Topic: Too many readings!!
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 4199 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 10, 2015 06:07 AM
It is quite noticeable that some people here have been asking for readings often and consistently, for weeks if not months on end. Some, I imagine, must spend a good part of their day hooked into LL. When someone offers free readings, they are the first to take up the offer. Well, when people are troubled and looking for answers, that is to be expected. But, if everything in their lives need to be checked through a reading, that amounts to a reading addiction, does it not? Do readers then bear the responsibility of feeding this addiction? Everyone is so kind here and generously offer their time and energy that the addicts (for want of a better term) fail to consider how they impose on the readers. In addition, they take up reading slots which could be of use to another in need. It cannot be good karma apart from anything else. So, what's to be done? Any ideas? IP: Logged |
OnTheOtherHand Knowflake Posts: 105 From: LONDON,UK Registered: Nov 2014
posted July 10, 2015 07:03 AM
I agree.. As someone who is unable to exchange, I've been incredibly grateful for any readings, they've offered huge amounts of comfort but I also appreciate the time and energy that they take and always provide feedback. I'm presently on a 'reading break' as I've had a few recently and I've read that you should always give a reading time to 'happen' if that makes sense..brain not working today  I've seen several readers offer readings only to people who haven't had one for a few months. ..would that be the way to go? I don't want to take away comfort from someone who really needs it but I believe sometimes you aren't supposed to know things and find your own way, make your own decisions and experience things first hand (hence my break) I hope that sounds right...really don't want to offend!! IP: Logged |
ikja Knowflake Posts: 2394 From: The Valley of Restoration Registered: Oct 2014
posted July 10, 2015 07:17 AM
I don't think it's that bad if people are able to give back in other ways. So I guess it depends on what these people are doing around the site to help out others.IP: Logged |
vesta Knowflake Posts: 3228 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted July 10, 2015 07:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by Astro keen: It is quite noticeable that some people here have been asking for readings often and consistently, for weeks if not months on end. Some, I imagine, must spend a good part of their day hooked into LL. When someone offers free readings, they are the first to take up the offer. Well, when people are troubled and looking for answers, that is to be expected. But, if everything in their lives need to be checked through a reading, that amounts to a reading addiction, does it not? Do readers then bear the responsibility of feeding this addiction? Everyone is so kind here and generously offer their time and energy that the addicts (for want of a better term) fail to consider how they impose on the readers. In addition, they take up reading slots which could be of use to another in need. It cannot be good karma apart from anything else. So, what's to be done? Any ideas?
I am going to chime in here. I think that there are people who ask for several readings more than others. I know that when I was going through heartache I asked for more readings than I probly should. Looking back I wanted something to ease the pain I wanted to hear positive news and that things would change quickly. But it takes time for a heart to heal and when your in pain it is longer than you want. So can a reading be an addiction ? Yes, it can be like a drug in the way that it releases pain. In my point of view however I want to help others who are in need and suffering. They are looking for direction so they can find peace and joy once again. I understand that there are openings and limited numbers at times with offers so it might just be up to the reader to just point out that they have done several readings for this person and they need to give others a chance too. Also, adding the fact that three months is time frame where things shift and change for readings unless there was a dramatic change along the way ( free will ). So my thoughts.
