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Author Topic:   @Moon Mystic

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posted November 22, 2020 07:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just read yours and Todd's exchanges, one chart I couldn't see. I'm honestly very novice in the basic ways of reading the clues as Todd picked up. (I am able to catch patterns, markers though) Both he and Stoika are very impressive imo with their readings. I have yet to read the threads with Graham but he's sharp too. Wish they offered workshops.
I'll have to skim their threads ..
You likely, in his last msg (Todd's) got the truth re TF or not. The question he asked about "how could J walk away from .. " I haven't yet explored the whole bundle yet, but I do think that Fixed Earth energy gives me 4of coins feelings. I won't go further there but as Todd said there was likely Psychic, otherworldly emotions between you two. That might have been intense, so much it scared him as much as excited him? Powerful connection.

the lessons may have been strongly felt by him, more intensity. Fear or feeling of maybe like *this will be a normal with her. (The bumpy lesson pts) In which what was the bad lesson is done, maybe not, Yet he doesn't know and your connection might be smooth were you to had picked back up where you left off. Lesson already behind. Maybe.

A last thought. You could get a reading from the other readers with your synastries, to have more clarification. I think Todd was fantastic though. But please, once you're home if J doesn't respond or show interest, don't put energy in him because if he chooses to drop a wonderful opportunity with you - even if only friends, Divine will have your 'right *someone* already lined up’. Don't block your happiness.
Coming from someone who went 11 years with her first love in her life but an extra 10 of him monopolizing her heart + mind after, she couldn't truly let new love in. It was not fair to those between my years of him/my actual marriage. That was my only reason to mention the cord cutting before but you should give him a final chance - it would be heartbreaking if you didn't and he finally come around and ran to you but you had closed yourself off to him. However there needs to be a point where he doesn't anymore need a revolving door offered in your heart to that capacity, anymore.
In my case my ex fiance abused our psychic connection, which was strong itself. But I had the cord cut in a previous yr *2017 I believe). It was only this year , where the veil has been thin, that he tore my block on him. His two relatives who crossed over during our time together have been involved. I suspect his brining them to me. My P abilities have grown this yr too. - being from each others childhood deepens strings and to them I was his wife already.
I studied his chart, he has profound psychic abilities, from birth as a single individual - but together we were well paired. Just because two people share that, does not give one a right to abuse it. Or to abuse the feelings of the other.
Look inward for what you need to bring you happiness and heal with or without him. You need YOU as your most powerful love until your heart is wholy available -to move fwd. If he's your Soulmate I don't believe he'll be able to avoid YOU much longer. 2020 has been bringing people back to where they Matters OF the heart, He'll be missing you every bit as much as you do- if he is allowing his heart to speak to him.

I'll try and read these charts a bit later today.
I gotta run to the gym. Hope You're having a good day/night there. 🌺🙂💞

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posted November 22, 2020 01:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much for the long the read I just woke up. Apologies if my response is brief as I am heading to my counseling appointment but overall I feel that I let him have my heart too long and if it turns out he doesn't want to be involved with me then that is when I will permanently closed the door on him and lock it for good but if he wants to be friends that's fine but I have this feeling he may say he wants to be friends but would eventually want more but if it came to that we would have to have a serious discussion because I don't think either of us want to get hurt again. But for right now I'm just trying to focus on me and kinda let him out the picture for the moment if he returns he returns. BTW I am looking forward on what you have to say for the charts and apologies for that one chart in Todd's thread something whent wrong and only the composite showed

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posted November 22, 2020 07:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
midpoint Venus in Libra (2nd). This and Saturn (5th) in Fixed Air, (swords) are possible keys too imo. and a trine between  them. (so swords cards are reflected a lot by you two).Also Saturn could be the Devil/Star cards. the signs Saturn rules, as well Empress, is Venus. So when you see these energies in your cards, you might find your patterns with J.

  I think everything atp is up to you two & fate. How it should resolve or renew. With Soulmate status, have you read or seen any info on them?
I hope her examples help.

