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Author Topic:   @Springtimeflower - Natal chart question

Posts: 5056
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posted April 05, 2023 03:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Emsie.

In reference to the eclipse and your friend, you'll be looking at all your relationships with others (descendant/7th house)..more closely as they will be transformed or be pruned like you were thinking of one..Transiting Saturn has already started to square your natal Mars, your 7th house ruler. This can result in delays (I did peek at your person of interests chart again and transiting Saturn is close to his Moon (since we don't know his birth time) with getting together with your person of interest or that a relationship you start now could be hot and cold, it could make for frustration, extra responsibilities relating to others and with Saturn older that seems to fit. It could also relate to any social or creative efforts you do for pleasure. At the same time, transiting Saturns trine to your natal Venus is creating stability around you at the moment, which you are okay with. With Taurus on your 8th house cusp, and your Venus in your 1st house and also Scorpio, if granny passes, there could be some inheritance coming to you. Whatever happens with these transits will be critical for you in Feb your need for freedom, whether you want to be in a committed relationship or be single, your independence in earning your own money, motherhood and other 5th house (creative/social) matters will be coming up. Transiting Saturn will also be starting to oppose your natal Jupiter around the middle of this month and as you know Jupiter rules your third house and sits in your 11th house..what you think about your coworkers, neighbors, friends, and your family, since Saturn there is right next to your 4th house cusp...your hopes and wishes as it relates to them..since your virgo jupiter has to do with service to others and the transit of saturn in pisces..what you do for yourself will be part of the things that will come year in February..that should all come to a climax..the transit of Saturn squaring your natal Jupiter could result in you taking on more responsibility in your job without a pay increase, though, and this could be part of the feeling burdened (transit of saturn squaring your natal mars). The colleague that seems fated could be a hot and cold relationship also something that transiting saturn squaring your natal mars can bring, since you're probably spending more time there in the workplace like you said already.

I'll look further later today and respond to more of what you wrote..need to get some exercise for my pup and mom..

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posted April 06, 2023 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In reference to what you wrote about meeting the next guy you will date:
I'm still keeping an eye on 20 April Eclipse, and then 27 May when tr Jupiter and NN will conjunct each other and loosely conjunct my natal DSC. And, late Agusut when transiting NN will conjunct my natal DSC.

Something interesting happened a few hours ago. I was curious to ask my timing pebbles when the man I will go on a date with next time would ask me out on a date - also June/July period was marked with Cancer, Leo and Venus. Then, I immediately thought of MoonMystic's reading from 2021 about the man I would end up marrying -

She also mentioned Leo season and the Sag Full Moon (which this year falls on 3 June) I get the feeling I haven't met this person in person yet. Which is also interesting, because when I tried to do a reading about my next love partner my colleague was showing up continuously. Maybe I will be facing a choice as well

The 27th of May isn't that far off from June 3. During that time Mercury will have come off of its retrograde and be in your 7th house of partners and others, so that's where your conversations will be as well. On the 30th of May, transiting Mercury will trine your natal Jupiter as well. The first trine of Mercury to your natal Jupiter is on April 15th and then the 27th..during those times transiting Venus in Gemini will be in your 8th house...Gemini as you know rules coworkers, neighbors and maybe something happens with the guy at work..remember we all have free will, too.

I'll be taking a break here at LL..and will check for your posts..finding myself overdoing it again.

That Pluto transit could indicate you and your mother's difficulties, and if so, it should get better by Jan 2024..which coincides with what I saw in February 2024..

Hope you have a good Easter..with time for yourself.

Take care,

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posted April 10, 2023 07:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have a good friend that has Scorpio rising like you do and she had troubles with her utilities and electronic stuff..things going wacky..her 1st house cusp is at 5 deg..

For me so far nothing like this, but I have just noticed maybe I'm sleepier than usual. Or, maybe it is just the usual Spring tiredness, no idea But I definitely need more time to rebound after a week full of work. Also, for a while now bearing cold and warm fronts has been slightly harder for me as well - not sure if this comes with the Pluto transit as well, but it's been there with me from the last degrees of Cap. Especially, that it's 4H related thing, no wonder these send me to an extra slumber... I really hope Pluto won't descend my energy levels to hell for more than a decade.

And then, again the friend of mine who is devoured by the toxicity, the selfishness and the darkness of an already married man... who has already stated had no intentions to file for a divorce out of convenience, and who does not respect anyone, including my friend and himself. But my friend also doesn't respect herself to walk away from such jerk, but instead justifies the treatment and rebels against us (including her mother) - who try to make her see the reality and the dynamic of the situation - by shoving it in our face that she still spends time with the man instead of listening to us, because obviously she knows better.

