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Author Topic:   Part I - Lesson 1: The Elements
posted October 22, 2002 09:13 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Introduction – Lesson One, Elements

Before we can talk about the elements, also known as the triplicities, I think it might be useful to spend a minute describing some of the very basic points of astrology and the terms I’ll be using along the way, especially for the brand-new astrologers out there!

The natal chart, also called the horoscope, wheel, nativity or map, is analogous to a picture of the sky taken at the moment of your birth. It is depicted as a circle with 12 ‘compartments’, called houses. Each house corresponds with one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, and each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac are affiliated with a particular planet (for our purposes the Sun and Moon, also known as the luminaries, also fall under the umbrella of ‘planet’.) Each sign of the Zodiac is also considered to be representative of certain human characteristics, or archetype that has it’s genesis in myth and legends. While all twelve signs are unique, there are various common links between them, and this is where the elements come into play, as well as the modes, which will be discussed in the next lesson.

There are four elements used in astrology: fire, earth, air, and water. The twelve signs are divided equally among the elements, so that there are three signs that represent each element, which is where the term ‘triplicity’ comes from.

As we talked about in the introduction, there is a relationship between what we see in natural phenomena and our own experiences. (i.e. ‘As above, so below.) The concept of elements in astrology seeks to categorize the signs by using nature to assist in the symbolic definition of the signs. When considering the meaning of a particular sign it is essential to know it’s element, and so it’s especially useful to become familiar with what the element represents. This is not a difficult process at all! Visualizing and meditating on the nature of each element will help each of you to be able to understand it’s makeup.


Fire Signs are courageous, idealistic, enthusiastic, energetic and optimistic. Fire signs usually do things in great and energetic rushes and are capable of accomplishing much in a short time. They have a tendency to ‘burn-out’, and so a challenge for all fire signs is to learn moderation.

The Fire Signs are: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius


Earth Signs are practical, down to earth, refined and realistic. Earth signs are concerned with gathering resources and are sometimes leaned upon by the other signs because of their inherent stability. Because of the focus on resources, Earth signs need to guard against materialism.

The Earth Signs are: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn


Air signs are intellectual, mental, changeable and objective. Air signs are most concerned with the mind and the expression of thought . This intellectual approach can sometimes mean that air signs appear to be distant or aloof in intimate relationships, which is something they need to be conscious of.

The Air Signs are: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius


Water signs are emotional, sensitive, artistic, compassionate and intuitive. Like the ocean, most people who are heavily influenced by water may appear to be always flowing, moving like the tides. Water people are also very sensitive to the feelings of others, which can allow for a great deal of compassion, but have to guard against using this understanding in a manipulative fashion.

The Water Signs are: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces


Discussion Question: What element is your Sun Sign? How do you feel this element expresses it’s self in your daily life?

In terms of compatibility, signs are considered compatible if they belong to the same element. Do you agree or disagree? Have you seen this in your own life? (If you do not know your Sun Sign, please post your birthdata, including place and time – I will let you know!)

Recommended Exercise: Some memory work is helpful when learning astrology. Memorizing what sign is associated with which element is one of those things which will assist you in understanding the basic nature of a chart quickly. Making a deck of ‘flash’ cards is something that is often recommended. If you create something like this, be sure to leave room for all the other useful tidbits you will be learning about each sign as the lessons progress!!!


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posted October 22, 2002 10:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i just want to say that i am SO stoked for this class!!! Terri, you put alot of work into that, thanks so much!! I am going to print this stuff out and start keeping a notebook, along with my own notes and such...

this is just so cool..i am so excited!!

i'm a Fire sign btw, Sag, 121670...and I am ALWAYS burning out...


When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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posted October 22, 2002 10:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As supplemental reading on elements I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo's book Astrology, Psychoogy, and the four elements.

I'm an earth sun and Ascendant myself.


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posted October 23, 2002 01:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Everyone,
Well, I'm another Sagi, fire element and I am definately optimistic, but do tend to charge gung-ho full on into things, which does tend to drive my more sedate Pisces, water element husband to near insanity

I am definately attracted to air signs with friendships, usually either Libra's and even more so Aquarian's.

I don't think I've ever had a lasting friendship with another fire element person.

My family are water sun, earth sun and fire sun, so there's a real mixture in my house!

I do tend to think my water element moon is the 'burn-out, draining' influence in my chart, but I could be wrong.
18th Dec 1968 (4:45 am Melb~Australia )

Anyway I just love being a Sagi and thank god that I was born under 'lucky' Jupiter

Thanks Terri


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posted October 23, 2002 02:54 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm a virgo and very realistic orientated. But have attracted many Sagitarrians into my life. (my north node). Why I don't know but they never work out..

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posted October 23, 2002 10:03 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the compliments everyone! I was really bummed out when I lost all my files that I had prepared for this course, but maybe it was for a reason, becuase I feel these 'new' lessons are actually better than the lost ones!

