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Author Topic:   @GalacticCoreExplosion

Posts: 3190
From: Sound
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posted November 27, 2020 06:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Voix_de_la_Mer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've been told I am an 'old soul' before. Perhaps that's why my early experiences were so 'adult' (what I told you isn't even the half of it really). Without going into detail, my 'adulting' started at age 4.

Haha 'being extra'? Takes a 'monologuer' to recognise one But not all monologuers are created equal. I know I have a rather unintentional but irritating self-righteousness and 'know it all' to my monologues (thank you Aquarius/Leo) and more than just a little undercurrent of "it's not FAIR!" (thank you Libra), but yours is distinctly good-humoured, animated, but commanding, with a smidgeon of 'know it all' (thank you Leo)

RE earning bread with your voice, have you considered writing or voice-overs?

I can think of worse talents than being able to see the forest AND the trees. I can be too detail-oriented and lose sight of the forest. I recently failed spectacularly on a 'Seeing the Bigger Picture' pre-assessment for an interview. It's a work in progress

A polyamorous relationship, interesting. Do you think that is anything to do with your Venus square Uranus? I always wonder how people can achieve a depth of connection when dividing their emotional and sexual energies across more than one partner. I just don't think I would have the resources to do that. And, at risk of sounding utterly unevolved, I don't like to share

Depth of connection, yes. I don't have any superficial friendships or relationships. Which makes my social circle small, but intense and satisfying. But, I'm baffled. You'll have to explain to me how you can achieve depth in a polyamorous relationship? I have a feeling about what you may say, but you'll probably express it better than I could speculate, having never been in one.

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posted November 27, 2020 01:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm really sorry to hear that. Can somewhat relate. Apparently when I was 5, I went up to my mom and told her in a very matter of fact manner, "Mom, we need to leave dad." (at the time raging alcoholism).

Re: your monologuing, haven't noticed that so far. You just strike me as direct and know how you feel etc and aren't afraid to state as much. As far as self goes, would say it's a combo deal--combo of very strong Jupiter, Cap, and Leo. And more of a "know it most all". Readily admit when self doesn't know or isn't certain of something. Often direct others within rather than trying to play the personal guru.

Am writing an astro/metaphysical book currently, and have thought about voice work but no idea how to get into same. With Chiron there, almost seems like its destined to be frustrating. Curious why you have a background in psychology but are working as a librarian? Burnt out?

Hmm, with a likewise highlighted Jupiter, you should be able to see the forest pretty decently, unless all that Saturn and Mercury is too strongly counter-balancing same.

A few things my partner and I have in common are Aqua Venus, very highlighted Jupiter, and generally strong to moderate emphasis on most of the Universal Signs (in our case, Cap through Pisces). Since Venus is the ruler of my Moon and MC, and is in Aquarius while being Angular, Aquarius (and Venus) get more highlighted than would be otherwise for just having Venus there.

Translates to there is a universalized and deeply spiritual understanding of Love and connection.

But for self, being tipped to the introvert side of the spectrum, I've found the whole open thing rather unfulfilling, which is why I've mostly have tried to stay away from it for many years now (along with other reasons). The recent exception being a woman I met the summer before last. The connection was so powerful and intense for me, that I dove head first without much thinking. I saw some red flags (astrologically, behavior wise, etc) but ignored them.

My partner of nearly 20 years and I are "twin souls" no questions.But I have learned that the bigger part of us, which I usually call our Expanded or Original self (our Spirit vs our Soul), can and often does have more than one Soul going on in a particular space/time cycle. And in this cycle, its very common with the plethora of bodies and the big changes coming which will limit bodies in the future. So our Expanded self levels are taking advantage of the situation.

Anyways, this means that your Expanded self, and the Expanded self of your twin can have multiple selves going on in the same cycle and that you can technically and potentially meet more than one. This is what happened with that other woman and I. She and my partner are part of the same Expanded self level, and not only that but she and I are somewhat rare, direct literal reincarnations of Souls that lived a human lifetime and happened to be very close in that life until I left.

My reaction to her was nearly overwhelming, and I don't say that lightly as someone with very strong Cap, moderately strong Aqua, etc (i.e. measured, disciplined, strong will). But in a way I'm somewhat glad it didn't work out because if we had gotten close, it probably would have become a strain on my core relationship.

