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Author Topic:   Have you guys ever used a psychic service?

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posted April 09, 2014 07:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you to everyone who shared their stories, it really helps!

I just wanted to add regarding Twirl's question - what would help in this situation - it seemed like my Ex was going to be one of those awful relationships where I could have stayed with him for years hoping he would change and actually want something more serious with me..

I went overseas and had a reading in my home country where the reader told me - he loves me, he's just sensitive, if I actually gave him a real shot he would be mine. Before this reading I thought that our relationship was temporary and no way will we be together seriously, but after the reading I could actually picture us together long term (an idiot!).

Here's what helped me - I actually had a reading before I reached my home country, I had a stopover and it was cheap so I had a mini reading and the reader there told me that she sees us separating in March (this was Dec) - I was like, well he is planning on traveling so it might happen in March. And the reader added that I need to let him go and then he will come back (something like that) - again I thought he will just go overseas.

When I came back my relationship with him was even worse (he was mad at me for some really stupid) and then I actually told him either we get serious or we shouldn't be together... he disappeared ... We broke up in March.

Had I had the reading just from my home country I would have thought we'd end up together but I started thinking, maybe in March he won't actually go overseas like I thought (he didn't) maybe I need to let him go and see if he will come back (he didn't).

I'm so glad I haven't known about bitwine back then so I had limited readings, I only had one 6 months after the break and the reader told me she thinks he'll come back (3 years later and nope!). I didn't even ask about him she just saw this pain in me etc etc...

So I guess what I'm trying to say in this long post - I wish psychics wouldn't give some rosy picture of the situation - just be honest - I see a breakup, this isn't going to last, you're going to be miserable with him - because it's actually the readings that say stuff like - he loves you, he wants to be with you but afraid - don't allow us to move on because we think there's hope...

And just to add to this long post the reason I can't move on from the other Ex is cause another reader told me that he will come back, she was like "I'm very black and white and his heart belongs to you and your heart belongs to him" - 2 years on, he hasn't come back. But that didn't stop me from thinking he will all this time and keep asking other psychics about him - and now they all say he'll be back but he's in a bad place.

If only 2 years ago she would have said - this is over, there won't be any contact, you will meet someone else...

Sorry for the long post =P

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posted April 09, 2014 07:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for happyaskings     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I has the worst reading from Sandie today! It was like pulling teeth to get answers out of her and then she was wishy washy! It really frustrated me! Something I've noticed about getting career readings (as this one was) is that they always seem to know as much as you do! Like I am in the process of getting a job and being interviewed and they're just like "I'm not getting straight answer for you" like okay I guess but then you get things like "yes you are driven" or you need to be trained....Uhmmm obviously wtf? If I'm asking if I'll get a job or an interview that has nothing to do with me needing traing...I'd need that for any job. They just tend to give really vague generic stuff! It's annoying.

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posted April 09, 2014 10:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for happyaskings     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@ Sophia I totally agree. It took Robinblurdragon telling me that he wasn't coming back for me to finally move one. I had countless psychics telling me he'd come back and even though I knew in my heart he was gone I didn't want to admit it to myself. If I kept asking they would still be saying he'll be back. It's been over a year now. Blunt truth worked on me. Telling fairy tales is just misleading and hurts the client in the long run.

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posted April 10, 2014 02:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LoadedPistil:
Well, Astrid was wrong again.
Said I wouldn't have a job til June and I should by this prosperity book in the mean time. If I didn't get a job by the end of this month, I'd have to eat that book for dinner. I was just offered a job today.

An astrologer also told me I wouldn't work until July.

I'm glad I got Astrid on sale.

Congrats LP! Really glad Astrid was wrong for you (she was wrong for me too but instead of getting a job I got nothing lol).

Really happy for you!

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posted April 10, 2014 06:57 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Has anyone ever had Sandie be totally wrong for them? I know awhile back someone had said she was wrong about them losing their job, although I don't remember who posted about it. Was just wondering if anyone else had experiences with her being totally wrong.

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posted April 10, 2014 10:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilacbreeze     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@happy - that career reading doesn't exactly seem like a reading at all. Were you able to get any concrete answers or insights? Also, did you pay for that??
While this isn't directed at Sandie - I've always wondered about career readings vs. love readings. For those who are truly scamming - it's definitely easier to make up stuff in the romance department that could sound really insightful and as though they "got" your situation perfectly. Far harder to fake it at a career reading. Makes me want to do a career reading before I even think of paying for another romance reading.

