Topic: @GalacticCoreExplosion
GalacticCoreExplosion Knowflake Posts: 2070 From: Somewhere Registered: Sep 2019
posted November 30, 2020 12:25 PM
Every codified, organized belief system on the earth that has been influenced by non "He/She" type individuals contains both truth and distortions. Every single last one of them. Whether Western or Eastern. What I really liked about Monroe was that he intuitively realized this and said, I'm going to try to find out what is true without that belief system baggage/distortion. And he endeavored to do just that. And it led to him very temporarily completely waking up in the true reality, before being kicked out because he was yet still "small" and had "gifts to bring back to the Whole (i.e. his retrieval work/service)." It also led him to meeting and deeply respecting a person who he had previously strongly rejected (Yeshua). In that sense, Monroe and I are kindred spirits for I've long sensed this truth as well. With that said, I have respect for the many different belief systems and look for and see the truths in all of them as well--not just the errors/distortions. I used to be immersed in Eastern belief systems and accepted them hook, line, and sinker. Not anymore. Part of the Virgo NN path is developing discernment, discrimination, and becoming more critical (and looking for/finding those errors/distortions). But the Pisces SN says, "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater completely" and have tolerance and compassion for the human condition. Hence the balanced/integrated perspective and approach. IP: Logged |
Voix_de_la_Mer Moderator Posts: 3190 From: Sound Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 01, 2020 04:17 AM
Galactic,I'm not saying no belief systems are without distortion, they are all limited, I am saying that you find a nugget of the Eastern in most, if not all. Robert Monroe developed a belief system as well based on his experiences and searching, this is no different from anyone else having a belief system, including you and I. IMHO One of the biggest barriers to oneness in the world is this idea that some experiences are 'truth' and some are not, some are 'good' and some are 'bad'. I've studied philosophy and I found that the search for universal truth is one of the most fruitless endeavours. Truth is always biased to the seeker. The concept of 'truth' is a human construct arising from our need for security through knowing. Human beings are built to learn and know, we are experiencers. That is the point of the body and the brain - to gather information to navigate the world. To go beyond the body and the brain requires giving up the need to know IMHO. The need to know keeps us searching, questioning, defending, liking, disliking, etc. For one who truly knows, all these activities would end, there is no need for them anymore. And there is no need to have others validate what we 'know' because we just know. There would be no further need to learn and no need to teach. The problem with the mind is that whatever takes place in it or generated from it or understood by it, is limited by it. Robert Monroe's experiences include all of the above. He appeared to reach a higher state of consciousness than what is required to simply function on earth, like many have before him, however, he interprets his experiences with the same brain he uses to recognise when he is hungry. The interpretation, even of higher consciousness experiences is therefore limited by the limitations of the earthy, thinking brain. I'm not disagreeing with your experience, I've just walked a different path. I suspect we will all end up in the same 'place' anyway in the end, whichever path we take IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosion Knowflake Posts: 2070 From: Somewhere Registered: Sep 2019
posted December 01, 2020 01:15 PM
Like I said, I still have respect for it, and used to be fairly immersed in it. But there is a world's difference between building up a belief system from one's own repeat experiences and/or communication with inner guidance, vs those that build up a belief system from reading a fellow human's words, beliefs, etc. I make a bit of an exception with the Cayce work ONLY because it contains so much verification and it was clear that EC was more or less a clear pipeline from the higher levels to the Earth, but even then I apply discernment and discrimination. For example, EC's work most often talks about incarnations in the more traditional and linear way, and yet I've found from going within and having my own experiences that is not really how it works. Does this mean that EC's guidance was just wrong/distorted about this? Actually no, if you dig deeper, there is supporting data for a different interpretation, and I think the guidance tended to keep it "simplified" and linear because this source of information was already blowing minds in many respects. As guidance, you can only introduce so much new and expanding information at a time, and if you do too much at once, you run the risk of blowing circuits so to speak. But anyways, I very much do agree with you that the body/brain itself, has limitations perceptually. And this is why Guidance has told me in various different ways, that for a Soul connected to a human form--if they want to experience the final liberation and true/full enLightenment in this cycle, then they must allow the body to die, and then consciously from a very, very fast vibratory nonphysical state, create a form based on the body in it's image or take the body and raise it's vibration till it "explodes/implodes" in Light (like with what happened with Yeshua and how the Shroud of Turin image became formed), but since its a direct translation from consciousness to physical and not really "from" or "of" the physical anymore, it no longer has all those limitations and distortions. Welcome to Monroe's He/She and Cayce's/NT's Yeshua. Beyond all human limitations, "in the world, but no longer of it". First human in this longer, grand cycle to complete this process fully. (But others can also do it!) Guidance has told me that in the further future, as the physical and bodies raise in vibration more and more, and basically become less well "physical", slow vibratory, and dense, that this process will change and the death of the form will not be necessary to the full conversion process to the Light form. Meanwhile, if you happen to see Buddha on the road, dispatch him... IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosion Knowflake Posts: 2070 From: Somewhere Registered: Sep 2019
posted December 01, 2020 01:36 PM
And the point of all that, is that this is a way out of distortion and limitation that is so endemic to the human condition. "Know ye not, that ye are gods in the making?" If we only truly knew what we are, and more importantly lived what we truly are... well, we'd all be like "He/She". Cause that is our true Source like nature and destiny. We may continue to serve/retrieve in this Universe/reality after the full awakening, but at that point, very likely, we would also send a part of ourselves into a raw, unorganized consciousness state, and start becoming Co-Creators of other Universes/Realities and other new/unique Selves (our "children") to grow up in same. Just as Yeshua's Spirit/Expanded self is the Co-Creator of this particular Universe/Reality (the nonphysical levels, not the physical, that came later and isn't from him). There are now, MANY Co-Creator beings, and many Universes/larger realities outside of the boundaries of this one. Most in human form don't even have the barest conception of what the larger reality contains and what we, as pieces/parts of Source, are capable of. This is the world and species of self and other imposed limitation par excellence. Because we just are not learning our lessons, we need these limiting "training wheels", or its like being in one of those netted play areas for small children. However, this is all in the process of changing. We must let go of the old ways, the old beliefs, the dogma, the old distortions, if we are go to get there. And to get there, we must walk the path of universal Love. And this self? This odd self, came in from a very different system, started to receive guidance downloads at a young age, has been through hell and back a number of times over, started meditating and seeking our true nature at age 13, and has been on an accelerated path, and so he is a decent messenger who has honed his listening skills to be able to attune to and hear/understand the Universal Forces. Even when he was very young, he talked about the importance and necessity of Universal Love, compassion, empathy, and this led to this creation: (If you read the comment below the short video above, it will explain the backstory). IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 135790 From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate. Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 08, 2020 04:31 PM
Bump!IP: Logged | |