Topic: ~*Free compatibility readings*~
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 07:58 PM
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virgolotus Moderator Posts: 1260 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted April 28, 2012 08:01 PM
Got it, thanks!IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 08:05 PM
Well school is over  That means I'll be able to finish whoever's I havent done yet! If you want to, and would like to make it easier for me, haha, you can post to remind me that I haven't done yours yet  IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 08:30 PM
Lioness and her ex-bfYou have composite sun conjunct mercury opposite jupiter, which is similar to the sun-jupiter-mercury stellium which is somewhat similar to the love stellium, but weaker. You also have the composite moon in negative aspect to venus like you did with pisces guy (this time it's semisquare and only shows it). However, I always have to see some pluto to go alone with this for it to be a significant relationship. And there it is, composite moon trine pluto. But i do consider venus trine pluto or sun in negative aspect to pluto in the composite like you had with the pisces to be much more intense, so I think this relationship was definitely much much less intense than with pisces guy. Your synastry is better with him than with pisces guy, sun conjunct venus, moon trine venus, and sun square pluto in synastry makes for a loving relationship. Sun opposite jupiter in synastry shows fun times but a tendency to go a bit too far in your grand schemes. However, once again it's just not as intense as with pisces guy at all. I imagine this didnt last very long. composite sun and venus are square uranus, also showing an on/off relationship based only on excitement. There is a fond caring for each other, but it's not passionate passionate, i would say. ----- exbf's Sun in Cancer and lioness's Sun in Leo Both of you take life very personally, probably more personally than you realize. Your feelings and your pride are easily wounded by criticism or lack of appreciation from the people you care about. There can be an unusually warm loving bond between you, though your temperaments are quite different. lioness is very proud and wants recognition, appreciation, respect, and love from a partner. exbf wants to be needed and desires sympathy, tenderness, and emotional support from a partner. lioness has difficulty accepting and expressing needs, sadness, or weakness, and is uncomfortable when exbf expresses doubts, insecurities, weaknesses, or moodiness. lioness is the more dominant of the two of you and is likely to take the lead in your relationship - which is fine with exbf, who has no need to be on top exbf's Sun Conjunct lioness's Venus The warmth, appreciation, admiration and love between you is very strong, and you enjoy a high degree of harmony and congeniality in your relationship. You have much in common in terms of styles, tastes, and enjoyment of the same pleasures. In many ways exbf embodies all that lioness finds attractive and beautiful, and lioness also makes a special effort to please exbf. exbf responds with much generosity, love, and loyalty. An excellent match exbf's Sun Opposite lioness's Jupiter There is a great deal of enthusiasm and optimism in your relationship. You inspire each other to expand your horizons, explore new possibilities, and improve your financial and social situation. You have a lot of good will towards each other, and also allow each other a lot of freedom. You do not smother each other. You may, however, engage in risky speculations together that are driven more by optimism and hopefulness than by well thought out plans, and consequently fall far short of your expectations. Overall, however, this astrological influence is a positive one of good will and optimism. exbf's Sun Square lioness's Pluto Your relationship is intense, magnetic, and complex. You are fascinated by each other and you engage in deep, intense discussions and encounters that unveil your innermost thoughts, feelings, goals, hopes, fears, and ambitions. This is not a superficial relationship! You are very uninhibited with each other, and you open up to each other more readily than to others. Be wary of power struggles, however, as lioness, in particular, may be tempted to use the magnetic attractive power over exbf to manipulate and control exbf. Also, either of you may feel threatened, embarrassed, or disempowered by revealing so much of yourself to the other, and consequently feel the need to be secretive and competitive with each other. You have a profound influence upon one another, for good or ill exbf's Moon Trine lioness's Venus There is a particularly sweet, loving, caring quality to your relationship that both of you may tend to take for granted. Others, who lack this quality in their own relationship, do notice it and may enjoy the kindness and devotion you have for each other. You both find it easy to give freely to each other. exbf's Moon Conjunct lioness's Ascendant The two of you probably felt like old friends right from your first meeting. You have a natural affinity for each other, and it is very likely that you will remain life-long friends. You enjoy each other's company, feel very at home with each other, share many of the same interests, preferences, and tastes. You have a direct, intuitive understanding of each other that allows you to communicate and share your feelings and thoughts very openly with each other. lioness tends to "mother" and care for exbf, and exbf easily can become dependent on lioness. In fact, a mutually dependent relationship is very likely. Composite Report for lioness and exbf Sun 23 CN 24 19N39 Moon 25 TA 22 4N57 Mercury 4 LE 52 16N55 Venus 10 CN 55 21N13 Mars 13 GE 24 6N02 Jupiter 20 CP 8 20S39 Saturn 21 GE 29 21N49 Uranus 17 LI 4 5S07 Neptune 3 SG 56 19S18 Pluto 0 LI 59 14N28 Node 16 CP 32 22S10 Ascendant 16 SG 5 1S29 Midheaven 19 PI 10 0N00
Sun in Cancer The longer both of you stay together, the stronger your emotional dependency grows. You enjoy being supportive of one another. This is a warm, protective and deeply caring relationship. You are capable of extreme closeness Moon in Taurus Your sense of emotional security in this relationship must be absolute. You like to feel that you possess each other. You're very good at pleasing each other on a sensual level. Stubborn attitudes may prolong your disagreements Ascendant in Sagittarius The two of you probably spend a lot of time outdoors. You like traveling together and talking with people. You especially enjoy philosophical discussions. People see you as freedom lovers -- jovial and optimistic. You need room to move & grow. Sun Sextile Moon Overall, a feeling of harmony, flow, mutual acceptance and supportiveness characterizes your relationship. You simply dovetail very naturally together and neither of you feels that you have to sacrifice too much of yourself to be together. You may take this ease for granted, as your partnership or friendship "just happened" without a great deal of effort or even intention on your parts. You complement and complete one another in ways that are both gratifying emotionally and also helpful to you in meeting challenges and struggles you encounter outside of your relationship. Honoring and developing the feeling of soul kinship that you have with one another is an important purpose in your relationship. Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Sun Opposite Jupiter One of the purposes of your relationship is to inspire the two of you to aim higher, to do bigger things, to see much more of the world, and to expand your sense of what is possible. The energy generated when the two of you are together inclines you to do everything on a grand scale, to want only the very best, and to constantly be striving to expand, grow, and improve your lives. If you translate this urge into material terms, you could overextend yourselves financially in pursuit of "the good life", consuming more and more, and forever trying to impress others with your largesse. A restlessness or discontentment with what is can develop, and frequent moves in pursuit of "greener grass" could result. Inner growth and spiritual or psychological development are enhanced by your being together, spurred on by this same urge for "a better life". Higher ideals, religion, philosophy, and the big questions of life will become a focus of your relationship, even if neither of you is especially oriented toward these subjects. There may well be differences and friction over these topics, but you both will learn about your own faith and beliefs via being with one another. Moon Semisquare Venus When you are together, you feel waves of love and attraction for one another that are impossible to ignore. Tremendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, protect, and nurture one another will always be present in your relationship. Some element from your past, possibly interference from your families or previous lovers, will have to be dealt with in some way before you can fully come together. However, the love feelings and heart in this relationship are so strong that those issues can be resolved. The desire for children and/or to create a home together will predominate. ----- Exbf's Moon in Pisces and Lioness's Moon in Leo
Lioness's basic emotional tone is vibrant, sunny and warm, while Exbf's is dreamy and moody. Lioness has an underlying narcissistic streak and cannot bear to be ignored, unappreciated, or considered mediocre. Often Lioness will exaggerate feelings, become loud, boisterous, and melodramatic in order to get attention. There is a strong domineering or controlling aspect to Lioness's character as well, which makes Lioness something of a household tyrant at times. Exbf, on the other hand, is very receptive and gentle, not aggressive, not a fighter. Because Exbf is so sympathetic and so readily identifies with other people's feelings, Exbf is inclined to give up personal desires and rights in order to make the other person happy. Thus a pattern may develop between you where Lioness is running the show and Exbf constantly obliges or acquiesces to Lioness's wishes. Compared to Lioness, Exbf may be something of a door mat (especially if other astrological factors do not indicate a strong will or strong sense of self). Also, Exbf is rather chameleon-like, emotionally speaking, and is strongly influenced by the emotional atmosphere and inner feelings of others in the environment, so when Lioness is up, the warmth and optimism raises Exbf's mood considerably. But if Lioness is feeling negative, this is very debilitating to Exbf. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Exbf's Sun conjunct Lioness's Venus orb 2° 2' The warmth, appreciation, admiration and love between you is very strong, and you enjoy a high degree of harmony and congeniality in your relationship. You have much in common in terms of styles, tastes, and enjoyment of the same pleasures. In many ways Exbf embodies all that Lioness finds attractive and beautiful, and Lioness also makes a special effort to please Exbf. Exbf responds with much generosity, love, and loyalty. An excellent match! Exbf's Sun opposition Lioness's Jupiter orb 1° 20'
There is a great deal of enthusiasm and optimism in your relationship. You inspire each other to expand your horizons, explore new possibilities, and improve your financial and social situation. You have a lot of good will towards each other, and also allow each other a lot of freedom. You do not smother each other. You may, however, engage in risky speculations together that are driven more by optimism and hopefulness than by well thought out plans, and consequently fall far short of your expectations. Overall, however, this astrological influence is a positive one of good will and optimism. Exbf's Mars opposition Lioness's Pluto orb 0° 20'
This relationship is intense and can blow hot or cold, and in fact, is likely to go through extremes of happiness and fulfillment as well as frustration and conflict. At times you may feel like adversaries. You can end up in bitter power struggles with each other, and feel like your partner is trying to manipulate you. To prevent these problems, you must be able to accept differences of opinion and differing goals and ambitions. Lioness, especially, must avoid dominating or undermining Exbf's efforts. You can drive one another to extremes. Exbf's Sun square Lioness's Pluto orb 0° 1'
Your relationship is intense, magnetic, and complex. You are fascinated by each other and you engage in deep, intense discussions and encounters that unveil your innermost thoughts, feelings, goals, hopes, fears, and ambitions. This is not a superficial relationship! You are very uninhibited with each other, and you open up to each other more readily than to others. Be wary of power struggles, however, as Lioness, in particular, may be tempted to use the magnetic attractive power over Exbf to manipulate and control Exbf. Also, either of you may feel threatened, embarrassed, or disempowered by revealing so much of yourself to the other, and consequently feel the need to be secretive and competitive with each other. You have a profound influence upon one another, for good or ill. Exbf's Mars square Lioness's Venus orb 1° 40'
This is likely to be a stormy and fiery relationship. The romantic attraction between you is very strong, but your feelings are often not in tune with each other. One of you (typically Exbf but sometimes Lioness) may feel sexually aroused by the other and consequently be too aggressive in approach, while the other person feels great love and affection, but is not feeling as sexually attracted. Jealousy and possessiveness are also likely. Feelings can swing back and forth and you may not realize how much you love each other until you are away from each other. Exbf's Mars square Lioness's Jupiter orb 1° 42'
The two of you enjoy planning and designing methods for achieving success. You encourage each other to achieve your dreams and Lioness frequently points out new avenues and grander vistas for Exbf's talents and energy. However, the propensity to speculation and unrealistic optimism is also very strong, and many of your joint ventures are likely to prove wasteful, poorly timed, or extravagant. Exbf's Mars trine Lioness's Neptune orb 1° 53'
You enjoy watching movies, reading novels, discussing music and the arts, and pursuing religious or metaphysical areas together. You work well together in any area that involves a strong imaginative element. The spiritual bond between you is strong, and as you spend time together, your ideals and your sense of purpose in life becomes more refined and intertwined. Exbf's Saturn sextile Lioness's Mars orb 1° 16'
You work together on tasks and problems very well. Your daily lives run smoothly, and you are able to coordinate efforts in a smooth, harmonious manner. Exbf's Pluto square Lioness's Venus orb 0° 35'
Although sexual magnetism between you is very intense, you both may be somewhat uncomfortable by the overwhelming feelings or obsessive quality that you engender in one another. Even if you are repulsed or disinclined to become close to one another, there seems to be an irresistible attraction bringing you together. Power struggles, emotional or sexual manipulation, and disruptive jealousy may be problems you encounter in this relationship. Whatever develops, this relationship will touch your depths and change you profoundly.
