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Author Topic:   Have you guys ever used a psychic service? Part 2

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posted August 23, 2014 06:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 23, 2014 07:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for IntuitiveJ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by PSYCHE:

I know that site well just can't read them properly would love to learn what am I lookkng for ?

I had a professional read on the last they said we had a huge connection but without his time of birth couldn't tell me for definite if twin flame or high level soul connection but there was a lot of past life stuff with us and boy there was I saw 11!

Funnily enough in past life I saw a number 11 door, it was white with a gold eleven on it but I wasn't allowed to get in but was being guarded by a flaming lion the symbol of this guy he was a Leo and his name was lion lol
Lookkng back he could have been the block to my twin flame

It was the most horrific experience I mean I won't go into details anyone who had one knows it's like being in jail in ways not being able to have any real quality of life but such fast growth.

Then after 3 years I met the one I'm currently on now
He asked if we were twin souls imagine but I'm not sure if he's a soul mate or a twin I don't trust it now and nothing romantic has happened at all between us! An we have known each other months now.

He did at one point ask for mine and give me all his details but since things got slightly awkward with us I can't rly re ask ATM and I kick myself for loosing his time of birth like truly.

What a gift it was lol

If I can get hold of it what should I be lookkng for in the chart ?

Angle to Angle contact
North & south node
Juno contact
Love asteroids like valentine, alma, karma etc

It's a pretty long list. Do a search for posts that IQ has made. He's super knowledgable & can do a paid astrology reading for you & give you insight.

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posted August 23, 2014 07:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for IntuitiveJ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What you posted from Avalon star sounds like more then half the readings I've gotten. Wow.

Not in the exact same words but the same idea/outcome.

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posted August 23, 2014 08:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Avalon Star and Raven Star don't waste your time. I had a few readings with each of them and they both said P would be back and marriage etc. One of them told me how good I was for him and how much his family would love me. Yeah no never happened. Save your money with those two.

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posted August 23, 2014 09:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for manques     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yep Psyche, Avalon and raven are twins.

Haha seems like your reading from Avalon could have applied to me too, or just about anyone. Thanks for sharing!

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posted August 23, 2014 09:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peacefulclouds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So it may be established we probably dont have connection afterall..

Well, that makes moving on easier for me !!

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posted August 23, 2014 09:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blessed39     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by PSYCHE:

I'm just so sure she's a scriptor

You mean you think she tells everyone the same thing?

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posted August 23, 2014 09:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by manques:
Yep Psyche, Avalon and raven are twins.

Haha seems like your reading from Avalon could have applied to me too, or just about anyone. Thanks for sharing!

What she said did apply and was accurate for me but as it's only one reading
It's pretty hard to know as most readings can rly apply to most ppl
The only person I feel blew me away in that way was
Carla curlee and Carlotta as both said stuff they literally could not know

I mean technically most readings if we are honest could probably be applied to a few ppl

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posted August 23, 2014 09:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by blessed39:
You mean you think she tells everyone the same thing?

well i just think she makes it up as she goes along
and sort of works around your answers,
god i could be wrong i think most do that to be honest!

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posted August 23, 2014 09:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by IntuitiveJ:
What you posted from Avalon star sounds like more then half the readings I've gotten. Wow.

Not in the exact same words but the same idea/outcome.

yeah thats why i like to share if i can and read others as i think you can cull a number of people by sharing as things just sound the same,
i think its so easy to feel they fit and are accurate when they could just be total bs.
its really hard to know on your own side.
I mean i know hers is accurate in ways, because i know the other side and he has told me most of the things that she wrote but it probably is quite generic but i guess she's still someone who is on course for me for not being wrong but they the way she describes and predicts she has a 50 % chance of being right anyway i guess!!!

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posted August 23, 2014 09:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blessed39     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by manques:
Lol. Blessed, he's someone that I always go back to still.
Along with Lidia.

Anyone still uses Hermes? If so pls update!

It's funny because at first I thought he was completely inaccurate with all of his predictions for me. But looking back. He was right about one or two. One big one specially. His timing was just off.

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posted August 23, 2014 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
maybe we should copy and paste readings we feel maybe accurate so we can see h ow generic they actually are.

i have to say that psychic carlotta is definitely not generic
i know that because i sent s friend of mine she was asking about a girl she fancied who is in a relationship.

The psychic actually said this girl is in a relationship right?without her saying and described the dynamics of that relationship absolutely on point.

i think what i am asking about generally is just harder to know if someone is accurate as it does fit quite generic answers.

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posted August 23, 2014 09:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i mean if I'm honest 99 percent of people could be generic really and just be giving good advice!
even people like diana s, its hard to know from the inside how it could apply to other ppl

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posted August 23, 2014 09:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
to be honest i think readings have actually really helped me I'm sort of starting to really get over this guy, i think its just dragged on too long and I'm a bit over it all and those super strong feelings are kind of evaporating, I really do get a feeling that he's on the way forwards to open up too in m heart of hearts.
Pisces sucks we just put up with stuff too long not moving and then we just get over it and swim away when it has a chance of happening.