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posted November 22, 2020 08:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Will give that a look when I get home tonight funny enough I asked my cards what do I need to know about my relationship J and received:
the devil fell out of the deck straight away
9 of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles
The Hierophant
10 of wands
I have noticed both Judgment and The Hierophant have came out when asking about us.
Oh and p.s I did your reading in the exchange thread😊❤️

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posted November 23, 2020 04:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So I took a listen to what she had to say and I went to her website and honestly, it is a lot to take in but that feeling in my heart never went away but I am doing the best I can.
I think my heart misses that connection I had with him regardless of the hurt that was caused on both parties and even before I even knew anything about twin flames or soulmates I Felt it deep in my heart he was the one for me but then again who's to say I am blocking myself from actually being loved by one person who may not be it at all and it was all a delusion in my head. Sorry, I am going down that road of being in my head again with negativity and I am really trying to stop that and the anxiety.
All I want is to get him out of my mind but it's like the heart tells the mind no don't let her forget him it makes me feel like a delusional girl who couldn't move on from a break up all these years if some ordinary person saw this.
Every night I ask God to show me is he the one show me the connection but I don't think he is ready to show me until I Possibly go home.
But you were right if it turns out he isn't interested or anything I do plan to not shut but seal that door so that way I never open that doorway to him or let him come back.
I finally got my self-love book by Akal Pritam today and The Light Seer's Tarot deck (another one to add to my growing collection )
(At the mind, body, spirit expo I forgot to mention I bought the oracle cards as well!)
But it is time to learn to love me again which I have neglected for too long <3
Sorry for the little rant I didn't get to go to counselling today which was a bit of mix up and is scheduled for next Monday so I just needed to vent but thankfully I reiki in two days she is the only one that knows about me and J's situation regarding the energy of sort she was the first that said a little prayer to release the cord but obviously it didn't work <3

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posted November 23, 2020 12:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
Will give that a look when I get home tonight funny enough I asked my cards what do I need to know about my relationship J and received:
the devil fell out of the deck straight away
9 of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles
The Hierophant
10 of wands
I have noticed both Judgment and The Hierophant have came out when asking about us.
Oh and p.s I did your reading in the exchange thread😊❤️

Hi hun. Those cards won't always be about that. If you are concentrating on the 9th connections (soulmate) or potentials, in the Q, then that might be most significant but not always. gotta have a bit of heaothy scepticism too.
The cards are better when assigning then to ppl. imo.

couldn't locate the reading. It's ok. ♡

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posted November 23, 2020 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Honestly, I am letting it all go to God with this. I think I am overdoing it on pulling my own cards a wee bit or divine doesn't want me to know. But for some reason, I am thinking of King of Pentacles
I made a new message for under my pillow:
Show me the connection
Do not be afraid
Let God show us the way
If we are not let us both be free
If we are then let us embrace as one
and the insecurities reading for your two people are here:
I thought this was pretty neat when I received my book and neck deck I got this:

and here is a picture of book and deck:

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posted November 23, 2020 07:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ChildofVenus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do you offer readings on Etsy?

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posted November 23, 2020 07:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
not sure if you are talking about me or moon but if me no I don't feel like I am ready to offer paid readings I am still learning on this tarot journey. Not sure about Moon tho
Originally posted by ChildofVenus:
Do you offer readings on Etsy?

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posted November 23, 2020 08:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
So I took a listen to what she had to say and I went to her website and honestly, it is a lot to take in but that feeling in my heart never went away but I am doing the best I can.
I think my heart misses that connection I had with him regardless of the hurt that was caused on both parties and even before I even knew anything about twin flames or soulmates I Felt it deep in my heart he was the one for me but then again who's to say I am blocking myself from actually being loved by one person who may not be it at all and it was all a delusion in my head. Sorry, I am going down that road of being in my head again with negativity and I am really trying to stop that and the anxiety.
All I want is to get him out of my mind but it's like the heart tells the mind no don't let her forget him it makes me feel like a delusional girl who couldn't move on from a break up all these years if some ordinary person saw this.
Every night I ask God to show me is he the one show me the connection but I don't think he is ready to show me until I Possibly go home.
But you were right if it turns out he isn't interested or anything I do plan to not shut but seal that door so that way I never open that doorway to him or let him come back.
I finally got my self-love book by Akal Pritam today and The Light Seer's Tarot deck (another one to add to my growing collection )
(At the mind, body, spirit expo I forgot to mention I bought the oracle cards as well!)
But it is time to learn to love me again which I have neglected for too long <3
Sorry for the little rant I didn't get to go to counselling today which was a bit of mix up and is scheduled for next Monday so I just needed to vent but thankfully I reiki in two days she is the only one that knows about me and J's situation regarding the energy of sort she was the first that said a little prayer to release the cord but obviously it didn't work <3

Sorry I totally had this one slip by. I think I responed to the second one so forgot this one, I'm sorry. ♡

You are not delusional. You have a warm, beautiful heart and found it hard to release the love, you feel the connection you both shared. It was hard to let it go, that a lot of us go through. In my younger days they used the term "women who love too much".
You just didn't get the return as you deserved from J. The heart energy you gave him, he didn't match. So don't fault yourself for being a loving person.
Yes, it is time to love you! I'm happy you decided to.
That expo was super way to find your new direction. I'm very excited to see how this evolves for you. Your newfound interest in healing yourself and others. Your intuition and reading is a wonderful hobby or more if you chose it.
Both your therapy and the reiki may help heal those love wounds. If/when you and he speak/see one another, you'll be a stronger lady. Which is important. Such a positive way to se yourself & maybe J see you as renewed too.

