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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 27, 2013 02:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:
okay oh dear, this doesn't look like it's going to end well....but i'll give u my advise in the end which kind of echos the runes...but this is a card reading don't worry.

for starters your a little bit undecided yourself about whether he'll understand that you are coming from a place of love or not.

you will not be able to communicate for a while, as anything you speak about will be about this break up being for good, and even emotionally you know your being realstic but you won't be able to help the sadness from it all.

all what you did will be based on u seeing things from a better 'over view' than F himself, but don't expect him to understand it. and yet you won't be able to do anything about it.

this starts out well, as you are happy at first, but then you will feel trapped within this breakup you did (what if i said this...or did that) and this is all going to end up with you feeling opposite what you feel now if what you feel is joy.

now the advise that i will echo which is what the runes gave you, is protect yourself energetically, but one of your points in life right now, is to keep this one near you until he understand how to be happy on his own....if you have to be the one who shows him this, then it is okay, as you have both the strength and love in your spirit to take that role, if you manage to do that, the outcome will be a different than what the energies are saying it is right now.

maybe this isn't what you want to hear, as it isn't the 'stereotypical' advise in this situation, but specially if you say this boy has bad spirits near need to help him see the light, so they go away and leave him alone, until he is happy on his own...and from there goes to find a partner...not before. but protect yourself first energetically, before you approach him.

okay orange juice on the house after this reading

\o/ Just love orange juice too!

I feel somehow that I need to help him, but I'm afraid of fell in love with him again! I know, I can help as being a friend, but I really afraid of it! So after this lesson, I'll be able to find my King of Diamonds? What a track!

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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 27, 2013 02:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
How is the next two weeks looking for NoRainNoRainbows?

7 of Wands
9 of Swords
7 of Cups
Page of Wands
2 of Cups

, I see you getting into some fights and worries about some choices you will need to take or what you already chose in the past. Use your intuition to follow, connect with your inner self. You will need to defend your choices made until now... But in the end of the period, I see a sweet thing coming... a loving time with someone you dear. Maybe a commemoration of something soo long wanted... =D That's all about your choices!

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posted November 27, 2013 03:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
How is the next two weeks looking for NoRainNoRainbows?

7 of Wands
9 of Swords
7 of Cups
Page of Wands
2 of Cups

, I see you getting into some fights and worries about some choices you will need to take or what you already chose in the past. Use your intuition to follow, connect with your inner self. You will need to defend your choices made until now... But in the end of the period, I see a sweet thing coming... a loving time with someone you dear. Maybe a commemoration of something soo long wanted... =D That's all about your choices!

lol second time this week tells me i'm going to have to make a choice about something i don't really want to make a choice about....sigh lol.

okay will keep that in mind, no pain no gain

now your reading

if this will put you on the path of meeting your KD

well this is going to be a strange reading, but the answer is yes, but you will be in a sad moment in life when you find your KD

basically the choice you make now, if it is what you have in mind, to take care of this guy, will give you some very good luck (like something that is the result of good karma from the past will take place, but by the end whatever you do with F, will always be a heartache for you, (but better than if you leave him on his own, as he could do something foolish)...anyway

you will be contemplating all this and a bit not in your 'happiest' of moods as you think of all the past and what this relationship has done to you, and before you know it your king of D will be near to you.

your descisions now, will be based on your good judgement and 'motherly' feelings towards others, when you communicate also, something so wonderful and 'magical' could happen around you as a result of your words, and at the end of the day it is the want of stablity and your own stability despite the less than happy 'event's that all this is based on.

only the emotions aren't at their best, as no hearts, and so no one to really love as you wish, but even there, this is what will make you feel better, taking care of others, even if told that it isn't your responsbility so you will do it.

and got the 7 of hearts at the cut, and now asked again at a cut if this will bring you the Kd, and the cut was the 2 of hearts i need no more confirmation.

your cards for this
qd, 7c, 9c, 4s. so see even here you are already becoming the Qd, so the woman whose partner to KD, is what you are becoming through this.

oooh forgot one...what about Barcelona what would my life be like if i move there (beaches are important you know and just remembered Toulouse doesn't have one )

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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 27, 2013 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, well, I'll be around him... trying to understand that mind... wow, I pulled once the following about my true companion: King of Pentacles, 8 of Swords and 10 of Cups... that's the confiming reading...

Now ....your cards to....


