Topic: ~*Free compatibility readings*~ READINGS WILL BE POSTED HERE
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 12:57 PM
Hi all! I was originally going to post the full reading results here because the original thread was slow...but it is just as slow to post here in this new thread. So, I decided to use this thread as a display case of the different charts collected so we could find patterns most often occurring in relationships. Also posting each chart and its intepretation, will help those who want to learn how to read compatibility!~*A Quick Compatibility Lesson*~ I understand this is all a lot of information for you, even for those who are eager to learn. So, I tried to make it simpler by labeling charts with the common and signifcant patterns found in compatibility. Basically, the composite is the most important part of compatibility. It is the dealbreaker. If you have a weak composite but great synastry, you will have all this potential there that you strongly feel but which will never come to be a reality. You will keep trying at the friendship or relationship but you will feel like it still hasnt reached its full potential and that it still doesn't leave you completely satisfied. The best kind of composite is one with a tight love stellium. An unafflicted love stellium shows the most loving relationship of your life, with lots of affection, forgiveness, humor, and unconditional love. Basically, a stellium is a conjunction between three or more planets. What I like to call the LOVE stellium is a conjunction of mercury-venus-sun in the Composite only. The sun or mercury opposite venus in the composite is interpreted the same as the conjunction. Therefore, sun conjunct mercury opposite venus in the composite is also a love stellium. The sun and venus dont have to be conjunct as long as venus is conjunct mercury, but the tighter the love stellium, the stronger the love. Make sure to check's extended chart selection grid located beneath the composite chart wheel to see if you have composite sun or mercury in minor aspect to venus, which are the same as the sun or mercury being conjunct venus although a lot weaker. If you also have sun conjunct mercury, then you have the composite love stellium. Sun conjunct venus is unconditional love as well, but it's not nearly as binding as the love stellium. So if you at least have sun conjunct/negative aspect to venus, you are still better off than most people. Also make sure to put the birthdates into the compatibility for lovers report at to see if you have any mutual aspects aka "double whammy" aspects which will basically summarize in one fell swoop the entire relationship. The second-best kind of composite is one with most of the planets clustered together, the reason being that this gives a strong feeling of similarity and of acting as "one." When you get together, your energies combine instead of "scatter" which is what happens in a scattered composite. Obviously the supreme composite of all composites is one with most planets clustered together, and the love stellium in that cluster. I have two friends who felt they found their soulmate, it was love at first sight, and they both had sex a week after meeting. They have both been going strong with their boyfriends for over 5 years despite both couples being biracial and seem very close and very much in love. I am not sure which one is better, but the craziest stories of falling in love hard with someone you truly have the most amazing chemistry with have been told when there is a composite love stellium with mutual venus-pluto aspects in synastry and a good synastry and composite. For any relationship to be deep and truly touch you and make it hard for you to let go of that person, you have to have pluto aspects in either the composite or synastry. If it is a negative pluto aspect, then even though you love each other very much, the relationship will be tormented and painful with power struggles/games/manipulation. But if it is pluto trines and sextiles, then you're set! Pure love with no games. The conjunction can go either way. With the negative aspects and sometimes the conjunction, it seems that pluto is so strong and deep that it makes two people so insecure they act crazy towards each other and hurt each other like mad because of fear of losing each other, so even with mutual venus-pluto in synastry, if one of those is venus in negative aspect to pluto, even despite the love, the relationships won't last long, even with a lot of positive saturn aspects. Sun conjunct jupiter in the composite is a great aspect. Moon square venus gives strong feelings of love whether in the composite or synastry, but one of the people is either in a current relationship or their family is resisting the two of you being together, or similar issues. Venus trine pluto assures that you will feel loved in the exact way you should be loved by that person whether it be in synastry or the composite. The love is very healing and therapeutic. Sun conjunct, square, opposite, sesquiquadrate, or semisquare pluto in the composite is very common. It creates strong intimacy from the first time making eye contact and causes strong sexual attraction, even with the same sex. But feelings are so strong both of you are nervous, shaky, and guarded around each other, and power struggles ensue where you try to hide how much you really like each other. The love stellium square or opposing Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn ALL AT ONCE shows a relationship where you appreciate each other, but also hate each other and emotionally abuse each other. If you stay together for a long time, despite your love for each other, it would be hell on earth. The relationship feels more or less damaging depending on how many of the planets mentioned are afflicting the stellium. A A love stellium afflicted by three or less of those planets will make you like each other, but you will feel like the other person is very strange.....they seem to act very weird and nervous to you, as if you couldn't understand their thought process. A composite where there is a stellium that is afflicted by those planets mentioned, or the sun is if there is no stellium, is quite dangerous and will most likely be violent. Be especially wary of a composite with the sun conjunct mars in hard aspect to any of those outer planets. It will feel scary and threatening: you will probably fear that person. Rihanna and Chris Brown have a Sun-mars-mercury stellium opposed three outer planets. not only is sun-mars adding fuel to the fire, but the true problem is when mars is afflicted by any of the outer planets in composite, this causes serious underlying feelings where someone feels used, threatened or dominated. Composite moon conjunct, opposite, or square uranus, neptune or saturn is also bad and means that both of you feel lonely and abandoned in the relationship and neither of you is there for the other when the other most needs it. Saturn is the love killer. Unfortunately, heavy saturn relationships will always be unsatisfying even if you have the best compatibility in the world whether that be a love stellium, a composite with all planets clustered together, or whatever fun together you have sometimes. It will always feel like that person is too hard on you and like they don't give you love the way you need it. Saturn trines are wonderful...but, even too many saturn trines dampens things a bit. Mutual saturn aspects, as in saturn aspecting the same planet twice in synastry is bad bad bad--big dampener. Same with saturn conjunctions--major restriction there. Saturn oppositions and squares are the big heartbreakers...they make you feel mega lonely and like you want to punch a wall because the other person makes you feel like crap and is never there for you emotionally. I would say the least depressive saturn aspect is venus in negative aspect to saturn. I haven't seen that one make much of a difference to be honest. I would say a maximum of three saturn trines and sextiles is ideal, whether that be in composite or synastry or both. One last thing: Mutual synastry aspects (double whammies) always take over and describe how the relationship can be described in summary. What is the love stellium? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT. The most loving relationships of your life: Tight Composite Sun c. Venus and Mercury Oppositions between the sun, mercury, and venus are interpreted the same was the conjunction in the composite.
