Topic: Reading :Connecting with someone's higher self/Twin flame's higher self
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 08:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by intuitivefish: Thank you on the read. Yes he does have blocages and I wonder if he is even meant to be in my life at all.
Intuitivefish, We know it may seem presently that he is not meant to be in your life,but look at the bigger picture.He has a purpose to fully in your life..As you have in his. Part of your purpose is helping him overcome his blockage by tuning into his energy and intuitively feeling what he needs at that moment to snap out of it so to speak. You have that gift,dearest intuitivefish.Don't doubt yourself.We love you and send you love.Use our love to help you move on during the harder times can be used even when helping him deal with his blockages by using your natural gift-your intuition to figure out what's bothering him at the times he's in contact with you..and when he's not,send him love-That will help speed up the process of him dealing with his blockages. Have heart intuitivefish,for we would not send you more than what you're capable of handling.We love you.Remember our love Intuitivefish! Love, Your guides from above. IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 08:52 AM
quote: Originally posted by FatedCinderella: Aurora I'm scared about meditation too.What kind of affirmation we could do?
hmm,It could be anything that your imagination can come up with and that makes you feel safe..for example invoking the protective light of christ or that of archangel michael. You could also google it..I have a protection ritual i use.You could use it if you like. Protection ritual: In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in Me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to beloved Archangel Michael and beloved Archeia Faith of the first ray. I ask you to protect me from dark entities so I can channel to help the children of God to find their Divinity within. Archangel Michael, help me, help me, help me! (Three times) Visual Archangel Michael with his twin flame, Archeia Faith, and with legion of blue ray Angels army protecting you from dark entities and destroying negative energy within you. Then see blue shield around you and intensity the protection.
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Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 08:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by lilithpluto: Is it KS or someone else?
Intuitive i got an instant "it's someone else" while reading this post. If anything else comes through,will note it down here later IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 09:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by Valmu83: Thank you for your answer. I´m thou little bit confused as think I love myself and I also like myself. I don´t think I have to become first somehow "complete" as a person before I can enter in relationship. I´m also skeptical as of course we all see all to time miserable people finding love. (Not saying I´m miserable) Not able to explaining it well now..but maybe you get the point. Of course everyone must take responsibility for themselves but there are other factors too that need to be taken into account.
Dearest Valmu, You are right in believing that you do not have to be 'complete' to find love.We are not saying that you should be either.All we are merely saying is that feel the love we have for you and let that radiate outwards. Can you do that dearest valmu.Your life itself will change.Love is a powerful force.Get in touch with our love.It doesn't matter how you define our love-as of that of god/the source or even of your guides,love is love.Surrender to that love and let it guide you.Alright? IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 09:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aurora_girl1990: Originally posted by Sikanda: Thank you. What can you pick up regarding my love life? There have been important people for me like J and JM. Thanks for doing this
Dearest Sikanda,or shall we call you S,if that would please you? ..You are right in feeling that J and JM are indeed important people in your life.They both acted as catalyst for your growth and that is what all souls desire-spiritual growth. As for your love life,Aurora isn't able to pick up on what we're trying to convey so we'll try again another time(her energies and focus are needed elsewhere at this moment.)
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Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 09:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by Empty Spaces: Still open?Can I have one too?a message? I'm single though
Could you give me a question to focus though?Thanks IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 09:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by Iridia: Hi, you got me curious. I'd like to request some advice regarding my future.
A question please to focus?
