Topic: @Springtimeflower - Natal chart question
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted August 18, 2022 05:46 AM
Hi Springtimeflower, it's been quite a long time since we've talked. I hope you and your fam are well!  I have a question regarding my natal chart. I can recall in the last few years you and a few other members wrote (both chart and card readings) that my future spouse would possibly be a foreigner. I remember I hadn't really been too keen on and open-minded about the idea, but now there has been signs of this scenario playing out. I wouldn't go into details just yet, I don't want to spoil anything.  Are there other signs in my chart pointing at a foreigner spouse other than (Aries) 7H ruler Mars being in my (Saggie) 2H (conjunct Mercury)? Also, within a few years Pluto will start transiting my natal (Aqua) IC & 4H. I have a suspicion I might actually end up relocating abroad. Are there such signs showing the possibility in my chart? I am also looking at my natal (Gemini) 9H ruler Mercury waving hello from that Sag 2H. I post my chart as well in case it's needed: IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted August 18, 2022 02:17 PM
Hi Emsie!Sounds like you have been busy in a good way! Yes, I have also enjoyed corresponding with you as well. I did finally move. I'm still busy downsizing, etc. and have thought about a reading you gave me as well. You talked about a blockage of sorts and I made some headway on that real recently..related to my father. Had a huge release, but still feel like I have a bit more to do there. In looking again at your chart...mercury next to mars (mercury also reflects your hopes and wishes..possibly meeting your partner through friends)...jupiter is now transiting your 5th house of romance...when it reaches your 7th house cusp..this could represent a culmination of what's occurring now. The religion, philosophies or feeling strongly about this or their values I remember were part of what you had seen with a prospective partner..with mars in your 2nd, they would be a source of income for you...but I think mars' ancient ruler was scorpio and with your natal pluto sitting near your 2nd house cusp..this reinforces the above. Drastic change, too. Look at any transits to your natal venus (natural 7th house ruler)..later this year or early next year it saturn should start trining it and bring a new stability to it. Also, note the current saturn transit to your natal moon square pluto saturn conjuncts your natal moon, it will put restrictions on you (if you are trying to control things), but could also just reflect delays...the saturn transit conjunct your natal moon speaks of the adage..with freedom comes great responsibility, but in the case of saturn it could also reflect being overworked unless you change... Your 3rd house ruler is also in the 11th house and squares your mercury and mars in 2nd..showing a potential of mental expansion/ will grow to see things differently..big picture..with respect to foreigners, which will help with acceptance for your cultural differences... You also have cancer intercepted in the 9th house and sitting in the 4th and sextile to your sag sun in 2nd house...setting up household (in foreign country?) Spring IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted August 25, 2022 10:42 AM
quote: Originally posted by Springtimeflower: I did finally move. I'm still busy downsizing, etc. and have thought about a reading you gave me as well. You talked about a blockage of sorts and I made some headway on that real recently..related to my father. Had a huge release, but still feel like I have a bit more to do there.
Omg, what a synchronicity that I asked about a potential relocation when it happened for you as well! I remember there was something about a potentially sunny and warm place, too. Funny enough, I've been also contemplating downsizing for a while now, and now that Virgo season has finally arrived it gave me the kick in the bum to get busy cleaning up little by little (and slowly prepare for that move even if only God knows when it would eventually happen after all...) IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted August 25, 2022 11:49 AM
quote: In looking again at your chart...mercury next to mars (mercury also reflects your hopes and wishes..possibly meeting your partner through friends)...jupiter is now transiting your 5th house of romance...when it reaches your 7th house cusp..this could represent a culmination of what's occurring now. The religion, philosophies or feeling strongly about this or their values I remember were part of what you had seen with a prospective partner..with mars in your 2nd, they would be a source of income for you...but I think mars' ancient ruler was scorpio and with your natal pluto sitting near your 2nd house cusp..this reinforces the above. Drastic change, too.
The person in question is literally the best friend of my ex-colleague I've become friends with at my last company I worked for. I still haven't met him in person yet as he is fully immersed in work and trying to stand his ground in a different country, but my friend told me the last time he should fly and visit our country again around August/September. We would have met back in July when there was a Pride marching organized in our capital (very 11H and Aqua theme, screams human rights) - regarding this, we both are asexual and share very similar values in general as it turned out from our common friend.  For sure, it would be a drastic change for me to move because of anyone in general, especially for my finances (and ownership/possessions - see my thoughts about this topic below). I am in major saving mode now, I sense relocation would be a huge source of spending at the beginning (trying to rent a home, finding a new job, etc.) quote: Look at any transits to your natal venus (natural 7th house ruler)..later this year or early next year it saturn should start trining it and bring a new stability to it. Also, note the current saturn transit to your natal moon square pluto saturn conjuncts your natal moon, it will put restrictions on you (if you are trying to control things), but could also just reflect delays...the saturn transit conjunct your natal moon speaks of the adage..with freedom comes great responsibility, but in the case of saturn it could also reflect being overworked unless you change...
