Topic: @Springtimeflower - Natal chart question
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 10, 2022 10:30 AM
Hi Emsie!Just a quick note. We lost our power this morning..will be back soon. Hope you get an offer on one of those positions you're interviewing for. Will look at your chart again soon.. trying to conserve my phone battery.. Spring IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 10, 2022 12:57 PM
Our power is back on.. yippee!!!! IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 13, 2022 01:09 PM
I'm glad everything turned out to be okay compared to the circumstances! Thank God!! 🤗In the meantime, I was contemplating on one of our previous threads where you mentioned transiting Pluto squaring my natal Venus is also looming on the horizon. I checked planetary movements out and turns out Pluto is going to square my Venus all the way until 2031 with the periods of retrogrades. It'll peak around 2025-26 when it'll directly conjunct my natal IC at ~5° as well while also still squaring my Venus at ~6°. I am pretty sure it will involve me and my patterns about love and values changing (further letting go and purging family patterns). On a tangible level in real life, do you think this transit could perhaps coincide with uprooting myself for a significant other? I've read the Pluto-Venus square in most cases means changes within any kind of love connection for better or worse, but does not necessarily have to be a break-up, but perhaps circumstances changing. I've been thinking if my future spouse would indeed turn out to be a foreigner and we'd maintain a long-distance relationship, after a while I would definitely sacrifice my current place - hence that Uranian not-too-stable Aqua IC Freeing myself from the shackles of toxicity. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 14, 2022 09:47 PM
Hi Emsie!Thank you! Me, too! We lost it again for only 30 minutes a few days ago, but I think the power company needed to repair something on the street behind us..they were also working on more lines two blocks I'm thinking they cut ours with the others initially (he kind of suggested that that happens) and when I called and asked about mentioning that my mother was older..he kind of mentioned older people..he could see her age on the account..the power came back on about 5 minutes later..didn't lose my happy for that.. Anyways on your question about the pluto transit to your natal Venus..I've read that afterwards you will be a different person than before the transit..also, a relationship that starts during this transit will be very intense..I've also read that sometimes we go with the first person that comes along during this transit and not wait for someone that is good for can also increase your personal's a transformative transit, too..what I also noticed about it is that if you like someone during this transit, and when it makes an exact square, it can make you start over..feelings get washed away..if that makes sense..look at the houses, too, where libra, taurus and scorpio rule.. Interesting that you mentioned toxicity..I have that around me, too. Any luck with the job interviews? Hoping to come back soon and look at your 6th and 10th house.. The Christmas movies are starting here tomorrow..need some cheer these days..I think you also saw things being quiet for me during the holidays..had one sibling show up one week and hasn't been back since..they like to schedule things and my mother isn't on a schedule...I also noticed that he hadn't given up on the nonsense and shenanigans..I left him with nothing to help them in that regard..hopefully my mom and I can make it to the movie tomorrow.. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 16, 2022 02:54 PM
Hi Spring,Believe it or not, but in the last couple of days I've been going through something similar with the movies. Days tend to be so gloomy here (weather + inaction) that I found slight relief in watching either TV, or online movies. It felt really good and warm getting cozy with my cat. On the job front still no luck, I've just received another rejection after an interview which happened 3 weeks ago. On the flipside, I don't mind these rejections as I either wasn't too sure if I wanted the job position at all, or one of the "would have been" bosses didn't seem to like me at all and I wouldn't want to report to such person anyway... Rejection is divine protection I rather look at them as blessings of preventing me getting in God knows what kind of troublesome situations... 😶 I can recall that 4 of Swords again for you, I really wish a calming holiday season for you in advance without any negativity and bad vibes. I am reminded of the flickering lights, and also the candle burning in the window. I saw a movie years ago where the fire of the candle was moving a lot signifying bad energy around. But fire is good as it also keeps e.g. wild animals away and gives warmth. Not sure if you have a fireplace, or burn candles/sage, but either of these could perhaps help with cleansing the air both literally and figuratively 😊 I've also heard of these "burning rituals", too. Regarding the upcoming Pluto transit. I also have Saturn sq Venus natally, just another theme for being rejected, pain connected to love and delays in the love dept - I'm a late bloomer... Settling for less is not an option for me, unfortunately been there, done that, and I learned my lessons about jumping on the first person coming around. This is how my mother also ended up with my abusive father - serving as an anti-example for me not to follow the path. I really hope it would turn out to be rather something transformative instead of toxic person/people/connection 🙏 At the same time, I am craving for an experience which would be completely different from the Saturnian abusive/delayed situations where I would finally be appreciated by a suitable person. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 17, 2022 09:57 PM
