Topic: Exchanges?
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 4042 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 22, 2024 05:25 PM
Anyone want to exchange? I'll be home in a couple hours let me know! Thanks IP: Logged |
Saille Knowflake Posts: 1834 From: N/A Registered: Apr 2015
posted October 22, 2024 09:30 PM
I can!What's your question? IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 4042 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 23, 2024 12:59 AM
Hi Sailie! hope you've been doing well!I have two questions actually 1. Will I conceive by the end of this year? November/December? We've been trying for 3-4 months now. Took a break this month and going to start trying again next month! Fingers crossed lol 2. I just started a new job that is very stressful, I didn't have any previous experience in the field I'm working in now and feel a bit overwhelmed 🙃. Should I stay at my current job, will the stress get better and will I manage to figure it out or should I try find a new job instead? Thank you! Let me know yours  IP: Logged |
Saille Knowflake Posts: 1834 From: N/A Registered: Apr 2015
posted October 23, 2024 05:00 AM
Hi Lu! Things are good! Just waiting for things to spourt! For your 1st question I received King of swords Queen of swords 7 of cups Are you and your partner having disagreement or arguments? I think it represent you and him. I feel like things aren't harmonious and with the holiday coming up, things might be a little stressful. There seems to be a lot of things up in the air( plus getting so many air cards). I don't think this is a yes just yet, but since the cups represents water/emotions and it's in the future, it might warrant a disccussion, as it looks like you or your partner want different things,( doesn't mean not wanting a baby, but maybe wanting to accomplish more or feel settled more before the baby) but may not be communicating it and may need to. I asked time frame wise when you will get pregnant. Don't be alarm by the cards, just focus on the numbers. Temperance -14 Empress-3 10 of Swords- 10 27/3 = 9 months. So possibly at looking at 9 months or so. For work should you leave? ( I'm surprised you didn't get the 10 of wands for overwhelmed)
Temperance, 10 of swords, Emperor I do think you felt you had it in the bag in the beginning with the temperance, but something is killing( 10 of swords) your drive and causing you stress( what is it?) is affecting you- which might explain the break in trying for a baby, but also getting pregnant. Emperor is a yes card, but I feel it's more of telling you to take charge of the situation. I asked what should she do? The Magician, page of swords, 6 of wands Again here you have all of right skills for the job and you were obviously hired (The Magician), but now you need to take the time to assess things a little more( the page of swords), and 6 of wands tells me you can handle it, and can master the job if you stay. Remember we're coming up on Nov/Dec and most companies aren't hiring again till March. So If you do want to leave, definitely start looking for a new job, and wait till you get one before leaving. Overall I feel you can master this job, and you aren't looking at the better qualities for the job. My Q!
Will get get into a relationship soon? I'm on a dating app, idk! IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 4042 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 23, 2024 11:25 PM
Thank you Saile! Both readings make a lot of sense! Both my partner and I are air signs! We do tend to bicker a lot sometimes lol but we've been together for years. I know we both really want a baby, but lately because of work I've been thinking I might push the timeline back a bit until January! That way I'll be past my probation and more settled at work and they can't fire me if they find out im pregnant We are still going to try though. So fingers crossed! I'll be back with your reading shortly IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 4042 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 24, 2024 03:17 AM
Saile: Hmm. So I asked about the next 3 months regrading your lovelife. It looks like this is causing some anxiety and stress or overthinking for you (9 of swords)? It looks like your friends are supportive though and maybe are giving you advice, which I'm hearing to take and listen to! Let your friends help you. I see you maybe feeling a bit lonely or insecure as well (5 of pents), so you just need a perspective change or switch (hanged man). This also feels like you waiting for a long time or feeling stuck/hopeless, maybe worried about the past repeating itself? Is there an ex that you had that you still think about or that left some scars? I do think someone is going to come towards you though, seems like a redhead, with fair skin/freckled and bright blue eyes. He's very friendly. I see him introducing himself to you and he could have an A name like Adam and maybe a C as well either last name Initial or first or sounding etc. I'm feeling pisces energy around him too. So he could be a pisces or just a water sign or this might happen around pisces season. I'm also seeing Megan Markle and Prince Harry now. Interesting. This could be an interracial relationship or he looks like Harry etc. Good luck ❤️ IP: Logged |
Saille Knowflake Posts: 1834 From: N/A Registered: Apr 2015
posted October 24, 2024 03:44 AM
Thanks Lu!I am pretty lonely emotionally now and I do feel I'll likely be introduced to him in a workplace (Jupiter in 10th house) or by a friend, and I do want a relationship or feel ready. My last relationship, I'm still recovery mentality. Things like memory of fights pop up, or I wish I had said this, or I was stronger enough to have left, stuck up for myself...just a lot of regret that I stayed in the relationship, and it/he really hurt me. 1. I'm obsessed with redheads. 2. I love prince Harry. Meghan can and kick rocks. 3. You read my soulmate/twinflame reading a while back and mentioned a C name, but now I have an Idea of what to expect, so this is so lovely to hear. 4. And I'm African, so makes sense with the interracial. Thanks for keeping my hope up! I may be working for a celebrity, so maybe I may meet him that way. IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 4042 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 25, 2024 02:54 PM