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posted November 23, 2020 08:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Beautiful cards (decks). The book too.
I'm working through my healing and remembering to love myself too. Thank you for sharing. (I might look for the book) ..
"Letting go and let God" might be the mindset you need to get though your healing. It will definitely fill your mind up on you. Which is positive, but others as well will benefit you&them. I'm happy you shared this.

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posted November 23, 2020 08:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ChildofVenus:
Do you offer readings on Etsy?

Like LibraGirl92, I'm not reading elsewhere. idk who you asked ChildofVenus.

updated~ I peeked at Etsy and yes, someone(s) are using the same nic (probably too common a name) there to read. But I'm too new at it to do it professionally as well I'm using my energy to be helpful - while I learn.

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posted November 23, 2020 09:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, Moon. I guess you can say for sure I love too hard. I guess with him not reacting I mean heck we were quite young so maybe who knows this time around when we may see one another/speak to one another things may be different I mean we are both adults now almost 30 who knows what this will bring maybe with this healing and things I may be able to teach him a thing or two. I honestly believe we both made an impact in our lives, unfortunately, there was a lot of pain between us but if he can learn to forgive then maybe we can start a new. I think I realised with that judgement card following me with him it is as though it could be calling out for forgiveness maybe not just on his part but on my part but I feel with my message I did my part so now it is time for him to make that step. He shouldn't be afraid but maybe that is a lesson he needs to learn to overcome....fear

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posted November 24, 2020 07:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
Thank you, Moon. I guess you can say for sure I love too hard. I guess with him not reacting I mean heck we were quite young so maybe who knows this time around when we may see one another/speak to one another things may be different I mean we are both adults now almost 30 who knows what this will bring maybe with this healing and things I may be able to teach him a thing or two. I honestly believe we both made an impact in our lives, unfortunately, there was a lot of pain between us but if he can learn to forgive then maybe we can start a new. I think I realised with that judgement card following me with him it is as though it could be calling out for forgiveness maybe not just on his part but on my part but I feel with my message I did my part so now it is time for him to make that step. He shouldn't be afraid but maybe that is a lesson he needs to learn to overcome....fear

LibraGirl92, In these times with all the planetary alignments, so many of us are reflecting on what might have been. Also there's so many of us that don't feel we truly resolved our heart stories, things left unsaid, undone.

Just remember if it should not occur that you get another opportunity to speak with him, he could be operating on fear. It is a powerful emotion. If his heart never healed properly, or if he realised he was too harsh on you, it might be a challenge for him to face himself. Caught within self blame. Guilt. Depends on him but you are doing right by you both. I admire you!
If you do get the opportunity and it goes well, The Divine is working for your final chapters. -♡-

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posted November 24, 2020 07:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much moon I may have already said this but I’ll say it again. I can’t thank you enough for helping me. I really truly mean it as With this whole situation regarding him I just felt no one would listen or just dismiss it. Fear is definitely a powerful emotion and I’ve actually prayed to God to help J with healing. I am just about to have my reiki session and I will come back a little later to fill you in if you like❤️ I just hope that he can heal and whether we are in each other’s life or not I only wish him the best❤️

