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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 24, 2013 01:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear NoRainNoRainbows, the 100th post come with news... F looked for me yesterday at the temple, but I didn't go there, I was very bad and went bed. My friend told me he misses me, as the runes and cards told us... I think my healing process is starting.. \o/

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posted November 24, 2013 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

AWWW Dani!!! {{HUGS}}
This is so, the one day u go early!!!

...but he also came looking for you which is something, right?
if going to find him back is what you need for a peace of mind then do's always the thing that sucks the most for us, that ends up giving us the most peace of mind (and heart) later on, when we finally face it

hope this goes well from here though....

(i can't read tonight, or right proper emails apparently... but follow your heart in any case with this, and in a few days will go back to readings again :heart

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posted November 24, 2013 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ah thanks for the advices..

Well, I don't know when I'm gonna see him. No worry with the readings, dear.

He wants to return somethigns Ileft into his car last time we were together, I told him to throw them away, but he kept them all these months...

I pulled some cards here, if you cn help with the interpretation, if you want:

Emperor + Queen of Sword
Empress + 2 of Cups
Hanged Man + Page of Swords

I see an agreement, do you see it too?

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posted November 24, 2013 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Ah thanks for the advices..

Well, I don't know when I'm gonna see him. No worry with the readings, dear.

He wants to return somethigns Ileft into his car last time we were together, I told him to throw them away, but he kept them all these months...

I pulled some cards here, if you cn help with the interpretation, if you want:

Emperor + Queen of Sword
Empress + 2 of Cups
Hanged Man + Page of Swords

I see an agreement, do you see it too?

there are challenges but nothing u cant overcome.

tbh from the card readings i did for you, all seemed to indicate an agreement which will bring u a lot of joy, and it all comes back to you not him.
like u r more 'in control' than him in how u want it to turn out, as he is ready to give his 'power to decide' to you.
but also ask about those cards in the TTLG forum.

btw u never asked if F could possibly be ur king of diamonds

but yes, i keep seeing that it is up to you not him how this turns out, and i can see u turn these sad times of both of you into very very happy one's if u wish (just know yourself and that you are complete even when you are alone, and show him that to be complete on his own, and then the 'magic' happens)

will try to write all that in a more understandable way 2moro though!!
for now, yes use this opportunity from the universe to make peace.

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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 24, 2013 03:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I find it difficult that F to be the King of Diamonds, he always appeared as Knight of Cups to me!

BTW, I'll question this for you: Is F my King of Diamonds? (Please don't worry about the time to answer... )

Thanks for all dear, and have a good night and sleep too!

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posted November 27, 2013 04:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello dear!

I return to say that me and F returned. He stills doesn't believe that I love him but somehow I'll show him this. I don't know why, but I'm a little distressed with this...

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posted November 27, 2013 05:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Hello dear!

I return to say that me and F returned. He stills doesn't believe that I love him but somehow I'll show him this. I don't know why, but I'm a little distressed with this...

Hi Dani, so sorry for coming to this a bit later, but couldn't help not staying for long online for the past two days.

Anyawy you have nothing to prove to this guy, and he does sound like a peace of work, but if him being in contact with you is what will bring you peace of mind, then do it (like at least this way you could have closure from what he did in the past)

I asked the runes for you, i tried this spread with much success for friends on another forum so will do it for you to.

it's a trick or treat spread, the first two runes are the good about the situation, the next two are the tricky parts, and finally a 'black cat' stone(or card if your using cards) is something that didn't occur to you about it.

so for what i asked what is the 'treat' of F now coming back in contact with Dani?

Treats Dagaz and Berkano

(Day light and Birch), now the treat is that you have a breakthrough here, for months you have been left to deal with this on your own, and now you if you show this guy you are complete on your own (and even show him how to be in a happy relationship he needs to be complete on his own and not wait for another person to 'complete' him as they say...thing will be okay)

Basically say the right words and here you have an opportunity for closure and healing yourself from the bad episode of a few months back.

it is possibly you become aware to many things you weren't aware of before, and with the right plan in mind, and knowing what you really want from this, you could real put past pains behind you.

now the tricks
Thurisaz and Hagalaz (Thor and Hail)

if you don't watch out and let him lead you again, it is possible this turns to a painful closure, not a peaceful one. unfortunately sometimes if we don't protect ourselves, the completion of the lesson is a painful one and not one we would have liked to have...but if you know to expect hardship in ur path with this guy, and to expect that maybe the universe made him come back to you, only so that your relationship could come full circle with him again...that is this time you complete each other with learning all u could from each other, and when it is time to go, it's just time to go, and he doesn't leave you without answers, the challenge won't be that bad.

