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Author Topic:   New Year exchanges :D

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posted January 01, 2025 04:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey guys, happy new year!

I wanted to see if anyone wants to do some year ahead/what to expect in 2025 readings?

I'll be back tomorrow! Leave your question if you wanna know if something specific is going to happen in 2025 or just a general reading.

My question is just a general what to expect in 2025! The good and bad lol

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posted January 01, 2025 05:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Saille     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Would love a general reading!

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posted January 01, 2025 08:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Saille! Sure thing

What can you expect in 2025?

Star, chariot, 5 of cups, hierophant, 7 of cups, 2 or pents/ace of cups
Knight of cups on the bottom.

Wow! Looks like an awesome year for you!

I definitely think you're going to meet your water sign guy this year! But more towards the end of the year. I'm hearing October but also May.
I also seen you celebrating something, feels like a big milestone. I also see a new vehicle potentially or something with a car/transportation. I see a lot of hope and healing for you this year. Looks like you may join a church or some sort of big organization or maybe even higher education. I see you being a bit confused and needing to make some choices and having options when it comes to dating or maybe just life in general . Overall, fantastic year! I'm excited for you and congrats 👏

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Posts: 688
From: A South African in Shanghai
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posted January 01, 2025 09:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello! I’d love to do one! A general overview of 2025 would be great - also any info about my love life involving Mr Hu and J

I can do yours later tonight! I’m at work at the moment ~~

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posted January 02, 2025 01:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Lily! Happy New Year!

Here's your reading:
Moon, fool, temperance, knight of cups, 8 of swords, 5 of wands R
King of wands bottom of the deck

So, I'm seeing a lot of romance and dating. I think you're gonna be putting yourself out there more this year (or continuing to do that if you already are). I'm seeing that you need to be careful though, I think there's a guy that's going to be prominent in your life. Seems foreign with darker skin or from a hot climate and I'm getting an Asian energy. Maybe an L name as well I'm picking up. Could be a fire sign or someone who is confident, charismatic and attractive. This guy is lying to you/keeping secrets or playing you and I think this year you're going to realize this OR might not be wanting to believe it or fooling yourself or not seeing the situation clearly. I also see pets like an animal (dog specifically), looks like you'll get a new dog or just be around them a lot. I'm also seeing you drinking more or trying to be sober this year? Something with alcohol or trying to cut down on something (moderation). I see you taking more risks and being more adventurous. But I'm also seeing you avoiding conflict or running from someone, looks like a woman. Could be a water sign or someone with an S of C name and could have blonde hair, blue eyes or fair skin. Looks like you're afraid of conflict with this person or just don't want to fight anymore.

I'm also seeing a potential trip/travels or a move as well

Overall, looks like a fun, busy year with lots of new experiences!

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Posts: 688
From: A South African in Shanghai
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posted January 02, 2025 02:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LunaIscariot:
Hi Lily! Happy New Year!

Here's your reading:
Moon, fool, temperance, knight of cups, 8 of swords, 5 of wands R
King of wands bottom of the deck

So, I'm seeing a lot of romance and dating. I think you're gonna be putting yourself out there more this year (or continuing to do that if you already are). I'm seeing that you need to be careful though, I think there's a guy that's going to be prominent in your life. Seems foreign with darker skin or from a hot climate and I'm getting an Asian energy. Maybe an L name as well I'm picking up. Could be a fire sign or someone who is confident, charismatic and attractive. This guy is lying to you/keeping secrets or playing you and I think this year you're going to realize this OR might not be wanting to believe it or fooling yourself or not seeing the situation clearly. I also see pets like an animal (dog specifically), looks like you'll get a new dog or just be around them a lot. I'm also seeing you drinking more or trying to be sober this year? Something with alcohol or trying to cut down on something (moderation). I see you taking more risks and being more adventurous. But I'm also seeing you avoiding conflict or running from someone, looks like a woman. Could be a water sign or someone with an S of C name and could have blonde hair, blue eyes or fair skin. Looks like you're afraid of conflict with this person or just don't want to fight anymore.