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DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 5117 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted July 10, 2015 07:56 AM
But I don't agree about people asking for readings too much about a person, for example. I've seen too many here asking for the same question all the time! I did this, but I understood that this is time lost. For those, I think limiting the readings in your own topic can make the difference, and I agree with those who set limits (for those who hadn't readings in some time frame). We know who asks many readings and I think a good idea to filter in this way... IP: Logged |
intuitivefish Knowflake Posts: 4169 From: Europe Registered: Aug 2014
posted July 10, 2015 07:58 AM
I mainly think, better to ask " too much" here for free than waste money on others during the crisis period. IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 1263 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted July 10, 2015 08:17 AM
Sometimes I feel so guilty just getting a free reading so I always offer exchanges. Also there have been times that others make threads offering free readings for exchange only feedback, I get tempted and sometimes I do add myself to their list, but I feel other deserve it more, so I don't reply to many free threads, LOL.IP: Logged |
DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 5117 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted July 10, 2015 08:21 AM
But I think in a crisis time, you need to calm down first. I did many decisions with my head in a desperate time and everything went wrong. And the energy that the reader takes to make a reading when the person is in despair is very very heavy. Some days I can give more than 7 readings at a time, and in another day I can't have more than 2... When I'm not ok I don't do readings for not let my energy to mix with the energy of the person I'm reading for. Not too many here does exchanges, just ask ask ask.... I know that many don't read because personal questions, but I think it makes sense to be calm in a crisis for then ask questions... IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 4199 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 10, 2015 09:36 AM
Where an exchange of readings and, therefore, energies occurs - no one loses out. However, there are people who seem to have become dependent on readings - like a crutch at every stage in their lives. From my own experience I know the need to lessen the discomfort drives one to ask for readings again and again like Dani said - during a crisis. It is like taking paracetamol for a headache - something which offerS a momentary release from pain. It is right then for someone to remind me to stop, take a breath, relax, etc. Also for them to say that asking for more readings is not the answer - this is much needed advice that a friend would offer. Sitting around fretting endlessly whilst taking 'paracetamol' is to get stuck. A nudge is often needed. So, readers should feel confident about saying to another that they can't oblige, wherever necessary. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 17359 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 10, 2015 09:42 AM
A few thoughts on this: It's a great idea of a thread. I think psychic addiction is a serious matter and we need to discuss it.What are your opinions on psychic addiction? First, I would like to remind everyone psychic readings are magical! It is magic, it is the fairy tale of our childhood. It is a great mystery unfolding and revealing itself, as to why this happens, at least to me. It is unbelievable something like this can actually happen, reading and predicting the future, asking and receiving guidance. It is a marvelous phenomenon, accessing the Akashic records. It is a revolution! Understanding and proving why this happens will create a major shift in the official view on physics, the universe, religion, and practically our entire world view and history. In this respect, every reading is actually dealing with this miracle, this energy, this mystery. That is why it should be used positively and for important pursuits. At the same time, asking all kinds of different questions, even the funniest ones, can be a very entertaining mind puzzle game and teach us incredible things about the cards, about interpreting various things with the help of images/symbols/numbers. I wish people asked all kinds of quirky and interesting questions. The negative approach I noticed with people requesting or giving readings not just here, but in general, is made of the following things and I believe it should be discouraged by everyone: constantly asking about the same person/matter, sometimes for months or even years - please all of you doing this stop doing it! it destroys your brain, and the energetic bubble here! banish OBSESSION from your lives, it's extremely toxic!; a fast-food attitude, some people request the reading with a "shop and go" attitude, not even a thank you or a feedback, it's a consumerist attitude not suitable for what I described this is (because the energetic giving of the psychic is very high, so it should be protected and cherished); constantly asking for readings, it's as if the person wants to "get as much as they can", it is being felt as opportunism or "feeding off" a community, in the extreme cases. Of course, most people here are actually balanced and amazing and original individuals I am incredibly grateful to be in contact with. I also agree with Fishy, much better to do it here than to pay loads on money for this. But the point is, connecting with this kind of magic should not come from a place of darkness, but one of light and balance and love. ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
intuitivefish Knowflake Posts: 4169 From: Europe Registered: Aug 2014
posted July 10, 2015 09:48 AM
well said LeeLoo!!we have all been through the crisis, but sometimes also a cold shower is needed. even going cold turkey is advisable for someones sanity. IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 4199 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 10, 2015 10:34 AM
All in agreement! Yeah! Lovely perspective, Leeloo - the magic needs to be cherished. IP: Logged |
vesta Knowflake Posts: 3228 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted July 10, 2015 10:44 AM
Another good alternative is to refer them to you tube readers who do general readings. I found several people I like and listen to them every month to get a general idea of the energy around me. If I see a major theme repeated over and over for me and I know it applies then I would ask here on LL for a more personalized. I follow my sun sign - general around me ( not so much me) just people / influences around me ASC - will directly affect me in some way Moon - my feelings and emotions MC - how I show myself to the world and how they will see me. IC - home / family , soul family as well. Other houses apply as well you just have to adjust. This is a great reading that is free to all viewers and they may have some great advice where others are not getting through. Pay attention though as some readers say things that may not apply to you. It is general for hundreds to thousands of people and everyone's situation is different so some will go differently than others you must apply it to your situation. I don't just follow one person either I listen to several as they all have different pieces of important information. Just a thought of an alternative Bonus - sometimes I learn the most amazing things from some of those readers that I can apply to my own readings. So it is like learning new tricks with tarot and quite honestly I became a better reader from watching them. IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 4199 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 10, 2015 12:10 PM