I can't help, but become 100% sure day by day that this Aqua Pluto transit is definitely the continuation of where Saturn left off previously, only that it does not bring almost complete silence and isolation, but completely transforms and eliminates 11H matters (friends and networking) if those are not aligned with me anymore and makes/will make it obvious to me who is a 'keeper' worthy of letting close and share intimate deeper things about my life with (4H)

But, I think there will be family matters transformed in my life as well. My biological father is almost the same age as my granny, he could be my grandpa... He is still alive, and I was wondering for a few times if this Pluto transit might bring his death as well... I read and heard the father is signified by Saturn in the natal chart and Pluto will conjunct it in the coming few years. I think inheritance might be a tricky topic/theme for me. In my country everyone has the right to decline the inheritance coming from a deceased family member, especially if it is only debt. I suspect my father has accumulated debt as he's always been a gambling addict, but even if some money would come from him I would decline it. No thank you, I don't need anything from him, he has never given me (us) anything other than hurt, pain, suffering and sadness. A LOT to cope with for decades. I had to learn how to be self-made and self-reliant, now I have everything I need in my life, I don't need anything from him.

From a broader perspective, I can already see my life changing, too. For months now I've been contemplating the stage I managed to reach as opposed to where I started when I was a child. I think I'm the typical "rags to riches" kind of girl. Well, not 'riches' in a literal sense, although, I consider myself one on a soul level, rich in insight and life experiences while living a mostly stable life on most levels There is always room for learning and improvement, but I feel the bad and the ugly from my childhood slipping away more and more every day, and the patterns affecting me less and less while higher consciousness takes the stage. I am waiting for the culmination of this transformation from the Pluto transit.

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posted April 10, 2023 09:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Transiting Saturn has already started to square your natal Mars, your 7th house ruler. This can result in delays (I did peek at your person of interests chart again and transiting Saturn is close to his Moon (since we don't know his birth time) with getting together with your person of interest or that a relationship you start now could be hot and cold, it could make for frustration, extra responsibilities relating to others and with Saturn older that seems to fit.


At the same time, transiting Saturns trine to your natal Venus is creating stability around you at the moment, which you are okay with.

The colleague that seems fated could be a hot and cold relationship also something that transiting saturn squaring your natal mars can bring, since you're probably spending more time there in the workplace like you said already.

I think this transit Saturn square natal Mars coincides with what I saw today in one of my readings. Very-very interesting...

Not to mention I made that certain reading about my coworker last week where I saw that our feelings for each other are indeed mutual, and he is indeed still in his relationship out of convenience, because starting over feels so daunting, etc., but there is no love there. The karmic codependency factor... It really fits the Saturn-Mars theme - his current indecision/exit planning stage putting a burden and delay on our connection already at the moment. And he is indeed acting so hot and cold, one day he is super expressive and seems to bask in my energy as if he couldn't get enough of my company, and the other day quite literally... nothing. Ignores me as if he was punishing himself and/or me for the whole turmoil. I think he himself is playing this Saturn-Mars dynamic out with himself, I bet he would like to take action and make his move on me, but instead he has to restrain himself and contain/suppress everything hidden inside due to his current circumstances (and doing the right thing...) These days I even observed him being/looking drained as if the whole situation is taking its toll on him. No wonder he often keeps the distance. I think this is where the transit Saturn trine my natal Venus comes into the picture. I know I have to be compassionaet, understanding and patient as I already know how draining it feels to be stuck in a loveless, dead connection. So I don't bother, nor take it personally, but take my energy and attention back to me and my stability, and I don't let myself be swayed by the hot-and-cold dynamic. I keep on telling myself "I don't chase, I attract the right person for me" which helps me bigtime. Also, the "I don't have the time, energy and OBLIGATION to wait for anyone while life itself runs away right in front of my eyes" kind of mantra. I feel surprisingly calm and collected over the situation, not being anxious anymore wasting precious energy.

I saw in the cards he will soon be in the process of leaving the dead relationship (by the time Eclipse season is upon us, the situation will probably gain momentum), but even with that comes more burdens as he will probably feel guilty for betraying and leaving the other behind, which can also put a strain on any connections in general...

Today, I tried to take a look at what my Next love partner will say to me when he will reveal and confess his romantic intentions and feelings for me for the first time to me. I wasn't too surprised to see an ending of a connection in the cards and potential upheaval going on alongside with a potential relocation - AND with me in the middle of the 5-card spread being admired and appreciated by the person.