I'm also seeing a potential trip/travels or a move as well

Overall, looks like a fun, busy year with lots of new experiences!

Thank you! 🙏🏻 Interesting, I currently have two men in my life. One is Chinese (We work together), and another is American, living in North Carolina (Military). The Chinese guy and I are only acquaintances, perhaps becoming friends - the other American is the one with the red flags. But I’m honestly not sure who to trust out of either of them… I’m nervous. Would you be able to look into their energies separately and tell me more? I don’t know the Chinese man very well, and the other one I’ve had a thing with before.

Also, I’m actually sober - and have been for three years. I take my sobriety seriously and I hope I can maintain this. Interesting, about the woman I’ll have conflict with, I have a couple of friends who fit this description I’m not sure which one exactly you are referring too.

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Posts: 1831
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posted January 02, 2025 04:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Saille     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
[QUOTE]Originally posted by LunaIscariot:
[B]Hey guys, happy new year!

Hi L,
Sorry I misread this! And didn't give you a reading! Here it it.

Overall Theme for 2025

6 of Pentacles

Spring- Emperor
Summer- The Magician
Fall- Ace of Wands
Winter-Pages of wands

I'm rarely jealous of readings, but wow, these cards are amazing!
Love that the spring card is Emperor! Overall looks like a solid year for you! A year of giving, preparation, inspection, and new beginnings.

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posted January 02, 2025 04:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Saille     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LunaIscariot:
Hey Saille! Sure thing

What can you expect in 2025?

Star, chariot, 5 of cups, hierophant, 7 of cups, 2 or pents/ace of cups
Knight of cups on the bottom.

Wow! Looks like an awesome year for you!

I definitely think you're going to meet your water sign guy this year! But more towards the end of the year. I'm hearing October but also May.
I also seen you celebrating something, feels like a big milestone. I also see a new vehicle potentially or something with a car/transportation. I see a lot of hope and healing for you this year. Looks like you may join a church or some sort of big organization or maybe even higher education. I see you being a bit confused and needing to make some choices and having options when it comes to dating or maybe just life in general . Overall, fantastic year! I'm excited for you and congrats 👏

Thanks love!
I did a time reading for when I'd meet my partner...looks like 3 and half I'll keep you posted. God, I hope I meet him soon, I'm dying for a partner and baby.
The car thing, I keep feeling like someone is going to give me a car, or I'll need to get a new car. My current one is being troublesome.

Thank you!

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Posts: 688
From: A South African in Shanghai
Registered: Jan 2022

posted January 02, 2025 06:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LunaIscariot:
Hey guys, happy new year!

I wanted to see if anyone wants to do some year ahead/what to expect in 2025 readings?

I'll be back tomorrow! Leave your question if you wanna know if something specific is going to happen in 2025 or just a general reading.

My question is just a general what to expect in 2025! The good and bad lol

Hi! for 2025 i got the page of swords, four of pentacles, seven of pentacles and the knight of swords. Firstly i get the feeling of you growing something (are you pregnant?) - perhaps you are trying to save money, and create some more stability through that area. you will patiently tend towards something, and your communication skills and quick witt will help you to see this through with the knowledge that this is something long term. there might need to be some deep introspection when it comes to finances and material gain, you could come into money somehow but be careful not to be impulsive with it otherwise it will stress you out somehow.perhaps there will be a new project or something to do with work and collaboration, there may be more than one opportunity and you need to use your intuition to see which one is best for you. there may be a walking away from some other project or opportunity based on your intuition. you may become friends with a new group of people or be networking, just keep your wits about you as things may not be as they seem. or there will be an offer that isn't as good as it seems. there is something that has finally come full circle, something you will experience - at some point you may need to take some time out from your exciting life to nurture this.

i got a guidance card for you its called "evolution vibration" there will be new ideas and creativity surrounding you - it advises to stay away from old ways of thinking, or societal pressure of what "should be done" make sure you are following your own inner compass. there may be some growing pains, but overall its an exciting time.