Illog - I have skimmed through many of Arryo's books, but never bought any. I do like his approch though, so maybe I should make the committment.

Bernadette and Poops - My son is a Saggi too, and he is always gung-ho, cheery and very very busy. He will fight bedtime and naptime with a vengence, yet if he misses out on enough sleep he ends up in a total collapse. Now he is still very little, so that's a bit exaggerated, but it's an example of what I mean by fire sign burn-out - they become so enthusiatically involved with whatever they are doing that they run the risk of ignoring the natural cues to take a break.

Air + fire, water + earth are considered good pairings of the elements too. That can be either in your combatibility with others, or even in your own natal chart, to see how combatible you are with yourself! (i.e. If your Ascendent is Aries and your Sun is Gemini than your outward and inner selves are in a harmonious balance. Compared to a Libra Sun, and a Pisces Ascendent, which might cause you to feel that people's perceptions of you (the Ascendent) are not at all like your real self (the Sun)

Ariesmoonxx - The nodes will be covered in greater detail by another teacher later, but a quick comment would be that since the Nodes point to your future (North) and past (South) the Saggi's into your life are to help you become familiar with the type of energy that you are moving towards at a Soul level. In general, I think it's been observed that when a number of people of the same sign are being drawn to you, that you have lessons to learn from that sign - and especially if as you say, 'they never work out'


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posted October 23, 2002 11:46 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As you can tell by my user name, I'm a fire sign, also a Sag (12/8). The men I'm attracted to are always either fires (usually Aries) or air (love Libras!). My closest friends have always been Cancers. I am outspoken, can dance all night, am given to emotional outbursts, but never hold grudges. While my Cancer friends can be homebodies when I want to go out and have fun, they've been invaluable as listeners when I need to vent.

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posted October 23, 2002 01:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm an airsign Libra, tripple air infact and everything I do or say is well thought out.... even when I want to say or do something without thinking about it, I think about doing it without thinking and so as the element of air suggests I get swept away by notions. I can even forget about the notion I had previously because the next notion has occupied the thought.
My everyday is constant thought, intensely so and if u wanna argue or debate any point, I'm well up for it!
So em there ya go......
Voila air element

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posted October 23, 2002 02:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Muse1     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am also a true Sagittarius, I do have a lot of fire in my chart so it seems I can always dance all night long……………

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stella polaris
posted October 23, 2002 04:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm Virgo Sun - down to earth, practical, I love gardening, flowers, herbs. But since I have a Leo ascendant I also need to shine and be a royalty, not always easy in a house with two other Leos fighting for the place on the throne..So I find friendships that allow me to be the queen instead...Particularly with other Virgo women.
Truthseeker, what you write about your Sag son really reminds me of my oldest son, he's Aquarius with Sag ascendant. Never a dull moment with him around!

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posted October 23, 2002 04:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Terri
Fantastic start to the astrology course Thank you so much for all your effort, it really is very much appreciated and I'm sure I speak for everyone here

I just had a thought......
For all you "newbees" - and I mean that in a way. If you don't know how to see your own chart - to see your elements then please post your details and we'll help you with your chart.

PS: And please everyone don't worry or be "frightened" to ask questions. No question is "stupid" we are all learning together

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posted October 23, 2002 07:42 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Again,
Just thought I'd add that I'm a double Saggi (Sun & Asc), with Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Uranus in air elements, so as my friends say, 'I'm out there!'

Hi Terri, I know what you mean with your son, as, when I was little I would go 'flat out' until I just colapsed at bedtime, actually not much has changed in time, as I still 'crash' the minute my noggen hits the pillow, and I can fall asleep, literally anywhere, regardless of the noise around me, but once awake, my mind's racing and I'm straight back into it. Boredom is my worst enemy!

Hi Cat, I was just wondering if you could check out my 'nodes' for me, I have my north in Aries (4th) & my south in Libra (10th), is this right ?????? Thanks !

Talk to you all soon.....


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posted October 23, 2002 08:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
POOPS!! I am the EXACT same way!! I get bored VERY quickly...and I honestly stay tired all the time, because my mind never seems to rest..I'm always thinking about what needs to be done!

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posted October 23, 2002 11:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Bernadette,
Yes,I too needs lots of mental stimulation, and as the 'idiot box' (t.v)is not for me, I occupy most of my time reading, gardening and learning, which I love.
Unfortunately, I don't worry much about what hasn't been done, irresponsible, but true.
Oh, if only life was one big garden and library,I'd be set !

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From: Saturn next to Charmainec
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posted October 24, 2002 02:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great job, Terri!

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted October 24, 2002 03:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm excited now after reading that first post! Okay.. I'm an Aries which I've known is fire. Yes, DEFINATELY, I burn out. I get very excited in things and dive in head first and swim around excitedly, then get tired or bored and leave it.

