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Author Topic:   @Springtimeflower - Natal chart question

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posted January 31, 2024 08:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That is interesting about all the changes occuring for the people around you and your city/country. Maybe look at the chart for Hungary and/or if you know when your city was originated.

Thank you for the well wishes for my mom and pupper. I know that the transit of Pluto in Cap has a lot to do with my mom and can see it with the transit of Uranus as well. The pupper is doing better with the steroid meds the vet gave her and it saddens me to see her trying to scoot along without being able to use her back legs.

I may not be on here very much as taking care of the two of them has been busier than I thought.

Take care,

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posted February 24, 2024 12:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie,

Hope you are doing well.

I thought I would take a moment to say hi.

The crazy busy time has slowed a bit, but I'm anticipating more busy time next week as transiting Mercury more fully trines my natal Sun. Transiting mars is also squaring my natal Neptune, which has made me more tired than usual, so I'm eating my salad greens and also taking a break from my chores today.

Next week should be interesting for you with the sun and Mercury transiting your natal Venus, but then some of your sag planets will be squared by the sun and Mercury. Then there's today's full moon in Virgo.

My pupper got meds for a UTI a few weeks ago, but the Vet office didn't realize how critical their dosing instructions would she has a really bad one and stronger mom had some kind of a dream this morning..I remember her saying..what is this? and raising her hands..she is spiritual do a degree, but something popped up that was strange to her and then she kept looking at me..there are so many energies, etc. in this world..
I remember going to a German restaurant and picking up a take out order.. there was a woman at their bar that I found to be odd..made me think of an Android, but in flesh and bones..she noticed that I was wondering about her..maybe my face had a big question mark on it..her movements even seemed robotic, but a little smoother. Spirit once let me hear the brief non-human like communication/conversation between two of my past high school mates that were sitting across from me once..I had no idea what they were saying..I was told that they were starseeds..kind of like StarWars the movie, and their R2D2 character. Weird!

I took your lead on the clean out method you are using as well. It helps me to do that.

Take care,

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posted February 27, 2024 10:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

I've just read the other thread that your pupper got a wheelchair. I really hope the medicine will finally make the UTI go away as it is no joke, my cat used to have this and I was warned by the vet not to take it lightly as it can turn into a very serious condition within a few days time even

I can feel Pluto approaching my natal Saturn. Last week I came to the realisation that the life I've been building for myself for 10-11 years contains a certain part I will now have to tear down as that was built out of neccessity and not out of my true authentic self. The drawing class I attend on Fridays to get ready for the auditions happening in August helps me a lot as well. It turns out I still have a talent for drawing even after not doing it for 20 years at all.

I've suddenly noticed that as soon as I got out of my comfort zone and got a little bit closer to my lifestyle/career change and life purpose even my muscle knots became calm!! I've been fighting with them for more than 3 years - more frequently when they were triggered by work troubles and chronic stress - my masseuse couldn't make them disappear, either, as they were very stubborn. While I was letting go of the negativity of the previous workplace in January, for 2-3 weeks my left shoulder was so painful I even had to watch out for the pose while I tried to sleep...

And now, for 2 weeks as if nothing had happened before... The pain and uncomfortable feeling disappeared completely!

I read this Virgo Full Moon opposed Saturn and Mercury as well. 2 days later it turned out my 'friend' tried to hide certain things from me (Mercury-related communication stuff), but her karma (Saturn) came for her in a very surprising way via a common friend who unintentionally exposed her ways. Now my 'friend' is trying to cover up her we-know-what, tries to call me on the phone like a lunatic maniac, but what happened was pretty evident, so I don't need the unnecessary explanations. I posted a horary chart regarding this including the chart photo finally visible in the post:

I think I will pay much more attention to Saturn/Uranus related Full/New Moons in the future, the last time Saturn was attached to the Pisces Full Moon "those" awful karmic things were going on at my previous workplace...

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posted February 29, 2024 07:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

I came with an update, this Virgo Full Moon has officially started the Spring cleaning I've just eliminated this frenemy from my life. As expected, she tried to project all her insecurities on me and accused me of stuff she was the one actually doing... You can imagine the relief on my face, just another evil left my life for good... It's been brewing under the surface for a while, this wasn't the girl I've originally met before anymore. It's sad, but life goes on, I'm rebuilding mine slowly, but surely, a much more authentic version, but not everyone can come with me, definitely not people who lie in their own toxicity...

I will upload a few more charts for you soon regarding my new life phase ☺️ They look promising to me, but I think I will need a second opinion to confirm.

