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Author Topic:   Have you guys ever used a psychic service? Part 2

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posted July 07, 2014 07:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressMendez     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by MineAgain:
The first reading I had a strong sensation in the solar plexus (after the reading). The second one was straight in the heart chakra, again after the reading. I had never felt this way with any other reader to be honest. That was quite powerful. I felt sad after the reading even though the reading was quite uplifting. I started crying and feeling all sorts of emotions regarding the situation. It brought every single emotion to the surface (which turned into tears).

Or maybe I'm delusional ha. But it was my first time crying after a reading, seriously. Sandie gave me so so news and I didn't cry.

Personally, he didn't try to sell me anything at all. He was really sweet.

Wow, and no -- don't ever confuse spirituality with delusion. That's what society wants you to think. It has happened to me as well, so trust me you're not delusional!!

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posted July 07, 2014 07:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MineAgain     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Empress!

Yes, spirituality is often confused with "delusion" or "insanity". Most people think it's a bunch if nonsense that's why I'm always a bit on the fence when it comes to talking about my experiences. You never know if people are actually going to believe you or think you're just deluded!

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posted July 07, 2014 08:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilacbreeze     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@fairy - I felt the same way when I read with mamaroberts. I wasn't surprised when her prediction never came to pass.

I haven't even met anyone that I felt interested in in so long, that I can imagine being over the moon at meeting someone I felt a connection with. Try not to worry too much - if you can, hold off on texting him and just focus on other things for now. Sending positive vibes your way!

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posted July 07, 2014 08:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IntuitiveJ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't want to post my email addy here because it has my first & last name lol
I wish there were a private message feature!
If you want to post yours- I'll write to you & then you'll have mine. I really need to create a new generic email

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posted July 07, 2014 08:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by lilacbreeze:
@fairy - I felt the same way when I read with mamaroberts. I wasn't surprised when her prediction never came to pass.

I haven't even met anyone that I felt interested in in so long, that I can imagine being over the moon at meeting someone I felt a connection with. Try not to worry too much - if you can, hold off on texting him and just focus on other things for now. Sending positive vibes your way!

Yeah I just sort of felt like she was reaching a bit. Nice person but it just felt a bit generic. I guess I've been looking for that click for so long that when I felt it it just threw me. I've never been very lucky when it comes to love. But I do just need to leave it alone and whatever will be will be.

IntuitiveJ no worries about the address. I completely understand. Thanks for listening though!

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posted July 08, 2014 01:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for minimini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FairyDust75:
I'm just super anxious tonight. Still wanting to know about A. Haven't heard from him in a week so common sense says he's probably gone. I had readings done and they all said he will be back. I just don't know though. I tried Rachel Marie and was quite impressed. All I asked was tell me what you see about me and a man named A. She gave me a lot of good info and feels contact in a week. Last week Denise Monique said contact by Sunday (yesterday) and nothing came through. I'm still in Mincey's time line so there's still hope. I reallllly want to try texting one more time but have doubts. I probably need to just step away and let it go.

Oh I also tried MamaRoberts this afternoon and I didn't have a great feeling from her. I felt like she guessed on certain things and was too general. So that messed me up more.

So just go ahead and slap me and tell me I need to be on medication.

Hi FD, i totally understand how you felt. i had these moments few times and finally it was Miss Toria told me to stop any reading and just go to sleep. She told me more readings are not going to help; she was
so yes, stop reading until all the time frames is hard i know but put trust on the readers (who you trusted and been accurate).....

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posted July 08, 2014 01:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for minimini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
here are the summary of my readings from Rachel.
First time early March.
I asked about business, she said will be tight for another 3 months then once hit June you can see business getting better and July your cash will get better....
She is right; totally right here. Once entered June i got more orders and by July i will get pay from these orders.
and she said a man will come in the picture for business around april/may. no it didnt happen....a man finally came in the scene at June (will mention it later)
Then i asked about relationship. i was very into guy A by that time. Guy B did popped up but not very much in my mind. I asked Rachel if she sees me commit with A she said you guys have soul connection he is on your path for a reason but NO he is not your soulmate and you will not commit with him.
i was very surprise, she is the only reader told me this. All others the trustful ones did tell me i will have choices and if i chose him he will be my final Mr Right, and with my obsession (lol) by that time, everyone thought i will pick A.
Rachel is the only one told me, NO i will not pick A as my final Mr Right. he will come close to me between June - August and if i choose to i could be with him by August but we will break up very soon like at November because another guy will enter my life by August and i will be with this new guy officically at November.
she was right, A did come close once entering June, however because of her reading, i decided to put a hold on things because of the new guy and i later found out the new guy was B.
this is the end of first reading.

