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Author Topic:   Have you guys ever used a psychic service?

Posts: 8636
From: Olympus
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posted August 18, 2013 01:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hera     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hahaha I feel the same! I periodically go through transcripts but the list is too long to make a thorough check. O_o

I'm gonna wait for October. I've been hearing its gonna make it or break it and things will be more settled then. 2 more months. Okay. After that I'll know, who's coming who's going and who's gonna stay. Yeah.

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posted August 18, 2013 03:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for RunAroundScreaming     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay. So I got a reading from Steve at duskraven's grove last month and he didn't describe my relationship with my ex correctly at all. ($5 for a simple tarot reading, one question email reading)

Yesterday I got a reading ($35 for 3 questions email reading) from the cowrie shells lady and she did not describe anything from my past just gave me predicitions about the future. So how am I supposed to know if she's real. But oh well. And she did pick up on my ex's feelings for me accurately, but I feel like she didn't try hard enough to help me and just wanted to answer the question and get it over with.
For the other two questions, she also just gave predictions and said nothing about my current or past situation so that I could see if she was real

Overall, I am disappointed, but hopeful I guess...
If you guys had good experiences with them....maybe they are right about what they said to me. For Steve I will never know bc he never even predicted anything, just told me what the meaning of my relationship with my ex had been (which he described wrongly)

Personally I think that they are both true, even though I have no proof. But for example what the cowrie shells lady said about me finding a job by the end of this year and moving out next year is exactly what I had planned for me to do. Not only was I planning on settling into a job by the end of this year, but i was planning on moving out strictly after a year's time of saving up money. because that is all the money i'd need for the price range apartment I want to buy and renovations I want to do.
so How did she know that? And she doesnt even know I just graduated from college. I only asked her anout my future job, but for all she knows i could still be in college unable to get a job.

Also how she described my ex's feelings was reallly spot on. It's too uncanny that she would get that right.

However, I'm with Hera. I think the Tarot is more accurate!!! It gives more details believe it or not, and is also more reliable. Everything the tarot has ever told me has come to pass. I also dont trust a psychic's "vision"
Like someone said, they are not right 100% of the time, so then youre never sure which part is right or which part is wrong. That kind of doubt sucks.

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posted August 18, 2013 05:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SandyShore     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by happyaskings:

I feel like I should make a big post about who was decent nd who sucked and why...

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posted August 18, 2013 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for happyaskings     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Alright these are my honest and BLUNT reviews of readers I’ve been to in the past (rated by Decent and Sucked lol). These particular psychics readings time frames/predictions SHOULD have come to pass by now so the review is off how the reading was and if the predictions happened or not. I know for SURE if they were right or not and I'm not still waiting on predictions for them (unlike GS, Stephanie, Sandie, etc)

Shyowl: Sucked. I really don’t get the outstanding reviews here, she didn’t even pick up on the fact that my ex and I were more than friends…what?! When I informed her of this, she backpedaled a little bit saying he wasn’t ready for commitment (true) and that my guides said to keep him as a friend for now and revisit it later…it was kinda late for that. Said I would be meeting someone in 6 months or so that would be an energy worker/healer of some kind…that has not happened unless she means “DOCTOR” she is wrong lol.

Anna’s Agapi: Sucked. She was wrong about everything went on and on about how my ex and I were soul mates and we would be getting married, etc. Nothing about the reading really resonated and she just wasn’t right.

Terri Delights: Sucked. The first thing she said was “I see you admiring him from afar” nope we were actually having sex at the time, when I told her this she said it was physical distance that she was picking up on (this was AFTER asking how far away he lived). I don’t think she is psychic.

PSYCHIC EVE: Kind of Sucked. She picked up on physical distance right off the bat which impressed me. She was the first to tell me his friends were leading him in a different direction, but she still “saw us together” after a little bit of time. She was a good empath, but nothing she said came to pass. Not worth the money.