Hi Emsie!Great that you found something to give you warmth on the cold days there. We are just starting to get cooler weather that lasts for a while instead of a few days although there is a warming trend coming for about a week and then it drops off for the Winter.. The transit of Mars in Gemini opposite your natal Mars, ruler of 6th and your natal Sun, ruler of 10th house is the conflict in feelings you are having over these potential jobs. Your 2nd and 8th houses are also involved...your values versus other people's values.. March 8th looks to be a good time to make a favorable impression on a man/boss and lots of work ahead of you or a relationship time when things are hot and the 5th house is involved with the transit of the Sun and Saturn there..and with Saturn trining your natal Venus a period of stability for you.. Thank you for the seasonal well wishes..the candles flickering is definitely their anger..and the candle being the camera..I had one reader tell me that this person was not a nice person and I remember seeing their anger as they stood in front of their home..I hope things get calmer next month, too, but my ESP has picked up their energies during the holidays, so they don't take time for that..they seem to like new technology, though.. The Artemis rocket finally launched this week, so maybe they will get to the moon sooner.. I have been working on my meditation, grounding and shielding and found that one of the energies I pick up every day has been impacted and they don't like it..transiting pluto is squaring his sun/jupiter conjunction now...I dated him years ago, but can't seem to shake the energy or longer interested..even with the sage for works some..I had seen him with the girl he has been dating since 2012..that's when his energy got stronger after I thought about him..anyways..the energy usually goes away..had this happen before..when they break up..I saw the girl riding a bicycle alone about a week ago and it was as if she was doing some heavy thinking..and rode the bike in circles..almost like she was dreading going back home (think he, T.S., lives at her home even though he has a house) it possible to read on someone you have seen and then ask about what's coming up for them and another person using just the others initials? It would be interesting to know if they will be breaking up soon..he has anger issues, too. The Venus square Saturn aspect in your chart can make you seem cool and aloof to others, but it can also help you grow in relationships and keep the purse strings tight when you need to. I still had your chart and it has your ascendant as Libra rising and birth time 2:55am. Did your time change? IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 22, 2022 03:42 PM
Hi Spring,I'm back with a reading on those two people. This time I used an "indie" deck instead of tarot to perhaps gain more insight into the relationship dynamic as well. Puppet Master - Pulling Your Strings, Narcissist, Manipulation/Control, Assert Yourself, Addictive Relationship Playing The Field - Still Meeting/Dating Other People, Being A Player, Games Being Played Staying In - Night In, Your Space, A Moment Alone, A Partner Is Busy, Free Time, Mental Vacation Just So Done - Mentally Tapped, Emotionally Spent, Physically Drained, Spiritually Depleted, Ready To Make A Change Bottom cards: The Screw - Not Interested, Leaving Quickly, In Trouble, Getting Shafted, Horizontal Jogging, Telling Someone Off Taking Out The Trash - Finally Dumping That Loser, Cutting Ties, Emotional Clearing, Self-Love, Healing I think this is a clear yes to your original question. There is major trouble in paradise as someone is definitely a narcissist. When I pulled the Puppet Master card, for a second another one appeared which is about someone editing their beliefs to fit in and have someone. Probably it is the girl who used to edit her beliefs while being manipulated. I can see someone is already drained and fed up with the constant drama going on, might even date other people secretly behind the other's back. Can be both people sneaking behind each other's back. It feels like the final stages of an already dead relationship, I don't get timing, but I think it is probably a matter of weeks or months when someone gets dumped for good. I get a really desperate energy from the girl already considering fleeing and being on the verge of making the change to free herself from whatever abuse she's been putting up with. The Screw card literally has a nail on it - the last nail in the coffin. Definitely not a happy ending here. ETA: The Staying In card also seems to match with what you've observed on the street about the girl riding her bike in circles and thinking. I am picking up on an energy of invading her life - both on a soul level as well as on a physical level. Invading her space. For a second I literally thought of as if she didn't have a place to go and be alone to ruminate, so she's out in nature - the only option if she wants to get away from drama at home. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 22, 2022 04:27 PM
quote: The Venus square Saturn aspect in your chart can make you seem cool and aloof to others, but it can also help you grow in relationships and keep the purse strings tight when you need to.I still had your chart and it has your ascendant as Libra rising and birth time 2:55am. Did your time change?