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posted March 02, 2024 09:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie,

I hope so, too, on my pupper, but it looks like what they prescribed for her UTI didn't fully work. It almost seems like she is reinfecting herself or is becoming resistant to this particular antibiotic. You read that the tree card could show her growing more nerves/veins and that makes sense as her tail and back legs are moving more. She just lacks attention from others and that is making it hard on her especially with all the down time. Another reader saw her health issues consuming a lot of my time and I can see it. My transits currently don't show it, so I decided to do a progressions chart. Wow! Plug in your data and run one of those for analysis as you might see more than these other charts.

I'm glad you are seeing some progress. Pluto tends to transform, so that's what you are seeing. I think that's great that all the stress that was affecting you now being gone has helped you to improve health wise.

When things change for me, with all I have on my shoulders, health wise things will also get better. I'm also trying to make changes and incorporate more water, etc. into my diet. My mother is getting harder to move and it makes it that much more difficult to help her.

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posted March 02, 2024 09:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The chart you shared on your post shows neptune in the 7th house, so that fits with you ex friend.

I'm not sure about the moon in virgo for me..most likely my pupper's situation. She's an Aries Sun and I noticed that Mercury in Aries will also go retrograde next month. It will be in my 3rd house. Most likely something to do with my siblings.

I'm glad the moon got you moving on the cleanout. I started working on mine before the pupper's legs gave out and now her UTI..maybe I don't get back to it until transiting pluto goes back into capricorn later this year.

I'll try to respond on what you post as soon as I can.

Glad that things are going well for you.

Take care,

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posted March 11, 2024 12:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

I'm quickly checking in, this ongoing Pisces/12H energy is not quite good for me, it is messing with my energy levels currently. Can't wait until Aries season starts from next week to be more energetic...

Yesterday my mother started to try to scare me (without looking deeper into things) about the health of my biological father and if he gets into a nursing home I will have to pay and my bank account will be frozen until the monthly fee gets paid, and things like that. I don't keep in touch with him, nor am I willing to ever again. I made my research recently about the topic and I think my mother is paranoid. Whenever it is about money she always gets triggered and spirals into negative thoughts and rambling. I also have 2 half-brothers, so I'm not the only child involved in the situation, too, to have every weight dropped on me.

In my country elderly people do not automatically get into live-in nursing homes if they are completely alone and have no one around to take care of them. There are also massive waiting lists to get into these homes. What normally should happen by default is getting a walk-in-home social worker (sent by the nursing home provider) helping out on a daily basis which is much more affordable. I looked the current local prices up and he should be able to pay the fee out of his pension for the walk-in-home option...

I'm not even sure if he'd choose to get into a live-in nursing home as there is an official protocol when the director of the nursing home drives to the home of the elderly, does the official health check to decide if there is indeed a need for any care at all. Then, in very rare and special cases when the health condition indicates, the director has to let the elderly know about the live-in option and the most important details including the monthly fee (which, on average, is at least TWICE the cost of the pension - if he's conscious about this fact that he wouldn't be able to afford it on his own and knows only 1 of my half-brother's whereabouts (and not mine), maybe there would be less chance of getting me into an unjust financial trouble. I always say the devil never sleeps and unfortunately my father is no exception as he's embodied evil in all his 75 years spent on Earth. So, I keep my fingers crossed he won't be evil regarding this and shove responsibility of his care and the costs on the 3 of us.

Anyway, I'm gonna have to seek out financial and legal help on how to prevent any worst case scenarios happening and how I can secure my spare money from being invaded. He doesn't have my phone number, nor any other information of me, but that doesn't mean anything, officials still can look for anyone's data these days...

I really do hope I won't have to pay anything as this is not why I worked and suffered hard for my earnings to be obliged to pay for someone's existence who doesn't even deserve my thoughts and attention, not even a single penny at all. Hopefully, my money and future money is not in danger...

How is your pupper progressing? Are there any improvements on the UTI?

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posted March 11, 2024 10:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

Wow, that 12th house/pisces energy seems to be invading you even at the financial level..making you worry. Does your BF know where your mother lives? Hopefully nothing comes of it. Here the insurance companies operate a lot like your government and your nursing homes. If one insurance company needs to pay a claim here, they will check to see if you have any other insurance to cover some of it, so they don't have to pay it all.

The pupper is doing so much better. The penacillin is working..had to ask for it. What's weird is that the vet at a second office (a different one than the first one I took her to) seemed to have the oddest facial expression while talking about the medicine and what I wanted. It was like a sheep's face that morphed into a wolf like face..maybe that's what spirit wanted me to see. I need to find another full service beyond the other one where I take her mostly for vac shots and discounted prices on her heartworm and flea protection meds. Too many unnecessary tests at these two offices. My brother kept thinking she had cancer or something else because the first two meds weren't working.