Spirit Amy: Kind of Decent. Okay she actually nailed a bunch of stuff about the relationship and how I was feeling, she even knew exact dates of when certain things had happened I was really impressed with her. Her predictions were way off, she saw us reconciling in 5 days and we actually never spoke again , she saw a change in him come summer well…obviously I have no idea and I never will. I would actually probably use her again EXPECT that she suggested I carry on with the relationship that I needed to “see this out” she told me this at a time when I was very impressionable and honestly with the state I was in I cant believe she gave that kind of advice…that relationship was borderline abusive.

Aboutagirl: Kind of Decent. In the beginning she nailed time frames for me but since then she hasn’t been as accurate. She also doesn’t give a ton of detail and one of her work predictions didn’t happen. I do wonder if her gift extends beyond the cards…regardless there are less expensive readers that can give more detail.

Michelle Walters (mystic_morningstar): Sucked. Completely off. Gave me tons of hope at the time, but of course it was all wrong.

CindyS: Decent. Was right about him contacting me also was right about how things were going to play out if I carried on the way I was. She seemed to really feel bad for him which kind of ****** me off because he was such a jerk but other than that she was good. I tried going back to her but unfortunately she needs specific names to connect and since I was just looking for a general reading she couldn’t connect. I wasn’t as impressed with her about what she was able to pick up on (unlike the way GS and
Jayme can pick up on the most random **** ), but she did end up being right so I have to give credit.

Melanie Simms: Sucked. She was all over the place, slow, and wrong about everything. I should have gotten a refund.

BrazilianStar: Sucked. I felt what she said to me could have been said to anyone in their earlier 20s. I know she gets rave reviews but I felt like I was given a cold reading.

Claire Donovan: Decent. She was right. I really didn’t want her to be, but she was. Her second reading was much more positive but she didn’t make any predictions which was a bummer!

Light of K: Kind of Decent. I’ve had two readings with her and both times I’ve cried…no idea why because she is very kind! She was right about everything but the prediction she made about reconciling didn’t happen…but she did say that she wasn’t confident about it because the energy was so back and forth. The second reading she gave it really looks like she is the only one that might be right timewise unless things start to happen NOW! Interestingly enough, she also picked up on two.

Lauren Divine: Sucked. Too good to be true and it didn’t happen.

Psychicreader: Sucked. Another one that gets great reviews, but doesn’t live up to them. She picked up on one thing that made me think she had a gift but honestly in hindsight that could have just been guessing. Her predictions were totally wrong and I don’t think she was right about the situation either.

Jennifer Louise Hay: Sucked. She was generous with her time but she either wasn’t connecting with me or just wasn’t really psychic because she pretty much just guessed and gave general advice. She was wrong in her guesswork too lol.

Jamey: Decent…at first? This one is really hard for me, Jamey helped me through a lot and I honestly could not have gotten through things so fast if it hadn’t been for her…I also don’t think I would have been able to see things as clearly as I see them now and I think myself esteem would be completely down the toilet if I had never met her. She has been correct in many of her smaller predictions and she nailed my love situation in the beginning. She was able to tell me what was going to happen and hours later, they would happen. She also (more recently) got my career situation bang on. That said, the past couple months she just kind of fell off for me, she was COMPLETELY off with a bunch of things and it made me question if I could trust anything she said in previous readings. I can also say that I am not always sure she was “reading” for me, a lot of times it was more of a counseling session (which to be fair is something I needed more than a psychic reading) so I do wonder if that’s why the predictions never came to pass. I am going to wait a while longer and when things start to change I think I will eventually give her another shot. She helped me the most and I really am grateful to her and still would recommend people giving her a shot. I just wonder wtf happened with our connection.

That’s all I have for now, if I keep looking and find more I will post.

