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Author Topic:   Have you guys ever used a psychic service? Part 2

Posts: 850
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posted August 21, 2014 08:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProxyxBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My cousin is into astrology and she explained to me about my guy in question about his sign. I told her that I believe he blocked me on Line app (though Toria has said twice that he didn't). He and I have never argued, never. So, for him to block me I wouldn't know the reason...though there is one reason in mind as to why.

Anyways, the sign my guy is an Aquarius. She said they are very nosy and will love to snoop on things. For example, she told me that despite him blocking me that she bets he unblocks me just to look at my timeline to see what I've been saying and who has been talking to me, because that's something his sign would do. In the past, my guy would always look at my timeline and read what I wrote as we were talking on the phone. He suddenly stopped talking to me about it, but she was convinced that he still looks but doesn't say anything.

I have another friend that is also an Aquarius and he too does the same thing. He looks at my timeline often. I've even posted things and then deleted it within a few minutes and he'll send me a text asking why I deleted the status I posted on my timeline on Line app.

So, by her telling me this, it made me wonder if despite us not talking for this past month and three weeks, has he looked at my timeline any. My cousin seems convinced that he has and told me not to mention anything about him because he may see that and know that I'm still thinking about him.

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posted August 21, 2014 08:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SophiaFrank     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Damali:
So much great advice in this thread. I love it

I agree!!! Really good advice tonight and perceptions all good stuff. @Proxy I'm not sure what else I am lol how does one find out?

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posted August 21, 2014 08:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProxyxBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SophiaFrank:

I agree!!! Really good advice tonight and perceptions all good stuff. @Proxy I'm not sure what else I am lol how does one find out?

I wouldn't know, lol. I'm sorry XD

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posted August 21, 2014 08:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProxyxBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by bakaneko:
I was experiencing that telepathic connection the past couple of weeks. After my 2 readings early August, I wrote them down in my journal and released them. One aspect was me getting close to another man, but on that friendship level MSDream described way back. As I'm getting to know this guy, I started running into synchroncities with my toxic soul mate relationship. It got to the point of dreaming about him cheating on me, etc. So I decided to go Annie Heaven (who I go to for spiritual guidance) and see what was going on.

She explained that he felt the disconnect of my energy and felt he was losing me to someone else and started tugging on me...which is causing me to dangle. Annie advised to ask my guides to protect me from his energy because this man needs to go through his life lessons. I was getting concerned because it was affecting my sleep, and I'd get vision flashes while I was awake, sensations etc...

So I took her advice and the past few days I've been back to normal. And except for now, wasn't really thinking about it.

--Oh that whole pay to remove a negativity thing, I need $300 for special meditation candles, or pay me to do special prayers for you otherwise you'll always be cursed happened A LOT on kasamba and bitwine. I left negatives on kasamba for that and asked for a refund, but kasamba wouldn't refund me. Their forms was down and they only allow 72 hours, then told me I passed the timeframe. I went through Paypal and got my money back, then kasamba disabled my account.

Someone on kasamba that I talked to said I had negative energy and so did my guy in question and that she would remove for me for $75. I didn't pay to have it removed, but it did make me wonder if I had negative energy, so I asked someone on bitwine about it and then she said I had negative energy, but she offered to remove it for free a few times. However, when she said he had really bad negative energy, I had to pay to remove his negative energy. She insisted that it would make him focus on me and have dreams about me and etc.

Honestly...I'll admit that I did pay the $10 for him to remove his negative energy. I still regret that I did that and wish I could take it back. Despite the connection I use to have with that particular reader, lately I've been having a feeling that I shouldn't return to her anymore. She was accurate, but my intuition tells me to stay away...I'm not sure why though, but I've decided to follow it.

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posted August 21, 2014 08:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bakaneko     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ProxyxBlue:

Honestly...I'll admit that I did pay the $10 for him to remove his negative energy. I still regret that I did that and wish I could take it back. Despite the connection I use to have with that particular reader, lately I've been having a feeling that I shouldn't return to her anymore. She was accurate, but my intuition tells me to stay away...I'm not sure why though, but I've decided to follow it.

That's good that you're following your intuition on that reader. When I was working a booth at an expo for my friends, they're intuitive readers I got to speak to some of the people interested in getting readings. One in particular was a card reader who said she preferred readers who didn't use tools because it showed they took the time to develop their gifts (I was shuffling a tarot deck as she was talking and I don't actually agree with this opinion.) She also relayed she has never had a bad reading because she will only read with people who she was drawn to.

As far as getting extra work done. I've used AV's candle services on occasion for road opener, blockbusters stuff. Her prayers are beautiful and she sends a photo of the candle each day along with an update as to how it's burning and a mini interpretation of it.