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posted November 24, 2020 11:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My reiki session went good. We went through all of the chakras and she had me describe what colour I saw with them and what I was feeling
Root-Red I felt anger
Sacral-White sadness
Solar Plexus-Orange no emotion
Heart-Yellow I felt pain/ tightness
Throat-Blue I felt as though it was loosely tight had a bit of a grip but with the writing, I have been doing it is like the grip was loosing
The one behind the head-Black I felt confusion, doubt, fear had a feeling of congestion in my sinus area
But she feels like I am starting to feel open and that I am finding myself again transforming.
I told her about you helping me with showing me the frequencies for chakra healing and all.
I described how I would have images of myself in underwater trying to reach for the surface but couldn't but then eventually I made it to the surface.
at the end we had a talk about my connection with J and that I told her I have given it to God as I can't believe that for 10 years I still have this connection and I keep asking God to show me what this connection is but I feel as though I won't know until I go home. She asked me to describe this connection like did what did I see about it and I said it's like a silvery-white cord and I told her that when I tried to do the meditation for cord-cutting that it didn't work and the times I tried I cried. I told her about how when I went to bed that I saw his face crying and just felt sadness and fear. I did tell her about the message I wrote to him in September but still have not heard from him.
Lastly, I told her about writing the messages and putting them under my pillow and the one I wrote recently:
In my dreams show me the connection.
Do not be afraid
If we are not let us both be free
If we are then let us embrace as one
She thought it was good that I let God take it from here and handle this connection.
I need to try and stop myself from overthinking it and just remind myself that I have let God handle it and that he will see to it.
She asked me where did I mostly feel this connection and I pointed to my heart.
When I got home I felt this wave of sadness just wash over me.
I know slowly I am changing inside and I know that God is pulling me to go back home.
oh and about that I received an email from my travel agent that the service from Christchurch to Sydney was cancelled so pretty much I have had to get my refund and make a new booking so going home on the 21st of January isn't happening so now I have to wait several weeks for the refund and then make a new booking by *sigh*

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posted November 25, 2020 06:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
My reiki session went good. We went through all of the chakras and she had me describe what colour I saw with them and what I was feeling
Root-Red I felt anger
Sacral-White sadness
Solar Plexus-Orange no emotion
Heart-Yellow I felt pain/ tightness
Throat-Blue I felt as though it was loosely tight had a bit of a grip but with the writing, I have been doing it is like the grip was loosing
The one behind the head-Black I felt confusion, doubt, fear had a feeling of congestion in my sinus area
But she feels like I am starting to feel open and that I am finding myself again transforming.
I told her about you helping me with showing me the frequencies for chakra healing and all.
I described how I would have images of myself in underwater trying to reach for the surface but couldn't but then eventually I made it to the surface.
at the end we had a talk about my connection with J and that I told her I have given it to God as I can't believe that for 10 years I still have this connection and I keep asking God to show me what this connection is but I feel as though I won't know until I go home. She asked me to describe this connection like did what did I see about it and I said it's like a silvery-white cord and I told her that when I tried to do the meditation for cord-cutting that it didn't work and the times I tried I cried. I told her about how when I went to bed that I saw his face crying and just felt sadness and fear. I did tell her about the message I wrote to him in September but still have not heard from him.
Lastly, I told her about writing the messages and putting them under my pillow and the one I wrote recently:
In my dreams show me the connection.
Do not be afraid
If we are not let us both be free
If we are then let us embrace as one
She thought it was good that I let God take it from here and handle this connection.
I need to try and stop myself from overthinking it and just remind myself that I have let God handle it and that he will see to it.
She asked me where did I mostly feel this connection and I pointed to my heart.
When I got home I felt this wave of sadness just wash over me.
I know slowly I am changing inside and I know that God is pulling me to go back home.
oh and about that I received an email from my travel agent that the service from Christchurch to Sydney was cancelled so pretty much I have had to get my refund and make a new booking so going home on the 21st of January isn't happening so now I have to wait several weeks for the refund and then make a new booking by *sigh*

I feel so bad for you hun but you know something? J might have had anything happen to delay his response. Even being stubborn in his alliwance of himself 'to respond '. Divine could still be in the works at reuniting you AND this postponement to get home could give J the extra time, were it to to happen, as you've wanted but Divine could also test you. To follow thru in putting yourself first. ♡ of Jess before any other. You'll be your best version of you when you do this and so much more desired by anyone, even J!


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posted November 25, 2020 11:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, hun I guess I love really deeply, after all, I do have venus-conjunct Pluto in Scorpio (I am a Scorpio venus) I think I have been doing okay. and we will see what December and the new year have to bring.
I remember I said it his own free will and I just have to remember that everything is free will <3
Whatever it may be between me and him I am going to keep being the best I can be and keep going with life whether he is in my life or not <3

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posted November 27, 2020 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
Thanks, hun I guess I love really deeply, after all, I do have venus-conjunct Pluto in Scorpio (I am a Scorpio venus) I think I have been doing okay. and we will see what December and the new year have to bring.
I remember I said it his own free will and I just have to remember that everything is free will <3
Whatever it may be between me and him I am going to keep being the best I can be and keep going with life whether he is in my life or not <3

How was your Thanksgiving? ♡

^ The intensity in your Venus with Pluto, I doubt you can tame your feelings easily. Powerful emotions. You have been doing wonderful with your'self growth', healing.
You're a true alchemist.
A lot of people this year have been highly
emotional in America. It is always something. Depending on where you're from, home may be very different than you remember it - once back.

