistic expectations, resulting in foolish joint speculations and unsuccessful ventures. Try not to let your shared enthusiasm and optimism spawn unrealistic hopes and expectations. Aug20's Sun square Yuting's Neptune orb 2° 59'
You must guard against mutual deception and misunderstandings. Aug20 tends to have an unrealistic view of Yuting, and Yuting has a tendency to unconsciously capitalize on Aug20's imaginative and often simply erroneous perceptions. The tendency to be dishonest, hide things from each other, exaggerate, and spur each other to unrealistic hopes and dreams is very strong. Both of you must be able to distinguish fantasy from fact, and utilize the increased sensitivity and heightened imagination that you inspire in each other, without letting it cloud your ability to clearly and realistically see other and understand each other. Aug20's Moon square Yuting's Uranus orb 2° 54'
The two of you can be eccentric and zany together. You snap each other out of your usual habits and you act spontaneously and creatively. Many times it is difficult for the two of you to focus on practical, mundane affairs together - you would rather spend your time together doing something more exciting and original. This relationship follows an unpredictable course and you are likely to come together and then drift apart frequently and unexpectedly. Aug20's Mars trine Yuting's Moon orb 0° 42'
Your relationship is dynamic and energetic. If both of you enjoy athletic sports or other physical activities, you will have a wonderful time sharing these interests. You work well as a team and you are able to coordinate your efforts in a very harmonious, successful way. Aug20's Mars sextile Yuting's Uranus orb 1° 16'
You inspire confident, assertive, dynamic feelings in each other, and together you enjoy being daring, acting boldly, making definite decisions and following through on them. Your friendship is a positive, dynamic one that will help both of you reach your goals. You encourage one another to be inventive, to try new approaches, and this recharges and vitalizes both of you. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship Aug20's Sun in Yuting's 4 house Yuting's Sun in Aug20's 8 house Aug20's Moon in Yuting's 2 house Yuting's Moon in Aug20's 4 house Aug20's Mercury in Yuting's 5 house Yuting's Mercury in Aug20's 9 house Aug20's Venus in Yuting's 5 house Yuting's Venus in Aug20's 8 house Aug20's Mars in Yuting's 3 house Yuting's Mars in Aug20's 2 house Aug20's Jupiter in Yuting's 5 house Yuting's Jupiter in Aug20's 11 house Aug20's Saturn in Yuting's 12 house Yuting's Saturn in Aug20's 6 house Aug20's Uranus in Yuting's 5 house Yuting's Uranus in Aug20's 10 house Aug20's Neptune in Yuting's 7 house Yuting's Neptune in Aug20's 11 house Aug20's Pluto in Yuting's 5 house Yuting's Pluto in Aug20's 9 house Aug20's Moon square Yuting's Moon orb 3° 29' Aug20's Moon sextile Yuting's Mercury orb 3° 13' Aug20's Mercury square Yuting's Saturn orb 4° 30' Aug20's Venus conjunct Yuting's Mercury orb 3° 39' Aug20's Mars conjunct Yuting's Venus orb 3° 16' Aug20's Uranus sextile Yuting's Neptune orb 2° 43' Aug20's Neptune conjunct Yuting's Jupiter orb 3° 12'
IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 12, 2012 02:55 AM
Sand and his girlfriend
her's Sun Sextile sand's Neptune A strong feeling of sympathy and shared idealism is an important link between the two of you. Your ideals, intuitions, and religious aspirations are very harmonious and you work very well together, and are able to assist each other to grow spiritually, often in an unconscious way. You help each other to look beyond the immediate personal problems and concerns, and focus more on your higher aspirations and loftier ideals her's Sun Trine sand's Pluto sand helps her achieve personal goals, activate her's latent talents and strengths, and encourages and promotes her's creative work and endeavors. You can be a very successful duo. However, sand can be more driving and ambitious for her than her is, like the "stage mother" who pushes her child to shine and to excel even when it is not the child's own aspiration. sand can have a profound influence on her, most likely for the good, but possibly not. Subtle manipulation and domination on sand's part should be avoided her's Sun Trine sand's Ascendant sand motivates, encourages, and energizes her's self-expression, and can be very helpful to all of her's projects and activities. When you are together, you both feel more positive, alive, and vital her's Moon Sextile sand's Venus There is a great deal of warmth and kindness in this relationship. You do not hesitate to assist each other and you feel like family even if you are not biologically related Composite Report for sand and her Sun in Aries
The two of you have a lot of impulsive energy at your disposal. You need to be active in the world and are good at leading others. You may have to give up instant gratification and work at putting your partner's needs before your own. Moon in Taurus Your sense of emotional security in this relationship must be absolute. You like to feel that you possess each other. You're very good at pleasing each other on a sensual level. Stubborn attitudes may prolong your disagreements Ascendant in Leo You are proud to be seen together. There is something about the two of you when you're together that makes people take notice. You enjoy, and are good at, doing things that bring you into the limelight. A warm and gracious couple. Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Moon Trine Jupiter Quite simply, one of the purposes of your relationship is to BE HAPPY. Play, laughter, humor, and just feeling good in each other's presence is the heart of it. You put one another in a good mood, and can cheer one another up quite easily. It will be unusual for both of you to be down for very long when you're together. Uncommon good fortune and "miracles" will happen to you. A feeling of openness, spaciousness, and tolerance towards one another permeates your bond and you are quite generous and willing to share the good that comes your way. Moon Opposite Saturn The fate of this relationship is not especially promising, at least as far as emotional satisfaction and closeness are concerned. It is very difficult for you to feel and to stay emotionally connected and open to one another. You are oversensitive to criticism and lack of support from one another, and this could become a major, separative issue between you. Through this relationship you are intended to learn about those aspects of yourselves that cause you the most difficulty, discomfort, fear, and insecurity, the barriers you have to being to close - and you evoke all of these things in one another. It is much more common to shut down and withdraw from one another in such a situation than to see it as an opportunity to learn about your weaknesses. Some sort of lack or deprivation - or the fear of loss, poverty, or lack - permeates the tone between you. There is a seriousness, a heaviness, a strictly business feeling about your alliance. This relationship is destined to make both of you address any personal weakness in yourselves, to face any lack of confidence in yourselves or sense of inadequacy. You must persist in overcoming these difficulties and allow yourselves to uncover and destroy personal weakness, bad habits, or superficialities. -----------------------
Her's Sun in Pisces and Sand's Sun in Taurus Both of you are basically tolerant, easy-going, 'soft' and peace-loving people, and this goes a long way toward maintaining harmony in your relationship. Her really appreciates Sand's steadiness and dependability, while Sand responds to Her's gentleness, kindness, and sympathy. However, there are also very basic differences between you: Sand seeks clear and simple answers, and approaches life in a pragmatic, down-to-earth manner. Sand has clear preferences and dislikes, and has very predictable tastes. Sand seeks tangible and clear results from any effort. Her, on the other hand, is more eclectic in approach, and is sensitive to a wider spectrum of ideas and feelings. Her is less rational, more emotional and intuitive, more willing to accept ambiguities and complexities than Sand. Her's Moon in Pisces and Sand's Moon in Leo
