Topic: Solar Arcs and Progressions
belgz unregistered
posted April 08, 2010 02:02 AM
Is anybody able to contribute with any information they have on Solar arcs and progressions? IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted April 08, 2010 02:31 AM
What is Solar Arc? by Pat White Solar arc direction is one of the oldest predictive techniques in astrology. Solar arc is defined as the difference between the position of the progressed Sun and natal Sun on any particular day. This arc is then added to every planet and point in the chart. The arc is approximately equivalent to the individual's age. However, note that a person born in the summer will have a solar arc that is somewhat less than their age and, conversely, a winter-born individual's solar arc will be greater than their age. When a Solar arc directed planet makes an aspect, especially a hard aspect, to a natal planet, some event or transition is likely to occur. This is more so the case when there is a transit activating the point as well. While solar arc is the most common direction used, any planet or point in the chart may be the basis for a direction. You can have a Venus-arc directed chart, vertex-arc directed, ascendant arc directed, etc. The Sun is most widely used because it connects the individual to the other planets.
Using Solar Arcs Like Secondary Progressions There are two ways of using solar arcs. Some astrologers treat them much like progressions, noting when solar-arc planets enter new houses or signs, and when they make aspects to natal planets.
When you use aspects from solar-arc-directed planets in this way, one peculiar thing happens. Around the age of 30 each of the solar-arc planets and other points in the chart makes an exact 30-degree aspect to its own position at birth. Similarly, around age 45 all the solar-arc planets are in a 45-degree aspect to their own natal position, around age 60 they're in a 60-degree aspect, etc. People born in the winter, when the Sun moves about 61 minutes of arc per day, reach these points a little before these ages. People born in the summer, when the Sun moves about 57 minutes per day, reach them a bit after these ages, with the difference getting greater as they grow older.
So what does it mean to have a day when all your solar-arc planets and other points are making the same aspect to their natal positions? It would certainly cancel out the effect of the individual aspects. Instead, it's as if, for a brief time, your natal chart is operating at double-strength. The quality of what you're feeling on these occasions may have to do with whether the aspect is an easy (sextile) or stressful (semisquare or square) one, and with the major transiting events that are happening just before or after. About the 30-degree solar arc aspect, Astrolabe's Professional Forecaster Report says, it "comes a year or two after your Saturn return, a major transit in everyone's life when people are challenged to define who they will be as an adult. It also comes just after the trine of transiting Uranus to its natal position, which marks a break with the past and an occasion to define one's own individuality. . . . While [the 30-degree solar arc aspect] is not particularly stressful, it does stimulate awareness of who you are becoming." In other words, these moments that occur around age 30, 45, 60 and 90 are given to everyone as occasions for pausing to reflect on the chart that they were born with, and what they have done with it thus far. Using Solar Arcs the Classic Way The other, more classic, method for using solar arcs is the way they are employed by the adherents of astrological symmetry -- Cosmobiologists and Uranian astrologers. These schools look at the arc openings between every pair of points, even when the openings aren’t any of the standard aspects. They concede that while aspects may have a stronger effect, any other kind of arc opening can also assume importance if it is repeated in the chart. Cosmobiologists use midpoint combinations, in which the opening between points A and B equals the opening between points B and C. Uranian astrologers also use four-point “planetary pictures,” in which the opening between points A and B equals the opening between points C and D. Whether three or four points are involved, the idea is that wherever there are equal openings, there is a kind of resonance that links all of the involved points together. As points, you would use all the usual planets, plus the Nodes, Asc and MC. Adding the Uranian planets is entirely optional, and you’ll probably, at least at first, want to leave them out.