Hanged Man
2 of Swords
4 of Swords
Knight of Pentacles
9 of Wands

Humm, dear, Barcelona for you I see in two ways: to go for vacations or to live for a while. That will br a sacrifice to you, and you will have some troubles with some people, and you will have to "make peace" to not have conflits. The Knight may be you trying to make things come true, working, praying, loving and studying. I see the Pentacles are balanced in all the areas... so... Don't give up, 9 of wands is the last effort. So if you want a city near beach, go ahead!!

My next question: Will I move with my future husband far away from where I live now?

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posted November 27, 2013 03:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Wow, well, I'll be around him... trying to understand that mind... wow, I pulled once the following about my true companion: King of Pentacles, 8 of Swords and 10 of Cups... that's the confiming reading...

Now ....your cards to....


Hanged Man
2 of Swords
4 of Swords
Knight of Pentacles
9 of Wands

Humm, dear, Barcelona for you I see in two ways: to go for vacations or to live for a while. That will br a sacrifice to you, and you will have some troubles with some people, and you will have to "make peace" to not have conflits. The Knight may be you trying to make things come true, working, praying, loving and studying. I see the Pentacles are balanced in all the areas... so... Don't give up, 9 of wands is the last effort. So if you want a city near beach, go ahead!!

My next question: Will I move with my future husband far away from where I live now?

hahaha what a sacrifice will have to go and work on getting rich in the other town then, so i can take weekly weekends there

for you, no you won't have to move far away from where you live when you finally meet will travel, but for your sake he'll stay closer to your home

okay next question, just a general, would the universe like me to know anything at the time being lol?

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posted November 27, 2013 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ah also does this descision i don't want to make have to do with money, love, family or what exactly lol?

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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 28, 2013 06:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello dear! Good morning from Brasil!

Sorry for not reply yesterday, I went to the temple to pray... My life is going to change and I need some spiritual support..

Now your question:

okay next question, just a general, would the universe like me to know anything at the time being lol?

Here we goooooo!

3 of Pentacles
3 of Wands
10 of Swords
King of Wands
6 of Cups

Wow, with these cards I sense you will make some goods startings in the spiritual and material worlds. Taking responsabilities that in the future you will get recognition from it. New ideas and projects will arise in your mind, write down them to use them in the future. They will work for your future. I see that you'll get a lot worried, with those projects and life changing, be careful for not exploding as a vulcan! But I see a man with a lot of will in your way to help you through this turbulent moments, but be careful in not let him take control of your projects and you! For this, look inside yourself for the light and force to give these projects life! With 6 of Cups, I see a healing time, where you look at the past and for what you got until that time and see how your progress is going and transforming you! Wow great things to you dear!

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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 28, 2013 06:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:
ah also does this descision i don't want to make have to do with money, love, family or what exactly lol?

Hum, this one is good \o/

7 of Pentacles
Ace of Cups
7 of Wands
7 of Swords
Ace of Pentacles
4 of Pentacles

I see that is between money and you balance, dear! Too many 7's in the readings, difficult choices in almost all areas, but as many pentacles I see that money will be your main worry for your question. You will have to fight for what you got until here, use some diplomacy (even with my Mars in Libra, I don't like it...). Just be careful for not be too attached for the things (money) in the future... As one of ALter Bridge songs "All the things we hold are the first to go..." But for Aces, begginings and more begginings... Money and Love coming your way.. wow...

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posted November 28, 2013 06:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

bom dia Cariño!! y muito obrigada for the readings

yeah my 'finances' are all over the place and i need to settle...but hmmm guy, he still hasn't appeared in my life this guy with future dictator potential lol.....

don't worry i went to sleep to! i wish u a lot of strenght for your upcoming 'spiritual testing' time but hopefully it won't be that bad at all, and a lot of good will come ur way!!

leave ur question for me to do later today

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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 28, 2013 07:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:

bom dia Cariño!! y muito obrigada for the readings

yeah my 'finances' are all over the place and i need to settle...but hmmm guy, he still hasn't appeared in my life this guy with future dictator potential lol.....

don't worry i went to sleep to! i wish u a lot of strenght for your upcoming 'spiritual testing' time but hopefully it won't be that bad at all, and a lot of good will come ur way!!

leave ur question for me to do later today

Hope that you'll be ok too.. Me gusta el Español... ^^

Well, my next question... What is stored for me in the next 3 months? Wow, never asked this kind of question before!

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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 28, 2013 07:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cariño... (Love this word..)