Sand's basic emotional tone is vibrant, sunny and warm, while Her's is dreamy and moody. Sand has an underlying narcissistic streak and cannot bear to be ignored, unappreciated, or considered mediocre. Often Sand will exaggerate feelings, become loud, boisterous, and melodramatic in order to get attention. There is a strong domineering or controlling aspect to Sand's character as well, which makes Sand something of a household tyrant at times. Her, on the other hand, is very receptive and gentle, not aggressive, not a fighter. Because Her is so sympathetic and so readily identifies with other people's feelings, Her is inclined to give up personal desires and rights in order to make the other person happy. Thus a pattern may develop between you where Sand is running the show and Her constantly obliges or acquiesces to Sand's wishes. Compared to Sand, Her may be something of a door mat (especially if other astrological factors do not indicate a strong will or strong sense of self). Also, Her is rather chameleon-like, emotionally speaking, and is strongly influenced by the emotional atmosphere and inner feelings of others in the environment, so when Sand is up, the warmth and optimism raises Her's mood considerably. But if Sand is feeling negative, this is very debilitating to Her. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Her's Jupiter opposition Sand's Moon orb 0° 33' You enjoy joking with each other and simply having a good time together. You cheer and encourage one another, and have a knack for snapping each other out of a bad mood. Many times the mood is so light and carefree that you may find it difficult to me more serious with each other. Play, humor, socializing, or partying are important elements of your relationship. Her's Pluto opposition Sand's Venus orb 1° 40'
Sexual attraction to each other, at times, is extremely intense. These sexual feelings tend to be irresistible or obsessive, and difficult to control or even comprehend. Sand, especially, feels magnetically attracted or mesmerized by Her. Powerful subconscious emotional drives come into play, and you may become exceedingly attached to one another, as well as very jealous and manipulative at times. Her's Sun sextile Sand's Neptune orb 0° 21'
A strong feeling of sympathy and shared idealism is an important link between the two of you. Your ideals, intuitions, and religious aspirations are very harmonious and you work very well together, and are able to assist each other to grow spiritually, often in an unconscious way. You help each other to look beyond the immediate personal problems and concerns, and focus more on your higher aspirations and loftier ideals. Her's Sun trine Sand's Pluto orb 1° 10'
Sand helps Her achieve personal goals, activate Her's latent talents and strengths, and encourages and promotes Her's creative work and endeavors. You can be a very successful duo. However, Sand can be more driving and ambitious for Her than Her is, like the 'stage mother' who pushes her child to shine and to excel even when it is not the child's own aspiration. Sand can have a profound influence on Her, most likely for the good, but possibly not. Subtle manipulation and domination on Sand's part should be avoided. Her's Moon sextile Sand's Venus orb 0° 29'
Romantic love for each other is very strong, and there is a very sweet, tender, and romantic quality to your feelings for each other. You also evoke feelings of good will and tenderness in each other. This is a sweet relationship that could easily become a long-lasting one. Her's Mercury sextile Sand's Neptune orb 1° 2'
You have a strong intuitive and psychic rapport, and you often sense what is on each other's minds well before any words are spoken. You also enjoy discussing topics that have a strong imaginative or mystical element, such as the arts, music, religion, etc. Her's Mercury trine Sand's Pluto orb 1° 52'
Your conversations are deep and probing. You understand each other at a very deep level, and you may find yourselves revealing things about yourself that you have not mentioned to anyone else. You also make a good research team or investigators. Her's Venus square Sand's Jupiter orb 1° 28'
You enjoy laughing, having fun, socializing, and going out together. You are great pals, but the relationship may not be serious enough to warrant a lasting commitment to each other. Consequently you both may decide to not marry even though you may love each other very much. If you do marry, you will allow each other a great deal of freedom, but you are likely to disagree on how to handle finances, budgeting, and investments. Her's Venus trine Sand's Uranus orb 1° 46'
This is a lively, enthusiastic, exciting relationship. You feel very uninhibited with each other and are able to express yourselves freely with each other. If you both enjoy dancing, music, or similar sports, then you have found an excellent partner for these activities! Sexual compatibility is also high and you are likely to feel that your partner is a wonderful lover. Her's Mars square Sand's Jupiter orb 0° 11'
The two of you enjoy planning and designing methods for achieving success. You encourage each other to achieve your dreams and Sand frequently points out new avenues and grander vistas for Her's talents and energy. However, the propensity to speculation and unrealistic optimism is also very strong, and many of your joint ventures are likely to prove wasteful, poorly timed, or extravagant. Her's Mars trine Sand's Uranus orb 0° 28'
An electric, exciting quality infuses your relationship and you encourage one another to be bold, confident, and assertive. Vigorous physical activities, from love-making to sports, are good outlets for the vital dynamic energy you generate together. Her's Pluto square Sand's Moon orb 2° 12'
The emotional bond between you is very complex. Sexual attraction is strong and you find each other to be very magnetic or highly charismatic. But you also will find yourself becoming uncomfortable with various deeply ingrained habits and attitudes of each other as you learn more about each other. You are simultaneously attracted and repulsed by each other. You evoke intense emotional responses from each other and if you want this relationship to be a long-lasting one, you will have to be very careful because a blowup in the relationship can be triggered by jealousy, acts of unkindness, or simply the unwillingness of either of you to change deeply ingrained habits that are offensive to each other. In short, this is an emotionally intense relationship that blows hot and cold, drives you to emotional extremes, and challenges your deepest, most personal and important attitudes and habits. Her's Sun trine Sand's Ascendant orb 0° 31'
Her motivates, encourages, and energizes Sand's self-expression, and can be very helpful to all of Sand's projects and activities. When you are together, you both feel more positive, alive, and vital. Her's Mercury trine Sand's Ascendant orb 1° 13'
You work together very harmoniously on daily tasks and you can communicate very clearly and openly to each other. You 'speak the same language' and you have a knack for quickly understanding each other. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship Her's Sun in Sand's 5 house Sand's Sun in Her's 12 house Her's Moon in Sand's 5 house Sand's Moon in Her's 3 house Her's Mercury in Sand's 5 house Sand's Mercury in Her's 11 house Her's Venus in Sand's 6 house Sand's Venus in Her's 12 house Her's Mars in Sand's 6 house and Sand's Mars in Her's 6 house Her's Jupiter in Sand's 4 house Sand's Jupiter in Her's 8 house Her's Saturn in Sand's 1 house Sand's Saturn in Her's 6 house Her's Uranus in Sand's 2 house Sand's Uranus in Her's 7 house Her's Neptune in Sand's 3 house Sand's Neptune in Her's 7 house Her's Pluto in Sand's 1 house Sand's Pluto in Her's 5 house Her's Jupiter square Sand's Venus orb 3° 19' Her's Saturn trine Sand's Moon orb 4° 33' Her's Neptune trine Sand's Venus orb 3° 16' Her's Neptune sextile Sand's Pluto orb 2° 48' Her's Moon trine Sand's Ascendant orb 4° 55' Her's Neptune sextile Sand's Ascendant orb 2° 8' Her's Pluto conjunct Sand's Ascendant orb 3° 44' Her's Ascendant opposition Sand's Uranus orb 3° 36' * * * End of Report * * * IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 12, 2012 03:17 AM
Twinswans person 1 and person 2 compatibility for romantic relationship grupovenus
Person2's Sun in Virgo and Person1's Sun in Taurus You are very harmonious together and very helpful to one another. You are both very practical people and you work effectively as partners, in work or in marriage. You can build a rich and rewarding life together, for you are able to completely devote yourselves to one another (and your children if you have any). Person1 is steadier emotionally than Person2 is, and Person2 appreciates Person1's consistent nurturing, healing, and soothing qualities. You share a great interest in food; Person2 is especially concerned with nutrition and is somewhat fastidious, while Person1 just thoroughly enjoys it! This is likely to be a long-lasting relationship. Person2's Moon in Gemini and Person1's Moon in Taurus