Second reading was early May; i focus at business and asked her if she sees 2 big clients coming back. she said yes one from country A will return by June and one from country B will not return and she cannot see the reason.
YES, june that client from country A did come back and been working on new projects till now.
another client no matter how much how hard i tried, no feedback. so no intention to come back.

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posted July 08, 2014 02:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for minimini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
3rd reading May 15
(i login with using another account another computer)
i asked about guy B, she said back & forth from June to August; then finalised by August which meant he will open up at August and expressed how he feels at August no more back & forth. No it only started by July and i was the one who text him (it was his bdate) and so yes, back & forth now; for August prediction still have to wait and see.
and she mentioned herself she sees i have distraction from June onwards and this distraction is really just a distraction because i will end up choose B.
this part really amused me BIG TIME. she didnt know who i was (old login name) and she definitely didnt remember me. but she herself mentioned guy A and it matched so well with our first reading; guy A no matter what is going to be a distraction and Rachel has been so consistent with it. her description of the person and the whole event were also very consistent.

then June 5 i have 4th reading, i asked if she sees communication with B; she said 2-3 weeks she sees contact. it was a bit off; i text B on 7th coz it was his bdate. then i asked about business because still no man in business scene now. i asked if she sees it is P, because P is the only one who has $ and is a businessman around me. she said Yes it is a P; and he will contact or he will bring in contact in 2 weeks or so; then more converstaions will start from there.....

23June i have my 5th reading. i was bored so i asked if A could be an option she said yes, you can always go out with A or whoever, but destiny is destiny; A will always be a distraction; you will not be with him but you can still try no harm at all even just to kill time.
then i asked about business, because that man she saw at March (even 5th June that P) still not entering the scene. then all in a sudden i remember i have 2 P around me, so i gave her both name she picked the 2nd P, not the first P. i was so surprise because the 2nd one has no $ and he has a full time job i was thinking how could he be so beneficial to my business?? but i didnt say anything.
then June 30 i received an email from a new person saying he is 2nd P's partner and he asked for some quotes and some bsuiness opportunities; and conversations still go on till was right again...

July 6 reading. Confirmed this new guy in business is going to be helpful; told me to entertain him as much as i can coz he will bring more new contacts. and in romance, she said i will see B physically late August to September; so we will see....
(i had 2 readings with her same date; 2nd one i was so nervous she was helping me to clear one thing and gave me advice; not much prediction)

so FD you can see, rachel has been pretty spot on in all my cases. her timing is not always good; but whatever she sees happening it is going to happen. she has been so accurate for me.
right now she is my no. 1.

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posted July 08, 2014 08:08 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Mini for sharing all of that info about Rachel. It does give me a little hope that she will be right about me. I have to say, she was right that if I tried to text A he would still give me the cold shoulder. She said he will still reach out on his own in about a week give or take, but if I wanted to try to reach out it wouldn't affect things. She was right, last night I decided to try for the heck of it and he didn't answer. So we'll see what happens. But thanks for sharing all of that. It's good to know someone is having things happen for them!

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posted July 08, 2014 08:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Haplesschild*     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fairy Dust, you should never text a guy more than once...If they don't reply, there's always a reason. Texting any more than that really doesn't change ones mind...It only causes irritation.

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posted July 08, 2014 08:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blessed39     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Haplesschild*:
Fairy Dust, you should never text a guy more than once...If they don't reply, there's always a reason. Texting any more than that really doesn't change ones mind...It only causes irritation.

This is my rule of thumb. When I was in my early 20's I used to bug the hell out of my ex boyfriend. Lol. Called constantly. I definitely learned my lesson.

Men (for the most part) are natural "hunters". They enjoy the chase. They enjoy the hunt. If they are interested in a woman (and have the means to do so) they will pursue her. Once the woman begins chasing the man, it somewhat throws things off a bit. I am all for being an independent woman and not giving into old school genders norms. However, this is one thing that has proven to be fruitful for me when dealing with men. Especially, in the beginning.

The best thing a woman can do is to have her own life that does not revolve around the man she is interested in. Or, revolve around trying to get his attention. Or, at least give the allusion… Lol. When a woman calls a man a lot it gives him the impression that she is easy bored, lonely, needy, or all of the above. Regardless if that is true or not. Most men are not attracted to that.

