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Author Topic:   @Springtimeflower - Natal chart question

Posts: 1659
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posted July 19, 2023 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I will give more feedback in the next coming days, from Friday I will be on holiday finally 🙏 A little bit of staycation and I think we might go on a 1-day road trip with my parents over the weekend. It's been a long time coming, but now how things turned out and ended up happening I don't mind at all. I still have a lot of paid holidays I was asked to take at least until October. For quite a few weeks I will be off on Mondays and Tuesdays, just to have longer weekends

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posted July 22, 2023 06:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

I'm hoping to get caught up with a few things by the end of the weekend..had a small window today..hoping for more time tomorrow..

Glad that you got some time off and can spend some time with your parents..

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posted July 26, 2023 01:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm back finally, been enjoying some downtime 😊 I think I recognized another pattern in my chart, I can recall ever since Uranus has entered my 7H my career and worklife's been keeping me up on my toes. I crave stability and financial security (Taurus), but I just can't seem to reach it.
I started working at the first company back in 2018 and since then I've experienced either rapid advancement, or disruptions and resignation. A complete rollercoaster ride. Looks like now that Uranus is opposing my natal Pluto I'm up for another Tower moment... which has already started with the slightly shocking news and the enlightment afterwards. Uranus will go Rx soon and get back to 21 degrees around end of October, so I expect something happening around that time. My local astrologer also told me to watch out for anything involving Pluto especially my natal one (ruling my money matters) - as it turned out Solar Arc Pluto is also in my 2H transforming my work and money matters for a long time now...
And within approx. 1 week transiting Jupiter is going to trine my natal Jup (also connected to my natal 2H planets) I am refreshing my CV and putting myself out on the market, I hope this will bring good luck and great opportunities 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Next April I expect something happening in my worklife as well based on what is going on right now. Jupiter will join Uranus at 21 degrees to oppose my natal Pluto again. I am pretty sure it will be something big financially. Probably another blessing in disguise...
The notice period at my current workplace is 2 months, so finding something else quickly and resigning, then leaving the company until end of October (Uranus Rx at 21) wpuld fit the picture.

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posted July 26, 2023 01:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In the meantime, I was called to pull some cards for you regardin anything major external event or change happening in your life between now and end of the year.

7 of Swords
Queen of Swords
6 of Swords

4 of Swords
10 of Cups
Knight of Cups

Bottom card:
8 of Cups

I think you can expect some kind of movement happening in a sneaky situation. As the 4 of Swords (for nighttime rest and sleeping) is present again, probably the camera issue and/or the gossiping might have some kind of resolution by someone leaving the scene. It will be happy news one way or another whomever is going to move away from the situation. Under the 8 of Cups I found the Page of Cups addig to the good news.
Under that I found Justice, so it might involve karma, legal things including paperwork, or something happening in Libra season from late September through October. There's gonna be a Libra Solar Eclipse mid-October, too, I would keep an eye on that as well. Mercury will be near the eclipse. Hopefully, it'll bring good news for you. 🙏🍀💖

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posted July 28, 2023 08:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

Thank you for the update and reading. I'm seeing something in January for the camera person, which makes sense with that last card..right after the end of the year..the camera person, based upon the info MoonMystic picked up, cancer ascendant which puts their Pluto in libra in their 4th house and transiting Pluto in cap squaring it while sitting in their 7th house. They also have transiting Saturn in Pisces squaring a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction...all of these transits go exact in January..and also fits with your earlier reading saying that someone or something will happen to get them to stop..

I have Uranus transiting my 4th house..lots of lightning..lost my internet over the past couple of days..modem went down.. unexpected/frustrating things, my pups shots and heartworm test yesterday..took 1.5 hours..raining when we arrived.. luckily no lightning..we had at least three weeks of fireworks around our 4th of July holiday..just all kinds of things..and trying to do too we have the Mercury retrograde in Virgo coming, which will trine the Uranus transit.. maybe I'll finally get all the gardening stuff mom has been getting up earlier and it's made it harder to do other things..will try to look at your chart later today.. focusing on the 6th and 10th versus career..

Sending you hugs for all the craziness work wise. I know it can be frustrating.