The major difference between you is that Person2 needs a lot of mental stimulation, and enjoys change and movement, while Person1 is much more deliberate, and slow to move or change. Person1 feels unhappy if asked to make frequent adjustments in routines or in the home environment, while Person2 is likely to feel restless or stifled if things stay the same for too long. Domestic tranquillity and security are very important to Person1, who is much more stable and even-tempered than Person2. Loyalty, constancy, and commitment come more naturally to Person1, while Person2 is reluctant to be completely committed, emotionally. Person1 is also a more sensual and instinctive person than Person2, who is emotionally more mental, aloof and expressive. Person1 may be unable to articulate the reasons for an opinion or stance, yet be unwilling to budge from it. Person1's stubbornness and slowness to embrace new experiences can be very trying to Person2. But Person1's emotional steadiness and nurturing qualities are also very appealing to Person2. Person1 may sometimes feel that Person2 lives in a fantasy world too much. Person1 also needs a lot more touching and physical closeness than Person2 at times. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Person2's Venus opposition Person1's Moon orb 1° 8' The love you feel for each other has a particularly sweet, romantic quality that draws the two of you together. You evoke the tender side of each other, and you simply love doing things for each other and giving gifts to one another. Your love for each other is very strong. Because you care for each other so much, you can also hurt each other's feelings rather easily. Person2's Saturn opposition Person1's Mercury orb 0° 53'
The flow of communication between you is often restricted, and very frustrating, especially for Person1. Criticism and nit-picking can be a real problem for you. Person2 wants Person1 to be very clear, very precise, and will constantly interrupt Person1 if there are inconsistencies in what Person1 is saying. Often you simply do not share the same interests or are just not on the same wavelength. Communication of practical, serious affairs is usually good, but any topic involving intuition or speculation is not likely to get very far. Because you communicate well only about certain topics, you both need other friends with whom you can share your other interests. Both of you undergo powerful changes and a major transformation of your lives, attitudes, behavior, or relationships as a result of your union. If either, or both, of you has a rebellious or revolutionary streak, this is brought to the fore, and together you may become involved in political or social activism. Your relationship is charged with energy and excitement, but is also very unsettling and disruptive at times.
You will do a lot of experimenting together and you encourage one another to express yourselves more freely, dramatically, creatively, or with less concern for social conventions and restrictions.
Your relationship has a dynamic, exciting quality to it, and it may begin or end quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Abrupt changes in circumstances or directions are likely to occur. Person2's Sun sextile Person1's Mars orb 1° 2'
You work together very well on projects, and you make an excellent partnership in any joint venture, sport, or business activity. Sexual attraction is also very strong. Person2's Sun sextile Person1's Pluto orb 1° 34'
Person1 is a profound and positive force in Person2's life, encouraging, promoting, and challenging Person2 to dig deeper, to bring forth more of Person2's creativity and talent, to experience life more authentically, directly, and intensely. You have a deep friendship and are able to reveal yourselves quite honestly with one another. Person2's Moon trine Person1's Jupiter orb 0° 4'
A pleasant, harmonious tone pervades your relationship. This quality is so natural to your association that it is easy to take it for granted. You feel very at home and comfortable with each other. You put each other in a good mood, and your domestic life tends to be very harmonious. You may bring out a lazy, indolent, self-satisfied side in one another. Person2's Mercury square Person1's Uranus orb 0° 2'
You often say things to shock or shake up each other, and you can get very high-strung when you are together. You tend to set a fast pace. This provides a good deal of excitement in your lives, and you will find yourselves periodically jumping on a new bandwagon, experimenting with a new idea, or exploring new alternatives. However, the impatience with each other is likely to cause sudden arguments and anger to flare. Person2's Mercury square Person1's Neptune orb 0° 59'
You inspire each other's imagination and you may find yourselves gravitating towards discussions of fantasy, poetry, art, theater, and religion. However, the tendency to lose a clear sense of proportion and become clouded by fantasies is very strong! You may also be inclined to conceal something or deceive each other. Little white lies can quickly foster a morass of confusion. Misunderstandings between you arise easily so try to be clear and precise in all important, practical communications. Person2's Mars trine Person1's Mercury orb 0° 58'
You inspire each other to refine and clarify your ideas, plans and strategies. You are an effective team in research, writing, or business pursuits. You also help each other to successfully implement a plan or follow through on an idea until it manifests as a successful product or creative work. You also have spirited, feisty debates with one another. Person2's Uranus trine Person1's Mars orb 0° 25'
An electric, exciting quality infuses your relationship and you encourage one another to be bold, confident, and assertive. Vigorous physical activities, from love-making to sports, are good outlets for the vital dynamic energy you generate together. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship Person2's Sun in Person1's 1 house Person1's Sun in Person2's 4 house Person2's Moon in Person1's 10 house Person1's Moon in Person2's 4 house Person2's Mercury in Person1's 2 house Person1's Mercury in Person2's 3 house Person2's Venus in Person1's 3 house and Person1's Venus in Person2's 3 house Person2's Mars in Person1's 12 house Person1's Mars in Person2's 7 house Person2's Jupiter in Person1's 2 house Person1's Jupiter in Person2's 9 house Person2's Saturn in Person1's 2 house and Person1's Saturn in Person2's 2 house Person2's Uranus in Person1's 3 house Person1's Uranus in Person2's 1 house Person2's Neptune in Person1's 4 house Person1's Neptune in Person2's 12 house Person2's Pluto in Person1's 2 house Person1's Pluto in Person2's 10 house Person2's Sun trine Person1's Uranus orb 4° 8' Person2's Moon sextile Person1's Mercury orb 2° 47' Person2's Mars square Person1's Moon orb 4° 31' Person2's Saturn conjunct Person1's Jupiter orb 3° 45' Person2's Pluto square Person1's Mars orb 4° 12' -------------
person2's Sun Sextile person1's Mars You work together very well on projects, and you make an excellent partnership in any joint venture, sport, or business activity. person2's Sun Conjunct person1's Jupiter There is a tremendous amount of good will, optimism, and enthusiasm in your relationship. person1 draws out person2's optimism and self-confidence and is able to assist person2 in discovering new possibilities and avenues for growth. A shared vision, philosophy, or goal for the future gives vitality to your relationship person2's Sun Sextile person1's Pluto person1 is a profound and positive force in person2's life, encouraging, promoting, and challenging person2 to dig deeper, to bring forth more of person2's creativity and talent, and to experience life more authentically, directly, and intensely. You have a deep friendship and are able to reveal yourselves quite honestly with one another person2's Moon Trine person1's Jupiter A pleasant, harmonious tone pervades your relationship. This quality is so natural to your association that it is easy to take it for granted. You feel very at home and comfortable with each other. You put each other in a good mood. You may, however, also bring out a lazy, indolent, self-satisfied side in one another. Composite Report for person1 and person2 Sun in Cancer The longer both of you stay together, the stronger your emotional dependency grows. You enjoy being supportive of one another. This is a warm, protective and deeply caring relationship. You are capable of extreme closeness Moon in Taurus Your sense of emotional security in this relationship must be absolute. You like to feel that you possess each other. You're very good at pleasing each other on a sensual level. Stubborn attitudes may prolong your disagreements Ascendant in Scorpio It's difficult to know you two and because of this you may be the victims of misunderstandings from time to time. You are a magnetic couple. You project an air of mystery and depth and hidden passion. You like being alone together. Sun Opposite Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Moon Trine Venus Tenderness and affection are the essence of your relationship, and caring about