Vesta,There are of course other sources people can exploit. However, the point is to break this dependency if that exists. And as Leeloo has pointed out, some people seem to claim free readings as if it's their right, feeding off the goodwill present here. So, let's try and clarify what is being objected to. It is not asking for help in times of crisis, unless that becomes addictive, or exploring what cards reveal about our lives. But high dependency begin expressed through these: 1) ongoing, frequent readings on the same matter or question, even if exchanging (we may need to define how many is too many) 2) asking for a reading whenever someone offers it - yes there are a few people who pop up without a break. 3) this is not so much dependent as thoughtless - asking for readings without feedback or thanks. Groups 1 and 2 demonstrate an imbalance in their lives. They don't seem to live in the now, rather live in their dreams and hopes for the future. IP: Logged |
Enneline Knowflake Posts: 4346 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 10, 2015 12:37 PM
To be honest I am surprised how bona fide and credulous you guys are. Sure, we have all been there: facing a crisis and so you want to hear that all will be well and you want to hear several opinions since one spread could be wrong. This is more than understandable  But sorry, i do not believe that many ladies on here are addicted. Some are for sure but the most part just can't get enough of FREE readings. If you watch you'll realize that some are on every fu**ing free reading thread, some would always be the first to ask for a free reading and ignore conditions and are always like "ah, can i ask another one if you don't mind" - "ah,this doesn't resonate, can I ask another one?" That is no addiction, I consider them to be greedy and selfish. This sickens me. Instead of being grateful, trying to give back and live your life, they are like "sooo nice, i am soo thankful and give more and more and more and more and more and more". (how manipulative!) You give them an inch and they will take an ell. but that's not enough! Some behave as if they have the right to get free readings, they would become bitchy if you decline a free reading for them!  I am not saying they are energy vampires, but they behave like energy vampires (i mean what kind of attitude is this: you are on here for months/years, have hundreds of posts and all are about free readings!). If you read this thread carefully you'll realize that some start to realize that and that they have become sick and tired of that as well. Also, i consider the statement "i am so thankful but i can't give back" as quite ridiculous. If you are that thankful, why don't you send a little gift like a little amazon voucher to the generous person who gave you several free readings? I am telling you that you are simply not interested in giving back, otherwise you would have already found a way to give back. It would be also a sign for good manners to say "she has already given soo many free readings to me, it's outrageous to request more, as of now I'll buy a reading from her. She is so generous and i want to support her" But nothing like that happens! They wouldn't even leave good reviews on the sites to show their thankfulness! Several even stated (using other words) that they see no reason to buy if they can get it for free  As for the bad energy some have realized that as well: it is the bad energy of lies (i already mentioned that; some ask if a man contacts them, pretend that they have been in touch ever since and later you'd find out that he is the ex for 3 years) and of the people who just request and never give back. For my part i cannot endure this. I am not going to give any free readings to those anymore. I know some will start hating me for saying this but I can't guard my tongue any longer. IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 1263 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted July 10, 2015 01:10 PM
^^^Totally agree. I only been on the Personal Reading forum for a few months now and I have been seeing this often; greedy behavior. I have given some readings to people and not a thank you, nothing, zero! I don't get it!!! I could go on and on but it has already been said.
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Enneline Knowflake Posts: 4346 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 10, 2015 01:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by erickaf: ^^^Totally agree. I only been on the Personal Reading forum for a few months now and I have been seeing this often; greedy behavior. I have given some readings to people and not a thank you, nothing, zero! I don't get it!!! I could go on and on but it has already been said.
I know And people like you, people who exchange and give free readings feel guilty to ask for more than one reading. You see the discrepancy? You may always come to my free readings threads  IP: Logged |
DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 5117 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted July 10, 2015 01:19 PM
I need to agree with Enneline.... The vampire energies are present and this is making me to rethink about the free readings... But the most important thing: about people who askes about another person.... I've seen a lot asking about the same guy/girl all the time! And it's worst for this person, sometimes they can feel the energy of a vamp in their lives! You're taking their energy away in just being obsessive on them!IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 1263 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted July 10, 2015 01:21 PM
Thanks Enneline :-).IP: Logged |
peacefulclouds Knowflake Posts: 1321 From: somewhere in south and the east Registered: Jan 2014
posted July 10, 2015 02:11 PM
Interesting thread... you know, i never actually believed in 'energy vampires' before but let me tell you some info I got over the course of couple of years.Recently, few professional readers have been telling me to start asking for donation when I read for people (they sensed it, that i do it for free). I asked why? Because i don't think i'm at that level yet, and they all said the same : if there is no exchange, you will drain yourself out. A good 'client', even if you read them for free, will exchange their energy by proper and sincere appreciation and acceptance, however most people are not good client: they will take and take regardless the condition of the reader, because that is human nature. So, exchange (material or energy) is a must. At first i thought lol, rubbish. But... then i realized it is true. I don't get sick by doing readings in real life face to face for hours at all. But giving readings over email or online or forums (even online friends) actually often left me feeling very empty/drained and my health actually worsens! Even if the reading went smooth! But i think that is the risk of free forum and cultural approach. in my countries, people respect readers a lot due to the mysticsm, the appreciation and open mind, but i do see in many other countries it is seen more as a 'service' more than a 'craft' or 'skill', because money. When you are reduced down into that only, you start see readings as something to 'consume' rather than a guidance or spiritual enpowerment. That s where addictive behavior comes from.. Just my little observations IP: Logged |
furrybunny Knowflake Posts: 740 From: NYC Registered: Dec 2014
posted July 10, 2015 02:12 PM
I think you're making it way more complicated then it has be. Simple solution would be to just decline the persons request, because judging from what many of you are saying it seem like you already have someone in mind who takes advantage. Readers should consider posting/ creating a website. I found 2 of my top readers by just creeping on their thread.  Anyhoo just a non readers two cent 
Edit* peaceful you should try selling on fiverr if your not confident enough. Most services are $5. It won't break anyone's pocket lolols.