Ahh, this is indeed me!! I am capable of holding a poker face as if nothing can touch me while in reality there can be things affecting me deeply. Other people probably perceive me as someone who does not give a damn, but deep down I care about valuable things and people. Also, the tight purse strings... these days I have to practice that, too. Saturn's great restriction as well as great lessons about getting structured and conscious. Blessings in disguise. 😊 Somehow I cannot shake the feeling of experiencing both when Pluto will get there to activate my Saturn-Venus square. I really hope it'll bring mutual effort of growing in a relationship I've never experienced before with anyone (only lopsided effort) and not meeting another clone of Plutonian abusive person trying to wreak havoc in my life 🙏 The chart and the timing is correct. 😊👍 I wanted to get back to the synastry a bit as well. Today I found a random YT video about the meaning of the 12th house. Foreign affairs and relocation also belong here. In the synastry I have my person's Jupiter-Mars conjunction in my 12H. Maybe a possible catalyst for me to move abroad? I've been contemplating this all day long. He's been very brave about making such changes in his life to search for his place and expand his outlook on the world. I crave a similar experience, but I normally need some kind of major trigger - a huge reason - to encourage me and give me the drive to make huge changes in my life. I am already okay and familiar with smaller ones, but initiating such a huge change of relocating in general would require an external factor on my part. I just don't feel as brave as him. I'm definitely not there yet to just decide taking the plunge completely on my own into the big and wide world. I really admire him for this. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 23, 2022 09:44 PM
Hi Emsie! Thank you. Here's some feedback. Those cards are so accurate! I remember him saying that he wouldn't hire a person to work in his business that had had a drug problem and also think that's where his bipolar came from--addiction issues from the past.My ESP had picked up them getting together on New Year's Eve 2011..hard to believe she stayed with him for over 10 years. After I gave him a gift in 1999 at Christmas--dropped it at his business (the Xmas card said adios basically), that's when I started to pick up his energy, but it wasn't as strong as it is now, and the timing was when my work life balance was off, so I'm thinking when things get into balance, his energy will go away. I had thought of him around that 2011/2012 time frame, it then got stronger, and think that he thought it was her energies that he was picking thankful that I didn't date him any longer than I did and never got to what the girl has been dealing with in dating him..think she was drinking more then..she almost ran into me literally one time in Walmart early on as she pushed her shopping cart to the beer/wine section early when the two of them got together. Over the last 10 years he has had a number of all nighters with surprised that she didn't break it off already..maybe she worries about how to break it off as I'll bet he moved some of his stuff into her home..she lives less than two miles from where I'm at..had seen then riding their bikes and think she is closer to a creek that is nearby..also think she may have been going through transiting pluto in her 8th house or conjuncting/squaring her natal Venus..I'm pretty sure she works at a nearby employer as she was getting every other Friday off before she started working part time--picked up their's likely that she talks to guys at her workplace..lots of guys/engineers there and he also keeps checking on me, but doesn't know that I'm not interested..he wouldn't have known where I lived before had I not mentioned it to a girl from high school that belonged to the same singles club that he, I and her were part off..think he met this girl at the groups' New Year's Eve party..he's been married at least three times and one reader said that she, this girl, doesn't need him as much as he needs her.. He's with her all the time and that makes sense about having time or space to themselves--the girl..I think he tries to keep her from visiting relatives/friends--manipulating and controlling what she does. So sad. I should be back tomorrow to look at your synastry..I cooked our Thanksgiving turkey today..lots of leftovers. My cleanout project is going so so..thinking a lot of them like just things that are currently new and not vintage new so to speak..I'm just starting to get a better feel for people.. On the flickering candle..there is anger coming from the girl with the cameras..I had found her birthdate and she has transiting uranus squaring her natal mars until early next you are on target with that, too! IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 24, 2022 12:53 PM
Happy Thanksgiving, Spring!! I really hope you have a great one without all the negative energies around.Sometimes I have my lights flickering as well, and my cat meows at the wall without any 'visible' reason. I am renting my place, but the neighbors told me there used to live an elderly man who quite literally died at the door. Sometimes I think to myself if his soul hasn't transitioned. But there are people in my life with whom we had very ugly endings, and makes me wonder if their unresolved anger lingers around. As soon as I stop thinking things seem to be done and gone for a period of time. Perhaps it's for the purpose of reminding us about the bad vibes and to purge them. 🤔 IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 24, 2022 09:53 PM
