Topic: 1 free marriage spread
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 12, 2017 06:17 AM
I want to try a marriage spread (again). I'll be using playing cards and I'll add some details. I'll have it ready within 24 hours. I noticed with this marriage spread it might indicate when likely you'll meet the one you'll be in a long term relationship so not necessarily the actual marriage. It's for practice.I just want one person, preferably someone I clicked with before. Thanks. ************* CLOSED FOR NOW *********** 1. Ibentia - done 2. Mattva-done 3. Orange-done 4.Aurora_girl 1990-done-still waiting for feedback. 5. EmpressMendez-Done 6.Sandra018-next-post stats please. 7.EmptySpaces-Done-Thanks. 8.Pixieangel-Done...thanks. 9. Javaweb-Done-thanks. 10.Rosalind-done-thanks 11. EmpressMendez-done 12.blackestcashmere-Done-thanks. 13. Ninny-Done-thanks Thank you to you all. I think I should not be such a pushover I initially just wanted one but looks like I did 13 lol! Lucky number 13 ...if I'm not mistaken. Thanks for the offers to exchange. I didn't get the feedback I wanted from some of you unfortunately so it'll be hard to tweak my reading. I'll continue to practice on my friends and family as I see them often lol :-). Take the reading for what it us if some things don't resonate I am sorry. It was a pleasure. Good luck. Thank you again.
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libentia Knowflake Posts: 107 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted June 12, 2017 06:32 AM
can i sit? IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 12, 2017 06:34 AM
Yes. Just tell me a bit about yourself? M or F? Single? Sun and moon sign? Thanks.IP: Logged |
mattva Knowflake Posts: 402 From: Registered: Aug 2015
posted June 12, 2017 06:40 AM
Hi ErickaI can provide feedback very quickly because of someone in the horizon with long term potential. May I sit ? Thank you. IP: Logged |
libentia Knowflake Posts: 107 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted June 12, 2017 06:46 AM
F. I am single my sun sign is taurus and my moon sign is aries!IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 12, 2017 06:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by libentia: F. I am single my sun sign is taurus and my moon sign is aries!
Great. I'll be working on it today but will post the latest tomorrow. Please check back later. Btw I'm assuming you are heterosexual? IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 12, 2017 06:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by mattva: Hi ErickaI can provide feedback very quickly because of someone in the horizon with long term potential. May I sit ? Thank you.
Only one as I have only time for one. Maybe next time. I may open up again when I finish with libentia. IP: Logged |
libentia Knowflake Posts: 107 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted June 12, 2017 07:18 AM
I'm pansexual  IP: Logged |
mattva Knowflake Posts: 402 From: Registered: Aug 2015
posted June 12, 2017 10:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by erickaf: Only one as I have only time for one. Maybe next time. I may open up again when I finish with libentia.
Sounds good to me! Thank you. IP: Logged |
EmpressMendez unregistered
posted June 14, 2017 01:21 AM
If you're up for it - I'd love to exchange with youIP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 14, 2017 07:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by libentia: can i sit?
So sorry for the delay. Ok I laid out my cards: (I used twenty playing cards.) So I'm using a timing techniques that looks in to the next five years. Unfortunately I don't see marriage happening in the next five years. How old are you, if I may ask? Here is my interpretation: I see you either recently split with someone and it looks like it may have been someone you were very happy with and wanted to a future with. This guy (I think it's a male) may be still lingering in your heart. Do you have children? In the next 3 years I see two men in your life. One is probably a water sun sign or water moon sign, the other the complete opposite (air sign, a high energy type) one of these two looks most certain like you'll be committed to but it probably won't lead to marriage. I think it's the water sign guy, that you may love the most. Also you said you are pansexual so I also see a woman in the spread, but it looks like it may only be a brief thing. So in sum, no marriage in the next five years. But I do see two important gentlemen that you'll meet in about three years. I also feel one of the two may be someone you work with. These three court cards were: king of clubs, king of hearts and queen of diamonds. I used Queen of clubs for your signifactor. Please let me know if anything resonated especially the questions I have for you. I'm practicing and the timing usually worked for me in the past but the details are a bit tricky. Thank you for sitting. IP: Logged |
libentia Knowflake Posts: 107 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted June 14, 2017 07:39 AM
I'm 22 and I don't have kids! I sort of did split with someone, we weren't necessarily together persay but we did get into a fight. He's an air sign lol, and I do still like him.IP: Logged |
Aurora_girl1990 Knowflake Posts: 1656 From: kuala lumpur,malaysia Registered: Feb 2013
posted June 14, 2017 08:47 AM
Please?if you have time?IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 14, 2017 09:00 AM
....IP: Logged |
mattva Knowflake Posts: 402 From: Registered: Aug 2015
posted June 14, 2017 10:22 PM
erickaf! hi. thanks for the update.Sun: Aquarius Moon: Aquarius Rising: Libra Venus/Mars: Pisces Hetero Male. Relationship Status: Getting to know someone (just being upfront: our families really like each other. we are opposites but compatible. there is still a little doubt in my mind). IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 7934 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted June 14, 2017 10:47 PM
Erica, what spread are you using? would you mind sharing so we can try it?if you open the thread again, please, consider me and I can exchange too IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 17, 2017 08:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by mattva: erickaf! hi. thanks for the update.Sun: Aquarius Moon: Aquarius Rising: Libra Venus/Mars: Pisces Hetero Male. Relationship Status: Getting to know someone (just being upfront: our families really like each other. we are opposites but compatible. there is still a little doubt in my mind).