@LP - congrats on your job! Glad Astrid's prediction didn't come true for you.

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posted April 10, 2014 10:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilacbreeze     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@Fairy - she predicted I'd meet someone in the winter. I didn't meet the person she described. And there definitely wasn't a relationship. It's possible that the timing could be off - so I'll come back and update if I do meet him - but as of now I'd say she was wrong.

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posted April 13, 2014 01:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LoadedPistil     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This post just saved me so much money. LMAO

Originally posted by cherful24:
Ok, I have tried SOOOOO many psychics on BW over the years…here is my review:

Shelley Lee: Great empathy!! As soon as I said Hi, she was like wow, I feel the pain in your heart! She told him a lot of stuff. I read with her twice and I am waiting to see if her predication will happen this month…it doesn’t look like it, but perhaps her timing is just off.

Margaret: She was really good. Read two men very well. One guy she was really correct about and said something that nobody else did. I have to see if her predications come true. One will be in Dec.

Brilliance in Sight: i really like her. She said something (predicated) some thing that others had not. With my job should couldnt get details but gave time frames and told me what she saw happening. I'd read from her again!

Simone Guiding Visions: wrong

Psychic Pattyann: she was good. But I feel like others are good also and are cheaper.

Alice Rhoads: I like her. She read the situatuion well, but on another person I don't think she read it right. We will see. I'd read with her again.

MsPegPsychic1: She was good and read situatuion well. However, I do think she lingered with her answers to get more money. So, I wouldnt read with her again.

donna costello: I have mixed feelings about her. she knew what I was hoping for. Read situation well. On one subject, she contricted herself. I wouldn't read with her again.

Elainea: I like her. Got job thing right so I am waiting on personal predications. I'd read with her again.

A Miracle Power: Good. When I first read with her she new what I wanted to talk about (just like Brazilin star). Her predication came to pass in the past. I do think she waste a bit of time and she could have been more detailed about present and future. Instead she harped on something in the past which I have no idea if it really happened or not. So, not happy about that. But she was good. I might read with her again. If her work predication comes true,then I'd say she's the best...however, its' not looking like its coming true!

BrazilianStar1 – Very nice and generous with her time. Never saw the girl who my on and off guy married. She said originally that the guy I am dating was not ready for me and that there will be another guy who comes in and then my guy will be ready for me…..Ok, my guy suddenly got married so I did date someone for about a month. I contacted her again and asked about this in which I told her that nobody saw this girl, not even her. For free, she looked into it and knew before I did, that this girl told him she was pregnant and he will leave her…then we will be back together. (I don’t go to her anymore)

Psychic Andrew Angel – Yes, he has really bad spelling. He did sell me a negativity cleansing which I took. It was funny because as my roommate walked in, he’s like there is so much neg. around you right now I can’t read for you. Call me back. So I waited until she left and called him back and then he was able to pick up on the situation. After the neg. cleansing I got a job offer. LOL! Originally he said me and my guy were going to get married. Ok, well we know that didn’t happen. So I called back (and this is when I did the neg cleansing) and read his wife and the situation real well. Said he will be back in 2013 and that I will be dating someone else. I don’t actually trust this advisor anymore even though his neg. cleaning worked well for job….i think he could have even me more details. Saying the wife is neg and mean spirited is a given.

Jamey – She was good but was off on a few things. She said I’d meet the man I was suppose to marry in the summer and it would be at my new job in a new hospital. Ok, well my new job is in the same hospital and she was 2 months off! She was also a bit wrong with “my guy situation” saying I’d walk away from him in March b/c I’d realize that he didn’t have the courage to leave his wife and that they married because it was the next logical step. She was suppose to email an article to get over the relationship but instead said if I continue to think that it won’t happen, then that’s why he won’t leave and that I have to think positively about it. I know “my guy” situation is messy, so I don’t fault her for that. I’d say she’s ok, but wouldn’t use her again. Nails some things, but other things not.

Terry Mastriantonio-I used him and loved him…but predication was totally wrong! Later, I found out the situation was all wrong too, so I won’t use him again.