I asked my timing pebbles three times, one for the actual time of the confession itself, another for the break-up happening and the third for the actual relocation/movement, and the events just seem to go along with the Saturn-Mars square (+ Saturn Rx) timeframe until June/Cancer and July/Leo season again... I got the impression that the break-up would happen slightly before the confession, then his "self-assessment" and relocation...

The break-up (summary of the whole spread what he would say to me to confess) was shown by the Walking away + Woman holding a coin cards - literally letting go and walking away from (the embodiment of) convenience , where I got Eclipse/Rapid/Soon with the series of April/May eclipses in Aries/Scorpio.

The relocation was shown by the Journey + Door to personal healing and happiness cards (from this latter I can't help but get the feeling of the person finally freeing himself up from major toxicity and suffering in order to be happier and healthier than he was before...) For this I got End/Couple/Done/Cancer/4 (house)/Leo

And for the actual confession what the person would tell me: Deceit - Community - Appreciation - Broken heart - Storm warning. Community really stood out to me, it reminds me of what you wrote about the Venus in Gemini transit and the colleagues/friends and also my 11H matters with my natal Jupiter (sq my natal 2H planets including MARS). I think Deceit doesn't need any explanation, hidden feelings and things in the picture... Also, the potential for heartbreak and/or rejection (plus the hesitation therefore) and the upheaval at the other end of the spread, not to forget about the upheaval the confession might cause in me as well...
And the pebbles are the following: July/Aries/Next/June/Week/Full Moon/Mercury/After/Unexpected/Within/May/Change I better keep my eye on June and the Sag Full Moon and the communication happening (Mercury) how you also suggested. Seems really exciting.

On the other hand, I am hoping for non-older-than-me people, I've had enough of attractiong only those without exception before, the already married fellas... Hello daddy issues, yes, you in my past... No more Saturnian figures... instant rejection on my end... My coworker is younger than me, although I don't know his birthdate, but I assume we probably might even have a 5-year gap. It's not tragedy, but these day I tend to attract younger people with a wise head on their shoulders, or very young minded ones, whatever that means...

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Posts: 1659
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posted April 10, 2023 10:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
At the same time, transiting Saturns trine to your natal Venus is creating stability around you at the moment, which you are okay with.
With Taurus on your 8th house cusp, and your Venus in your 1st house and also Scorpio, if granny passes, there could be some inheritance coming to you. Whatever happens with these transits will be critical for you in Feb your need for freedom, whether you want to be in a committed relationship or be single, your independence in earning your own money, motherhood and other 5th house (creative/social) matters will be coming up.
Transiting Saturn will also be starting to oppose your natal Jupiter around the middle of this month and as you know Jupiter rules your third house and sits in your 11th house..what you think about your coworkers, neighbors, friends, and your family, since Saturn there is right next to your 4th house cusp...your hopes and wishes as it relates to them..since your virgo jupiter has to do with service to others and the transit of saturn in pisces..what you do for yourself will be part of the things that will come year in February..that should all come to a climax..the transit of Saturn opposing your natal Jupiter could result in you taking on more responsibility in your job without a pay increase, though, and this could be part of the feeling burdened (transit of saturn squaring your natal mars).

I can completely see the work part happening as well. Next February would be the 1-year anniversary at my position (if they now keep me at my current company, of course). I already have ownership of most things within my role (desired by the higher ups) I tend to progress rapidly at work, even if it's a brand new thing I haven't done before like in this case. I can easily see myself being asked to contribute or fulfill more responsibilities. To be honest, this is what I was escaping from, so this definitely would be the topic up for discussion and negotiation with my bosses if they really have such plans with me. As they already know what professional backgound I am coming from (wearing 2 burnouts on my sleeve and my unwillingness to take on unnecessary resp. to burden myself... unless they compensate in a fair way...)

The Saturn-Venus trine also applies to my career and worklife, nothing can sway/bother me, even if it's a tricky situation which needs massive problem solving. I'm calm and cool as a cucumber in most cases, thank God and stabilising Saturn for that!

April 2024 should also be a period up for observation. With another New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, this time at 19 degrees in conjunction with transiting Chiron and the whole Eclipse trine my natal Sun in Sag. I can also see in the Eclipse chart that transting Jupiter and Uranus will almost exactly be in conjunction, too - these 2 will oppose my natal Pluto in Scorpio.
I can recall what my local astrologer told me about this latter conjunction - potential for inheritance possibly. I'm not sure what type of chart she was checking, because she showed it happening in 8H, but in my natal chart it will take place in the 7H. Anyway, it seems like a gamechanger life event.

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Posts: 1659
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posted April 10, 2023 11:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'll be taking a break here at LL..and will check for your posts..finding myself overdoing it again.