Note that whenever I attach the Danger image to the chart, the chart has a weak love stellium, that is afflicted on top of that, with jupiter in the mix. Notice jupiter is always there! If it weren't for jupiter, my experience is they wouldnt become attracted. Shows how strong the benevolent power of jupiter is over bad compatibility...yet it isn't enough. It causes an attraction, but they don't stay together.
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 12:58 PM
Jojo and boyfriend My analysis This is a nice relationship. Venus mutually aspects ascendant and you have dw sun-moon aspects. However, there is no pluto in your synastry. But, there is moon sq pluto in composite which creates a strong bond. The sun is very loosely conjunct saturn, so I won't count it as very important...usually I would count this as a very bad indication in a relationship. My conclusion is that even though it is a very nice relationship, the composite is scattered, and the sun and moon both are negatively aspected to uranus, meaning the relationship if not yet, will probably eventually be on and off and unstable. Venus is making one aspect in the composite, so that tells me the relationship will not be very romantic in the long-run. Enjoy it while it lasts, just watch out for the on and off instability of breaking of, getting back together, not being able to count on each other that may not be apparent just yet but will probably rear its head eventually. It does not seem to me that each think the other is "the one" IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 12:59 PM
Jojo and crush 7/17/1980 <---very tight orb! The love is strong! (This has been confirmed, she swears she's found the love of her life) Note: because no birth time is provided, I may have missed some aspects! Analysis Right away I see this is an amazing composite, so I know that this is a wonderful relationship. You have the love stellium which means you truly love each other (sun-venus-mercury conjunction). Not only that but you have all the, what have been in my experience, signs in composite aspects of a deeply loving relationship ...moon square venus (overflowing with tender feelings for each other), sun in negative aspect to pluto (sesquiquadrate)-High intimacy right away love at first sight is not unusual and intense chemistry from the start, sun neg aspect or conjunct jupiter, sun in negative aspect to moon(strong fascination). Moon and jupiter in negative aspect to the stellium is also very nice in my experience. In addition, your synastry has many of what I consider to be desirable aspects. sun-uranus, sun-venus, sun conjunct jupiter, sun conjunct ascendant, moon-pluto, moon-uranus. The only negative aspects you guys have is moon opp saturn which would lead you to focus too much on responsibilities at times, but it is seriously outweighed here by more positive influences, so i see it as inconsequential. Also the only other negative aspects you have is moon sq mars which can cause serious problems of hurt feelings and arguments..but hey that's one bad aspect out of many nice ones. You also have venus square pluto which ensures that this relationship will be an important one for both of you. I could see you two feeling like soulmates, and I do think this crush is a lot more compatible with you than your boyfriend. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 01:18 PM
Jojo and Ex-Husband <----but very weak because Sun and Venus are barely conjunct (They divorced and it was "16 years of hell") <---Anytime you see this image, you have a dangerous composite chart pattern! Beware! <----Strong hesitation to get into the relationship in the beginning, but if they do, the relationship lasts a long time, but both people are very unhappy together My analysis
In this composite we have the love stellium once again (oppositions between mercury sun or venus in composite are interpreted the same as the conjunction) except now you have jupiter added into the mix which is a very feel good planet. You have the love stellium afflicted by pluto, uranus, and saturn. I only see people being attracted to each other with this many afflictions to a love stellium only if they have jupiter in the stellium. So, think about how much the love energy is being restricted here. You have sun-neptune dw in synastry as well as composite moon conjunct neptune and that is a very very nice influence, however, it makes sense that even though the relationship started out great, eventually you separated, because of the bad composite. Pluto afflicting the love stellium means major power struggles, being insensitive to the others feelings, a general brashness when dealing with the other. Uranus afflicting the stellium means this relationship probably started when one of the people tried to force it. It didnt happen naturally and felt forced from the beginning. You probably later fell for him and it wasnt love at first sight. Saturn afflicting the stellium means you feel a lot of duty and responsibility for each other but u also depress each other a ton. You don't want to let each other down and break off the relationship bc u feel a strong duty but you are not happy together! Also saturn here indicates a marriage would have tons of financial, health problems, family interfering, etc. You probably got together for reasons of security....not out of true love. You do love each other, but are not in love, so to speak. This is a very troubled composite, one of the worst I've seen, and the love normally expressed by the love stellium is totally blocked my power struggles, criticism, depression and instability. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 01:21 PM
JoJo's feedback:the three analysis' you did for me were right on the money. Boyfriend and I have an amazing relationship. He and I are perfect together. We are two peas in a pod and he feels safe and solid to me, however my heart is with crush. If the two of them were in the same room and I had to choose, I honestly couldn't tell you what I'd do. It's the age old paradox - do I go with my head or my heart? I know I could be happy with boyfriend for the rest of my life, but I think I'll always wonder what could have been had I chosen another path. Crush and I seem to keep circling each other, but we are cursed with bad timing. If I'm free, he's not and vice versa. The time we did spend together was breath taking, and I seriously doubt I'll ever get over him. Who knows what fate has in store for us. My relationship with Ex-Husband was hell on earth. We were together 16 years and the life blood was literally sucked out of me. The happiest day of my life was when I finally got the courage to leave. It was an emotionally abusive relationship and the only regret I have is that I stayed so long. Thank you for your reading. It confirmed my feelings. JoJo IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 01:31 PM
Yuting and her brother My Analysis