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Vivi327 Knowflake Posts: 1573 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted July 10, 2015 02:24 PM
Enneline I have to agree with you, I love giving free readings and helping people but latley I've shyed away from it because of what has been mentioned, what I find especially frustrating is the follow up questions. What others don't realize is these follow up questions require us to pull more cards, and take more of our energy. For me personally as a card reader it takes me a while to pull because I have to feel connected and the way I know I'm connected while pulling cards is when my hand shakes, sometimes This process takes a very long time! I have had people actually repost there follow up questions on my thread when I've ignored them which I think is pretty vulgar, reason being there are others on line who have been waiting patiently for there questions to be answered. IP: Logged |
dustib Knowflake Posts: 1226 From: USA Registered: Feb 2015
posted July 10, 2015 03:09 PM
Enneline very well said! I have a few readers on here that I use but they both have paid readings as well which I will gladly pay for and do because they are worth every penny! And for the free readings, I always try to give feedback and will always gladly offer to exchange. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 1493 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted July 10, 2015 03:35 PM
I thought I would add my two cents...First off, most of the free readings (hopefully I'm correct on this) have been for readers to practice and hone their intuitive, pendulum, card readings, etc. Why then would it matter who and how many questions a person had? I've given a lot of myself (selflessly) over the years (giving isn't just about readings, it can be simply helping an elderly person make it from one side of the road to the other). It's about a lot of things. I've been working on my health for over three years--gave out too much energy and didn't do enough for myself. It wasn't about someone doing something for me. It was a choice and now a lesson learned. Most of us weren't born with instructions, so for me learning astrology was a means by which to better understand myself and shed light on why my experiences have been what they ware. Yes, people here do try to take advantage of others, but maybe that's a lesson for all of us to learn--not to be the doormat. There are a lot of Capricorn rising folks on here. For those who don't have that rising sign and could be better for it by understanding these folks (Filleaspirant was one), everything they achieve, etc. can seem like an eternity to accomplish. It's a heavy feeling, but once you hit your first Saturn return things start to get better. Sometimes you just can't wait for things to change, but father time, ruled by Capricorn is saying you must wait. Do people have a lot of patience in today's world? Traffic accident statistics alone would say "NO"! I am also Cap rising. It took me almost 50 years to have my first home. How many people would want to wait that long. Most everything that has changed in my life has taken a long time, so I've often met readers who will give me a good reading the first time and then fill it with baloney the next readings, so I will continue to help them. In other words I work hard for them and get nothing in return. It can work both ways. I think for some, and I know I've asked about one person a few times, a reading can give them hope. If your life has been easy with relatively few disruptions and a path cut long ago, those who struggle may not agree with your viewpoint. Some of those (who seem addicted) are also trying to make the best moves in their life as a lot of people do, but to others they appear to just use people. I couldn't have the long threads I've seen going on in LL without getting burned out. Right now I'm on one engine (should have two), but know when I get my health back, I will be protecting it more than I had in the past. Remember, it's all about choice. No one makes us do anything. Spring
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intuitivefish Knowflake Posts: 4169 From: Europe Registered: Aug 2014
posted July 10, 2015 04:16 PM
I know in some moments since I am a part of the forum, I have asked too much, more than gave in return, sometimes I gave more, its a part of how someone said, feeling too low to read for someone.If anyone wants to not read for me once I ask, I am fine with that and wont feel offended, so please do tell me if you wish not to read or exchange with me. We are all learning some sort of lesson here so even being "rejected" by a reader can be a part of that. IP: Logged | |