At the end of October there will be a Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio (transiting Venus also joining the party). Not sure if it counts, or will have any effect in my life, because it will widely conjunct my natal Venus at 6 degrees. Also, regarding the transiting Saturn conj. natal Moon + square natal Pluto effect... I definitely wanted to mention a few things I have already started in my previous reply. For a few months now I started feeling oppressed and restricted indeed - emotionally and mentally. I felt it the most when Saturn touched my Moon again (exact conjunction). For the first time around it was only about my workplace affecting my soul, my job was so oppressive it caused me my 2nd burnout within a year, since then I resigned, decided to apply for less demanding positions and in the meantime - between jobs - I'm on a voluntary sabbatical immersing myself in major self-love and self-care. I gave up control and I decided to just go with the flow and see where it takes me, even if I end up jobless for a few months. Now, for the 2nd time, the heavy soul feeling is originating from my own homeland - we have a disgusting government. Simply put. I wouldn't go into further details, in a nutshell there are serious issues with their mentality and how they lead my country and treat inhabitants. I feel like as if I lived in a trauma bond, an abusive relationship with my own homeland alongside with 3+ million brainswashed with Stockholm-syndrome... One day I realized I am growing my country out bigtime and I won't be willing to put up with their #&@* for the long haul. I need a healthy environment where they allow me to grow and evolve and most importantly be completely myself without any negative remarks. Stepping over boundaries, sexism and stomping on basic human rights just won't do for me. I'm pretty sure my Pluto also has to do with this, as I am feeling my life and my identity completely transforming. I still have a way to go, but all I know my life has already started to leave behind the old, but the new is not on the horizon yet. Honestly, I don't know where I might end up, which sometimes makes me a little bit scared. And Saturn is also waving hello making me feel restricted and stuck in the inbetween - I crave movement in my life and circumstances/people who accept me for who I am, but it is still not the right time as it seems... One thing I was recalled to mention - the wardrobe topic. Before this existential crisis kicked in somehow I started to feel the need to be as simple and live a simple, clutterless life as possible. I couldn't really put a finger on where it came from, I just had this feeling. And now, after *we know what* hit the fan my aim has consciously become to reduce my garments to a certain amount to reach "my life fits in 2 big luggages" stage even more... preparing in advance for that potential relocation when the time comes to take the plunge. Interestingly enough, in the last couple of months my mom was also stuck on the topic of furniture like an old record. She wanted me to buy a brand new sofa, but those are very expensive where I live, so I told her no thank you. In general, I wouldn't spend a fortune on a place which does not even belong under my ownership. Ownership is also something I've been contemplating these days heavily. I came to the conclusion I'd feel much more light and free (mentally, emotionally and physically) if I wouldn't possess a lot of things. I have much less stuff than the 'average', but still I feel the need to reduce garments and spare my money for much more important things for the future. My aunt tried to persuade me into getting a loan and buy my own home, but this is certainly NOT an option for me. It has never been, and not because of financial reasons as I'm eligible already, but because I wouldn't want to anchor myself for decades to a country like this (not to mention Ukraine is our 'neighbor' and there is a war). Whenever I imagine this scenario I get sick to my stomach... There will be a 3rd round of the Saturn conj. natal Moon theme sometime around next January. I expect another round of mood swings and being down the dumps, but I am curious what might be the source of that - a new theme causing feeling restricted and oppressed emotionally, or the continuation of the homeland misery... quote: Your 3rd house ruler is also in the 11th house and squares your mercury and mars in 2nd..showing a potential of mental expansion/ will grow to see things differently..big picture..with respect to foreigners, which will help with acceptance for your cultural differences...
Recently, I have read a book from a girl called Rahaf Mohammed who fled from her homeland to Canada (she was tweeting about her escape while being captured in Thailand). There is a part in it where she wrote about her current challenges, even though she's been living in Canada for a few years now, but even to these days she is still struggling with certain coping mechanisms and family patterns from her childhood. I think for me it would be something similar, a few days ago I remember I wrote my friend that it is so easy to get used to #&@* (be it relationship with a person, or a country, etc.), but it is a huge challenge to get rid of that and get used to healthier things. I think at the beginning it would feel like "too good to be true" for me and perhaps I would search for/think of things which could potentially go wrong. Certainly, much less drama and 'abuse' would feel really strange, but ultimately it is what I am striving for. Unfortunately, I inherited this negative mindset (my mom and aunt are big on this one, especially my aunt... huge surges of negativity coming from her...) Not to mention my traumatic childhood and family patterns (Marsian war-like theme) where abuse used to be the "norm" (it is not and shouldn't be...) It is so easy to get stuck in these thought processes, but the thirst for learning and expansion has always been so much bigger in my case, and I don't think this will ever change. It is always a major motivation to ascend and don't ever stop. quote: You also have cancer intercepted in the 9th house and sitting in the 4th and sextile to your sag sun in 2nd house...setting up household (in foreign country?)
I made some research as well regarding charts of certain countries. Not sure if this is a valid observation regarding my own chart (both 9H ruler and the Cancer intercept) and has to do anything with my potential future spouse, but the person in question was born in the USA - a Cancer ruled country, and now lives in Denmark - a Gemini ruled country. He used to live in my country as well, one of his parents is certainly from my country. My person is native American, but has a Hungarian name. This might be a rather silly question, but do you see any signs of perhaps acquiring dual citizenship as well? That Gemini seems very encouraging to me as it is also known for duality. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted August 27, 2022 08:54 PM
Hi Emsie!Thank you for the feedback. I haven't forgotten about you. It has just been a busy week for me...stuff for the pup this past week and the week before my mom.. Just to clarify..on my move it will most likely be temporary as I anticipate things changing down the mom will be 99 next year.. I'd be curious to know what your cards might say about me moving I think about a dream I once had and also another reader mentioned something that fit in with the's interesting how each reader picks up different I also think what was in that dream will be temporary as well...transiting uranus is getting closer to conjuncting my 4th house cusp 21 deg another dream I saw a different home (I think)...thought it might be an idea for my book, though, but what another reader noted makes sense with what was said to me in the second dream.. I should be able to take another look at your chart tomorrow and hopefully answer further.. Thank you, Spring
IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted August 28, 2022 09:13 PM
On your dual citizenship question and this seems to fit with your potential partner. Look at your 7th house cusp..Aries, which would be their 1st house and Taurus on their 2nd and then Gemini on the 3rd...his coworkers, neighbors and friends which would be the Danish people around them. Their 4th house then would be in Cancer or homeland...the 9th house for you also rules your in-laws...if you knew his rising sign and unless he had intercepted houses, for Hungary his partner's 4th house cusp would be Leo and making his ascendant or 1st house Scorpio..Hope this helps you some.. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 01, 2022 09:30 AM
Hi Spring,I shuffled my deck on your situation/question and guess which card jumped again - The Sun  I pulled a few more cards to clarify: Ace of Swords Wheel of Fortune 6 of Swords Bottom cards: Tower + Fool I think your dreams and intuition is right as the Wheel of Fortune speaks volumes in the middle of the spread, especially with the 6 of Swords. The Ace signifies here a clear inner vision and guidance. On this card an eagle is sitting on the handle of the sword, its eyes are covered for safety reasons (cannot see the 3D physical realm) What I immediately heard the phrase "the eagle has landed" by Neil Armstrong. I just made a research and looked up Lunar Module Eagle - again the Moon analogy here with the inner guidance. You exactly know it's gonna happen sooner or later, and it will. With the 2 bottom cards I think it might be very sudden, or some kind of unexpected element is attached to the circumstances perhaps. For me both Tower and Fool cards are very Uranian with the surprise and spontane element. Either some kind of sudden outside influence would make you move again (coming from landlord, the situation with your mother, etc.), or from that Uranus transit you might decide one day to spread your wings and fly to that sunny and warm spot just like that.  Within a few years time Pluto will start transiting my 4H. I'm a bit scared, but Pluto transits are said to be slower and profound changes, so at the same time I'm glad it's not Uranus as I don't think I could handle constant sudden changes and surprises regarding my foundation. It has enough Uranian energy with Aquarius. Hopefully you won't have to experience move after move. But it's definitely a very good idea to downsize in advance.  IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 01, 2022 10:27 AM
Many thanks again for taking a look at my chart, I think I've learned something new today thanks to you, I really appreciate what you wrote!  Unfortunately, I don't have his chart, nor his DOB, but the foreigner in-laws definitely fit the picture. One possible sibling (sister) still lives in the US, too (based on online research) Also, I just made some more research and wanted to briefly mention that The Netherlands is also among the countries I would choose to move to as I speak their language. I found a few sources that it is possibly a Leo country. I wanted to mention this as well, because when I started to follow your description I discovered Leo would be on the 4th house cusp. Looking at my 9th I find it really fascinating that it is basically shared between 3 signs, a little bit of Gemini, a little bit of Leo, and lot of Cancer in the middle. To be honest, I wouldn't entirely exclude the possibility of moving more than once. Whomever is my future spouse I would definitely try to bring up the topic of moving to the Netherlands It would be a bit easier to get opportunities. One thing is sure for me (getting back to that Gemini on my 9th cusp) - multilingualism and multinationality is probably involved. My person might be bilingual, although I am not entirely sure about that. ETA: Just for fun and entertainment purposes I am sharing my slight 'struggle' with you I laid some cards for myself as well, because I can recall I've never actually asked about the nationality of my future spouse. World Page of Cups 3 of Wands Bottom: Moon At first, I thought it might be a fixed sign country, but then I saw my World card doesn't depict fixed signs, instead all the elements (there is a Sword, a Cup, a Wand and a Pentacle in the 4 corners). On the 3 of Wands there is also an eagle flying far away. While I was shuffling my deck the Star and the Ace of Swords also peeked out for me, too. I immediately thought about the messages I got for you above - that I either already know the answer and know who it is, or the Neil Armstrong quote with the Moon analogy (and his nationality), or both. Especially with Moon on the bottom of the deck. Then, I remembered the Bald eagle is a major American symbol. Even though, on my cards those are not adult Bald eagles, one of them is possibly an immature one (3 of Wands), and the other looks like a Crowned eagle (Ace of Swords). IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 01, 2022 02:31 PM
I am back with a quick check-in, because I have just bumped into photos on my instagram feed which might be confirmation for both of us. I thought I would share it with you as I found it way too fascinating not to.  The first one was a tattoo about the Moon and the surrounding magic with stars. The next photo was a tarot card from the Spacious Tarot deck - "The Hanged One" card. I was literally like OMG, looked exactly like what I saw when the Neil Armstrong quote came to my mind! What the Earth might have looked like during the moonwalk. There must be something very mooney and spacey in the air a few days ago I even read about the new space project of NASA (Artemis) And yesterday I listened to a song about the Moon by Karen O & Ezra Koenig ETA: What I heard was to maybe check out the mission launch dates as they might serve as some type of clue when the next move would be 'launched' 😊 Or, the Artemis project will become a major topic when the next move will be on the horizon.  IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted September 02, 2022 10:28 PM
Hi Emsie!Thank you! Interestingly, I've been following the Artemis rocket attempt is tomorrow at 2:17pm..till 4:17pm..I'm about 50 miles from the space my move(s) will correspond with a person actually stepping foot on the moon.. I don't think they have a date set for that, but they are working on advancing things fairly quickly..I'm thinking there will only be two moves.. I agree it will be sudden and I'm not to know..who would want to know..especially if it had to do with my mom?? On your Pluto transit to your 4th house cusp...check to see if it trines or squares your 1st and 7th houses...when pluto conjuncted my first house, it trined my 4th and 10th houses..there were no extreme changes like I had read of what others experienced..but I have trines from my 1st to 4th house and 7th to 10th squares..with your pluto transit..the place you are at could have plumbing safe, too, with locking doors, etc. usually pluto will remove something to don't need and replace it with something better.. I have thought about my options once things change and know with the market the way it is, I would most likely move temporarily and then move again..maybe I meet a great guy or the one during my temporary home and then move..the thrift stores have been running out of stuff to sell due to the rise in inflation and people looking for cheap alternatives to home items, etc. so it's a good time to donate things..sometimes I'm not sure what to keep..but out of the blue I think of what to use for one of my clean out projects--making something with crafting stuff (pine cones, wire and glitter to add to a flower arrangement--just need to get some long wooden florist sticks (to attach the pine cones to) then give it away..
I'm glad I could help you with looking at your chart..I had been checking here a few times over the days before your post, so maybe I was meant to see your post.. Believe it or not, but I think I remember seeing that Hungary was also a Leo country..the Netherlands are nice, have met people from there and they seem to be courteous and kind.. I found your interpretation of the cards related to nationalities interesting..I struggle with visual characteristics in looking at the cards more than just the behavioral ones.. The dual citizenship and the intercepted houses make sense as I have dreamed of my guy..he's from another country..I have leo intercepted in my 7th house.cancer on the cusp...think he lives here, but is from elsewhere...I also noticed online that all cities are ruled by signs, too.. I'll have to look to see what other dates are scheduled for their artemis interesting.. Oh, I had a dream about another guy from the past this morning..his family is from another country and his sun is in cancer, moon in aquarius, but interesting thing is that transiting uranus is conjuncting his natal venus and I think his natal uranus squares it..he seemed so attracted to me in high school, but had since married and has been for a long time...I've had a reader refer to us a kindred spirits, but not meant to be together in this lifetime..I think him popping up in my dream will help me to resolve my natal mercury square saturn...I think he wanted to take me to the prom, but back then I felt like Cinderella before her transformation... (putting up with her wicked step mother and sisters)..Stoika had just posted a chart interpretation on that natal aspect between mercury and saturn, which reminded me again about my past struggle with self worth..I just now remembered what a guy (an engineer) had said to me while out at lunch on a date...your life must be so much more complicated than mine..people can be so cruel.. Pluto works better when you go with the flow...usually you'll know if you need to change something..I moved out of the other house, so I could have more stability.. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 06, 2022 07:47 AM
I have a fresh update regarding the in-law topic - looks like the person in question surely has 1 or 2 sisters and both living in the US, and there seems to be an American mother figure with them as well. No info about the father in the picture yet, but their surname is surely originating from my country (and the first name of my person).I searched for the city they live in (Boston - I assume it's also their birthplace) according to your suggestion that cities also have charts and zodiac signs. I found 2 dates, one is the date of naming the city (September 7, 1630), the other one is the date of the settlement (September 17, 1630) For this latter date I found a chart. Actually, I was surprised when I saw it, because I discovered a few similarities with my own (placement of houses, a few planets) Not sure if I'm allowed to post links, but I found the chart on Astrotheme. As for the card visuals - I often use the After Tarot deck based on the RWS deck, but has more details added and sometimes a fairly future-y vibe  Currently I'm in a phase of my life where I kind of feel Saturn with its tough love teaches me to choose going with the flow and be patient if I want progress, because running in circles would complicate things more. I've started to have this uncanny sense that perhaps this period serves as a purpose to prepare me for what's coming in with the Pluto transit. What you wrote in your previous reply quote: Pluto works better when you go with the flow...usually you'll know if you need to change something..I moved out of the other house, so I could have more stability..
I think I already feel the wind of the need for change, and for the same reason - to try to create more stability in my life than what I have right now (mainly mentally and emotionally) IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted September 07, 2022 10:39 PM
Hi Emsie!The Virgo influence on Boston makes sense as it does seem clean and seem to also look at all the possibilities with reference to your person of interest..I think of the Jupiter transit, which will go back into Pisces later this year and then start to oppose my natal Venus by early next year..when I look at where I currently live, it feels as though I've turned over every rock so to speak.. Maybe step back and look to see where you are at and how well you would be for a transition including emotions..I've thought about old beau's and thought about one or two that didn't end of them I don't think ever told me how he felt in words..another one didn't understand the choice I made..breakup..mainly because I didn't want to live in his hometown..he moved back to the area in which he had been born.. don't think he ever forgave me..there was a book I read once that was called Soul Mating to Soul talked about non-negotiable things like whether you could date someone who smoked, etc..but I know that we attract someone given how we feel about ourselves and I learned that early on in the dating world.. It's like being the person that you are meant to be and your ideal partner would like to be with.. Aside from an unexpected thing popping up today.. precautionary boiled water notice for 48 hrs..most likely associated with the Uranus transit getting closer to my 4th house cusp...and opposing my Mars near my midheaven making things hectic at times and possibly me dropping weird doesn't look like the astronauts will land on the moon via Artemis until May 2024..need to check for the new launch date for their first liftoff.. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 14, 2022 07:59 AM
quote: doesn't look like the astronauts will land on the moon via Artemis until May 2024..need to check for the new launch date for their first liftoff..
I've just read that China is also planning to have 3 Moon missions. There are no solid dates announced yet, they mentioned "within this decade". I find it fascinating that earlier (many Moons ago ) there was competition between the USA and Russia for the Moon, and now it is USA and China. Who knows maybe Russia will join the game as well. I just wanted to mention this as perhaps your next moving date might happen within a couple of years alongside with the first upcoming Moon mission - regardless of nation. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 14, 2022 08:34 AM
quote: Maybe step back and look to see where you are at and how well you would be for a transition including emotions..I've thought about old beau's and thought about one or two that didn't end of them I don't think ever told me how he felt in words..another one didn't understand the choice I made..breakup..mainly because I didn't want to live in his hometown..he moved back to the area in which he had been born.. don't think he ever forgave me..there was a book I read once that was called Soul Mating to Soul talked about non-negotiable things like whether you could date someone who smoked, etc..but I know that we attract someone given how we feel about ourselves and I learned that early on in the dating world..It's like being the person that you are meant to be and your ideal partner would like to be with..
Ahh, I totally get this one!! In July I talked to a few guys from a dating group for asexual people. My ex-colleague recommended it and I thought it was worth giving a shot. Actually, I wasn't looking for a partner at all as I have my solid opinion about dating apps/groups and the people there in general (and not without reason as it turned out again a few months ago ). I solely wanted to open up a little bit and hear the side of these guys with the same orientation as mine. After a little while I ended all conversations with all of them for the exact same reasons you mentioned above. In general, I think love in itself is not enough to keep a relationship between two going for a long time if their lives, expectations and goals are really not in sync. I find it really interesting you shared your story about not moving, because this was one of my main issues with these guys (alongside with their individual mental disorders, etc.) - One guy lived in a remote and off-grid place behind God's back with no proper public transportation (I work in our capital city because of my friends and for the much better range of salary, so great and effortless transportation is a MUST, and sometimes a little noise does not hurt ) The other guys lived far away from me in different parts of my country. Exactly those areas where I would not go to live, even if they would pay me for it. They weren't aligned with my life goals at all. I am open to moving, but only if it helps me ascend and have a slightly better quality life that I have right now. In the meantime, I managed to find out the DOB of my current person of interest, although I have no exact hour and minute, so noon was set as default and there are no houses and ASC unfortunately. Yesterday I looked at his chart, then our synatry, and believe it or not, I've been contemplating the exact same topic about compatibility. I think the things I observed from the synastry are pretty much valid IRL. I can post both if you have some time to look at it. Also, it was confirmed he has 2 sisters, one of them is his "Irish twin" and they grew up together, ever since they've been really close to each other. And their father has deceased, so there is an absent dad situation in the background. Also, I am 1,5 years senior to my person. He is going through his Saturn return for which I am really grateful and hopeful it would make him a slightly bit more mature and responsible - exactly what I am looking for. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted September 15, 2022 09:50 PM
Hi Emsie!On the China space wouldn't surprise me to see the U.S. try to speed there mission up..already trying to get a waiver on a particular test...before the next launch instead of returning it to the building where the test needs to happen.. I'm not too up on things..had to look up what asexual was..some health problems that come from stress, etc. can create low libido in people, hence lack of attraction..and depending on how their home life was over the years..some may have been that way for a long time.. On the guy that I didn't want to move to where he came from,,I also noticed that he spent most of his money..wasn't a saver..even told me he bought an antique table with his last dollars..that was kind of a red of his parents had had heart surgery in the past and the other one was due to have their surgery not long after we parted..he was pushy about me moving and then I found out later that he hooked up with the realtor that showed him his apartment..he also married her and had kids..bumped into one of his friends that still lived a class I attended in college, they used breeding with animals to explain why humans pick the mates that we do..good I saw his parents with heart problems and his eating habits weren't too good..he liked rich desserts and other non-heart friendly foods.. Interesting about your friend having a twin...just post his date of birth...I mentally plug in his planets from my Ephemeris into your chart. I get a lot of info from just the synastry of aspects between the birth dates. I'm making some headway with things, but it's slow and going.. I'll be getting a new neighbor across the street--most likely when transiting Mercury goes direct next month. Do your cards see any interaction with the new neighbor or what they will be like? I pulled some cards, but it would be interesting to see what you get. Thank you, Spring IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 17, 2022 01:44 PM
I'm back with my other deck this time called Tarot of Pagan Cats  [Temperance] [2 of Swords] [Fool] Bottom cards: Page of Swords + High Priestess I think at the beginning (from few weeks to few months) there might be radio silence. Interestingly enough, this time I was reminded of the scene of two cats being carefully introduced to each other in a very slow process - regardless of the cat imagery of the cards  Treading slowly what came to my mind, also, being cautious, checking each other out from afar before taking the plunge for the initial introduction. As for what type of person might the new neighbor be - I'd say perhaps socially awkward a bit, uncomfortable at the beginning, slow to trust and open up. But when this latter will happen there is an opportunity for great conversations (might be short or longer). The person might also be fascinated by the spiritual world, but I feel being perceived/acting as mysterious, possibly won't reveal much about personal life. Or, rather over time tiny snippets. Might even stalk you from behind their curtains out of curiosity either at daylight, or night time. This HP card has 2 curtains open and the Moon above with a black cat sitting on the windowsill. Probably you wouldn't notice them stalking. Black cats have a great disguise at night, except the glowing eyes. They might even have cats. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 17, 2022 03:58 PM
His DOB: 31 August 1993 BOS, MAI also share the synastry I possess. It has asteroids added as I tend to look at asteroids, too, and ours has e.g. his Juno conjunct my Jupiter  A short background info to our story - we both have sexual related trauma originating from our childhood (he was raped at a very young age and I was molested by my father when I was only a few years old) which contributed to our orientation in a major way (although an individual can be asexual without trauma as well due to low hormone levels, or just a general disinterest or disgust in sexuality, etc., there is a wide range) I'm not sure if this comes through the synastry, but I checked our composite and found a certain configuration which would possibly show our sexual healing within the connection. I also managed to figure out a few things from my own natal chart regarding this - Saturn 4H Aqua square Venus 1H Scorp stealing the show for me and in his natal chart I found Pluto Scorp square Saturn Aqua (with Scorpio all I can think of is 8H matters and how Pluto can be so ruthless) Not to mention I found it fascinating that we even share the exact same 2 signs regarding the matter. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted September 18, 2022 09:48 PM
Hi Emsie!I haven't forgotten about you. I'll take a rested look tomorrow at the birth data and synastry. Thank you. What's interesting is that in my old neighborhood I had someone stalking ESP and also a red blinking light at their window until they seemed to have gotten that black out film for the window as you could still see a narrow strip at the top lit up at night (daylight for during the day). Someone must have told them it could be seen. I had some intense harassment focused at me by them energy wise and from others for around 4 years before I left there. Since I moved here, I noticed that a house nearby on the other side of the street had their blind up on the bottom and now a security camera sign out film also on that window. The new neighbor would be directly across from us. Your reading makes sense, but I think what you saw was that video camera being placed in their window as well..the cards I pulled tell me that I'll catch on quick with damage done...too many around me now that have been putting on faces..the camera, my ESP is telling me, is also picking up sound as sad.. Let me know if you have another question about your guy. My question is: Will N finally move on from stalking me over the next three months? IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted September 19, 2022 09:40 AM
Hugs on what happened to you and your person of interest. In just looking at his chart, he is very intelligent with the sun conjunct mercury aspect--very detailed..his mars jupiter conjunction squared by uranus and neptune should be interesting in how it manifests for him as he could be very restless and yet discouraged at times..First thing I saw in your synastry was your natal jupiter conjuncting his mercury and makes one or both of you happy to see the other..good for positive communication..after friendship, hopes and wishes, health and diet..etc. all 6th and 11th house stuff.. With your natal venus' square to each other you may find that the two of you may not like the same activities--different music, etc. Your mars in sag (need for independence) is square his natal moon in pisces (solitude), but since you don't know his birth time, it could be in aqua and even closer to conjuncting your moon, and maybe not squared if far enough away in degree..the trine to your venus is wonderful for an emotional connection... his mars conjunct jupiter, though, squares your 4th and 5th house rulers, so would this be a family and children type relationship? With his mars in your 12th, it's like a hidden relationship with only you, your 12th and 1st house ruler being in the first in scorpio--definitely the healing you talked about especially with the 12th house pisces influence...your 7th house ruler also squares his natal moon sitting in your 4th house, so another indicator of it not being a traditional relationship...but fitting for the transit of pluto going into aqua and squaring your natal venus--what does love mean to you? well as a transforming the pluto transit will oppose his natal venus..same transformation and what does love also mean to him? His libra planets squaring your cap placements are definitely a fit for career versus relationships dynamic. Even though you may not have similar interests, the good aspects between your natal mercuries and venus', lend to enjoying the same foods, good humor, the ability to communicate your feelings and work things out taking into account how each feels about the other person and other things in the relationship..depending on where his moon is, though, you may need to keep your independence in check...and his natal pluto conjuncting your pluto may highlight any control issues the two of you share..depending on what degree his moon really is.. your natal neptune squaring his natal mars may reinforce any feelings of indequacy he may have in relationships and also limit any ability for change that the two of you may want to see in the can sap yours or his confidence..i.e. if he smokes, you may not be able to get him to quit..stuff like could also manifest as a need to follow your dreams..maybe find an artsy outlet for it.. your saturn in aqua trining his mars lends for stability or a steadiness in the relationship..saturn opposes his venus..may create a gulf between the two of you at times, but can also make you feel safe when you are together.. your jupiter in virgo trining his uranus and neptune will help him to ground the hopes and wishes and dreams he may have..helping him to see the practical side of things..more details of the bigger picture..mitigating the conflict of his jupiter in libra... His jupiter mars conjunction makes a good aspect to your natal 2nd house..helping you to uncover things about why you value what you do.. His venus is trine your natal mars, which is good for starting a relationship with someone..and makes it fulfilling..there's an ease to it.. Lots of potential for growth in this relationship for the two of you...his natal venus sits right at the top of your chart and conjuncts your 10th house cusp--very karmic, too... Spring p.s. the other house, which I think already has a camera pointed our way..a few days ago I saw a black and white cat sitting in their middle window...  IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 20, 2022 05:13 AM
Ahh, there was definitely something with the blinds and with darkness. I had "pitch black" on my mind several times while doing your reading. I also noticed on the 2 of Swords card it's dark night. The cat is blindfolded, but we can still see the cat from an outside perspective. Security is def important. I found it very interesting again that I picked up on stalking as well, and then, when I saw your Q I was immediately like "Omg, I knew there was something going on"  On your question: Will N finally move on from stalking me over the next three months?
[Devil] [Star] [Fool] Bottom cards: World + 4 of Swords I can also see right away there's been pretty obsessive behaviour going on on behalf of the person in question, but I think eventually N will learn to calm down and/or start healing. Either way, I definitely feel giving up and moving on to "greener pastures" with the Fool card. Like being distracted by something/someone else, but every now and then N might still think of you while trying to find distractions to get you off their mind. The World in this case is a definite ending, the end of a not-so-pleasant cycle (stalking), and paired with 4 of Swords I feel it says "you can now rest your head in peace". An interesting detail on this latter card I definitely wanted to include - One candle is still lit in the window while it's pitch black darkness outside. I think this actually refers to your camera remaining vigilant nevertheless.  IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 20, 2022 07:39 AM
quote: Hugs on what happened to you and your person of interest. In just looking at his chart, he is very intelligent with the sun conjunct mercury aspect--very detailed..his mars jupiter conjunction squared by uranus and neptune should be interesting in how it manifests for him as he could be very restless and yet discouraged at times..
I "cross-share" a few links with you as well like I did not so long ago for MoonMystic to provide her feedback.  Mercury-like intelligence and restlessness also came through from previous readings: - from 3rd post (MoonMystic) - 11th post (MoonMystic) - 14th post (Caprika) I saw tons of pictures on his sister's account where they went skiing, ice-skating, traveling ever since their childhood. Definitely physical activity, my first thought upon seeing the pictures was that maybe he needs mental stimulation. As he used to move to and live in my country 6 years ago, and then at least 3 years ago moved to another country for higher education. I get the impression that maybe he was trying to find something in his life - if not himself. Or, to challenge and observe how he could adapt... quote: First thing I saw in your synastry was your natal jupiter conjuncting his mercury and makes one or both of you happy to see the other..good for positive communication..after friendship, hopes and wishes, health and diet..etc. all 6th and 11th house stuff..