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 08:46 PM
Lioness and ex husbandWell, this shows a composite chart with a sun-mercury-mars stellium This means the relationship was an energetic one with lots of communication. However, other than composite moon square pluto and composite venus trine neptune there is nothing going on here. The synastry also doesnt show much other than venus conjunct mars, sun trine moon, and sun opposite asc. Did you get married on impulse? Did you know him well enough before you got married? Seems to me like this attraction wouldve faded within a few months at most. Venus conjunct mars in synastry and moon square pluto in composite with the energitic communication shown by that stellium shows some chemistry at first, but there is nothing else here to keep this going. No probably got to know each other better and realized you didnt have anything in common! ---- Exhusb's Sun in Virgo and Lioness's Sun in Leo
You two are very different! Exhusb is more modest, self-effacing, shy, and unobtrusive than Lioness, who craves social approval, recognition, love, and applause. Lioness tends to step into the limelight and outshine or overpower Exhusb. Exhusb is more emotionally self-sufficient than Lioness is, and may not give Lioness all of the 'strokes' and appreciation Lioness wants. Exhusb also has a tendency to become fussy and particular, and these fits of perfectionism can have disastrous consequences when the target of Exhusb's critical eye is Lioness. Lioness is particularly sensitive to criticism and tends to interpret Exhusb's 'constructive criticism' as a personal attack. Exhusb is more analytical and psychologically astute than Lioness, who may not appreciate being 'picked apart' or psychologically analyzed by Exhusb! Another problem in this relationship is that Lioness may take for granted much of the work and assistance that Exhusb provides. Exhusb's Moon in Aries and Lioness's Moon in Leo
Both of you very much wish to believe in your own personal strength, and may mask feelings of weakness, inadequacy, or neediness. Proud and fiercely independent (especially Exhusb), neither of you readily admits that you need help or support. Both of you harbor a secret (or not so secret) desire to be the center of attention, to be on top, or to dominate - and you may compete for that position in your relationship. However, both of you also respect strong individuals and appreciate one another's integrity and individuality. There is much compatibility between you if your strong egos do not get in the way. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Exhusb's Venus conjunct Lioness's Mars orb 2° 51' The romantic and sexual attraction between you is almost irresistible. This relationship is one that was probably 'more than just friends' from the start. The intensity of your feelings for one another is unlikely to fade over time, and you find much fulfillment in your love for each other. Exhusb's Sun opposition Lioness's Ascendant orb 2° 46'
Exhusb embodies many of the characteristics that Lioness is seeking in a mate or partner, and Lioness finds Exhusb irresistibly appealing for this reason. Exhusb is also the polar opposite of Lioness in many ways, so that you complement or balance one another very well. However, the very qualities that originally were so attractive may become sources of friction between you. Lioness, don't expect Exhusb to be like you are! One of the gifts Exhusb has for you is to show you 'the other side of the coin'. For instance, if you are very logical and rational, you partner may have a highly intuitive or poetic mind (or vice versa). Instead of accusing your partner of being irrational or fuzzy-minded, try to appreciate that difference between you. You will both be changed, even transformed, if you have the courage to confront the difficulties that arise between you, though you may feel at times that it is quite a struggle.
Facing the dark, painful, or serious side of life is a focus in your relationship. Work, rather than play or skimming along on the surface of life, is emphasized and this may be inner, psychological 'work' or some all-consuming personal ambition. Exhusb's Moon sextile Lioness's Saturn orb 1° 45'
The level of mutual trust and respect for each other is very high. You are very responsible and honest to each other. You are able to communicate your deepest concerns, values, priorities, and moral beliefs with a candidness and frankness that is impossible with most other people. It is likely that your relationship will be a long, stable one. Exhusb's Mercury sextile Lioness's Venus orb 1° 56'
You are able to share your feelings, interests, and yearnings with an unusual degree of openness and honesty. It is likely that you enjoy discussing at length your feelings and thoughts about literature, the arts, and psychology, and these conversations are invariably mutually stimulating, interesting, and harmonious. It is also possible that you will successfully work together in some creative area. Exhusb's Mercury square Lioness's Neptune orb 1° 43'
You inspire each other's imagination and you may find yourselves gravitating towards discussions of fantasy, poetry, art, theater, and religion. However, the tendency to lose a clear sense of proportion and become clouded by fantasies is very strong! You may also be inclined to conceal something or deceive each other. Little white lies can quickly foster a morass of confusion. Misunderstandings between you arise easily so try to be clear and precise in all important, practical communications. ----- exhusb's Sun Opposite lioness's Ascendant lioness embodies many of the characteristics that exhusb is seeking in a mate or partner, and exhusb finds lioness irresistibly appealing for this reason. lioness is also the polar opposite of exhusb in many ways, so that you complement or balance one another very well. However, the very qualities that originally were so attractive may become sources of friction between you. exhusb, don't expect lioness to be like you are! One of the gifts lioness has for you is to show you "the other side of the coin". For instance, if you are very logical and rational, you partner may have a highly intuitive or poetic mind (or vice versa). Instead of accusing your partner of being irrational or fuzzy-minded, try to appreciate that difference between you. lioness's Sun Trine exhusb's Moon You have a strong affinity with one another, an instinctive rapport that enables you to know one another very well, almost from the start. A basic compatibility exists which helps you to overcome the stressful or problematic facts of your relationship. You have a natural sense of belonging with one another, and partnership of some kind is likely to develop and flourish exhusb's Moon Sextile lioness's Saturn The level of mutual trust and respect for each other is very high. You are very responsible and honest to each other. You are able to communicate your deepest concerns, values, priorities, and moral beliefs with a candidness and frankness that is impossible with most other people. It is likely that your relationship will be a long, stable one. exhusb's Moon Opposite lioness's Uranus You spark each other's curiosity and imagination, and you have a great deal of fascination for each other. It is likely that your relationship developed suddenly and impulsively, for your feelings for each other change quickly and unexpectedly. At one moment you find each other sexually irresistible and not much later you may feel angry or indifferent to each other. Your feelings blow hot and cold in this relationship, and consequently there is a tone of instability and inconstancy. It is possible that one, or both, of you will tire of the constant fluctuations. You may feel that there is a lack of commitment, dedication, reliability, and stability, causing you to doubt the viability of the relationship. On the other hand, you may find the changes exciting and stimulating. Be grateful that there are always surprises and novelty around the corner - at least you don't have to worry about getting stuck in a rut or bored with your partner. Composite Report for lioness and exhusb Sun 28 LE 33 11N44 Moon 16 GE 48 9N56 Mercury 24 LE 15 11N50 Venus 27 CN 47 16N54 Mars 15 LE 56 16N51 Jupiter 12 LI 24 1S14 Saturn 7 TA 45 9N18 Uranus 2 LI 18 0N08 Neptune 26 SC 5 18S31 Pluto 24 VI 7 16N10 Node 22 PI 17 2S24 Ascendant 12 GE 53 0N43 Midheaven 16 PI 41 1S43
Sun in Leo The primary concern of this relationship is to grow in dignity and confidence and to shine in the world. You can help each other become more creatively self-expressive. You treat each other with honesty and respect. Moon in Gemini Your emotional life is active, varied and colorful. You both like to be where things are happening. You have a constant desire for emotional stimulation. This can be nerve-racking but anything is better than boredom. You love to travel. Ascendant in Gemini The two of you can't get enough experiences. The more stimulating your environment, the happier you are. You enjoy talking with others and people find you interesting and witty. People identify you best through your intellectual endeavors. Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Sun Semisquare Jupiter One of the purposes of your relationship is to inspire the two of you to aim higher, to do bigger things, to see much more of the world, and to expand your sense of what is possible. The energy generated when the two of you are together inclines you to do everything on a grand scale, to want only the very best, and to constantly be striving to expand, grow, and improve your lives. If you translate this urge into material terms, you could overextend yourselves financially in pursuit of "the good life", consuming more and more, and forever trying to impress others with your largesse. A restlessness or discontentment with what is can develop, and frequent moves in pursuit of "greener grass" could result. Inner growth and spiritual or psychological development are enhanced by your being together, spurred on by this same urge for "a better life". Higher ideals, religion, philosophy, and the big questions of life will become a focus of your relationship, even if neither of you is especially oriented toward these subjects. There may well be differences and friction over these topics, but you both will learn about your own faith and beliefs via being with one another. Sun Square Neptune No matter how practical and well-grounded the two of you are as individuals, together you have some real blind spots, things which you don't see clearly at all, or which you see through a haze of fantasy and hope. Deception and/or self-deception can undermine this relationship if you are not as clear, precise, and honest with one another as you can be. It would be extremely helpful if you can find an objective third party to give you some realistic feedback about one another or any problems that may come up between you. Financial business or other practical affairs which are joint endeavors should also be checked by a competent outside party. One troublesome tendency the two of you have is to try to "save" one another. Attempts to rescue or to play a "helpless" victim in need of rescuing will not work out well. At your best, you enhance one another's sensitivity and evoke compassion and understanding in one another. At worst, you may deceive one another or create false images Moon Sextile Mars Warm, passionate emotional responses to one another will always be a part of your relationship. You encourage, invigorate, and stimulate one another's instincts and emotions. If you have a sexual involvement, this will be a very satisfying aspect of your bond - you will never be uninvolved or lukewarm. Even if you are not involved sexually, a very physical, warm-blooded relationship is indicated. A mutual enjoyment of sports, or exercise and the outdoors, figures prominently with the two of you. Getting rambunctious and fired up together, perhaps sharing enthusiasm and spirit for some cause or team, does also. When you are together you won't always be calm or sedate. There is a feeling of energy and vitality between you that people around you will feel and be enlivened by. This zest for life is part of the essence of your relationship. IP: Logged |
ShyVirgo1979 Knowflake Posts: 1658 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 28, 2012 08:49 PM
Um *raises hand* uh I didn't get mine lol I hate to bug ppl esp when u know others have a life and get busy living I don't even remember which page I posted the data but its in there somewhere. U know what, I'll just give it to u here so u don't hafta search. Good grief that could take awhile lol Me - bdate: sept 12th 1979. Tob: 8:14pm. B-place: Wooster, OH USA Him -bdate: sept 10th 1978. Tob: 6:50am. B-place: ashland, OH USAWhenever u have the time is alright with me. I can do basic synastry like look up aspects but that's about all I can do with it. And even that can b time consuming so I know u can't just whip up an answer lol blessings to u. IP: Logged |
ShyVirgo1979 Knowflake Posts: 1658 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 28, 2012 08:51 PM
"Him" refers to my ex. Its been like an on and off thing since last july. He's hard for me to forget and yet he's a pain in my rear end sometimes lol IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 09:21 PM
Lioness and the father of her daughterWell here we have a scattered composite. Probably the most signifant aspect you have in the composite is moon sextile pluto which means: Yours is destined to be a profound emotional union. There is a compelling, irresistable, intense desire to know one another deeply, and to be together. If you are seeking a light, casual relationship just for fun and good times, you may want to run away from this one - if you can! Inevitably, you will have powerful feelings of attachment, even jealous possessiveness, toward one another. This needn't be troubling though. Mostly it's just a testament to your strong bond. If either or both of you tends to be too rational and intellectual, your relationship with one another will remedy that! You'll share deeper feelings and become much more open to your own inner emotional life through being together. In fact, you may well have come together after one or both of you suffered a significant loss or trauma, and were thus much more aware of your heart and feelings and those deeper concerns that crisis forces upon us. One of the purposes of your relationship is to experience the depths of which you are capable, with another person. You have two nice aspects in synastry Sun opposite Venus and Venus trine mars, but other than that, there is not much going on here. A relationship likely to fade with not much passion or things in common.... ---- grupovenus report
Father's Sun in Capricorn and Lioness's Sun in Leo
Father's more emotionally detached, reserved, down-to-earth and somewhat cynical or skeptical attitude contrasts with Lioness's warm enthusiasm and basically cheerful temperament. In your personal style and tastes, also, this difference is very apparent: Father prefers the classics, simple elegance, and either a very conservative, traditional style or an austere less-is-more, keep- it-simple style. Lioness has a generous, lavish hand and loves rich color, warmth, and brilliance that borders on gaudiness. Sometimes, this translates into emotional terms also. Father is more careful, cooler, less inclined to gamble, wants a sure thing. Lioness is more open and expressive and warm, and needs an abundance of appreciation and affection - more than Father is inclined to give sometimes. One thing you do have in common: you both take your commitments to heart, and you prize fidelity and loyalty. Father's Moon in Cancer and Lioness's Moon in Leo