Ms Madeline: She was good but kept trying to sell me some meditation thing. Said if I continue on the same path (without her meditation) then I will be going down the wrong road. I felt like the things she picked up could have been astrology related and not really a psychic.

love angel: I have to wait for predications…some things he said about career were correct. He has great reviews and is new to the site, but really I am waiting for predications to use him again.

Voice of Spirits: I used him twice. At first I loved him! He was very detailed. New names. But then I realized that he asks for the first and last names of people and b-days….he could be google that info to come up with the names. He said I lived by the sea (yes I do, but come on!) So other info was good, but I just read some reviews others said the same thing and predications did not happen.

Savanna: Nice person. Good. I’d use her again!

STEVE BLUE EYES: Not ethical. After I spoke with him, about a week later he contacted me saying that he had to talk with me as my situation was about to change. My dumb ass did contact him again and paid for it, and it was the nothing.

Psychic Insight by Adrianne: I thought she was nice even though people say she’s not. She said he’d stay with her and he’d be happy and that he married cause he was happy with her. Ok, well, that’s not true so, she didn’t have good empathy skills.

Mystical Miss Toria: Wrong about a situation but she did no that I have a neg. friend. Im not sure if that’s psychic.

Soul Reader Elizabeth: words just way off! Told me I’d meet a guy who was Cali and within 3 months I’d move with him…, that did not happen! Didn’t think it would.

Aboutagirl: Sucked and was general. I don’t trust tarot and that’s what she used.

ßreezy: Ended up being totally wrong about a situation.

Joelle: Wrong.

DancingVoice: Is different and I didn’t like it. Didn’t make any predictions. Just said my career was progressing, basically. Total waste of money. There was nothing unique about him.

Mystic Lady Jayde: Dead wrong! I should have asked for my money back!

Miss Ann: Good. Good luck getting hold of her. She's not on much and when she is she's busy.

Starpsychic:She described my personality right but was wrong about me meeting a new guy. I knew she was wrong when she starting describing him!

Matt Allen: Suxed

Celeste: not worth it.

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Posts: 3195
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posted April 13, 2014 01:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LoadedPistil     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by St@r2013:
Congrats LP! Really glad Astrid was wrong for you (she was wrong for me too but instead of getting a job I got nothing lol).

Really happy for you!

Thank you!!

It seems thing were just jumbled with her. She did see two offers and I AM waiting on the second, but the when and the who's who was all out of order!

That seems to be a pattern for me and psychic this year. They all seem to be gifted, but I ask them about the maid and they describe the nanny! If I was in it for entertainment, I'd be tickled pink! BUT I'M NOT.

I've attempted to get maybe 5-6 readings between today and yesterday.

Matt Allen declined and became unavailable

CindyS tried connecting, but said we were not committed, but friends. I told her we were not just friends. She said friends with benefits is still friends. Uhhhh... No. I said maybe that was how he saw it? She said I was being difficult with the connection process and couldn't read for me. Friends w/ben do not feed each other chocolate covered strawberries. I would f*** him and send him on his way and he won't like that, either. Friends with a whole lot of benefits is an oxymoron. If we were friends w/ benefits, I woudn't be complaining about where we are right now. I'm thinking she's picking up somebody else. AAAaaaanyway....

Breezy hung up because I only had one question.

James Masters couldn't connect, but was very honest and kind. He said he was picking up some things on us, but nothing that would answer my question. He gave some tidbits without charging. I'd go back to him another time.

Ace Black tried to charge without the promised confirmation. I canceled the payment and asked for confirmation. He said I was having sleepless nights, which isn't quite true. I wake up really early for no reason (likely because the sun is up earlier, my Scorp moon HATES sun), but no problems falling asleep. I said "Hmmm... okay" He hung up.

Leo ♌️ Sun, (2nd House), Venus (3nd House)
Scorpio ♏ Moon,Mars,Saturn (5th House)
Cancer ♋ Rising
Svātī Nakshatra

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posted April 13, 2014 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MinceyMouse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Currently loving Shy Owl. Things I didn't believe are coming to light.

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posted April 13, 2014 02:47 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@LP don't waste your time with Ace Black the prediction guy. I tried him twice foolishly. He gave me predictions that didnt fit anything but I went along with it b/c he said they could be about things I don't know about yet. What a crock! What do I care if the people sitting next to me in a restaurant have a fight! How would I confirm that?? I just want to know about my life and the people around me. He's not good at all.

