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Author Topic:   Have you guys ever used a psychic service? Part 2

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posted October 12, 2014 09:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blessed39     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by peacefulclouds:
Just saying, merc retrograde really brought back all past lovers huh? OD had all his exes hovering over him. Actually, mine too! Admirers from the past resurfaced also..

Anyway : we were supposed to meet up today (sunday) or sometime next week- but he ended up asking me out on friday night, a day after our contact. But he brought his girlfriend also (and I had a lovely lady accompanied me, thanks MM!)

So I am not sure if the prediction is or will be off, but suffice to say there's a certain not-so-nice tension between us again now- but the strong connection is still there. I'm going to let it be and move forward - but the meeting brought a lot of clarity about the dynamics between him and his gf, they're a bit too heavily involved already due to circumstances (and she's definitely a possessive, controlling & clingy lover, but he seemed to adore her so it's good for him I guess). So I'm noooot too sure if the predictions will (or should) manifest. I appreciate the clarity though.

Plus his exes are back for some reason... i have a bad feeling about that as well lol. Would he fall to his old habits, or will he stay try to stay emotionally faithful to his gf? Tough tests for him, this merc rx.

So.. with his weird 'silent treatment' going on, I'm gonna keep a little safe distance from the whole situation. I gave him an open invitation to meet again sometime (that he did not respond to) so i've done everything I needed to do I think.

One confusing guy, but I'm dumber for still dealing with this lol.

the end of the current episode of PeacefulTV Soap Opera, stay tuned for the next episode! *slap self*

I dont understand why her brought his girlfriend. I think I am missing something. LOL.

Did any readers tell you that the two of you would end up together?

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posted October 12, 2014 09:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peacefulclouds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I dont understand either lol. Nobody did.

Regarding ending up together:

Most of them said yes but the break down would be 80% yes-20% no.

Half of the 'yes' pile said he's my soulmate/twinflame whatever and it will be slow because he has to go through his lessons first (ego/acceptance/responsibility etc) but ultimately we can't avoid our merging paths or whatever.

A third from the 'yes' pile also said it will be very slow -like reeeeeaaaallllly slow so better if i go shop around and find better candidates, or heck, date others even. They also see new ppl coming to my life that I could date.

Half of the 'no' pile basically said he's not my soulmate and not good for me because he is a coward and unintentionally greedy, but he will always be in my life regardless, much to my (future) annoyance. They described soulmates I would meet but timeframes has mostly passed and I saw none of them lol.

But honestly, i rather him go though his lessons, because jeez louise.... rather not be a rebound for the inevitable mess. He has to own his mistakes, else he will get hurt over and over again.

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posted October 12, 2014 09:38 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So he brought his gf? AWWWWKWWWARD!

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posted October 12, 2014 09:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peacefulclouds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My harshest theory as to why he brought his gf (if I don't put readings into the equation) is to show me he's doing amazing with her and sorta an indirect way to tell me to stay away. But that would be SO dumb that I would lose IQ points and definitely lose respect LOL since he's the one who was jonesin' to meet up!!!

but nah, we had a long conversation about my trip to England and he spent most of the time convincing me to meet his parents (mother) and brothers and spend a few nights in their house, saying he would give me addresses and introduce me (email) to them prior.

I was confused, but he said they have a nice B&B, so ... I asked about prices and told him I can bring a friend with me, he suddenly became very reluctant about telling me more...

so, if he was serious maybe he'll inform me addresses before I leave lol, so there's time.

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posted October 12, 2014 10:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peacefulclouds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
FairyDust : Good thing I'm amazingly personable (thanks to jobs) so it wasn't awkward at all lol.

The tension came from the end of our meet + his text to me the day after but I already wrote too long. It's basically confusing dumb stuff for everyone involved so staying away till the merc rx is done might be a good idea lol .

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posted October 12, 2014 10:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MinceyMouse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
peaceful- he confuzzles me.

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posted October 12, 2014 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blessed39     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That's ions and peaceful. It would be ridiculous to use his gf to try to send a message for you to stay away. He could send that message by simply not asking you out! Lol.

Which readers said what for you?

He texted you after you met with him?? What'd he say?

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posted October 12, 2014 10:13 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lord knows I know that awkward feeling all too well. I've like plenty of guys who ended up having a gf and then they would ask me to hang out with them and their gf. It never went well for me. There was one guy in particular years ago that did that to me all the time. He knew how I felt about him and I think he sorta had feelings for me but didn't want to act on them because of his gf. But anyway, we did a lot of things on our own without her and he would be super flirty and once in awhile try stuff. I wouldn't do anything though b/c he had a gf. Then there were times we all hung out and it was always hard to see him with her. I made an oath to myself to never do that again with a guy. If I like them and they are unavailable I'm not being the third wheel. I don't want to be "just friends" so I try to avoid scenarios like that. Hasn't happened again since that one guy. He and I are still friends to this day but those feelings are no longer there.