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posted August 19, 2013 11:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ohhhhh Don't even get me started on Terri Delights!!! Out of all the psychics I have read with she was an absolute BULLY! She told me if I didn't get the love work ($150) it would never happen and I really don't think she is psychic either. I am not happy with her and my negative rating was erased. NO refund or anything

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posted August 19, 2013 12:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for happyaskings     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Psychic Solutions with Diana: Sucked. Was totally off and everything happened the exact opposite of what was predicted. For those out there that think tarot cards can never be wrong, go get a reading with Diana lol!

Raven Star: Sucked. Wasn't right about anything.

Brandi: Sucked. I have no idea why I tried her because even then I knew she didn't look legit...I guess I was THAT desperate. She was wrong and it seemed like she just made everything up.

Honestly writing all of this out makes it a lot easier to avoid readings all together. The majority of these people were just flat wrong and the ones who did get the situation correct ended up being wrong about the outcome. I also really don't think "freewill" is a valid excuse here because a lot of these people I talked to AFTER we had stopped contacting each other.

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posted August 19, 2013 01:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for andstuff     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh I tried Anna when Hera recommended her.... Nothing much at all. She said my lover still wants me though, which everyone else has been going on about too. Maybe that energy is too obvious or maybe she was making it up I don't know

I think we need a proper warning list [paranoid mode on!], so thanks @happy for providing yours

And I have been thinking of Gaia's reading and... something occurred to me. She said I'd meet this guy called Michael in March and guess what I remembered meeting one last March. I had to attend a social function and got asked to dance by him. He smelled like something was wrong with his diet, and his hands were sweaty and my dress was made of a very fine cloth so everything was seeping through it (and I couldn't walk off for a few people's sake inc. my family). Delightful experience. SO I don't know. Maybe this is what she saw instead of my future

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Posts: 533
From: MOMument (;
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posted August 19, 2013 01:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressMendez     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SophiaFrank:
Ohhhhh Don't even get me started on Terri Delights!!! Out of all the psychics I have read with she was an absolute BULLY! She told me if I didn't get the love work ($150) it would never happen and I really don't think she is psychic either. I am not happy with her and my negative rating was erased. NO refund or anything

OMG! So true!! SO RUDE, wow!!!!! I tried her a while back..never again. Ugh. She hung up on me I didn't pay her lol

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posted August 19, 2013 01:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressMendez     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Psychic Solutions with Diana: Sucked. Was totally off and everything happened the exact opposite of what was predicted. For those out there that think tarot cards can never be wrong, go get a reading with Diana lol!

This is so true. It's not the cards, it's the reader!! It depends on how the reader interprets their cards. Of course they can be wrong..nothing at all is 100%..

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posted August 19, 2013 07:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote first reading with Gaia took place back in March of 2013.

I asked her what career avenue should I pursue and she told me teaching. (Which is so funny, never in a million years would I have ever thought about teaching until a few weeks before the reading with Gaia when I started researching online teaching of business courses.

She knew all the feelings/emotions I felt with "M" and called me out on things that NOONE else would know. (except me of course)

Now...what really got me is a conversation that she knew about before it even happened. This conversation happened last night and it was exactly...what she told me and when.

*Prediction* came true. I have a real good feeling about Gaia and her honesty. Plus, her reading is on the exact same lines as GS.

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From: MOMument (;
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posted August 19, 2013 07:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressMendez     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SophiaFrank: first reading with Gaia took place back in March of 2013.

I asked her what career avenue should I pursue and she told me teaching. (Which is so funny, never in a million years would I have ever thought about teaching until a few weeks before the reading with Gaia when I started researching online teaching of business courses.

She knew all the feelings/emotions I felt with "M" and called me out on things that NOONE else would know. (except me of course)

Now...what really got me is a conversation that she knew about before it even happened. This conversation happened last night and it was exactly...what she told me and when.

*Prediction* came true. I have a real good feeling about Gaia and her honesty. Plus, her reading is on the exact same lines as GS.