However, one other point you might want to add right away to your midpoint and planetary picture combinations is the “Aries Point” or “Vernal Point” -- 0 degrees Aries, or the beginning of the zodiac. This is because a planet’s position in longitude is actually the arc between that planet and the Aries Point. Substituting the Aries Point for one of the points in a two-point combination enables you to investigate single planets as well as pairs of planets. As you will see, this can be useful in forecasting with solar arcs. Forecasting with Arc Openings When you’re doing a kind of astrology that deals with arc openings, you use solar arcs in a different way. Instead of considering where the solar-arc-directed planets are and how they are aspecting the natal chart, you consider the length of the solar arc itself. Whenever the length of the solar arc becomes equal to the length of the arc between two natal points, it “sets off” an interaction between those points. In other words, at certain times in life, the potential link between those two points “comes due” by solar arc. In addition to pairs of points coming due, single points can come due when the solar arc becomes equal to the arc between that point and the Aries Point. All this gives you a very simple and effective way of seeing the course of a person’s whole life. As the years go by, the ever-increasing solar arc sets off every pair of points in the chart in a succession that is unique to each person. You can easily trace this succession by printing out a “difference sort” (which in Solar Fire 5’s Reports menu>Current Chart is called a “Difference Listing” -- just scroll down the menu of choices in the upper right-hand corner, and you will find it). This lists the arc between every pair of planets in the chart, and sorts the pairs of planets beginning with the shortest arc and ending with the longest. Knowing the length of the solar arc at various ages, you can simply go through the list from beginning to end, ticking off each planetary pair at the ages when it becomes due. By default, Solar Fire 5’s Difference Listing shows the arcs between all the pairs. To see the arcs for individual planets, you’ll need to add the Aries or Vernal Point to your Difference Listing. First select Reports menu, and then click “Vernal Point Off” so that it will say “Vernal Point On” the next time you open this menu. Then a point called “VP” will be added to your Difference Listings. Any arc in the listing that involves a planet and the VP will actually be the arc for the individual planet. To interpret the meaning of each pair of points, you can refer to standard aspect meanings, but since you’ll usually be dealing with arc openings that aren’t any standard aspect, you’ll generally need to edit out the qualities (like “easy” for trines, “difficult” for squares, etc.) that would be contributed by the type of aspect. It helps to have a manual that was written with this kind of solar-arc technique in mind. Ebertin’s Combination of Stellar Influences (available in our online bookstore for $16.95 plus shipping) is excellent. It was written for Cosmobiologists and includes all two- and three-point combinations of the standard planets, MC ,Asc and Node. Because it discusses three-point combinations, it’s a useful interpretation cookbook for many types of astrology. Witte and Lefeldt’s Rules for Planetary Pictures was written for Uranian astrology, and besides the standard points includes the Uranian hypothetical planets. Because it provides an alternative take on the interpretations, can be nice to have even if you don’t intend to use the hypothetical points. Recurrences of Solar Arc Contacts A planetary pair can come due more than once in a lifetime. First of all, every pair of points on a circle involves two arc openings -- the arc from A to B, and then, continuing around the circle, the arc from B back again to A. In addition, astrologers who use the 90-degree dial note when the solar arc connects a natal planet with a point that is in a hard aspect (like 90 or 180 degrees) to the other natal planet. (This is why, when using a Difference Sort listing, it’s useful to select a 45- or 90-degree modulus, so that you’ll see these hard aspects to the solar arc points.) Also, arc openings between points work in octaves, so that a pair of points can also come due when the solar arc gets to both half and twice the arc between the two natal points. Since solar arcs can set off a planetary pair a number of times during someone’s lifetime, there are likely to be recurrences of the themes signified by these two points. Looking back at what happened under previous solar-arc contacts involving the same points can be very helpful in understanding what is currently going on in the person’s life. Using Solar Arcs in Relationship Forecasts You can also use solar arc lengths to trace the developments in a relationship. Seeing how one person’s current solar arc is setting off the planetary pairs in the other’s natal chart is an easy and effective way to uncover the issues that one partner is currently experiencing as the result of being in a relationship with the other.