There could also be some coldness between you to around this time and this is what is hurtful.

Just learn how to ask in the fewest word, or use the right words to get the answers you are looking for (don't ask direct quesitons, as guys like girls don't like to think about that they may have hurt someone, and don't like the feel that someone is 'rubbing it in' so, it has to be a real well thought approach this time when you want to learn something about why he did what he did.

now at last
black cat, something to know, or to watch out for that hasn't occured to you before

Uruz, reversed

Basically, to become really strong....u have to let yourself become really weak at first. Because only after you knwo your weakness would you know what parts of you they are, and so how to turn them into strength.

I read this as telling u, don't expect the best out of this, but also don't run away from it, as you need to learn something about yourself, and life and people in general through this experience, and after you learnt your real pains, can you progress to the next part of life a much stronger and happier girl than before.
The future will always come to us, no matter what we do about it, so at least with divination it gives us clues on how to 'accept it' better

okay sorry about the less than positive reading after waiting for a few days, but now is when i'm okay to do readings and other stuff again....going to go ask.

and no F, isn't your king of Diamonds, he has the same thoughts and speech and stability the guy will offer, but not the same emotional depth

i'll come later and read for your family about what to do, as that is really on my mind still, and i didn't forget!

have a great day for now D!!

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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 27, 2013 06:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Dear!

Thanks for the reading, it opened more my eyes. I made the mistake saying to him I love him... or not.

Anyway, I'll take care this time with my emotions, maybe the lesson too is not let uncontroled emotions come in the way...

Let your questions, I'll do the readings ASAP..

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posted November 27, 2013 07:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Hello Dear!

Thanks for the reading, it opened more my eyes. I made the mistake saying to him I love him... or not.

Anyway, I'll take care this time with my emotions, maybe the lesson too is not let uncontroled emotions come in the way...

Let your questions, I'll do the readings ASAP..

always a pleasure reading for you Dani, and yeah just let him know that getting to know ourselves is a real good step before we find a good partner as we become more aware at what we can bring to a relationship, and what we can't....a clearer vision is never a bad thing (again think of the rune Manaz, 'humanity' is made of humeans that are complete on their own already )

anyway i asked about your family what to do to lift this depression,

and a four elements rune spread

1-Earth, Othila
2-Water, Dagaz
3-Fire, Ehwaz
4-Air, Hagalaz

Well on a physical level, on what you can do, funny i got Othila, the rune of ancestry. imagine what you'd like for your family or how you want it to be, but don't force it upon your parents.

also know to not listen to anyone, and don't let anyone 'play' with your parents minds. you can if you want go back home sometimes and try and have a family dinner (if you dont have family dinners) still cook something, and hopefully they'll come in and help....even if you aren't serious with what you are doing...just create little moments like these in your house.

just do not force anything upon your mum and dad, and concentrate on what you really want for them and from them, and slowly let it happen...this book i have hear concludes about this rune with

"Your dream is like a dove sitting in your hand,if you try to possess it or keep hold of it, you risk kill it"
just try to be okay with how things are now, and odn't speak about the 'depression' at your life even in the middle of this.