I haven't forgotten about you.

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posted July 28, 2023 01:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ahh, I really like what you wrote about the 4H Uranus and lightning. I think I had a lightning moment thanks to you - today I feel exactly like I have lots of lightning going on, only that in my career and worklife. It just zaps the heck out of me and the whole thing.. and my bank account, lol... And, in the meantime, quite literally nothing is going on in my love life (not that I would have the nerves to deal with anything like that while I don't feel financially safe again... and I feel treated like garbage...) I am hoping to leave this company by the end of October.

A few weeks ago I applied for an internal job position, yesterday the team leader organized an interview for next Monday... only to get it cancelled and get bad news today that my manager would not allow me the internal transfer as I'm still under the 1-year milestone and according to some policy I'm not eligible for transferring to a different department. (There were already cases where it was allowed for certain people, so definitely hidden agenda is on)

I've started to think and believe that this is probably divine protection and the essence of the Jupiter-Jupiter trine not to limit myself to a company like this, nor to only a slightly higher salary I would get otherwise... I feel nudged to strive for higher and better. The whole gross situation started to gain momentum around the time Saturn stationing Rx. Now I'm not surprised about an earlier job-related lesson from my first workplace finding me again. Karmic stuff... How to stand up for myself and my worth, and not letting other people treat me like *we know what*. I got laughed in my face back then when I tried to humiliate myself to ask for a raise when I had to work instead of 2 people. Now no more humiliating myself for a few pennies, nor wasting my time and energy on places and people like this.

Regarding the camera person, I think something might start happening to them around October. You might not know about it right away as it is said that eclipses not only end/begin things, but also tend to conceal stuff (for example at my previous workplace I handed my resignation in on the day of an eclipse and my mom still does not know I already work elsewhere, even might never get to know about it as I don't plan to tell her anytime soon, not even my current stuck situation 😏
You might not know about the full story, but by next January it will be evident. January fits the 3-month timeframe - I mention this because the last eclipse in Aries happened this April and it was closely conjunct my natal DSC (others, opponents, rivals, partners, etc.) 3 months have passed since then and now I'm at a crossroads and I have to assert myself and take the lead in my (work)life.

I tried to be nosy and ask about what would get concealed potentially:

10 of Wands

Bottom card:

It seems like the neighbor will probably experience a sudden ending which might even involve literal death. Or, if married, then the end of the marriage, terminal illness, something very burdensome. I cannot help, but notice the lightning on the Tower card - can be metaphorical, but even a literal lightning strike burning down the house (structure with Hierophant and Tower)

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posted July 28, 2023 11:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What currently stands out in your chart is that you have transiting Saturn squaring your natal Mercury. You had talked about doing some cross stitch..this will help you to focus on something creative as this transit can make things seem worse than they really are or that the glass is half empty instead of half full. It's good for detailed work..but can make you more critical of things. Transiting Saturn is also opposing your natal Jupiter, which may keep you from seeing the big picture or it's being kept or hidden from you. Makes sense with them wanting to keep you where you're at--controlling you. You'll get a break in October and November, but then it comes back in December and lasts until March. Without realizing it, you may be coming across to those around you in a less than positive can make things worse. I have this natally and I've been learning to just let it roll off my back and focus on other things that I enjoy. Your cross stitch or something creative should help. Your 4th and 5th house rulers--home and creative stuff trining your 2nd house ruler Pluto and Jupiter in your 11th house..shows that you could earn money doing something related to the home or public that is creative and/or will allow you to use your leadership abilities..

Your Venus square Saturn (scarcity aspect) is being challenged and in need of change. Before transiting Saturn completes its transit of your natal Mercury, it will have started to square your natal Sun. You will be tested. Time to do some self care, and watch out for snacking habits in March. Try your best to eat healthy.

Once transiting Pluto goes out of Cap and into Aqua again and it finishes squaring your natal Venus, thing should start to get much better. Getting more exercise will help to ease the energy created by this transit.

How is your grandmother doing?

I'll be back with more tomorrow. Need to get some sleep.


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posted July 29, 2023 11:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On that Saturn is also squaring your natal mars and creating that push/pull type of feeling along with a heavy can be frustrating and at times you want to just beat the people that do things that create more work, etc. for you.