Any new info on a flight coming home?

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posted November 27, 2020 11:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Unfortunately I am currently awaiting my refund from my original flight in order to book a new on I aiming for January but could possibly February.
Yes I feel that with my Venus-Pluto when I love I love deeply I believe that depth was felt with J as I have it Natally conjunct and with our synastry my Venus conjunct his Pluto so which made it stronger for me not sure about him tho.
I’m hoping eventually he reads my message but I am starting to get in the mindset that “he may have things going on with his life that is preventing him from responding so he will get to it when he can so just keep focusing on yourself”
But I am moving forward and soon enough mentally and spiritually I will be whole. I am slowly coming out of the darkness I was in for so many years❤️

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posted November 30, 2020 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
Unfortunately I am currently awaiting my refund from my original flight in order to book a new on I aiming for January but could possibly February.
Yes I feel that with my Venus-Pluto when I love I love deeply I believe that depth was felt with J as I have it Natally conjunct and with our synastry my Venus conjunct his Pluto so which made it stronger for me not sure about him tho.
I’m hoping eventually he reads my message but I am starting to get in the mindset that “he may have things going on with his life that is preventing him from responding so he will get to it when he can so just keep focusing on yourself”
But I am moving forward and soon enough mentally and spiritually I will be whole. I am slowly coming out of the darkness I was in for so many years❤️


LibraGirl92, been a bit worried for you, everything ok there. Because of News I heard re NZ. I hope you are at peace until you get home. Wnich may it be soon .

Re J, have you wondered if anyone could have intercepted his message from you? I wondered if you sent it sealed via actual snail mail to your uncle? Maybe have it hand delivered by him?
idk, worst case is he got it and is just not reacting ~ yet butif there's any possible way his msg frm you was lost, deleted by another or whatever , a last try can't hurt, can it?
I'm taking a few days away from readings and or cyber chatter. lol I'll pop in from tine to time to see if you respond. Sending you all the best, safe wishes.

.warm hug.

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posted November 30, 2020 04:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am doing okay I am not sure what you have been hearing about New Zealand but I am doing fine working waiting on my refund to add to more money for my ticket home lol
I sent the message via Facebook Messenger now because I haven't spoken to him in forever there may be a possible chance that he may be dating someone else and she may have seen it and saw it as a threat possibly or if he isn't dating like you said he got it an not reacting. I mean truthfully the message was pretty deep and a lot to take in and most likely he may be pre-occupied with work that would make it harder for him to respond. I honestly did not even think of doing it that way with sending it to my Uncle and hand delivering it to J at work. Will not lie as I wrote that made my heart skip a beat and a bit nervousness/anxious I mean I saved the message on my Microsoft word as I wrote it there before copying and pasting it to FB messenger.
I just need to treat this with delicacy and tread carefully because if he is dating someone new I do not want to seem like a threat. I refuse to destroy anyone's relationship I truly learned from that mistake years ago.
If he isn't dating anyone then he may be possibly going through what I am going through and working on himself.
Lastly, I don't want to repeatedly message to where he becomes angry as I know he has a temper and I don't want to feel that wrath (I have before and it is not nice at all)

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posted November 30, 2020 06:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That's not what I meant .. No, don't look at it that way. You deserve to be heard, understood re the apology - even if he's moved on. I didn't mean to disrupt a relationship. You could begin the letter by saying so much as it was only meant to repair any damages you wish had not occured and you do not wish to insert yourself into his life Your own words of course. For healing purposes. I think the resolution might benefit you because it has been so difficult on you. it is up to you ~ of course. This gives more closure - if closure is what is necessary.
Otherwise this may not completely heal for you. It could rebound when you don't expect it. The cord c. exercise didn't work so your connection was strong.

Regards to NZ, That's why I'm trying yo avoid so much internet chatter. I saw headlines in which I never read the articles, stating there was unrest. Idk could be propaganda. I'm glad you're well.

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posted November 30, 2020 06:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I feel with my message I did put in there I had no expectations and that it was his own free will to respond or not and that I wished him all the best in his life and to keep being the amazing person he is.
I feel to me that the entire message was not to be seen as me trying to force my way into a relationship if he is in one. Like I have said we haven't spoken for 7 years don't know what he is doing with his life.
I have come to terms even if I never get an answer from him at least I know I can say I said what I needed to say to heal and go on with my life. I will always care for him and he will have a special place in my heart but life moves forward <3

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posted November 30, 2020 06:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ok .. that's great to hear.

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