Topic: @Moon Mystic
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 20, 2020 09:15 PM
Oh. I'll go over and write the way to draw it for your step by step procedures. I understand it is hard at first, I remember when I first tried these differing charts. It was strange to me but once I learned them, they became fun to do. I'll bb to add the steps. I had calls here and forgot to add that thread here on my study re the karmics and soul mates. here it is (page2) is where I listdd mine but read first pg to understand the 9th harmonic. I'll share how to do that one after you figure the midpoint one out. I'll add those steps in a moment. .. .. ..
To do the Midpoints with transits > Chart type > select COMPOSITE CHART, MIDPOINT - METHOD (2) it's the 6th option. then add the date in the in put area that you wish to study for transits. if you have asteroids to add, place them in the input box > hit the CLICK HERE TO SHOW THE CHART button Once viewing chart hit the button +WITH TRANSITS ~ you'll see the blended energies between the 2 of you and how the transits play roles on you together in those dates you study. IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 20, 2020 10:00 PM
Yay, I figured it out! I am going to send to come back and upload the charts for you the first will be when we got together June 2009 the second when we met in person in Nov 2009 and the last will be when we broke up in May 2010 IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 20, 2020 10:05 PM
when we first started dating: when we met in person: when we broke up: IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 20, 2020 10:19 PM
Here is my 9th Harmonic and included J's as well (still assuming as Virgo ASC)
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MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 20, 2020 10:33 PM
I'm going to look but you might want to markout your birthday data. The combined midpoints are ok but this is public, anyone can see your personal info. (can you add decan choices? I think traditional . I use the basic. This helps define which energies are working to put you two together.
on first look ~ the dating chart ~ Neptune in 5th (Lover card) Gemini MC 1, 5, 3 Earth trine (Sun, Pluto, Neptune) first mtg ~ (some are same as above) tr Venus cnj Pluto in scorpio
tr uranus in 7th IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 20, 2020 10:37 PM
Sorry for off-topic but wanted to share a photo of a chakra bracelet I bought and a rose quartz gem that shaped like an angel <3 Thank you will edit out <3 IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 20, 2020 10:44 PM
The bracelet nd angel are beautiful. I wasn't trying to sound abrupt ~ we just never know whose eyes might be on the charts. To be safe. IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 20, 2020 10:47 PM
No its all good I usually mark it out but for got to but now i have and thank you <3 quote: Originally posted by MoonMystic: The bracelet nd angel are beautiful. I wasn't trying to sound abrupt ~ we just never know whose eyes might be on the charts. To be safe.
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MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 20, 2020 10:50 PM
okay, only thing is to see some specific details, we can look later, the decans in traditional will help define energy responsible for your pairing. How it all went, karmic and/or soulmate potentials. IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 20, 2020 10:52 PM
Ah okay just let me know and I can do that charts and stuff now that I know what I am doing :-) <3 IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 20, 2020 11:00 PM
meeting fixed Chiron, Saturn, POF Plutofirst dating+ breakup same as ^ . I believe you are soul mates. Twin flames are described by readers as the chaser/runner syndrome. Always running after eachother to run away from eachother, come back ~ rinse repeat. You're more haunted by your connection AND by looking at Saturn in the fixed reqlm, that explains it for me. Saturn is karmic/fated energy. No free will per se. Then you've it in AIR (swords) which you can't stop thinking of him, the two of you. His 9th harmonic is an Air fixed Saturn too. * He's likely thinking of you a lot. Saturn arranges these karmic contracts to meet, follow thru on. So you 2 had lessons. You might have to resolve your karma and your intuition is strong enough, you innately know this. IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 20, 2020 11:08 PM
very interesting for the longest time I always thought that he was meant to be in my life for some reason but I wasn't sure what it could be. Makes me wonder if he is haunted by the connection as well? Maybe I should ask my cards what are my two lessons to learn with J and it's interesting you say soulmates as I had a few others say we are twin flames but just vague in a sort of way. we dated broke up almost tried again 3 years later and stopped talking for 7 years or that we could be karmic soulmates IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 20, 2020 11:34 PM
~ ♥️ ~IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 20, 2020 11:40 PM
So I asked my cards what soulmate term represents me and J and got: Mother of Cups(Queen of cups) 3 of swords 10 of cups Father of cups(king of cups) So from these cards I want to say that the Queen possibly represents me 3 of swords shows the hurt in the past bit possibly that it still going on today 10 of cups possibly meaning that something may happen between us in the future maybe we become friends that lead into something ( I actually had two different readers say that he may say at first he wants to be friends but one reader she said that its a lie which to me that's him trying to pretend and hide his feelings of oh no I don't want this with you but deep down I want to be with you she was even spot on about picking up his jealously) Lastly with this reading the king of cups could represent him in this reading.IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 21, 2020 04:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by LibraGirl92: So I asked my cards what soulmate term represents me and J and got: Mother of Cups(Queen of cups) 3 of swords 10 of cups Father of cups(king of cups) So from these cards I want to say that the Queen possibly represents me 3 of swords shows the hurt in the past bit possibly that it still going on today 10 of cups possibly meaning that something may happen between us in the future maybe we become friends that lead into something ( I actually had two different readers say that he may say at first he wants to be friends but one reader she said that its a lie which to me that's him trying to pretend and hide his feelings of oh no I don't want this with you but deep down I want to be with you she was even spot on about picking up his jealously) Lastly with this reading the king of cups could represent him in this reading.