You have transiting Uranus squaring your moon square pluto aspect, which is shaking up your finances and emotions as well.

When transiting Saturn starts to square your natal Sun..late February or early March, then you'll be'll be thinking about whether or not you want to do what you are doing...

On your sixth and seventh houses..yours is similar to mine in that the same planet rules both..but your north node is in your 3rd...your learning about communicating with others and how it affects your values, philosophies and how people see you in society.

I'll look at your chart more tomorrow again.


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posted July 30, 2023 11:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry to extend this another day..hopefully tomorrow morning..

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posted July 31, 2023 01:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

No worries, just take your time 😊

In the meantime, I will try to gather thoughts

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posted July 31, 2023 05:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Transiting Saturn is also opposing your natal Jupiter, which may keep you from seeing the big picture or it's being kept or hidden from you. Makes sense with them wanting to keep you where you're at--controlling you. You'll get a break in October and November, but then it comes back in December and lasts until March.

I can definitely feel this these days and Saturn is not even at exact opposition to my natal Jup. Alongside with squaring my 2H planets...
The funny thing is I can see the big picture more and more every day what is going on within our department, but they think we employees are foolish. I would like to expand my knowledge and my finances as well with hard work (that natal Virgo Jup ) looking for opportunities, but they either rejected these (internal application to a different role), or they try to manipulate us into certain things not to eff up the so called business plan, otherwise we will get finger pointed at. It gets more and more toxic every day... the manager showed a certain image, but it is now falling apart and we get to know the real him. And the other higher ups. One of my colleagues got punished not so long ago, because she dared to share her opinion and gave feedback about things not working. Their answer was to degrade her (after 11 year of loyalty to the company) and cut her salary. Our trust is now flying out of the window. Saturn is among us, I swear

My manager's words and actions don't align, I was told I could leave the newly found position any time if I feel it is too much, or a complete BS, but back in June I tried to quit it and they didn't let me. And if I could really quit the position any time then why is there a need for me (and another colleague) to sign a modified contract... Shady stuff is going on, but I can see behind the curtain.

I'm curious what's gonna happen around October and November to get a little resting time. Today I watched a pick-a-pile video on YT and one of the cards which were included in my chosen pile was about standing in the eye of the storm. I can imagine a scenario like that. And right now I'm a flexible palm tree swinging in the storm, I guess...

Back to this Saturn opposite Jupiter. I've read it can bring restrictions in expansion. I am thinking if I might be lucky enough to start a new job position elsewhere within the next 3 months perhaps the probation period would be extra hard. If I'd resign around end of August then my notice period would end around end of October and starting something new would probably shift to November. The heaviness of the 3-month probation period and the massive learning from that time would make sense until end of February. Just some speculation on my end

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posted July 31, 2023 05:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On that Saturn is also squaring your natal mars and creating that push/pull type of feeling along with a heavy can be frustrating and at times you want to just beat the people that do things that create more work, etc. for you.

I actually enjoy the workload, I like working hard and the daily grind for what I earn and to climb the mountain. And this is what the higher ups would like to exploit usually. My main issue comes from their treatment that they take my work ethics and my enthusiasm (to find a proper outlet for my excess mental and physical energy - Sag) for granted and try to force me to do things without any compensation (working instead of 2 mainly) Whenever this happens I don't feel valued and appreciated, instead I feel like an exploited slave. But they view people as if they were slaves...

I can manage most things as I have very good time and energy management skills (it is useful when someone is in "know thyself" mode monitoring the peak energy levels and periods during the day, etc.), but I'd beat them all for their disgusting and unethical attitude, for sure

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posted July 31, 2023 07:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The transiting Saturn is affecting your Sun square Jupiter aspect. We tend to overdo things and then are not happy when they don't appreciate our efforts. I also have a natal sun square jupiter and can relate.. In your chart it's about service to the self versus service to others and your are right and that by the end of that transit, you won't let them take advantage of you. This can also be a balancing aspect...having time for social and also travel (your Sag planet positions) versus working at organizations..sometimes when we can see more clearly what our lesson or learning is for each aspect/ makes it easier to weather the storms..