Another question: What do D feels for me? Sometimes I see him acting a little weird around me... \o/

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posted November 28, 2013 07:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Hope that you'll be ok too.. Me gusta el Español... ^^

Well, my next question... What is stored for me in the next 3 months? Wow, never asked this kind of question before!

mostly i see you trying to stabalize your emotions more than anything, you want to control them and that is the theme.

for the first month
8s kc ac 3d

you are kind of mentally block, but yet again this doesn't stop you from expressing yourself real well when you need to, as you know what to say. but mentally you are blocked and you are trying to really sort out what you are feeling about 'some people' although starting from today the month starts out well, expect to feel unhappy soon..however by a month from now you will be considering whether to go back to old 'flames' or remain how you are, even though u know the outcome of both paths you are supposed to chose from.

Now the month after

5c 10d 4s 3h
you are still working through your emotions, your mind is going in all directions as you still haven't figured out what you need, and this month your not as eloquent as usual when communicating, u may even be a little bit sarcastic as people can't see how you are dealing from being trapped in your feelings coz of a nasty old break up....on the bright side what ever you do is based on a loving feeling, so despite the loss and entrapment of the beggining, this month ends real well for you

and last of these 3 months

8c 5d 4c 9h

and month three, i keep seeing you defienlty have acquired something here, and expect to be surrounded by people. this only a karmic month in that you have learnt how to really deal with people and control your mind, you are careful about what you share with others, and your emotions are slowly coming under your control.

if anything i see some event happening in your temple, maybe a social one, and you will give your all to it, as you know that this love of humanity will come back to you one day even if not as fast as you want.

this month you are happier than the last two, as something new has come to your life in a good way, and you will be socializing more often than the past few months

now onto next reading

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posted November 28, 2013 07:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Cariño... (Love this word..)

Another question: What do D feels for me? Sometimes I see him acting a little weird around me... \o/

hmmm i think D is one of those 'genuises' that think a way to a woman's heart is thru screwing with her mind...

5s 5d 3d 2c

see all fives, and the last two add up to five, meaning he himself has no idea what he feels towards you,
for now he seems to think you come to close, and that instead you should both give yourself your personal spaces.

this thing makes him quite moody, and he doesn't know what he is thinking at all, but he is upset for it when he sees you...see looks like no love, but it doesn't mean hate....he is one moody fella for sure, so just give him his distance.

for now he doesn't think anything good, and soon he'll even feel really annoyed by this whole situation....however within a little while he's going to be feeling the opposite, you will be friends and he'll laugh at himself for what he was thinking during this phase, as he doesn't need to know you did a reading about it so already know

for now just give him that distance he seems to want from you, but stay friend with him.....

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posted November 28, 2013 07:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
my question what should i do to get back on track with this project i'm working on.

why do i feel discourage late, even though all the signs are encouraging, and what should i bring to it, so i can finish it well and fast (it's mostly finished, i only find it challenging to finish anything i start)////

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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 28, 2013 08:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:
my question what should i do to get back on track with this project i'm working on.

why do i feel discourage late, even though all the signs are encouraging, and what should i bring to it, so i can finish it well and fast (it's mostly finished, i only find it challenging to finish anything i start)////

Just loved the readings, mainly the three months (just saw the one you did to DeepFreeze, really amazing).

For D, he's a funny guy from the temple, I just thought he came too strong by my side, but I see him as a friend...

For you now, cara...

What should NoRain do to get back on track with this project she's working on?

King of Swords
2 of Wands
9 of Wands
3 of Cups
7 of Pentacles
7 of Cups

You will need to focus a lot in it. 2 of Wands call for will, force, the ideas coming and asking you to put them into the material world. The 9 of Wands tells me that you're almost there, just give yourself a RedBull drink and go there! The result will be the project coming to life. But something is calling for you to make a choice, to see if parts of this project are worth to maintain and the ones you need to cut off. But in general I see a good ending, but again the choices you are still not wanting to take... Wow 7 of Pentacles appearing too much for my will O.O...

Dear, my next question: Will one day I travel (maybe with husband and kids ) to Greece? I'm in loving with this country and I'm learning greek too...

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posted November 28, 2013 01:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Just loved the readings, mainly the three months (just saw the one you did to DeepFreeze, really amazing).

For D, he's a funny guy from the temple, I just thought he came too strong by my side, but I see him as a friend...

For you now, cara...

What should NoRain do to get back on track with this project she's working on?

King of Swords
2 of Wands
9 of Wands
3 of Cups
7 of Pentacles
7 of Cups

You will need to focus a lot in it. 2 of Wands call for will, force, the ideas coming and asking you to put them into the material world. The 9 of Wands tells me that you're almost there, just give yourself a RedBull drink and go there! The result will be the project coming to life. But something is calling for you to make a choice, to see if parts of this project are worth to maintain and the ones you need to cut off. But in general I see a good ending, but again the choices you are still not wanting to take... Wow 7 of Pentacles appearing too much for my will O.O...