The jealousy is a possibility too but were those readers recent or earlier? Emotions could be scarttered since so much dynamic was filled full of your past and ending of it. ~ IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 21, 2020 05:23 PM
Those two readers were recent and the one I did above was last night And apologies for not getting to that reading I get to get off early today so once I am home I will do it the expo really drained me yesterday ❤️IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 21, 2020 05:34 PM
I'm looking over the charts too. ♡ I'm trying to see the keys that are in open.Those indicators I look at often.Not a problem re reading. in fact it's ok. The scorpio Mercury energy hasn't ben too good in my realm lately. Those deep intuitive readers I was talking with said this caused a lot of dilemas in the reads. I find in mine too. Doesn't flow like it did around that last FM on Halloween. It changed a bit after that.
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MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 21, 2020 05:55 PM
my first impressions with 9th/9thyour karmas are opposed. Somehow the lessons were understood differently. fixed your Mecury, Juno , Eros, Psyche, Amor,Uranus, Neptune, Ac, Mars, nodes Your desire, emotion dreaming, thinking are fixed in the 9th. (swords) . His are less and this might mean he's had an easier time walking away, fue to other created interests, with his side of the lesson learned more easily. Or he was involved to bring you your lesson. However his 9th Fixed energy includes Saturn (karmic contracts) *swords. He likely was in his head a lot over your connection. Yet he might have severed it, his fixed energy is less heavy than yours. His Saturn my have denoted his delivery to you the lesson for you. Earthly (material matters) may have changed his focus due to Uranus/venus in FIXED Earth. So his head in his earning coin? That may be how he got over your breakup but by looking @ his 9th H, I believe
As was his Chiron, I find those two energies work together with our agreements coming into 3D.
From this pairing in charts based on the fixed energies, it seems he taught you to love. .....
Adding his Saturn is trine close your Chiron. I believe you were placed there in a karmic contract to help him. He seems geared towards materialism. Maybe you opened his heart up. He might not had been open to the love you showed him Until you came into his world. In fact you intuitively knew that. It seems he was hurt mostly because you were the one he learned to love with. You were a lesson to him. So what you felt a need to apologise for, maybe the Divine was working through you. He was going to learn that by you based on your soul contracts. I'll need to study more in terms of S/Ms or T/Fs.
btw his Destinn your juno are in aspect so it could have given you both a feeling of a lasting bond. Your Destinn is trine with his karma. Your destiny was to serve karma or other way. I think you were giver of the karma. I'll look a little further there.
11 months is a long time for some relationships, especially first loves. One thing I wonder is, had the break not happened, might it had flourished?