In short, while its an option, there hasn't been much practice of same on my end. And for her, being an extrovert, she just likes going out on dates, socializing, etc, and it rarely ever goes farther and deeper than that. She is almost always disappointed or finds fault with the guy. She did meet one of my Spirit's other Soul selves, and was falling hard for him, but his partner has him whipped and is insecure, and they live on the other side of the country.

It's funny, but I became aware of the connection first, consciously. One day out of the blue, out of intuition I was like, "I think David and I are part of the same Expanded self level." And her, "nah uh", but then years later, she had a dream which confirmed it. And, his partner, is part of my partner's Expanded self. (and she has had dreams of two other Soul selves connected to her running around out there--so that's at least 4 other Soul selves besides her in this cycle).

Generally and personally speaking, I couldn't handle anymore than two connections at a time. But for me, it's not worth it if there isn't a deeper and more holistic connection. For us, it's not about sex and sexual attraction or just one level of attraction isn't enough, especially for me.

Anyways, yep, definitely not for everyone and really, not for most people. You either have to be a sex addict, OR be extremely Aquarian-Piscean in attunement. At least, those are the two primary/main types I've noticed.

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posted November 28, 2020 04:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Voix_de_la_Mer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

yeah, kids don't miss much. I'm sorry you went through that, both my father and then my stepfather were alcoholics too.

Glad you took my monologuing comment in the manner it was intended Some people just speak with conviction, and sometimes it takes a long time to say something, you know?!

Oh yea, I remember your thread about writing now. Voice-over-ing is basically a form of acting or narrating. I'm not sure how to get into it, but I would probably google 'voice over casting' or something to that effect. I think it would be done through casting agencies.


Your relationship with your partner seems very high-minded and free. You must feel very secure with each other to manage your relationship the way you do. I'm quite in awe of it, I know I couldn't do it. But I suppose if you regard each other as twin souls, then your purpose here must extend beyond just being each other's life partners, perhaps this is what makes the difference. Your higher purpose taking presence over attachment. Lessons of detachment and letting go, are of course important (studied Buddhism on and off for years) for development. Your relationship is an example of how to live by the principle of 'non-grasping'.

Hats off to you both. I guess there are many ways to develop and evolve on earth. I wholeheartedly think we are all faced with the same key lessons, but they come in different forms (or bodies)

P.S. Please don't quote, I'll probably edit this later.

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posted November 28, 2020 01:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for sharing the background on the psych and previous work. Bureaucracy will be the death of all of us methinks. If you really think about it, bureaucracy is sort of a structured, institutionalized form of fear--a very Saturn type archetype and pattern. Some is for actual protection of rights, etc, but a lot is based on fear of being sued, covering one's butt legally, etc which is all fear and not Love based. And we wonder why it tends to have distorting and limitation inducing effects..

I have a friend that use to be involved in social work, and the horror stories I've heard, makes it very easy to understand what you are saying about that. And makes sense that libraries are becoming a sort of organic center for community work, social connection, and practical social help.

Thank you for the kind words about our relationship. Yeah, basically boils down to a combination of security within ourselves, security with the relationship, and a lot of open, honest, direct communication. And like I said, it's more of an "option" rather than a way of life at this point. If we weren't so close, weren't twin souls and best friends besides being lovers/mates, I doubt it would work even as an option.

And yes, there is a bit of Buddhist like detachment necessary for the practice of same, which is helpful unless one is suppressing/repressing shadow urges/reactions rather than consciously becoming aware of and accepting of them (and/or conscious redirection).

Will say that I very much failed in the detachment area with twin soul #2. She and that connection brought up a lot of fear, over attachment, insecurity, abandonment issues, etc. But it helped me to work on some of those shadow issues. I can't even put into words how intensely attracted to and how much I wanted her on every level (or so I thought, until I realized she has definite tendencies to narcissism).