Now emotionally Dagaz again. you have not been taking care of yourself lately, and probably have been even more depressed than you are showing by all this...u have to find what brings 'light' into your life. what makes you happy? even if it's just a walk by the beach, or even going to the temple and helping like u said....think about all what makes you happy, and do more of that in your life, so the balance of 'not so happy' moments to happy moments is equal....basically don't let the sadness from what is going on with your family control u too much. i keep getting this rune a lot for you, so i think u are one of them who if they pray a lot will be able to get the light from the 'sky' into your life, faster than others.

then Ehwaz, really your destiny is that no matter what happens, what your relationship of your parents is to each's for you to remain loyal to both of them, and even think of them when you travel and are a bit away from them. and it is for you to let them know this, in due time.

finally where should you go to seek wisdom in all this?
Hagalaz again....never shy away from the challenges (and i don't think you do anyway) as you face them (remember confronting and facing are two different things)

as you face this that your family is going through, then without confronting it accept it and just let the feelings 'flow' out of you to time and space, things will be better for you and your parents....sometimes the hardest thing for us to face, has an extremly easy thing for us to finally accept when we have decided to see it, and know this episode will just make you a stronger and wiser person than your peers in the future. but for not don't shy away from these family challenges, just sit and observe them, and make sure no one is messing with your parents thoughts and letting their depression go whatever it takes to remind them that all 3 of you should trust each other much more than you should ever let anyone else manipulate any of you!

okay i hope this reading resonated, but truth it's saying there isn't much you cant' do other than just face that this is the family life you have, and don't try to change things drastically, as it may backfire...however the future does look okay you guys can make something really good out of this situation once you start accepting that things sometimes can't be changed just worked with, in a different approach than tried before.

Okay lets see i have no question...but lets try...

did the thing that is going this week, is the Karmic thing your spread the other days spoke about? (i hope so lol)

and where would i be happier which country, I or F or A or the sandpit (can u see how much love i say the last one?)

okay this is for now! i catch you later today, have a great day my dear!

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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 27, 2013 11:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear NoRainNoRainbows!!

Thanks again. I always tought that the distance among us was the real thing. My father is more distant from me and my mother. I'll work on this...

And for F, I decided to break up and never return. He didn't change, and I need someone who is sure of what he wants and don't mess with anyone's feelings, as F does. I'll keep contact for a while, just to you have one idea of the situation: whil we were together, I always woke up in the middle of the night at least 4 times.... He has many bad spirits around him, and some of these came to me. And yesterday was the same: even in Facebook chat I couldn't sleep... But I'm happy, I told what was into my heart and I know something he told me about what happened...

Well, enough of me... let's see your readings!

Did the thing that is going this week, is the Karmic thing your spread the other days spoke about?

4 of Cups
King of Cups
King of Wands
8 of Cups
9 of Swords

Well, the cards say that yes, it's a continuing from my last readings. I see that you are saying "enough, enough" as it is something that's is coming and coming... I see 2 men in the middle of this. One emotional and another more straight, more spiritual.... I see this is coming to an end, very soon. With your prayers and sending light to them, will bring light to your soul too. But I sense that there's more, but you can't see it yet. Do you have around you some religion that treat these spiritual cases? I'll pray tonight for you, dear friend!!

Let's see the another one..

Where would i be happier which country, I or F or A or the sandpit

For I

7 of Pentacles
Queen of Swords
6 of Cups
Queen of Cups

Not good in I, dear! I see difficult choices before you, some desilusions and a woman who can cut you or something from you. You'll get very emotional, remembering the peace you used to have, because your situation will be very difficult. This can mess up your emotional center, as I see your being the Queen of Cups

For F

2 of Pentacles
7 of Cups
4 of Pentacles
3 of Pentacles
7 of Pentacles
Hanged Man

Wow, how many Pentacles! Even with Hanged man and 7 of Cups, saying the will be testing for you, I sense that F is a good place to move. Some choices ahead, but with working to do. If you choice this country, you will obtain some very good incoming, but for this, I see you working a lot, after had make a difficult choice...

For A

9 of Pentacles
King of Pentacles

"A" country is a better choice for you. you will have someone to help you in your moving to this new one. You will learn a lot from this man, and you will grow and harvestall the good seeds you will plant. And I sense that is fair, and analizing what you really want, you will get it!

For sandpit

7 of Swords
4 of Swords
Ace of Pentacles

For the sandpit, I don't see many good things dear! Some mind troubles, and a need to rest to start all over to get just a beggining... hum, not good in my opinion. There will have someone who will try to be your superior in the way, but not acting with leadership, but more for a chief...

Dear, let me know about these readings... Just love make them!!

