Topic: Exchange
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 25, 2023 05:41 PM
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FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 26, 2023 12:49 PM
Hi Springtime, Are you still open for exchanges? IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 26, 2023 06:55 PM
Hi Fruitylama!Sure. Let me know your question(s). In the past I had tried some things to help me with balance (I didn't know that over the years). Anyways, will the program that B.W. has to offer (nutritional and supplements) help me to finally achieve that or is it just like similar programs that other health practicioners had offered me in the past and really didn't help me? Thank you, Spring
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FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 27, 2023 04:18 AM
World, 6S, 8PI think the program BW will help, it does seem to be quite different from the usual things you've tried. I see you moving towards improvement with this. I think what will help is a holistic approach and understanding of the balance mechanism as well. Obviously a lot of things can affect balance and you may need to go through lots of different tests to rule things out but holistic rehab seems to be the best bet here. I am actually a vestibular audiologist if you want to ask anything by the way! IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 27, 2023 04:19 AM
Thank you for replying to my other thread by the way! Do you mind if I ask another? I'm happy to answer as many questions you have too.If so, could I ask will I join BC one day? IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 27, 2023 10:43 PM
Sure on the questions.For yours, I got: 9 of coins hermit king of swords 2 of swords (rev) king of wands (rev) page of cups It looks like you are being cautious about joining BC and taking some steps back to really reflect on whether you want to. You are good at what you do, but you also wonder if BC is all they are cracked up to be. Are there some things about them or your standards that can't be accepted? Like how they might perceive you or how you see them because of differences in how each looks at things or how to do things. It looks like you will apply to them and they will make you an offer or at the least you'll have someone trustworthy to lend you assistance in what you need to know about them and then make a decision. Thank you on the read. That makes sense. The balance is my life balance and how that is reflected in my current health. Yes, I have tried others and didn't feel that I got much out of it either. They all have supplements or vitamins. I just realized today that I'm gluten intolerant. It takes about 4 weeks to clean it out of your system once you stop consuming it, but for some it is sooner and this seems to be what has hindered me from recovering from past stress and having too much to do. I had to look up what an vestibular audiologist was. Sounds like an interesting type of work. The wife of one of my brothers has Vertigo, so I'm guessing that would be someone that you would work with. I picked up her energy a couple of times and it felt like you were going to crash sideways on to the time I was in the car and had to pull over. My intuition tends to pick up the health problems of others. Interesting on this, my question is how will my intuitive capabilities grow over the next year or so? Thank you, Spring IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 27, 2023 10:58 PM
Here's another q:Will N move on in the next couple of months or does it seem like things will remain the same until early next year? They are not a romantic interest, but I pick up their energy from a distance every day. It will be interesting to see what cards you get. I've been looking at transits. IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 28, 2023 01:49 PM
Hi Spring, Thank you so much! Oh gosh, what an idiot I am I totally misunderstood you when you mentioned balance haha!! Nevermind, but yes I deal with vertigo and balance issues. Ok so for your first reading I got Knight P, Sun, Heirophant I think it will be a straightforward process honestly, one that you will have to actively work on. I do think you will have to specialise in one area of intuitive development such as protecting yourself and upholding boundaries, that sort of thing. With the heirophant as the last card, it shows me that you will become a highly skilled intuitive and the process itself will be normal- slow and steady progress IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 28, 2023 01:52 PM
3P, 10S, 8SIs N dealing with a third party situation do you know? They will continue to self sabotage for the forseeable. I think they feel guilty about the part they played in something but until they can get help reorganising their thoughts, they will continue to create a mental prison for themselves. I don't think they understand that whatever happened, was likely not their fault and were probably a victim of circumstance. But even if they were at fault, it is time to move on but I doubt N will realise this soon, I'm sorry. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 28, 2023 05:09 PM
Thank you Fruity!It's okay and your okay. I tried to word the balance question so it didn't sound like a health reading. That makes sense about specializing intuitively. I know it has grown over time..and you are so right about learning to protect myself and keeping up my boundaries. On N..yes, there is a third party..and I'm thinking that things will only change when I move one day. Do you have more questions?