One of the clues that helped me to figure out that she and my partner are part of the same Expanded self, was that after a few months or so after we moved in together, my partner had a dream where she was seeing this black and red caterpillar that went into a cocoon state and emerged as a beautiful deep but bright blue and purple butterfly. I knew it signified her healing process was beginning in earnest (and not in small part partially catalyzed by me and our connection, as I had already began my healing journey more intensely).

(18 years later) We initially met her, twin soul 2, at the same time, at a mutual friend's party. My partner and her barely interacted that night, but for some reason, the day or so after, my partner had a dream where she was seeing this mottled, ugly brown and black caterpillar and rather than go into a cocoon, it was in this very raw and very painful state, constantly shedding it's skin, and finally after awhile of that, it went into a cocoon and then emerged as a beautiful, white, hairy moth.

She had the dream right before I met up with the other woman, TS2, for a one on one dinner/karaoke date. I just knew that it was about her, after some of the things she told me and the vibe I was getting. But I didn't suspect at the time that she was also my twin soul. That came awhile later. And as I helped to open up my partner's heart and heal, I helped the other woman as well. As at one point, she asked me for help in healing, and I spent about a month of everyday during meditation I would send her Love and healing energy. It is very obvious that I (with the help of the Creative Forces) helped to initialize some catalyzing, transformative processes in her.

It however, was completely thankless work in a material sense at least. From day one, she held me at arm's length and treated me like I didn't matter much at all to her. Even when she came back to me after 7 months of ghosting me/cutting me off, because she was going through an intense psychic awakening and felt I could relate and help her. As soon as she got what she wanted/needed (comfort, counseling, forgiveness, etc), I was relegated to the holding shelf of inconsequential, and I felt used and hurt. Like I said, she's a bit narcissistic (not surprising with all that powerful Aries, Taurus, and Pluto combo and a fair amount of past life emotional wounding, and trauma in this life).

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posted November 29, 2020 01:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Curious Voix, have you ever looked at Paran aspects with Stars?

You can't use the regular aspects with Stars since these are more 2D geometric patterns because the Planets are more or less on the Solar system ecliptic (and most Stars are not). However, the fact that your ASC degree is so close to Arcturus in that 2D sense, does make me wonder about Arcturus and if it has any major Paran connections to your chart.

Edgar Cayce's guidance indicated that Arcturus represents the primary energetic "door" or gateway out of this little system into greater, more expanded energy systems. Individuals with Arcturus highlighted in their charts (in a Paran way), have already gone to the Arcturian dimension AND came back for definite service purposes.

Anyways, just something to think about and perhaps to look into.

I suspect that my friend, Rosalind McKnight, and her experience with the "Golden Level of Love" (as outlined in Cosmic Journeys) was her being temporarily phased to the Arcturus level with her guides/helpers which is "where" they were "from" vibrationally speaking.

(Self has a major Paran connection/aspect with the IC, and her account both sounded/felt VERY familiar when I first read it).

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posted November 29, 2020 02:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chanterelle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey, not to intrude, but... I diplomatically ignored this all day like a good little Libra, then thought hey, why not go ahead and be flamboyantly pedantic for a minute? So:
Ahem: Though the lion may reign as king of the jungle, when one must rein him in one does so with the reins of a metaphorical bridle.
No joke, it honestly felt good to get that out of my head.
And do you still have a copy of that book?

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Posts: 3190
From: Sound
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 29, 2020 03:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Voix_de_la_Mer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Yeah, a few people have said to me about doing social work, I would only need a different one year masters on top of my undergrad, but I worked with social workers for long enough to witness the burn-out. Mental health and social services are chronically underfunded over here, good workers just get run into the ground.

Do you run with Cayce's concept of twin souls then? I'm not sure I fully understand it TBH. I had no doubt my current partner and I have a 'strange' connection. Something totally unlike what I have experienced before. Very similar life paths and intertwining timelines. A criteria for the twin soul concept appears to be to have a shared mission that will benefit humanity in some way. I think we could end up doing something like that, if we can get out of the rat race (which we are in the process of doing) and then eventually get off the grid. But, yeah, I'm not sure if we are twin souls, but no doubt we have been together before, likely many times.

That's an interesting (and very complicated) story about twin soul 2. I don't have nearly that level of understanding of it all. But I guess no matter what we call the loves in our lives, we are all here to help each other evolve, and that's not always pleasant and painless, as you found out. Was your wife not hurt that you fell in love with TS2?