The transit of pluto to your 3rd house is transforming your philosophies about work amongst restrictions and delays..

There's a full moon in Aqua tomorrow morning..could be something unexpected happening at home or with your family..but on the 16th there's a new moon, so maybe you start looking at other countries for employment as the new moon will be in your 10th house and oppose your natal moon in the 4th.. your freedom..

Transiting Jupiter goes direct on the 31st of December...I don't know if you go out on New Year's Eve, but it will be trining your 3rd house cusp ruler at that time that also sits in your 11th house, so maybe you hear of an opportunity from friends or coworkers.

Like you said, the transit of Saturn to your natal planets is also showing you the reality of your workplace. You'll see more of those eye openers into the New Year..

Transit of Jupiter to your natal Pluto will challenge what you value with that of others..part of how you may want to control the situation around you..

Thank you. I'll give you feedback.


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posted August 08, 2023 06:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The transiting Saturn is affecting your Sun square Jupiter aspect. We tend to overdo things and then are not happy when they don't appreciate our efforts. I also have a natal sun square jupiter and can relate.. In your chart it's about service to the self versus service to others and your are right and that by the end of that transit, you won't let them take advantage of you. This can also be a balancing aspect...having time for social and also travel (your Sag planet positions) versus working at organizations..sometimes when we can see more clearly what our lesson or learning is for each aspect/ makes it easier to weather the storms..

The transit of pluto to your 3rd house is transforming your philosophies about work amongst restrictions and delays..

I feel the exact same these days, I started thinking about the purpose of this period as last year I experienced a similar theme that I wanted to work and be productive, but circumstances didn't let me, I encountered roadbump after roadbump which made it impossible for me to work effortlessly. Delays and restrictions are fine, they happen, but when those are too much and there isn't much effortlessness, that's not something feasible for me. Back then, I decided to just let it go and not stressing about things I couldn't change. Now I'm in the exact same place, I'm letting go of control, and if they don't appreciateme for my efforts I will pull my energy and dedication back. It does not matter as I get paid the exact same salary. In the meantime, this Venus Rx really made me think about my values and what I truly value and proceed accordingly - both in love and career, but these days rather in the career area of my life. It is transiting my 10H, no wonder... In the meantime, I still would like to switch workplace as more skeletons fell out of the closet recently regarding the department and the higher ups. I'm getting more and more disgusted every day how things are unfolding.

One of my colleagues also wrote me today to do the exact same what she does, during the day she takes her pup for a walk, manages groceries and post office stuff, and she still gets paid, nobody is picking up on her for the performance. I decided I will do the exact same while I don't find a (hopefully) better opportunity. Just like last year, I will go for 30-minute walks, or manage anything which has to be managed to get away a bit from the suffocating work environment when I work from home. Last week we will get a new team leader who will be new to everything, he should not get used to me overperforming

From a previous reply:

Your 4th and 5th house rulers--home and creative stuff trining your 2nd house ruler Pluto and Jupiter in your 11th house..shows that you could earn money doing something related to the home or public that is creative and/or will allow you to use your leadership abilities..

I've started thinking about a possibility of creating a small business. Recently, I became interested in pottery as well as cross stitching and embroidery, although my wrists and fingers cannot take stitching more than half-day. I also thought about creating card decks like timing cards. In my country these are almost like non-existent. By nature I am creative, I wanted to become a fashion designer as a child, but my mom sabotaged my path, unfortunately. Do you think my Leo 10H can also show pursuing a creative career path after leaving the leadership part of Leo behind? Leo is 5H matters, so maybe I should create an instagram page later on

In the meantime, you were right about the Aqua Full Moon... My mom is suffering from burnout and depression and it caught me by surprise. I mean, there were already signs as she is pretty much an overthinker with lots of negativity, and the situation with my granny triggered her as well. On Sunday I visited my mom and she exactly looked like someone who's been falling apart. A week before she was laughing and was much more energetic. To me this is astonishing that how many things can change even within 1 week. This time - again - regarding family and 4H matters...