Hi, there is a reoccuring theme in both your composite and synastry and that is that this is a relationship with a ton and i do mean a TON of energy. There is also fun, mental electricity, as well as arguments. It is also not lacking at all in possessiveness, jealousy, power struggles, manipulation, and ego competitions. Your behavior is certainly very reckless together..challenging each others' opinions all the time, arguing, orchestrating grand schemes and trying to do too many projects at once and encouraging each other to act irresponsibly. Your moons both being in aries and your composite moon and ascendant being in aries also doesnt help to slow you down! Your relationship can basically be described by this double whammy which grupovenus very aptly explains as the following: Mars Mutually Aspects Uranus Putting the two of you together is like putting a match and gasoline together: it's explosive! You make each other feel fired up and zealous, and you jointly pursue goals with vigor and intense dynamic energy. You must strive to be patient and understanding with each other because the volatile energy of this relationship can erupt into anger and combativeness. You are very impulsive and probably reckless together. However, there is another level to your relationship as brother and sister. You have an intense bond shown by composite sun conjunct pluto and moon opp pluto as well as composite moon being in the first house. You intensely influence each other and have great power to manipulate each other and you may find yourself being transformed by each other. You also talk to each other about your feelings and that is a big part of your bond with your moons conjunct in synastry and moon being conjunct the asc in the composite. You have many of the same feelings and it is rare to meet someone who feels all the same things as you, so appreciate this. At the same time, though, there is a strong tendency to criticize each other and feel that you hold each other back because of the composite sun square saturn. This is a complex relationship which is hard to deal with because you two care a lot about each other but it is so intense you may feel like you wish you were adopted by another family! Yuting's Sun in Leo and Yuting_bro's Sun in Libra Of the two of you, Yuting is the stronger individual, and the balance of power may be somewhat lopsided in your relationship. Yuting_bro is more willing to compromise and accommodate others than Yuting is, and Yuting_bro is also subtler, more diplomatic and indirect. Yuting has a very strong ego and pride and Yuting_bro usually has the tact and delicacy not to offend Yuting, so you are likely to get on well. However, Yuting_bro also has a strong sense of fairness, expects attention and favors to be reciprocated, and may balk at Yuting's tendency to be self- centered. You share a strong interest in style, fashion, and aesthetics or appearances. --------------------------------------------------- Yuting's feeback: In another post, she agreed that the relationship was very fun and energetic and competitive when they were kids. She disagrees that it was saturn heavy, though, and says her brother does not depress her. Havent analyzed my relationship w/ him in such details before. We were very close in age, so we played together and fight together when we were little kids. We both have tempers, but I think I am the more dominant personality overall and as the elder sister in a traditional culture, I was supposed to be more mature and to take care of him (more on intellectual matter than physical matters though, eg his studies). For powerplay, maybe more in our relationship with our mother since we are both close to her, but she and my bro are more naturally compatible, ie I was jealous. For him, the powerplay might be that I was better at my studies than him, so there was pressure. However, these issues were of less importance cos of maturity and he has come into his own. I think we are proud of each other. I believe we are close, though no longer the type that we play together all the time like kids. He is married after all. But we have some shared interests and we can talk to each other when there are important issues. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 01:34 PM
Yuting and ex-bf <----but very weak because Sun and Venus are barely conjunct (They broke up and she doesn't claim him to be the love of her life. He broke up with her to marry someone he had a very tight love stellium with!) <----Strong hesitation to get into the relationship in the beginning, but if they do, the relationship lasts a long time, but both people are very unhappy together Soulmates, anyone? In this composite we have the love stellium with pluto thrown into the mix and uranus hovering a bit further away. You also have composite moon trine pluto. Sun conjunct pluto and moon trine pluto along with moon sesquiquadrate venus, and moon sq pluto in synastry shows there are deep feelings here. This with the love stellium means this was a very loving and fulfilling relationship. You also had double whammy venus-jupiter aspects which means you had a ton of fun and chemistry together and so much appreciation for each other. Uranus hovering at the end of the stellium means this relationship is not likely to be in your face and out right rebellious, but it does indicate that the two of you being together is unusual in some way, or that you could not fall into a traditional role of stable boyfriend and girlfriend when you were together. Saturn trine the stellium denotes that from the beginning your relationship developed in a very stable way and right away you knew what you could expect from each other and you were always there for each other and could count on one another. Moon opposition neptune in composite as describes, means: "A result of this aspect may be that the two of you have radically different views about the relationship. While one of you idealizes, the other may take advantage and act quite treacherously behind the first one's back." I had this composite aspect with a close friend and indeed he was also acting treacherously behind my back! The sun in the composite is in virgo, and you also have moon conjunct saturn which means: "Moon Conjunct Saturn The conjunction of composite Moon and Saturn can create an emotional barrier between you, so that you have trouble communicating with each other on a feeling level. You will do a lot of analyzing, both of the relationship and of each other. The danger is that you will make things seem worse than they are. At best, analyzing your relationship can help you understand what you have together, but it cannot completely replace intuitive communication. This aspect may cause the two of you to subordinate emotional considerations to supposed necessities or responsibilities, denying yourselves the joy and pleasure of open and relaxed self-expression. Try to relax together and not be so serious about things." So that would indicate that you guys analyzed your relationship too much and tried too hard be perfect people. With moon-saturn, you'd feel like this person abandoned you every time you needed them most, because Saturn (restriction/criticism) does not understand Moon (emotions). However, you are very close to each other and other than being unable to understand each other's insecurities sometimes, you were very emotionally close and bonded and it was a very loving relationship. -------------------------------- Yuting's feedback: Yes, it was very easy to be with him if it were just the two of us. But his gf (now wife) in the equation made it very emotional. It was tough to break off, but I think both of us learned a great deal about ourselves and about relationship in the process. We are still friends. But I am trying to keep a certain distance since I like his wife and do not want her to be unhappy/uncomfortable.