Hi Emsie!Thank you! The day went okay. I got more things cleared away while the weather was good. We don't have a dryer and it's been raining a lot over the past three days. Your cat can see whatever it is in your home. My dog has seen the energy that came from the narcissist guy a few times. The first time she saw it, she left the room I was in and went into the dining area and under the table. She has her moon trine Neptune natally like I do. I need to get the sage out and do some cleansing soon. Thank you again for the suggestion. Okay, on your person of interest and the synastry with you. I went back and looked at what I saw before between the data, so not to duplicate, and remembered you wondering about that mars/jupiter conjunction of his sitting in your 12th house. It also conjuncts your natal venus in the 1st giving a love at first sight kind of feeling with it. The 12th house can speak of dreams, so with this conjunction to a 1st house planet of yours, it's like turning your dreams into reality or moving what seems to be only a fantasy out of your subconscious and into your consciousness or reality. His natal Saturn conjunct your moon can make him appear to be a wet blanket at times. Maybe you find him to be too passive at times, but the conjunction should help to stabilize your emotions. If your moons are conjunct, it would put both of you in the same mood most of the time. His Mars in Libra is similar to your ascendant/descendant of Libra and can bring love/hate relationships.. His natal Mercury squaring your 3rd house stellium..he may think you work too much. I'll look again in the morning with fresh eyes. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 25, 2022 09:17 AM
In looking at transits and your synastry..the connection to your Venus..seems to come after your person decides he wants to take a vacation in January..thinking he wants time off..something to do with coworkers, neighbors, sibling and friends..and work as transiting jupiter will trine his natal venus and his Saturn return completes itself..usually we make changes before that..and it's also most likely affecting his moods..he may feel lonely..with the transit of mars in the early degrees of gemini in January..he may even quit the job he has been doing as it will also be squaring his natal sun and people can tend to act against their own self interests or they have more energy and a lot of work that keeps them busy.Lots of transits late in the year to help your person of interest think about the things in his life or lack thereof and when it moves forward next year, the transit of saturn will trine your natal venus..before it goes into pisces it will start trining your natal venus, so hopes and wishes, stability and relationship with others will be in harmony.. I haven't done much with asteroids and am still learning..whenever I can find time..but maybe look at Feb 19, 20, March 5, 6. Also, as you know, things should start to get better after the middle of January. It looks like your person of interest will be traveling/vacationing around the 21st of January. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 25, 2022 01:51 PM
I have an air humidifier with me. It is already really cold here, but at least twice per day I air my home out to get rid of any dry air filled with negativity. After that, I always turn my device on to give some moisture. When it is warm out there I always keep my windows open all day long, I simply cannot exist without fresh air - if I cannot be outside in nature to ground myself. I would literally get a heavy chest and feeling stuck, but fresh air helps to minimize the feeling. quote: The 12th house can speak of dreams, so with this conjunction to a 1st house planet of yours, it's like turning your dreams into reality or moving what seems to be only a fantasy out of your subconscious and into your consciousness or reality.
I find this quite funny, seems like he is not the only one who would need someone to ground his ideas in reality. Also, I've never experienced love at first sight before as I am pretty guarded and normally would require a lot of time to get warmed up to someone and grow in love, I guess, but it would be very fascinating to experience what it is like for the first time in my life. Especially, the soul recognition part, instantly knowing I met the 'One'. quote: Maybe you find him to be too passive at times, but the conjunction should help to stabilize your emotions.
I agree with this part, I think it adds to his Libra Mars. I've seen a few videos about him recently, he seems like a very laidback and chill person with quite refined manners. Definitely not a rude type of macho/alpha fellow... Paired with his Leo Venus I think deep down he is a very gentle sweetheart towards those he decides to open up to. The type I would hug as tightly as possible. (Our common friend also confirmed this before) Passivity and indecisiveness in someone is normally not what I would go for, sometimes it can be annoying to me. I tend to be very Sag-Scorp wearing the pants mostly, strategizing and leading the way, but I don't want to always wear the pants, sometime I would require someone taking over the role and letting me slip into passivity just for a short period of time. By the way, our friend is also a Sag like me, has a larger than life strong personality. She is his senior by 10 years, very mature, and whenever I see content about them she reminds me of being kind of like his mentor in life. That kind of vibe. And from this I can only assume he would possibly require/work well with someone with a similar personality. quote: His natal Mercury squaring your 3rd house stellium..he may think you work too much.