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belgz unregistered
posted April 09, 2010 11:53 AM
Here is an article IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted April 09, 2010 11:54 AM
Secondary Progressions: The Clock of Life Ticking Away by Robert P. Blaschke As the earth turns daily on its polar axis, our satellite, the Moon, is continually orbiting around us, while simultaneously both are orbiting annually around the Sun. The contemplative individual may ask if this apparent linkage between one day, one month and one year means anything. What do these three concurrent celestial motions have to do with each other? Is there a metaphysical equivalency to them? Is time itself real, symbolic or a combination of the two? The astrological calculation techniques of directions and progressions, which take the fixed karmic imprint of the natal or event chart, and move it forward or backward through time, both real and symbolic, have been used by astrologers for centuries to either predict the future, understand the past, or gain perspective about the present. These calculation techniques; including transits, solar arcs, primary/secondary/tertiary/minor directions/progressions and the like, are the opportunity for the astrologer to witness and observe the hands of the clock of life tick away the karma of the life path between the birth and the death of a human being, a nation, an event or any other earthly phenomena infused with a life force moving through time. In this article we shall look at the calculation technique called secondary progressions, which moves the birth chart forward one day for each year of life lived. Thus, the first day of your life is equivalent to the first year of your life, the second day the second year and so on. This calculation allows the consulting astrologer to jump in at any time during your life, compute the progressed positions of your natal planets, compare them by house and by angularity to the birth horoscope, and then provide helpful cyclical analysis or comforting perspective about any chapter of life one is passing through. To understand the relative importance of secondary progressed natal planets or angles, it is critical to keep two things in mind: 1) The secondary progressed chart is not a stand-alone chart, but draws its relevance from its comparison to the natal chart, and 2) The length of progressed planetary influence varies widely because of the daily motion of the planets being either faster or slower than their mean (average) motion at any given time, as they approach or pull away from stations (reversing of motion from retrograde to direct or vice-versa). The following table will help to show the daily, and thus yearly by secondary progression, mean motion of the planets:
Table 1: Planetary Travel Planet Average Daily Motion Retrograde Motion Sun 0¢ª 59' 08" none Moon 13¢ª 10' 35" none Mercury 1¢ª 23' 20-24 days three times a year Venus 1¢ª 12" 40-43 days every 11/2 years Mars 0¢ª 31' 27" 58-81 days every 2 years Jupiter 0¢ª 04' 59" 4 months yearly Saturn 0¢ª 02' 01" 41/2 months yearly Uranus 0¢ª 00' 42" 155 days yearly Neptune 0¢ª 00' 24" 158 days yearly Pluto 0¢ª 00' 15" 160 days yearly If, within the system of secondary progressions, one day's planetary travel is equivalent to one year of life, we can see that the Moon progresses most rapidly (12¢ª-14¢ª per year), the Sun, Mercury and Venus progress much more slowly (1¢ª-2¢ª per year), Mars progresses even slower (0.5¢ª-0.75¢ª per year), Jupiter even slower still (up to 0.2¢ª per year), and the outer planets of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto progress so slowly as to have no consequential effects whatsoever during the lifetime, except to tighten or spread the orbs of natal aspects. Because the planetary orbits are elliptical, not circular, planetary motion will accelerate or retard, causing faster or slower travel through the various degrees of the Zodiac.
In this system, the natal midheaven can also be progressed 0¢ª 59' 08" per year, using the Naibod arc technique (360¢ª Zodiac ¡À 365.25 days per year). Retaining the latitude of birth (not using the current home latitude as in Solar Return calculations), once the midheaven is progressed, the progressed ascendant can be ascertained. These progressed birth chart angles are not used to create progressed horoscope houses with different cusp degrees, but rather to find the progressed natal angles forming conjunctions, squares, trines or oppositions to the natal planets. The calculation of the secondary progressed planets can be accomplished using a computer or an ephemeris; the latter provided you have knowledge of the ACD technique (adjusted calculation date) - the ACD shows you which day of the year in a given person's life equals the ephemeris position of the planets. For client consultations, I recommend using a computer, calculating the Naibod secondary progressed position of the natal planets, midheaven and ascendant for the progressed date you want, and then printing a natal/progressed bi-wheel chart with the secondary progressed planets put into the natal houses in the outer wheel of the chart. This is for the client's visual benefit, so they can see the progressed Moon, for example, moving through the natal houses and applying to, or separating from, aspects