posted May 02, 2024 05:21 PM
My apologies for such a late reading. This will hold true for the next 12 months from when you first read it.
This isn't like the other readings. Unfortunately my decks and myself have been transformed but only a small this is a hiccup we can work through.
Your color dragon is SILVER.
"Silver Lunar Dragon".
You'll find yourself much prosperity and protective energy if you use an amulet on a silver chain. Using the night hours to pray and water, earth energy will bring you prosperity. Bathing in botanicals, grounding your feet in green lush grass.
Your dragon message " bath yourself in divine feminine light"
Practice peace, harmony and cooperation. Strengthen your chakras.
I'm guided to tell you rose quartz will protect your heart and those you love - as well connection to them. As well either black obsidian or tourmaline is strongly needed for protection in all areas of your 3d life.
You're going to if not already, go through a "rebirth".
(*Love, financial possibly)
I see two areas you may need to restore, heal in. Double star (2x - 4 swords energy). You'll benefit beautifully with abundant rest, peaceful time spent. Number 22, a master number may play a role for you. As well 2, 4 or 6. You receive two 22 cards! A double mastery. You're about to step into a period where you are masterful in and you're harmonious, whether in love with another or self, you'll find complete contentment in either - possibly both! It depends upon your intention. With a strong heart chakra- prosperity will flow to you.
Alternatively your lucky numbers could be:
35 (8), 12 (3), which resonates with gemini, scorpio in your natal chart. Watery, airy. (8+3 are 11, you might have a twin in your life this next 12 months). Communication and deep emotional connections might be very pronounced this next 12 months.
I'm seeing this as in the next 3 months something big may become evident. A deep connection maybe? Perhaps messages coming from someone whom once you thought to be a desired love interest. Something that looked over could reflicker within your gaze.
August (8/11) may be a very passionate time and as well you might have a Leo you're fond of or they you. Maybe a felion is already or will be part of your near future. To brighten your nest in your family life.
Oak (june 10 - july 7), white chestnut (abundance, healing - Jupiter) and gentian are botanical herbs spirit is recommending for you to allow purity, growth and happiness to come in towards y9u and whom you chose or wish to deepen an existing connection with.
I hope this in some way is helpful. All the best to you dali.divine. &I hope you have enormous love and prosperity with the protection your dragon spirit gives you!
PS - these Leo placements could denote more, as well taurus, which we are now in. Transits as well might indicate more where your abundance or love is activated.
3rd degree
8th degree
11th degree
12th degree
Your pof shouldn't be overlooked either. It's def worth a look.