Sending you lots of hugs.

Remember, the Mercury retrograde (starts Apr 2nd) this time will be in Aries or your 7th house, so that makes sense with you getting legal advice. The retrograde ends on April 25th. We may be in its shadow already, too.

Take care,

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posted March 15, 2024 10:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

We will definitely need to seek out legal advice, and not because of me, but because of my mom who doesn't seem to be well informed on how the elderly care as well as the inheritance works in general. She's just complicating things with her lack of knowledge and spreads negativity which I try to avoid.

Yesterday, I received completely opposing information from my masseuse. If my father gets sick they probably wouldn't charge him or anyone else for a nursing home fee - if he cannot afford it on his own, then it wouldn't make any sense to send him into a live-in nursing home without any caretaker family members in sight... And if he dies probably I won't know much about that for quite some time if he cannot provide my contact information to anyone. He would be considered as an elderly without caretaker. In this case, the cremation is done and paid by the government. He only knows my half-brother's phone number, and knew my expired phone number, but I asked my mom NOT to share any information with him about me. A few years ago he started sending threatening letters to my mom demanding my number and writing other ugly and disgusting things... It was evident he's had psychological issues going on for a while... (This fact alone would make it so much more harder for him to get into a nursing home...)

So far, I'm fine and not worrying much about my spare money, I just have to find a good inheritance lawyer who can aid us with the necessary information.

In the meantime, I'm not even surprised inheriatnce and death comes up on a weekly basis. Pluto is getting nearer, and it turned out almost 2 weeks ago one of my neighbors has deceased. She was a very cute elderly lady I had the chance to talk to and help out for a few times. I've just noticed her obituary on the entrance door a few days ago... And wherever I go I can see black flags hanging, and it's getting more frequent.

I think I have another interpretation of transiting Pluto squaring my natal Venus - I've become slightly obsessed with skincare products a few weeks ago after noticing wrinkles on my forehead. My fight with aging has officially begun... I wonder if my natal Venus-Saturn square also means that I'm not aging well... I already have quite a few white hair, too, and it's getting worse. And the process of this latter transformation has started when Pluto entered Aqua for the first time last year. I think it activated my Venus-Saturn square.


Also, regarding my Venus-Saturn square... Today I wrote a comment about being attracted to teachers. I've just discovered that I have my DSC ruler Mars sextile Saturn 3H Aqua as well (conjunct my IC from 3H) - probably this is my attraction towards them.

But, at the same time, my Saturn-Juno conjunction is square my Venus 1H Scorp - this only brought rejection and restrictions so far with the other person being either in a committed relationship, or married and already having a family...

Now that transiting Pluto is activating these aspects do you think it has the capability to change and transform this dynamic? I think I need a confirmation on this if I'm on the right thinking path about this as sometimes I still lay cards about my future husband, and they often show he will have to make a decision to leave someone else in order to be with me. I also have a suspicion who this might be and he fits this dynamic so far (surprisingly enough not the 'old' person from 11 years ago...) Although, I'm rather 'attracted' to him in an intellectual way so far, but on a weekly basis I'm starting to feel he might have much more purpose and significance in my life for the years coming...

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posted March 18, 2024 09:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie,

It's really sad that your mother is having difficulties with understanding how the laws work in her own country. It's so different than it is here. In my country, if someone doesn't have a Trust or Estate set up, and they don't have a spouse to leave everything to, then everything goes to probate in the courts and that takes around nine months from start to completion. Sending you hugs.

The transit of Saturn to your natal Venus will help you to look at your relationships to see what you are getting out of them as compared to what you are putting in to them. It's very possible that you will also change your appearance as well. Weight loss can also be part of those style, etc. It's also a time to take better care of yourself.
It can be a lonely time, too. The white hair may be a magnesium deficiency in your diet. You may also stand up for yourself more after re-evaluating the relationships you have around you.

Not sure about the teacher aspect, but I've had a similar experience with my third house ruler sitting in my 9th and trine my descendant..almost dated a college professor, but didn't. He was in the middle of a divorce, but I didn't think it wasn't appropriate to date your teacher..the ninth house is usually higher education and the 3rd more like grade school. I had a really good looking computer class teacher. I have also had teachers that were attracted to me as well. Interesting that you brought that up.