Bigger than that FairyDust, YOU are the prize! Allow him to earn you!

Relax, chill out, get busy doing things that make you happy, and enjoy your life!

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posted July 08, 2014 09:18 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm sure you are all right on this. I shouldn't bother and waste my time. I felt I'd give it one last college try and I have my answer. No response means no interest. It had more to do with me feeling like I didnt do enough which I know isn't true but had to do it once more anyway. Now I just need to move on.

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posted July 08, 2014 10:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jerseyshore     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well said!!!

Originally posted by blessed39:
This is my rule of thumb. When I was in my early 20's I used to bug the hell out of my ex boyfriend. Lol. Called constantly. I definitely learned my lesson.

Men (for the most part) are natural "hunters". They enjoy the chase. They enjoy the hunt. If they are interested in a woman (and have the means to do so) they will pursue her. Once the woman begins chasing the man, it somewhat throws things off a bit. I am all for being an independent woman and not giving into old school genders norms. However, this is one thing that has proven to be fruitful for me when dealing with men. Especially, in the beginning.

The best thing a woman can do is to have her own life that does not revolve around the man she is interested in. Or, revolve around trying to get his attention. Or, at least give the allusion… Lol. When a woman calls a man a lot it gives him the impression that she is easy bored, lonely, needy, or all of the above. Regardless if that is true or not. Most men are not attracted to that.

Bigger than that FairyDust, YOU are the prize! Allow him to earn you!

Relax, chill out, get busy doing things that make you happy, and enjoy your life!

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posted July 08, 2014 10:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Julz87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by EmpressMendez:
I like Sandie's personality, but I agree with Mineagain. I feel very "insecure" about her predictions, that's why I stopped visiting. However, I wouldn't mind going back to check on feelings and to feel a bit less anxious. She does get some predictions right when she's CONFIDENT, but other times she's not as confident, and I can easily sense/feel it.

Agreed, its really easy to sense insecurity in a reader.

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posted July 08, 2014 10:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Julz87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LoadedPistil:

I was responding to someone else further up the thread she said that to. She's never said that to me ever. I'm just as shocked. If her timings don't pass, she usually apologizes and gives another.


Ah ok ok, I missed that one. And this is all so awesome!! All your predictions coming true!! <3 pfft thats it, mines are definitely gonna happen. LP, it seems like she is really good with career readings, which was my main focus with her so *fingers crossed*

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posted July 08, 2014 10:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Julz87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming:

Yeah I do miss him...a lot.
But Stephanie kept saying he was the one etc. i feel that she just assumed that because of the way we feel about each other, but he is NOT the one. Trust me. This is where astrology does its job best. Not only does astrology confirm it for me, but i also feel in my heart that he is not the one, though he came somewhat close to it. Any psychic who is saying i will get back with him even if i dont want to is dead wrong. Im a cancer lol, id rather hide in my stubborn crab shell where im safe then be subject to even the slightest pain. He's a jerk, im done, i dont care what the feelings are. I have four major planets in fixed signs im very stubborn and know how to protect myself... and i certainly am happy by myself as most cancer suns are.

As far as spending money on readings goes, as with most things i life, i see it as money that i CHOSE to spend....for fun
If i start a reading and feel the person has no idea what theyre saying, i close the window right away, and ask for a refund. I dont regret a penny of the money ive spent on readings. They all were something that DID help in one way or another....whether they came true or not they helped me to calm down and to make the best choice for me, and most important they kept me focused and reminded me what's in my heart. One can only hope a couple of sessions of Therapy would do that for you, usually they dont.

I know for a fact astrid and sandie are real. I feel that the rest are too, but am positive those two are bc astrid has always told my friend whats gonna happen in her life and sandie has told me things about my ex that there was no way she could see unless she was really there inside his head....she knew that he is psychotic/schizophrenic/delusional and saw his weird ass thoughts and else would she know that

Very true about Cancers shutting off in that damn shell, I always pegged you guys for being a big pile of mush, add a Pisces moon and voila perfect mate <3 hehehe but yes I hope it all happens the way you want it!

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posted July 08, 2014 11:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressMendez     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, texting a guy more than once (put yourself in their shoes) gets kind of annoying. That happens to me when a guy texts me (lol, sorry) and I expect the guy I LIKE to text me instead. It's disappointing..however, screw the "men are natural hunters" rule.