Mental stimulation is something I also need, I really don't like boring people who don't have any sense of humor and whom I cannot intellectually connect with. (Not only about "rocket science" and 9H stuff, but also everyday practical topics, too.) quote: With your natal venus' square to each other you may find that the two of you may not like the same activities--different music, etc. Your mars in sag (need for independence) is square his natal moon in pisces (solitude), but since you don't know his birth time, it could be in aqua and even closer to conjuncting your moon, and maybe not squared if far enough away in degree..the trine to your venus is wonderful for an emotional connection...
The Venus-Venus square immediately reminded me of differences in e.g. love languages, or even - like you mentioned - taste in music. I bet he wouldn't like the music genres I am listening to (heavy - truly Scorpio-like, but not rock and metal) I don't even show anyone what I listen to, because I know I would lose my peaceful and delicate Libra ASC "image" in the eyes of others. I keep it under wraps on purpose (very Scorp trait) And regarding my love languages - I get really uncomfortable with PDA, I prefer to keep these cuddly-kissy-snuggly affectionate moments between 4 walls, that's something very private and intimate for me I wouldn't put on display (very-very Scorp) On the other hand, I assume he might have a more outgoing attitude towards this topic. I was told by our common friend that he is very affectionate and generous (very-very Leo), but I can only hope he wouldn't want to show me off to the world like a trophy, because I am not an object to validate egos with, but a human being with deep feelings and emotions. Shallowness is not in my dictionary. I really hope his Moon is indeed in Pisces as well for the understanding of my need for depth and that he could handle my deep-running emotions (even though my natal Moon is in Aqua and I indeed tend to get affectionate one day, and need to be alone to digest the other day) quote: his mars conjunct jupiter, though, squares your 4th and 5th house rulers, so would this be a family and children type relationship?
I can definitely see potential for a family, although I haven't clearly decided on my own goals. At the moment, I have the attitude of being open to everything ranging from "childfree" and furbabies to having a child. I feel like a complete whole being and for me it would be equally okay not to have any as well as having at least one child with anyone in general. I try to be as mindful a conscious in this as possible - Until I learn how to build/exist in a healthy relationship and create healthy relationship patterns I wouldn't go there, though. Especially, that he is a tiny bit younger than me, we'd need a little more maturation imo. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 20, 2022 07:40 AM
quote: With his mars in your 12th, it's like a hidden relationship with only you, your 12th and 1st house ruler being in the first in scorpio--definitely the healing you talked about especially with the 12th house pisces influence...your 7th house ruler also squares his natal moon sitting in your 4th house, so another indicator of it not being a traditional relationship...but fitting for the transit of pluto going into aqua and squaring your natal venus--what does love mean to you? well as a transforming the pluto transit will oppose his natal venus..same transformation and what does love also mean to him?
Touché I think we are probably the same regarding our past, I can imagine he also hasn't told a bunch of people about what happened to him. In my case, this is definitely something I wouldn't reveal e.g. to my family not to upset the apple cart, or get accused of seeking attention. Either way would hurt everyone... Not to mention the non-traditionalness as being part of the LGBTQIA+ community. We don't fit into the "social norms" what a "normal" relationship should be like (gender roles, being a good girl, having sex regularly with your partner - at least 3 times per week, etc., otherwise you're abnormal kind of thing) Our common friend also mentioned we are both alike, we don't want to get into any relationship at any cost, but would rather stay alone building other parts of our lives until someone worth the time and effort with similar/same core values would come along to build something together. quote: His libra planets squaring your cap placements are definitely a fit for career versus relationships dynamic.
Overall, I have the impression so far (might change later, especially that he is going through his Saturn return) that I have a more mature attitude towards life than him in general. We have very different backgrounds, I am very Saturnish as I had to work really hard for everything in my life and be disciplined, later on learn moderation not to go overboard with a lot of things. I'm an only child and barely had support in anything I wanted to reach. On the other hand, he grew up with his siblings and looks like they got every kind of support from each other and their mom (even financial support as they seem to have a lot of money - also fits your description of my future spouse being a source of income one way or another) I've been living in deprivation until I sorted and build a life for myself, he's been perhaps living in "excess" as they had everything since their childhood - including traveling and trips while on the contrary I've never been taken anywhere by my parents. Quite literally, not even to the zoo. This is why I think we probably have a different outlook and approach on life, from the pictures I've seen so far it comes through they've been enjoying life in a much more outgoing and balanced light way over the years, while I've been mostly about hard work and earning money. This can be a source of clashing. Something similar came to my mind when I saw his Venus opposing my Saturn. It would call for moderation and compromise on both ends. Not to mention they really like luxury (garments, hotels, etc.) I like that too, I don't deprive myself completely of enjoying the fruits of my labor (I have quite a few high end garments), but I prefer stability in both finances and living situation. quote: Even though you may not have similar interests, the good aspects between your natal mercuries and venus', lend to enjoying the same foods, good humor, the ability to communicate your feelings and work things out taking into account how each feels about the other person and other things in the relationship..depending on where his moon is, though, you may need to keep your independence in check...and his natal pluto conjuncting your pluto may highlight any control issues the two of you share..depending on what degree his moon really is..
He is a big foodie just like me. A few readers earlier also warned me about control issues coming up as I am definitely prone to e.g. jealousy, and I was told my future spouse would be the same, just as jealous by nature as I am. Sometimes I am capable of being hyper-independent, too. IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 20, 2022 07:42 AM
quote: your natal neptune squaring his natal mars may reinforce any feelings of indequacy he may have in relationships and also limit any ability for change that the two of you may want to see in the can sap yours or his confidence..i.e. if he smokes, you may not be able to get him to quit..stuff like could also manifest as a need to follow your dreams..maybe find an artsy outlet for it..
I think the first theme would definitely exist as we both don't have lot of previous relationship experiences. On my side, I have the need to grow together as a pair and grow alone as individuals, too, as an ideal (Neptune), but perhaps there would be things where it would be more clever to accept the other as they are. quote: your saturn in aqua trining his mars lends for stability or a steadiness in the relationship..saturn opposes his venus..may create a gulf between the two of you at times, but can also make you feel safe when you are together..