Believe it or not, yesterday I watched a YT pick-a-card video about things my future spouse would envy about me. The first one was 'me getting more attention from people in general than him', the other one was regarding 'my work and the things I've achieved so far in my career'. There is a possibility he would get a bit triggered because of my career history as he's had ideas about the direction he wanted to turn in his worklife, but then he ended up becoming a waiter instead of working a corporate job at a company. While I think I've already climbed high enough as a (now former) manager by the age of 29 (at the same age as he is now), but I have faced and learned the hard lessons, and tell people that title and a huge amount of wage is not everything while my health is suffering and the job is killing me slowly. Not to mention my general work morals I used to have, the workworkwork give your 200% type - which is now starting to change as work-life balance has become my top priority as opposed to the hustle culture mentality I was raised into by my mom. ETA: I will reply soon to your other post as well. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 27, 2022 03:48 PM
I'm back with feedback 2.0 I think for my person the break/vacay has been a long time coming. I get the impression he's been pretty weighed down with work and not really using social media these days. Last week it was one of his sister's birthday, his 2 sisters celebrated together (seen a few photos about that, too, was very fancy and luxurious), but he only liked the post, but no comments on his part like he used to a few years ago. I tend to think he is nothing like them and perhaps distancing himself a bit more from them to be true to himself and his life purpose. I can even think of him envying them and trying to pay less attention to them within his current circumstances. Somehow I get the gut feeling he might probably go through something similar as me, constantly feeling down due to life circumstances and not knowing what's coming next (thank you very much Saturn we get it, lol) and not having many people around to talk to, or have fun with. Everyone and everything feels like thousand miles away from me, and I've gotten so weary of it that some days I'm not even in the mood for sending/replying to messages to my friends, etc. I'm in my coccoon living my lone wolf hermit life. I can only imagine what it can be and feel like giving culture shock in a foreign land to the equation... I can easily imagine him thinking about his life and the direction life took him, weighing his future opportunities. I wouldn't be surprised hearing about his potential quit, either... On a different note, I am fascinated you've suggested January, and then February and March as potential months. Our common friend also reads cards, and almost a year ago we made an exchange, I asked for a yearly love reading from her for 2022. She also pointed out my hermit phase, and meeting someone new right after my hermit phase passing, someone who would be the right person for me and potentially a foreigner, or someone online (I still remember the World + Star showed up). She gave me a timing of either around end of 2022, or early months in 2023, too. I expect/anticipate something really happening as my Solar Return chart also suggests a potential movement, and my local astrologer also pointed out I would meet someone during 2023. Not to mention the most interesting thing, lately I've been seeing local numberplates with JAN and MAR, also JLY/JUL (the month we would have met with my person this year...) A few weeks ago I was a bit nosy and tried to check in with my person and the things going on in his life. I wasn't surprised to find the Hermit card alongside with 4 of Swords for him, and the 2 of Wands as the last card clarified by the World - 6 of Swords - Queen of Wands - planning to travel & visit. Common friend is also always portrayed as the QoW in my readings, so probably he is coming to visit soon, indeed. And months ago I tried to play a bit with my timing pebbles asking when I would eventually meet my future spouse (for other people it works fine, but doing timing for myself... well... not so much...) There were already a few times when combinations including Jan/Feb/Aquarius popped up. I can recall a combinaton of "Jan/Until/Jun" written down in my testing journal. My latest attempt for timing gave me the following result: Winter/Soon/Ready Jun/Couple (clar.) Begin/Anniversary Travel/To/Again (clar.) Months/Done/Ready/Sep I will definitely keep an eye on the first few months of 2023, and June/July as well up until September When I saw the 'Again' word it instantly reminded me of some kind of distance/separation (physical, emotional, not talking, etc.), especially in combination with Travel To... IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 28, 2022 06:24 AM
Hi Emsie!I haven't forgot about you. Thank you for the feedback..I didn't know that dry air contained negativity..As far as being home, there's an asteroid in my 4th house natally that makes me feel tired if I stay home a lot..need to look that up again and share..lots more I want to share..finishing a project today and possibly early tommorow again.. should be able to respond further by tomorrow evening.. It's interesting to hear how you've evolved spiritually..I have natal sun conjunct Neptune, but have chosen not to develop it even some things have developed on their own..both planets are in my 9th house.. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 29, 2022 10:18 PM