That Pluto transit could indicate you and your mother's difficulties, and if so, it should get better by Jan 2024..which coincides with what I saw in February 2024..

Hope you have a good Easter..with time for yourself.

I can completely understand, I'm also on a social media detox at the moment. Not that I have a lot of accounts, but I'm not too communicative towards people these days. There is a lot to digest again. I hope you are having a great Easter, too Despite what has been going on lately. Yesterday, I visited my grandma, and a few disturbing things turned out, unfortunately. She can barely walk on her own, only with the help of a walker/walking frame. She seemed very fragile both inside and outside, it was heaartbreaking to see, and later I was told she is depressed, because she cannot do most things she loved doing anymore. I was told she kept on telling giving up and did not want to live anymore. And that I am the only person she listens to, so I tried to encourage and empower her not to give up, but literally keep on moving. It made her happy as I could see, but I can't be there all the time which really concerns me about her state of mind. And I started thinking about my own life how I wouldn't want to end up like this. Me, the physically active and restless Sagittarius with the active and always wandering, open mind... Starting losing mobility and forgetting things... Food for deep thought to appreciate vivid life while it lasts...

On top of marvelling about life (and death) today I read about an American girl who was the same age as me and who was famous for participating in TNR and fostering cats and baby kittens AND built a brand from that - she was suffering from mental illness and committed suicide last week, but it turned out yesterday. (Seems very Pluto in Aqua to me, via social media community...)

I think a lot of us has things to digest these days. Hopefully, I will be able to be present more. If I don't respond right away, it's just the usual on my end - work and digesting life as it is... I will be checking the thread on a weekly basis

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posted April 13, 2023 08:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

Sending hugs to your grandmother. My mom sometimes still tries to walk without her walker, but she knows her balance isn't the best.

Thank you for the Easter wishes. I had one sibling come by with flowers/plant for us.

I still pick up the energy from the camera person. The one neighbor across the street never moved, but your reading for me may have picked up the changes on the other corner. Think the camera was moved to a different window on that home as well.

Your friend that is dating the married man may be obsessed with him. I remember reconnecting with a high school friend once. She mentioned a guy from high school that I'm pretty sure he wanted me to go to the prom with him. He seemed to smoke weed a lot and it spooked me. Anyways, I got the impression that the girl was asking me questions to pass on to him. Only problem then was that he was married at the time and so was she. Intuitively I picked up that she had hooked up with him. I stopped hanging around with her and I think her best friend found out and stopped hanging out with her. I think she justified the cheating because her husband had done that to her years before. They even divorced and remarried as well. Anyways, she passed away last year. She was kind of Uranium..thinking she may have had aquarius rising as in people's comments, she was always popping up spontaneously..her passing was a surprise to me.

It will be interesting to see how transiting pluto impacts us and with it squaring some Taurus planets next month, the financial markets should be interesting. I just read that our government is forecasting a mild recession later this year, so I need to shore things up for the coming months.

I think February 2024 will be an interesting time for me as well..lots of changes for both of us. I wonder if they will speed up the schedule for the lunar landing.

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Posts: 1659
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posted April 23, 2023 12:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,
I came back with a feedback regarding my person of interest (not the co-worker one ) This week exactly the day before the Solar Eclipse I met with our common friend who basically told me the guy visited her in February for a few days - just like how you wrote it as well that he'd be traveling in Jan-Feb.

And, the shocking news I received - he basically became addicted to alcohol due to prior pressure from last year, and he also has "friends" who are a bad influence, they go drinking almost every day. I guess, his Saturn return must have activated something in his chart. I suspect that Saturn-Pluto square plus Chiron opposite Saturn, or even something to do with his Jupiter as it is known for 'excess', too.

In the meantime, I've been thinking about a mid-Summer transit. Transiting Jupiter is going to trine my natal Jupiter (and my 3H placements). Last time Uranus was around 12/13 degrees Taurus it brought me one of the biggest opportunities ever (which seemed like jackpot, but later turned out to be a not-so-ideal work situation). Do you think I would get another great opportunity perhaps in my career? Even though, it involves my 7H, but I don't expect any love related things happening after the latest shocking news... (But who knows...)

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posted April 27, 2023 01:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Emsie:
Hi Spring,
I came back with a feedback regarding my person of interest (not the co-worker one ) This week exactly the day before the Solar Eclipse I met with our common friend who basically told me the guy visited her in February for a few days - just like how you wrote it as well that he'd be traveling in Jan-Feb.

And, the shocking news I received - he basically became addicted to alcohol due to prior pressure from last year, and he also has "friends" who are a bad influence, they go drinking almost every day. I guess, his Saturn return must have activated something in his chart. I suspect that Saturn-Pluto square plus Chiron opposite Saturn, or even something to do with his Jupiter as it is known for 'excess', too.

In the meantime, I've been thinking about a mid-Summer transit. Transiting Jupiter is going to trine my natal Jupiter (and my 3H placements). Last time Uranus was around 12/13 degrees Taurus it brought me one of the biggest opportunities ever (which seemed like jackpot, but later turned out to be a not-so-ideal work situation). Do you think I would get another great opportunity perhaps in my career? Even though, it involves my 7H, but I don't expect any love related things happening after the latest shocking news... (But who knows...)

Hi Emsie!

I haven't forgotten about you..we have the rodent issue again amongst all the other things I've been trying with helping to get exercise, etc. for my dog..

It's sad that your Virgo person of interest has let those who don't have his best interests at heart suck him in... hopefully by the end of his Saturn return he will have figured it out..

I'll look further.. hopefully later today on those Jupiter and Saturn transits, but when transiting Uranus was opposing your natal may have created the instability and suddenness of that beginnings..1st house with your natal Venus there..

Incidentally there was a gray/black cat passing through the yard today, but I'm thinking they came in through old pipes..

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posted April 28, 2023 12:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay. Finally..

On your friend, he should be currently having that transit of Saturn conjuncting his natal Moon..pisces also rules alcohol/drinking addictions..this won't finish until early December..natally he also has his mars square neptune..mars in libra and neptune in cap..he could end up with a DUI or something which helps hime to mature. I had a good intuitive reader tell me years ago that the reason people become alcoholics is because they don't think anyone loves them.

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posted April 29, 2023 11:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,
Thank you for taking a look at the charts again. I hope the rodent issue will be solved asap, I recall years ago when I used to live with my ex we experienced issues with pesky bugs. 😬 It can be very annoying and scary.

As for my person, I also think he might experience some kind of sobering event happening to him eventually. As far as I know he doesn't drive, but I wouldn't be surprised if something happened to him on the street. It's really sad for me to think about him struggling as I am his senior of only 1,5 years. Our friend told me he's still alone and has emotional needs as well, I think he otherwise feels lonely and tries to fill the void with "friends" with bad influence. I guess for him it is better than nothing. To feel accepted at least a little bit, but I also think he people pleases probably... acting like a chameleon and taking up on bad habits to fit in. I really hope and wish for better times for him with so much strength and recovery. I told our friend he would need a lot of support in accepting and learning to love himself.

In the meantime, I think I have just started to feel the effect of the Saturn square to my natal Mars. Burdens at the workplace have started to pile up, so it's definitely work related at first glance. Not sure where this will go as Saturn will turn retrograde within a few months time, but until June I expect things getting even more burdensome. My colleague who is having a baby is going on maternity leave next week and the new colleague has just started her trainings, so a lot of work-related things will fall on me over the next few months. I don't know how I will survive this, but at this point I don't even care, I don't want to think about the 'tomorrow'. I have a suspicion that the transiting Jupiter trine natal Jup around mid-Summer might have something to do with this as well. I am hoping for a lucky break, or some kind of opportunity/accomplishment for the hard work and effort, but I've also been thinking about seeking out better suited opportunities at the company. I don't want to end up with a 3rd burnout. Maybe this will be another lesson where to invest my energy wisely.

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posted April 29, 2023 11:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

We had a bad lightning storm and thought the rodents were gone..but think only one has come back so far..I had heard something in the small closet where the water heater and A/C unit are and when I made a noise, they couldn't get out fast was hard to open the closet's door today, but I managed to clean it up inside.. didn't find any droppings, but my dog knew something had been in there..

You gave your mutual friend some good advice to pass on to that guy..

The transit of Jupiter squaring your natal Saturn is you getting the extra work then without more pay..but often you'll benefit more later..also, that Saturn Mars transit..I found that it helps to prioritize the things you have to do..and sometimes it can get overwhelming..try to stay positive..this will help you in the end..

The camera person/stalker is still watching change yet.. I'm thinking things will stay this way until early next year when transiting Saturn, which is opposing my natal Pluto moves off..around that time..Mars will be opposing my mom's moon..

Hope your original person of interest changes and overcomes what brings him down..

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posted May 16, 2023 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 19, 2023 03:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

I wanted to give you a quick update, I think it fits the bad lightning storm description - it got stuck in my mind for a few weeks and I couldn't explain why, but now I know. I think what you've suggested and also my astrologer is actually coming true. Today I received bad news, yesterday my grandma got stroke and was taken to hospital.
I tried to read for myself if she would recover from it, but both spreads were obvious about the opposite, unfortunately. Especially, that Uranus has just gotten in 2 degrees opposing my natal Pluto at 21. I really wish I could write something positive, but I can feel the time is nearing... Pluto involved - no surprise... Years ago when Uranus entered Taurus I read astrologers suggested more earthquakes and volcano activity happening. Before the stroke (hit by surprise) there were already 'tremors' weeks ago, but doctors didn't examine her like they were normally supposed to do. They let her out of the hospital just like that as it turned out...

My local astrologer suggested I would probably receive inheritance with this opposition. Her timing was around April 2024 with Jupiter in the mix. But I feel granny's passing might happen sooner than we think. At the moment, I'm trying to prepare for the worst when one day I will eventually receive that final call. I was really glad to meet her in person again not so long ago. She looked much better and enjoyed walking around in the sunny weather very much. It made her really happy.

On a different note, it's so interesting to read about the various facets of Pluto. In your case the watching and stalking... It would really creep me out to know someone is even recording it on camera. Many years ago I caught a man peeking with binoculars from the opposite block when I lived with my mom. Since then, I only go near the windows wearing long pants and at least a T-Shirt...

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posted May 22, 2023 04:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

Thank you for the update. Sending hugs to you and your grandmother. My father had one of those years before he passed and it was harder then for us, because we were all relatively healthy before that happened. So sad that the doctor's didn't pick up on it. We had no warning with my dad. We think it was a beverage he had, though.

The stalking and recording is still going on. I'm hoping that when transiting Mercury goes into Gemini and trines my natal Venus that I hear some good news on that, but maybe it's me meeting a great guy. I'm thinking that will come after I move.

On the rodent situation (MoonMystic said in a reading to me that I would have a few annoyances before I move--wonder how many a few is), I think one died in the wall (got stuck on something). I first heard a wiggling noise behind the wall near where I'd seen their entry point before from two years ago, which had been fixed. Then there was a smell. I then caught one in those long traps..tricky, but made the trap bar more sensitive to triggering the doors for the smaller ones and got one the size of a gerbil and relocated it. Then I thought they were gone and noticed that a dead bug I saw earlier (before I could clean it up) had disappeared, so I set the trap again and it looked like and sounded as if another one got late last night before I fell asleep I could hear the trap going. This one was bigger and kept banging the trap towards the wall and I relocated it this morning. Transiting Uranus near my 4th house cusp has been interesting. Two nights ago and there had been other things happening before that, but at midnight (think it was a large dog) something tried to get over the chicken wire fencing next to the wall where I sleep and was having a fit that it couldn't get over it..tried dog was barking and growling and going crazy..she stopped after the animal's first attempt and then the 2nd attempt woke me up out of a dead sleep and then my pup started to bark crazy..we have memorial day next Monday and someone's bound to have fireworks..ugh..

I started to slow down on all my downsizing/clean out is being affected..staying away from the snacks my mom eats as well...I have found a natural doctor, but will take some medicine (I wonder if this might be the falling you saw for me, because when my health improves, this could cause me to do just that) to help me feel less stressed about my health and can discontinue it later (after everything changes)..had a friend of mine tell me that she had been a caretaker for a male friend and that right before he passed, he started to walk around in different mom has also been getting restless and walking around..she has also started to again look at the pics of the relatives that had passed on years ago.

I'm trying to relax and only do what I need to do now. I'm also looking at my usual tasks/chores around the house to simplify them.. Recently I found a good handyman to help me with some small projects, which will save me from looking up the how to do them videos and not have to get more tools that I may never use again.

Maybe your gran's situation will help you and your mom to reconnect again. Take care.


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posted May 24, 2023 10:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I forgot to is creepy to know someone has been watching me..and I believe audio as well.. there's a lot of mental health issues going on with some of the people now..when you see it in that perspective, you kind of know that there isn't anything you can do to change them..they have to realize that they need help and seek it out..oddly enough my ESP picked up a name and I googled it online..maybe they are in therapy now, but it hasn't changed their behavior--yet..


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posted June 15, 2023 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 30, 2023 10:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 01, 2023 02:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

I've been M.I.A. lately, but came to give a quick update. My grandma is stable now and was released from the hospital. Although, she can't do anything on her own, not even going on the potty.

