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Author Topic:   @Moon Mystic

Posts: 1894
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posted November 03, 2020 04:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hiya hun so I was going back looking at the readings you gave for me in "Open for Requests" Thread and was reading about being pregnant by J and how you pulled Empress and Clarified with Temperance I am thinking it has to do with Karma. I got a paid reading months ago and apparently, in a past life, we had a baby girl together and apparently, he left as it was all too much for him. So what if possibly our karma together is to have this child but instead of just leaving to work it out. This is just me thinking as lately all my brain likes to is go into overdrive thinking mode. Just my thoughts my dear <3 :-)

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posted November 03, 2020 05:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
Hiya hun so I was going back looking at the readings you gave for me in "Open for Requests" Thread and was reading about being pregnant by J and how you pulled Empress and Clarified with Temperance I am thinking it has to do with Karma. I got a paid reading months ago and apparently, in a past life, we had a baby girl together and apparently, he left as it was all too much for him. So what if possibly our karma together is to have this child but instead of just leaving to work it out. This is just me thinking as lately all my brain likes to is go into overdrive thinking mode. Just my thoughts my dear <3 :-)

Hello LibraGirl92. ♡
In the past if we look at that Empress, I feel she pushed him out. She might have grown tired of waiting up for his assistance, love and sharing the special moments that could not be redone. Maybe she felt she was the best foundation for the shared child? If it is so Perhaps you want unconsciously to clear that. To settle the karmic ties yet to do something as significant as tying yourself to someone permanently, more than one. He AND Baby(babies) may bring yet more karmic disharmony. I think balancing out your heart/throat chakra (I'll be reading it)
getting some meditation and applying the Temperance and the Hanging Man into your game plan to get the right direction from Spirit.
I hope this helps ❤

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posted November 03, 2020 06:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much. I didn’t see it that way thank you for the perspective. I will try that i will pull out my raider Waite and bring the cards out and do my best to meditate❤️

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posted November 03, 2020 07:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
~ ♥️ ~

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posted November 03, 2020 08:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you I remember he suffered from anxiety l/panic attacks and all though I haven’t had panic attacks my anxiety has just been through the roof these past months I don’t know if our energy/mental connection is still connected In not sure but I’m down for you to explain the 11:11 event and I think I may have had my Saturn return my 28th birthday was on the 10 October and his was 20th August

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posted November 03, 2020 09:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
~ ♥️ ~

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posted November 03, 2020 09:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LibraGirl92 ~

Your Chakra reading is here ..
You had two renegades .. I'll
share those that jumped after we cover the one intended by the Q "What Chakra(s) are out of balance or need healing at this time for LibraGirl92"?
 The 6 Of Chalices was offered in reverse.
This is 'Clinging to the past' energy. You lingered in nostalgic memories but it has brought you unnecessary pain. Noone can say what is normal for reminiscing, we all are different.💚  As you know already you feel overwhelmed by your past love. When the past comes  knocking on what seemed to be a closed door, we can go into the mind a lot. Especially Air signs.(You're not alone there)
🌸 But here we have your cups, from your loving youthful times, turned upside down. Drained. Left with  not a drop for your soul to quench. In terms of Chakras, this is, as you know ~ your heart. Seems it feels depleted of that needed
(Content)ment. Your heart feels empty, maybe you fill your life with joy but this balance is off. Were we to imagine sitting behind you there are 4 full cups to complete this 10 cup
necessity.  You'd be more unbalanced than 'half unbalanced'. Most hearts can't survive with half the needed blood to supply them with so many duties to keep a human sustained. 
The card recommends you if   grounding. is applied your sense of stability will return but you'll need to put in some effort. Somethings may be pretty effortless.
This is your root/red chakra. We know your Heart/Green Chakra is also involved. Remember each day is new and explore NEW opportunities every chance you get.
Break away from thoughts that could hold you from your truest happiness.  If he/YOU are destined to be together, without your desire/leading the energy, flowing, out of the blue ~ you've not thought of him in some time - boom something about him reminds you or even He actually contacts you. Right now thinking of him you're blocking so much goodness you deserve.
You cleared that karmic hold with your heartfelt letter.
If you can't get him out of your thoughts there's cord cutting too. You seek info on that. It helps resolve unfinished 'connections' that hold us back. 💚 >I suffer from that in my story too, I'm  reading for you still ~ ask me later if you want,  I will explain.~