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FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 28, 2023 05:48 PM
Oh I get you! I hope it works out with you and N.I do have more questions if you do! If so, could I ask if me and R will go on holiday abroad in September/October? Will R settle in his career soon? Many thanks, please leave yours too! IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 28, 2023 10:53 PM
Thanks Fruity!Got back later than expected..will do your readings tomorrow morning. Spring IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 29, 2023 08:38 AM
For your first question I got:king of coins (rev) 5 of cups ace of cups (rev) 10 of swords (rev) 5 of coins hermit (rev) clarifiers: 8 of coins, six of swords (rev) Seems like R is doing everything he can to go on holiday, but there's something missing. I don't know if R is a romantic interest of yours, but if so, there may not be that connection you may be hoping is there--even as friends. There could also be some changes coming up between the two of you. It will seem to become promising for a short period and then someone experiences some financial difficulties or for some reason that they don't have enough money to go. You'll need to be prudent or active in what you want to do here. The clarifiers are saying you may try to make an effort to overcome this, but then R may tell you why things (maybe he tells you about the above and any difficulties he is having) aren't moving in that direction--going on holiday. Will R settle his career? The above cards in your first reading also alluded to someone losing their job, that may be R. six of swords (rev) page of wands 4 of wands (rev) devil 8 of swords 2 of swords (rev) clarifiers: wheel of fortune (rev), 8 of cups R doesn't know how things will play out for him/her, but may receive some info--maybe they hear of another job opening or something that will help them there..R isn't feeling very secure..maybe they just don't have the passion or drive to accomplish what they want to and feel like they are locked into the cycle in life that they exist in. They need to take advantage of any opportunities that come their way otherwise they stay in the same boat. There are possibly people around them or someone saying things about them that aren't true (maybe a past employer) or people that they thought were friends. It could just be in their head, though, and they just need to wait and try again..could be that they want to get a job somewhere and that others beat them to the openings they find. In they end they may decide to discontinue on where they are looking and look for something better...and see their value.. My questions are: When I finally move from where I am living now, what will my new home be like? Will I find good places to take my dog, so she feels good about the move? Thank you Fruity. IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 30, 2023 07:15 AM
Spring,I haven't forgotten, I will get to you very soon I'm sorry for the delay! Thank you for your reading also 💞 IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 30, 2023 02:22 PM
1) what will your new home be likeAce W, Page P, Devil I think it will be quite modern looking or a new build something like that but there's going to be something that will be not what you expected. I am actually wondering if you will find your new home to be all-consuming in some way. Is it possible it will be something that needs a lot of decorating or something like that? It might be something that looks lovely on the outside but inside needs a lot of work or is just very much a blank canvas. I think in terms of environment, I got Fool, 4P, Emperor... so it will be in an area that you will be new to and it will make you and your dogs feel a bit uneasy at first, possibly. However, I do think it will provide a lot of open space for you to walk your dogs- I love that the Fool card appeared as it has a little dog on it following the Fool on his journey! I do think it will be a nice area and your dogs will relax into it quite quickly as you will be able to control the situation and coax them out. IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 30, 2023 02:25 PM
EDIT: Actually, I am wondering if I should read the Devil here as its reversed meaning because I just heard "unshackling" and then with the Fool in the next spread...I think your next home will be a big improvement for you mentally actually as it will get you away from the less than desirable issues with your current place. Perhaps this is reflecting your feelings of being a bit trapped in your current place? The Ace of Wands is also making me think of a paintbrush too so I think you will enjoy getting creative in your new home!
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Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 30, 2023 06:08 PM
Thank you Fruity!You are right! It will most likely need work because those are the ones right now that are the easiest to get. The ones you move right into are being snapped up. I have a place in mind, so it being new to us makes sense. Interesting that you said dogs, plural, so am wondering if I end up getting another one. Your intuition on being unshackled fits as I have a lot of control people around me right now and others watching everything I do. The blank canvas makes perfect sense. Another reader saw the house as being modest in size..but when it's a fixer upper, it can consume your time.. Let me know what your questions are. IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 31, 2023 06:49 AM
Yes I was leaning towards a fixer upper but the ace of wands indicates something new, or returning something to its original state. I know what you mean about newer builds getting snapped up, so frustrating isn't it! Though here in my country, newer builds tend not to be as sturdy or made with quality in mind so when we bought last year, we went with an older build as you can guarantee good brickwork and solid windows! So maybe it'll be similar for you and work out better in the long run!!Ahh about the dogs, do you know I had to keep reading and rereading the question as I kept misreading dog and dogs... And I still misread so maybe it is a sign you'll get another! Maybe you'll feel your current dog will benefit from some company to settle into a new area? If you have any more questions let me know. I do have some more but I don't want to bombard you! If you do want to exchange again, could I ask if R will like his new job that will be starting in a couple of weeks? Regarding your last reading about the holiday... He recently lost a job and got another but is moving again to somewhere that is better paid. He moves quite often as it's hospitality and everywhere treats him like crap. It does affect our ability to do other things like go on holiday or plan our lives. He is my partner as well btw. But I'm wondering if you could read into this next job ? Will they give him the holiday time? Money shouldn't be too much of an issue as I will pay for it. IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 31, 2023 04:53 PM