Thank you for the feedback S <3 I hope you meet him soon! Keep me updated  IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 4042 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 27, 2024 06:39 PM
Bump IP: Logged |
LilyIris07 Knowflake Posts: 694 From: A South African in Shanghai Registered: Jan 2022
posted October 28, 2024 01:33 AM
Hi doll ~ Are you still open for questions? ☺️ If you are… mine are, why do the girls I work with hate me so munch… also, how is CH thinking about me! What’s yours? ❤️ IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted October 28, 2024 05:21 PM
Hi Luna,I hope your efforts at getting pregnant are going well. I also wanted to give you some feedback on a read you gave me. You mentioned all this female energy, etc. on the sale of my mom's home. Yes, the person buying it is a female and there have been negotiations. True also that we won't get the original asking price for it either. It will also be renovated by her and others..lots of changes. Even one female relative of the buyer knows how to rehab the special flooring the house has. If you have another question, can I ask, will I find the house I'm looking for soon? In your reading you saw me possibly moved in all the way by late February or early March. Thank you, Spring
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LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 4042 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 30, 2024 02:51 AM
Lily & Spring, I will do your questions tomorrow! Thanks  I don't have any right now but if I think of any I will add  IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 4042 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted November 01, 2024 02:55 AM
Okay I have a question lolWill I get pregnant this month!? I will make sure to update end of the month too lol Sorry I was very busy today handing out candy and worked until 8pm. I will try do your questions when I get off work tomorrow IP: Logged |
Springtimeflower Knowflake Posts: 5061 From: USA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 01, 2024 03:02 PM
Will Luna get pregnant in November?Moon (r) Temperance (r) Knight of coins (r) Six of coins Tower Queen of cups (r) Clarifiers: ten of coins, ten of swords (r), 3 of coins The cards are saying that it is unclear in November that you'll get pregnant, but something may come to light about what may be keeping you from getting pregnant.. your doctor or someone could be taking advantage of you (not telling you everything) or you need more balance in your life and look at the big picture. The cards are showing your generosity to others and how that will create the change that is coming. There may be someone around you that hasn't been honest with you or they haven't told you everything. Looks like you may have money coming to you, which should help with your life balance if only temporarily. You'll become good at whatever you do. I don't think you'll get pregnant in November since the cards seem to talk mostly about your work. Hope this helps. Spring
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LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 4042 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted November 01, 2024 08:26 PM
Dang, that's very interesting tho. I haven't seen a doctor yet because I get my period every single month at the same time and I has a scan a couple years ago and everything looked normal/healthy. But if I'm still not pregnant by the end of the year. I probably should go to the doctor again. I don't think anything is wrong with me, I think its my partner. He smokes and smoke weed constantly and isn't very healthy lol. I bet it's him that is the issue. I'll try get him to go to the doctor with me lolThanks Spring! IP: Logged |
LilyIris07 Knowflake Posts: 694 From: A South African in Shanghai Registered: Jan 2022
posted November 01, 2024 11:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by LunaIscariot: Okay I have a question lolWill I get pregnant this month!? I will make sure to update end of the month too lol Sorry I was very busy today handing out candy and worked until 8pm. I will try do your questions when I get off work tomorrow
Hi Luna - the cards i got for you were the four of wands, justice (clarified by page of wands), judgement (clarified by queen of swords) and the ace of swords. I am getting a bit of an interesting answer - i feel like the cards are asking you to deeply consider if this is what you want, and to take a deeper look at the ins and outs of this process (maybe that involves going to the doctor etc...). Like i don't get a negative vibe at all from these cards, i feel like it might not be this month but the process is definitely beginning and its in motion but there are some events or things that need to take place? Like i feel a happiness by these cards, and it seems like you may get some mental clarity soon about the best time to get pregnant or any potential challenges etc... like i do think this is a life event that will happen for you its just only in its beginning phases if that makes sense. i asked for more timing and i got the five of swords - someone said that the air cards are like weeks, so maybe by the end of novemeber you would have figured out any possible challenges or know about under which conditions are best for you to get pregnant (like keeping track of ovulation and eating certain foods etc...). I pulled a guidance card for you from the mystical shaman oracle deck - and the card you got was thunder; which talks about big events taking place and how this will change your life and that you will be using different parts of yourself to navigate through this different terrain - it is like an event that is meant to happen but it does shake up your life. I suppose this is what happens when you have a baby
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 200679 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 06, 2024 02:49 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 200679 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 05, 2025 05:27 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |