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posted September 11, 2023 04:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FruityLlama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring

Thanks so much again!

Will H continue to help me with our mom in the evening or will he drop off before the end of January

9P, 7P, 10W

I think H will begin to be very helpful but he will walk away towards the end unfortunately. Well, maybe not walk away but I think they will end up dealing with some other stuff you may not have been aware of regarding this situation. I see him going off with his own workload and not wanting to share it so it may seem like he drops off but I think its more he'll be quietly working on something so it doesn't burden others.

I'll be away for the next fortnight Spring, as I'm going on holiday, but if you have any q's feel free to leave them like usual and I'll get to them as soon as I can but it probably won't be til after 20th September now.

Thanks again and much love <3

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posted September 14, 2023 12:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Fruity!

I hope you have a wonderful time on your holiday away!

H had made some memorials for two of his dogs and his daughter, so I'm thinking this may be when our mother has passed away or is bedridden by then as his help won't be as needed as much..most likely then I will have a home health aide to help me with moving her around, etc.

I started looking for home healthcare CNA's, but the cards I pulled for various ones didn't seem positive (drama or they just like the business) in many ways as I think many of them work with the nursing homes or I need alacarte services or their minimum times are too long (I would only need them for a couple of hours at most). She had another common elderly health issue crop up over this last week and I think this had affected her mobility and strength, so maybe she is still stronger than we thought..did better yesterday after being on meds for three days. She just wants to sleep.
You did read that I would need more help at some point, and this makes sense as the HHC will be done around the time you return from your holiday and then I'll need to see how she does. Maybe H will get done with what he is helping a friend with or something happens with N over the next week. One reader said October is what they saw for N (stopping). I pulled some cards for the next couple of weeks and N didn't come up in them. I got some homeopathic stuff on my last visit and that is helping me to have more energy, too, and not pick up the bad vibes from N (turmoil, etc.). I think something is coming for N soon as the new moon goes into Virgo at 9pm EST tonight (read that some people need to get their act together)..and then transiting Mercury also in Virgo (N has the same natally and it squares her natal Neptune), so it will start to reinforce all of her issues after it goes direct tomorrow. I had read more about the mercury square neptune natal aspect recently and what someone wrote is that when they are cornered, they will lie.

My questions are: Will I find a drama free health aide to help me?

The people (K and their family) across the street appear to be moving. What will our new neighbor be like?

You are also right about the food for my pupper. I finally got the last Vet to offer to check her for crystals after I start her on a new diet. Trying to get a few other things cleared away first. How will D, my pupper respond to her new diet?

I'll add more when I think of some. Let me know yours.

Thank you again,
Spring XX

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posted September 23, 2023 08:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Fruity!

Hope the Mercury retrograde went okay for you. It's been a crazy/busy time for me.

You're so right about me re-evaluating our relationship (my mom and me). It was constructive as I know it's time for things to change one day. The years' long mystery we were always trying to solve (drama) came to light over the last 5+ years, so no need to wonder and converse about it anymore. My mom couldn't understand why we didn't have as much to talk about. I started listening to a new modern religious radio station, which has helped me to minimize N's (camera person) intrusion into my intuitive space. Without the music and talks they have about life (very common sense oriented), I would be picking up a lot of bad energy, so I'm thinking she doesn't want to listen to it and therefore can't focus on me (except when I'm sitting outside).

Hope your holiday went well.

Take care,

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posted September 25, 2023 02:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FruityLlama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring! Lovely to see you again! Hope you've been well

My holiday was good thank you though complicated. Lots of delays with planes and then the blasted airline lost our luggage...

Getting there though...

It sounds like its been busy for you too! Hopefully your mum is getting stabilised at the moment. Its always slight nerve wracking putting your loved ones care into the hands of others, but it'll be much better for you and her.

I think these last few retrogrades have been the worst yet... everything that's gone wrong has done really.

I got back to work today and things feel weird. I know I've been away but I've come across some information that makes it clear that I have been kept in the dark for some time about changes that might be happening. I don't think my colleagues really are my friends which is a shame.

Could you read for me some advice on how to proceed with these changes?

What's going on with my boss? Is she going to come back? And why didn't she tell me what was going on?

I'll get to yours this evening my time, am waiting for the luggage people to arrive with one of the suitcases before 9pm my time (its 8pm right now at time of posting)

Take care and thanks again! xx

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posted September 25, 2023 03:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Saille     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Guys,

Can I please join!!
I'm struggling with finding a job right now, and wondering if I'll get a call for an interview specifically with Disney?
The cards keep giving me positive signs, like Ace of Pentacles, of two of wands, but I'm not hearing back!

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posted September 25, 2023 04:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FruityLlama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Will I find a drama free health aide to help me?
8P, Lovers, 3S

Hm, I think you will get an aide who is dedicated, friendly and well equipped to deal with dependent and ill people. I think yes, actually, it will be drama free. The 3S surprised me but as I connect more, I think with it being next to the lovers, its almost like a healing energy. You'll find someone who is good company to you and your mum. They will also be able to prevent drama before it unfolds, like this person will be the preemptive type.

The people (K and their family) across the street appear to be moving. What will our new neighbor be like?

King S, Page S, Strength

Your new neighbour will be ok, the older one if there is more than one, will keep to themselves. If they have a child they might be a bit noisy and boisterous and you will have to stand your ground with them. I think overall it'll be ok, just a few misunderstandings here and there but I dont see anything major.

How will D, my pupper respond to her new diet?

3S, Ace P, 7C

She will try to reject it at first. I think you'll try different things with her til you get the right one, or it might be a case of conditioning her to accept food. I'm thinking of what cats are like with food here and sometimes you have to be stern and put out the food and leave it til they eat it. Generally speaking anyway. Sometimes animals like to be a bit bratty with food and that's all I'm getting here. She'll be a bit annoying with it but you'll soon find something that works where theres plenty of options for her.

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posted September 25, 2023 04:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FruityLlama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Saille,

No problem, do you mind answering my questions first?

I'll get to yours in a few hours.

Thank you!

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posted September 25, 2023 04:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Saille     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hey, which question....there are 7 pages of posts.

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posted September 26, 2023 01:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FruityLlama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, the last one I posted please:

Is my boss going to come back? And why didn't she tell me what was going on?

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posted September 26, 2023 06:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Saille     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by FruityLlama:
Well, the last one I posted please:

Is my boss going to come back? And why didn't she tell me what was going on?

Ok, I don't think she is coming back, but it seems like she thought about contacting you, or communicating with you, perhaps hoping you would contact her first.
Clearly there was some sort of backstabbing/manipulation in the past, that involved a woman ( your boss possibly) and with the mountain -all about a enemy being close by, someone that had or has a lot of power and was able to get something they wanted by lying or trickery.
I do however think, if you were to contact your boss, she will respond, and will tell you the full story outside of work, and perhaps in person in case she is worried about any type of paper trial.
I'm guessing she'll tell you everything that happen. But what I get from why she didn't tell you about it earlier is that she wasn't aware someone may have backstabbed and planning something against her, until it was too late.

Using Lenormand
29 Woman
21 Mountain
27 Letter

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posted September 27, 2023 11:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Fruity!

Sending big hugs to you and that all went well in retrieving your lost luggage.

Sorry for the delay in responding. Yes, it has been busy. Had been trying to get the pupper and her food/medicine supplies all squared away with my mom being less mobile. I'm not sure she has stabilized yet as yesterday was different (more restless) for her than today so far.

Thank you for the read.

On your first question.

4 of wands
queen of swords
queen of cups
7 of swords
ace of wands
9 of cups

I'm glad that the 9 of cups came up for you as the outcome. Now is a good time to reap the fruits of your labor. You'll be changing jobs and a woman may help you to find what you want. I'm thinking the queen of cups represents you. You'll be making plans for this and will go back and forth on what it is you would like to do until you find the right position. Perseverence. Your choice will bring you abundance, stability, success as you overcome these difficulties.

What's going on with my boss? Is she going to come back? And why didn't she tell me what was going on?

2 of wands
3 of cups (rev)
10 of coins (rev)
moon (rev)
queen of cups (rev)
clarifiers: 7 of wands, knight of coins

Your boss seems to be melancholy towards her life (abundance without fulfillment). She seems to be a fair person, well-meaning and with good intentions. There will be some delays for her while she spoils herself. She may even do some gambling or lose money in some way. She recognized a minor deception before it created problems for her and someone may have been taking advantage of her. There was some untrustworthiness around her or was considered unreliable. The clarifiers are showing her negotiating with someone for a new position. Since it is a 7, that could also mean legal efforts or a new partnership of sorts. I think the knight of coins has come up in your readings about the workplace, but it could also be that the two of you share some of the same positive character traits.

Does this make any sense with what you had heard?

The queen of swords in the read for your first question could represent your boss and the separation.

Is she going to come back?

5 of cups
3 of coins
wheel of fortune
5 of coins
5 of wands
4 of swords (rev)
clarifiers: sun (rev), 2 of swords

It seems she is regretting what has happened, but knows she has skills that are in demand. There are unexpected changes coming for her. With the 5 of coins it doesn't look like she will be back (loss of job). Seems that there will be a battle about this and her trying to regain her position. I pulled more cards and that reversed king of swords came up--someone who is mean, the two of swords (wanting to maintain harmony)..knight of swords (rev)..was there a relationship going on behind the scenes with a man and her and the man went out with someone else...I then pulled the 9 of cups, so she'll be successful in the end..just like you..maybe she will call you...or you call her..and you both end up at a different place..

And why didn't she tell me what was going on?

knight of swords (rev)
10 of wands (rev)
king of cups (rev)
10 of coins
9 of swords (rev)
clarifiers: 5 of cups, 9 of cups

She didn't think it would be wise to tell you, but everything just seemed to happen so quickly. She also didn't want to burden you with it. There was some double dealing going on and lies being told. She didn't want to lose her benefits if it were to brought to light. She felt fearful about it..most like the mean King of swords (rev)..not a good was also something that she would usually only share with the closest of her friends..she also didn't want it to impact your chances of success in what you do or want to do.

Hope this all helps.

I'm thinking that the home health aide may be hospice, but it may just be my sibling as he helped me with changing her underwear last drama..he was very focused on her. He also offered a suggestion for taking a medicine she used to, with the doctor's approval, before going to bed.

I ended up buying the dog's food and having it delivered for now, but at least I have an idea on how it will go. The foods I start with are the better ones for dogs with her issue and can be adjusted if the test doesn't show that they give her any trouble.

The eventual new renters across the street may also be influenced by N (the camera person) to be noisy as that's what she did with a neighbor behind me where I lived before..more drama.

I don't have a question at the moment. Let me know if you have more.

Take care,

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posted September 27, 2023 12:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for harmonicvibes     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
anyone here up to exchange

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posted September 28, 2023 05:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FruityLlama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Will you get a call from disney:

3C, Magician, Moon

This must be a very competitive position, but what I'm getting more is that its a sneaky environment. I don't think you'll get a call and I think this is for the best. I think you would experience a lot of jealousy and backstabbing. There is a lot you are not aware about regarding this position.

Will you get a job in general, in the next three months:

4W , Page P, 9C

Yes, you will get something else that is more satisfying and meets your expectations, prob near Xmas time though. You might feel a bit over qualified but it'll be a good stepping stone. 4W to me often means home and the first thing I thought was the saying, "getting your foot in the door" so this could be , as I said, the stepping stone to opening your career up.

I hope this resonates and I hope you find something soon. I know how infuriating job hunting is.

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posted September 28, 2023 06:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by harmonicvibes:
anyone here up to exchange


I remember you not liking my last reading for you.. didn't resonate you said.. otherwise I would have responded..maybe someone else will read for you..


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posted September 28, 2023 07:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Fruity!

I hope things have improved in your workplace.

My mom got accepted into will my respite time go? Just feel that leaving the house with someone else here hard..think the person who helped to bring me my pupper's medicine scammed my credit card..I even gave them money for gas..

A vacant home behind us is being renovated..what will these new neighbors be like?

Thank you,

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Posts: 7951
From: вrιgнтneѕѕ ιѕ aнead
Registered: Nov 2016

posted September 29, 2023 07:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Waving hello Springtimeflower,

Is there room for another exchange?

Q: will I improve with my culinary skills? No rush. Thank you, please tell me your Q when you have something for me to ask.

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posted September 29, 2023 09:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi MoonMystic!

knight of coins (rev)
4 of swords (rev)
ace of swords (rev)
high priestess (rev)
9 of coins (rev)
emperor (rev)

You'll need to become more determined than before and widen your perspective of what you'd like to accomplish. Don't limit yourself to only certain ways of cooking. It's as though you used to be able to do some things well, but find yourself wanting to regain that..maybe it's just having more passion for it. Don't let meal preparations that go wrong deter you. Try to learn as much as you can. Open yourself up to new ways of courses, you tube videos, etc. Try not to give away appliances, etc. that would come in handy and cost you more to replace them. Don't let the learning get you down.

One cookbook I found has been a wonderful tool for me is the Better Homes and Gardens red and white checked recipe books or you can find their website online. Their lasagne recipe won't disappoint. I had one coworker tell me "I'm going to make a pig of myself." and go back for me. I even made it with half beef and half sausage for a food event/potluck at work. It didn't last 30 minutes on the table. All of their recipes are kitchen tested and I've found that substitution more healthier options in them doesn't seem to affect the outcome as well. Bon Apetit!

I'm's my question..will my experience with the hospice people helping my mom be drama free?

Thank you so much!

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Posts: 7951
From: вrιgнтneѕѕ ιѕ aнead
Registered: Nov 2016

posted September 29, 2023 11:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Springtimeflower:
Hi MoonMystic!

knight of coins (rev)
4 of swords (rev)
ace of swords (rev)
high priestess (rev)
9 of coins (rev)
emperor (rev)

You'll need to become more determined than before and widen your perspective of what you'd like to accomplish. Don't limit yourself to only certain ways of cooking. It's as though you used to be able to do some things well, but find yourself wanting to regain that..maybe it's just having more passion for it. Don't let meal preparations that go wrong deter you. Try to learn as much as you can. Open yourself up to new ways of courses, you tube videos, etc. Try not to give away appliances, etc. that would come in handy and cost you more to replace them. Don't let the learning get you down.

One cookbook I found has been a wonderful tool for me is the Better Homes and Gardens red and white checked recipe books or you can find their website online. Their lasagne recipe won't disappoint. I had one coworker tell me "I'm going to make a pig of myself." and go back for me. I even made it with half beef and half sausage for a food event/potluck at work. It didn't last 30 minutes on the table. All of their recipes are kitchen tested and I've found that substitution more healthier options in them doesn't seem to affect the outcome as well. Bon Apetit!

I'm's my question..will my experience with the hospice people helping my mom be drama free?

Thank you so much!

Thank you! I'm sorry it took forever to respond. My projects you know of here have been like a ferris wheel today. I'm skipping any theme parks. lol

All those revs I was like but your reading makes absolute sense. In fact I had recently adapted to one machine, I *almost* threw out. I asked this because my experience is very limited. Your advice is helpful.
With cold weather I feel crock pot recipes might be good for dollar stretching too.

Maybe those youtube videos can be useful as you said. I'll need to try a few and expand my learning. This might be fun once I find a successful dish or a couple menu additions.

Thanks again, I'll update as I go through my experimenting.


Your Q: "will my experience with the hospice people helping my mom be drama free?"

Your answer: Maybe in an incremental way. You'll feel your drama/ stress release 9 of wands (rev) + 10 of wands (rev) followed by knight of wands. The stress will dissipate though the drama will be replaced by action.
It might be you'll be "vigilant " and watching to react in the event of unforseen "what ifs". Due to your being the responsible one and an old habit.
Clarification: oracle cards - Scorpio & Solitude.

I'm feeling this an ending in the burden (the drama was heavy), the drama will cease but you'll see the opposite spectrum, Solitude. Where drama isn't in that Same frequency. This feels like Hermit mode, you will slowly see this "drama" released and leave you to peaceful times ahead. This could occur within 6 days, 6 weeks or upon Scorpio seasons beginning.

Please let me know if you'd like further reading. I wish yours and your mother's best care and peace taken in consideration by the team there at the hospice.

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posted September 30, 2023 06:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Saille     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
[QUOTE]Originally posted by FruityLlama:

Thank you!
Did my reading resonate with you?

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posted October 02, 2023 02:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FruityLlama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Spring and Saille! That resonates a lot. I don't know much more about my boss but I gather there's been some strife in her personal life, possibly infidelity (not her part) but I don't know for certain.

I have some questions for whoever wants to exchange:

- Will the plastering job go ok at the end of the month? Can I trust them? They're the same guys who did the dining room in August but they will be starting the job whilst I'm on holiday. It's the only week I am off as they need 5 days but I'm a bit nervous now.

- Will I get compensated properly for overtime this month? There's an argument at work about whether we should have double pay because the clerical staff aren't being offered it.

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posted October 04, 2023 04:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Fruity!

How will your home's plastering job that's scheduled for the end of the month go?