RE Parans, no, this is not something I've ever taken more than a peek at. I am still trying to get to grips with the basics of astrology (may be edging toward the intermediate, but at the pace of Pluto!). I was aware that Arcturus was on my ascendant, along with Spica, but I'm not sure how to interpret these. I'll have to look up Cayce's readings on it, thanks for the heads up.

So the basic presumption is that I have come here from another dimension to be of service in some way? Perhaps we all have, perhaps the service is to the planet

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Posts: 3190
From: Sound
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posted November 29, 2020 03:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Voix_de_la_Mer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Chanterelle:
Hey, not to intrude, but... I diplomatically ignored this all day like a good little Libra, then thought hey, why not go ahead and be flamboyantly pedantic for a minute? So:
Ahem: Though the lion may reign as king of the jungle, when one must rein him in one does so with the reins of a metaphorical bridle.
No joke, it honestly felt good to get that out of my head.
And do you still have a copy of that book?

Hey Chanterelle, the more the merrier I'm lost though, was this something Galactic said?

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posted November 29, 2020 06:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Chanterelle:
Hey, not to intrude, but... I diplomatically ignored this all day like a good little Libra, then thought hey, why not go ahead and be flamboyantly pedantic for a minute? So:
Ahem: Though the lion may reign as king of the jungle, when one must rein him in one does so with the reins of a metaphorical bridle.
No joke, it honestly felt good to get that out of my head.
And do you still have a copy of that book?

Channeling thine inner ye ole bard, or jester?

Book? What book doth thou speakest of? The book of Cake or Death?

Edit to add: Oh, you mean Cosmic Journeys? I lent it out awhile back and never got it back (I don't even remember to who anymore). I have the cheaper kindle edition from Amazon currently, but I don't think I can lend it.

I do still have Rosie's 2nd book, Soul Journeys in actual book form (and signed), but its a very different book than her first. Would recommend reading the 1st before reading the second though.

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posted November 29, 2020 07:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sounds very similar to how things are in much of the US (especially the less affluent areas).

First came upon the term twin soul in the Cayce work but his guidance didn't really explain what it was and what it meant. Kind of left it hanging. Had to go within to figure out what it meant.

Very brief summary: The Expanded self level of you and another, use to be One Being, and at some point when connecting to the physical, it split into two separate, different, but very connected selves, one with a slight Yin polarization and one with a slight Yang polarization.

Other than that, the rest is VERY up in the air. Quite often not even a romantic-sexual connection. (Sometimes one incarnates, the other hangs back in the nonphysical and acts as a guide/helper.) But when it comes in that form (romantic/sexual), tends to be extremely intense. They tend to have a simultaneous balancing and shadow stirring up effect. Meant for catalyzing growth.

Not so much hurt, but upset that I became so obsessed with her. Partner felt she was toxic, immature, not worth being so hung up about. There probably was some shadow of insecurity and jealousy too in that TS2 is 14 years younger and ridiculously gorgeous.

That's what I was trying to point out, you can't use the normal conjunction concept with your ASC and Arcturus but you could run a Paran analysis and see if there are any connections. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if there was. I think does have some sort of option?

Some come here more because they are addicted to earth/human life and/or need to work out karma. Others come more for service. Some exclusively for service. The more mature/evolved the consciousness, the more service oriented, and in a more universal way, the individual becomes, until eventually like "He/She", the individual lives more for the Whole than themselves. Service becomes all that matters (that, and they can also send part of themselves into a raw consciousness state and start creating new, unique realities, new selves to grow up in same, etc--creative self expression in other words).

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posted November 29, 2020 09:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chanterelle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh, it was the Leo thing ... “reign it in, little lion man”... I’ve mentioned before that things like that are nails on the mental chalkboard for me — Mercury/Pluto, inclined to obsessive about words and all, that’s all.

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posted November 29, 2020 10:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Have you considered that maybe that was a play on words and intentional?

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posted November 29, 2020 10:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chanterelle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I had not... I was almost positive I’d seen it more than once, though. Books of cake and death? You’ve lost me there. But I did hear tell of an apple pie recipe made with cheese in the crust instead of butter... Never mind, dairy/gluten and whatnot.

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posted November 29, 2020 11:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chanterelle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually, jumping over to Voix’s poem... a train of thought went by, from reign/rein to bridle/bridal to veil/vale to brook, book, tome, tomb, womb.
(There you will also observe me being slow with puns, oddly enough.)

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posted November 29, 2020 11:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good eye. I have made that faux pas before, and in this case, it was initially a typo (I think/read/write fairly fast), immediately noticed it, didn't correct it because it seemed very fitting for the overall theme. Leo, lion, king..reign..being extra..etc.

Reference to cake and death was to Monty Python. Just a random silliness injection. Not much meaning nor insinuation.

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posted November 30, 2020 12:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 30, 2020 01:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Uranians often come in from the middle aged soul type category ime. Though, depends on the rest of the chart and also how they end up using their free/spiritual will over the course of their life.

Tesla, Cayce, and Hitler were all Uranians and yet, in some ways, lived very different lives. Hitler obviously tipped (eventually) almost completely to the negative end of the Uranian extremism, but Tesla and Cayce used their will to tip the balance to the mostly positive.

My sense is that you're mostly growing towards the older soul side of the spectrum Teasel.

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Posts: 3190
From: Sound
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posted November 30, 2020 04:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Voix_de_la_Mer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

OK, correct me if I am wrong, but if the twin souls are two parts of the expanded one self, for you to have two twin souls, does that mean that the two halves of the original soul have split or expanded again, essentially creating 4 projections of the same soul?

Myself and my current partner began to get closer during my t.Pluto conjunct n.Venus, square Mars/Saturn/Pluto. We had been 'friends' for years before. We've exploring things (of a Plutonic nature) that I never thought I would be open to, despite my chart energies. He, along with my readiness, have been the catalyst. Themes that I thought I had already traversed, wounds I thought I had already healed. I didn't know I wasn't really free until our relationship freed me even more, and continues to do so.

Yeah, I guess whether a relationship is sexual/romantic will depend on the lessons required. Something that often puts me off a lot of spiritual principles is this idea that you must detach from the body to enhance the mind. The irony of that is that even those who believe that fully utilise the body in their practice. Even deep meditation utilises the hands in the form of mudras.
I see the body as a tool for connection in relationship, which involves but goes beyond the typical 'sex act'. A way to explore the unspoken and the non-verbal. And the emotions and energies that we have buried and no longer have narratives for.

Oh sorry, I must have misunderstood what you said. I'll have a look at and see if they have an option for this.

RE karma, I tend to feel that if someone doesn't have any karma, then they would not be here. Every thought and action generates karma, even if you arrive with none, being alive, you will create some. The resolution of karma is said to be what releases the soul from the cycle of birth and death, so I doubt anyone without karma would be on this planet. I do think if you have been working hard on your karmic debts over many lifetimes, then you will eventually get to a point where you are on earth with very little karma and if you release it, that will be your last lifetime here.

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Posts: 3190
From: Sound
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posted November 30, 2020 04:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Voix_de_la_Mer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Chanterelle:
Oh, it was the Leo thing ... “reign it in, little lion man”... I’ve mentioned before that things like that are nails on the mental chalkboard for me — Mercury/Pluto, inclined to obsessive about words and all, that’s all.

In a poetic sense both 'rein' and 'reign' work with seamlessly Leo. When I read that, it never even stood out to my Virgo Moon, I must be in Aqua-mode

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posted November 30, 2020 04:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Voix_de_la_Mer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
I was an adult child, too. Not due to bad parenting, but to mum being a single mother, as well as things that happened. I don’t think that I’m an old soul, but I’m protective of others, and I can be self-righteous, when it comes to doing the right thing.


Yes, unless the single parent has a lot of resources and a large support system (such as wider family), the child does have to grow up faster in some respects. They at least have to face the idea of being 'different' much earlier than they would usually have to, I think. Although compatible and amicable co-parenting can go a long way to mitigating this.

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posted November 30, 2020 06:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Voix_de_la_Mer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh, and happy full moon everyone!