Proud and somewhat self-centered, Lioness very much wants recognition, appreciation, applause, and to be the favorite or the center of attention. Lioness craves affirmation and love but may be hard to know really well, as weaknesses, problems, doubts or insecurities are rarely admitted. Lioness has a dramatic streak and tends to exaggerate or blow things out of proportion. Wounded pride or a feeling of being ignored, neglected, or 'not special' are Lioness's particular sensitivities. Father is a much softer, more private, sensitive shy person than Lioness is, much less of a showman, and Lioness's histrionics are too much for Father at times. Lioness is usually sunny, sociable, good humored, while Father is often moody and needs to withdraw sometimes. Father has emotional ups and downs, while Lioness is fairly constant emotionally. You may be a complementary pair, though, because Father is supportive and will not compete for dominance with Lioness, and Lioness appreciates Father's supportiveness and sympathy. You are both very protective, loyal, and warm toward one another. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Father's Sun opposition Lioness's Venus orb 0° 29' Sparks fly when you come into contact with one another! Strong feelings of love, attraction, warmth, mutual admiration, and appreciation bring you together, and you are able to express your love feelings openly and fully to one another. You can be great friends and companions as well as lovers. Father's Sun square Lioness's Pluto orb 2° 30'
Your relationship is intense, magnetic, and complex. You are fascinated by each other and you engage in deep, intense discussions and encounters that unveil your innermost thoughts, feelings, goals, hopes, fears, and ambitions. This is not a superficial relationship! You are very uninhibited with each other, and you open up to each other more readily than to others. Be wary of power struggles, however, as Lioness, in particular, may be tempted to use the magnetic attractive power over Father to manipulate and control Father. Also, either of you may feel threatened, embarrassed, or disempowered by revealing so much of yourself to the other, and consequently feel the need to be secretive and competitive with each other. You have a profound influence upon one another, for good or ill. Father's Moon square Lioness's Uranus orb 1° 13'
Although there is a great deal of fascination, curiosity, and attraction between you, there is also a lack of stability and peace. You react to each other very impulsively. Your feelings for each other blow hot and cold. It may seem like you are either making love or arguing with each other, going from one extreme to another. This relationship could easily turn into a love/hate relationship, where you simultaneously feel irresistibly drawn to each other, but you also irritate each other and make each other feel very uncomfortable. To make this relationship work, you both must be very flexible, tolerant of shortcomings in each other, adaptable to the constant changes and upsets, and enjoy excitement, novelty, and surprises. In this relationship there is never a dull moment! Father's Venus trine Lioness's Mars orb 0° 53'
Romantic feelings are strong and you are very compatible sexually. It is unlikely that the feeling of being 'in love' will ever fade completely, and it is likely that you will both see each other as someone very special and dear to you throughout your lives. Your relationship is definitely warm and romantic and very fulfilling for both of you. Father's Jupiter trine Lioness's Venus orb 1° 0'
You are generous with one another, always ready to help each other, and you have a great respect and appreciation for one another. You also allow one another a lot of freedom to develop other friendships, rather than clinging possessively to one another. You may also benefit from one another materially as well as emotionally. Father's Saturn sextile Lioness's Venus orb 0° 8'
There is a high level of trust in this relationship. Both of you are willing to make sacrifices for each other, but the sacrifices are hardly noticed because you love each other and it feels natural to give to one another. If you have children, you will find that you are able to work together very effectively as parents and meet the many trials and tribulations effectively. Your love for each other grows through the years and the respect and appreciation that you have for each other is very great indeed. This is a lasting, deep, meaningful relationship. Father's Moon trine Lioness's Ascendant orb 0° 32'
There is a strong feeling of family and kinship between you. You have a natural affinity for each other and feel very at ease and comfortable with each other, so consequently your friendship is likely to be very long-lasting. ------ lioness's Sun in Leo and father's Sun in Capricorn
father's more emotionally detached, reserved, down-to-earth and somewhat cynical or skeptical attitude contrasts with lioness's warm enthusiasm and basically cheerful temperament. In your personal style and tastes, also, this difference is very apparent: father prefers the classics, simple elegance, and either a very conservative, traditional style or an austere less-is-more, keep-it-simple style. lioness has a generous, lavish hand and loves rich color, warmth, and brilliance that borders on gaudiness. Sometimes, this translates into emotional terms also. father is more careful, cooler, less inclined to gamble, wants a sure thing. lioness is more open and expressive and warm, and needs an abundance of appreciation and affection - more than father is inclined to give sometimes. One thing you do have in common: you both take your commitments to heart, and you prize fidelity and loyalty father's Sun Opposite lioness's Venus Sparks fly when you come into contact with one another! Strong feelings of love, attraction, warmth, mutual admiration, and appreciation bring you together, and you are able to express your love feelings openly and fully to one another. You can be great friends and companions as well as lovers. father's Sun Conjunct lioness's Jupiter There is a tremendous amount of good will, optimism, and enthusiasm in your relationship. lioness draws out father's optimism and self-confidence and is able to assist father in discovering new possibilities and avenues for growth. A shared vision, philosophy, or goal for the future gives vitality to your relationship father's Sun Square lioness's Pluto Your relationship is intense, magnetic, and complex. You are fascinated by each other and you engage in deep, intense discussions and encounters that unveil your innermost thoughts, feelings, goals, hopes, fears, and ambitions. This is not a superficial relationship! You are very uninhibited with each other, and you open up to each other more readily than to others. Be wary of power struggles, however, as lioness, in particular, may be tempted to use the magnetic attractive power over father to manipulate and control father. Also, either of you may feel threatened, embarrassed, or disempowered by revealing so much of yourself to the other, and consequently feel the need to be secretive and competitive with each other. You have a profound influence upon one another, for good or ill father's Moon Conjunct lioness's Venus There is a sweet, tender, and sympathetic quality to the love feelings that you have for each other. You enjoy taking care of each other and nourishing each other. You probably enjoy such activities as cooking for each other or with each other. Your heart really opens up to one another and, like a mother who loves her children regardless of what they do, your affection for each other is likely to weather the most difficult trials. father's Moon Square lioness's Uranus Although there is a great deal of fascination, curiosity, and attraction between you, there is also a lack of stability and peace. You react to each other very impulsively. Your feelings for each other blow hot and cold. It may seem like you are either making love or arguing with each other, going from one extreme to another. This relationship could easily turn into a love/hate relationship, where you simultaneously feel irresistibly drawn to each other, but you also irritate each other and make each other feel very uncomfortable. To make this relationship work, you both must be very flexible, tolerant of shortcomings in each other, adaptable to the constant changes and upsets, and enjoy excitement, novelty, and surprises. In this relationship there is never a dull moment! father's Moon Trine lioness's Ascendant There is a strong feeling of family and kinship between you. You have a natural affinity for each other and feel very at ease and comfortable with each other, so consequently your friendship is likely to be very long-lasting. Composite Report for lioness and father Sun 24 LI 40 4S38 Moon 29 CN 22 20N56 Mercury 3 SC 14 6S42 Venus 28 VI 49 2S12 Mars 1 GE 31 2N52 Jupiter 0 SG 5 16S04 Saturn 25 TA 5 15N35 Uranus 11 LI 54 3S04 Neptune 1 SG 4 19S45 Pluto 28 VI 49 14N58 Node 20 AQ 17 13S24 Ascendant 14 PI 6 5S15 Midheaven 20 SG 6 23S04
Sun in Libra The two of you are very good at pleasing each other. You know how to charm. You may not be as good at pleasing yourselves. Stand up for your needs. This can be a beautiful relationship. You enjoy an elegant, even artistic life together. Moon in Cancer Your feelings for each other are soft and nurturing. Eating and cuddling are on your top ten list of favorite pastimes. You give each other plenty of room to be as emotional as you please -- you thrive on this. Warm, caring and supportive Ascendant in Pisces You are not very assertive as a couple. You tend to keep more to yourselves. You are impressionable and extremely sensitive to your environment; you may need to protect yourselves if it becomes overstimulating. People see you as quiet and dreamy. Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Moon Sextile Venus Mutual devotion, tenderness, affection, and caring are the essence of your relationship, and creating a home together, making a family, and/or nurturing one another are an important part of the reason you two have come together. The love you share will sustain you and buffer any blows, difficulties, or problems that you will face. There is a protective, almost maternal feeling generated between the two of you. A relationship based on compassion as much or more than passion is apparent. A high degree of fertility is also clearly indicated Moon Trine Jupiter Quite simply, one of the purposes of your relationship is to BE HAPPY. Play, laughter, humor, and just feeling wonderful in each other's presence is the heart of it. You put one another in a good mood, and can cheer one another up quite easily. It will be unusual for both of you to be down for very long when you're together. To others you will appear to be unusually blessed. You seem "gifted" together, and you will be... uncommon good fortune and "miracles" happen to you, and as a couple you will be quite generous and willing to share the good that comes your way. A feeling of openness, spaciousness, tolerance, and generosity towards one another permeates your bond Moon Trine Neptune Music, the arts, and/or inner, spiritual development will play a major part in your relationship. There is great empathy for one another, a soul connection. Often you will feel that you can communicate with one another without words. You may dream about each other a lot, or have psychic experiences (such as knowing where the other person is, how they are feeling, what is happening to them - even when they are far away) on a regular basis. As a couple, you can develop intuitive or spiritual gifts to a high degree, especially when you are "tuning in" to one another. You are drawn to large bodies to water, and if you share a home it would ideally be situated near water. Moon Sextile Pluto Yours is destined to be a profound emotional union. There is a compelling, irresistable, intense desire to know one another deeply, and to be together. If you are seeking a light, casual relationship just for fun and good times, you may want to run away from this one - if you can! Inevitably, you will have powerful feelings of attachment, even jealous possessiveness, toward one another. This needn't be troubling though. Mostly it's just a testament to your strong bond. If either or both of you tends to be too rational and intellectual, your relationship with one another will remedy that! You'll share deeper feelings and become much more open to your own inner emotional life through being together. In fact, you may well have come together after one or both of you suffered a significant loss or trauma, and were thus much more aware of your heart and feelings and those deeper concerns that crisis forces upon us. One of the purposes of your relationship is to experience the depths of which you are capable, with another person IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 09:44 PM