I'm going to add a few asteroids below. IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 21, 2020 06:25 PM
I do know that when we broke up it felt like my heart was just ripped out of me he was the only one that I experienced real love with even though it was only 11 months I felt he was my true love. I feel after him my heart just closed up to the next ones I dated after him and I still feel it’s closed off. But possibly with so much hurt between us I don’t think he will give us a second chance as much as I would like it because my love for him never went away I don’t think he wants to go down that route even though it’s been years and I have def changed I think he is stuck in that mindset that I’m not worth the effort IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 21, 2020 07:45 PM
I added more ^ . He isn't completely against it. Once you're home, you might better understand though. Try to remember your both probably different now, in some way. He might be much more mature. A few asteroids to add if you can. (midpoint with transits) 2102 Tantalas 'desires unobtainable ' 20625 Noto (french) 'observe', record "note" 51663 Lovelock 9669 Symmetria 11727 Sweet (as in 'sweet on you') ..not all what I've tried, these kind of fit your energy imo, based on your story together. That "noto" could reflect that letter you wrote. IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 21, 2020 08:05 PM
From what I remember about a month before the break up he told there was another girl possibly he may have had eyes on I mean I was deceptive and kinda cheated on him but I blame that factor on being naive I was young loved the attention and yes I was bit of flirt Maybe it could of flourished I’m not sure but I remember in 2012 we had bit of texting contact and I remember him saying it wasn’t over (which in my mind it was as he left me and I ended up with someone else as I presumed he was over me) which I look back of the it’s not over meant he wanted a break possibly the emotions with me were too overwhelming for him. But I do know that when it comes to emotions for him he closes off and has a hard time expressing. I will plug those asteroids you gave me and again will do them when we started dating when we met in person and when we broke up❤️ It’s interesting how you were saying divine coming through me when writing the message as when I got the two readings from emsie about divine masculine messages all 6 messages pointed to J and then she did a reading for me asking what the connection and purpose in life and twin flames apparently harshly came out while shuffling I will post links when I am at a computer as I’m currently on my little iPhone lol Here are the links: Divine Messages part 1: part 2: My thread to Emesie: Other postings regarding "twin flame" Free Romance Readings with LexusVirgo I used his initials J.A.K: This one was with Aurora and when I asked if MTK the partner I moved to New Zealand to be with as he is from NZ and apparently it wasn't him but someone I had in mind but was too afraid to ask which at that time in 2017 was J: Now I know it can all be wrong I am sorry I am just a bit sceptical when it comes to twin flames but it's a bit interesting brings out the curiosity in me. oh and I will lastly link this one back in 2015 with one named Crimson Red that was a bit interesting:
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LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 21, 2020 08:48 PM
okay with those transits: when we got together: when we met: broke up: IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted November 21, 2020 10:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by LibraGirl92: From what I remember about a month before the break up he told there was another girl possibly he may have had eyes on I mean I was deceptive and kinda cheated on him but I blame that factor on being naive I was young loved the attention and yes I was bit of flirt Maybe it could of flourished I’m not sure but I remember in 2012 we had bit of texting contact and I remember him saying it wasn’t over (which in my mind it was as he left me and I ended up with someone else as I presumed he was over me) which I look back of the it’s not over meant he wanted a break possibly the emotions with me were too overwhelming for him. But I do know that when it comes to emotions for him he closes off and has a hard time expressing. I will plug those asteroids you gave me and again will do them when we started dating when we met in person and when we broke up❤️ It’s interesting how you were saying divine coming through me when writing the message as when I got the two readings from emsie about divine masculine messages all 6 messages pointed to J and then she did a reading for me asking what the connection and purpose in life and twin flames apparently harshly came out while shuffling I will post links when I am at a computer as I’m currently on my little iPhone lol Here are the links: Divine Messages part 1: part 2: My thread to Emesie: Other postings regarding "twin flame" Free Romance Readings with LexusVirgo I used his initials J.A.K: This one was with Aurora and when I asked if MTK the partner I moved to New Zealand to be with as he is from NZ and apparently it wasn't him but someone I had in mind but was too afraid to ask which at that time in 2017 was J: Now I know it can all be wrong I am sorry I am just a bit sceptical when it comes to twin flames but it's a bit interesting brings out the curiosity in me. oh and I will lastly link this one back in 2015 with one named Crimson Red that was a bit interesting:
Those details I came up didn't include the cards. Only the charts but if you added those readings it might pull together much more. In the 9th harmonics, I hadn't even looked at the 9th/natals. Only 9/9th If Emsie read a similar thing and these charts say so - Divine may have really had some big lessons for you both. Definetly Karmic contracts. The runner/chaser syndrome is the Twin flame energy. Just seems you2 are more off than on. So if you feel it, SoulMate is a chance but if you weren't able to get him outta your mind/heart all these years, maybe you have blocked yourself of meeting your true Soulmate. This is IF J is not it. Which only you2 will know. We can certainly look into clues. I think your talking to the Divine+Angels might be helpful. You could get intuitive downloads too.
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LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 21, 2020 10:50 PM
I'm down to look at clues but not sure where to start even if some how we get into contact and talk with how he hired his feelings he won't say deep down how he feels unless my im here to help him open himself up (emotionally)IP: Logged |
LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1894 From: IL Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 22, 2020 12:18 AM
So I totally forgot but here is the link between me and Todd about the composite for me and J even though when I did this it was with J ASC as Libra here is the link : IP: Logged |