Nothing really good on my side for now, I can't wait for Uranus in Taurus transit to be over as no matter what I do, or how much I would like to have stability in my life, the rug is constantly being pulled out under my legs... I just don't seem to find firm ground, especially since last year... Not sure if I should rejoice, though, as Uranus will transit my natal 8H after this and start opposing my natal 2H planets... Career, money and values will still be a theme in my life for quite some time now, I guess...

Also, when Pluto is going to start opposing my natal Midheaven from around 2024-2025-2026... profound change regarding career and status. I read somewhere that someone got married during this transit (status change) - I'm still hoping to find a life partner material.

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posted August 08, 2023 08:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

Sending hugs.

Yes. I think you could do something creative (10th house Leo) and it might be a transition to when you have a life status change. Your 3rd house reflects the online stuff and communication that makes sense.

I just took my pup for a walk before the home health person comes in about an hour, so I'm also trying to do the same thing.

I won't be on here much over the next week, if at all. My mom's health is changing to where she will need to be fed..yesterday morning she ate her breakfast herself, but I needed to help her eat and encourage her to drink water. With all the home health people coming I will be busy..and after my siblings are backing up..more so one..the other will most likely help more..had a dream over a year ago of that one feeding her soup while she sat up in bed.

Hang in there. Better things are coming for us..

Take care,

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posted August 08, 2023 08:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I also wanted to add that I checked my Solar Return chart for this year and guess who is sitting on top of my chart on the Aqua Midheaven - Saturn Last year I thought I would get promoted to a higher position and take on more responsibilities. But now at least I know this can also mean feeling trapped and restricted in career... Almost literally being tied and glued to the workplace I would like to free myself up from. It is still in Aqua, I'm not even surprised about the Uranian quality of things... and the massive instability this situation is giving me... For the first time in my life I'm also rebelling against the higher ups by pulling my energy back completely It makes me slightly uncomfortable that I've started to act out of character, going against my values...

In the meantime, for 2024 I have Saturn sitting in my SR Pisces 7H - being tied to someone? I wonder if this can also signify a potential partner who is older than me and definitely mature... And hopefully a spiritual connection and not the addiction side of the Neptunian stuff... 🙏

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posted August 08, 2023 08:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ahh Spring, that reminds me exactly how it is going for my granny. She has this mobile bed and on a daily basis she has to do the exercizes, also being fed.

Hugs to you as well, I really hope the same that eventually there will be a light at the end of the tunnel for both of us to enjoy lighter times, even if temporary. 🙏🤗

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posted August 30, 2023 06:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

I've just read that there is another hurricane heading towards FL. I really hope you are fine and not in the zone 🙏 I will check back later 😊

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posted August 30, 2023 09:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Emsie:
I also wanted to add that I checked my Solar Return chart for this year and guess who is sitting on top of my chart on the Aqua Midheaven - Saturn Last year I thought I would get promoted to a higher position and take on more responsibilities. But now at least I know this can also mean feeling trapped and restricted in career... Almost literally being tied and glued to the workplace I would like to free myself up from. It is still in Aqua, I'm not even surprised about the Uranian quality of things... and the massive instability this situation is giving me... For the first time in my life I'm also rebelling against the higher ups by pulling my energy back completely It makes me slightly uncomfortable that I've started to act out of character, going against my values...

In the meantime, for 2024 I have Saturn sitting in my SR Pisces 7H - being tied dto someone? I wonder if this can also signify a potential partner who is older than me and definitely mature... And hopefully a spiritual connection and not the addiction side of the Neptunian stuff... 🙏

Hi Emsie..just saw this..Pisces can be what you said about spirituality..look at your 12th house, too, for more clues..could also be few opportunities for relationships like you said due to your isolation..

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posted August 30, 2023 09:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Emsie:
Ahh Spring, that reminds me exactly how it is going for my granny. She has this mobile bed and on a daily basis she has to do the exercizes, also being fed.

Hugs to you as well, I really hope the same that eventually there will be a light at the end of the tunnel for both of us to enjoy lighter times, even if temporary. 🙏🤗

Thanks Emsie. They think my mom is in-between hospice and palliative care, and each day can be a challenge in her being mobile or having energy.. hospice just called a moment ago, so we will know more tomorrow afternoon..yes, one reader said that I would be emancipated after my mom passed..