If a guy really likes you, he wouldn't mind you bugging the hell out of him texting him. You can chat back and forth (text buddies) it doesn't take more than a couple of seconds to be polite to answer a txt msg.

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posted July 08, 2014 11:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blessed39     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by EmpressMendez:
Yes, texting a guy more than once (put yourself in their shoes) gets kind of annoying. That happens to me when a guy texts me (lol, sorry) and I expect the guy I LIKE to text me instead. It's disappointing..however, screw the "men are natural hunters" rule.

If a guy really likes you, he wouldn't mind you bugging the hell out of him texting him. You can chat back and forth (text buddies) it doesn't take more than a couple of seconds to be polite to answer a txt msg.

I do believe men do enjoy the chase. But more importantly, my message to FD is to text a man consistently who is not reciprocating does not benefit anyone involved. Maybe a man will not mind a woman bugging him if he is interested. At the same time, when I have been with men who were truly interested in me, the exchange of communication was reciprocated. Not one sided and I really didn't get a chance to bug them because they were contacting me.

But I don't know any men who want to be bugged by a woman. Lol. More importantly, I think it's so important for we as women to have our own lives that do not allow room to sit and bug a man. Screw the guy. That keeps us sane! Lol. I don't like the feeling I get when I feel like I have to bug anyone to get their attention.

It could also be cultural and generational as well.

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posted July 08, 2014 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressMendez     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't mean to "bug" them, I meant they wouldn't mind you texting them at any hr.

Nothing to do with culture, etc. I don't usually date people of my own culture anyway.

At the same time, when I have been with men who were truly interested in me, the exchange of communication was reciprocated.

Exactly my point

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."

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posted July 08, 2014 12:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for blessed39     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by EmpressMendez:
I don't mean to "bug" them, I meant they wouldn't mind you texting them at any hr.

Nothing to do with culture, etc. I don't usually date people of my own culture anyway.

Exactly my point

Ok perhaps we are saying the same thing. Lol. Communication should always be a two way street and it doesn't hurt if the woman occasionally leaves a little to the imagination by not always being so available. Not playing hard to get but actually being somewhat hard to get.

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posted July 08, 2014 12:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@blessed39- Couldn't have said it better myself! Very, very accurate. I learned the hard way of course (plus I'm scared to text or initiate contact). Between watching He's not that into you and reading Why Men Marry ******* , it has been proven over and over again. I finally get it. Mixed signals, when a guy would go days/weeks of no contact, hot/cold, flakey, talking about other I been through it but boy am I thankful for it. Every single one of us deserve to be appreciated. Just that simple. @Empress-Omgosh Yes, Yes!!!!! You hit the nail on the...) "it doesn't take more than a couple of seconds to be polite to answer a txt msg" you spoke volumes!!!!

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posted July 08, 2014 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressMendez     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by blessed39:
Ok perhaps we are saying the same thing. Lol. Communication should always be a two way street and it doesn't hurt if the woman occasionally leaves a little to the imagination by not always being so available. Not playing hard to get but actually being somewhat hard to get.

Exactly what I was saying. I'm just too blunt I guess, lol.

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."

- Henry Ford

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posted July 08, 2014 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressMendez     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SophiaFrank:
@blessed39- Couldn't have said it better myself! Very, very accurate. I learned the hard way of course (plus I'm scared to text or initiate contact). Between watching He's not that into you and reading Why Men Marry ******* , it has been proven over and over again. I finally get it. Mixed signals, when a guy would go days/weeks of no contact, hot/cold, flakey, talking about other I been through it but boy am I thankful for it. Every single one of us deserve to be appreciated. Just that simple. @Empress-Omgosh Yes, Yes!!!!! You hit the nail on the...) "it doesn't take more than a couple of seconds to be polite to answer a txt msg" you spoke volumes!!!!

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."

- Henry Ford

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posted July 08, 2014 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressMendez     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
But I don't know any men who want to be bugged by a woman. Lol.

REALLY?! LMAO!! I know PLENTY!!! lol

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."

- Henry Ford

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posted July 08, 2014 04:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by blessed39:
At the same time, when I have been with men who were truly interested in me, the exchange of communication was reciprocated. Not one sided and I really didn't get a chance to bug them because they were contacting me.

But I don't know any men who want to be bugged by a woman. Lol. . [/B]

When a guy is interested in you he will enjoy any communication with you and won't consider it 'you bugging him' because he genuinely wants to chat to you.

When the guy isn't interested, you can send him a text in a space of two weeks and he'll think you're bugging him.

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