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posted April 13, 2014 03:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LoadedPistil     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FairyDust75:
@LP don't waste your time with Ace Black the prediction guy. I tried him twice foolishly. He gave me predictions that didnt fit anything but I went along with it b/c he said they could be about things I don't know about yet. What a crock! What do I care if the people sitting next to me in a restaurant have a fight! How would I confirm that?? I just want to know about my life and the people around me. He's not good at all.

Hahaha!!!!!! I'll hold off on him til Halloween, the. Not in the mood for entertainment.

Leo ♌️ Sun, (2nd House), Venus (3nd House)
Scorpio ♏ Moon,Mars,Saturn (5th House)
Cancer ♋ Rising
Svātī Nakshatra

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posted April 13, 2014 03:59 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok my last Sandie reading was a bit all over the place. She STILL sees contact coming from the guy but told me I should ignore him and give him a taste of his own medicine. She also felt a soulmate is coming in 3-4 months time for me. Gave me some good descriptions but isn't sure if I know him or if he's around me somehow. She said the card for him was above my head so she feels if I don't know him already he's very close. And I didn't really know anyone for the person she described so I'm thinking I don't know him yet. She also brought through a silver haired woman but the description of her didnt match anyone I knew. Didnt match my grandmothers or any of my aunts that passed. So she just let her go. She was right on describing me and the guy as usual but just a little all over. I believe in her because she's always accurate for me and when she described the contact coming from the guy she used the same terminology as she's used in the past. I also like how she says she doesn't remember details from each reading.

Anyone ever try Malia? I love to read profiles and she seemed pretty good. Was just wondering if anyone tried her out.

I'm not sure what to make of ShyOwl. The first time I tried her she was dead on of the situation. She felt contact on march 7th and that we would see each other soon after. That never happened and I went back to her. She felt he suddenly moved on but new love was coming in for me. She also felt I might hear from him in June again. When I tried to push for more info I didn't feel like she gave me as much as the first time. She was just sort of like move on and wait for the new love. She may be right but I was very confused. I haven't been back to her since though. It was just one reading said yes the next said no. So I don't know.

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posted April 13, 2014 04:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@FairyDust, I tried Malia - ummm I'm not too sure...

Firstly, this isn't Sandie who is really generous with her time, Malia wanted money ahead for at least 5 minutes so since it's like $5 a min you have to put about $30 - however, when I asked my question (I wanted to know when I'll meet my next significant partner) she said she doesn't answer those kinds of questions...

So she actually gave me more time for less money because of that.. so that was nice of her.

She didn't give any predictions but told me that basically to find a job my heart and mind need to be aligned and that I shouldn't listen to any psychic who gives me predictions about the next guy because there are multiple possibilities - nothing is set in stone...

On the one hand she was very accurate and I liked her message but on the other it missed something ....

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posted April 13, 2014 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, it's time for me to look over all ny reading because someone saw what just happened...happening but I don't remember the guy in question is now facing 10-15 years in prison (yep I know how to pick em) and has been charged federally making several predictions impossible....very impossible.

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posted April 13, 2014 05:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry to hear that SophiaFrank, that must have been some shocking news!

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posted April 13, 2014 05:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@St@r, interesting read with Malia. I think I would hold off. I interpreted it as not being very direct with answers, more like advice. I recently tried Spirit Amy and I liked her. She was $40 for 10 minutes but I didn't give her any info except general (names, dob, location) and she really nailed stuff. Like she actually gave me a timeline as to what happened in each month with the guy. That impressed me. She still sees contact coming and that we will see each other as in a meeting but feels the future for long term is weak. The only thing I was confused on when I reread the transcripts was the timing of the contact. She said 8, 8 days or weeks from time of last contact. That can't be because it's been way more than 8 weeks since last contact. However, I did reach out to him for his bday 3 weeks ago and got no answer so she could be referring to that. I messaged her to ask for clarification and even offered to come into session if she wanted but she never answered me. I'll just wait it out and see what happens.

@Sophia, don't feel so bad I know how to pick them too! I'm back on the on line dating scene and recently talked to someone that apparently was homeless and turned out he was looking for money. When I confronted him he got very nasty so needless to say that one didnt work out! Lol

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posted April 13, 2014 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by St@r2013:
Sorry to hear that SophiaFrank, that must have been some shocking news!