Lioness and her best friend for 20 yearsWell, in this composite, a lot of the important planets are conjunct each other. Even though it is kind of a loose conjunction, I still consider it. You have composite sun conjunct pluto, mercury, and the moon. Then you have moon conjunct mercury and venus as well. Like I explained, conjunctions are very good in the composite. It gives a sense of purpose and having a lot in common, and becoming "one" The sun and moon are square saturn, though, so you do have a tendency to criticize each other and have a tendency to annoy and depress each other at times as well as not be there for each other when one of you needs emotional support. However, all the conjunctions there cause so much similarity and common points of view, that doesnt have that big of an impact. In synastry you have sun and moon conjunct uranus as well as moon conjunct pluto. but since you dont know his/her birth time, we are not sure about the moon aspects in synastry. However, the composite is overall very good, and you also have no negative aspects in synastry. Some of your important aspects: Sun Conjunct Pluto There is definitely an element of destiny or inevitability, something which cannot be resisted or avoided, in the two of you coming together. This relationship can take you further into your own depths than you've ever been before, and truly be life-changing for both of you. You have a profound and powerful influence upon one another for good or ill, and once joined, it will be extremely difficult to ever totally sever your connection. You really get inside each other. You may become one another's psychotherapist in a manner of speaking, because being together dredges up a lot of your hidden agendas or motives and you become aware of many more facets of yourselves than you were ever conscious of before. Together, you can also be an incredibly potent force in other peoples' lives. Your charisma and influence as a couple far exceeds your individual powers. If the two of you are tempted to misuse this, you could be involved in manipulative games and power plays, Machiavellian exploits of all kinds. Using your powers creatively and positively, you could become healers or agents of transformation and renewal in the world. Moon Conjunct Mercury Through your relationship with one another, and especially your intimate conversations, both of you will understand your past histories, your emotions, and your own inner lives much more clearly. Being in one another's presence evokes in both of you the desire to confide, to tell your stories, to speak about your private selves. You are able to talk for hours. There is often a sentimental or nostalgic tone to your discussions. Visiting old childhood haunts together, studying your family trees, looking at and discussing old photographs, describing your dreams to each other, talking about your children or your mate or parents - this type of sharing will be a crucial aspect of your bond. Even if you are not the sort of person who discusses feelings or readily confides in others, you'll find that with this particular person, you can and will. You make good counselors for one another. At times you may feel that your discussions are too subjective, or always become personal even when the initial topic is broad and rather impersonal. For the two or you, emotional attitudes and feelings will always color your communication. This is an essential part of the purpose of your relationship: examining feelings and the past in order to understand them. Moon Conjunct Venus There is an especially sweet, tender, nurturing love between you which fosters a successful and fulfilling closeness. It is natural for you to take care of one another and devote yourselves to each other. You feel protective, caring, concerned with each other's well-being, and seem instinctively to know how to make each other happy. The destiny of your love-bond is to make life sweeter, more comforting, more beautiful for you both. The urge to be a family and make a home together will predominate. Your chances for a very loving relationship are high, because this love you share will soften many of the blows or difficulties life sends your way. Yours is destined to be a lasting love for one another. ------- Bestie's Sun in Libra and Lioness's Sun in Leo This can be a very warm and mutually fulfilling relationship. Both of you are romantics at heart and tend to be 'in love with love'. You both need and love romantic gestures, the giving and receiving of gifts, etc. Personal appearances and attractiveness is important to both of you as well, and you both are somewhat vain. Lioness is more decisive and very clear about personal preferences and desires, while Bestie is more flexible and will compromise graciously in order to please Lioness. Lioness is more self-absorbed or self- centered than Bestie. Of the two of you, Lioness is the stronger individual, and the balance of power in your relationship may be somewhat lopsided. However, Bestie has a highly developed sense of fairness and equality, and will protest sooner or later if Lioness begins to expect obeisances all of the time. Bestie's Moon in Libra and Lioness's Moon in Leo
Both of you are personable, friendly, and affectionate, with a strong romantic streak, but you are different in many respects also. Lioness is individualistic, proud, and somewhat egotistical, while Bestie is more concerned with 'us' rather than 'me'. Bestie is more aware of others' needs than Lioness is, and more willing to accommodate them. This can be a significant problem for Bestie at times - being too obliging, too eager to please, compromising too much. Being indecisive is also a habit of Bestie's. On the other hand, Lioness is naturally rather self-centered, more dominant, certain, and decisive, and may unintentionally take advantage of Bestie's agreeableness. But Bestie does have a strong sense of fairness and will resent being the one who gives in all of the time. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Bestie's Mercury trine Lioness's Venus orb 2° 12' You love to discuss the arts, literature, culture, or any other area that involves a strong aesthetic or emotional element. You are also likely to work successfully together in artistic, literary, or some humanitarian area. Your strong friendship and admiration for each other fosters a lasting, harmonious partnership. Bestie's Mercury sextile Lioness's Jupiter orb 1° 10'
Friendly, enthusiastic conversations are frequent. You enjoy joking with each other and you inspire each other to take an optimistic view of life. Communication between you is open and candid as well. The mental rapport between you is very strong and fosters a very harmonious, fulfilling relationship. Bestie's Mars trine Lioness's Saturn orb 2° 35'
You work together extremely well. You are able to focus on tasks, come to an agreement on what needs to be done, and get the job done. This is a tremendous asset for individuals that live together and build a life together because the need to coordinate on tasks, whether they are minor tasks like grocery shopping or major tasks like planning career goals, is a big part of everyone's life. You help each other to be clear about what is really important and how to accomplish your goals. You are able to concentrate and work together in a focused, disciplined, harmonious manner. Bestie's Uranus sextile Lioness's Moon orb 0° 11'
You feel open and uninhibited with each other, and can express your feelings spontaneously and without reserve. You enjoy joking and kidding around with each other. If both of you enjoy dancing or playing music, you make wonderful partners in dance and/or music. Sexual compatibility is also very high. Bestie's Uranus sextile Lioness's Mercury orb 0° 9'
You spark each other's wit and imagination, and you probably enjoy joking with each other. You bring out creative, inventive ideas in each other, and you develop original and creative ideas together. Bestie's Pluto square Lioness's Venus orb 1° 49'
Although sexual magnetism between you is very intense, you both may be somewhat uncomfortable by the overwhelming feelings or obsessive quality that you engender in one another. Even if you are repulsed or disinclined to become close to one another, there seems to be an irresistible attraction bringing you together. Power struggles, emotional or sexual manipulation, and disruptive jealousy may be problems you encounter in this relationship. Whatever develops, this relationship will touch your depths and change you profoundly. Bestie's Ascendant trine Lioness's Mars orb 0° 13'
Attraction between you is very strong. Your goals and interests harmonize very well, and you are naturally inclined to join together in shared interests, projects, goals, and work. ------- BESTIE's Sun Conjunct lioness's Uranus You inspire each other to try new things, experiment, and investigate alternatives. You may have met each other, for example, during a time period when both of you were breaking free from traditional values and exploring new possibilities. There is a lot of excitement and spontaneity in your relationship. The two of you may find it difficult to settle down into a stable life style - there will always be surprises and unexpected turns in your relationship. You encounter lots of new ideas, unusual people, adventure, and exciting times together. You both enjoy a good measure of freedom and independence in this relationship, but either of you may wish that there was more commitment, devotion, seriousness, warmth, and closeness. BESTIE's Moon Conjunct lioness's Uranus Your feelings towards each other change quickly and you often react to each other rather impulsively. When the mood is right, you find each other sexually irresistible, but at other times you get on each other's nerves. You may feel like you fall in and out of love on a monthly basis! It seems that you are either making love, fighting with each other, or indifferent to each other, and you may sometimes wish for greater constancy. Your domestic life is likely to be very unstable. If you can be flexible and flow with the fluctuating feelings, this relationship can be exciting and fascinating - otherwise your patience will wear thin and you will perceive your relationship as hopelessly unstable and your partner as unreliable and untrustworthy. BESTIE's Moon Conjunct lioness's Pluto BESTIE's emotional responses to lioness are very intense. If lioness is physically attractive to BESTIE, then the attractive power of lioness over BESTIE is extremely powerful. However, the attraction tends to have a love/hate quality to it, and you feel drawn to each other, but also wary and distrustful of each other. It is likely that you feel both drawn to each other and repulsed by each other at the same time! The emotional response to each other is intense and complex, and the ultimate outcome of this deep, complex emotional tie is difficult to predict, but one thing is certain: this is not a lukewarm relationship and you "get under each other's skin", evoking intense feelings from each other. BESTIE can easily become obsessed with lioness! Composite Report for lioness and BESTIE Sun 20 VI 10 3N32 Moon 10 VI 53 4N41 Mercury 22 VI 15 0N41 Venus 4 VI 47 3N16 Mars 23 SC 26 2S43 Jupiter 17 SG 26 21S04 Saturn 11 GE 55 20N16 Uranus 14 LI 53 5S17 Neptune 1 SG 57 19S57 Pluto 0 LI 22 14N20 Node 2 AQ 46 19S22 Ascendant 4 AQ 42 15S57 Midheaven 17 SC 10 14S16
Sun in Virgo As a couple your desire is to make the world a better place, and you begin by trying to be better people. Don't be too hard on yourselves. You are good at analyzing the relationship, but don't let this detract from your enjoyment of each other Moon in Virgo This relationship is vulnerable to criticism so the two of you are always trying to improve yourselves and each other. You feel comfortable handling practical matters and can attend to the details of relating with great ease. Ascendant in Aquarius There is an electricity between you that is attractive and interesting. Your interests and the things you do and say are unusual in some way. You're sociable and comfortable in groups of people. The image you project is tolerant and humanitarian. Sun Conjunct Moon You complement one another and bring about a sense of balance and wholeness0 lives. There is a deep and abiding attraction between you, and together you will both feel very unified and more complete than you feel singly. Over time you will begin to feel almost a part of one another. An important aspect of your purpose together is to bring something new into the world - either physical offspring or "brain children", or both. You will be quite fruitful as a couple Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Sun Square Jupiter One of the purposes of your relationship is to inspire the two of you to aim higher, to do bigger things, to see much more of the world, and to expand your sense of what is possible. The energy generated when the two of you are together inclines you to do everything on a grand scale, to want only the very best, and to constantly be striving to expand, grow, and improve your lives. If you translate this urge into material terms, you could overextend yourselves financially in pursuit of "the good life", consuming more and more, and forever trying to impress others with your largesse. A restlessness or discontentment with what is can develop, and frequent moves in pursuit of "greener grass" could result. Inner growth and spiritual or psychological development are enhanced by your being together, spurred on by this same urge for "a better life". Higher ideals, religion, philosophy, and the big questions of life will become a focus of your relationship, even if neither of you is especially oriented toward these subjects. There may well be differences and friction over these topics, but you both will learn about your own faith and beliefs via being with one another. Sun Conjunct Pluto There is definitely an element of destiny or inevitability, something which cannot be resisted or avoided, in the two of you coming together. This relationship can take you further into your own depths than you've ever been before, and truly be life-changing for both of you. You have a profound and powerful influence upon one another for good or ill, and once joined, it will be extremely difficult to ever totally sever your connection. You really get inside each other. You may become one another's psychotherapist in a manner of speaking, because being together dredges up a lot of your hidden agendas or motives and you become aware of many more facets of yourselves than you were ever conscious of before. Together, you can also be an incredibly potent force in other peoples' lives. Your charisma and influence as a couple far exceeds your individual powers. If the two of you are tempted to misuse this, you could be involved in manipulative games and power plays, Machiavellian exploits of all kinds. Using your powers creatively and positively, you could become healers or agents of transformation and renewal in the world. Moon Conjunct Mercury Through your relationship with one another, and especially your intimate conversations, both of you will understand your past histories, your emotions, and your own inner lives much more clearly. Being in one another's presence evokes in both of you the desire to confide, to tell your stories, to speak about your private selves. You are able to talk for hours. There is often a sentimental or nostalgic tone to your discussions. Visiting old childhood haunts together, studying your family trees, looking at and discussing old photographs, describing your dreams to each other, talking about your children or your mate or parents - this type of sharing will be a crucial aspect of your bond. Even if you are not the sort of person who discusses feelings or readily confides in others, you'll find that with this particular person, you can and will. You make good counselors for one another. At times you may feel that your discussions are too subjective, or always become personal even when the initial topic is broad and rather impersonal. For the two or you, emotional attitudes and feelings will always color your communication. This is an essential part of the purpose of your relationship: examining feelings and the past in order to understand them. Moon Conjunct Venus There is an especially sweet, tender, nurturing love between you which fosters a successful and fulfilling closeness. It is natural for you to take care of one another and devote yourselves to each other. You feel protective, caring, concerned with each other's well-being, and seem instinctively to know how to make each other happy. The destiny of your love-bond is to make life sweeter, more comforting, more beautiful for you both. The urge to be a family and make a home together will predominate. Your chances for a very loving relationship are high, because this love you share will soften many of the blows or difficulties life sends your way. Yours is destined to be a lasting love for one another. Moon Square Saturn The fate of this relationship is not especially promising, at least as far as emotional satisfaction, closeness, and intimacy is concerned. It is very difficult for you to feel and to stay emotionally connected and open to one another. You are oversensitive to criticism and lack of support from one another, and this could become a major, separative issue between you. Through this relationship you are intended to learn about those aspects of yourselves that cause you the most difficulty, discomfort, fear, and insecurity, the barriers you have to being to close - and you evoke all of these things in one another. It is much more common to shut down and withdraw from one another in such a situation than to see it as an opportunity to learn about your weaknesses. You will not be able to totally relax and "give in" to this relationship. Emotionally you will be forced to take care of yourself, and this can be quite fruitful, especially if you have been excessively childlike and dependent. Nevertheless, it won't be a lot of fun. Ultimately, you both may just feel lonely in this relationship