Stability and feeling safe are one of the most important traits I am looking for. Hopefully, it could help him get more stable and grow up in life in general, perhaps calm him down moderately. quote: your jupiter in virgo trining his uranus and neptune will help him to ground the hopes and wishes and dreams he may have..helping him to see the practical side of things..more details of the bigger picture..mitigating the conflict of his jupiter in libra...
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 quote: His jupiter mars conjunction makes a good aspect to your natal 2nd house..helping you to uncover things about why you value what you do..
Sounds exactly like major learning about myself - which I also prefer  quote: His venus is trine your natal mars, which is good for starting a relationship with someone..and makes it fulfilling..there's an ease to it..
I also read somewhere it would give both emotional and sexual compatibility in a partnership based on common values. I can recall I wrote our common friend back in December that I have a suspicion I might actually be "demisexual" (within the asexual spectrum) as I'd be more than happy and willing to experience finally what it means and feels like to make love to someone wholeheartedly because of loving each other and expressing our love in this way. She told me she suspected my person actually might be the same as he told her he would require a LOT of affection (Leo) if he was in a relationship with someone. quote: Lots of potential for growth in this relationship for the two of you...his natal venus sits right at the top of your chart and conjuncts your 10th house cusp--very karmic, too...
I also noticed his Sag North Node is conjunct my natal Mars in 2H. I'd say it is very fitting for him, I've always had this "destined to travel the world" feeling about him. As far as our synastry, I am thinking perhaps fated to get fired up about my life purpose, take action and get me out of my comfort zone? Or, I would be the one waking him to his life purpose. Another NN observation, my NN (conjunct Uranus) 3H Cap is trine his Ceres Taurus (sitting in my 7H) - smells like long-distance to me (in mythology Ceres had to let Persephone go at times to let her live with her husband Hades.) Hmm, waking me to my life purpose of eventually live away from my mother? Just some musing on my part... IP: Logged |
Emsie Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: EU Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 20, 2022 12:24 PM
quote: his mars jupiter conjunction squared by uranus and neptune should be interesting in how it manifests for him as he could be very restless and yet discouraged at times..
After some research I found quite a few descriptions on this configuration in his chart. Just like you mentioned, restlessness and agitation. I read somewhere the Uranus-Jupiter square can result in sudden urges to travel just for the sake of moving, and the Neptune-Jupiter square can be similar only that it has spiritual meaning behind it, etc. Not sure if this relates, but as I was contemplating a bit more on this restlessness, I can easily imagine he might have underlying PTSD, even ADHD and such things, and perhaps he has found an outlet in traveling. Which imo is completely okay if someone is below 30, when I attended college I also traveled to foreign countries whenever I had the opportunity, but after some time people have to grow up and face the mundane practical world - even if it's boring. I can recall our friend mentioning sometimes he let her know about a sudden trip back to our country. I think this is perhaps a coping mechanism to temporarily get away from any excessive pressure (Capricorn influence) Last time back in July our friend told me he graduated from college during this Summer from some type of financial-related course and wanted to search for a related job position to start working, but the country where he currently resides requires local language knowledge (I listened to Danish videos, even though I am a major language buff, I wouldn't learn Danish, even if they would pay me millions for it...) I think he is being forced to look at reality and start dealing with mundane stuff to give structure in his life (hence his ongoing Saturn return). He has already found work, but in the hospitality sector - very far from what he's been probably dreaming of all along. Another theme which came to my mind, especially with his Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn - sudden changes to the foundation? His father has deceased (Cap and Saturn), could this square also show sudden inheritance? Especially with Jupiter involved. From another different perspective, I also have Uranus and Neptune conjunct natally (12 and 15 degrees) and I think I can understand that part. For me it is definitely about going against the societal conventions and breaking generational patterns with the means of e.g. spirituality. I am also very unconventional and as far as I heard he also relates to this by not conforming to anything at any cost - e.g. have someone by his side just for the sake of people pleasing and making anyone else happy but himself (hence being single for a very long time since leaving a faulty connection at a very young age) I also highly agree and share this approach from a conscious perspective, I'd also rather remain single and build my life and personality than to waste my time and energy on something which would be dead right from the beginning. I've also been there, done that, one lesson was more than enough to learn not to invest in something/someone who is clearly incompatible and does not share my core values of integrity and authenticity. And the exact level of awareness both on a social and personal level. (Spirituality would be a plus) With his Jupiter conjunct Mars in Libra another thing came to my mind - he looks pretty feminine, but at the same time is very good looking and likes to look good by wearing quality clothes. I can imagine him attracting attention from everywhere, especially from females, but most probably it goes against his morals and ethics (and with the square to his Uranus-Neptune makes him suffer?) I am writing this one, because I walk in the same shoes, I've been attracting the "wrong type of adoration" from men ever since I was 12 years old. Which should satisfy my ego, of course, because they find me attractive and I also know I am, but deep inside for me it's a curse and makes me suffer immensely. That nobody wants and sees a potential of a wholesome connection with me, only the physical looks and the potential for "adult things" I don't want or need. A lot of men tend to project instant gratification and other things onto me just because I also like to feel and look good in quality clothes. (I suspect this is partly because of my Libra ASC) But they definitely miss my point - it is only for myself and nobody else, nor for the purpose of attracting unwanted attention and at the very least 'questionable offers'. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted September 21, 2022 10:19 AM
Hi Emsie!Wow! I should be back soon and respond to all that you have added as well as comb through your synastry further..also all aspects aren't always present until a transit activates them..if you've seen couples where they get along for the longest time and then all of a sudden it changes..and people are like..what happened? If you have longer term aspects, the stability and open communication can help to keep the boat for thought.. Spring IP: Logged | |