Yes, her predictions for me come to pass as well. She told me someone I would never imagine to contact me would the 17th of this month. He did yesterday..the 18th. I had to go back to update her and asked her if she was 100% sure that was the same guy and she said yes, 100% and she made a prediction about something related to him that is supposed to happen 2-3 days from we'll see =)

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posted August 19, 2013 08:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ohhhh Empress that makes me so happy to hear someone else is experiencing Gaia's predictions also. Isn't she just AMAZING!! You actually sparked my interest in her and I was like wait I remember reading with her before and sure enough I kept a close eye on the transcript and things are coming to pass as she says. I am getting warm fuzzys just thinking about it.

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posted August 19, 2013 08:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for happyaskings     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^Are you done with him or still trying to work on things? Cause that could mean a lot of the psychics you talked to are still in the game...

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posted August 19, 2013 10:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great comprehensive list happyaskings! It's great to be able to read honest reviews since Bitwine deletes the unfavorable ones... I want to do a list of the readers that I had a chat with as well but I'll wait till Nov because then most of the predictions should have happened...

And I was excited to hear that Gaia's predictions happened for you SophiaFrank. I'm waiting for a major prediction of hers to come true - it will be in Sep - if it happens I'll be very impressed!

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posted August 19, 2013 10:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have distanced myself from "M".... I don't run to the phone or text him when I see his name...a bit emotionally exhausted with him. As of right now me trying to "be" with "M" is a no go. Haven't completely cut him out...that will take time...I just don't know..I've been focusing on my career and taking better care of myself.

My TOP picks as far as Psychics goes...

1. Gaia

2. Goddess Serenity

3. Astrid

Notable Mention:

Samantha Aura

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posted August 20, 2013 01:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for happyaskings     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by St@r2013:
Great comprehensive list happyaskings! It's great to be able to read honest reviews since Bitwine deletes the unfavorable ones... I want to do a list of the readers that I had a chat with as well but I'll wait till Nov because then most of the predictions should have happened...

And I was excited to hear that Gaia's predictions happened for you SophiaFrank. I'm waiting for a major prediction of hers to come true - it will be in Sep - if it happens I'll be very impressed!

Yeah I have another batch of predictions still "baking"...I will know for sure on everyone by November. I'm done with readings, but if any of them end up being right I will def post here. Most of them were predicting Sept/Oct which I found odd because it is SO close and it seems like usually they give a good 3-6 month waiting period in order to cover their ***** (avoid bad reviews). One of Bevs timeframes hasn't happened, but I expected hers to be off (not sure why just had a feeling) if what she says happens I will still give her credit.

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posted August 20, 2013 04:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SophiaFrank:
I have distanced myself from "M".... I don't run to the phone or text him when I see his name...a bit emotionally exhausted with him. As of right now me trying to "be" with "M" is a no go. Haven't completely cut him out...that will take time...I just don't know..I've been focusing on my career and taking better care of myself.

My TOP picks as far as Psychics goes...

1. Gaia

2. Goddess Serenity

3. Astrid

Notable Mention:

Samantha Aura

How about Dorothy, I remember you liked her reading. Was she right?

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posted August 20, 2013 06:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for andstuff     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SophiaFrank:

Notable Mention:

Samantha Aura

Profile looks lovely. Would you mind elaborating? In what respects is she good?

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posted August 20, 2013 09:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@St@r2013-Dorthy Holder, yes indeed. I actually liked her..alot of people say she is rude/hateful but she told me like it was and basically didn't tell me anything that I wanted to hear lol. She told me that I have adult tantrums and her prediction: on the love front you are quite well aspected from mid January next year. She told me that I will meet this person in or around a gym and she saw the relationship that will be a life partnership (marriage)...also said nothing that happens between now and then will offer you long term connection. we shall see....

@andstuff- Samantha Aura picked up the situation before I could even type specifically what I wanted to know. She did not make any predictions with me but she knew everything going on in my life. I really should have done a follow up with her. She has good vibes and no sugarcoating.

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posted August 20, 2013 11:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SandyShore     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SophiaFrank:

*Prediction* came true. I have a real good feeling about Gaia and her honesty. Plus, her reading is on the exact same lines as GS.