Hi Emsie!On what you wrote about the couple playing games..I picked up (ESP) him telling her early on about me..think he must have told her I was interested in him..she got jealous..more manipulation.. I did have peace on Thanksgiving..lasted till around lunchtime.. Sometimes when people are insecure they hook up with another insecure person..when one of them becomes more secure, then the relationship comes apart..but beneficial connections help each partner to grow.. Your needing to warm up to others is very Venus in mother has this and is also a worker bee.. Too bad your common friend can't find out when he was would be interesting to see where transiting Neptune is right now..what house.. Saturn can definitely bring isolation, but also a lot of growth.. The Saturn return helps you to evaluate everything in your life.. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted December 12, 2022 05:08 PM
Hi Spring,I will be back around tomorrow with more details. I've been caught up with bad sleeping and mood swings lately, transit Saturn is nearing my natal Moon again within 3 degrees - there were already troubles within fam regarding a few health-related issues with my grandma. My godmother is taking care of her, and yesterday she tried to guilt-trip my mother that she had to do all the job, looking out for my granny, etc. (mom lives in my hometown in a distance from them) and turned out she kind of threatened my granny as well telling her mean things when granny didn't feel okay. My mom started crying like a baby right in front of me, because both hurt her, especially hearing about my granny being treated like this. Believe it, or not, I saw karma playing out at that moment, because this is how my mom treated me when I was a child and a teen and had health-related issues. It hurt me, too, and put extra burdens on me at those moments when I had to cope not only with the (physical/mental) illnesses, but also treated like crap in the meantime. My mom always treated me as if I was a disgrace for her (she even told me a few times back then) It just constantly made me feel more vulnerable, unlovable, miserable and worthless at that time. I've also read Saturn means karma, too. Hovering closely around my natal 4H Moon, I'm not surprised at all that this has just surfaced... A major mirror and another flashback glimpse into my childhood guilt-trips by her. I think - at least - I managed to figure out that for me probably there has to be a 'tightness' of 3 degrees in order to start feeling any action happening related to my chart(s) and transits. I've been briefly contemplating my Solar Return chart for 2023. I also have one combined with my Natal chart, and in this latter one I think I discovered a kite aspect. Also, there are a few outstanding planets/asteroids with either 27 degrees, or 29, I found it very fascinating. I should post both very soon. Tomorrow I am also having my session with my local astrologer, I'm very excited to get to know details for my upcoming Solar year. But I don't want to get my hopes up way too high... I've had a free reading done not so long ago where I asked about my 2023 love life and in the long-term potential position I got the Star card (alongside with Hierophant as a main theme and Chariot as a challenge), and the whole spread looked like as if it was also showing a potential for a long-distance relationship... Just like my SR. I really hope you feel the bad vibes much less since. It can be very overwhelming when we are getting caught up in other people's (mind)games, even if it's "just" energetically. I can recall the other day I was mentioning cord cutting rituals to my friend, sometimes I should do the same as every now and then past bad experiences with past people come up and make me feel nervous, even to the extent of feeling somewhat sick. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted December 12, 2022 09:28 PM
Hi Emsie!Hugssss! Hopefully you'll be able to process everything and heal more from what is happening around you now..had to be hard with your birthday being today, too..hope there was something bright to it..maybe the healing that's to come will be a gift.. the transit of the moon has also been near your natal Chiron earlier today or late last night..maybe helping to shed light on things's harder than most people think to take care of an older person..personalities, etc. play a role, but it sounds like a lot of resentment..I got frustrated with my mom yesterday and today she was completely different, but think some things with her health have played a dog is having a hard time because she just wants to forage for food when I take her for a walk in the neighborhood and when I take her other places, strange noises or people in those motorized chairs, etc. scare her.. I had some feedback for you on what you read for me about moving..on the news today they announced that the manned Artemis mission to the moon would go up earlier than planned because they are further ahead in their planning, etc. I'm thinking it will be by the end of next year. I think that's what you thought by the cards and intuition you got for me. As for the bad energy, I had thought again about the sage..trying to finish the last project now before the end of next week. I got a burst of energy with the recent Gemini full moon, which helped. The discordant energy from the woman seems to focus on the lighted windows of my mom's house..I picked it up last night and as soon as I cut the light and sat in the dark, it went reminds me of a job I posted for years ago (in-house there) where I worked at one time..almost left because there were very few postings to advance from what I had been doing which was just to get my foot in the door..found out later that there had been around 60 applicants for the one job (advancement) I posted for and got. While sitting at the desk at my new position--assistant to the people in two of the offices, I was doing some work and couldn't keep hold of the pen in my hand--kept dropping it. I looked behind me and saw a girl at the desk behind me (we were all lined up in the large hallway) and she was staring at the area near my right hand. I learned later that she was a contract worker and had also applied for the job I had gotten..and wasn't happy that I got it and not her. Once she saw that I saw what she was doing, the girl stopped doing it and I didn't have a problem holding my pen. The place had some pluses for me over the years before I left ..promotions, travel, etc., but too many minuses including it turning out to be a very toxic place to work..didn't see how deep this was until the layoffs came.. Good to hear from you...if you want to move to email, it's okay for you to ask Randall for my email address. Spring IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted December 16, 2022 07:35 AM