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 10:03 PM
Lioness and her boss.Well composite doesnt have anything going on, but wow! The synastry is phenomenal! I imagine that this is someone who you have a lot of chemistry (and FUN, did I mention FUN?) with, but since your composite isnt spectcular in any way, if you have an argument one day, that's it, it'll be over, and you'll move on. ---- Boss's Sun in Gemini and Lioness's Sun in Leo You both have a very childlike, playful, fun-loving side that is brought out when you are together. You both love drama and color, and you find one another to be delightful, interesting people. Boss is more intellectual than Lioness is, however, and needs a variety of people, activities, and interests in order to be happy. Lioness makes commitments and keeps them better than Boss does because Lioness is less restless. Once Lioness finds something good, Lioness sticks with it. Lioness doesn't completely understand Boss's desire for novelty. Also, Lioness is very proud and has a sensitive ego, and Boss can be a merciless teaser and doesn't always take Lioness seriously enough. For the most part, however, you are great friends. Boss's Moon in Scorpio and Lioness's Moon in Leo
Temperamentally, the two of you are like night and day. Lioness is basically sunny, open, warm, and fun-loving, and not given to a great deal of introspection or serious self-analysis, while Boss is very private, emotionally deep and complex, and rather hard to get to know. Boss is a much more suspicious or cautious soul than Lioness is. Behind Boss's reserve lies much sensitivity and intense emotion. Boss distrusts superficial appearances and is always seeking the hidden meanings or deeper motivations in people, dredging up the buried past, or looking for the fly in the ointment. Lioness accepts things as they are (or appear to be) much more readily, and may feel that Boss makes unnecessary trouble by probing so deeply all of the time. The truth is that Lioness is very proud and wants always to be thought well of - and would therefore rather not discover anything within that is less than praiseworthy. Also, Boss has a jealous, distrustful side that Lioness, who is basically straightforward and open, doesn't readily understand. Lioness may get exasperated with Boss's lingering suspicions. Boss is drawn inward to the depths, to darkness and mystery, while Lioness is more outward and seeks the light, bright side of life. Lioness, for instance, needs and enjoys people, is much more social, and loves to entertain. Boss would prefer an evening alone or spent in an intimate atmosphere with a few close friends, where the interaction is likely to be deeper and more revealing. There really need not be a conflict over these differences in your emotional natures, as long as the two of you understand and accept them. You are both very strong-willed and somewhat inflexible, and you insist on being yourselves despite the differences between you. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Boss's Uranus conjunct Lioness's Venus orb 1° 11' The two of you can really loosen up and have a good time together. You are a good combination to have a party, because the enthusiasm and spontaneity of your interactions infect everyone with a feeling of being uninhibited, spontaneous, and even a bit wild at times. Boss's Pluto conjunct Lioness's Sun orb 0° 35'
You draw out each other's deepest, hidden feelings, drives, needs, and ambitions. The uncovering of your inner needs and hopes is likely to cause both of you to undergo some major personality changes. You share a deep, inner bond; this is not a light or superficial relationship. You may go on a crusade together and jointly pursue shared interests with unusual intensity and dedication. Boss's Pluto conjunct Lioness's Moon orb 1° 13'
If your relationship is a close one, you will find that you 'get under each other's skin' and you develop strong feelings, both positive and negative, towards each other. Lioness is likely to detest certain things about Boss, not realizing that these qualities are ones that Lioness also shares but will not consciously admit also having! This relationship has the potential to help both of you clear away subconscious blocks and inhibitions, but you may also become only further embroiled in your own prejudices and emotional 'hang-ups'; the choice is yours. Boss's Pluto conjunct Lioness's Mercury orb 1° 33'
Your conversations tend to be probing and deep. You enjoy uncovering the underlying motivations and causes of a situation. Frequently what starts out as a light, friendly conversation ends up as an in-depth psychoanalysis of each other! Boss may dominate your conversations and at times tries to force Lioness into agreeing or believing whatever Boss wants! Boss's Moon trine Lioness's Venus orb 1° 44'
There is much warmth and kindness in this relationship. Both of you find it easy to express kindness openly towards each other, and the emotional rapport is excellent. This friendship is likely to be a lasting, harmonious one. Boss's Mercury square Lioness's Sun orb 2° 2'
The two of you do not always see eye-to-eye on issues, and it is very easy for Boss to become critical of Lioness. Compounding the problem is Lioness's tendency to be very sensitive to criticism from Boss and consequently react defensively to this criticism. This need not be a serious problem however; a little tolerance for each other's right to disagree and respect for individual differences is all it takes to make personal differences interesting rather than annoying. Boss's Venus trine Lioness's Mars orb 0° 6'
You inspire affection and love in one another, and have a particularly warm friendship. You also spark one another's creativity, artistic urges, and desire for beauty. This is a felicitous combination! Boss's Venus trine Lioness's Jupiter orb 2° 47'
You are generous with one another, always ready to help each other, and you have a great respect and appreciation for one another. You allow one another a lot of freedom to develop other friendships, rather than clinging possessively to one another. You may also benefit from one another materially as well as emotionally. Boss's Neptune sextile Lioness's Sun orb 1° 47'
A strong feeling of sympathy and shared idealism is an important link between the two of you. Your ideals, intuitions, and religious aspirations are very harmonious and you work very well together, and are able to assist each other to grow spiritually, often in an unconscious way. You help each other to look beyond the immediate personal problems and concerns, and focus more on your higher aspirations and loftier ideals. Boss's Neptune sextile Lioness's Moon orb 0° 1'
You feel extremely comfortable with each other, and it is not surprising that you have become close friends. The intuitive rapport for each other is very strong, and you feel supportive and sympathetic towards each other. You also work well together in artistic, musical, and humanitarian areas. Boss's Neptune sextile Lioness's Mercury orb 0° 21'
You have a strong intuitive and psychic rapport, and you often sense what is on each other's minds well before any words are spoken. You also enjoy discussing topics that have a strong imaginative or mystical element, such as the arts, music, philosophy, etc. ------ boss's Sun Conjunct lioness's Saturn One strong factor that attracted you to each other (perhaps unconsciously) is the feeling that you can have a deep, stable, permanent relationship and settle down together, facing life's responsibilities in a mature way, tackling challenges together such as raising children, becoming financially secure, etc. These concerns can gradually cause your relationship to become too absorbed with "serious" matters, causing both of you to feel limited and stifled by the relationship. lioness has a strong tendency to criticize and judge boss's actions, sometimes accurately and sometimes unjustly. lioness should guard against this tendency to dampen boss's enthusiasm, and boss needs to avoid being overly sensitive to lioness's suggestions and criticisms. lioness's tendency to dominate, control, or even repress boss makes boss feel resentful at times, and boss may feel lowered vitality and self-confidence after being with lioness for a long time. You must make room for lightness and play, or you both will feel burdened by the tone that is set between you boss's Sun Opposite lioness's Neptune You see each other in idealized or romanticized terms and often fail to see each other realistically. You also evoke sympathy, self-sacrifice, and higher ideals from each other, but again there is a strong tendency to be unrealistic in your perceptions and expectations of each other. Bitter disappointments and a loss of trust and confidence in one another can arise. To prevent this from happening, you both must strive be scrupulously honest with each other, and refrain from "playing games", exaggerating or hiding things from one another. If handled positively, this astrological influence can inspire higher ideals and altruism in both of you. boss's Moon Sextile lioness's Mars You arouse one another's feelings and desires, and both of you feel it is easy to express what you want from your partner in an open, direct way. You enjoy sports, active play, or other vigorous physical activities together. boss's Moon Conjunct lioness's Uranus Your feelings towards each other change quickly and you often react to each other rather impulsively. When the mood is right, you find each other sexually irresistible, but at other times you get on each other's nerves. You may feel like you fall in and out of love on a monthly basis! It seems that you are either making love, fighting with each other, or indifferent to each other, and you may sometimes wish for greater constancy. Your domestic life is likely to be very unstable. If you can be flexible and flow with the fluctuating feelings, this relationship can be exciting and fascinating - otherwise your patience will wear thin and you will perceive your relationship as hopelessly unstable and your partner as unreliable and untrustworthy. Composite Report for lioness and boss Sun 11 CN 40 18N39 Moon 20 VI 40 2N22 Mercury 1 CN 29 12N57 Venus 28 TA 55 13N30 Mars 10 VI 52 8N13 Jupiter 2 AQ 30 17S45 Saturn 0 LE 23 15N02 Uranus 24 LE 19 9N32 Neptune 8 SC 38 12S41 Pluto 8 VI 7 19N08 Node 29 AQ 36 10S25 Ascendant 9 GE 31 1N59 Midheaven 10 PI 58 2S46
Sun in Cancer The longer both of you stay together, the stronger your emotional dependency grows. You enjoy being supportive of one another. This is a warm, protective and deeply caring relationship. You are capable of extreme closeness Moon in Virgo This relationship is vulnerable to criticism so the two of you are always trying to improve yourselves and each other. You feel comfortable handling practical matters and can attend to the details of relating with great ease. Ascendant in Gemini The two of you can't get enough experiences. The more stimulating your environment, the happier you are. You enjoy talking with others and people find you interesting and witty. People identify you best through your intellectual endeavors. Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Sun Sextile Mars Together, you will be dynamic, energetic, bold, and able to accomplish a great deal. You may find that spending a lot of time together gives you more energy and more desire to do and to achieve. You excel together in athletics, vigorous outdoor activities, and the like. Part of the essence of your relationship has to do with fostering confidence and a positive, active approach to life. You enable each other to be assertive, and to feel proud of yourselves and your achievements. Sun Trine Neptune Unselfishness, tolerance, and forgiveness flow readily between you, helping to ease and ameliorate any problems you face together. Your relationship has a strong idealistic and platonic quality. Even if you are involved sexually, the focus with the two of you is not primarily physical, but subtle, soulful, and spiritual in nature. You have high standards for your friendship and may expect yourselves or one another to be the Perfect Friend, all-giving and always impeccable in your dealings with each other. For the most part you both try to live up to these lofty images, and to not taint your relationship with selfish or mundane considerations. The psychic tie is strong between you, too. You may experience an unusual ability to "read" one another, send messages to one another telepathically, and so on. Any interest you have in the metaphysical or imaginative arts will be highlighted, and become an important focus in your relationship. Moon Conjunct Mars Warm, passionate emotional responses will always be a part of your relationship. You arouse a lot of emotion in one another be it anger, desire, love, or animosity. Heated arguments and letting off steam are probably unavoidable when the two of you get together. However, an honest, direct, naked expression of anger as well as any other emotions you experience can be the basis of real closeness, as long as you don't let it get out of hand. You are not exactly gentle with one another. Undercurrents of rivalry and competition will also be an ongoing aspect of your bond. Either you will compete against one another, or the two of you will be a hot team in competition with other people. Together, you act on impulse and emotion, and as a couple you have a lot of vitality and courage. You may be involved in more battles (with yourselves or the outside world) than you care to be, though. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 10:26 PM