Additional cards as I mentioned.  5 of Pentacles.  This aligns with that card we drew juat before.
You feel you've been left in the cold, no sense of where warmth can be found. I feel  Spirit wants you to know that cold, disconnected feeling is your heart. It tells you to find warmth, tend to it's lost balance. (I'm feeling maybe lookimg at 5th house for enjoyment) Maybe were we to see those empty Chalices as frozen water, trapped outside the Chalices. Not that you have a Frozen heart ~ your past has left it feeling this way. You need to get the balance in flow between mind/heart. Reconnect to feel  more stabilized.  Not in that 'fear of being shut out' energy. Or starved for love feeling. which to me is like that 'poverty consciousness' energy but the heart is in need of her nurturing, is she not? I feel your chakras might get things really working again and little by little you'll begin to feel yhe warmth in there.,.

The other energy (card) that flew was the Lovers card.
Gemini. We may need to see your Gemini (+Mercury energy as well he rules the throat Chakra ), any Venus, Aries. The card I have here from my deck says on it  "Blood bound". Maybe your initial question to me you made a spiritual  and/or magickal contract. Or someone did this to you both. A binding curse. If that feels possible the cord cutting might be good to do.
I see an ocean in my card, as though 'oceans apart, no water or distance will keep him from you'. There ?could be telepathic connection between you two. Doesn't have to be the case, it is a possibility and only you know.
I'm not going to throw too much energy in that card. Mercury is still in a post  shadow, he could play games.
Let's  move forward as THAT IS WHY  we met for this particular healing. ☀️💛🌸💚☀️

You'd benefit greatly from whole chakra balance healing. All of them. Or We can target those we have discovered in your read.
Maybe starting all then tring a fresh read after a few weeks, zeroing in on what hasn't healed. ☆I'll write a message to you on the Chakra thread. Maybe you'll find between meditating and healing your chakras, you'll have a bit more warmth within and once you come back to America, you could be a much more brave, happy and eligible single woman, who might accidentally find happiness that her beautiful heart wants to share with another, maybe a new one ~ only Spirit knows what's in store for your upcoming story.

~ If you think you need cord cutting, there are topics on Lindaland iir and videos on the various video sites.

Please let me know if anything resonates.
I really hope this helped somehow.
(I'll include your chakra advice on the other thread. This is YOURpersonal reading, I'll also review your chart and see what connects for me, as with everything I'm still learning too.)
[ footer note: ask an Air sign how devoid her cups were, never maintaining the proper balance after her first love
a the fated ending. Me. I can tell you ❤ you are so fortunate to learn about YOU at a much younger place in life than I .. in fact you are wise to seek your healing. ♡♡🌸🐦🌸♡♡ ]