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posted August 23, 2014 09:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blessed39     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by PSYCHE:
well i just think she makes it up as she goes along
and sort of works around your answers,
god i could be wrong i think most do that to be honest!

its interesting you say that because her prediction was identical to other readers.. coincidence?

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posted August 23, 2014 10:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by blessed39:
its interesting you say that because her prediction was identical to other readers.. coincidence?

yep i have quite a lot all very similar
i mean honestly it does make sense,
he is depressed and was when i met him i know that straight out, he has commented on the connection between us, i am aware he sees me differently to any other women,
i know he has issues with moving forwards, even if not with me with anyone from being hurt in the past and again more recently just before we met. He has literally said to my face he will struggle to open up to someone again emotionally. He can't handle loosing me and becomes obsessed if he thinks he might, i mean he literally just cannot not message me even if i ask him not to.

its generic but it fits lol.
i guess most say very similar with slight variations
but if he genuinely has no romantic interest then it does wipe out a lot of people seriously!!!!!

maybe my situation is just too available for generic answers to fit it .

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posted August 23, 2014 10:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProxyxBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by blessed39:
its interesting you say that because her prediction was identical to other readers.. coincidence?

I remember Mini telling me that just because one reader works for that person, doesn't meant that reader will work with everyone. This was during the start of me getting readings (which was last month, when I questioned her about Toria.) I've learned that to be true. So, in the case of DLD or any other reader, doesn't really mean they are not good or whatever, but it could be they there wasn't much of a connection and that reader just didn't work out for that client.

I've spoken with a reader that I saw suggested and I when I spoke with her I didn't really connect with her. The reading was good, but there wasn't much of a connection. So, I wouldn's be returning.

For DLD, just like someone said on here, I think she's just very positive. That isn't to say she only says good things to everyone, because I'm sure she has delivered bad news. Yet, when I had my reading with her she was very accurate and aligned with my trusted readers like Toria, Katrina and Rachel (Toria being my number one.) DLD did give me some not so good news about my employment, but it was very accurate to my current situation and said when things will get better for me. I think maybe the reason why her words seems similar to everyone else readings could be because that's just the way she types. If she had more things to say, I'm sure we all wouldn't get the same thing, lol. That's just like a reader that types very little to everyone.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that not all readers work for everyone. You have to have that one reader, or two, that you trust in, have a connection with, are accurate or had a few predictions happen with them. But this is just my opinion.

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posted August 23, 2014 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
everyone has told me it will be my choice
some say he has too much baggage or it will take too long and i won't want it anymore or it will be too much baggage for me to deal with and maybe 70 percent think we will be together long term and work and be together.
A lot of people say he's so afraid of loosing me as a friend that he would rather keep it a that level than take it further unless given no option. Which i guess is where we are at atm,
and it does make sense we really were best friends.

we did almost work together already and we both do the same self employed creative job and both want to do the same thing in the future so its possible but again is something you could say to many people.

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posted August 23, 2014 10:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ProxyxBlue:
I remember Mini telling me that just because one reader works for that person, doesn't meant that reader will work with everyone. This was during the start of me getting readings (which was last month, when I questioned her about Toria.) I've learned that to be true. So, in the case of DLD or any other reader, doesn't really mean they are not good or whatever, but it could be they there wasn't much of a connection and that reader just didn't work out for that client.

I've spoken with a reader that I saw suggested and I when I spoke with her I didn't really connect with her. The reading was good, but there wasn't much of a connection. So, I wouldn's be returning.

For DLD, just like someone said on here, I think she's just very positive. That isn't to say she only says good things to everyone, because I'm sure she has delivered bad news. Yet, when I had my reading with her she was very accurate and aligned with my trusted readers like Toria, Katrina and Rachel (Toria being my number one.) DLD did give me some not so good news about my employment, but it was very accurate to my current situation and said when things will get better for me. I think maybe the reason why her words seems similar to everyone else readings could be because that's just the way she types. If she had more things to say, I'm sure we all wouldn't get the same thing, lol. That's just like a reader that types very little to everyone.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that not all readers work for everyone. You have to have that one reader, or two, that you trust in, have a connection with, are accurate or had a few predictions happen with them. But this is just my opinion.

yes i am sure that is true, i mean at the end of the day i don't put too much stock in it now, i see it as some intuitive guidance and i guess if someones guidance makes sense fits in with what you are thinking already and works for you then its not a bad thing, I'm definitely going to try to just stick to a couple of ppl and use sparingly tho.

psychic carlotta and carla curlew are the only ones who have actually blown me away on facts honestly or outcomes.