The transits of pluto will usually remove something you don't need and replace it with something better. Ever since the transit of pluto went over my ascendant a few years ago, I haven't had many teachers around me, but haven't taken any classes in a good while.

Sorry for the late reply. Hope your Gran is doing okay. Maybe your mom is stressing over her and it's affecting her memory, etc.

Take care,

p.s. There's a full moon at 5 degrees of Libra coming up on the 25th and there's an eclipse along with it. Maybe you'll get some clarity on the inheritance issue then.

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posted April 29, 2024 10:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

It's been quite a while since my last reply, sorry for the delay. Eclipse season has been pretty rough for me followed by Mars in Pisces... Energy levels lower than Atlantis, but now I'm getting better. Waiting for Mars to enter Aries.

I'm still searching for a new job and waiting for a good opportunity. I was anticipating one due to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction exactly opposing my natal Pluto. Whenever something involves my Pluto a change is happening in my 2H matters. I anticipated a positive change just to receive a mail today that another candidate was chosen for the last position I applied and interviewed for. It was promising, but turned out to be a bust. I was planning to start working around mid-May, but looks like it gets delayed...

My gran is fortunately doing much better, rehabilitation helps a lot with her condition. I hope your mom and the pupper is also doing better!

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posted May 15, 2024 08:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I came with another update. I swear there is something powerful when Pluto goes Rx... Last year when it happened in May my gran had a stroke, and a few days ago on Monday evening I received news that the mother of my mom's cousin has also deceased, unfortunately. It happened last Saturday.

From Saturday to this Tuesday I had a clairescent (clear smelling) experience. I started smelling wet black ground which was dug up. It has a really pungent smell in general which cannot be mistaken for anything else. It was randomly lingering around me for a few minutes each day. On Sunday when I visited my mom I even asked her while sitting at the windowsill if her jade plants started rotting, or something. I asked her to come closer and sniff around, but she didn't smell anything. I was so astonished in that moment... On Monday I took a walk and I was sitting on a bench in a park when the smell started lingering around me again for the 3rd time. And later that day I received the call about the deceased relative...

This might sound quite spooky, but somehow I feel this was the way she let me know that she was in the spirit world already and a way of saying goodbye to me.

The elderly lady living on the below ground has started renovating her home as well... In the morning hours there is a lot of noise, but the process should take only 2 weeks according to her notification.

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posted May 16, 2024 09:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

I haven't forgotten about you. Started to look at your chart and noticed transiting mars squaring your natal neptune, which may make you feel discouraged..lasts until around mid week next week. Hope to be able to respond more tomorrow.

Take care,

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posted May 23, 2024 08:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

I think you're totally right as I can already feel my mood lighten up slowly. Way too many squares in the last couple of months...

Transiting NN is also squaring my Cap planets and now I had to realize Chiron did the same. Later this year it'll retrograde back to 19 degrees, then go for my DSC and 7H to square my Saturn/IC. I don't suspect anything good from this as transiting Pluto will be involved as well... especially during 2025-2028. I have a few ideas what this might be about, and I'm pretty sure more childhood issues could resurface from my unconscious.

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posted June 21, 2024 08:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 21, 2024 09:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie,

Sorry for the delay in responding sooner. My mom passed away yesterday and the days leading up to it were exhausting. Luckily she had her final arrangements set up years ago, but there's still a few things to take care of.

I hope to get back to you soon.

Take care,

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posted June 22, 2024 02:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Omg Spring, just take your time, I'm so sorry for your loss 💙💙💙 Hopefully she's in a better place now and didn't suffer 🙏🙏🙏 The timing stands out to me as today was the Cap Full Moon at a very early degree. Saturnian culmination and new beginning... I recall prior discussions about the Moon when the time would eventually come and for a potential move as well.

I've just found this article regarding a Chinese Moon mission.

Next month there will be another Cap Full Moon, but at the last degrees, I think this might mean that most things, especially the official ones will be finished up for good 1 month from now. I will be checking the thread from time to time.

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posted June 25, 2024 01:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie,

Thank you. Trying to get ready for her services on Thursday while I wait for paperwork, which will be delayed of a holiday next week. Also taking some time to relax and gather my mom's things together and what no one wants I will donate them.

The full moons make sense..

Hopefully I'll be back soon.

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posted July 06, 2024 10:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 11, 2024 01:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 11, 2024 05:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring,

I'm quickly checking in. I hope everything is getting sorted out slowly, but surely, and that you feel ok despite the circumstances. A few weeks ago I found out about this thing called 'Swedish death cleaning', I wasn't even surprised... I was contemplating rearranging furniture and painting the walls white for a while now to at least make my home seem like there is some minimalism in it. And then, I suddenly found these YT videos about not only elderly people, but basically anyone else cleaning and downsizing gradually - with the main essence being "What would I leave behind if I was gone?" and not dropping a burden onto others as a 'heirloom'.