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posted October 12, 2014 10:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bakaneko     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@ peaceful - Thanks for sharing the drama, much better than watching daytime tv It's weird that his gf shows up, but I guess if she's the clingy type she needs to monitor his actions for her own insecurity.

@ Fairy - I thought Sophie was the new reader to try, based on her reviews and rates. It's funny how we flock to them and then tally up the % that connect/don't connect. I wonder if they get overwhelmed and their accuracy goes down b/c they burn out.

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posted October 12, 2014 10:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peacefulclouds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
MM: tell me about it!!!! See, even she's confused! LOL

Haha.. to make the message make sense :

PeaceTV Soap Opera

basically I left with MM a bit after midnight (after dinner the restaurant turned into a club so we were dancing, he was with her ) because I was already drunk and feeling a bit moody. As we greet them goodbyes, just before I left him he grabbed me and kinda silently questioned me if I'm OK or not. I didn't remember saying anything & he was visibly slightly confused/annoyed/irritated about that (???) then I just left.

The next day he basically texted 'Nice seeing you last night. Sorry, was too caught up in dancing * * ' I said hey I had fun, thanks for the invite, he just said 'No worries'. I told him well see you next time probably then, but he never replied... >_> So after 2 days of really wanting to meet up suddenly this, kiiinda strange.

/PeaceTV Soap Opera

So you might see where I got my possible 'stay away' theory from lol.

Honestly you guys might be like 'he sound vague as heck wtf' and I would be like 'YEAH' but I guess that's it's really hard to describe, our interactions were mostly non-verbal back then too, & all our verbalizing just reinforced what we both already knew most of the time (back then!!!)

Now I try to just see the surface because it's IRRITATING AS HELL.

bakaneko: it's cathartic for me too!! thanks everyone who read & bear this drama of mine!! *lol*

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posted October 12, 2014 10:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I would probably leave it alone and let him chase you a bit. He seems like he's not sure what he wants, just from what you've said. Even though he has a gf it still seems like he's interested. Maybe him bringing her was just to see how you would react. I wouldn't contact him, let him contact you. I know easier said than done and we all know my track record.

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posted October 12, 2014 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peacefulclouds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fairy: I'm really good at making no contact actually, he was really bad at it at first but after a mutual friend told him to back off (and in one of our personal talk back then I basically said 'if u respect me dont do it.') he became better at it.

The last two times he didnt reach out because he wanted to respect my wish (but he did ask ppl around/went thru my fb apparently...) but this time I left things open ended so I wont contact him but he could contact me if he wants to.

Honestly though? If he's not gonna face his demons and clear things up for himself, things gonna suuuuuuck for him very soon, and I can't bear to see it. Well, I don't have to, really... but y'all know what I mean.

So I'll just focus on my life and upcoming trip (FG might see me anyway, if not, is OK too- will have fun weeks w/ my girlfriends on my vacation )

And repeat to myself : he chose others, not me, don't invest in him.

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posted October 12, 2014 11:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MinceyMouse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Glad to have made an appearance on #PeaceTV_SoapOpera . He's just confusing.

I guess it is what it is. Just focus on the good things to come, now, and see how it goes.


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posted October 12, 2014 12:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by bakaneko:
@ peaceful - Thanks for sharing the drama, much better than watching daytime tv It's weird that his gf shows up, but I guess if she's the clingy type she needs to monitor his actions for her own insecurity.

@ Fairy - I thought Sophie was the new reader to try, based on her reviews and rates. It's funny how we flock to them and then tally up the % that connect/don't connect. I wonder if they get overwhelmed and their accuracy goes down b/c they burn out.

i actually speak to sophie now on whatsapp we just instantly connected to each other after i had a reading nd read for each other she's really accurate and definitely genuine but i am starting to think we really do control our destiny and the best a reader can do is give some current advice and energy

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posted October 12, 2014 12:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for peacefulclouds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Looking at my online receipts, I bought two of Sophie's readings on 1-2 AM Saturday ... must be when I was drunk. I dont know if she read over the weekend, but my note/questions to her was positively heartbroken *lol* I feel bad now.

Does she read over the weekend, PSYCHE?

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posted October 12, 2014 01:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bakaneko     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by PSYCHE:
i actually speak to sophie now on whatsapp we just instantly connected to each other after i had a reading nd read for each other she's really accurate and definitely genuine but i am starting to think we really do control our destiny and the best a reader can do is give some current advice and energy

That's great to hear that you two have a wonderful connection. I do believe she is genuine, but it falls into who connects with whom.