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posted November 27, 2013 12:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oh hahaha, except for the sandpit, the rest are my countries, and yeah i see it....A is Argentina which is funny, i always had a love/hate relationship with it, don't ask why, i mean i love it of course it's where part of me is from, but the history is still in the air even when denied, and that is too much for me at times, but yes these have always been the most 'helpful' people for me....and F does cost a lot of money, and I, good memories we can't relive are painful.

The sandpit is the sandpit so no surprises, goes with the 'energies' of the place haha.

okay if that F bad spirits are coming close to you protect yourself...and yeah keep him at a distance, and know to get closure simply (he's not going to give it, so know how to get it...)

for me, the reading with the 'karma' it was more a health thing, it's a little thing that give complications sometimes, and yeah 'enough is enough' because you make plans and then you can't really move as 'sleeping it away' half the time, and it becomes annoying when you want to socialize and work do stuff in life basically lol....

okay what is your next question...

Buenos Aires, or Santa Cruz? where will i be happier ?

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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 27, 2013 01:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:

The sandpit is the sandpit so no surprises, goes with the 'energies' of the place haha.

I had to laugh at this one!! \o/

for me, the reading with the 'karma' it was more a health thing, it's a little thing that give complications sometimes, and yeah 'enough is enough' because you make plans and then you can't really move as 'sleeping it away' half the time, and it becomes annoying when you want to socialize and work do stuff in life basically lol....

Little things sometimes give big headaches...

okay what is your next question...

My next question is: what the Indian that incorporated in my last friday wanted me to know? Or that was just the start of our work together?

Buenos Aires, or Santa Cruz? where will i be happier ?

Let's see your reading... I really want one day to visit Argentina... soo close here to me, so far economically (me wihout $$)

For Santa Cruz

5 of Pentacles
King of Swords
7 of Pentacles
6 of Swords

For Buenos Aires

Queen of Pentacles
6 of Cups
9 of Swords
7 of Pentacles
Queen of Swords

My bet is for Santa Cruz. I see many obstacles and worries in BA. You can have a good time in SC, with some loss, but in the end, a safe path. Anyway, for both cities, I pulled 7 of Pentacles, a very difficult choice for you dear! I still bet SC, because there you can find some hope to live a better life, and something is beating my head to tell that there you will find something inside you that will change you world. Wow!

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posted November 27, 2013 01:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

hmmm Argentina doesn't look to promising, as everywhere else is too far from the sea (except for Tierra del Fuego, but even i am not so anti-social to want to go there to haha)

okay what about Toulouse in France, how would that one be, it's not my city, but i always like it when i go, so how is it for settling down?

for your next questions

What the Indian wanted you to know?

Wunjo and Gebo, joy and Gift.

in the shortest sense, that you feel happy when you give. if it is spirituality, you will feel happy when you pray and wish well to everyone, if it is the work place, then it is about you feeling happy whenever you go the extra mile and deliver even more than what was expected of asked of you.

he wanted you to know that the biggest gift is what you feel when you give stuff to others to see them happy.

also they kinds of offering to others,spirit and humanity in general will bring you good luck before you know it.

does this resonate it, i dont know why, but i got a very good feeling about this one lol.

and yeah if i end up in Argentina u can come visit me, as i totally recommand you visit it at least once (but not right now from what i'm hearing)

yeah my question is just about Toulouse, how is it if i settle there for now? (if not what aobut the other city that starts with T which is next to the sea )

and your next question ma'am ?

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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 27, 2013 01:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
\o/ It is spirituality!! Well, I'll need it more than before after what happened.

My next question is:

What is stored for me now that I ended with F?

Doing your readings...

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posted November 27, 2013 02:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The runes told one thing I love to do: give gifts to my dear friends and family. I know that material gifts are very different, but I forgot about this fo a while....

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posted November 27, 2013 02:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
\o/ It is spirituality!! Well, I'll need it more than before after what happened.

My next question is:

What is stored for me now that I ended with F?

Doing your readings...

do u want card or rune stone readings for this one ?

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posted November 27, 2013 02:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
The runes told one thing I love to do: give gifts to my dear friends and family. I know that material gifts are very different, but I forgot about this fo a while....

lol yes i'm like this to, i get more fun giving gifts than recieiving them.....thank god i don't have many friends where i am atm. or i'll be broke before we know it

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posted November 27, 2013 02:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:
do u want card or rune stone readings for this one ?