ShyVirgo and her exWell, the synastry is very good with moon trine pluto, moon conjunct neptune, sun mutually aspecting moon, and sun conjunct mercury as well as conjunct venus and moon opposite moon. these all show understanding and emotional harmony. However, is doesnt seem like there is much sexual attraction. Sun and moon in synastry are both in negative aspect to neptune, and you have DW sun square moon which indicates a strong attraction between you (though it is not necessarily physical or sexual) but since it's a mutual square combine that with the neptune and you constantly fall in out of love with each other every other day. It's almost like you cant make your mind about each other because you're not sure what the person is really like bc u cant see each other clearly and tend to fall in love with each others image or for example, how well you look together, or how much that person reminds you of someone else, rather than actually being in love with them. You the sun-mercury-mars stellium which I also mentioned in two of lioness's matchups, which shows energetic communication between you. Opposite the moon means there is a strong fascination there, plus add venus conjunct pluto and well, there is the sexual attraction we were looking for, nevermind. So even though the synastry doesnt show sexual attraction, composite venus conjunct pluto certainly does. The stellium and the moon being in negative aspect to neptune in the composite, unfortunately adds even more to that feeling of not being sure who you're really in love with and if you even know that person well. It's hard to grasp each others' personality because your idea of how you come off to each other changes so much, just about every other day. Anyway, there isnt anything here that shows anything really substantial. I doubt this will last long. Probably the best aspect you have is composite venus conjunct pluto, and that is not enough to hold a relatinoship together. You also have sun conjunct saturn both in the composite and in synastry which means you feel you can depend on each other and like the other person is always there for you, but at the same time it's like you feel lonely together and can't emotionally connect or find anything to joke about. It's hard to have fun together and you hold each other back and feel stifled by one another. I hate saturnian relationships, very critical, cold and lonely. It's probably best that you are broken up. You wont want to keep coming back to this one. It's only gonna get worse. ---- Ex's Sun in Virgo and Shyvirgo's Sun in Virgo Both of you are prone to have fits of perfectionism, and at such times you are extremely critical and difficult to please. You may vacillate between extreme neatness and sloppiness, or be very particular about some things but very casual or even sloppy in handling other areas of life. Because each of you has an eye for detail and can be very skilled and exacting when you put your mind to it, you have the potential to work together very well in any area that requires extreme care and attention. There is the problem, however, that your combined perfectionism may make both of you dissatisfied with anything that you attempt. Both of you like to express your love for someone by doing practical things for that person, and both of you enjoy helping out with daily chores and various tasks. The similarity in your traits makes you a well-matched couple. Ex's Moon in Saggitarius and Shyvirgo's Moon in Gemini
You have a great rapport, and your emotional needs coincide very well. Personal freedom and mobility mean a lot to both of you, and neither of you wants to possess or be possessed totally. You share an unending curiosity and mental restlessness, a love of books and movies and ideas, an urge to travel, to meet different kinds of people, and to discover new things. You are both playful and humorous, though Ex is more philosophical, idealistic, and optimistic than Shyvirgo. Shyvirgo's humor can be rather black at times. Both of you are also rather intellectual and need an intelligent, communicative partner. You are very companionable together and are likely to enjoy a very satisfying friendship in addition to whatever romantic attachment you have. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Sun Mutually Aspects Moon The two of you are drawn to each other like magnets, and you may find that you keep bumping into each other even if you are not trying to. If you are not married yet, then there is a good chance that you will in the future because the attractions between you are extremely powerful. You understand and appreciate each other to an exceedingly high degree, and you are likely to have felt an instant connection when you first met each other. Ex's Sun conjunct Shyvirgo's Sun orb 2° 14'
You strongly identify with each other and are very much alike in important ways. It is easy for you to be together because you do not have to explain yourselves to one another. An innate appreciation and understanding of one another's essence exists between you, and this is vitalizing and ego-affirming for both of you. However, you share the same flaws and weaknesses as well as the positive qualities, and you may find it difficult to be with someone who so clearly exhibits the very things you like least about yourself. The more you accept yourself, the more beneficial and delightful your relationship with one another is. Ex's Sun conjunct Shyvirgo's Mercury orb 2° 3'
Talking and sharing ideas is highlighted in your relationship. You enjoy learning new things together and exchanging points of view. You work well together in planning, organizing, theorizing, writing, or communicating ideas in any manner. You work together effectively on daily chores, problems, or business activities. Ex's Sun conjunct Shyvirgo's Saturn orb 0° 10'
One strong factor that attracted you to each other (perhaps unconsciously) is the feeling that you can have a deep, stable, permanent relationship and settle down together, facing life's responsibilities in a mature way, tackling challenges together such as raising children, becoming financially secure, etc. These concerns can gradually cause your relationship to become too absorbed with 'serious' matters, causing both of you to feel limited and stifled by the relationship. Shyvirgo has a strong tendency to criticize and judge Ex's actions, sometimes accurately and sometimes unjustly. Shyvirgo should guard against this tendency to dampen Ex's enthusiasm, and Ex needs to avoid being overly sensitive to Shyvirgo's suggestions and criticisms. Shyvirgo's tendency to dominate, control, or even repress Ex makes Ex feel resentful at times, and Ex may feel lowered vitality and self-confidence after being with Shyvirgo for a long time. You must make room for lightness and play, or you both will feel burdened by the tone that is set between you. Ex's Neptune opposition Shyvirgo's Moon orb 1° 2'
You enjoy sharing your hopes, ideals, social concerns, religious ideals, psychic experiences, dreams and fantasies. You work well together in areas that require great imagination, such as the arts and music. However, you also are prone to be a bit dreamy and unrealistic with each other, and may become enamored of glamorous, rather superficial traits in each other (such as social status, material assets, appearance) and be deceived by each other. Ask yourselves 'Am I in love with a person or simply this person's image?' Ex's Sun square Shyvirgo's Moon orb 0° 44'
The two of you are fascinated by each other and strongly attracted to each other, but the distinct differences in your temperaments also inclines you to periods of personality clashes and misunderstandings. In particular, Shyvirgo often feels that Ex does not sympathize enough or try to really understand Shyvirgo's feelings. If you try to force each other to be more like yourself (or more your like image of the perfect mate), this relationship can be disastrous. But if the two of you understand and respect each other's differences, you can enjoy the fascination and stimulating effect of your differences without clashing with each other. This is easier said than done, however, and both of you must make a concerted effort to harmonize your very different temperaments. Ex's Sun sextile Shyvirgo's Uranus orb 0° 32'
There is a light-hearted, buoyant quality to your relationship that makes you really enjoy each other's company. You spark each other's sense of humor and you enjoy joking and 'horsing around' with each other. You also appreciate each other's creative interests and encourage each other to pursue original, creative activities. Ex especially feels freer and less inhibited by being with Shyvirgo. Ex's Sun square Shyvirgo's Neptune orb 0° 23'
You must guard against mutual deception and misunderstandings. Ex tends to have a glamorous and unrealistic view of Shyvirgo, and Shyvirgo has a tendency to unconsciously capitalize on Ex's imaginative and often simply erroneous perceptions. The tendency to be dishonest, hide things from each other, exaggerate, and spur each other to unrealistic hopes and dreams is very strong. Both of you must be able to distinguish fantasy from fact, and utilize the increased sensitivity and heightened imagination that you inspire in each other, without letting it cloud your ability to clearly and realistically see other and understand each other. Ex's Moon square Shyvirgo's Sun orb 1° 49'
The two of you are fascinated by each other and strongly attracted to each other, but the distinct differences in your temperaments also inclines you to periods of personality clashes and misunderstandings. In particular, Ex often feels that Shyvirgo does not sympathize enough or try to really understand Ex's feelings. If you try to force each other to be more like yourself (or more your like image of the perfect mate), this relationship can be disastrous. But if the two of you understand and respect each other's differences, you can enjoy the fascination and stimulating effect of your differences without clashing with each other. This is easier said than done, however, and both of you must make a concerted effort to harmonize your very different temperaments. Ex's Moon square Shyvirgo's Mercury orb 2° 1'
Shyvirgo needs to guard against the tendency to be critical, unsympathetic, and overly analytical of Ex's feelings, personal tastes, and habits. Shyvirgo may feel that Ex is overly sensitive to criticism, and refuse to acknowledge responsibility for the problem as well. Petty annoyances, minor disagreements, and bickering can be avoided only if you both learn to listen sympathetically and to communicate clearly with each other. Ex's Mars square Shyvirgo's Mars orb 0° 57'
You periodically find that you frustrate each other when attempting to work jointly on a project. The problem arises because your approach to work is very different. Very often you will find that you must work on a project separately because successful joint effort is impossible. Fighting, provoking, driving, or pushing one another can be problems for you. There is a great deal of irritation and stress between you at times. At least there is no lack of fire in your relationship! Ex's Pluto trine Shyvirgo's Moon orb 1° 11'
You have a very deep appreciation for each other's innermost feelings. This is not a superficial relationship. From your first meetings, you found that you could reveal to each other your deepest concerns, fears, and drives. At the least you are close friends. This deep appreciation and rapport is also conducive to a long-lasting marriage. ----- ex's Sun Conjunct shyvirgo's Sun You strongly identify with each other and are very much alike in important ways. It is easy for you to be together because you do not have to explain yourselves to one another. An innate appreciation and understanding of one another's essence exists between you, and this is vitalizing and ego-affirming for both of you. However, you share the same flaws and weaknesses as well as the positive qualities, and you may find it difficult to be with someone who so clearly exhibits the very things you like least about yourself. The more you accept yourself, the more beneficial and delightful your relationship with one another is ex's Sun Square shyvirgo's Moon The two of you are fascinated by each other and strongly attracted to each other, but the distinct differences in your temperaments also inclines you to periods of personality clashes and misunderstandings. In particular, shyvirgo often feels that ex does not sympathize enough or try to really understand shyvirgo's feelings. If you try to force each other to be more like yourself (or more your like image of the perfect mate), this relationship can be disastrous. But if the two of you understand and respect each other's differences, you can enjoy the fascination and stimulating effect of your differences without clashing with each other. This is easier said than done, however, and both of you must make a concerted effort to harmonize your very different temperaments. ex's Sun Conjunct shyvirgo's Mercury Talking and sharing ideas is highlighted in your relationship. You enjoy learning new things together and exchanging points of view. You work well together in planning, organizing, theorizing, writing, or communicating ideas in any manner. You work together effectively on daily chores, problems, or business activities ex's Sun Conjunct shyvirgo's Venus The warmth, appreciation, admiration and love between you is very strong, and you enjoy a high degree of harmony and congeniality in your relationship. You have much in common in terms of styles, tastes, and enjoyment of the same pleasures. In many ways ex embodies all that shyvirgo finds attractive and beautiful, and shyvirgo also makes a special effort to please ex. ex responds with much generosity, love, and loyalty. An excellent match ex's Sun Conjunct shyvirgo's Saturn One strong factor that attracted you to each other (perhaps unconsciously) is the feeling that you can have a deep, stable, permanent relationship and settle down together, facing life's responsibilities in a mature way, tackling challenges together such as raising children, becoming financially secure, etc. These concerns can gradually cause your relationship to become too absorbed with "serious" matters, causing both of you to feel limited and stifled by the relationship. shyvirgo has a strong tendency to criticize and judge ex's actions, sometimes accurately and sometimes unjustly. shyvirgo should guard against this tendency to dampen ex's enthusiasm, and ex needs to avoid being overly sensitive to shyvirgo's suggestions and criticisms. shyvirgo's tendency to dominate, control, or even repress ex makes ex feel resentful at times, and ex may feel lowered vitality and self-confidence after being with shyvirgo for a long time. You must make room for lightness and play, or you both will feel burdened by the tone that is set between you ex's Sun Sextile shyvirgo's Uranus There is a light-hearted, buoyant quality to your relationship that makes you really enjoy each other's company. You spark each other's sense of humor and you enjoy joking and "horsing around" with each other. You also appreciate each other's creative interests and encourage each other to pursue original, creative activities. ex especially feels freer and less inhibited by being with shyvirgo ex's Sun Square shyvirgo's Neptune You must guard against mutual deception and misunderstandings. ex tends to have a glamorous and unrealistic view of shyvirgo, and shyvirgo has a tendency to unconsciously capitalize on ex's imaginative and often simply erroneous perceptions. The tendency to be dishonest, hide things from each other, exaggerate, and spur each other to unrealistic hopes and dreams is very strong. Both of you must be able to distinguish fantasy from fact, and utilize the increased sensitivity and heightened imagination that you inspire in each other, without letting it cloud your ability to clearly and realistically see other and understand each other shyvirgo's Sun Square ex's Moon The two of you are fascinated by each other and strongly attracted to