I'm back, I'm still processing the last few days, so I will probably share more info later, too, if something else comes to my mind. I was very surprised to hear and see from the astrologer that 2023 would be a great year for me with emotional stability and good things happening on the job front. She also mentioned Saturn will trine natal ASC and sextile natal DSC soon, then will also trine my natal Venus - adding to the feeling of stability and the dust settling. I can also expect a fast pace in work life from mid-January. She told me the energy can manifest in either being more active in the job search, or actually getting a new job and having to adapt to the changing pace of life (as I'm still in the resting phase right now, so it'll be eventually a complete 180° turn whether I want it, or not ) Matters of the heart are supported from February until Spring 2024 With Jupiter transiting my 7H, she told me I can expect more than 1 opportunities/people surfacing, or even the foreigner (Sag) factor (both happened when Jupiter started transiting my 5H) Aaaand, the most important thing which actually belongs to my original question when I started this topic... She mentioned that around May 2025 with the Pluto transit conjunction to my natal IC is probably going to be about moving elsewhere. I was thinking to myself that maybe it can happen earlier as well either because of the within-3-degree-range-thing, or even hovering over my natal Saturn prior to my IC... According to her the natal Saturn-IC in my chart means that I've been chained and attached to my place/country for a long time. And when Pluto gets there, it will manifest either getting more attached to my hometown/country (by strengthening the structure and adding more stickiness), or completely uprooting and dissolving the already existing structure. Nothing in the in-between, but the extremes. I told her a few things like I'd only move if I had a solid partner I could see the future with, or if the whole apartment burned down, but on my own I wouldn't really decide to move just like that as this is the place I rented and lived the most at so far in my life and for a while I don't plan to change it, only if something/someone worthy comes along to get me out of my current comfort zone. I asked her if there was a possibility to this to move to a different country, and she told me there was. And it's visible in my natal chart as well, although, both Sag and Cancer are "secondary" or co-rulers of my 2H and 9H, but the writing's still on the wall. I can recall her mentioning a few years ago e.g. my 2H setup, that it's ruled by Scorp/Pluto, but my planets (Mars-Mercury) are in Sag and I would excel in job positions about 9H stuff - teaching, learning, languages, psychology, etc. Now she brought an example of one of her clients who has very similar 2H setup like mine and the girl is working in Switzerland. So it can also be interpreted as having business trips, commuting between 2 countries, or even working 'regular' jobs (not only corporate ones I currently do at multinational companies), but the place itself is foreign (which, at the same time, also means living abroad obviously) I am just taking a look at my natal, and when transit Pluto will be there it'll also sextile my natal Mars-Mercury conjunction. The astrologer also told me whenever Pluto touches angles it heralds something very significant happening in the client's life (she probably meant not moving just for the sake of moving, but for a much bigger reason) --------------------------------------------------- Here I post my 2023 SR charts: SR - SR + Natal - She also mentioned Sun on the DSC is a great signal of my social life and my relationships in general taking stage over in the coming year (7H ruler Jup in 11H, too). With Sag movement and activity is indicated, yet, just another complete 180° turn, from 6+ months hermit life Not that I don't need it, it will be refreshing for me after these past years of dried up social life and deep reflection going on inside me (and others, too...) IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted December 16, 2022 09:43 AM
quote: I had some feedback for you on what you read for me about moving..on the news today they announced that the manned Artemis mission to the moon would go up earlier than planned because they are further ahead in their planning, etc. I'm thinking it will be by the end of next year. I think that's what you thought by the cards and intuition you got for me.
There's also gonna be a Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus on 20 April 2024. I'm mentioning this, because I was told/shown by the astrologer the mid-2024 period briefly as well. I'm not sure what kind of chart she used (maybe Solar Arc, or Secondary Progressions), transiting planets were ahead by 1 sign. By this I mean according to my natal chart I will have this Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in 7H almost exactly opposing my natal Pluto in 1H (plus square natal Moon in 4H which is also square Pluto.) But she showed the conjunction being in the 8H in Gemini and she mentioned I can expect either inheritance, or fortune coming from a spouse, but the former one would be more possible and relevant in my case so far. Maybe this can serve as another clue for you as well, seems like a fortunate transit - well, depends on how we view it... considering my granny's declining health and she might not be longer with us than a few years...