I always debate back and forth with myself on the idea of free will (which is free will itself lol). I do akashic record exercises daily, to train myself in differentiating an actual event vs the feeling of an event. The man I asked her about is someone I saw during one of my "waking dreams" when I was 4 years old. Back then, I knew his name, his family, his career, his relationships, the day and year we would meet; those details he confirmed with me as we grew closer. All of this transpired almost 30 years later.

He is a soul connection with an unfulfilled contract. I don't have the feelings of happily ever after with him nor am I desiring reconciliation. I wanted a reconnection so we could resolve whatever we need to, because we keep crossing paths even when we think we let go. I don't want to be in that cycle anymore.

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posted October 12, 2014 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you guys don't like lidia do you? but i always find she really nails it for me.

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posted October 12, 2014 04:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I liked Lidia. I only read with her once but she picked up on some major details that no one ever did. I asked about A. This was back in August. She felt he would reconnect with me in November but didn't pick up on the on/off again gf. At the time she read me she said no they weren't together but from what I pieced together through Facebook they were just starting up again. But she really felt in November he would be back around and we would have a long term relationship. I'm not so confident in that happening now though. Like I said she told me things about him that made my jaw drop. Things I knew to be true about his personal issues. So I don't know. I tried Gaia once around that time too and she pretty much told me the same thing. He would reconnect more in November. So I don't know. Guess I'll have to wait for November to come.

Oh I want to give a shout out to LP for being awesome. She knows why! Thanks again LP!

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posted October 12, 2014 05:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bakaneko     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lidia and I didn't connect.

The only person I would return to on bitwine now is Spiritualjade; read with her once but her level of detail and understanding showed a good connection. Reading was more for insight and understanding, but she did share what she saw on timelines and so far things are unfolding the way she saw them. She's very friendly, warm personality and generous with her time.

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posted October 12, 2014 05:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FairyDust75:
I liked Lidia. I only read with her once but she picked up on some major details that no one ever did. I asked about A. This was back in August. She felt he would reconnect with me in November but didn't pick up on the on/off again gf. At the time she read me she said no they weren't together but from what I pieced together through Facebook they were just starting up again. But she really felt in November he would be back around and we would have a long term relationship. I'm not so confident in that happening now though. Like I said she told me things about him that made my jaw drop. Things I knew to be true about his personal issues. So I don't know. I tried Gaia once around that time too and she pretty much told me the same thing. He would reconnect more in November. So I don't know. Guess I'll have to wait for November to come.

Oh I want to give a shout out to LP for being awesome. She knows why! Thanks again LP!

yeah i feel lidia really really gets the personality and things about my guy ridiculously spot on but do feel on some questions maybe guesses a bit not sure.

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posted October 12, 2014 06:42 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lidia got an issue that he was having and nailed it. I didn't prompt her didnt give any info prior to her telling me. And it wasn't something common that she could have made up or guessed on. And with that I was quite impressed. Not even the big readers I paid big bucks to told me this thing. I'm still not sure her contact prediction will come to pass though. I'm putting it out of my mind and just going about my business. I think it's unlikely but others feel it will come to pass. Time will tell.

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posted October 12, 2014 08:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Haplesschild*     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I recommend Sophea from bitwine and also Zhohara! Both are really accurate and I like how zhohara is a straight shooter. No bs is just what we all need.

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posted October 14, 2014 02:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LoadedPistil     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I was with my man muffin yesterday. He walked in like...

This was MinceyMouse on Skype:



and I was just...

...until out Venus conj Lilith/Lilith conj Asc/His Mars in my First/Mars trine venus/Venus semisextile Mars/Mars Trine Mars came out. Then it was...

Timeframe brought to you by....

Abundant Visions
Mystic Raven11
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Leo ♌️ Sun, (2nd House), Venus (3nd House)
Scorpio ♏ Moon,Mars,Saturn (5th House)
Cancer ♋ Rising
Svātī Nakshatra

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posted October 14, 2014 02:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for blessed39     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LoadedPistil:

I was with my man muffin yesterday. He walked in like...

This was MinceyMouse on Skype:



and I was just...

...until out Venus conj Lilith/Lilith conj Asc/His Mars in my First/Mars trine venus/Venus semisextile Mars/Mars Trine Mars came out. Then it was...

Timeframe brought to you by....

Abundant Visions
Mystic Raven11


Yaaaaassss! That was SO me! Kicking and screaming, red lipstick and all. Ha.

I LOVE it. Love is in the air.

**Doooo be doooo be doooooo...**

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posted October 14, 2014 02:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IntuitiveJ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good thing I'm the f****** cat!!!
So happy for you!!!😍😍😍😍

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