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posted January 02, 2025 07:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you ladies! ❤️
I'm very excited for 2025

Also, I experienced a miscarriage a couple weeks ago. I'm hoping to try again in a couple months!

I have a couple more questions if either of you want to do a few more?
Let me know your questions!

1. When will I become pregnant again?
2. Will I get accepted into the Dental Hygiene program at the college I'm hoping for in 2027?

Thank you!

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Posts: 688
From: A South African in Shanghai
Registered: Jan 2022

posted January 02, 2025 07:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LunaIscariot:
Thank you ladies! ❤️
I'm very excited for 2025

Also, I experienced a miscarriage a couple weeks ago. I'm hoping to try again in a couple months!

I have a couple more questions if either of you want to do a few more?
Let me know your questions!

1. When will I become pregnant again?
2. Will I get accepted into the Dental Hygiene program at the college I'm hoping for in 2027?

Thank you!

I will - give me a couple minutes

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Posts: 688
From: A South African in Shanghai
Registered: Jan 2022

posted January 02, 2025 07:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LilyIris07:
I will - give me a couple minutes

I’m sorry to hear about your miscarriage ❤️…. Earlier in your spread I didn’t mention this but I did get the death card, and the first thing that came to my mind was miscarriage but I didn’t want to mention that because I didn’t want to scare you if you were still pregnant.

1. What can you expect when it comes to babies in 2025?
I got the Chariot, The Sun, 10 of Pentacles and The Magician. I honestly see that you will most likely get pregnant again, when I was doing your reading earlier I felt a soul wanting to come in and the traditional Sun card in the tarot always gives me this feeling of children because of the happy kid on the horse. I think you’ll need to be fairly patient though, with the pentacles - but as long as you keep trying it will come to manifest.

I asked for timing and I got, the 10 of Wands, the Two of cups, the Knight of Swords and the Fool. Overall it’s positive, but perhaps you may have a couple tries before it really sticks? And it might be a bit of a heavy load to carry - there might also need to be a choice between certain aspects of your life.

2. Dental Programme.
For your cards I got The Eight of Cups, Page of Pentacles, Ace of Swords and the Wheel of Fortune. I feel like perhaps you will be walking away from something else that you thought you wanted, or perhaps walking towards something by you want. There will definitely be a start of something new, and with the wheel of fortune I do feel like things are in your favor but it’s just the beginning of an idea. I’m not too sure if this resonates. It’s still something manifesting, in its beginning stages.

My questions were above - can you tell me more about 1. American Military guy with regards to me and 2. Chinese co-worker with regards to me. Thank you!

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posted January 02, 2025 08:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Lily! ❤️
I'll definitely keep you posted

I'm going to sleep soon. I will be back tomorrow morning to do your other 2 questions

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posted January 02, 2025 09:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Saille     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi L,

So sorry to hear about the miscarriage. I did a reading for both questions using lenormand.

For the 1st question I received

Pregnancy- I think 8 weeks the earliest, 8 month the lastest. With the whip I think it indicates the sudden loss/miscarriage. Obviously health- give your body some time to heal, and the tower is not the same meaning as it is in Tarot. Here it implies space from trying to get pregnant before going again. Rest!
11- Whip
19- Tower

10-scythe-months -things happen unexpectedly.
6- Clouds- some unseen issues
16-Stars- yes

I think yes, but you may have tons of work to do prior to being accepted? Possibly paperwork etc?

If you have time...I'm trying to figure out my acting career, and whether my agent is doing all she can to help me. I do get auditions from her, but it feels like they are old auditions, and no longer accepting submissions, though I'm not sure why she would do that.

I just keep seeing some friends moving up in their acting career and my feels stagnant...due to my agent.

Should I look to adding another agent?


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Posts: 688
From: A South African in Shanghai
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posted January 04, 2025 09:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 05, 2025 07:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

1.american military guy

Hmm, looks like some history with this guy forsure. He still feels some pain and heartache regarding you. He's struggling to love on, it's a stress and burden for him. I don't see romantic feelings anymore per say, it's like he knows it's over, but he's just struggling to move on still.
I wouldn't trust this guy if he tries to "get back" with you or anything. Because there's no real romantic or love feelings here, it's all just hurt and past stuff. So if he did get back with you. It would ONLY be because he's trying to feel better HIMSELF and it doesn't actually have anything to do with YOU if that makes sense.
And if it's not you that broke his heart then he's just using you for a rebound or distraction etc. Because this guy is brokenhearted. Period.

2. Chinese Co worker
He likes you, lots of friendly pleasant feelings. He thinks you get along well and you make him feel good about himself , I think he knows you like or are interested in him. He tries to show off around you maybe, I just see confidence and ego boost from you. He also thinks you're attractive. Are you a mother?
Or you remind him of his mom. He also thinks you're financially wealthy or you two would be good business partners/help each other make money. He also thinks you came from money, maybe an inheritance or rich parents etc.

Hope this helps

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posted January 05, 2025 08:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Advice for your acting career:
You need to do something drastic and dramatic to stand out. You need to take risks. I also think you need to move or get out of the area you live or where you audition etc. Because I'm seeing that it's extremely cutthroat and toxic. I also think you should focus on making connections. It's all about who you know. Try being an extra or taking smaller roles until you can make a good impression, meet people and make connections. Also try some behind the scenes work? Like lights or cameras, pre or post production etc. I also think you should try to find a talent agency or a new one if you already have an agency/bigger organization.

2. Your agent.
Is she an earth sign? Darker hair etc.
Either way. I see this woman massively taking advantage of you. She's only about the money. She sees you as a golden opportunity to make money. Looks like you want to find a better agent but just don't have the money for it. And she knows it and plays that to her advantage....

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From: A South African in Shanghai
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posted January 06, 2025 12:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LunaIscariot:

1.american military guy

Hmm, looks like some history with this guy forsure. He still feels some pain and heartache regarding you. He's struggling to love on, it's a stress and burden for him. I don't see romantic feelings anymore per say, it's like he knows it's over, but he's just struggling to move on still.
I wouldn't trust this guy if he tries to "get back" with you or anything. Because there's no real romantic or love feelings here, it's all just hurt and past stuff. So if he did get back with you. It would ONLY be because he's trying to feel better HIMSELF and it doesn't actually have anything to do with YOU if that makes sense.
And if it's not you that broke his heart then he's just using you for a rebound or distraction etc. Because this guy is brokenhearted. Period.

2. Chinese Co worker
He likes you, lots of friendly pleasant feelings. He thinks you get along well and you make him feel good about himself , I think he knows you like or are interested in him. He tries to show off around you maybe, I just see confidence and ego boost from you. He also thinks you're attractive. Are you a mother?
Or you remind him of his mom. He also thinks you're financially wealthy or you two would be good business partners/help each other make money. He also thinks you came from money, maybe an inheritance or rich parents etc.

Hope this helps

Very interesting Luna! Via Chinese co-worker, He’s usually pretty reserved… although I have been reaching out a bit to him over text so that I can get to know him as he’s not always at my campus even though we work for the same company. Also, he’s pretty shy in person so I guess my approaching him is boosting his ego, which I’m not sure how I feel about that because I don’t want to be just making someone feel good about themselves. I sometimes think he’s interested in me too but I don’t really know… I am a Kindergarten Teacher, so perhaps he’s sort of observing me in that role as “mother” - he also has a child of his own from a previous relationship, so it’s possible that parenting is something he notices? I don’t know… Also that’s interesting about money, I am literally poor haha - my parents are dead but they definitely are not rich and left me no money 😂. But I was talking to him about a holiday I want to take in China so perhaps he thought that equals money… which he may be disappointed when he realizes I own nothing to my name 😂😂. It’s still very new anyway, and may only turn into friendship.