Hummmm Cards with a fried egg please (hungry here!)

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posted November 27, 2013 02:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Hummmm Cards with a fried egg please (hungry here!)

okay cards it is ma'am....want anything to drink first? (jotting it all down on a notepad with serious look on face )

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posted November 27, 2013 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What if NoRain settle in Toulouse?

Here we goooooo...

3 of Wands
9 of Cups
Queen of Swords
Knight of Wands
Page of Swords

Hum, this one is real good. You'll gather a lot in that region, and you're lucky: the wish card appeared! I sense you will have great times, meeting new people... And to solve some things you left (Karma came in my mind now... O.O). It will be a great idea to settle there, I feel you getting in touch with spitiruality inside you and some kind of knowledge there! Do you plan to take a course to learn something, dear NoRain? Page of Swords call for it!

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posted November 27, 2013 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:
lol yes i'm like this to, i get more fun giving gifts than recieiving them.....thank god i don't have many friends where i am atm. or i'll be broke before we know it

But you don't need to buy something very expensive, I usually go for a souvenir... at least you smile and say: I remembered you! Well, I love this too.. I prefer souvenir and the person gives me a hug than an expensive gift with no emotion...

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posted November 27, 2013 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:
okay cards it is ma'am....want anything to drink first? (jotting it all down on a notepad with serious look on face )

Green tea for me, please... if you don't have, vine is fine for me!

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posted November 27, 2013 02:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
\o/ It is spirituality!! Well, I'll need it more than before after what happened.

My next question is:

What is stored for me now that I ended with F?

Doing your readings...

okay oh dear, this doesn't look like it's going to end well....but i'll give u my advise in the end which kind of echos the runes...but this is a card reading don't worry.

for starters your a little bit undecided yourself about whether he'll understand that you are coming from a place of love or not.

you will not be able to communicate for a while, as anything you speak about will be about this break up being for good, and even emotionally you know your being realstic but you won't be able to help the sadness from it all.

all what you did will be based on u seeing things from a better 'over view' than F himself, but don't expect him to understand it. and yet you won't be able to do anything about it.

this starts out well, as you are happy at first, but then you will feel trapped within this breakup you did (what if i said this...or did that) and this is all going to end up with you feeling opposite what you feel now if what you feel is joy.

now the advise that i will echo which is what the runes gave you, is protect yourself energetically, but one of your points in life right now, is to keep this one near you until he understand how to be happy on his own....if you have to be the one who shows him this, then it is okay, as you have both the strength and love in your spirit to take that role, if you manage to do that, the outcome will be a different than what the energies are saying it is right now.

maybe this isn't what you want to hear, as it isn't the 'stereotypical' advise in this situation, but specially if you say this boy has bad spirits near need to help him see the light, so they go away and leave him alone, until he is happy on his own...and from there goes to find a partner...not before. but protect yourself first energetically, before you approach him.

okay orange juice on the house after this reading

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posted November 27, 2013 02:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
[b]What if NoRain settle in Toulouse?

Here we goooooo...

3 of Wands
9 of Cups
Queen of Swords
Knight of Wands
Page of Swords

Hum, this one is real good. You'll gather a lot in that region, and you're lucky: the wish card appeared! I sense you will have great times, meeting new people... And to solve some things you left (Karma came in my mind now... O.O). It will be a great idea to settle there, I feel you getting in touch with spitiruality inside you and some kind of knowledge there! Do you plan to take a course to learn something, dear NoRain? Page of Swords call for it! [/B]

yeah i love this place i feel the energy all the time when there....hmmm other than fitness classes not really why do you ask....lets see what on Earth would i need to learn to fit in there (scratching head)

lets see next question for me.....

how is the next two weeks looking for me?

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posted November 27, 2013 02:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Green tea for me, please... if you don't have, vine is fine for me!

house wine it is for you then

and yeah i don't buy expensive stuff, but i love giving those pacakges with many little things put together as they are fun for me to put and them to receive, and before i know it, i have one expensive thing made of many little cheap ones hehehe

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