7 of wands came out
High Priestess
4 of swords
page of coins
magician (rev)
10 of wands
queen of cups

Yes, it will be successful. You may just be overanalyzing the outcome too much. You'll definitely feel more restful when it's done. The work should be fine. The magician reversed may have a different don't forget to secure anything of value that you have. Someone who is honest will have some news on the work for you. There may be a delay and/or some added cost to the work. In the end of it you will feel good about your home's transformation. The 7 of wands also can reflect any negotiating you do on price, etc.

Will I get compensated properly for overtime this month?

10 of cups (rev)
knight of coins (rev)
knight of swords (rev)
ace of cups (rev)
7 of coins

You'll receive what's fair and reasonable, but you may have a bit of a battle over it. Differences of opinion..someone around you may not see the big picture (how your efforts have fully benefited your workplace)..this could be a person that doesn't have what it takes like you do. They have a big head. There may also be some changes a reorganization of sorts. In the end you'll have the results of your efforts.

There's a vacant house behind my mother's was once a rental..what will the new neighbors be like?

Intuitively I keep picking up more conversation on the camera person, N. Will she be gone before the end of this month? When N is gone, will the two cameras be removed from the two separate homes?

My mom got a new bed yesterday (more like the hospital ones, but smaller) and she seems to be more restful now. She seems to have some kind of a schedule, but still sleeps a lot and doesn't eat much. So far so good on the aide that helped me with a shower for her. Yes, my mom and I do like her. She's new with the company, so that makes sense that there isn't any drama. Thank you again. XX

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posted October 04, 2023 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thank you. I hope so. Six weeks brings things to November, but I know that's more time I can spend with my mom.


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posted October 15, 2023 10:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FruityLlama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Intuitively I keep picking up more conversation on the camera person, N. Will she be gone before the end of this month?

Magician, Page of Wands, Judgement
Queen C, 2P, 10S

I think there will be a confrontation or an honest discussion about the cameras. I think they will be gone but not of their own accord. I think they will have to be asked to leave and possibly paid to leave or something like that. I see a lot of talk here, feelings of embarrassment and an equal exchange of something. I see N being receptive to your requests though.

When N is gone, will the two cameras be removed from the two separate homes?

Justice, King C, 7C
4W, Knight S, 7P

Yes I think they will. You will have to put your point across in a practical manner though as the argument for keeping them up or taking them down is a bit of a grey area. I see a lot of back and forth trying to get ones' point across.
Eventually they will be taken down on the premise that a home should feel like a home and not a surveillance camp.

I'm ever so sorry for the delay Spring, I forgot to update but I've been ill this last week - I do apologise for not communicating, I kept thinking I had done but of course I hadn't.

I hope you are keeping well and everything with your mum is going as smoothly as it can do. Much love <3

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posted October 15, 2023 10:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Fruity!

Sending you hugs. Hope you are feeling much better.

Thank you for the read. I think the people who own the homes will ask N for money to keep her cameras there..maybe you're picking up only one of the two homes. I've been out and about and talking with some neighbors, so from their reactions they are now seeing the truth about me. I also picked up someone telling one of my brothers and/or his wife (reference me and my mom): You should be ashamed of yourself or yourselves. I can't believe I've invested so much time in getting to know you, etc. After she walked away from them, one of them said, I never liked her anyways. I'll bet she didn't keep it to herself..I also picked up someone saying something nice about me a little later, which I'm thinking was the woman that walked away from them.

I'm thinking your reading on my question reflects an outcome only if I challenge N on the cameras being there. I don't plan on doing that. After my mom passes, I will be moving from here as well, so there won't be a reason for me be concerned about the cameras or N. When you read for me about getting a home health aide, you saw money being exchanged, but I think that was me giving money to someone from the Vet office that brought me my dog's prescription over. The money was to help with their gas. I'm wondering if that's what you saw. I'm sensing that I need to change my current routine to avoid the above.

Take care,

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posted October 16, 2023 03:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wanted to add that your reading made sense for the path I had been on until today. Things change each day with my mom..she's hanging in there and I've pulled back from other interactions, since I need to leave my old self behind, if that makes sense, and more closely focus on what's really important at the present time. MoonMystic had read that action would take the place of drama with the others around me and my mom. Someone from hospice will be stopping by each day now going forward.

I hope all is going well with you and your partner, your job and all. It seemed like everything had started to change before your last post in some way.


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