With Military Guy, yeah I’m not surprised about what you’ve said. I mean we had a thing before; and I guess neither of us really moved on from the connection even though it’s not something that can turn long term. I’m starting to get the sense he just likes to have the power, and that he doesn’t actually see me. As for heartbreak I’m not sure, he’s got exes none of them have worked out. I’m starting to think it’s because he’s stagnant and doesn’t work on himself. I always used to think we’d have a future but I’m starting to see he’s not the type of person I’d want to have a future with.

Anyway thank you

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posted January 06, 2025 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MMarie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Luna,

I’d love a general reading!

Let me know if you have a specific Q or if you’d like a general reading as well for 2025?

Thank you!

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posted January 06, 2025 06:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Marie!

Yes, just a general 2025 reading for me

I'll be back later with your reading

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posted January 07, 2025 12:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MMarie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Luna,

For your general 2025 reading I pulled:

2 of rods, the Hierophant (reversed), the Star, 8 of rods, 2 of swords, and the Empress (reversed).

When I pulled the deck out the 3 of cups was at the bottom, and thought that could be significant as well.

There are a lot of Major Arcana here which I found interesting! And I shuffled quite a bit.

With these cards I believe there will be some changes for sure this year, and also internal changes or in mindset. You might start the year off with a bit of uncertainty or anxiety but I think that will change at some point during the year and you will gain hope, renewal, possibly a fresh start in some way - maybe a new job or relationship? You will be more aligned with your own visions, goals (whether professional or personal) and achieve them by following your own inner voice and wisdom. Listening to yourself will give you freedom. There might be dependence somewhere in your life whether someone on you, or you on another and I think you will gain independence in some way which will be positive for you. You might also have to make a difficult decision - external support and following your internal guidance will help you. (There might be quick decisions to be made)

And with the 3 of cups, a possible 3rd party could be important during the year. Or friends/ celebrations could be prominent.

*Edit - you might achieve something you have been working hard on or are almost to your goal, and will figure out the best way to get there.

I hope this resonates, and let me know if you have any questions!


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posted January 09, 2025 01:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MMarie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bump for Luna!

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posted January 12, 2025 04:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MMarie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bump again!

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posted January 15, 2025 10:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by MMarie:
Hi Luna,

I’d love a general reading!

Let me know if you have a specific Q or if you’d like a general reading as well for 2025?

Thank you!

Hi Marie! Sorry I'm so late with your reading

Winter: looks like you may be going through a breakup or some sort of fallout/conflict/walking away from someone/a relationship whether it's romantic or platonic (family, friend etc.), but thankfully I see some hope, healing and happiness towards the end of this season (probably end of February/march). So this is a good thing! I don't know if one of your New Years Resolutions was to cut off toxic people from your life, but I see it being a good decision
Spring: okay, so it looks like you're definitely going to be getting some sort of news, message this season. Either from a person (could be this person you walked away from earlier), or just news/info in general. Looks like good news. I also see something with your home or living situation, so it could be that you are able to move or sell your home etc. I'm seeing you need to fight someone off or perseverance through a situation. Stick to your guns and stay strong! Do you have a child? A fire sign perhaps. It could be that a younger person in your life gets into some trouble or gives you some trouble lol.
Summer: yay, I like this month for you. Looks like some money coming in, you successfully completing a goal, looks like career/school or money wise maybe. Or just a cycle/stage of your life you're happy is over. I also see you getting more in touch with your intuitive side. Maybe doing more readings or getting them. I'm seeing pleasure, relaxation and you treating yourself.
Fall: love. I see a man here strongly. Looks like a water sign man, or just someone who is mature, emotionally stable and deep, wise, diplomatic and gives good advise. I'm also seeing this could be your father. And also your mother? You might spend more time with them or visit etc. I also see a potential glow up or pregnancy, or issues regarding fertility/pregnancy maybe. Overall a really good season for you

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posted January 16, 2025 05:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LunaIscariot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If anyone wants to do more exchanges, I'll be around all day tmr and will be able to do them ASAP

Leave your q's

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