to the natal planets or angles. When consulting with a client about their secondary progressions, it is best to present them with the planetary influences described by windows of time, rather than degrees and orbs. Prior to the consultation, the astrologer can prepare for the appointment by listing all progressed planets or angles within a 21/2¢ª total orb of aspecting the natal planets or angles by conjunction, square, trine or opposition. I have not found progressed semisextiles, semisquares, sextiles, quintiles, sesquiquadrates or quincunxes to have much conscious relevance to the life experience of the client. Use a 11/2¢ª applying orb, and a 1¢ª separating orb, to keep your window of time descriptions to the client as accurate as possible. For the progressed Moon aspects to the natal chart, for example, convert orb degrees into months, as the progressed Moon is moving approximately 1¢ª per month. Find the 21/2 month range of time the progressed Moon aspect will be occurring (11/2 months before exact - 1 month after exact), and present these dates to your client. For the progressed Sun aspects to the natal chart, for example, convert orb degrees into years, as the progressed Sun is moving approximately 1¢ª per year. Find the 21/2 year range of time the progressed Sun aspect will be occurring (11/2 years before exact - 1 year after exact), and present these dates to your client. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted April 09, 2010 11:55 AM
For thorough astrological synthesis during a consultation with a client, their transits must be reviewed along with the secondary progressions. There is especially a synchronous relationship between the transit cycle of Saturn and the progressed Sun/Moon (synodic lunation) phases (both 291/2 years in length). Also, simultaneous angles being formed by transit and progression to the same natal planet are very life-changing. You will find these calculation and interpretation tips to be useful in working with secondary progressions:1) Progressed Moon changing signs or natal houses • shifts in emotional focus 2) Progressed Sun/Moon phase • relationship between the subconscious and the conscious 3) Sabian Symbol for the exact degree of progressed New or Full Moons • a 14-15 year subtle energy pattern operating within the individual 4) Natal house containing the progressed Moon • where memories from 271/3 years ago (sidereal progressed lunation) will surface 5) Current progressed Moon sign • compare to natal Moon sign for reevaluation of habits 6) Progressed ascendant-descendant aspecting natal planet (Q T S R) • relationship changes 7) Progressed midheaven-nadir aspecting natal planet (Q T S R) • home/career changes 8) Progressed Moon aspecting natal planet • 21/2 month emotional episode 9) Progressed Sun-Mercury-Venus aspecting natal planet • 1-3 year episode 10) Natal planets reversing direction by progression (especially Mercury, Venus or Mars) • internalization or emergence of function of consciousness 11) Progressed Sun aspecting natal lunar nodes • life purpose wake-up call From my client files, I will share some areas of life experience activated by secondary progressions (aspects = Q T S R): 1) Physical a) increased vitality and energy • progressed Sun, Mars, ascendant or ascendant ruler aspecting natal Sun, Mars, Jupiter or Uranus and/or progressed Moon in natal 1st/5th/9th houses b) decreased vitality and energy • progressed Sun, Mars, ascendant or ascendant ruler aspecting natal Saturn or Neptune and/or progressed Moon in natal 4th/8th/12th houses c) increased sexual desire • progressed Venus, Mars or 5th/8th house ruler aspecting natal Mars, Jupiter, Uranus or Pluto and/or progressed Moon in natal 5th/8th houses d) decreased sexual desire • progressed Venus, Mars or 5th/8th house ruler aspecting natal Saturn or Neptune and/or progressed Moon in natal 3rd/7th/11th houses 3 2) Emotional a) feelings of vulnerability • progressed Moon, Venus or IC ruler aspecting natal Moon, Saturn, Neptune or Pluto and/or progressed Moon in natal 4th/8th/12th houses b) feelings of strength and confidence • progressed Moon, Venus or IC ruler aspecting natal Sun or Jupiter and/or progressed Moon in natal 1st/5th/9th houses c) memories of childhood • progressed Moon or IC ruler aspecting natal Saturn or Pluto and/or progressed Moon in natal 4th/10th houses 3) Intellectual
a) good mental discipline • progressed Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting natal Saturn or Pluto b) increased thought activity • progressed Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting natal Jupiter or Uranus and/or progressed Moon in natal 3rd/6th/9th/12th houses c) poor concentration/scattered mind • progressed Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting natal Moon, Jupiter or Neptune d) returning to college for additional education • progressed Sun aspecting natal 9th house ruler and/or progressed Moon in natal 3rd/9th houses e) writing a book • progressed Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting Jupiter or Saturn and/or progressed Moon in natal 3rd/9th houses
4) Spiritual