each other, but the distinct differences in your temperaments also inclines you to periods of personality clashes and misunderstandings. In particular, ex often feels that shyvirgo does not sympathize enough or try to really understand ex's feelings. If you try to force each other to be more like yourself (or more your like image of the perfect mate), this relationship can be disastrous. But if the two of you understand and respect each other's differences, you can enjoy the fascination and stimulating effect of your differences without clashing with each other. This is easier said than done, however, and both of you must make a concerted effort to harmonize your very different temperaments. shyvirgo's Sun aspects ex's Moon and ex's Sun aspects shyvirgo's Moon The two of you are drawn to each other like magnets, and you may find that you keep bumping into each other even if you are not trying to. If you are not married yet, then there is a good chance that you will in the future because the attractions between you are extremely powerful. You understand and appreciate each other to an exceedingly high degree, and you are likely to have felt an instant connection when you first met each other. ex's Moon Opposite shyvirgo's Moon Although many of your personal tastes and habits are different, they rarely conflict with each other. Both of you are able to accept each other's personal habits and idiosyncrasies, without feeling like you must force each other to fit your preconceived notions of what your partner should be like. You have a strong sense of acceptance and belonging together. ex's Moon Square shyvirgo's Mercury shyvirgo needs to guard against the tendency to be critical, unsympathetic, and overly analytical of ex's feelings, personal tastes, and habits. shyvirgo may feel that ex is overly sensitive to criticism, and refuse to acknowledge responsibility for the problem as well. Petty annoyances, minor disagreements, and bickering can be avoided only if you both learn to listen sympathetically and to communicate clearly with each other. ex's Moon Conjunct shyvirgo's Neptune You are very sympathetic and sensitive to one another's moods and emotional needs. shyvirgo, especially, is very compassionate and aware of ex's feelings. You also enjoy sharing ideals, social concerns, religious views, artistic, and musical tastes, and you are likely to engage in important social welfare, religious, and artistic areas together. However, if either of you has emotionally-based problems such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, or fanatical religious attitudes, this problem will quickly become the focus of the relationship and undermine the relationship until the problem is overcome or the relationship dissolves. Composite Report for shyvirgo and ex Sun 18 VI 30 4N33 Moon 19 PI 3 0N44 Mercury 10 VI 12 8N56 Venus 13 LI 45 6S33 Mars 8 VI 15 6N43 Jupiter 13 LE 49 16N46 Saturn 11 VI 39 8N41 Uranus 15 SC 40 15S12 Neptune 16 SG 41 21S22 Pluto 16 LI 43 8N48 Node 17 VI 27 4N53 Ascendant 24 GE 23 4N14 Midheaven 21 PI 48 1S45
Sun in Virgo As a couple your desire is to make the world a better place, and you begin by trying to be better people. Don't be too hard on yourselves. You are good at analyzing the relationship, but don't let this detract from your enjoyment of each other Moon in Pisces This is a very romantic, possibly even purely spiritual relationship. You are very sensitive to each other's moods, always knowing how your partner feels. At times, it is difficult to know which emotion belongs to whom. A psychic connection Ascendant in Gemini The two of you can't get enough experiences. The more stimulating your environment, the happier you are. You enjoy talking with others and people find you interesting and witty. People identify you best through your intellectual endeavors. Sun Opposite Moon There is a basic undeniable tension between the two of you that will be both creative and irritating. It is apt to manifest itself in small ways, often in matters of personal comfort (such as the temperature each one prefers the thermostat set to, or a dislike for one another's domestic habits), but also in more profound ways, for instance: an inability to accept the other's family or familial background and traditions. Some resistance to your relationship by either or both of your families or old circle of friends can also be expected, at least initially. A marked degree of unease exists between the two of you on these subtle issues and this prevents you both from totally submerging yourselves into this relationship. In numerous subtle ways you are constantly reminded of your "otherness" and differences from one another, and you'll be both fascinated and frustrated by these fundamental differences. One of the purposes of your relationship is to challenge each of you to encounter (and even embrace) attitudes and aspects of life which your partner displays, and which are essentially very foreign to you Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Sun Conjunct Mars Without a doubt, the two of you rouse strong energies within one another, and you will have to learn how to manage conflict, passion, and anger in a creative way. When you are together, you both tend to become competitive, overly eager, rambunctious, zealous. You are not destined to have a peaceful, placid coexistence! However, you can initiate new projects and get lots of work done together, if your drives are harnessed and channeled into creative enterprises. Winning at work and competition, developing a warrior spirit, encouraging one another to be bolder and more courageous - these are the positives you will discover and create together if you can diffuse the more aggressive, abrasive energies you bring out in each other. Action, doing, accomplishing are much of what this relationship is about. Because you generate so much heat - on all levels - when you are together, your sexual energies will also be stimulated and will certainly be an undertone in your communication with one another. Sun Conjunct Saturn Your relationship may have a particularly fateful, heavy, "unavoidable" quality. You both feel somehow that it is necessary to the two of you to be together, whether or not you would always want to be or find the experience enjoyable. In important ways you discipline and mature one another's understanding, and being together forces you to encounter the foolishness, illusions, softness or weakness within yourselves that prevent you from growing up or taking true responsibility for your lives. Put simply, one of the purposes and outcomes of this relationship is to toughen you up and encourage self-responsibility in you both. It will be tempting to blame one another for all of the things you don't like in yourselves, those "negatives" you find are stimulated by being together, such as the ways you hold yourselves back. You may come to see one another as the oppressor, the judge, the kill-joy, the disapproving parent. However, this person is probably only constricting in response to the fears he or she has, and not intending to unduly limit you or hold you down. The personal, affectionate aspect of your relationship may be sacrificed to duty or work. However, in a professional or business endeavor you can build something very solid together Sun Square Neptune No matter how practical and well-grounded the two of you are as individuals, together you have some real blind spots, things which you don't see clearly at all, or which you see through a haze of fantasy and hope. Deception and/or self-deception can undermine this relationship if you are not as clear, precise, and honest with one another as you can be. It would be extremely helpful if you can find an objective third party to give you some realistic feedback about one another or any problems that may come up between you. Financial business or other practical affairs which are joint endeavors should also be checked by a competent outside party. One troublesome tendency the two of you have is to try to "save" one another. Attempts to rescue or to play a "helpless" victim in need of rescuing will not work out well. At your best, you enhance one another's sensitivity and evoke compassion and understanding in one another. At worst, you may deceive one another or create false images Moon Trine Uranus An unusually open, non-possessive, emotionally liberating relationship will naturally develop between you. Because you do not try to own one another, or to live up to some preconceived idea of how you should be together, you will both be free to express your true impulses and desires. The more you encourage one another to be free, the closer you will feel. One of the purposes of your relationship is to allow you both to experience a true friendship and connectedness which is not restrictive, binding, or possessive Moon Square Neptune There is an aspect of the two of you being together that can be very tricky to manage. Even if both of you are decidedly realistic, practical, sensible people, when you are together you have a real blind spot. You cannot see certain problems in one another or in your relationship very clearly, and you may deceive yourselves or live on false hope regarding the effects of these problems - if you acknowledge them at all. Emotionally you are extremely sensitive and "tuned in" to one another, so much so that you may be unable to distinguish your partner's feelings and moods from your own. You absorb and take on one another's emotions very readily. This blurring of emotional boundaries is the source of confusion or disorientation, and it may also give you the false belief that you can save, rescue, or fix the other person's dilemmas. If, however, you can avoid that trap, the two of you have an enormous potential for spiritual development together. Essentially, in this relationship the spiritual or soul needs take precedence over the practical or material concerns
IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 28, 2012 10:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dawnlies: I would so like to have your opinion on these please!  Me : 20th october 1982, 10:15AM, La Ciotat France (5E36 43N10) Boyfriend : 18th may 1977, 6:48PM, Cannes France (7E01 43N33) Best friend : 24th april 1984, 11:50AM, Cannes France (7E01 43N33) Thanks!
I know this is your current boyfriend, but this seems very unlikely to last. The composite is very scattered and there are no important aspect there except for moon semisquare pluto and venus. Here are the descriptions for these two composite aspects which are quite good: Moon Semisquare Venus When you are together, you feel waves of love and attraction for one another that are impossible to ignore. Tremendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, protect, and nurture one another will always be present in your relationship. Some element from your past, possibly interference from your families or previous lovers, will have to be dealt with in some way before you can fully come together. However, the love feelings and heart in this relationship are so strong that those issues can be resolved. The desire for children and/or to create a home together will predominate. Moon Sesquiquadrate Pluto When you are together, deep emotions and intense, compelling, irrational energies within both of you come into play. Definitely, if you are together for any length of time, you will both undergo an emotional transformation, a soul cleansing, for being together will dredge up all of your unfinished emotional business and feelings you may not even have believed yourselves capable of. This may feel like a "fatal attraction", one that is irresistable even if one or both of you wants to run the other way. A significant part of your purpose in coming together is to clear up and heal the past - old griefs, jealousies, wounds, and unresolved emotions, many of which you may have forgotten about until now! Certainly, no matter how long this relationship lasts, it will be a profound, intense one. Emotionally it may feel overwhelming at times. If any emotional manipulation, domination, or abuse occurs, you both need to step back and get a clear, objective third party to help you. At times you're both apt to feel that you're in over your heads. On the other hand, though you may go through extreme emotions, you can develop an incredibly close bond. ------- Dawnliesbf's Sun in Taurus and Dawnlies's Sun in Libra You are both lovers of peace and harmony, and avoid conflict and tension as much as possible. There is a cordial, soft quality to your relationship that makes it very pleasant, and these qualities draw many friends and acquaintances to you as well. Beneath the smooth facade, however, you do have your differences! Very often Dawnlies is more socially oriented and communicative, while Dawnliesbf is too busy with interests, hobbies, or work and is not willing to join Dawnlies in conversation, social activity, or entertainment. Dawnliesbf needs to be less inflexible at times. Also, aesthetics are very important to both of you, and you probably disagree on matters of style from time to time. Dawnliesbf's Moon in Gemini and Dawnlies's Moon in Saggitarius
You have a great rapport, and your emotional needs coincide very well. Personal freedom and mobility mean a lot to both of you, and neither of you wants to possess or be possessed totally. You share an unending curiosity and mental restlessness, a love of books and movies and ideas, an urge to travel, to meet different kinds of people, and to discover new things. You are both playful and humorous, though Dawnlies is more philosophical, idealistic, and optimistic than Dawnliesbf. Dawnliesbf's humor can be rather black at times. Both of you are also rather intellectual and need an intelligent, communicative partner. You are very companionable together and are likely to enjoy a very satisfying friendship in addition to whatever romantic attachment you have. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Dawnliesbf's Moon opposition Dawnlies's Moon orb 2° 20' Although many of your personal tastes and habits are different, they rarely conflict with each other. Both of you are able to accept each other's personal habits and idiosyncrasies, without feeling like you must force each other to fit your preconceived notions of what your partner should be like. You have a strong sense of acceptance and belonging together. Dawnliesbf's Moon opposition Dawnlies's Uranus orb 1° 16'
You spark each other's curiosity and imagination, and you have a great deal of fascination for each other. It is likely that your relationship developed suddenly and impulsively, for your feelings for each other change quickly and unexpectedly. At one moment you find each other sexually irresistible and not much later you may feel angry or indifferent to each other. Your feelings blow hot and cold in this relationship, and consequently there is a tone of instability and inconstancy. It is possible that one, or both, of you will tire of the constant fluctuations. You may feel that there is a lack of commitment, dedication, reliability, and stability, causing you to doubt the viability of the relationship. On the other hand, you may find the changes exciting and stimulating. Be grateful that there are always surprises and novelty around the corner - at least you don't have to worry about getting stuck in a rut or bored with your partner. Dawnliesbf's Pluto conjunct Dawnlies's Mercury orb 2° 45'