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posted August 23, 2014 10:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ProxyxBlue:
I remember Mini telling me that just because one reader works for that person, doesn't meant that reader will work with everyone. This was during the start of me getting readings (which was last month, when I questioned her about Toria.) I've learned that to be true. So, in the case of DLD or any other reader, doesn't really mean they are not good or whatever, but it could be they there wasn't much of a connection and that reader just didn't work out for that client.

I've spoken with a reader that I saw suggested and I when I spoke with her I didn't really connect with her. The reading was good, but there wasn't much of a connection. So, I wouldn's be returning.

For DLD, just like someone said on here, I think she's just very positive. That isn't to say she only says good things to everyone, because I'm sure she has delivered bad news. Yet, when I had my reading with her she was very accurate and aligned with my trusted readers like Toria, Katrina and Rachel (Toria being my number one.) DLD did give me some not so good news about my employment, but it was very accurate to my current situation and said when things will get better for me. I think maybe the reason why her words seems similar to everyone else readings could be because that's just the way she types. If she had more things to say, I'm sure we all wouldn't get the same thing, lol. That's just like a reader that types very little to everyone.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that not all readers work for everyone. You have to have that one reader, or two, that you trust in, have a connection with, are accurate or had a few predictions happen with them. But this is just my opinion.

i found an article online once about a girl who signed up to a tarot reading site and just made it all up and she said she had loads of positive reviews.

she said she just used to pick random cards and look up the meanings then try to just give them advice based on what they were saying, i mean total fraud, said eventually she felt bad after a few years and gave up.

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posted August 23, 2014 10:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProxyxBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by PSYCHE:

yes i am sure that is true, i mean at the end of the day i don't put too much stock in it now, i see it as some intuitive guidance and i guess if someones guidance makes sense fits in with what you are thinking already and works for you then its not a bad thing, I'm definitely going to try to just stick to a couple of ppl and use sparingly tho.

psychic carlotta and carla curlew are the only ones who have actually blown me away on facts honestly or outcomes.

Yeah. Just like you, I want to try K4S at least once, but unsure if I should or not. Despite the good things I've heard about her, I also heard not so good things. But that falls into who she connects with and who she doesn't. Anyways, I doubt I'd ever try her anytime soon. If Toria and the others are right I should get connect anytime next week and if I do, I doubt I'd ever go to KS4. I'd definitely stick with Toria, Rachel and Katrina then, lol.

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posted August 23, 2014 10:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PSYCHE     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ProxyxBlue:
Yeah. Just like you, I want to try K4S at least once, but unsure if I should or not. Despite the good things I've heard about her, I also heard not so good things. But that falls into who she connects with and who she doesn't. Anyways, I doubt I'd ever try her anytime soon. If Toria and the others are right I should get connect anytime next week and if I do, I doubt I'd ever go to KS4. I'd definitely stick with Toria, Rachel and Katrina then, lol.

I'm identical to you
as in i was thinking to give her one go k4s but saw so many mixed reviews think it might just be same old
good reader but same old.

rachel i do think is AWESOME so in tune with me just predictions absolutely never ever pan out so i gave up on her for current she's very good she can normally tell whats going on without me saying a word same with spirit messages
but again she just changes prediction by the reading and is all over the shop they both have a gift though.

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posted August 23, 2014 10:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for manques     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by blessed39:
It's funny because at first I thought he was completely inaccurate with all of his predictions for me. But looking back. He was right about one or two. One big one specially. His timing was just off.

Hey blessed, do u mean psychic Hermes got a big prediction accurate for u? Care to share more about it?


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posted August 23, 2014 10:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProxyxBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by PSYCHE:

I'm identical to you
as in i was thinking to give her one go k4s but saw so many mixed reviews think it might just be same old
good reader but same old.

rachel i do think is AWESOME so in tune with me just predictions absolutely never ever pan out so i gave up on her for current she's very good she can normally tell whats going on without me saying a word same with spirit messages
but again she just changes prediction by the reading and is all over the shop they both have a gift though.

I love how detailed Rachel is! My first reading from her was a text reading. That was back in late July. I only asked one question and she went more in-depth with the answer. Her prediction was set for August (but I don't know if it was for early August, middle or the end.) However, when I spoke with her again on Bitwine, and I briefly mentioned his contact and she was still set with August. That was towards the end of the middle of this month. So, I guess her prediction was for the end of August as well. But I can't say for sure. Either way, I really liked Rachel also! I noticed she upped her prices though, both on bitwine and on her website.

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posted August 23, 2014 10:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for manques     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by filleaspirant:
I've had one email reading from K4S (Silvana) as well. My predictions are not for the near future, so I can't speak for her divinatory accuracy in my case yet, but the way she described me in the job I dream of and called it a practice (which IS what I'll be doing if I get it), I know she's not a scammer.

I was also a bit bummed about the length of the reading, but it was so to the point that I can't complain.

Hey fillea!

can I know how's k4s reading email like? What's her approx email length? Thanks.

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