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posted August 30, 2023 09:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Emsie! I must have been very tired as I slept through the passing of this went by (west of us and off the coast)..sad for the people where it made landfall, though..our state capitol is there and a large nature preserve as well..always wanted to visit there..

Glad that you are hanging in there. Sending big I've felt the same way as you work wise and with helping with my parents..

I think the Saturn in Pisces is similar for mom is a Pisces sun and Saturn has been conjuncting it..she also has her natal Uranus in Pisces and it conjuncts her sun as well..all of this sitting in my 1st house opposite my natal Pluto in the 7th..

Take care,

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posted September 04, 2023 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

Sorry for the late reply, this Full Supermoon in Pisces conjunct Saturn was one of the most intense and awful Full Moons I've ever experienced in my life. I'm still reeling from the aftermath. I will be back soon with feedback on things 🙏❤️

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posted September 05, 2023 10:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's okay Emsie.

Lost my internet today..and their appointments, if need be, aren't always convenient.. especially when you have errands to run..

Sending big hugssssdd!

I think the new moon this month should also be interesting..


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posted September 29, 2023 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm finally much more fit enough to really come back with an update. It's been a very crazy period draining my energy. I even had to go on sick leave for almost 2 weeks otherwise I would have gone crazy, and yesterday I finally announced my resignation from my current job position. It helped me to slightly ease the tension. Very Eclipse season and Aries Full Moon theme combined with transiting Venus square Uranus - the break-up aspect I read somewhere Venus in my 10H and Uranus in 7H = end of contract sooner or later... I'm basically breaking up with my manager In my case there is a 2-month notice period, so I will be able to spend December with resting away from drama and preparing for 2024.

At the last Pisces Full Moon approx. a month ago my soon-to-be-ex-manager treated me in a very disgusting and inhumane way, I went home crying on that day. It was kind of the last straw and decided it was over for me for good. It started with me opening up and telling them that I was feeling unwell due to this new hybrid position they forced on me, and basically his answer was to kick me a few more times to put more pressure and emotional burden on me... which led me to my sick leave. I wouldn't go into more details (he told me way too many bad stuff to even mention), but it took me weeks to digest everything that happened. No more drama for me, game over. Not to mention that now he lost me - a VIP from a strategic point of view and he will make other team members suffer as they cannot hire anyone for God knows how long due to financial restrictions, but someone will have to do the job anyway.

In the meantime, MoonMystic is back, I was really glad to see her as I've been needing some guidance for quite some time now and the last time she was very accurate about this job position I'm leaving behind. I only had time to quickly run through her latest reading for me, but it was much more positive, it gave me hope in this situation.

I hope you are well, hopefully nothing major happened so far in this celestial chaos that's been culminating for a while now...

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posted October 01, 2023 12:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

Sending you big hugsssssss!!!

I've been there before with employers and found them to be less than sensitive..not to mention some of the same kinds of drama I've experienced more recently were also a part of it..just didn't know it until later.

Hope your Grandma is doing okay and your mom is coping with all of it.

My mom is now in hospice (at home). I have people coming next week, so I'll be here off and on.

I looked at your chart and saw that around mid-February there should be some developments for you, but transiting Saturn will be squaring your natal Jupiter (feelings of hot and cold in relationships..delays..could be that you try to make something getting together with someone and it doesn't happen), but Saturn is now going forward, so that and I'm sure you saw the other 4 planets, plus the NN and chiron being retrograde..all but Uranus should be going direct before February..which will help things to progress forward..change is good..I also noticed that transiting Pluto is getting closer to your 4th house cusp as well...freedom..

Yes, it is good to have MoonMystic back..she is a very very good reader...I think her absence has made reading recipients even more appreciative of her she puts her heart and soul into her readings..

There's a full moon and lunar eclipse on my birthday in October, so I've thought about my mom as she now stays in bed and sleeps one day and then gets up the next day..transiting Uranus will also be right on my 4th house cusp around my birthday as well. Maybe she stays until my birthday. Years ago, my grandmother sent me a birthday card and then passed away seven days later (1992). It was a surprise even though she had been having dizzy spells.

Maybe detaching from your workplace will help further Emsie..take care..more hugs..


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