Career-wise I have just gotten a new opportunity just as transiting Jupiter hit 9 degrees (5 from my natal Jup in a Trine). The details are still in progress and I was told I would get a promotion with a raise, but no other details were shared yet. I am wondering if this is indicated by the exact trine by the end of July/August... Especially from my 7H - legal contracts

This is going to be a brand new job position which did not exist yet, but they started to experiment and they chose me to be a pioneer. As soon as Saturn turned retrograde I had a discussion with the higher ups about the future schedule and I had to get a little assertive drawing those boundaries in the name of productivity. It is basically about doing 2 type of jobs within 8 hrs, but in a 50-50 way. At first they wanted me to do everything at once without boundaries (Pisces), but for me that wouldn't work, only with reasonable boundaries - concentrating fully on the first in the morning hours, and then on the other one in the afternoon hours. Creating structure in the chaos... (Saturn) They agreed and accepted my concept and gave me autonomy and a free hand to form the position in a way that makes the most sense. It is going to be an exciting opportunity, who knows where it might take me for the future.

Transiting Uranus is also in exact opposition with my natal Pluto. My astrologer told me before it might either loss of money, or more money e.g. inheritance. So far it looks like a raise, and I suspect next April might be another turning point with Jupiter joining Uranus in the opposition. I tend to get lucky with Uranus-Jupiter aspects.

I hope you are okay, any updates on the camera situation? I really hope this will be gone as soon as possible. 🙏

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posted July 01, 2023 10:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

Hugs to you and your family on needing to provide your grandmother will full time care.

I'll respond further tomorrow.

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posted July 02, 2023 11:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Finally..I'm sitting here typing while my dog is shaking from all the fireworks going off around the corner..the thunder shirt isn't working for long term noises (it says to not keep it on for too long anyways)..I'm sure the camera and audio person picked up me telling my mom that the anxiety (pacing) she was feeling/doing was not that she had to go potty..I was finally able to explain it to her and now my mom understands, but not before they knew that it scares my when I walked around the corner where the fireworks were coming from, no one was there..I'm sure they are sending text messages, so we can play cat and mouse.

I'm pretty sure that you are right about the transits..and your new job. It doesn't sound like they have firmed up everything yet, so the timing of July/August makes sense. Congratulations! Sounds like a great learning experience and opportunity to shine.

On the camera situation. I picked up something recently (ESP) and knew what it was (a law here) and in your reading for me you said..either someone or something would get them to stop..and they would think about it again (cameras), but then would find something else to do. I'm thinking it may happen this month..and was looking at any peaceful transits I had coming..not sure, though. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag (you never know who may be reading our posts). I'm thinking you weren't able to give me a time frame back when you read on it..another reader thought the person/people that will do something are missing something..not sure what that is..maybe the cameras?? or that others are involved..I'll give you more details when it happens..Moonmystic saw the mental loop the camera person was in as well and when I looked up what my ESP picked up, what's coming is supposed to help with that..

I've also been going to a natural medicine doctor..he is also a chiropractor..just the support is a big help for me..I think he has a jealous girlfriend and that's the transit of venus in Leo to my natal Mars..when I finish with them, that transit will be over, too. I did have a guy give me his phone number, but unsure if he is another flying monkey sent to spy on me..too coincidental that he is a caregiver for people in another city..and all he wanted to do was talk with me..seems fishy..I had found another dog owner with two dogs, so I could take my pup for walks around the park, but it seems they are a flying monkey, too..

Last Tuesday afternoon I called my mom's doctor's have lab work done for her..she felt weak..they didn't call back to say the script was available at the lab until 2pm the next day..we raced over there (she slept late and I got her up) and they took the culture..they didn't call back again until 4:30pm the following day and her pharmacy was the next day I talked with the on-call doctor and got it transferred..with our holiday on Tuesday..she may have been struggling until Wednesday..but got the prescription yesterday..the delays were fishy and my ESP picked up someone at the office talking to another person about what I did for them at Xmas the doctor's secretary is into motorcycles and so is the SIL and my brother..the SIL also has a long time friend (with almost the same birthday and year) who answers the phones for other doctor's in that same medical group and has been there a long time..sad all the shenanigans and nonsense going on..

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posted July 03, 2023 01:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wanted to add that when you look at your transits, start with pluto, then Neptune, uranus, etc. first..if you have a major pluto transit, it may take precedence over the shorter terms ones, etc. I think this is why some of the shorter term transits sometimes don't if there isn't anything else..the pluto going back into cap could also reflect your grandmother as you'll have multiple things going!! With my dog's and mom's meds and my vitamins and supplements I take, I could create a master spreadsheet checklist for every day. I have individualized ones and I make sure I read each bottle label as the new meds are taken twice a day for both my mom and dog.

i.e. my pluto transit is helping me to declutter/clean out..I'm starting that effort again with it going back into capricorn..and most likely the care for my mother as pluto can disrupt it makes sense with her health issue coming up at the moment.. even though I also have transiting venus and mars in leo sitting in my 7th house..and squaring my mars in scorpio..jealousy on the part of others (7th house) SIL and one brother have Leo rising..and my natal mars sits in my brothers' 3rd house..and the SIL's 4th house..