and for one another is an important part of the reason you two have connected with each other. Your friendship will sustain you and buffer many of the blows, difficulties, or problems that you will face in your lives. There is a protective, almost maternal feeling generated between the two of you. The compassion you have for one another spreads to others, and many seek your company. Moon Sesquiquadrate Neptune There is an aspect between the two of you that can be very tricky to manage. Even if both of you are decidedly realistic, practical, sensible people, when you are together you have a real blind spot. You cannot see certain problems very clearly, and you may deceive yourselves or each other unintentionally. Emotionally you are extremely sensitive and "tuned in" to one another, so much so that you may be unable to distinguish your friend's feelings and moods from your own. You absorb and take on one another's emotions very readily. This blurring of emotional boundaries is the source of confusion or disorientation, and it may also give you the false belief that you can save, rescue, or fix the other person's dilemmas. If, however, you can avoid that trap, the two of you can have an enormously beneficial effect on one another's spiritual development. Essentially, in this relationship the spiritual or soul needs take precedence over the practical or material concerns. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 12, 2012 03:21 AM
Twinswans Person 1 friendship compatibility with Person 3
person3's Sun Trine person1's Saturn If the two of you depend on each other to accomplish practical tasks and be responsible, mature, and dependable to each other (such as in a business relationship or employer-employee relationship), then you will find that this aspect of your relationship is excellent. You can trust each other to get the job done and focus on the essential tasks. You have good attention to detail and your are able to focus on the most important issues when you work together. There is a strong sense of mutual commitment and dedication to each other person3's Sun Sextile person1's Ascendant There is a pleasant, harmonious quality to your relationship that makes the two of you really enjoy your times together. Whether you are talking, playing, or taking care of chores together, you find that you invariably appreciate and enjoy each other's company, and feel energized when you are together. person3's Moon Trine person1's Mars Your relationship is dynamic and energetic. If both of you enjoy athletic sports or other physical activities, you will have a wonderful time sharing these interests. You work well as a team and you are able to coordinate your efforts in a very harmonious, successful way person3's Moon Square person1's Saturn This relationship is not an easy one! There is a sense of responsibility towards each other that may encourage you to work together on practical, mundane, or tedious tasks together. However, you both feel emotionally constrained and inhibited by being together, and this relationship may feel like a form of imprisonment! person3, in particular, may feel disheartened by person1's criticisms, worries, fears, or need to dominate person3's life. person3's emotional needs and feelings are ignored and neglected at times. Most likely there is too much emphasis on responsibilities and obligations. The serious tone of the relationship also stifles play and light-hearted fun-loving activities. This relationship may endure even when your feelings towards one another have cooled because there is a great deal of stability in it and reliability and responsibility to each other, even if there is little satisfaction over time. person3's Moon Conjunct person1's Pluto If your relationship is a close one, you will find that you "get under each other's skin" and you develop strong feelings, both positive and negative, towards each other. person3 is likely to detest certain things about person1, not realizing that these qualities are ones that person3 also shares but will not consciously admit also having! This relationship has the potential to help both of you clear away subconscious blocks and inhibitions, but you may also become only further embroiled in your own prejudices and emotional "hang-ups"; the choice is yours person3's Moon Square person1's Ascendant Irritations over relatively minor incidents and situations, combined with a tendency to have differing tastes, preferences, and interests may damage your friendship. You do care a great deal for each other, though, and both of you feel exceedingly bad after a quarrel. If you can be tolerant of each other's differing attitudes, interests, and lifestyles, the negative tendencies of this astrological influence will be minimized. Composite Report for person1 and person3 Sun 0 GE 20 17N50 Moon 17 AQ 20 3S24 Mercury 1 GE 23 12N11 Venus 4 GE 22 12N55 Mars 24 LI 51 1S16 Jupiter 29 SG 32 3S47 Saturn 16 CP 36 16S07 Uranus 6 CP 6 23S37 Neptune 12 CP 52 22S40 Pluto 14 SC 43 1S40 Node 20 AQ 40 6S26 Ascendant 1 LE 35 17N50 Midheaven 29 AR 46 10N05
Sun in Gemini Your interests as a couple are many and varied. You put much of your energy into travel, thought and communication. People find you fascinating -- if unreliable at times. You may need to focus on fewer things in order to accomplish what you want. Moon in Aquarius You both need to contribute to this relationship on an equal basis. Emotions may arise in an erratic fashion, especially if there are restrictions placed on them. You need to feel free with one another. Real closeness may be hard won Ascendant in Leo You are proud to be seen together. There is something about the two of you when you're together that makes people take notice. You enjoy, and are good at, doing things that bring you into the limelight. A warm and gracious couple. Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Sun Conjunct Venus Your relationship will grow to become a strong friendship. You are also able to work together well in any endeavor that requires good artistic sensitivity. There can also be an element of vanity, artifice, or show-offiness in whatever you two do together. Hiding or downplaying your difficulties and the "uglies" in your relationship may be helpful to a point, but if you try to do this despite your actual conflicts, then deeper troubles may never get attended to. However, whatever friction, dissonance, or ill will develops between you, there will also always be an urge to harmonize, reconcile, and ease your differences, and to create cooperation. It will take a lot for the two of you to ever turn against each other entirely Sun Sesquiquadrate Saturn The necessity to get down to business, to work hard, and to be responsible adults is an essential aspect of your alliance. When you are together a sense of heaviness, seriousness, purpose, or obligation weighs in on you, so it is not always pleasant to be around one another. One or both of you may become overly critical, oppressive, and restrictive toward the other. You may face or become involved in difficulties which require patience, endurance, forebearance, and toughness. Part of the purpose of this relationship is to develop these qualities within you both. While unlikely to be an easy relationship, it can be character-building and ultimately strengthening Moon Square Pluto When you are together, deep emotions and intense, compelling, irrational energies within both of you come into play. Definitely, if you are friends for any length of time, you will both undergo an emotional transformation, a soul cleansing, for being together will dredge up all of your unfinished emotional business and feelings you may not even have believed yourselves capable of. A significant part of your purpose in coming together is to clear up and heal the past - old griefs, jealousies, wounds, and unresolved emotions, many of which you may have forgotten about until now! Certainly, no matter how long this relationship lasts, it will be a profound, intense one. Emotionally it may feel overwhelming at times. If any emotional manipulation, domination, or abuse occurs, you both need to step back and get a clear, objective third party to help you. At times you're both apt to feel that you're in over your heads. On the other hand, though you may go through extreme emotions, you can develop an incredibly close bond. -------- Person3's Sun in Gemini and Person1's Sun in Taurus Person1 is stable, grounded, and steady - qualities that Person3 lacks and feels both drawn to and impatient with sometimes. Person1 is intrigued by and respects Person3's wit, mental agility and intelligence, but is sometimes annoyed with Person3's inability to make a commitment or to follow through on intentions. Person3 likes to talk and can jump rapidly from one topic to the next in rapid succession. Person1, on the other hand, likes to methodically digest one topic at a time, and quickly gets 'mental indigestion' from Person3's fast-paced conversation. When faced with an important decision, for example, Person1 would benefit by taking a quiet walk in the woods or along the beach, while Person3 needs to talk with someone. You must learn to respect each other's different styles, or you will certainly get in each other's way. Person3's Moon in Scorpio and Person1's Moon in Taurus