Your conversations tend to be probing and deep. You enjoy uncovering the underlying motivations and causes of a situation. Frequently what starts out as a light, friendly conversation ends up as an in-depth psychoanalysis of each other! Dawnliesbf may dominate your conversations and at times tries to force Dawnlies into agreeing or believing whatever Dawnliesbf wants! Dawnliesbf's Moon opposition Dawnlies's Ascendant orb 0° 4'
Although your tastes and preferences are often completely opposite from each other, you love and admire each other very deeply. There is almost a maternal tenderness that you feel for each other, and the warm sympathy and caring that you feel for each other fosters a close and lasting relationship. There is a 'soul kinship' between you. Dawnliesbf's Jupiter trine Dawnlies's Mercury orb 0° 49'
Communication is open and harmonious. You are able to help each other incorporate new ideas and expand your perspective. If you have a close, long-lasting relationship, you will develop similar political, social, religious, and philosophical views. The similarity in your overall perspectives on life helps the two of you feel very happy to share your lives together. Your overall beliefs and aims are in harmony. ------ dawnliesbf's Sun Opposite dawnlies's Uranus This relationship changes course suddenly and unexpectedly. There is a great deal of unpredictability to the relationship. At best, your relationship is exciting and unconventional, and at worst it leaves dawnliesbf frustrated by dawnlies's unwillingness to be more committed and devoted to the relationship. The unpredictable nature of the relationship and the lack of constancy and security may cause either, or both, of you to feel very uncomfortable dawnliesbf's Moon Opposite dawnlies's Moon Although many of your personal tastes and habits are different, they rarely conflict with each other. Both of you are able to accept each other's personal habits and idiosyncrasies, without feeling like you must force each other to fit your preconceived notions of what your partner should be like. You have a strong sense of acceptance and belonging together. dawnliesbf's Moon Opposite dawnlies's Uranus You spark each other's curiosity and imagination, and you have a great deal of fascination for each other. It is likely that your relationship developed suddenly and impulsively, for your feelings for each other change quickly and unexpectedly. At one moment you find each other sexually irresistible and not much later you may feel angry or indifferent to each other. Your feelings blow hot and cold in this relationship, and consequently there is a tone of instability and inconstancy. It is possible that one, or both, of you will tire of the constant fluctuations. You may feel that there is a lack of commitment, dedication, reliability, and stability, causing you to doubt the viability of the relationship. On the other hand, you may find the changes exciting and stimulating. Be grateful that there are always surprises and novelty around the corner - at least you don't have to worry about getting stuck in a rut or bored with your partner. dawnliesbf's Moon Opposite dawnlies's Ascendant Although your tastes and preferences are often completely opposite from each other, you love and admire each other very deeply. There is almost a maternal tenderness that you feel for each other, and the warm sympathy and caring that you feel for each other fosters a close and lasting relationship. There is a "soul kinship" between you. Composite Report for dawnlies and dawnliesbf Sun 12 LE 7 4N57 Moon 5 PI 5 0N14 Mercury 22 CN 16 5N00 Venus 19 CP 19 1S40 Mars 18 AQ 48 10S55 Jupiter 27 LE 41 3N33 Saturn 18 VI 16 6N02 Uranus 20 SC 50 17S19 Neptune 20 SG 1 22S36 Pluto 19 LI 17 8N14 Node 0 VI 8 8N00 Ascendant 19 SC 18 16S00 Midheaven 2 VI 31 10N01
Sun in Leo The primary concern of this relationship is to grow in dignity and confidence and to shine in the world. You can help each other become more creatively self-expressive. You treat each other with honesty and respect. Moon in Pisces This is a very romantic, possibly even purely spiritual relationship. You are very sensitive to each other's moods, always knowing how your partner feels. At times, it is difficult to know which emotion belongs to whom. A psychic connection Ascendant in Scorpio It's difficult to know you two and because of this you may be the victims of misunderstandings from time to time. You are a magnetic couple. You project an air of mystery and depth and hidden passion. You like being alone together. Moon Semisquare Venus When you are together, you feel waves of love and attraction for one another that are impossible to ignore. Tremendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, protect, and nurture one another will always be present in your relationship. Some element from your past, possibly interference from your families or previous lovers, will have to be dealt with in some way before you can fully come together. However, the love feelings and heart in this relationship are so strong that those issues can be resolved. The desire for children and/or to create a home together will predominate. Moon Sesquiquadrate Pluto When you are together, deep emotions and intense, compelling, irrational energies within both of you come into play. Definitely, if you are together for any length of time, you will both undergo an emotional transformation, a soul cleansing, for being together will dredge up all of your unfinished emotional business and feelings you may not even have believed yourselves capable of. This may feel like a "fatal attraction", one that is irresistable even if one or both of you wants to run the other way. A significant part of your purpose in coming together is to clear up and heal the past - old griefs, jealousies, wounds, and unresolved emotions, many of which you may have forgotten about until now! Certainly, no matter how long this relationship lasts, it will be a profound, intense one. Emotionally it may feel overwhelming at times. If any emotional manipulation, domination, or abuse occurs, you both need to step back and get a clear, objective third party to help you. At times you're both apt to feel that you're in over your heads. On the other hand, though you may go through extreme emotions, you can develop an incredibly close bond However, you have a uranus heavy relationship since in synastry his sun and moon oppose your uranus. Composite sun square uranus doesnt make things any better. This is likely to be an on off relationship, and i would not be surprised if you decided to break up and get back together several times. Or perhaps once the excitement dies down you will decide to break up for good. Keeping in constant contact may be a problem between you. You probably wish you would call each other more often. Since, there is not much subastance in this compatibility i do suspect that soon you will find out you don't have as much in common as you thought and you'll drift apart and break up. Sorry.
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Dawnlies Knowflake Posts: 78 From: France Registered: May 2011
posted May 01, 2012 05:21 AM
Thank you RAS. Well I'm very surprised because I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years and a half now and so far it's been good, of course we had some ups and downs as everyone does but we do love each other and are very commited to one another. So I don't know what else to say.IP: Logged |
Thefish Knowflake Posts: 178 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted May 01, 2012 07:35 PM
RAS,Romantic relationship Me 2/22/75 5:03am Stanford (palo alto), CA Her 4/28/82 7:06pm Mountain View, CA IP: Logged |
PhoenixFire Knowflake Posts: 1370 From: The Crossing Registered: Jun 2009
posted May 02, 2012 12:15 AM
Hi, I posted on page 3 I think after Yutings. I think you started mine on another thread, and mentioned youd go back to it later. If you have time, would greatly appreciate it, the readings posted here are fascinating. I did edit out the birth info from the post, not sure if youd need it again? I think I emailed it back in February? Thanks a million, and glad to see you are free with school. I have a few weeks left of a course and cant wait iIP: Logged |
sc0rpioRising Knowflake Posts: 944 From: somewhere! Registered: Nov 2011
posted May 02, 2012 07:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by sc0rpioRising: ooooh May I have one please!! Me: 29th April 1985 10.02pm, London Him: 2nd October 1981 12.30pm London Her: 2nd october 1982 8.30pm LondonThanks so much for the offer! (PS this is me and my husband!) And the other one is my sister in law, that would be an interesting one as all the personal planets are in opposite signs!
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MorningDew79 Knowflake Posts: 89 From: Lalalaland Registered: Apr 2012
posted May 02, 2012 09:29 AM
Hi RAS,If you have time can you please look into mine? Me: 2 March 1979. 9:00 AM in Ujung Pandang, Indonesia Him: 21 July 1976 time unknown in Port Arthur, Texas. USA. Also if you can look for my ex husband who has been giving me such a hard time. Mr. X: 24 December 1963. Birth time: unknown in Fort Pierce, Florida. USA Truly appreciate your kind offer. IP: Logged |
ShyVirgo1979 Knowflake Posts: 1658 From: Registered: May 2011
posted May 02, 2012 11:12 AM
Thank u RAS for taking the time to do my comparison a lot of the things u said make sense. U said a lot of things I didn't pick up on. I know that was time consuming so I just wanted to say how much I appreciate it. Yeah a part of me doesn't wanna keep going back to it bc its just frustrating but its very hard to break this bond. I don't get it lol he keeps pursuing and I keep turning him down hahaha at the very least we r talking again. WHEN we talk, ur right - there is good communication. There is much emotional distance tho. I personally think we r too different. But that showed up in synastry. So once again thank u and blessings to u.IP: Logged |
sexyaqua30 Knowflake Posts: 281 From: USA Registered: Mar 2012
posted May 02, 2012 11:17 AM
Romantic Relationship:Me: 2/18/1982 Time: 9:21am Hometown: Birmingham, AL Him: 12/18/1980 Time: 6:13am Hometown:Birmingham, AL
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cappy1277 Moderator Posts: 1707 From: philadelphia,pa Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 02, 2012 11:39 PM
Hi RAS....if you're still doing it, you passed me  IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 03, 2012 03:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by Dawnlies: Thank you RAS. Well I'm very surprised because I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years and a half now and so far it's been good, of course we had some ups and downs as everyone does but we do love each other and are very commited to one another. So I don't know what else to say.
Unfortunately, I won't be taking in anymore new requests. I'm using this practice to start doing them on ebay. Well, I'm good now. I feel ready . And yesterday I got my first request yay . I'll definitely finish the ones who already asked for a reading. Cappy and sc0rpiorising, I haven't forgotten about you guys, it's just that Lioness had asked me way before about her compatibiltiy with her pisces guy and back then I hadnt realized that could reveal certain hidden aspects in the composite chart, so I wasnt sure how to tell her astrology just didnt show what she was feeling. So since I had never done that report for her, I felt I had left her waiting long enough lol. Dawnlies, since you're probably somewhat well-knowledged about astrology yourself, what do you think about what astrology has to say about the aspects in your synastry and composite with your boyfriend? Do you find it accurate at all? You guys only have 4 synastry aspects. What do you think in your compatibility shows your good experience and 7 years of commitment (wow!) with your boyfriend so far? Could you help me out? Please! lol. I am really stumped. Oh, did I never do your compatiblity with your best friend? I guess I'll do that lol. woops.
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sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted May 03, 2012 04:38 AM
Doh I just mailed u yday explosium! It's k lol! Gud luck with the eBay!  IP: Logged |
Dawnlies Knowflake Posts: 78 From: France Registered: May 2011
posted May 03, 2012 07:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: Dawnlies, since you're probably somewhat well-knowledged about astrology yourself, what do you think about what astrology has to say about the aspects in your synastry and composite with your boyfriend? Do you find it accurate at all? You guys only have 4 synastry aspects. What do you think in your compatibility shows your good experience and 7 years of commitment (wow!) with your boyfriend so far? Could you help me out? Please! lol. I am really stumped.Oh, did I never do your compatiblity with your best friend? I guess I'll do that lol. woops.
Well, astrologically I think that the uranus heavy theme you mentioned IS somewhat what makes us stick together or at least it doesn't bother us so much because we're both uranians, me moreso because I'm 11th house heavy and Uranus and Moon both conjunct my ASC I am kind of emotionally eccentric, lol, my bf also have Uranus in first In our synastry, I think that my mercury and his moon are the ones that made us "clic". It's crystal clear that he's fascinated my me and my way of doing things (his moon opp my Uranus). And his pluto conjunct my Mercury is pretty strong too I guess because the definition of this aspect is exactly us, we tend to discuss really deep things lightly by using humour, but things are always said and that's great because it wasn't like that at the beginning and this was what begun to make us drift apart 2 years ago but we dealt with it and everything's fine now. About the composite, the moon semisquare venus is very accurate. There is lots of love between us and we're very affectionate with one another. I must admit that this is not a passionate, consuming kind of love at least on my side but I think we make each other feel safe. About my best friend, no you didn't do our compability, yet. lol! I must say I am eager to know your opinion because, well this is a passionate consuming love for both of us! Very obsessive, very plutonian... We never were romantically involved with one another physically BUT emotionally it is another story. We met 2 and a half years ago and she is the only one I could have left my bf for, she knows it, he knows it, THAT was THE conversation I talked about before. We set boundaries and remained friends but just yesterday we had a conversation where she said that she couldn't choose between love and friendship to describe our relationship and I think the same. Well this is complicated! lol! I hope it helped, and thank you again for your time.  IP: Logged |
lindaGreg Knowflake Posts: 495 From: Bermuda Triangle Registered: Feb 2010
posted May 03, 2012 08:05 AM
Can you please read mine? IP: Logged |
cappy1277 Moderator Posts: 1707 From: philadelphia,pa Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 03, 2012 12:58 PM
Ok RAS Can you give us the link for eBay? IP: Logged | |