a) increased longing or spiritual loneliness • progressed Sun aspecting natal Jupiter, Neptune or Pluto and/or progressed Moon in natal 8th/9th/12th houses b) decreased spiritual awareness • progressed Sun aspecting Venus or Saturn and/or progressed Moon in natal 2nd/6th/10th houses c) strange symbolic or archetypal dream activity • progressed Sun, Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting natal Uranus or Neptune and/or progressed Moon in natal 12th house d) thoughts of death • progressed Sun, Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting natal Pluto and/or progressed Moon in natal 8th house
5) Marriage/Family/Children/Social a) new love relationship • progressed Sun, Venus or 5th/7th house ruler aspecting natal Jupiter, Uranus or Neptune and/or progressed Moon in natal 5th/7th/11th houses b) separation and divorce • progressed Venus or 7th house ruler aspecting natal Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto c) challenges with females • progressed Moon or Venus aspecting natal Saturn or Pluto d) challenges with males • progressed Sun or Mars aspecting natal Saturn or Pluto e) harmonious family times • progressed Moon or IC ruler aspecting natal Venus or Jupiter f) challenges with children • progressed Moon or 5th house ruler aspecting natal Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto g) difficult labor/birth • progressed Moon aspecting natal Mars or Saturn 6) Career
a) change in career • progressed midheaven or 10th house ruler aspecting natal Uranus or Pluto and/or progressed Moon in natal 4th house b) success in career • progressed Sun, midheaven or 10th house ruler aspecting natal Jupiter or Saturn and/or progressed Moon in natal 10th house c) loss of interest in career • progressed Sun, midheaven or 10th house ruler aspecting natal Neptune or Pluto Because of direct and retrograde stations, secondary progressed planets can remain within allowable orb while forming aspects to natal planets for years at a time. Progressed Mercury, for example, can remain within a 1˚ orb aspect to a natal planet for up to 8-10 years (8-10 days actual time). Progressed station Mercury aspecting natal Saturn for 8-10 years running is common with individuals suffering from chronic depression for many years, and then as progressed Mercury moves out of orb, the mental positivity returns again. If you are using a computer in your astrology practice, calculating secondary progressions using the "NOW" button in your software program, try and form the habit of checking your ephemeris prior to the consultation to 4 see if the client has had any natal planets reverse direction by progression, or any progressed planets forming prolonged aspects to natal planets because of progressed stations. From the line item entry in the ephemeris of the client's birthday, scan forward 60-90 days, as this will approximate an entire lifetime of secondary progressions, and show you where any stations and/or direction reversals will occur. Most clients, but not all, will experience progressed Mercury reversing direction at some time in their life. The causal relationship between transits and secondary progressions has been debated by astrologers for centuries. In my astrology practice, I offer a combined consultation looking at both. Too many times I have seen transit Saturn in the opposite natal house as secondary progressed Moon to ignore the synchronicity involved. I have also seen many times, during separations or divorces for example, progressed Venus aspecting natal Pluto while transit Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus was in the natal 7th house. Whether the transits refer to external circumstances, and the secondary progressions to internal shifts of consciousness, or the reverse, or some of each, is immaterial as long as the professional astrologer is thorough enough in his consultation preparation to calculate and review both prior to the appointment. With only a partial understanding of a client's planetary influences, one can only give the client a partial perspective on their current life experiences. The ease of astrological calculations made possible by personal computers leaves us no excuse for going into a client consultation with only partial preparedness. Current cycles analysis is the most commonly requested consultation in my professional practice, surpassing natal interpretations, relationship analysis and electional work. A working knowledge of secondary progressions, in addition to expertise in transit analysis, is necessary for the consulting astrologer in these modern times of rapid personal change. IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1204 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2010 11:57 AM
I have checked out my solar arc chart yet!....Now I can see the relevance... Thanks BelgzIP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1204 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2010 12:13 PM
Voilà!... "b) separation and divorce • progressed Venus or 7th house ruler aspecting natal Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto" IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted April 09, 2010 12:16 PM
Looks like you found it. I have some really good articles somewhere Im trying to find them now too.IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1204 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2010 12:23 PM
Keep them coming.. Great reading... Be good to see if other people can back this up with previous experience and progressions.