Both of you are rather obstinate and inflexible, and cannot be easily moved once you've made up your mind. Nor does logic or reason work wonders with either of you, when you decide you want something. When the two of you lock horns, it's a matter of which of you wears down first! Of the two of you, Person1 is the more practical and down to earth. A loving, stable home, creature comforts, and peaceful relationships are Person1's ideal. Person1 has a much simpler emotional nature than Person3, and is much more easily contented. Person3's feelings run very deep. Person3 loves intensely, but is also capable of tremendous animosity and hostility if hurt or betrayed. Person3 has a very private, secretive side and often hides feelings or withdraws from people as a means of self-protection. Anger, guilt, and jealousy are emotions Person3 frequently keeps hidden inside. All of this is rather incomprehensible to Person1, though Person1 does share with Person3 the tendency to be possessive. Person3 also demands much more from a friend in terms of emotional involvement and loyalty. Person3 doesn't accept anything at face value, and it may seem to Person1 that Person3 is always probing, analyzing feelings, and thereby making unnecessary trouble. There is a strong attraction between you, and you can be very, very close, especially if you learn to appreciate one another's ways. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Moon Mutually Aspects Ascendant The bonds of friendship and love that you have for each other run very deep. The strong intuitive rapport and very close emotional tie makes your friendship a lasting one. You share your most personal concerns with each other with relative ease, and these intimate shared experiences build a close bond between you over time. Person3's Mercury opposition Person1's Uranus orb 0° 40'
You tend to be impulsive and impatient with each other, and misunderstandings can suddenly spill into arguments. You may accuse each other of being unreliable, inconsistent, and tactless. Person3's Mercury opposition Person1's Neptune orb 1° 42'
You are inclined to conversations on imaginative areas like art, theater, music, psychology, and religion. Discussions of very practical and mundane affairs (for example, your annual tax forms) are inclined to be fraught with misunderstandings so strive to be very careful to be clear and precise when discussing important details. Person3's Mars conjunct Person1's Uranus orb 0° 9'
You feel energized and get into a dynamic, sometimes impatient and reckless mood together. You enjoy engaging in exciting or daring activities together. You get impatient with each other and can easily get into lots of arguments and feelings of irritation and annoyance with each other. Person3's Mars conjunct Person1's Neptune orb 1° 11'
When the two of you are together, you find it difficult to concentrate on mundane affairs. You enjoy sharing more imaginative or unusual interests, and your conversations frequently turn to artistic, psychological, religious, and metaphysical topics. You are more willing to be childish, playful and silly with each other than with others. However, you have difficulty bearing down on more serious matters and coordinating on practical affairs. Person3, especially, can feel confused and less purposeful when Person1 is around. Person3's Pluto opposition Person1's Sun orb 2° 29'
The two of you become very zealous when you get together. You connect on a deep level and you motivate each other to pursue goals that are really interesting and exciting. You push each other out of a complacent attitude and galvanize one another's energies. You enjoy intense experiences together. If either of you feels manipulated or cheated by the other, however, you will become fierce opponents and rivals. Person3's Pluto opposition Person1's Moon orb 1° 37'
This relationship will have a big impact on both of you. If you spend a good deal of time with each other, you will find that you share much of your personal past and many sides of yourself that remain hidden from others. However, it is unlikely that you will feel completely comfortable around each other, and there is an intense, probing quality to your relationship that makes it difficult to have a light, easy-going time together. You bring out the Dreamer, Idealist, or Gambler in one another. Great hopes and expectations for the future, spiritual explorations, journeys, Quests, a shared vision, dreaming the Impossible Dream together: this is a fundamental aspect of your relationship. The inspiration and sense of unlimited possibilities is the upside of this. The down side is a tendency to see everything in too rosy a light, to become irresponsible, to have over-inflated expectations, and to use poor judgment when you are together.
Person3's Sun trine Person1's Saturn orb 0° 0'
If the two of you depend on each other to accomplish practical tasks and be responsible, mature, and dependable to each other (such as in a business relationship or employer- employee relationship), then you will find that this aspect of your relationship is excellent. You can trust each other to get the job done and focus on the essential tasks. You pay good attention to details and you are able to focus on the most important issues when you work together. There is a strong sense of mutual commitment and dedication to each other. Person3's Moon trine Person1's Mars orb 1° 0'
Your relationship is dynamic and energetic. If both of you enjoy athletic sports or other physical activities, you will have a wonderful time sharing these interests. You work well as a team and you are able to coordinate your efforts in a very harmonious, successful way. Person3's Moon square Person1's Saturn orb 0° 3'
This relationship is not an easy one! There is a sense of responsibility towards each other that may encourage you to work together on practical, mundane, or tedious tasks together. However, you both feel emotionally constrained and inhibited by being together, and this relationship may feel like a form of imprisonment! Person3, in particular, may feel disheartened by Person1's criticisms, worries, fears, or need to dominate Person3's life. Person3's emotional needs and feelings are ignored and neglected at times. Most likely there is too much emphasis on responsibilities and obligations. The serious tone of the relationship also stifles play and light-hearted fun-loving activities. This relationship may endure even when your feelings towards one another have cooled because there is a great deal of stability in it and reliability and responsibility to each other, even if there is little satisfaction over time. Person3's Mercury trine Person1's Pluto orb 1° 52'
Your conversations are deep and probing. You understand each other at a very deep level, and you may find yourselves revealing things about yourself that you have not mentioned to anyone else. You also make a good research team or investigators. Person3's Venus square Person1's Sun orb 2° 46'
Your personal styles, tastes, and preferred leisure activities are often not in harmony, and you need to make adjustments and allowances for one another's differing personal tastes and desires. Person3's Venus square Person1's Moon orb 1° 20'
There is much warmth and kindness in this relationship and you are supportive and helpful to each other. However, many times the expression of your affection or high regard for each other is frustrated by your differing tastes and values. A classic example of this problem is one of you buying a birthday present for the other but unfortunately the present does not suit the taste and preferences of the one receiving it. Person3's Venus trine Person1's Venus orb 1° 15'
There is a beautiful flow of love between the two of you, and you are able to both give and receive affection, appreciation, and tenderness in this relationship. You enjoy the same pleasures and find it easy and natural to do those things that really please and make your friend happy. Your tastes in aesthetics is also very compatible. Person3's Saturn trine Person1's Venus orb 1° 1'
There is a great deal of mutual trustworthiness, reliability, and responsibility in this relationship that makes you both feel that you can count on each other. You willingly make sacrifices for each other, and a deep friendship between you develops over time. You will assist each other a great deal over the years. Person3's Neptune trine Person1's Sun orb 2° 22'