The weather here is also very hot and humid..and I have plenty of gardening to do as well..

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posted July 18, 2023 12:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,
I came back with another update. Crazy times are indeed here, even the weather, currently we have a heatwave and awaiting heavy storms. I think this pretty much sums up the situation I found myself in.

I could immediately recall your post from April where you wrote I would take on more responsibility without any raise. That's exactly what's happening now. Currently I'm extra disappointed as they told otherwise. I have a huge deja vue as it already happened to me once.

This Saturn retrograde is hardcore - at least for me It is really about boundaries and lessons coming around... It's ironic that transiting Saturn is hovering over my 5H cusp - literally sapping out happiness and fun out of my life.

Do you perhaps see any potential new job positions coming for me in the upcoming next 3 months? Or, until end of this year? I've already started looking for new possibilities within the company for a potential transfer as well as outside the company.

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posted July 18, 2023 01:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Springtimeflower:
I wanted to add that when you look at your transits, start with pluto, then Neptune, uranus, etc. first..if you have a major pluto transit, it may take precedence over the shorter terms ones, etc. I think this is why some of the shorter term transits sometimes don't if there isn't anything else..the pluto going back into cap could also reflect your grandmother as you'll have multiple things going!!

i.e. my pluto transit is helping me to declutter/clean out..I'm starting that effort again with it going back into capricorn..and most likely the care for my mother as pluto can disrupt it makes sense with her health issue coming up at the moment..

I think this also applies to me I just cannot stand Pluto in Cap. When I started working at my current company Pluto was about to enter Aqua, then it entered and I thought it was finally a cool place to work, etc. I am reminded of last year and fhe day I sent my resignation. It was an Eclipse day with Pluto turning Rx. And here I go again back at thinking about either transferring to a different dept, or resigning again...

I really hope at least it won't bring family related issues back for both of us, but I'm afraid this might be just the beginning 😕🤞

Regarding decluttering - Mars in Virgo gave me extra motivation to tidy up my rooms. At the weekend I started with my bathroom, throwing out empty bath gel bottles, then my kitchen was next in line.

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posted July 18, 2023 02:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

Thank you for the feedback and update. Sending you big hugs on the workplace..maybe this is just a time for you to finish up goes direct in October..and I remembered that usually well before the transit finishes we can feel it ease up, so with your diligence that should happen..I can relate, but lately it has been quiet except for one of the narc relatives showing up. My ESP picked up his wife talking about me later in the day..most likely when he wasn't around. The next day I got a hard look from a neighbor (another watcher with nothing to do) more lies spread around again. I read something online last night that was interesting about narc's..supposedly they get you on the path you need to be on..I noticed that when I focused on the changes I need to make after my mom passes, the energies around me seem to subside some what..

My mom and pup had the same health issue 2 meds for the pup and 2 for my mom each day..both on different schedules, since I didn't want to give the pup hers right before bed like what the pharmacist suggested for my mom was taking something that masks the pain, so it wasn't till she had to go potty a lot did I see she doesn't go frequently nor does the's sad that I can't get the pup more exercise..i never know when my mom will get up each day..and then when I take the pup for exercise and my mom sits in the car, she can't sit for long periods of time or has to use the bathroom..on pluto transiting in cap, january 21st isn't all that far away..

Also, Spring starts February 1 in Europe, right? I pulled some cards for the Camera in the window person and all..seems that will happen not too long before my mom passes..(remember Cap in Pluto also cuts away what is no longer needed and leaves it in the past) the camera person has transiting saturn squaring their natal uranus conjunct jupiter (part of that aspect..the transit of saturn squaring their natal uranus shows sudden restraint)..and jupiter may indicate the people that do it..all right around that same time that pluto changes signs..and from readings I got years ago..they mentioned Spring with my mom..she has started to sleep longer and her attention span is lessening..she is also looking at the pics of family members that have passed away already..she's even asked about other relatives again..transiting Saturn will also be conjunct her Sun not long after her 100th birthday..she often asks how old she is, too..

My health seems to be getting better now..need to get more sleep time in..

Hang in there..sometimes things will repeat themselves, if we don't go through them the first time..I wanted to go back and look at your chart again, but haven't been able to..

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