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Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted December 17, 2022 09:06 PM
Hi Emsie!Your astrologer was very thorough. I saw the stability, too, with the transit of Saturn. She provided you with a lot of good information on how things could manifest for you. In the cards I did see the "freewill" aspect, too, and she noted it as you could have what you want or what is shown in your chart--moving, etc. You got me thinking about the transit of Uranus to my 4th house..and I started searching online for more examples of possibilities that could manifest with this transit..glad it isn't Neptune (water leaks)..for Uranus it could be appliances breaking down and needing repairs/replacement. My computer is at least 10 years old and I have some older small appliances..our microwave oven isn't working properly either..but will just toss it and use my mom's toaster oven or an air fryer I had been gifted a couple of years ago. Maybe that's how I clean out more stuff. On the 2024 date..I think that was closer to the Artemis' original manned space mission time..but Jupiter and Uranus will definitely make a trine from my 4th house to my natal Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in the 1st. I've had some dreams, but everything around me hasn't got there so far..but with uranus transiting my 4th house, things health wise could change suddenly for my mom where she needs more care, etc. In one reading I was told that it would get really cold when I do move..the forecast has been really mild so far..even though Xmas eve it will get really chilly in the mornings..but nothing below freezing..expecting a damp Winter this year, though. It's hard to believe there are only two weeks left to the year. I don't make resolutions. I'm still plugging away at what to downsize..parted with a few things again this past week.. Hope you are at least able to call your grandmother even if you really don't want to stop by..given what happened recently. Spring
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Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted December 23, 2022 01:30 PM
With a slight delay, but I'm back again. In the last couple of days I've had a few rounds of job interviews. Transit Jupiter has entered Aries again and was/is in square to the Cap Sun, no surprise about the activity even before the holidays. Jup's still transiting my natal 5H, a newfound old hobby has also resurfaced and I'm fully immersed in it - embroidery. I am making a Xmas gift for my Godmother at the moment. Fortunately, we will be able to visit them over the holidays, mom told me she even ordered a cake we will bring there.Aaaah, Neptune... Both a blessing and a curse for me also transiting my natal 5H. Lots of Pisces-like illusions were going on in my romantic life before e.g. believing in the Twin Flame theory... but on the contrary it gave me faith and brought me into contact with my spiritual side. Now bringing my creativity back even. Interestingly enough, I've also had water and plumbing related issues lately, not major ones, but still. And with Uranus transiting my 7H, a few electric issues as well. In the meantime, I had a realization that I will have the generational trUranus opposite nPluto TWICE. One next year in 2023 around Summertime, and the second one during 2024 joined by Jupiter. Things might get 'electric', eek... I hope it'll be nothing major! For your transit in 2024... Sounds like a quite harmonious one, but I don't think we should take Jupiter at face value. Especially, since 2012 when it brought me a 'blessing in disguise' situation which was so painful and transformative, but from a 10 years later viewpoint it had to happen at that time. I still don't agree with how things played out, but I've learned to accept it eventually and live on with peace. I don't have a habit of making resolutions, either. The first few weeks of the New Year are mostly about deep reflection for me normally before embracing any new energies. I can't help, but be slow and have a realistic view on life while the Cap energy lasts. I frequently see/hear about people around me immediately jumping into trying to fulfill resolutions with huge enthusiasm - which lasts a few weeks, or a month at most. And they get either bored, or depleted. I hope you will have a happy holiday season, I've heard there is cold and snow in the forecast for the US states. Hopefully, in FL it won't get extra chilly! IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1659 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted December 31, 2022 12:40 PM
Hi Spring, I hope you are well and had a great Christmas despite the weather situation! I'm wishing you a Happy New Year in advance! IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted December 31, 2022 09:17 PM
Hi Emsie!Happy New Year! I hope all your plans for Christmas worked out. Good on you for making a hand made gift. Sounds like everyone came together to make your Christmas one to remember. It was quiet at our house..only had one sibling visit and the other one set me a pic of the huge plate of food that he about to eat for breakfast while at our nephews house..just glad we were all well. It sounds like transiting Jupiter is bringing you abundant job opportunities.. actually, more companies do their hiring in January, so maybe that's when a better opportunity will come just for you.. We did get some chilly weather, but not the heavy snow or blizzard like conditions they were having to the Western States and the northeast.. Usually the long term or generational transits don't impact us so could have been a progression. Someone on LL read for me that I would do something that I had never done before..think it was the Venus/Pluto conjunction transit conjuncting my natal Jupiter.. I'm sitting and writing this to you while relaxing...decided to get away from the motar fireworks a hotel awoke me last night shortly after midnight..I couldn't go back to sleep and my pup was awakened, but luckily she didn't get did come earlier that day while she was still awake.. I didn't see your Dec 23rd message..even though I kept looking every so often. I also followed the twin flame thing, too, but all the soul mate stuff made it seem to be all the same thing.. I'm enjoying the quiet at the moment...hope your New year's Eve was enjoyable.. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5056 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted January 03, 2023 07:24 PM
I wanted to mention that in the Chinese zodiac the year 2023 is the year of the rabbit..quite a contrast to last years' tiger.. In their zodiac I'm the should be a good year for me..IP: Logged | |