The two of you have a strong intuitive understanding of each other, and you inspire each other's imagination, idealism, and aspirations. You help each other to become clearer about your ideals and religious inclinations, and together you develop a greater sense of meaning and purpose in your lives. You help each other to look beyond the daily problems and issues of your personal lives and focus more on altruistic goals and broader issues. Person3's Neptune trine Person1's Moon orb 1° 43'
You spark each other's imagination and you enjoy a colorful, sensitive relationship. Sharing of inner experiences, artistic and musical interests is likely to be a strong, positive part of your relationship, and you may engage in positive artistic, musical, or altruistic endeavors together. Person3's Neptune square Person1's Venus orb 0° 51'
You bring out the dreamy, artistic, poetic, romantic side of one another and your friendship can have a pronounced spiritual or platonic tone. Misunderstandings, evasiveness, or outright deception can easily occur between you, however, leading to disappointment and disillusionment over the failure of your friend to be all you hoped and imagined. Beware of seeing only what you want to see in one another, and be very cautious in any joint financial arrangements or investments. Person3's Sun sextile Person1's Ascendant orb 0° 58'
There is a pleasant, harmonious quality to your relationship that makes the two of you really enjoy your times together. Whether you are talking, playing, or taking care of chores together, you find that you invariably appreciate and enjoy each other's company, and feel energized when you are together. Person3's Moon square Person1's Ascendant orb 0° 55'
Irritations over relatively minor incidents and situations, combined with a tendency to have differing tastes, preferences, and interests may damage your friendship. You do care a great deal for each other, though, and both of you feel exceedingly bad after a quarrel. If you can be tolerant of each other's differing attitudes, interests, and lifestyles, the negative tendencies of this astrological influence will be minimized. Person3's Ascendant sextile Person1's Moon orb 0° 36'
You are able to communicate with each other with such ease that you find yourselves openly sharing your personal concerns, feelings, and interests very easily. Your friendship is likely to be a lasting, harmonious, meaningful one, as there is much sympathetic support and helpfulness between you. Person3's Ascendant square Person1's Venus orb 1° 59'
You enjoy recreation or fairly frivolous, self-indulgent pursuits together, which is quite pleasant for the most part. The only drawback is that you may encourage one another to be lazy, unambitious, or too extravagant. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship Person3's Sun in Person1's 10 house and Person1's Sun in Person3's 10 house Person3's Moon in Person1's 3 house Person1's Moon in Person3's 11 house Person3's Mercury in Person1's 11 house Person1's Mercury in Person3's 10 house Person3's Venus in Person1's 12 house Person1's Venus in Person3's 10 house Person3's Mars in Person1's 5 house Person1's Mars in Person3's 1 house Person3's Jupiter in Person1's 7 house Person1's Jupiter in Person3's 4 house Person3's Saturn in Person1's 4 house Person1's Saturn in Person3's 8 house Person3's Uranus in Person1's 4 house Person1's Uranus in Person3's 7 house Person3's Neptune in Person1's 5 house Person1's Neptune in Person3's 7 house Person3's Pluto in Person1's 3 house Person1's Pluto in Person3's 5 house Person3's Moon conjunct Person1's Pluto orb 3° 37' Person3's Mercury conjunct Person1's Mars orb 4° 30' Person3's Venus trine Person1's Mercury orb 4° 53' Person3's Venus sextile Person1's Jupiter orb 2° 1' Person3's Mars sextile Person1's Pluto orb 2° 23' Person3's Saturn sextile Person1's Jupiter orb 2° 14' Person3's Ascendant square Person1's Mercury orb 4° 9' IP: Logged |
tonia Knowflake Posts: 641 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 12, 2012 06:32 AM
quote: Originally posted by tonia: [b i sent you email with data [/b]
don't forget me  kisses amaya ------------------
IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 06:54 PM
.IP: Logged |
tonia Knowflake Posts: 641 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted April 28, 2012 07:23 PM
done!! but you should too delete it in your quote  IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 07:55 PM
Lioness and her pisces guy ^.^What at first seems like a regular composite chart, shows hidden aspects that are just as strong as the actual square in a composite, and reveals the reason for the strong attraction between you. Putting the birth data into reveles the two hidden aspects, which are composite sun sesquiquadrate pluto and composite sun semisquare venus. This is basically equivalent to having sun conjunct venus and sun square pluto. So basically, here we have the love stellium opposite pluto which means there is true love, and then it is square pluto, which means there will be a strong intimacy from the beginning. Strong chemistry and physical attraction at first sight, definitely. On top of that, you have venus opposite pluto, which is one of the most romantic and tender aspects you could have whether in synastry or the composite. It means you are overflowing with feelings of nurturing, love, and tenderness any time you see each other, but there is something from your past which is not letting you two be together..whether that be interference from your families, an ex, or the fact that one of you is currently in a relationship. On top of that you have composite moon conjunct pluto and jupiter, and venus and the moon in positive aspect to neptune. What a romantic, deep relationship! You have fun together, you truly love each other, and you have the best of all worlds..neptune, jupiter, venus, pluto (well no uranus or venus conjunct mars but who cares :P) You even have composite sun sesquiwuadrate moon which is equivalent to composite sun square moon, which means there is so much fascination with each other! I love this aspect. Anyway, the composite as what shows your lasting attraction for each other, despite a very mediocre synastry. Since both synastry and composite are important, the bad aspects in the synastry, which are considerable, will cause problems even though you have a great composite. The synastry shows arguments with sun, mars and the moon all being opposite mars, and composite sun conjunct mercury opposite mars does not help with that obviously. The fact that sun is square neptune and moon is conjunct neptune, I think will cause a lot of disillusionment because since you have all these aspects that show arguments, plus in synastry you have venus square uranus as well which means instability and your moods being out of sync, there will be a sense of stumbling back to earth every time you encounter problems. Not a perfect relationship...will take a lot of work. However, I do see why it was a very important one to both of you. That composite is absolutely on fire. Moon in negative aspect to venus in either synastry or composite, combined with sun conjunct jupiter or the love stellium, plus some kind of pluto aspect but especially venus trine pluto or sun square or opposite pluto is always a very very intense relationship! <3 -------- Lionesspisces's Sun in Pisces and Lioness's Sun in Leo A major difference between you is that Lionesspisces lacks Lioness's natural egocentricity, personal pride and ambition, and the need to feel important and special. Lionesspisces will not compete with Lioness, and is perfectly comfortable not being the one in the limelight. In fact, Lionesspisces has a passive streak and tends to recede into the background, avoiding intensely competitive situations where decisiveness and aggressiveness are required. Personal recognition is not that important to Lionesspisces. Lioness, on the other hand, loves to be noticed and appreciated, to be the center of attention, and tends to have an inflated sense of self- importance. Lionesspisces is gentle, receptive, compassionate, and very sensitive to the emotional tone in any relationship. Lionesspisces is attuned to the subtle signals, unspoken feelings and needs of a partner, while Lioness is a bit vague when it comes to such things. If you want or need something from Lioness, you must clearly say so. Lionesspisces's changeability, fluidity, elusiveness, sensitivity and awareness of subtlety fascinates or frustrates Lioness, who is a much more straightforward, uncomplicated creature. Also, Lioness can easily dominate or trample over Lionesspisces's feelings, and this can be the source of considerable unhappiness. Lionesspisces's Moon in Scorpio and Lioness's Moon in Leo