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posted August 21, 2014 08:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProxyxBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by bakaneko:
That's good that you're following your intuition on that reader. When I was working a booth at an expo for my friends, they're intuitive readers I got to speak to some of the people interested in getting readings. One in particular was a card reader who said she preferred readers who didn't use tools because it showed they took the time to develop their gifts (I was shuffling a tarot deck as she was talking and I don't actually agree with this opinion.) She also relayed she has never had a bad reading because she will only read with people who she was drawn to.

As far as getting extra work done. I've used AV's candle services on occasion for road opener, blockbusters stuff. Her prayers are beautiful and she sends a photo of the candle each day along with an update as to how it's burning and a mini interpretation of it.

I haven't been back to her since the end of July and I don't intend on ever returning. I think, and this is from my own experience, that both card readers and the ones that don't use any tools are one in the same. Meaning, I've spoke with tarot readers, non-card readers, and someone that used a pendulum and generally speaking 90-95% of them said the same thing to me. Despite using different methods, sometimes they see the same thing, at least for me they have.

If I ever wanted something, it would be for money, lol. I couldn't use candles for contact or love, but that's just me.

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posted August 21, 2014 09:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProxyxBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
what do you do when you are trying to clear your mind? I've been trying to work on my novel for a week now, but my mind is congested with so many thoughts that I can't stay focused. Honestly, these thoughts about readings, checking my transcripts, looking at bitwine and thinking about his return. I realized that this is affecting my mind and getting in the way of me working on my novel the way I want to. It's frustrating.

Any advice?

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posted August 21, 2014 09:47 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm curious about AV's candle work. She's never tried to sell me any but I was curious if it would work or help me at all. Did you have success with it?

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posted August 21, 2014 09:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bakaneko     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ProxyxBlue:
what do you do when you are trying to clear your mind? I've been trying to work on my novel for a week now, but my mind is congested with so many thoughts that I can't stay focused. Honestly, these thoughts about readings, checking my transcripts, looking at bitwine and thinking about his return. I realized that this is affecting my mind and getting in the way of me working on my novel the way I want to. It's frustrating.

Any advice?

One of the first things I did was acknowledge that the person is not in my life for good reason and then accepted that fact alone. I also did EFT Ho'oponopono on myself and for them; cried hysterically during the tapping process but it was a much needed emotional release. You can youtube the eft and add TG tarot; he did a session with me over the phone but it's the exact same thing as his youtube video.

As far as clearing my mind, it's not so much as clearing but refocusing. I focus on things that will benefit my well being and use discernment on who I choose to involve myself with. This stemmed from learning how to self love and believe in my own self worth, which made the process so much easier. When anyone effects you to a point where it debilitates your daily life, then it's time to let go and start healing, forgiving, etc.

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posted August 21, 2014 09:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProxyxBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by bakaneko:
One of the first things I did was acknowledge that the person is not in my life for good reason and then accepted that fact alone. I also did EFT Ho'oponopono on myself and for them; cried hysterically during the tapping process but it was a much needed emotional release. You can youtube the eft and add TG tarot; he did a session with me over the phone but it's the exact same thing as his youtube video.

As far as clearing my mind, it's not so much as clearing but refocusing. I focus on things that will benefit my well being and use discernment on who I choose to involve myself with. This stemmed from learning how to self love and believe in my own self worth, which made the process so much easier. When anyone effects you to a point where it debilitates your daily life, then it's time to let go and start healing, forgiving, etc.

What exactly is EFT Ho'oponopono? I'm looking at youtube videos of it now.

As far as your second statement, I think I need to relax and do some thinking before I go to bed tonight to refocus my thoughts.

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posted August 21, 2014 09:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bakaneko     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FairyDust75:
I'm curious about AV's candle work. She's never tried to sell me any but I was curious if it would work or help me at all. Did you have success with it?

She never tried to sell it to me, but I was familiar with some of the names having done stuff for myself. I asked her about it and then asked her to divine on whether or not it would be effective.

I'd say they were worked well for me, one was me asking to find a temp job where I would enjoy the environment and feel comfortable - which is exactly what I did get.

Edit: @ Fairy

As far as your situation, it might be wise to ask yourself what do you truly want. If you're curious about having her do a candle, rather than direct it at a specific person you can ask her to dress a candle to clear the pathway to attract a good/compatible/reciprocal relationship to you.

And I apologize if this sounds preachy, but please look to loving and valuing yourself and truly believing that you deserve much better.

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posted August 21, 2014 10:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bakaneko     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ProxyxBlue:
What exactly is EFT Ho'oponopono? I'm looking at youtube videos of it now.