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: [b]Yuting and ex-bf <----Strong hesitation to get into the relationship in the beginning, but if the relationship lasts a long time, both people are very unhappy together
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 01:39 PM
double postIP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 01:40 PM
Yuting and current interest "divorcee" <----but very weak because Sun and Venus are barely conjunct (Reservations, esp from his side to proceed. So after over 1yr, they are still not really together, but not broken off either. ) <----Strong hesitation to get into the relationship in the beginning, but if they do, the relationship lasts a long time, but both people are very unhappy together My analysis
Here we have the love stellium with moon sq pluto in synastry once again just like with previous guy, showing that there is true love here, but this time it is afflicted by neptune. This is not so bad, just expect some disappointments with each other. It's disheartening, but is not as bad as say, saturn, pluto, mars, or uranus afflicting the stellium. Sun is also square saturn and moon is semisquare saturn and in synastry you have double whammy moon-saturn aspects, one of which is a square. The following should very much apply to your relationship: Moon Mutually Aspects Saturn As mentioned below several times, the feeling of responsibility, dedication, and commitment to each other is very strong. However, this relationship may take on the quality of a training session rather than a romance! You both must strive to refrain from making too many demands on each other, and be more sensitive to emotional appeals and needs. Learn to handle the difficult responsibilities that arise (family, financial, social, etc.) with grace and humor, rather than letting them become heavy and burdensome. Both of you tend to take your relationship, and consequently life in general, too seriously. This is a relationship that may be difficult to leave, both because it is very safe and because there are numerous obligations and duties involved. Take time out to play! Divorcee's Moon square Yuting's Saturn orb 1° 39' This relationship is not an easy one! There is a sense of responsibility towards each other that may incline you to marry or form some kind of long-lasting commitment to each other. But although the union is likely to be long-lasting, it is also likely to have more than its fair share of frustrations and difficulties. At times you both feel emotionally constrained and inhibited by being together, and this relationship may feel like a form of imprisonment! Yuting_divorcee, in particular, may feel disheartened by Yuting's criticisms, worries, fears, or need to dominate Yuting_divorcee's life. Yuting_divorcee's emotional needs and feelings are ignored and neglected at times, leaving Yuting_divorcee feeling alone in this relationship. Most likely there is too much emphasis on responsibilities and obligations and not enough attention given to the needs for acceptance and tenderness. The serious tone of the relationship also stifles play and light-hearted fun-loving activities. This relationship may endure even when your feelings towards one another have cooled because there is a great deal of security in it, even if there is little satisfaction over time. Why did you get together despite this energy? Multiple positive jupiter aspects in synastry denote that this is a very enjoyable relationship where you love and appreciate each other very much. You also have positive pluto, saturn, and neptune aspects in synastry. However, the saturn is much too strong, especially with sun sq saturn in composite which always causes two people to fail to fully connect. On top of that moon in composite is also afflicted by saturn as well as in synastry. As result, I feel you are much more compatible with the ex-bf with whom you had all the fun without all the saturn heaviness, criticism, and sense of emotional isolation. One thing is that you are more sexually compatible with this guy than the ex, though. -------------------------- Yuting's feeback: It's pretty obvious to me that my interaction with my ex was much easier and much more flowing. Can talk hours on end. With divorcee, Saturn and karmic themes are obvious. Too many obligations and reservations, esp from his side to proceed. So after over 1yr, we are still not really together, but not broken off either. And yes, the sexual tension between us is more palpable than with my ex (or it was the weaker sexual attraction with my ex that I find it possible to just stay friends with him). I think because I am not a person who must have a relationship and since I havent met anyone else who attracts my interest at this point, I dont mind a bit of "training" and dealing with karmic issues. I think with the Jupiter aspects, I can become a better person by learning from this relationship regardless of outcome. My relationship with my ex was my first serious relationship. I had many romantic notions and expectations. But I learnt the hard way. Now I have a more realistic mindset viewing relationships. Btw, one interesting observation I have is that with my ex, I feel I am almost in the male role, while with divorcee, I am very much female RE: well ur ex was a libra with cancer moon, you are leo with aries moon! divorcee is leo with virgo moon, so he is going to be a lot more masculine than the ex Also, the sexual attraction aspects with divorcee in synastry probably help in your feeling more feminine with him and seeing him as very masculine aka sexy RE: RE: Me and my other gal friends see my ex as one of the gals (though we know he is 100% heterosexual) I think his feminine nature with attractive looks & build makes him very popular with ladies. And Mr. Divorcee is very masculine & sexy in his own right. Yes, they are both ladies men (just look at their FB friends, at least 80% are female)  IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 01:44 PM
Yuting and iffyguyfriend (libra with leo moon) This is basically a friendship where you have no chemistry with each other, but still something draws you together. I am sure the friendship will soon dissolve. This composite is the most scattered a composite chart could possibly be. Also, there are no significant or even nice aspects whatsover except for maybe venus sextile moon. Your synastry and composite also shows elements of uranus where you relationship is fun and adventurous and you encourage each other to party it up and do zany things together but you wish your friendship was more stable and that you knew where it was all heading and how both of you feel. The lack of substance here shows little to no chemistry.
He is drawn to you because you have double whammy sun-moon aspects, and strong sun-moon aspects at that (sun opposite moon, and sun conjunct moon---both marriage aspects) Sun Mutually Aspects Moon The two of you are drawn to each other like magnets, and you may find that you keep bumping into each other even if you are not trying to. If you are not married yet, then there is a good chance that you will in the future because the attractions between you are extremely powerful. You understand and appreciate each other to an exceedingly high degree, and you are likely to have felt an instant connection when you first met each other. This double whammy can basically bring together two people who do not have much of anything else going on in either synastry or composite, and that is the case here. It has happened to me before too And it was frustrating because i knew we didnt really have any chemistry yet i was still drawn to this person. The uranus aspects in your composite and synastry are iffyguyfriend's Sun Conjunct yuting's Uranus You inspire each other to try new things, experiment, and investigate alternatives. You may have met each other, for example, during a time period when both of you were breaking free from traditional values and exploring new possibilities. There is a lot of excitement and spontaneity in your relationship. The two of you may find it difficult to settle down into a stable life style - there will always be surprises and unexpected turns in your relationship. You encounter lots of new ideas, unusual people, adventure, and exciting times together. You both enjoy a good measure of freedom and independence in this relationship, but either of you may wish that there was more commitment, devotion, seriousness, warmth, and closeness. and in composite: Moon Sesquiquadrate Uranus The two of you are destined to have a rather unsettling affect upon one another. Your relationship may begin quite suddenly and unexpectedly, disrupting your normal routines and perhaps other relationships you are engaged in. There is an electric excitement between you which can be very thrilling, but also unnerving. Emotional impulsiveness and "acting crazy" together, doing things that are totally out of character or far more radical and daring that either of you would be inclined to do alone, are to be expected. For a long time you may have an unstable, on-again/off-again connection with one another, and unless there are other stabilizing factors between you, that's all it may ever be -------------------------- Yuting's feedback: [He is] a male friend: I am interested in the nature of his interest in me/my parties. friendship?/career?/romantic? Cant place it cos I am surprised he likes to join my parties so much when we are not close friends nor is he close friends with my other friends. Actually that's good, cos I find him fun and nice, but not attracted to him in a romantic way. He is way to young and I am more interested in Mr. Divorcee for now anyway. So good to know it is mutual. I can just enjoy the fun. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 02:00 PM
Yuting and online penpal <----but very weak because Sun and Venus are barely conjunct URANUS HEAVY My Analysis
Being born 4 days away from your ex-boyfriend, this relationship is very similar to the ex-bf in synastry and composite, which is no coincidence!!! for this is very comaptible with you!! except with this penpal you have more aspects in synastry, and you have a better composite with the ex-bf bc of the moon trining the stellium. This is no coincidence, as it is simply a very compatible match up with you, and you would be a lot more compatible with this online friend of yours than with the divorcee guy. Soulmates, anyone? In this composite AGAIN we have the love stellium with pluto thrown into the mix and uranus hovering a bit further away. You also have composite venus conjunct pluto. Sun and venus conjunct pluto along with moon square venus shows there are deep feelings here. A difference between this and the ex-bf is that with the ex you had moon in negative aspect to pluto in composite which creates strong feelings as well. Pluto with the love stellium means this is a very loving and fulfilling relationship. You also have double whammy venus-jupiter aspects just like with your ex-bf which means you have a ton of fun and chemistry together and so much appreciation for each other. Uranus hovering at the end of the stellium means this relationship is not likely to be in your face and out right rebellious, but it does indicate that the two of you being together is unusual in some way, or that you could not fall into a traditional role of stable boyfriend and girlfriend. Uranus as we know rules online communication so this would be fitting here. Also this is descriptive of the unusualness of your online friendship: yuting_penpal's Sun Conjunct yuting's Uranus
You inspire each other to try new things, experiment, and investigate alternatives. You may have met each other, for example, during a time period when both of you were breaking free from traditional values and exploring new possibilities. There is a lot of excitement and spontaneity in your relationship. The two of you may find it difficult to settle down into a stable life style - there will always be surprises and unexpected turns in your relationship. You encounter lots of new ideas, unusual people, adventure, and exciting times together. You both enjoy a good measure of freedom and independence in this relationship, but either of you may wish that there was more commitment, devotion, seriousness, warmth, and closeness. as well as this Penpal's Uranus opposition Yuting's Moon orb 0° 3' Penpal is instrumental in freeing Yuting from many old habits and attitudes. Both of you find this relationship enlivening and you often get into a free-spirited, even zany, mood together. Any contracts or commitments you make to each other, however, may be short-lived as events and circumstances are likely to change so often that your plans need to be constantly revised. This uranus energy in synastry is one which makes your relationship very different from what it would possibly be without it. This could very well be a love relationship, venus mutually aspects ascendant, so you see the beauty in one another and make each other feel beautiful, happy, appreciated, and loved. But uranus prevents it from being a normal relationship following traditional roles. You have strong saturn trines in composite like you did with the ex of course as it is the same composite chart except for position of moon, but here u have a strong element of uranus added, which was not there in the synastry and composite with the ex. --------------------- Yuting's feeback:
Since their dates of birth are only a few days apart, I could expect a lot of similarities. Like with ex, easy to "talk" to him. And more so, I think he feels it is easy to talk to me. As for attraction, I never felt that for him (at least his looks is not my type). Just feels he is an easy friend to have, but he told me recently that he had a crush on me during our college days So nice on my ego Uranus: internet, on and off (we were chatting online daily for 2.5yr, then lost contact for like 15yr. Just found each other again when I joined FB) RE: Wow, think of how compatible this set up is with you that you met two people born 4 days apart in totally different countries! Remember when i said soulmates for you and your ex...well this is proof that this set up really is very compatible with you. That's pretty awesome. RE: RE: I would say it is true that relating with penpal & ex is easier than with divorcee. But it is also interesting to note that for both penpal and ex there were unusual circumstances making romantic involvement not possible/desirable. And in both case, I am ok with being just long-term friends. Penpal has been happily married for quite a while. And I think I was the catalyst for my ex to make up his mind about marrying his long-term gf/now wife (and before that, it was not easy relationship at all, more like roller coaster emotions for me). He is also happily married now. I can be soulmates with both of them, but not necessarily in a romantic/marriage relationship. Esp with penpal, I have really never felt any spark. Just comfortable. Divorcee is my challenge and life lesson. And who says soulmates must have an easy relationship and/or happy ending. RE: RE: RE: Well, to be honest the synastry with divorcee is a lot better than with ex-bf and i did hint at that in the the analysis if u scroll up The only reason why i said ex-bf was "soulmate" material is because you have pluto in the love stellium. But you do have the love stellium with divorcee as well. Just be careful with neptune and the saturn heaviness. Neptune can you already know with the ex-bf's composite moon square neptune, and saturn is not likely to make matters easy or lighthearted between you. But the synastry is nicer than with ex-bf and penpal guy, plus it denotes strong sexual attraction.
Good luck. RE: RE: RE: RE: Synastry vs composite is an interesting topic. Actually, I have a better composite with my ex than he with his wife, but those two have a very flowing synastry. If you are interested, I can pass you his wife's DOB so you can study their case too. [He broke up with her to marry his wife]
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: [I checked and] your ex boyfriend and his wife are actually a lot more compatible than you and him. They have the love stellium in the composite, but the sun and venus are right on top of each other, whereas in your love stellium with him, venus was far away from the sun and it barely counted as sun conjunct venus. Because venus was conjunct mercury, it still counted as the love stellium. However, a tight sun conjunct venus in the love stellium like they have is much more loving and binding. They also do not have uranus in the love stellium and they do not have composite moon conjunct saturn, which those were probably the biggest two iffys in your compatibility. When we look closer at their composite, we can see they also have sun semisquare pluto which is similar to your sun conjunct pluto, as well as composite moon square venus which you also have with him. Also they have much much nicer synastry except no mutual venus-jupiter aspects so they likely have less fun together, but they do have all the nice pluto aspects you had with him in synastry, and then some excellent ones on top of that. And their composite as well does not have any negative aspects. So, overall they are much more compatible. =) <----very tight orb! The love is strong! (Yes it is! They are married) Sasstrology love calculator resulots for your ex boyfriend and his wife 74% Compatible Your Happy Place This is one of those relationships that just works. For once, you don't have to deal with any of the annoying, embarrassing or disturbing situations that are par for the course with dating life. It's like you two "get" where the other person is coming from and make each other feel as comfortable in your skin as possible. So you can toss aside your fear of rejection, just be yourself and go for it, no holds barred! You love that you're both up for anything, and can take off on an adventure or start a new project together at a moment's notice. He appreciates that you've helped his to become a more spontaneous person. With your influence, he can start living life to the fullest. And he's "home" for you, providing someplace safe, stable and supportive to always come back to. It doesn't hurt that your physical attraction always keeps things interesting, regardless of whether you're out cliff jumping or staying in to watch the Discovery channel. Provided that you address emotional tensions and keep them from building up, you two are headed for a life of awesomeness. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 02:10 PM
Hannarama and her crush <----Very weak! Sun and venus are not conjunct <----Strong hesitation to get into the relationship in the beginning, but if they do, the relationship lasts a long time, but both people are very unhappy together My analysis Hi hannah! You have lovely a synastry with him and WHAT WOULD BE a lovely composite IF you didn't have a few aspects in there. You have the love stellium with jupiter conjunct the sun thrown in which is the main reason why you were drawn to each other and feel a connection. However, the sun and mercury are square saturn and uranus, which means this won't be a happy relationship for you. The uranus square means the relationship started off with one of you trying to force it and it didnt develop naturally. Uranus will also bring other problems such as not being able to count on each other and feeling awkward together. It is also definitely not a good aspect for marriage, as it doesn't create the most stable of things, obviously. Sun square saturn as I've mentioned several times in the other reports, is the major dealbreaker here. You will both restrict and criticize each other and feel unhappy together. Also, MORE IMPORTANTLY often it is a sign of unrequited love. With that uranus square the chances for unrequited love are also high. However, you do have sun conjunct jupiter and venus trine pluto which will guarrantee that he at least thinks you're great and wants to be a close friend. Venus opposite mars and trine pluto like that will create a sexual attraction, so he may be attracted in that way to you, but i doubt he will want you as a stable thing. You also have moon and venus trine neptune which means you feel you have a strong connection and you both idealize the relationship. However, even with all these nice aspects, if this relationship ever happens it is something that will not be good, since the love stellium squares saturn and uranus, and you have moon opposite pluto. Be careful! with Sun square saturn and uranus and moon opp pluto, the probability of abuse/manipulation and suffering is high. Moon Opposition Pluto The opposition of composite Moon and Pluto is an aspect of extreme emotional intensity, calling forth great involvement and strong feelings. If improperly handled, this combination can give rise to extreme jealousy, struggles for dominance, and excessive possessiveness. As a result, one of you may completely strangle the other's individuality, or at least attempt to do so. If this occurs, the one being dominated will find it very hard to deal with, because the tactics used to dominate will be subversive rather than direct. The power of this aspect can lead to emotional violence, which could destroy the relationship and leave much bad feeling in its wake. If you are tempted to use these tactics, don't. Be as straightforward and direct as possible. The results will probably be better than you imagine, and at least they will be less destructive. If you are the victim of such methods by your friend or partner, be direct and call your friend's bluff. Don't allow yourself to be the victim of any kind of emotional blackmail.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 38316 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 24, 2012 02:36 PM
The server is slow all over right now. Working on it.------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 02:54 PM
kay thanks randallIP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 03:06 PM
inthemisosoup and dad My analysis This relationship is not very close, though you do have sun trine moon in composite which means at least you will both be fair with each other and neither of you will try to dominate. There is also this: Mercury Mutually Aspects Saturn Your relationship can become dry from lack of communication and too much emphasis on pragmatic and mundane affairs - if so, try to loosen up a little! You can help one another clarify and define your ideas, but the tendency to correct, criticize, disapprove, or simply not listen to each other is very strong. You do feel affectionate towards each other with in synastry venus square pluto, sun opposite moon and moon square venus, though. But I dont see it being very close since the composite is so plain. You have moon square saturn in composite, so there is a tendency to be unable to understand each other's insecurities and you feel that he isn't there for you when you really need some comforting. Again, just not a close relationship. ------------------------------- inthemisosoup's feedback: You hit the nail on the head with my father's and my relationship. Very true. My dad and I have always struggled with our relationship since basically I became a teenager. he is just so different from me, and like you said he is not comforting in the way I want him to be. I have asked him and told him I want a dad who is more loving and affectionate, but he just doesn't change; that's just not him. he can also be *highly* critical of me, and I of him, so we kind of pick apart each other's insecurities and anxieties. Although we are supportive of each other in other ways. I know he will always be there for me. I love him and appreciate his practical advice because I need it; I can be too abstract with my thinking and planning. But it isn't the relationship we both yearn for, i'm sure. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 03:15 PM
inthemisosoup and ex-boyfriend My analysis as the description for c. sun semisquare pluto says: This relationship is anything but superficial. It will probably be one of the most intense of your lives. At its best it can enable you both to reclaim power you never realized was in you This composite is excellent with all of the planets clustered together, and in the 7th house at that. also moon is in the 8th which means this relationship changed you both. With all those planets clustered like that, c. sun conjunct venus (true love) c. sun semisquare pluto and c. moon and venus conjunct neptune, you felt like soulmates. However there were a few problems, mainly in your communication with each other. Note the following: c. Mercury conjunct saturn: This aspect is not good for successful intuitive communication, so say what you mean. If as a couple you can do these things, you should be able to reap the benefits of this aspect. The positive side of this aspect is that your communication with each other should have a great deal of form and discipline. You are able to plan for the future more effectively than most, because you consider every possibility. Together you plan very carefully, thoroughly, and methodically. c. Mercury square mars: arguments over nothing! constant arguing c. Moon in 8th house: Its greatest difficulty is the tendency to emphasize the heavy, moody aspects of your relationship and to dwell excessively on serious matters. Explore the new and constantly changing features of your life together, and welcome such changes instead of fearing them. in synastry: Ex-bf's Mercury square Inthemisosoup's Moon orb 1° 33' Ex-bf needs to guard against the tendency to be critical, unsympathetic, and overly analytical of Inthemisosoup's feelings, personal tastes, and habits. Ex-bf may feel that Inthemisosoup is overly sensitive to criticism, and refuse to acknowledge responsibility for the problem as well. Petty annoyances, minor disagreements, and bickering can be avoided only if you both learn to listen sympathetically and to communicate clearly with each other. in synastry: Ex-bf's Moon square Inthemisosoup's Ascendant orb 0° 41' Irritations over relatively minor incidents and situations, combined with a tendency to have differing tastes, preferences, and interests may make an intimate, long-lasting relationship difficult. You do care a great deal for each other, though, and both of you feel exceedingly bad after a quarrel. If you can be tolerant of each other's differing attitudes, interests, and lifestyles, the negative tendencies of this astrological influence will be minimized. Your moon venus, mars and mercury (all the personal planets basically) are also all totally incompatible showing an inability to understand each other's basic needs. At least your ascendants were trine. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 08:06 PM
inthemisosoup and crush <----Strong hesitation to get into the relationship in the beginning, but if they do, the relationship lasts a long time, but both people are very unhappy together My analysis This is a very nice compatibility. You are more compatible with him than your ex, as you dont have all those nasty communication problems and even barely any negative aspects. The only thing is that your connection with this one is not likely to be as intense. As you have mutual sun-neptune aspects in synastry, you think the other is as beautiful and ethereal as an angel, and you have tremendous sympathy and affection for each other. However, the likeliness of disappointment is high as with moon square neptune and venus sq neptune in composite, you idealize each other to unrealistic heights. But that is not a huge deal. There are no other negative aspects in this matchup, so the "disillusionments" should be of relatively minor importance. Thank god you also have sun opposite mars in synastry or else the neptune wouldve made this totally platonic and nonsexual. Sun opp mars, mars trine asc and moon trine uranus=strong sexual attraction. You have sun conjunct pluto and saturn (feeling of fatedness and intense bonding) and moon sq venus in composite. Also you have mercury conjunct venus which allows you to communicate harmoniously and be sensitive to each other's feelings, and you have no negative aspects! Woo-hoo! Big difference from that ex-bf though this relationship is not as INTENSE. The only negative aspect is his saturn square your sun. This means you may think he acts like an authoritarian or wet blanket at times. There is a lively, fresh, open quality to your relationship, an enthusiasm for the new and untried, a willingness to explore and experiment, and an eagerness for adventure and change. Your life together may be a little disorganized but it's never boring! Intellectual as well as emotional freedom is important to you, and you respect and allow one another's independence and individual needs to be expressed. Play and humor are also a vital aspect of your relationship, and this is an asset you can call upon when more problematic or discordant issues arise between you: you can always laugh! This is a very enjoyable and liberating relationship for both of you. And one of my favorite aspects: composite Moon Square Venus When you are together, you feel waves of love and attraction for one another that are impossible to ignore. Tremendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, protect, and nurture one another will always be present in your relationship. Some element from your past, possibly interference from your families or previous lovers, will have to be dealt with in some way before you can fully come together. However, the love feelings and heart in this relationship are so strong that those issues can be resolved. The desire for children and/or to create a home together will predominate. inthemisosoup's feedback:
quote: I'm actually surprised this turned out so well. I was expecting a lot different, probably because of Neptune's influence in our relationship it is hard for me to see him for who he is, what he thinks of me, etc. This relationship is really up in the air right now--we've already kissed but I am not sure what that even means with him. You said this should be of minor importance because we have other good aspects? I hope so, that this confusion will pass!It is really creepy how scarily accurate astrology can be. You wrote about the Moon square Venus in the composite, and how family or past lovers need to be overcome if/when the relationship is to get off the ground. That is *exactly* what is happening with us right now--drama in his family. My best friend is his cousin and that closeness and blending of circles has been met with some resistance. That's another reason I am not sure where this is going yet . . . Where do you see this need for adventure and change and excitement in our relationship? I am very interested; I totally am feeling that idea. I am hoping that his Saturn squaring my sun won't be too bad, but to be honest I have already been annoyed by him criticizing me, even though it was in a way warranted. Thanks for your reading again, RAS!