There's even a book about it I'm planning to buy and somehow get my mom read it, because she's a hoarder. Even to the extent of hoarding bad food in the fridge and the freezer for long months, sometimes even for years... I suggested her a few times to start cleaning it out in parts, because her partner's birthday is in a few days and I have a gift which requires enough space in the fridge. So far she has done nothing, of course.

In the meantime, I've collected a lot of clothes I no longer wear as a 30'er, even found quite a few unused pair of socks I wouldn't like to wear. I decided to pack these and donate to a local charity for kids.

On a different note, I still haven't succeeded in finding a new job, there were offers I accepted, but either the leadership suddenly decided not to open the positions due to low budget, or the person I would have replaced withdrew the resignation. That Uranus conjunct MC in my Solar Return chart is not so kind to me in career matters. It's been literally liberating me from work for almost 8 months now... I've had a few readings before suggesting a start day in Leo/Virgo season, so I'm guessing Aug/Sept time. If you have some time could you please check if the coming weeks/months will be favorable for some work action? 😊

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posted July 15, 2024 12:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In the meantime, I've just had a realization that 2026 should be quite interesting and eventful for me. Around mid-year transit Pluto will reach my IC and simultaneously trine transit Uranus in my natal 8H. If I'd get into the ceramics class that would be the time for my graduation as well (opp MC). I'm hoping for a move, too, especially to a house...

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posted July 16, 2024 09:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie,

I don't have a subscription to the NY Times, so I could only see part of the article you gave me the link for, but I think they had already gone there. I will need to move once my mother's house is sold, so I'm anticipating busy days ahead. The last time I moved, the realtor said take your time, we know you have your mom and dog to take care of..then they said the new owners wanted to move in quickly..then it was time to scramble..right now I'm clearing away things and minimizing any distractions. I probably won't be on here for a while.

The full moon will be on the 20th of this month, so it should be interesting as the transit of mars will be squaring my natal uranus..a good time to stay home for the day(s) surrounding the exact square..

I had to put the downsizing on hold after my mom passed, so I could take care of her stuff..had my siblings over, so they could take what they wanted and then cleaning out a good amount afterwards, but the rest I need to still go through..some of her flowers can be used in my parents grave vase, etc. There's sibling issues as well and other drama.

Here's what I see happening for you astrologically at the moment:

Transiting Pluto is conjuncting your natal Saturn and 4th house cusp and opposing your natal Chiron. This will be going on until January of 2027. The transit is affecting how you think about your status and reputation as well as what you aspire to career like you know..the 10th house relates to career and the 6th is work that you do to be of service to others. You may find other work until your career ambitions take off. With Aquarius as part of that square it can make you feel like freedom is most important and can't wait for things to change, but sometimes there are other things to work through before the change actually occurs..with saturn and pluto in the mix these changes can occur quickly, but also gradually. Transiting Pluto is also squaring your natal Venus as well (you see this) and thats all part of the changes you're undergoing.

That being said, the earliest opportunity for getting a new job is late July thru the first few days of August. Don't forget about the mercury retrograde coming and that window of opportunity will be in its shadow, so you may not finalize anything on this until later in the month.

Hope this helps.

The pupper is 100 percent now or seems to be, but she still doesn't have the use of her back legs. On the 20th it will be six months..and that's how long it took my siblings dauschund to get her legs back. It's very time consuming to help her and she isn't very patient.

Take care,

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posted July 29, 2024 06:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Emsie!

I re-read your messages and think the Swedish Death Cleaning is interesting..I just don't know how much space I will reader told me that my next house will be modest, but there are some really small ones out there, too. I'm still catching up with the stuff I couldn't get to very well while taking care of my mom. My fur babies wheelchair wasn't set up right although the sibling that was helping was adamant that it was right..I ordered two smaller rear harnesses today and will keep the one that fits the best and return the other one.

I felt like I didn't answer all that you wrote about earlier.. hopefully this Mercury retrograde will bring you good things.. tomorrow I will finally get something hopefully done that I tried to get done right before my mom passed..

Not sure if the pupper will get her rear legs back, but I remain hopeful.

I should be back sooner..

Take care,

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posted August 12, 2024 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring ☺️

I'll be back asap to react to your posts. Life has suddenly gotten really busy by officially having a job finally. Your timeline window was 100% correct

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