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Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 09:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by EmpressMendez: Me, please =)
Question please?I realized i need it at present to focus my energies. IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 3160 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted March 07, 2017 09:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aurora_girl1990: Intuitive i got an instant "it's someone else" while reading this post.If anything else comes through,will note it down here later
Thank you ! Wishing u a blessed year ahead 💓💓 Your msg has been comforting.. 😊 IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 09:27 AM
quote: Originally posted by lilithpluto: Thank you ! Wishing u a blessed year ahead 💓💓 Your msg has been comforting.. 😊
You are welcome lilithpluto..and congrats on being the 108 post! IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2017 09:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by Husite: Hehe, thanks for the energy! ) This really made me realize that all this twin flame journey is about coming back to ourselves. And searching for answers inside not outside, because when we are desperate for answers and search it through other people, the answers that come in are really contradictory. I have gotten answers from different psychics and their channelings about him that he is my twin flame, that he is not, that we are both ready, that I am just looking to meet him, etc, etc. He is, he is not, he is, he is not. One says that, another that. And all this messages are just a little pieces of the big picture - to look inside myself and hear my own heart not to look outside-others to tell me what my heart should tell. Thanks a lot! ) Only my heart will tell is he or not, only in language I understand.
YES exactly! IP: Logged |
EmpressMendez Knowflake Posts: 672 From: MOMument (; Registered: Oct 2016
posted March 07, 2017 10:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aurora_girl1990: Question please?I realized i need it at present to focus my energies.
When will I find true love? IP: Logged |
Empty Spaces Knowflake Posts: 1942 From: Registered: Jun 2015
posted March 07, 2017 01:49 PM
Oh sorry dear.I'm so excited but don't how to ask the question properly. Is not possible to know "how my next relationship is gonna be?" right?So what about "I'm gonna find the spiritual and deep relationship that my heart desire?" I don't want a superficial relationship hehe IP: Logged |
Iridia Knowflake Posts: 374 From: The Vault Registered: Mar 2017
posted March 07, 2017 03:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aurora_girl1990: A question please to focus?
I was open to anything that would come to you. But if you really need something more specific...I'd like to know the best way for me to proceed when it comes to that-guy-from-facebook.
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Orienta25 unregistered
posted March 07, 2017 03:59 PM
I would love to try. I dont know who is my twin flame, I thought that was maybe A.T. Do you get anything about that or you feel someone else most likely?IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 08, 2017 03:35 AM
quote: Originally posted by Iridia: I was open to anything that would come to you. But if you really need something more specific...I'd like to know the best way for me to proceed when it comes to that-guy-from-facebook.
We love the little word plays you as humans have.In your case Iridia is the "guy from facebook"..(they're smilling in a cheeky way)An initial would do the same job too for we always know your intentions though you may not spell it out. Your thoughts have power and intentions are nothing more than directed thoughts.So yes we're aware of this guy whom you speak of. The best way for you to proceed would be to be real and yourself.We cannot stress that enough.Be yourself,keep your intentions set on the best possible outcome you want(without specifying who you want it to be with for that way you allow the universe to co-create with you rather than imposing your wants or desires on another soul). For example,if you want a loving relationship,put that intention out.Imagine how this loving relationship would feel and how would you two souls interact in it.And then let go.Trust the universe in it's infinite wisdom to send you the right person to fulfill that intention. And if it so happens to be that guy from facebook then all well and good.And if it isn't ,all well and good too for there is no bad..only experiences. We send you love and support Iridia. We hope we have answered your questions. love, your guides IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 08, 2017 03:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by Orienta25: I would love to try. I dont know who is my twin flame, I thought that was maybe A.T. Do you get anything about that or you feel someone else most likely?
Dear Orienta, What a lovely name if we may say.We feel your confusion.Yes you may not at present know who is your twin flame but your soul knows.It always knows.However it is not in your best interest currently to look for your twin flame for when you meet the other half of your soul,you WILL know.If you have to ask,then we say it is most probably not your twin flame. To answer your question,A.T isn't your twin flame.Someone else is.But you haven't met this person yet .You will in due time though.Look within for the timming and it will come to you. Love, Your wise guides IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 08, 2017 03:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by EmpressMendez: When will I find true love?