As far as your second statement, I think I need to relax and do some thinking before I go to bed tonight to refocus my thoughts.

I'm not an expert on either, but from my vague understanding, EFT uses the meridian points (like accupuncture & accupressure) as a form of healing. Ho'oponopono removes blockages so combined the idea is to heal and forgive which is supposed to remove that blockage. I think google will do a better job at explaining than me lol.

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posted August 21, 2014 10:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Damali     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ProxyxBlue:
My cousin is into astrology and she explained to me about my guy in question about his sign. I told her that I believe he blocked me on Line app (though Toria has said twice that he didn't). He and I have never argued, never. So, for him to block me I wouldn't know the reason...though there is one reason in mind as to why.

Anyways, the sign my guy is an Aquarius. She said they are very nosy and will love to snoop on things. For example, she told me that despite him blocking me that she bets he unblocks me just to look at my timeline to see what I've been saying and who has been talking to me, because that's something his sign would do. In the past, my guy would always look at my timeline and read what I wrote as we were talking on the phone. He suddenly stopped talking to me about it, but she was convinced that he still looks but doesn't say anything.

I have another friend that is also an Aquarius and he too does the same thing. He looks at my timeline often. I've even posted things and then deleted it within a few minutes and he'll send me a text asking why I deleted the status I posted on my timeline on Line app.

So, by her telling me this, it made me wonder if despite us not talking for this past month and three weeks, has he looked at my timeline any. My cousin seems convinced that he has and told me not to mention anything about him because he may see that and know that I'm still thinking about him.

Lol I bet he does check your timeline. I'm surprised that's an Aquarius trait though. I feel like I do that kind of cap a lot and I am a Scorpio sun!

Funny, why I feel like my experiences/thoughts are strangely similar to a lot of you.

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Posts: 516
From: hk
Registered: Jan 2014

posted August 21, 2014 10:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for minimini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by peacefulclouds:
actually now that we're on topic, psychic addiction is a thing- is it because of the temporary relief? It's not like reading more often will make it come true faster.

Do you think maybe if we only had one chance to get a reading (and no more maybe in the span of 6 mos ), ppl get less anxious?

it's one of those too much of a good thing- knowing beforehand makes us impatient...

definitely a temporary relief...especially when the time frame has not yet passed and if we couldnt wait to get another reading...that is for an immediate comfort & reassurance...

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Posts: 516
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posted August 21, 2014 10:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for minimini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FairyDust75:
It's such a terrible feeling. Like why do I need this?? I need to just get over it.

As if my luck couldn't get any better. I have a disastrous dating site story to share. So I go on the other night to browse and I ended up sending a flirt message to this guy. It's just basically a "hi I like your profile" sort of message. Well he messages me back with this "not in a million years would I be interested in you. Look at me and look at you. I wouldn't be caught dead with you." I wanted to cry. I've been on line dating a few years now and never have I had anyone be that cruel to me. I reported him to the dating site. Not that they can really do anything about someone being an a**hole. I was just so shocked. I haven't been feeling great about myself but that just made me feel worse.

oh Fairy, sorry. he is sooo rude; i dont think he even looks at you before he replies his message; he must be drunk or something...sounded so unreal.
dont put it in your heart, you deserved someone way better than this rude pig.

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Posts: 516
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posted August 21, 2014 11:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for minimini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LoadedPistil:
Forget what you think about 1-star ratings. Picking fights on Lindaland with customers is definitely bad business. SMH

well said LP well said.

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From: hk
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posted August 21, 2014 11:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for minimini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LoadedPistil:
Oh, no. I love to see people look ridiculous. Please. Carry on!


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posted August 21, 2014 11:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for minimini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ProxyxBlue:
what do you do when you are trying to clear your mind? I've been trying to work on my novel for a week now, but my mind is congested with so many thoughts that I can't stay focused. Honestly, these thoughts about readings, checking my transcripts, looking at bitwine and thinking about his return. I realized that this is affecting my mind and getting in the way of me working on my novel the way I want to. It's frustrating.

Any advice?

i would suggest EXERCISE.
i spent an hour a day to helps so much to take away my stress and i could focus much better.

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Posts: 516
From: hk
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posted August 21, 2014 11:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for minimini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FairyDust75:
I'm curious about AV's candle work. She's never tried to sell me any but I was curious if it would work or help me at all. Did you have success with it?

i am still burning green candle...but my pocket is still empty...

dont know how long it takes to work; but i am sure my message is VERY CLEAR;

(that is what i wrote on the paper i put underneath the candle)

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posted August 22, 2014 04:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MinceyMouse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Right, I've posted up the reading I had with Empress.