Temperamentally, the two of you are like night and day. Lioness is basically sunny, open, warm, and fun-loving, and not given to a great deal of introspection or serious self-analysis, while Lionesspisces is very private, emotionally deep and complex, and rather hard to get to know. Lionesspisces is a much more suspicious or cautious soul than Lioness is. Behind Lionesspisces's reserve lies much sensitivity and intense emotion. Lionesspisces distrusts superficial appearances and is always seeking the hidden meanings or deeper motivations in people, dredging up the buried past, or looking for the fly in the ointment. Lioness accepts things as they are (or appear to be) much more readily, and may feel that Lionesspisces makes unnecessary trouble by probing so deeply all of the time. The truth is that Lioness is very proud and wants always to be thought well of - and would therefore rather not discover anything within that is less than praiseworthy. Also, Lionesspisces has a jealous, distrustful side that Lioness, who is basically straightforward and open, doesn't readily understand. Lioness may get exasperated with Lionesspisces's lingering suspicions. Lionesspisces is drawn inward to the depths, to darkness and mystery, while Lioness is more outward and seeks the light, bright side of life. Lioness, for instance, needs and enjoys people, is much more social, and loves to entertain. Lionesspisces would prefer an evening alone or spent in an intimate atmosphere with a few close friends, where the interaction is likely to be deeper and more revealing. There really need not be a conflict over these differences in your emotional natures, as long as the two of you understand and accept them. You are both very strong-willed and somewhat inflexible, and you insist on being yourselves despite the differences between you. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Lionesspisces's Mars opposition Lioness's Mars orb 2° 29' You enjoy challenging each other and competing against each other. You could easily become rivals or foes, as you tend to oppose one another and to spark one another's fighting instincts. There is an aggressive quality between you which can give your interactions an energetic and lively, but rather combative tone. Lionesspisces's Sun trine Lioness's Venus orb 1° 37'
Yours is a congenial and enjoyable relationship, for you both like, love, and appreciate one another, and make special efforts to please one another. You also share a similarity in tastes and enjoyment of leisure activities and pleasures. Lionesspisces's Sun sextile Lioness's Jupiter orb 1° 45'
Your relationship has an upbeat, friendly positive quality that makes it fun to be with each other. You help each other laugh and take life less seriously. It is not unusual for the two of you to have a great deal of fun playing games or even while engaging in daily activities such as shopping, etc. You allow each other considerable freedom; you respect each other's independence, and are more interested in enjoying a good time together rather than dominating or smothering each other. This astrological influence is a positive one that helps enormously when the more stressful and difficult influences described elsewhere in this report make themselves felt. Lionesspisces's Sun square Lioness's Neptune orb 1° 50'
You must guard against mutual deception and misunderstandings. Lionesspisces tends to have a glamorous and unrealistic view of Lioness, and Lioness has a tendency to unconsciously capitalize on Lionesspisces's imaginative and often simply erroneous perceptions. The tendency to be dishonest, hide things from each other, exaggerate, and spur each other to unrealistic hopes and dreams is very strong. Both of you must be able to distinguish fantasy from fact, and utilize the increased sensitivity and heightened imagination that you inspire in each other, without letting it cloud your ability to clearly and realistically see other and understand each other. Lionesspisces's Moon square Lioness's Mars orb 2° 39'
The physical and sexual attraction between you is strong, but the tendency to frustrate each other and rouse each other's wrath is equally strong. Although the attraction between you is powerful, you should think carefully before making a long-term commitment, because the tendency to argue and nag each other is an undesirable side to this relationship that both of you will need to contend with. The sexual aspect of your relationship has an almost aggressive quality to it. Some couples who have this astrological influence enjoy wrestling as a form of foreplay! Try not to be too pushy or demanding with each other, as this quickly precipitates arguments and hostile feelings. Lionesspisces's Moon sextile Lioness's Pluto orb 1° 23'
If you have been looking for someone that you can share your deepest feelings with, you have found that person! This is not a light, frivolous relationship. You feel very comfortable with each other and you find that you feel very uninhibited with each other, and are willing to reveal your deepest feelings, concerns, hopes, and dreams with each other. Many times you may feel that you can share something with each other that no one else may fully understand or appreciate. You are likely to be close friends for a very long time and if you are married, the deep sharing of feelings is likely to prevent serious frustrations with each other from arising. Lionesspisces's Venus square Lioness's Uranus orb 1° 9'
This relationship has an erratic, unstable, but exciting quality. Sexual attraction becomes very intense at times and at these moments you may feel like you cannot live without each other. But the feelings come and go quickly and they are not always reciprocated - your moods and desires get out of tune with each other, so that one of you may feel like partying and the other wants to have a quiet evening at home. The quality and nature of the relationship changes frequently. This is a difficult relationship to maintain over a long period of time but it is also difficult to break such an exciting relationship as well. If you want a permanent, close relationship, then both of you will need to be extremely flexible and willing to accept unexpected changes in your relationship and lifestyle. ------ SHOWS HIDDEN COMPOSITE ASPECTS THAT'S WHY I LOVE IT liopisces's Sun Trine lioness's Venus Yours is a congenial and enjoyable relationship, for you both like, love, and appreciate one another, and make special efforts to please one another. You also share a similarity in tastes and enjoyment of leisure activities and pleasures liopisces's Sun Opposite lioness's Mars The physical and sexual attraction between the two of you is very strong. You are attracted to one another's strength and integrity. You may also enjoy competing with each other in games. However, be wary of a tendency to become rivals or adversaries, trying to out-perform each other. liopisces's Sun Sextile lioness's Jupiter Your relationship has an upbeat, friendly positive quality that makes it fun to be with each other. You help each other laugh and take life less seriously. It is not unusual for the two of you to have a great deal of fun playing games or even while engaging in daily activities such as shopping, etc. You allow each other considerable freedom; you respect each other's independence, and are more interested in enjoying a good time together rather than dominating or smothering each other. This astrological influence is a positive one that helps enormously when the more stressful and difficult influences described elsewhere in this report make themselves felt liopisces's Sun Square lioness's Neptune You must guard against mutual deception and misunderstandings. liopisces tends to have a glamorous and unrealistic view of lioness, and lioness has a tendency to unconsciously capitalize on liopisces's imaginative and often simply erroneous perceptions. The tendency to be dishonest, hide things from each other, exaggerate, and spur each other to unrealistic hopes and dreams is very strong. Both of you must be able to distinguish fantasy from fact, and utilize the increased sensitivity and heightened imagination that you inspire in each other, without letting it cloud your ability to clearly and realistically see other and understand each other liopisces's Moon Square lioness's Mars The physical and sexual attraction between you is strong, but the tendency to frustrate each other and rouse each other's wrath is equally strong. Although the attraction between you is powerful, you should think carefully before making a long-term commitment, because the tendency to argue and nag each other is an undesirable side to this relationship that both of you will need to contend with. The sexual aspect of your relationship has an almost aggressive quality to it. Some couples who have this astrological influence enjoy wrestling as a form of foreplay! Try not to be too pushy or