Dear Empress, When will you find love.That is a question that has been asked many times by many people from all over the global.We aren't saying this to be dismissive,rather we are saying it so you know you're not alone as you are rather apt to feeling so. That being said,you will find love when you look into your soul.Look within and you will find the love you have seek for eons of your time. But we sense you are asking more about the romantic type of love.The more human love.That,dear Empress is up to you.Open yourself up,prepare your thoughts and emotions for a loving relationship through conscious intent and the love you seek will find you for it cannot be otherwise. We hope that answer is sufficient for now. Your guides IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 08, 2017 03:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by Empty Spaces: Oh sorry dear.I'm so excited but don't how to ask the question properly. Is not possible to know "how my next relationship is gonna be?" right?So what about "I'm gonna find the spiritual and deep relationship that my heart desire?" I don't want a superficial relationship hehe
Of course it's possible to know how your next relationship is gonna be like.But then you'd focus all your energies on it and it may not be what you desire. All of us is in a state of flux and our future relationships are detemined by our energies given out at the present moment.Hence it is more useful to focus on what kind of relationship you would like in the future(imagine it fully,how it'd feel,the love you'd two share) and it shall come into being. After all ,every invention was once a thought If you desire a spiritually fulfilling relationship,imagine it and remove all doubts or blockages to it by loving them free.Every time a doubt coming into your mind,remove it by accepting it and loving it thus integrating it into yourself where it ceases to be a doubt and becomes love once again. We hope that helps.If you have further questions do ask your guides
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Orienta25 unregistered
posted March 08, 2017 03:56 AM
Thank you, I am probably too young to meet my twin flame already. Thank you for the wonderfull messages, it resonates with me! May A be a soul mate connection? 💜IP: Logged |
Iridia Knowflake Posts: 374 From: The Vault Registered: Mar 2017
posted March 08, 2017 07:57 AM
Thank you. That even makes sense. I thought I signed up for channeling my higher self though. Oh well.IP: Logged |
Empty Spaces Knowflake Posts: 1942 From: Registered: Jun 2015
posted March 08, 2017 12:56 PM
I'm too curious lol but that makes total sense.Thanks for clarifying! quote:
If you desire a spiritually fulfilling relationship,imagine it and remove all doubts or blockages to it by loving them free
That's an awesome advice! Our minds sabotage us and create doubts all the time.I will save this reading to never forget it. Dear guides and Aurora,thanks a lot!!!
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Iridia Knowflake Posts: 374 From: The Vault Registered: Mar 2017
posted March 08, 2017 12:59 PM
Aurora, are you willing to accept more than one request from an individual person?------------------
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FatedCinderella Knowflake Posts: 605 From: Registered: Mar 2016
posted March 09, 2017 08:11 PM
Thanks a lot Aurora,you're very kind, I did meditate today Only 5 minutes though cuz I was too anxious but I'm a little less scared now.
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Lerena Knowflake Posts: 916 From: Registered: May 2015
posted March 09, 2017 10:33 PM
I'd like a reading if it's okay. Right now, I'm having some issues with my sense of self-worth. I feel like I'm being challenged by the universe to overcome these issues, but I'm not sure if I can do it. Nothing seems to help me think of myself in a greater light. What kind of situations would I need to be in to change the way I view myself? I've tried to meditate to find answers to this situation and also to explore if I've found a relationship that will truly last. I'm just afraid since no one seems to stay in my life. I want my relationship to last for the rest of my life and I'm not sure if it will. My problems just make it difficult to believe that I have what it takes to sustain a relationship, especially when people say you have to love yourself first. I feel empty when people say you can't love anyone else until you love yourself. I know my self-esteem issues don't interfere with my ability to love another human being, but why is it so hard to love myself as well? Sometimes I question if I've really found love or if I'm just good company. I feel like I don't know the person I'm dating very well and this has recently contributed to me questioning my self-worth. I just don't know if I'm good enough for him. I really want to hear that I make him happy, but he has never told me once that I do and I've been trying so hard to hear those words. IP: Logged |