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Posts: 1894
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posted November 03, 2020 10:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for doing this.
Months ago I went to a riki lady and had her to help me try to break this connection between me and him and it went away for a while but it seems to come back. I feel as though no matter what I did heck I tried cord-cutting myself and what happened I ended up on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out it felt as though my heart was being ripped out of me all over again.
Last night and possibly a few nights I have had some tightening in my chest before going to sleep possibly this anxiety I know that he suffered from it as well (anxiety)
I could never understand how is the one that I can't get over but the guy I dated after Jordan I easily got over him real quick and that guy was just no good for me but I will say that relationship taught me how to be independent.
When you say " Maybe your initial question to me you made a spiritual and/or magickal contract. Or someone did this to you both. A binding curse" is it possible this was before we came on this earth because I have no clue what that means ( I am still new to this tarot spiritual things)
"I see an ocean in my card, as though 'oceans apart, no water or distance will keep him from you'. There ? could be a telepathic connection between you two. Doesn't have to be the case, it is a possibility and only you know"- Does this include dreams? If so, I remember one period where he was constantly in my dreams but not in waking and now recently he is in my waking thoughts dreams meh but definitely waking possibly he may be dreaming about me?
Maybe I do need a heart/throat chakra cleaning.
I just don't get why I have such a strong connection to this man as it should have ended years ago.
Lately, I have been having this picture in my mind I am underwater struggling for air and I don't understand why but I see him reaching out and helping me to the surface to breath.

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posted November 04, 2020 01:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
Thank you for doing this.
Months ago I went to a riki lady and had her to help me try to break this connection between me and him and it went away for a while but it seems to come back. I feel as though no matter what I did heck I tried cord-cutting myself and what happened I ended up on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out it felt as though my heart was being ripped out of me all over again.
Last night and possibly a few nights I have had some tightening in my chest before going to sleep possibly this anxiety I know that he suffered from it as well (anxiety)
I could never understand how is the one that I can't get over but the guy I dated after Jordan I easily got over him real quick and that guy was just no good for me but I will say that relationship taught me how to be independent.
When you say " Maybe your initial question to me you made a spiritual and/or magickal contract. Or someone did this to you both. A binding curse" is it possible this was before we came on this earth because I have no clue what that means ( I am still new to this tarot spiritual things)
"I see an ocean in my card, as though 'oceans apart, no water or distance will keep him from you'. There ? could be a telepathic connection between you two. Doesn't have to be the case, it is a possibility and only you know"- Does this include dreams? If so, I remember one period where he was constantly in my dreams but not in waking and now recently he is in my waking thoughts dreams meh but definitely waking possibly he may be dreaming about me?
Maybe I do need a heart/throat chakra cleaning.
I just don't get why I have such a strong connection to this man as it should have ended years ago.
Lately, I have been having this picture in my mind I am underwater struggling for air and I don't understand why but I see him reaching out and helping me to the surface to breath.

LibraGirl92, you might have seen her and opened the damaged chakra centers from your loss then, heartbreak is much like death. They say marriage endings are, why not marrital breakage in the heart?
That reiki lady, She should have kept working with you.
I had much the same years back, therapy (counseling talking) does same thing. It takes just the right amount of therapy. Too much too soon is similar to the pads in hospitals they use to bring a person back from the flatline via the heart. It's powerful but once damaged it needs tlc.

Yes. Dreams are valid in meeting points.
Many speak of this too. Maybe in his anxiety he wrestles with your untidy ending. I see that as a common theme. Youvcoupd go to sleep with a handwritten question or message to him under your pillow. See if any recall may occur.

As far as love curse/spells go, they are real. I'm under an uncertain amount. Ruins my heart so often but this started lifetimes ago. I'm working with love /Venus vibrational because of that. Our hearts are what bring us
redeeming, even bad people can transform . The heart is special .🌸💚🌸

Have you ever tried frequency healing?
The vibrations are aligned with Venus /vyour heart ..

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posted November 04, 2020 02:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I can give it a try and I could try the handwritten note.
With the spells/curses, I couldn't think of someone who could do that I know I would never do that possibly it happened in a past life for us? Why would this happen? (Sorry I am new to this spells/curses)
The lady should have probably kept working with me but she was just getting too expensive at the time as I was going through financial issues.
I have had some people say that we may be twin flames and I have kinda looked up what those were and I am not 100% me and Jordan fit that criteria and I don't know if cards or anything could prove that but I can tell you 100% I always felt in my heart he was the one and 11 years on its still there.

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posted November 04, 2020 03:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
~ ♥️ ~

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posted November 04, 2020 03:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay so I found one that talks about 7 mental & physical signs link here:
So I am just looking and I feel I fit some these criteria but I can't explain about him as we haven't spoken for 7 years.
The thing is all my feelings regarding him never happened when I was with my next two partners after him I NEVER had the strong electric feeling the heart feeling as it was pounding out of the chest maybe it is this "love spell" I am truly unsure.
I booked my ticket today and I going home on the Jan 21st 2021 and hopefully, when I am back home, me and Jordan can meet face to face and talk about it all. That is if he is willing to see me in person. By then hopefully, he has seen my message on Facebook I sent and responds about it before January but you never know <3

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posted November 04, 2020 03:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
~ ♥️ ~

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posted November 04, 2020 03:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, I am but I am scared of going into the unknown I say that as I made New Zealand my home for 4 years and it's like how I was when I moved to New Zealand 4 years ago lol.
He could be scared I am not sure but it would be nice to see him again like you said we both have grown.
But most importantly I would like to see the family of what I have left as it has been so long and to visit my grandmothers grave to place flowers and have a chat to her about my life.
I came across a website I use to use back in the day and there was a picture of me and Jordan back in 2009 we were both 17 at the time not sure if you do picture readings but have a go if you like <3
I do want to say that I am thankful for you taking the time to listen to me like my new counsellor Renee she actually listened to me and it felt nice I know it's her job but still, I had that fear of being judged <3

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posted November 04, 2020 01:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good morning hun (morning time in NZ) so I did you the leave a hand written message under your pillow and in my dream it was short but I saw the image of him crying he feels so alone another image I had was coming in the airport embracing one another like he was there with my family picking me up from the airport even though I know he wouldn’t actually be there (unless we have contact before and I tell him if wanted to he could) but those were the two short images I got with that message under the pillow the message said:
I have and always will care. I never abandoned you. Stay Strong. I am here and always will be.

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posted November 04, 2020 01:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Yes, I am but I am scared of going into the unknown I say that as I made New Zealand my home for 4 years and it's like how I was when I moved to New Zealand 4 years ago lol.
He could be scared I am not sure but it would be nice to see him again like you said we both have grown.
But most importantly I would like to see the family of what I have left as it has been so long and to visit my grandmothers grave to place flowers and have a chat to her about my life.
I came across a website I use to use back in the day and there was a picture of me and Jordan back in 2009 we were both 17 at the time not sure if you do picture readings but have a go if you like <3
I do want to say that I am thankful for you taking the time to listen to me like my new counsellor Renee she actually listened to me and it felt nice I know it's her job but still, I had that fear of being judged <3

I think it's an anxious feeling you have, of the unknown.Are you ever going back to NZ?

You are going to be totally new people. The ones you knew within but new. Due to the length and experience each of you had could vary. I hope that your homecoming will be a joyful time. Catching up with family.

I can't, or never tried picture reading. closest to that for me is looking for the ascending, sun, moon signs in peoples face pictures or body types based on the criteria of the wheel/ signs. Pretty ordinary.

You did appear very happy. Is he an Air/Earth sign anywhere?

You're very welcome.

Your therapist , if that's what you feel you need, msybe there's a good one in your hometown, once you return. The chakras will be an extra tool, you might find they help very much. I posted a msg (in the works) for you over on the chakra thread.

Have a wonderful day. 🌈💚🌸

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Posts: 1894
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posted November 04, 2020 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So what I gathered someone said he was a libra rising (I am Libra Sun) so when I did his chart I did it to where it matches with libra rising and apparently he has Virgo venus 12th ( My Asc is Virgo) house Taurus moon 7th or 8th house and I was very happy. Idk why sometimes I thought we kinda looked similar in ways xD
Originally posted by MoonMystic:

I think it's an anxious feeling you have, of the unknown.Are you ever going back to NZ?