Dear, my next question: Will one day I travel (maybe with husband and kids ) to Greece? I'm in loving with this country and I'm learning greek too...

sorry for late reply Dani, went to work on stuff i've been delaying and yeah i totally need to focus!!!

but look what i got for you about Greece! Lenormand cards,


well the main focus is the rider, but you know you are going to go to Greece on your own, i don't know looks like you are corresponding or will be with some who already lives there, and they'll help you when you decide to travel.

also when you finally do, it's your destiny to go to Greece.

so yes you will go to Greece but you will do that on your own (why wait till your married if it means so much to you anyway right )

okay my next question and dont feel the need to do this in a hurry do it in ur own time

am i going to meet someone within the next two weeks in the place i have in mind (the place's name begins with C)....all cards seem to indicate, but neither am i doing the effort nor do i see it happening, so decided to ask you to

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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 28, 2013 01:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:
sorry for late reply Dani, went to work on stuff i've been delaying and yeah i totally need to focus!!!

but look what i got for you about Greece! Lenormand cards,


well the main focus is the rider, but you know you are going to go to Greece on your own, i don't know looks like you are corresponding or will be with some who already lives there, and they'll help you when you decide to travel.

also when you finally do, it's your destiny to go to Greece.

so yes you will go to Greece but you will do that on your own (why wait till your married if it means so much to you anyway right )

okay my next question and dont feel the need to do this in a hurry do it in ur own time

am i going to meet someone within the next two weeks in the place i have in mind (the place's name begins with C)....all cards seem to indicate, but neither am i doing the effort nor do i see it happening, so decided to ask you to

No problem for the delay, I was guessing that the project was in your mind! Good to see you are trying to reach it!!

Wow Lenormand cards! I fell in love with them!

Well, no correspondence yet with any Greek there (I actually in love with signer Giannis Kotsiras ). I'll see if Ill go there next year. I felt I was born there in a past life..

Now for your reading...

7 of Cups
5 of Wands
King of Cups
9 of Cups
5 of Pentacles
Page of Cups
8 of Cups

Amiga Arco-Iris! I see that you will meet him for sure! It's a sentimental choice you have here (I saw 7 of Cups as a choice and not desilusions or tests here..), but you will have to fight some lazy moments to go there and find him (or just hang around to be seen by him). He is your King of Cups. Someone very emotional balanced, knows exactly what to expect from a relationship and from a woman.. wow... And yourself got the Wish Card.. let's go... make a wish...
But for this meeting, I see you losing some $$ (maybe buying something.... maybe a souvenir for a dear friend...). This will be the begining of the love... ah how I love Page of Cups... But be sure to have light in your soul and heart. And the most important for you: leave all the past behind. Start from zero. And go ahead!!! Very nice one dear! I wish you all the best with this man...

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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 28, 2013 02:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear, next question of mine...

What is my path in this lifetime? Could you use the runes this time too?

Ah, wanna Orange Juice to dinner =D

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posted November 28, 2013 03:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Dear, next question of mine...

What is my path in this lifetime? Could you use the runes this time too?

Ah, wanna Orange Juice to dinner =D

Hi Dani!!! sorry for delay again today lol, and what a positive reading, now if only his soul hears and also places him in the right place and time for me to meet in those coming weeks time...and yeah sounds like me to be wasting money here and there randomly lol.

okay for the runes, they think lifepaths change all the time, so for now asked if they had any messages for you and


Again the runes are telling you that you are going through challenging times at the moment, but nothing that you can't step over.

they just approach life with a lot of determination and know you are stronger than the challenging times coming your ways .....go with the flow of things to, but becareful from others (a bit like for your family, trust no one but them)

and entertain others, but don't let anyone trick you now.

so for now you have a less than peaceful time ahead of you, things are changing, but all will be so that as you get ahead in life, these little things will have built your character till there is nothing you can't attain when you want it later are brave so just tap that inner strength of yours for now, and go on with life no matter what it brings towards you!

hmm my runes aren't so friendly today for some reason lol.....

i will probably do the next readings 2moro my time dear though!!

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posted November 28, 2013 03:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
and last q from me today...if i do find this K of it an 'indoor' or and 'outdoor' place...and ummm vain question...will i find him good looking, (such i was told i need to do all the approaching in life when i want something...)

okay go and wine for both of us for tonight

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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 29, 2013 06:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by NoRainNoRainbows:
and last q from me today...if i do find this K of it an 'indoor' or and 'outdoor' place...and ummm vain question...will i find him good looking, (such i was told i need to do all the approaching in life when i want something...)

okay go and wine for both of us for tonight

Buenos días, cara mia!!!