demanding with each other, as this quickly precipitates arguments and hostile feelings. liopisces's Moon Conjunct lioness's Neptune You are very sympathetic and sensitive to one another's moods and emotional needs. lioness, especially, is very compassionate and aware of liopisces's feelings. You also enjoy sharing ideals, social concerns, religious views, artistic, and musical tastes, and you are likely to engage in important social welfare, religious, and artistic areas together. However, if either of you has emotionally-based problems such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, or fanatical religious attitudes, this problem will quickly become the focus of the relationship and undermine the relationship until the problem is overcome or the relationship dissolves. liopisces's Moon Sextile lioness's Pluto If you have been looking for someone that you can share your deepest feelings with, you have found that person! This is not a light, frivolous relationship. You feel very comfortable with each other and you find that you feel very uninhibited with each other, and are willing to reveal your deepest feelings, concerns, hopes, and dreams with each other. Many times you may feel that you can share something with each other that no one else may fully understand or appreciate. You are likely to be close friends for a very long time and if you are married, the deep sharing of feelings is likely to prevent serious frustrations with each other from arising. Composite Report for lioness and liopisces Sun in Taurus The two of you enjoy a richly sensual existence. You are patient with each other and you like life to progress slowly so you can get the most out of it. Strong, stubborn and territorial! You each are the other's most prized possession Moon in Libra You feel very at ease with each other. You react to each other with charm and grace. You may have trouble expressing anger or harsh or negative emotions because you need to have things be pleasant and harmonious between you. Enjoyment of the arts Ascendant in Taurus Being together brings out the sensualist in each of you. You enjoy life more fully and feel things more deeply when you are in each other's company. You like your surroundings to be soft and inviting. As a couple you are comfortable to be around. Sun Sesquiquadrate Moon There is a basic undeniable tension between the two of you that will be both creative and irritating. It is apt to manifest itself in small ways, often in matters of personal comfort (such as the temperature each one prefers the thermostat set to, or a dislike for one another's domestic habits), but also in more profound ways, for instance: an inability to accept the other's family or familial background and traditions. Some resistance to your relationship by either or both of your families or old circle of friends can also be expected, at least initially. A marked degree of unease exists between the two of you on these subtle issues and this prevents you both from totally submerging yourselves into this relationship. In numerous subtle ways you are constantly reminded of your "otherness" and differences from one another, and you'll be both fascinated and frustrated by these fundamental differences. One of the purposes of your relationship is to challenge each of you to encounter (and even embrace) attitudes and aspects of life which your partner displays, and which are essentially very foreign to you Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Sun Semisquare Venus Quite simply, one of your purposes in being together is to create and express beauty, whether this is in the form of a beautiful, loving relationship, or gracious and artful works. There can also be an element of vanity, artifice, or show-offiness - the desire to be seen and recognized as a Beautiful Couple, whether or not that's entirely true. Hiding or downplaying your difficulties and the "uglies" in your relationship may be helpful to a point, but if you try to maintain this image of yourselves as a happy, loving twosome despite your actual conflicts, then deeper troubles may never get attended to. However, whatever friction, dissonance, or ill will develops between you, there will also always be an urge to harmonize, reconcile, and ease your differences, and to create cooperation. It will take a lot for the two of you to ever turn against each other entirely Sun Opposite Mars The two of you get fired up when you are together, and inevitably there will be hostilities and disagreements if you do not direct all of this energy into a common goal. Physical activities, like sports or demanding physical work, are good outlets for you as a duo. Intense rivalry and competition are ongoing issues between you, even if you are both fairly unaggressive, cooperative people. Angry confrontations over minor matters mask other, deeper concerns - such as who is dominant, and the need to feel important and powerful in the relationship. You over-use force and heroics when you are together. However, when you channel all of this energy into a good cause, you are a dynamic, energetic vital team. Sun Sesquiquadrate Pluto The two of you have a very powerful and profound effect upon one another for good or ill, and a major temptation for you both is to use your power to control or change or reform one another. Inevitably you WILL be transformed as a result of your interaction with each other and the struggles you will face together, which at times may seem monumental. Circumstances which force you to eliminate everything you thought you knew or had, and begin all over again, will arise. You may lose something which is very precious to you both, but as a result, experience life on a much deeper level. This relationship is anything but superficial. It will probably be one of the most intense of your lives. At its best it can enable you both to reclaim power you never realized was in you Moon Opposite Venus When you are together, you feel waves of love and attraction for one another that are impossible to ignore. Tremendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, protect, and nurture one another will always be present in your relationship. Some element from your past, possibly interference from your families or previous lovers, will have to be dealt with in some way before you can fully come together. However, the love feelings and heart in this relationship are so strong that those issues can be resolved. The desire for children and/or to create a home together will predominate. Moon Conjunct Jupiter You are destined to bring many wonderful blessings into one another's lives, and to prosper together. Material well-being and comfort will never be a problem; when you are together you'll always have plenty and be well taken care of. You bounce back from misfortune rapidly, and are able to support and uplift one another during bad times. In general, being together increases your optimism and positive feelings about life. As a couple you will be known for your good humor, generosity, hospitality, and warmth. Others will feel more expansive in your company. If you share a home, it will be spacious, welcoming, and very comfortable - the source of a great deal of satisfaction for you both. You will do quite a bit of traveling together, but always return to the "little piece of heaven" you create together. You are very encouraging and supportive of one another, and your bond will be a delightful one, emotionally rich and full. Moon Conjunct Pluto The fate of this relationship will hinge upon how well the two of you can handle the depths of feeling and the level of emotional intensity that you will evoke in one another. Powerful feelings of attachment and neediness and dependency on one or both of your parts will arise, and you could become incredibly close... or overwhelmed by such feelings. A strong desire for children (whether or not such desires can be fulfilled in the context of your relationship and/or other life plans) is also a significant issue. This will not be a superficial encounter! A certain intensity, which at times may feel impulsive or irresistable, infuses your bond. Along with this there is prone to be a lot of probing, soul searching, and deep analysis going on. Many irrational, childish emotions and needs are stimulated between you, which you'll have to delve deeply into in order to understand! One of the purposes of your coming together is to dredge up unresolved emotional business and psychic blockages, in order to understand, heal, and ultimately be free of them. IP: Logged |
virgolotus Moderator Posts: 1260 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted April 28, 2012 07:56 PM
Can I e-mail you the data or facebook you?IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 07:57 PM
ok thank you! also there is the original post on page 2. Please delete that one too lol sorry!IP: Logged | |