Did she give you the same predictions as GS?

Btw, Gaia's usual rate is $2.99 per minute. She has a special Offer of 25 minute Reading for $75. Beats me how that is a special offer!

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posted August 20, 2013 01:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SandyShore:
Did she give you the same predictions as GS?

Btw, Gaia's usual rate is $2.99 per minute. She has a special Offer of 25 minute Reading for $75. Beats me how that is a special offer!

Yes, Gaia and GS gave me very similar predictions (just worded different, verbiage different)

Gaia was more specific and detailed on how a conversation would take place.

GS told me that "M" was ready for a relationship with me (and I was like lol she must not know about the conversation we had the week prior when he totally said he had no idea what he wanted) but guess what? He did come forward...just as GS said he would. (the day it happened I was so excited, felt like the luckiest gal in the world..I even posted it on here) It was like "M" was not being his usual flaky self for once. But then... I started to think about all that happened before I got to this point with "M" and how he had chose another girl over me and how he stood me up and the past..and I just decided that wasn't I used my own free will to distance myself from "M" because I guess I haven't really forgave him..or myself..I was like a love sick puppy over "M" and he would just idk do nothing...wasn't very nice to me..cold..long story short he was just not that into me.

Which leads me to that one reading...that made me cry the entire was from David James. I am so embarrassed..I actually spoke with David James on the phone during the first part of the reading and it was so bad I hung up...but then I got back on LivePerson and finished out the reading in chat.. (this reading was done back in April)

David James: well from what is being shown this guy was never really that interested in terms of a relationship, though I feel that he does have respect for you and to an extent some 'affection' but this is friendship not a relationship -(ok yep, he is right this is a friendship)

Then he went own to say: I don't feel that this guy was ever truly interested so it could be said that he 'used' you to an extent. though it does seem that deep down a part of you always knew he was 'using' you.You are going to be able to heal from this and there is going to be, as I said earlier a new relationship ahead of you.

Me: I am just devastated.

David James: well put it this way, it would be a relationship rather than an obsession this time, so the feelings would be 'returned'eventually there is going to be marriage for you as well. as for our career situation I do feel that you are going to be able to pull it together.and there is a new job on the horizon but it is going to require you putting on your 'war face', and recognizing how strongly this obsession has held you.

Only time will really tell if David James was 100% accurate on this...his reading was complexly different from Gaia and GS in every aspect. Possibly because he is not at ALL empath.....

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posted August 20, 2013 01:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think David James went easy on me during that chat session back in April because I had started crying on him during the live call..yes yall I was crying smh..I mean he was BLUNT...used all kinds of bloody cuss words and just gave it to me like a sailor in the midnight hour lol (glad I can joke about this now..cause whew I was UP the entire night crying after his reading)

So, I feel like he did the best he could to be nice to me and word this calmly in that chat. I really don't know..I just really don' t know which psychic is really going to get it right. Both Gaia and GS told me I would be married in 18 months...

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posted August 20, 2013 02:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SandyShore     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd have cried my eyes too under the circumstances. One of his reviewers wrote that "He is a bit crass in how he words things, but it "seems" he has good intentions". Seems that like GS and Gaia, he too sees a marriage for you. I think that your free will is clearing the way for a new non toxic relationship and a marriage to happen
GS had an August predict for you?

Gaia is too expensive for me these days and I am put off by her replies when she get bad or satisfactory reviews. David James seemed bluntly good. Maybe I'll give him a try. Though reason keeps saying to ease off on readings...

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posted August 20, 2013 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for happyaskings     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
David James sucked for me. He was another one that I doubted if he was actually psychic or not, he didn't pick up on anything that impressive...actually he didn't really seem to pick up on anything at all. Prediction should have happened by now but I'll give it til the end of summer.

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posted August 20, 2013 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SandyShore     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yep, I am not feeling too inclined towards DJ after all - so I'll give it a pass.

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