Ok this is what I see you came up as king of Spades, this shows me you are authoritative type, even loner type maybe. This is what I see: this particular lady currently in your life I don't think she's the one. I do feel that you want to marry her or hoping to, even though you said there's a bit of doubt. I see you thinking a lot about this! I also agree you two are very different; different temperaments, very opposite? Have you two ever argued? I feel you'll have some sort of spiritual or emotional awakening and you'll realize she isn't the one for you...I see another lady (maybe younger than you), within the year, she's sensitive and romantic. However, that may be a bit more promising but she may be either too immature or frivolous and that may turn you off. But it's up to you. I think with the next 4-5 years you'll have much doubts and feel rather lonely and period of self-examination. Are you very young? I don't see marriage yet to be honest. But the next lady might be more promising, just putting this out there. Please give feedback. I wish you luck. Thanks for sitting. IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 18, 2017 07:39 AM
Thank you all.IP: Logged |
mattva Knowflake Posts: 402 From: Registered: Aug 2015
posted June 18, 2017 10:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by erickaf: Ok this is what I see you came up as king of Spades, this shows me you are authoritative type, even loner type maybe. This is what I see: this particular lady currently in your life I don't think she's the one. I do feel that you want to marry her or hoping to, even though you said there's a bit of doubt. I see you thinking a lot about this! I also agree you two are very different; different temperaments, very opposite? Have you two ever argued? I feel you'll have some sort of spiritual or emotional awakening and you'll realize she isn't the one for you...I see another lady (maybe younger than you), within the year, she's sensitive and romantic. However, that may be a bit more promising but she may be either too immature or frivolous and that may turn you off. But it's up to you. I think with the next 4-5 years you'll have much doubts and feel rather lonely and period of self-examination. Are you very young? I don't see marriage yet to be honest. But the next lady might be more promising, just putting this out there. Please give feedback. I wish you luck. Thanks for sitting.
Hi Ericka Thank you for the reading. That did resonate really well. I do want to clarify some things. I am indeed very strong willed in my opinions (double fixed sign as the cause possibly). But I am also quite lonely. The most interesting thing about this reading is that... BOTH women that you are describing can be found within the same one. The one that I am slowly getting to know now and am warming up to very quickly is younger, very frivolous and super sensitive. She also is quite romantic in her demeanor. I am 32, so I guess I am no longer young even though I may behave somewhat differently. That being said, she and I are very obviously opposites. But she wants to work at it. We have not argued. And I hope to prolong any sort of argument for as long as possible. She is very sensitive as you have already said, so I feel like I would never approach her in an aggressive manner (not that I would anyway). Oh man, I certainly hope the arguments are contained and few. IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 20, 2017 05:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by mattva: Hi ErickaThank you for the reading. That did resonate really well. I do want to clarify some things. I am indeed very strong willed in my opinions (double fixed sign as the cause possibly). But I am also quite lonely. The most interesting thing about this reading is that... BOTH women that you are describing can be found within the same one. The one that I am slowly getting to know now and am warming up to very quickly is younger, very frivolous and super sensitive. She also is quite romantic in her demeanor. I am 32, so I guess I am no longer young even though I may behave somewhat differently. That being said, she and I are very obviously opposites. But she wants to work at it. We have not argued. And I hope to prolong any sort of argument for as long as possible. She is very sensitive as you have already said, so I feel like I would never approach her in an aggressive manner (not that I would anyway). Oh man, I certainly hope the arguments are contained and few.
Ok thank you for the feedback. When I laid out the spread (Darnit I didn''t take picture of the cards but I do remember a lot of the spread) you were a King card and I usually expect to see a Lady card, ideally a Queen right by your card (facing each other) or at least near by... that will tell me most likely if you will marry or at least a long-term relationship with that Lady card. The thing is the Lady card was far away from you...that told me she will move on eventually or you two will take different paths. I could be totally out to lunch here and I could be reading this wrong (you know more than me your situation of course). This younger woman did come up as Jack of it could be very well the girl you will marry. For marriage I really like to see King and Queen together, but of course doesn't always mean that is always the case. Its good to know, though, your feedback and that she is younger than you. Interesting you have New Moon personality, so you probably have a youthful deamenor. Good luck with things. I really appreciate your feedback. Let me know how things work out. I am still tweaking my spread so your feedback is very valuable. :-). IP: Logged |
erickaf Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 20, 2017 05:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: Erica, what spread are you using? would you mind sharing so we can try it?if you open the thread again, please, consider me and I can exchange too
I'm still working on it. Thanks for asking. IP: Logged |
Sandra018 Knowflake Posts: 696 From: Planet Earth Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 20, 2017 11:04 PM
hi there Ericka i see the thread is still open- if you are taking sitters count me in :- )IP: Logged |
Empty Spaces Knowflake Posts: 1977 From: Registered: Jun 2015
posted June 20, 2017 11:29 PM
This is amazing! If is open can I participate too? If yes I'm single/Female/hetero Capricorn sun ASC and moon in gemini Venus in pisces Mars in cancer IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 7934 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted June 20, 2017 11:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by erickaf: I'm still working on it. Thanks for asking.
alright to answer to your OP questions
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pixieangel Knowflake Posts: 1946 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted June 20, 2017 11:36 PM
May I join? I'm female, hetero, cancer sun/sagittarius moon/aquarius rising sign, single relationship status.IP: Logged |