That really annoys me.

Leo and Sagitarius ~ I didn't know they were fire, too. I get along with them very well so that'll be easy to remember.

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posted October 24, 2002 04:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Poops
Yes you're correct re your nodes

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posted October 24, 2002 05:34 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, I'm Cancer with a heck of alot of gemini in my chart, So I'm a bit of water and mostly air. I get along with alot of people/signs. I come off way to hyper because of all my air though, people say I look like I'm trying to say more than I can at once, like a kid I guess. My 2 best friends are fire signs, I usually have air sign boyfriends, but have been with an earth sign for a while now. I think I get along with most elements.


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posted October 24, 2002 12:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm Gemini with Libra rising - double air. I'm definitely concerned with communication/intelligence/expression. I could talk and talk and talk, and read all day and all night, while doing 7 other things at the same time of course. My Virgo friend calls me the toddler of the zodiac.

As for the elements, I find I communicate best with the other air signs (not so much with Aquarius though) and usually make friends with them instantly. I get along with the fire signs and am usually attracted to the males. Earth signs are usually my reliable friends (I have an earth moon). I find I don't get along very well with water signs. I can usually tell when someone is in the water element because of the vibe I feel from them. Like there is an invisible force blocking our communication. Lots of misunderstandings and awkward conversation with water. However with air signs I feel a natural flow in communication and find myself expressing myself freely. That person usually turns out to be a Libra.

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posted October 24, 2002 02:47 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Wonderful job!

My Sun is Aquarius (Air)
Moon is Capricorn (Earth)
Ascendent is Capricorn (Earth)

I have had the occasion of being misunderstood by others. I don't know if that is consistent with my chart having

Also, I get bored and give up if things go too slow.??

TV is not for me, I'd rather read something.

Communication, OH! Yes, I can talk on the phone for hours!

Since I learned a few years ago, that I have a tendency to be distant with others.. I keep that in my awareness as not to offend anyone.
I press my children on making logical choices vs. emotional choices. I ALWAYS help them with homework.."If you can speak,read, and write properly; you can be anything you want to be."

Giving the benefit of the doubt has often been a problem for me, I tend to give it too much; but I only trust until that trust is broken.
In terms of compatibility, I do very well with (male-air)
(female-air) have a tendency to leave of their own accord or I eventually hate them If they do something that I can't forgive. No offense but they are usually Gemini.

(Earth) male and female are great!
(Fire) male and female are great, but they tax my patience.
(Water) male I CAN NOT deal with. Female still not sure, don't know too many.

We have a mixture of air and fire in our home. My children are fire, they seem to clash all day- everyday!
My husband and I, on the other hand get along wonderfully; we have maybe one disagreement every six to eight months or so...If that often! I know that sounds too good to be true...But it is true. Our children stress us A LOT! Being air we manage it well; I think....

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posted October 24, 2002 04:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oh good idea, Mary...

Sun: Aries Fire
Moon: Aquarius Water
Rising: Taurus Earth

I am still looking for my birth certificate to check my birthtime. My mother told me 7:56am and she told me she was 'pretty sure' but she could be wrong. All this time I thought I was Leo rising (before I came here)

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posted October 24, 2002 06:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Terri, Hi Everyone
I'm really enjoying reading everyone's thoughts/experiences

My mind started "hopping" can do that
So I was wondering how everyone found a lack of any element affected them?
Tell me to shut up Terri if I'm "jumping the gun". Hmmm do you all understand that saying? It's one we use in England

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posted October 24, 2002 07:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Sue, ,
Thanks for checking that out for me ,


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posted October 24, 2002 08:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am another FIRE sign and I am outgoing, friendly and optomistic and am usually attracted to LEO or ARIES guys. If I look back over the guys that I have really liked they are in the Fire elements. I was married to an Aquarius hmmmm. I have a lot of friends that are Cancer (my Uranus) and also Scorpio (my moon) but have never had any serious relationships with guys of those signs. I also seem to keep the guys I used to go out with as good friends (not my ex) I value trust,like positive people and really have had to learn patience and to do things in moderation as I have experienced 'close to burnout' conditions around the work and being 'supermom' at home. I am learning to do what I can, when I can and to take time for me the older I get.Being a Sag do you think a Leo Sun with an Aries Northnode is a great combo for me? Now I have to figure out if his Virgo Venus will make him too persnickity about my 'sometimes' not too tidy house. Love to garden and to be near the ocean. Thanks to you Terri and to Sue for all your time here. Love Flame

p.s. I can relate really quickly to most of you other FIRE signs. I have a birthday on the 7th Firedragon and wasn't at all surprised to see your birthday so close to mine.

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From: Saturn next to Charmainec
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posted October 24, 2002 09:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have no Fire at all.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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