No problem for the late reply, I was having a not soo good time. I was talking with F, we got angry at each other, but in the end things turn out a little nice. I saw he will never understand me, I'm accepting this now...

Let's for your reading, because it is Venus day and I just love it!

Where do NoRain will find the King of Cups?

2 of Pentacles
6 of Wands
Ace of Pentacles
King of Pentacles
10 of Cups

Dear, as I use Mythic Tarot, and these many pentacles, I see you meeting each other in the countries, I may sense in the parks around you. And you will be thinkning about the project you're doing right now! That's your victory! You will start something stable, but be careful with gossips that can arise... In the end, I see that this union will be somehow karmic, and you both will have great times ahead. He may appear a King of Pentacles when you see him for the first time, I guess he is afraid of revealing too quickly what's inside his heart... Wow, you got a wonderful reading, hum!!

My next question: What does F think about me contacting him again? Things are not going that well, me going to straight in the conversations and him "traveling in mayonnaise"...

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posted November 29, 2013 07:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good Morning Dani!!!

country ....but...but i am in the sandpit at the moment, there is no country just some trees that look more gray than green

hmmm will just go consider the sea next to me a 'countryside' for now, as the one that has turtles and birds and etc coming to it is too expensive and not paying to go there ....i got other stuff to waste my money on

okay yeah looks like this project is really my main concern this end of going to go do your trying lenromand again and see what it says!

Thanks for the reading darling!

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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted November 29, 2013 07:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, that's your Mother Nature now hum? Maybe the concern with your project will attract him to you! \o/

Ahhh love turtles! They swim soo graceful.. *.*

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posted November 29, 2013 07:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoRainNoRainbows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
what does F think?

Tree Fox Stars cross Fish

Tree and Fox, he doesn't feel that this is going the way that he thinks 'it should'.....he is happy you contacted, but i guess he wanted or was expecting something else (remember from the other readings he's not spiritually and psychologically healthy at the moment, so it is okay to not give him what he wants for now.)

Then fox with the stars....he was trying to 'heal' his own self through this re-contact and now he is noticing that he went all about it the wrong way round, that this isn't how to heal himself.

(remember from the playing card whichever way it goes, it's not going to be a 'happy ending' but while talking to him, it will be much less hurtful than if you cut each other out once again, more peace will come to you this way)

Now i added to, not sure about the five line reading but star with cross, is now you are both but specially him is accepting that all this happening between you to is just your destiny to go through this experience,

and finally cross and fish, is just saying you are both soul-mates from a previous life, and you have to sort out this sad karma between you to this lifetime so you don't live it again.

In other words he is feeling he did a little mistake now, however it is both your destinies to learn from this experience, and sort it out once and for all....ur speaking to him, is actually going to be the action that will bring you good luck in the future, even though you won't see it for a while

okay or so are the meanings according to this book i got with me here.

my next question...err, can i consider a body of water 'country' here as no other choice really lol?

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Posts: 870
From: Curitiba, Brasil
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 29, 2013 08:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear, I feel very hurtful with this... but if I need to go through this to find peace in the future, let's go.... Somehow I felt I had a pastlife contact with him, but I feel like a mother/spouse one. I don't want to see him in this mess he is...

In the brief conversations we had last night, I told him that messing around with people's life is wrong, and other things... in the end, he told me I have a bright light inside me, and my path is succeful.. I felt he still has me on pedestal...

BTW, lets see your reading... Thanks for Lenomard one! \o/

my next question...err, can i consider a body of water 'country' here as no other choice really lol?

7 of Wands
10 of Cups
4 of Wands
9 of Wands
King of Cups
7 of Pentacles

I get the feeling that cards are saying a big YES! Although you are fighting with this idea, I see that your country is the sandpit.. 10 of Cups and King of Cups again in the reading dear, just loved it! Wow! More yeses to it! Relax, take a walk on the sandpit, carry your energies. The choice is yours... I really think how funny the 7 of Pentacles is coming in almost all reading I did for you O.O...
But for this, you must be relax, this meeting will for sure be balanced in the terms of emotions... Do you really like to befriend a partner first? I do! (And that didn't happen with F, we jump into dating after one week chatting in Facebook).

Well, enough of F... Let's see my dear King of Diamonds/Pentacles..

Is my future husband already in Umbanda?

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