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belgz unregistered
posted April 09, 2010 12:28 PM
Opportunities for LOVE First find the ruler of your 7th house; also the ruler of your 5th house of romance. Once you find the rulers of these houses, you will find opportunities come your way when they send or receive solar arc directions.
The most common solar arc progressions for marriage are; Venus well aspected to the ascendant or midheaven. Transits, progressions and solar arc directions will be active the year you marry. Both transits and progressed or solar arc Lunar positions will be active in the year you marry. However the converse progressed or solar arc Moon is more frequently shown. Lunar eclipses may help to time the month of marriage; especially if they fall into your seventh house of partners. Synastry Timers: You may find that your progressed or solar arc Moon is in aspect to another’s natal chart position. Or when your progressed or solar arc directed Moon conjuncts your partner’s Sun, Moon, Venus, Ascendant or Descendant; also by converse movement. Sometimes the progressed or solar arc moon (forward and reversed) will meet your partner’s progressed or directed moon. Marriage may be indicated if your Moon and another’s; are opposite by converse direction. Midpoint Considerations: Transits made to your Sun/Moon midpoint; or to your partners. Transits to your composite Sun/Moon midpoint will also determine when you will marry. The composite Sun/Moon midpoint will be active; especially if another’s Sun/Moon midpoint conjuncts yours. Check the progressed or solar arc directed Suns to see if they fall on the composite Sun/Moon midpoint. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted April 09, 2010 12:30 PM
A link to MIDPOINT PICTURES... IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1204 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2010 12:41 PM
Ok.... my experience/progression backs this one up..." difficult labor/birth • progressed Moon aspecting natal Mars or Saturn".. When my first son was born, it was an induced and difficult birth... my progressed Moon squared my natal Saturn by one degree and also semi-sextile natal Mars... interesting!! IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2010 04:33 PM
Thank you for the articles, Belgz.  IP: Logged |
raspberri Knowflake Posts: 2550 From: venus Registered: Jan 2010
posted April 17, 2010 01:57 PM
Marriage may be indicated if your Moon and another’s; are opposite by converse direction. ^ What does this mean exactly? When I met someone my Progressed Moon was in Virgo 22 and his was in Pisces 20... Now I'm at Libra 23 and he is at Aries 22. Is this what it means? IP: Logged |
SagittariusMC Newflake Posts: 17 From: UK Registered: Feb 2010
posted June 10, 2010 11:48 AM
solar arcs are mainly used in Rectifying someone's birth time -- Solar arcs are really simple, especially for beginners, just move the Angles, Asc, Desc, MC, IC 1' for each year of your life onto planets and vice versa. Not just used for rectification either. Under age 12 though these interpretations are directed towards family changes, maybe relocation, job changes, illnesses, additions to family etc. Another example is my Pluto is 28' Leo in 7th house and my Uranus is 3' Leo in same house to subtract these and you get age 25. That year my then husband and I had an almighty explosion (Uranus) and transformation (Pluto) of that marriage that started the demise and ultimate ending thereof....Further research on solar arcs try these threads. Rectification of birth time •Transiting Pluto square, conj opp Asc, Desc, MC, IC •If under 12’ when it conj an Angle then their age was under age 12 it’s parents adjustments. A death, change within father’s work, a separation, remarriage. •Adults or teens, 1st job, identity transformation MC. •Pluto conj Desc = death, health concerns, geographic, significant relationship or break up, but has to be ‘life transforming’ •Also try transiting Neptune, something dissolving, disappearing, confusing etc. •Timings of transits… is it the 1st hit? More often it’s the middle retrograde hit… but could be the last direct hit also. 1’ =4minutes in time.
------------------ I'm fishing to get you all hooked on astrolgoy IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted June 15, 2010 02:42 PM
Great links thanks SAGMCIP: Logged | |