Yes...I was like seriously... another one bites the dust.

@Fairy- I feel as if I have experienced everything you can think of!!! I am taking a break...

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posted April 13, 2014 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah, I don't think I'd have another reading with Malia... I prefer more clear info.

Spirit Amy sounds good... I would stick with her...

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posted April 13, 2014 05:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's funny, but everyone reads that there will be contact from him but not a strong future. Honestly I'm working hard to move on and not waiting. He hasn't talked to me in 4 months so I can't imagine why he would now. He is back on line dating again so why would he want to talk to me again. I don't see it. But it is confusing when I have readers tell me there will be contact again. It does give me a pang of hope but at the same time I can't sit and wait for it either. My tops, Sandie and Bryan both see him reaching out again and neither Sandie or Bryan really like him to begin with. So we'll see.

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posted April 13, 2014 05:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilacbreeze     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@ Sophia - wow sorry to hear that! If you do figure out who predicted that, though - let us know!

@Fairy - Sandie brought up a silver haired woman in my reading too. I couldn't place her either - but thought it must have been a great aunt or someone.

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posted April 13, 2014 05:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@Lilac, yeah I couldn't even place her as a great aunt. She said she had silver hair, shoulder length and was very frail when she passed. Also, that she wasn't slim in life but was when she passed. She also felt she wasn't in a happy marriage but stayed with him till the end. It didn't fit anyone I knew in my family at all. It was kind of odd, it was the first time anyone has come through that she has mentioned. I usually don't ask for medium readings but she said this one came through. She let it go though when I couldn't place her and she couldn't give me a name to go with the person either. I thought it might have helped with placing her. I'm not saying she was wrong, who knows who could have come through, not necessarily a family member for me but for someone I know. But when I couldn't place them she let it go so I have no idea who they were or what they were trying to tell me, if anything.

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posted April 13, 2014 07:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for happyaskings     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Malia has actually been correct for me on.....pretty much everything to be honest. I bashed her on here the first time I read with her because I really didn't like her style and I felt she was vague and I didn't believe I would be repeating my mistakes. Okay well she saw a new guy coming in in Oct (she doesn't usually do timeframes but she picked up on it for me), that happened. She said he would be "engaging" (he was/is very intelligent and a great conversationalist, the ******* ), she said he would be moody and that I was going to have issues with him going hot and cold. I had recently come out of a relationship that was very similar and this was NOT what I wanted to hear. I then went back to her when I met the guy and asked her if he would be moving states (he talked about it...pretty sure he was trying to manipulate me) and she said know, she also said that she wasn't getting a real answer in regards to our future. He didn't move, we broke up. When he tried coming back I went to her again and she was the second (after shy owl) to tell me he wanted to get back together but he is bad news bears and unless he takes time to heal a relationship with him would never work. She also said that if I refused to put up with him he would quickly find a new victim. All true. I then came around full circle and asked her what was coming next...that was an interesting and enlightening read that I rather enjoyed but who knows if it will happen. She has been right about everything I've asked her about thus far and she is honest when she can't get a clear answer. My only issue with her is that her style can be a little vague and the terminology is sometimes a bit odd and her price is too high! Other that that she is good.

On an unrelated note, I feel it is important to say that as long as you are going to psychics asking about another person (when they will contact/do they miss you/etc etc) you are not really allowing yourself to let go. Save your money!

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posted April 13, 2014 07:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for happyaskings     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SophiaFrank:
Well, it's time for me to look over all ny reading because someone saw what just happened...happening but I don't remember the guy in question is now facing 10-15 years in prison (yep I know how to pick em) and has been charged federally making several predictions impossible....very impossible.

For what?! I'm curious! Holy cow...on to better things! Would love to know who saw that one and everyone that was wrong lol

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posted April 13, 2014 07:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Haplesschild*     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow that Malia reading looks horrible imo really all over the place and isnt to the point at all. She didnt really answer your questions whatsoever. Brilliance in Sight is a lot better, I wouldn't pay 4-5 dollars per min to hear about how a reader was an empath lol.. Talk about rip off ><

Mamaroberts is awesome, I want another reading with her.

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