RE: Well, I think I was being so optimistic when I wrote that because you are so much more compatible with him than the other guy. But, the thing is, really, you dont have a composite that shows that you guys are close, or ever will be. Also it is saturn heavy with saturn being activated in synastry as well as in composite where saturn conjuncts the sun. If you do get together, it wont be a very happy relationship. Sorry to break it to you like that. You should find someone you have a nicer composite with....Maybe with the love stellium ? Or all planets conjunct each other, like in a few of these other people's?
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 08:09 PM
inthemisosoup and best friend <----Strong hesitation to get into the relationship in the beginning, but if they do, the relationship lasts a long time, but both people are very unhappy together My analysis This is a great composite where you feel like soulmates. All planets are clustered together, and though there is no love stellium, venus is conjunct pluto. The sun is conjunct saturn and uranus but that is not the same exactly as when the sun is in negative aspect to saturn and uranus. The conjunction in the composite is actually binding and leads to a feeling of fatedness. Composite sun conjunct saturn denotes that your relationship may have a particularly fateful, heavy, "unavoidable" quality. You both feel somehow that it is necessary to the two of you to be together, whether or not you would always want to be or find the experience enjoyable. You also have venus conjunct pluto in synastry as well as sun conjunct saturn. Mercury mutually aspects saturn which means that Your relationship can become dry from lack of communication and too much emphasis on pragmatic and mundane affairs - if so, try to loosen up a little! You can help one another clarify and define your ideas, but the tendency to correct, criticize, disapprove, or simply not listen to each other is very strong. However, composite sun trine moon ensures harmony in this relationship and you will always try to work things out between you. It is interesting to note the saturn component here. You guys have a strong bond, but sometimes the relationship is not very enjoyable. There are no "fun" aspects at all, so I doubt you guys loosen each other up. It is more a friendship of intense feelings and serious devotion and sacrifices to each other. Take time out to play. The friendship is too serious at times. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 08:11 PM
YoursTrulyAlways and Wife My analysis That is a really great composite. A lot of planets clustered together and the stellium making sextiles to pluto and trines to jupiter and saturn. Also venus conjunct neptune and sun conjunct mars (you have not only tons of fun together, but lots of romance and a true feeling of soulmates). The synastry is nice as well with venus opposite mars and venus conjunct pluto (awesome sex and deeply loving feelings, anyone?). You have the best of all worlds here...pluto, neptune, mars, jupiter, saturn and even uranus (venus conjunct uranus) and positive uranus aspects in synastry. This is a great relationship! The only negative aspects are sun opposite saturn in synastry, and moon sq uranus and that moon sesquiquadrate mars, but it should definitely be outweighed by all these other nice things, and a little friction adds interest and sexual attraction! IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 08:27 PM
BettyBoop and her Crush This is an awesome composite. You have the love stellium which means true love between you...opposite the moon which will create a strong fascination and bonding between you. Jupiter is also in the stellium which is awesome, and you have venus trine neptune which means you feel very connected and spiritually close. There is fun as well as intensity (moon conjunct pluto) indicated as well. The only two very minor problems is that you do not communicate enough to each other. Dont just assume the other person knows what you are thinking! You will have misunderstandings this way...that's the composite mercury opp saturn at work. Also you have composite mercury opposite pluto which just means sometimes one will say something in conversation with the other to try to gain some sort of power over the other. Neither are really bad aspects and these are definitely pretty unimportant esp in the face of such a strong composite. I would like to point out, that some of these people may have great composites where all planets are clustered together and such, and sure it feels fated and bonded, but things can quickly turn sour and people will turn against each other and hurt each other without the composite love stellium. Nothing compares to the love stellium with jupiter thrown in, no terrible afflictions to the stellium, and a little pluto! Which you have all of these. You will be fine together. There is true love here where you think the other is cool to an immense degree, and even if you break up you will remain friends as the love stellium denotes an ability to always forgive each other. Except for your saturn opposite his sun, the synastry is also nice. Be careful not to criticize him and be as gentle with him as possible. That one aspect should not be a dealbreaker, though. ------------------------------------------------- BettyBoop's feedback:
He is a friend and we are also dating 'kind of'.. but I have a feeling it will get more serious. IP: Logged |
scoots Newflake Posts: 18 From: spokane, wa, us Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 24, 2012 08:29 PM
Sorry... Wont delete unless done by forum leader. Posting on other thread.IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 08:36 PM
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 08:45 PM
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 08:46 PM
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 08:47 PM
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