You are going to be totally new people. The ones you knew within but new. Due to the length and experience each of you had could vary. I hope that your homecoming will be a joyful time. Catching up with family.

I can't, or never tried picture reading. closest to that for me is looking for the ascending, sun, moon signs in peoples face pictures or body types based on the criteria of the wheel/ signs. Pretty ordinary.

You did appear very happy. Is he an Air/Earth sign anywhere?

You're very welcome.

Your therapist , if that's what you feel you need, msybe there's a good one in your hometown, once you return. The chakras will be an extra tool, you might find they help very much. I posted a msg (in the works) for you over on the chakra thread.

Have a wonderful day. 🌈💚🌸

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posted November 07, 2020 03:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
~ ♥️ ~

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posted November 07, 2020 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
.. ☆ ..

🌈 LibraGirl92 .. Your Chakra healing advice is below.

.. ☆ ..

(health: I'm  not a physician. I'm offering varied areas that are freely available to all for healing themselves spiritually to ease other areas of dis-ease and/or discomfort, pls seek medical guidance if you have medical and/or emotional problems that may be serious,  pls locate a reputable licensed therapist.)

🌟(1st)Root - Red  -  H10
1st Chakra - Root  - Red  - H10 - At the base of spine/bottom/tailbone Arenal cortex - skeletal structure - teeth - large intestine  -kidneys  - blood
Planets: Saturn, Earth
Emotional: Survival, self preservation
Physical Identity  (Ascending sign)
Sense:  Nose, smell
Incense: Cedar
Herb: Sage
Sephira: Malkuth
TAROT SUITE: Pentacles
- Symbol Square -
Archangel: Samael (Chamuel)
gemstones: Gemstones for the first chakra include garnet, red jasper, black tourmaline, Hematite and bloodstone. You can place the gemstone on the area of the chakra while lying down to help open and align it

🌟(4th) Heart  - Green - H2+7 
Gemstones:Rose Quartz,  Rhodochrosite, Emerald, Rhodonite, Green Aventurine,  Green Jade, Amazonite, Prehnite, Malachite
Element: Air
Shape Crescent  Moon
Endocrine  gland: Thymus
Physical association:  heart, lungs, circulatory system, arms, hands
psychological  function:  Love
identity: Social Identity
Challenge: Grief
mythological animals: Antelope,  dove, birds
Sense organ: skin
Predominant sense: Touch
Incense:  Jasmin, lavendar, rose
Herb: Yarrow, meadowsweet, oris root
Sphira: Tiphareth
Archangel:  Raphael   and  gemstone: aventurine

🌟(5th) Throat - Blue - H3
Element:  Akasha
Shape: Crescent 
gland Thyroid, Parathyroid gland
Physical association:  throat, ears, mouth, shoulders, neck
Communication,  Creativite identity
Challenges: Lies
Plane: Human, where dark knight if the soul ends
Planet: Mercury
Mythology  Animal: Elephant,  bull, lion
Incense:  frankincense
Herb: Chamomile
Sephira:Geburah, Chesed
Planets: Venus, Sun,
Gemstones:Aquamarine,  Angelite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Blue kynaite, Blue Apatite, Turquoise,  Sodalite,  Azurite,

.. .. Frequency .. ..

- All 7 Chakras Music frequency-

- Third Eye Chakra (6th) Healing frequency -

- Heart Chakra healing frequency -

- Throat Chakra healing frequency -
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Further Reading ~


pls refresh - this may be unfinished ~ until 11/8

.. ☆ ..

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posted November 07, 2020 06:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know that this may be unfinished but I just wanted to point out 2 things with the throat chakra of the challenge "Lies" very much rings true as in my past I did lie to people in my past including Jordan. I feel I am learning from this mistake and ultimately I never want to hurt people I most care about.
Secondly, with the heart chakra challenge, "grief" is about the death of my grandma who I called memaw affected me deeply and I thought with my way of grieving and just going on not realising I was sliding my emotions under the rug as my therapist said in our first session. With all the help and learning process I feel I am going to do my best not to do that anymore that it is okay to let these emotions out and not just bury them <3

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posted November 19, 2020 03:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ you are certainly making some good connections in your healing.