Nothing happened. I really can't be bothered to argue my point because I need to go.


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posted August 22, 2014 04:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ProxyxBlue:
Wow, that's amazing to feel connected in that way where you both feel the same things and such. I thought that was very unique though when I found out he was feeling that way too. I wonder did that mean last week, and two weeks before that, was he feeling that he wanted to let me go. Because I had felt a strong urge to let go of him. I didn't want to let go of him, but that feeling was there. Eventually days later it went away.

I don't know if he was feeling that way since I haven't talked to him.

This one is so honest about how special what we have is and the syncs all the time it's like wow me too and it's not fake but we havnt rly got honest about feelings so I can't confirm everything. I can't confirm both feel a pull at the same time I would say it could even the the Opposite with a push pull kind of thjng till you balance. And some connections may not meant to be the one it's a crazy old thing though isn't it?! There are some things I wouldn't discuss on the forum that are just crazy. The thing is it's so easy to get lost in these connections as they are just so strong but I think it is a challenge to focus on self and heal your issues.

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posted August 22, 2014 04:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by bakaneko:
I was experiencing that telepathic connection the past couple of weeks. After my 2 readings early August, I wrote them down in my journal and released them. One aspect was me getting close to another man, but on that friendship level MSDream described way back. As I'm getting to know this guy, I started running into synchroncities with my toxic soul mate relationship. It got to the point of dreaming about him cheating on me, etc. So I decided to go Annie Heaven (who I go to for spiritual guidance) and see what was going on.

She explained that he felt the disconnect of my energy and felt he was losing me to someone else and started tugging on me...which is causing me to dangle. Annie advised to ask my guides to protect me from his energy because this man needs to go through his life lessons. I was getting concerned because it was affecting my sleep, and I'd get vision flashes while I was awake, sensations etc...

So I took her advice and the past few days I've been back to normal. And except for now, wasn't really thinking about it.

--Oh that whole pay to remove a negativity thing, I need $300 for special meditation candles, or pay me to do special prayers for you otherwise you'll always be cursed happened A LOT on kasamba and bitwine. I left negatives on kasamba for that and asked for a refund, but kasamba wouldn't refund me. Their forms was down and they only allow 72 hours, then told me I passed the timeframe. I went through Paypal and got my money back, then kasamba disabled my account.

Main thing is not all these connections are meant to work out the first one I had all the visions dreams and my friends dreamt of him the syncs telepathy but it ended horrifically and we don't speak now.
I don't think everyone wants to put in the work that a soul connection brings up in themselves hkbestly. It's not an easy path some days I can see why people take the easy way out honestly but I just can't I'm in too deep of needing a spiritual connection to work I just can't date regular connections rly at all now.

I don't know abut the push pull fully but I have been exploring testing it and reading and meditating on it. I am also having counselling sessions from lee and sherry who are in a unified relationship but went through all the running and chasing. They help you discover and heal the issues but it's intetesting hearing them speak too I also feel when I move on the energy of the connexion hooks in even more as if to stop me. From asking people with experience it seems on an energy level it's kind of true when we try to move forwards their spirit hooks us in tighter just to make it even more challenge to find they strength to self focus the more we do it the more we sort of drag them forwards so to speak.

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posted August 22, 2014 04:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Damali:

Lol I bet he does check your timeline. I'm surprised that's an Aquarius trait though. I feel like I do that kind of cap a lot and I am a Scorpio sun!

Funny, why I feel like my experiences/thoughts are strangely similar to a lot of you.

I think everyone checks I still sometimes spy occasionally on exes I left and have zero intetest in going back to. Not saying he has zero interest just saying I think lots of ppl definitely look !!!

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posted August 22, 2014 04:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by minimini:
i would suggest EXERCISE.
i spent an hour a day to helps so much to take away my stress and i could focus much better.

This does work
When I'm completely taken over
I'm a Pisces and I'm very in tune with others emotions anyway and feeling others emotions that for me these spiritual connections are just horrific really and I have to fight hard against being taken down especially in the past when it hit me rly hard somehow getting myself to the gym and shifting the energy around always rly rly rly helped !

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posted August 22, 2014 06:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LoadedPistil     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FairyDust75:
I'm curious about AV's candle work. She's never tried to sell me any but I was curious if it would work or help me at all. Did you have success with it?

She used to do it for free.
She lit one for my professor to change a grade on a class, even though her prediction was that he would. No and no.

Tarot Readings | Etsy
Leo ♌️ Sun, (2nd House), Venus (3nd House)
Scorpio ♏ Moon,Mars,Saturn (5th House)
Cancer ♋ Rising
Svātī Nakshatra

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