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posted November 30, 2020 08:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chanterelle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cheers to that — and to amicable co-parenting, my other current theme.
(Backstory on the cheesy pie recipe: Thanksgiving day zoom call with my mom’s extended family; some of them are foodies verging on the absurdly extreme. Pumpkin-bread rolls shaped like pumpkins, someone disappearing every 5 minutes to baste the barbecued Brussels sprouts, etc. In response, over the next few days my dad started digging up and sharing all the strangest recipes he could find.)

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posted November 30, 2020 10:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not exactly. You read Monroe's other books, not just the 3rd? Well either way, I think he talks about this in the 3rd book the most anyways, but what he called his "INSPEC", a form of guidance he initially thought came from outside of himself, turned out to be his own Expanded self which contained thousands of individual Souls. These were all part of and projected out from what I call his Expanded self.

And each of those selves, though all connected to each other and part of the same "system" and Expanded self, are unique, different, freewilled, self aware beings/consciousnesses. We could think of these as "Souls" and the Expanded self that created them as one's "half of Spirit". Monad is one of the old school terms for this level of the creative, expanded self.

Expanded selves create extensions of itself, new "souls", on a "as needed basis"--often in the context of new human lifetimes.

So back to Monroe's case for an example. All those thousands of individual Souls that he became aware of that were part of his larger self, are technically "twin souls" to all the thousands of Souls that are part of the Expanded self of his other half of Spirit i.e. his "Twin Soul".

If any one of the Souls from his Expanded self level, met any one of the Souls from his Twin Soul's Expanded self level, whether in the nonphysical, in the physical, or wherever or however, there would be likely be an immediate attraction, sense of familiarity, desire to merge, bond, etc. It really is like two poles of the same magnet coming together in proximity and wanting to merge back.

Direct, literal reincarnation as often talked about by Eastern type sources is not really how things work. There isn't just one Soul that lives lifetimes, goes back and forth from the nonphysical and physical, rinse and repeat ad nauseum. Rather the Expanded self level of us, creates a new "Soul" to live a new lifetime. And what the Soul does AFTER that, is up to it and its freewill process.

Direct, literal reincarnation of a Soul is actually the rarity/uncommon and not the norm. My Soul, and the Soul of TS2 are exceptions to this common trend. We already lived a human/earth life previously, already went to the nonpnhysical, and have come back. Again, not the usual, and probably simply because human/earth lives tend to be so difficult and at least mildly traumatizing. If, as a Soul you have already been through it, you don't really need to go through it again because your Expanded self can just create a new Soul with a chunk of you (your memories, your energetic patterns, etc) in it to incarnate.

Hmmm, re: karma, I have had two otherwise accurate professional sensitives tell me that I don't really have any karma with others, just things I'm working on/tweaking in relation to self. I'm still here.

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Posts: 3190
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posted November 30, 2020 10:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Voix_de_la_Mer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

interesting. Thank you for explaining your position on the nature of the soul and twin souls. Dreamwork is valuable too, although to get the most out of dreams we have to be well versed in symbolism. Truly precognitive dreams are quite rare.

I wouldn't be too quick to discount the Eastern philosophies and teachings, they are the foundation for the majority (if not all) of the philosophies of life that came after. Scratch the surface of any sect, group, channelling, wisdom, etc and you will find a nugget of the Eastern.

Even psychology (which is really only around 100 years old) is basically Buddhist principles. You can see the Buddhist philosophy loud and clear in cognitive behavioural therapy, for example.

Yes, you are meant to speak/write. That was evident from the first post of yours that I came across. So, no more shrinking!

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posted November 30, 2020 11:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chanterelle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Looping back to the Paran analysis topic... that’s a whole new one on me. (Voix, the Spica-Arcturus thing means your ascendant and my sun must be very close, so I’m following along seriously for that reason too.) I tried it out, and the Spica conjunction stays but Arcturus does indeed disappear from the list in the first section, true angles. Of the stars on that list that I’ve actually heard of, the one with the most aspects is Regulus — sextile Mercury, square Venus, trine Neptune, square True Node. The ‘Royal Star,’ in Leo... how fitting!
Not one single clue what that third section, angles in the house circle, is all about.

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