Sometimes our own behavior is hardest to face and it takes solid others to understand once we do. Mature ones will forgive. Remember no matter what comes of J and his decision, you are valuable as a person and your self worth is valid and you are a wonderful person, despite the outcome. You're healing for you but if it helps the 2of you and he's open to it - all the better. But don't forget you need to love you first.

(Adding that last paragraph, we are in an energy of humbling essence. 'I even' wrinkled perfectly nice fabric here on LL, my healing has brought out some rather hard, unfavorable energies. I should have resolved so much earlier. You've come far in your learning this (relating with your leter to him), everyone, depending on experience and or where they are in current life energy, will be different on each side of humility. If J has had some harsh energy, that can effect which way he may be. In my similar bg it was aloof reception he met me with - J , frm how you described him seems more grounded. Kind and more considerate, patient. Unfortunately you might not get contact, that remains unknown. You'll need to decide what is right for you , if not.
Pls just be prepared either way. )

From the other forum:
To know the two are coming out for him in a strong way (much more in frequency to others) as well that locale of virgo is creating a physical aspect (trine), which reflects the chemistry you two shared. Another good test could b take your 2 charts in midpoint (that possible asc for him) then in midpoint use pivotal dates as you were a cpl. Use transit study on you both in midpoint, to see what
may have effected you two as a cpl.


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posted November 20, 2020 06:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much and honestly, I am starting to come to terms that if I don't end up having contact with him I know that I sent that letter and it was everything I had to say and that if he can't find it in his heart to forgive then it is what it is. Yes, it would be sad but life moves on why should I waste my one life on one man? 10 years I have tried to distract myself away from him but I feel my heart is set on him like it feels no he is the one for me but the thing is he may not feel that way as well but then again the man hides his true feelings won't say it or show it.
To be 100% honest with you IF we end up making contact I know that I should state my feelings but I would be downright scared to death to say it because of fear of rejection but then again if I were I would accept it and be done with it finally.
If we never end up having contact then I would accept my letter as a closure.
Like it is said the future can change nothing is set in stone.
I honestly can't do what you suggested as I feel it is beyond me with the charts lol but I looked back and:
His Venus is Conjunct my asc by 1 degree and my venus is sextile his asc by 5 degrees My venus conjuncts his pluto by 1 degree (not sure if that really means anything)
His moon is opposite my pluto by 4 degrees
His moon is opposite my venus by 1 degree
His moon trines my ASC by 1 degree
His Mars squares my ASX by 1 degree
(This is his ASC as Virgo)

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posted November 20, 2020 07:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
~ ♥️ ~

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posted November 20, 2020 08:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You can't merge you charts in midpoint?
I'm not sure what you meant.

opposition is good in relationships that work through hard times and through those troubles, restricting energy, they build so much stronger, more than effortless relationships. Trust me. I've lived and love a lot. The more difficult, if both people stand firmly together through it ~ not running away, they bond deeper. As for not getting past him, I believe he's a T flame, soul mate or karmic. I have been studying my charts with past& current loves. The Saturn, Karma and decans do show where Divine had planned. I'll add the thread in a sec ..
IF you chose to explore your together, seperate energies as in synastry or 9th harmonic/natals (the thread explains that).

Do you have much fixed energy in your natal? I forgot. I'm thinking if you don't ,your guides/Angels are really directing you.

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Registered: Nov 2014

posted November 20, 2020 09:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If you would like I don’t mind resending both our Natal charts with his ASC as Virgo and synastry and stuff on here what I meant earlier with the midpoint stuff I’m not that good when it comes to charts or if you can explain how I can do it on astrodinest website then I could try it on my own but other than that i just do Natal charts synastry and composite lol

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