Yes, the last home I had was also a fixer upper, but I've learned more about how to fix certain parts of the home. I also tried to fix everything back to how it was originally. Renovations. Where I currently live, the newer homes haven't been tested much yet.Could be that I get a foster dog or something like that. It's getting so expensive to take care of one now and often because of my lack of experience, sometimes the vet offices take advantage of that. This is the first dog I have ever had. Will R like the new job he is starting in the next couple of weeks? king of coins ten of cups wheel of fortune (rev) lovers 8 of cups queen of wands (rev) I think R sees this new job as a good source of income and support for him. There may be something that changes with the job either before he starts the job or somewhat after. R needs to pursue what he wants, but he will be tested (thinking this may to do with your relationship..because of what came up as the last card)..not sure what he has expressed to you about his situation. The 8 of cups is showing that he will look for or do something better..he seems resistant change or it could be that the people around him are jealous for some reason. The money thing could be that as a man he feels that he should contribute in some way. It doesn't look like he will stay there or in that position, though. The beginning of this effort for him looks really good. On your other question I got: 10 of coins 5 of swords justice page of wands (rev) 4 of wands emperor He may stay in that job long enough to have the money for the trip. The job may also be stressful, but he will slay most all of the dragons he is faced with's just his feeling of instability (maybe emotional) that makes it hard for him to stay. The emperor is showing that he will gain some maturity and possibly a promotion and that's why the first reading shows him moving on to something better and the jealousy?? It could be a better job at another place, too. Yes, I have more questions. Recently we had some rodents get into the house and I was able to remove them. Does it look like we will have more problems with them before I move one day? Will I need more repair work on my car before I move one day or just regular maintenance? Thank you Fruity! IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 31, 2023 05:59 PM
I don't know why I kept thinking about him needing of the cards on the last read could also mean that he could get an inheritance or money coming from you paying makes sense..looks good for him going, though..IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted June 01, 2023 03:36 PM
Hi Spring, Yes that's the only thing with pets isnt it! We've got a little cat and cats aren't usually too costly but our one had a period of constant wax build up and and ear infections at the beginning of the year, which the vets made sure to make us get every type of ear drops possible before deciding on proper wax removal... anyway.. For your first question I got 10C, King C, Ace P, Fool, 8P, QW I can see that you are feeling relieved by having got rid of them- understandably, and this will continue so I feel like you will have the rodents under control or do already, looks like it was a one off to be honest. Or at least until you move of course. I love that the queen of wands came out here as she is depicted with having cats at her feet so that kind of shows you've done the right thing to prevent further infestation!! IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted June 01, 2023 03:45 PM
For the question about your car I gotTower rx, Page P, Knight C, 7S, 3W rx, 6C Well this spread to me speaks mainly about taking preemptive action and preventing disaster. So I read that as it being likely you will need more work on your car before you move but I don't think you will encounter anything major. You might decide to get a regular service before moving and address any issues that arise right then and there to save you hassle later on, especially because it looks like you want to hang onto this car for a long time to come yet. With the Knight of Cups in the middle, I reckon whatever arises will be to do with either tyres, windscreen, water pump, oil and engine fluid, something like that might need replacing before you move. I'm not entirely sure how to interpret 6C in this to be honest unless it just means learning from past mistakes or incidents? Or not leaving things too long to get sorted perhaps Thank you for my readings too! It does make sense, he seems to have the same pattern everywhere and its stressful...fingers crossed though
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Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted June 01, 2023 09:39 PM
Hi Fruity!Thank you for the heads up on the ear drops for wax removal..they haven't tried that one yet. I only caught the was smaller and could have been a mouse. I think A third one got stuck in a wall where work had been done in the past and think it died there. Another reader said I would have a few annoyances.. I'm thinking three could be a few. Not sure how they were getting in, though. On the car I had been worried about the transmission.. glad to hear that there won't be anything major and yes, I'm trying to keep it for a good while..already had the water pump replaced and just had the brakes done including new rotors..your interpretation of the 6 of cups is very good as my first car had lots of breakdowns over the +-4 years that I had it.. Thank you again! Let me know if you have more questions. IP: Logged |
FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 1450 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted June 02, 2023 06:18 PM
Hi Spring! Oh I'm glad it resonated! Yes I think regarding rodents, if there is a reoccurrence it can't be very many. Oh poor thing getting stuck in the wall :/ Ahh makes sense regarding car, yes if you've already had things done to it then perhaps the cards were saying that not much is going to be needed going forwards since you've ALREADY been quite preemptive there. Cars are an absolute nightmare when they got kaput though aren't they! Do you have any more questions? If you are up for it, could I ask what JH from BC will think of me? Leave yours too of course Many thanks IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted June 03, 2023 08:59 AM
I like these of cups hermit (rev) 8 of wands 9 of wands 4 of coins (rev) strength (rev) clarifiers: king of coins, queen of cups I think JH is reflected by the page of cups. Will he be helping you in some way? He thinks you may have gotten advice or info that wasn't correct and may be impatient..also that you needed to be more active in your approach towards BC.. Whatever JH helps you with, you'll see quick results..he also thinks that you worry that there will be things hidden from you..he sees you as trying to do things counter to what you need to do and sometimes don't have faith that things will work out.. He sees potential in you as you are experienced, financially stable and a good person and intuitive as reflected in the queen of cups.. My question is..I had a very clear dream around a year ago or so about my niece, J, and thought it showed the future of her putting herself together in all ways..she looked good--healthy, dressed nice, had a guy named Tony and she seemed to overcome her difficulties in life. Thinking this was what would occur after her father passed one day as he was absent from the dream and I had come to visit to help her with his final arrangements. Anyways, she passed away suddenly this year at the end of February. No final info on what really happened. I connected with her while meditating before she crossed over (she thought it was cool there and then a voice said she was gone, so I'm thinking that's what happened (crossed over)..felt a lot of happy vibes from her, too). What was I supposed to learn from this niece, J? Thank you again Fruity! Let me know if you have another q. IP: Logged |