Topic: Melchizedek Priesthood
MistyDawn Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Phx. Az USA Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 09, 2001 02:31 PM
Has anyone studied this? If so, what can you tell me/us ;-) MistyDawnIP: Logged |
chronicprincess Knowflake Posts: 3080 From: Earth Registered: May 2001
posted October 09, 2001 10:43 PM
MistyDawn~ This is pretty freaky... although some months ago I had downloaded an image of him without realizing it, I never heard the name Melchizedek before two weeks ago when I read that he was an incarnation of Jesus, and had authored one of the books in the bible... it was after that I came across this image file on my computer with his name on it ... I'm like, "whoah!" ... now this thread ! I don't know anything about the priesthood but I am curious to learn more ~Princess IP: Logged |
Morning Storm Knowflake Posts: 1778 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: May 2001
posted October 09, 2001 11:44 PM
I'm Mormon so know LOTS about it. What would you like to know? ------------------ I guess because it’s about a man who loves a woman so much that he knows, without being she feels what makes her hurt and ache inside …Linda Goodman in Gooberz IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25847 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted October 10, 2001 07:50 AM
I'd like to hear more about it also. ------------------ "Man is the only animal that blushes...or needs to." Mark Twain IP: Logged |
Virgo Rising Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Melb Fl Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 10, 2001 09:13 AM
This is the third time I've come across the name in as many weeks so I guess I wanna know too. What's the significance with the Mormon faith? Also, if you don't mind, how does the Mormon faith differ from Catholics and Protestants? Are Mormons closer to Baptists? I have always been curious as to what separates the Christian faiths. IP: Logged |
ghost Knowflake Posts: 572 From: Registered: Jul 2001
posted October 10, 2001 10:05 AM
Virgo Rising , malckitzedek is a bibical figure , he was a pagan man that worshiped the figure of 'el elyon' meaning the suprime godling which was a part of the hattian pantheon something like zeus or ra only in a hattian version of it. he was rememebered for greeting abraham of the bible as saying 'blessed be abraham to the suprime god' he was also the king of shalem which latter on became jerusalem. his part in the new age is unknowen , some people claim to channel him , yet in a personal note , i don't belive them , after reading their writing i can say there is no way in hell that this is malckitzedek that they are channeling maybe someone or something else but not him! , over the simple reson that the hattain includeing malckitzdek were into alot of black magick like og the king of the edomites that used to eat young childern as a part of his service.L&L ghost
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chronicprincess Knowflake Posts: 3080 From: Earth Registered: May 2001
posted October 10, 2001 01:20 PM
Ghost~ Did I understand you correctly that Melchizedek also dealt in black magic? I have also *heard* that the highest hierachy of the Mormon church does also Can you shed some Light on this Auriel? In my net search yesterday, I found much of the source for info on Melchizedek comes from the Encyclopedia of Mormonism... ~Princess ------------------ "What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince IP: Logged |
Virgo Rising Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Melb Fl Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 10, 2001 02:03 PM
LOL...I know a family who are Mormons and the wife would keel over if she heard your comment CP! I am getting this mental picture of her reaction to a black magic ceremony. Black magic is definitely not at the devout lower levels May I ask how this subject origionated MistyDawn? IP: Logged |
chronicprincess Knowflake Posts: 3080 From: Earth Registered: May 2001
posted October 10, 2001 02:56 PM
One of my dearest friends is a Mormon - I think she would just laugh at the idea It is not something I believe, only what I've heard others say - some being Mormons themselves, and I am curious, of course ~Princess IP: Logged |
MistyDawn Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Phx. Az USA Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 10, 2001 04:29 PM
Well, first of all, I DON'T want to step on toes or offend....I have bee told by "higher ups" involved directely that Mormons,Cathlics and Masons all follow certian "practices".I don't meen by the everydat followers putting money in the plate on Sundays.The Elders in the Morman church,Hight Preists and the Masters of Masonary. If you can get the "right" books....their rituals and "how to's" are all written.NOT to say I have "STOLEN" any of them over the years. hehehe. I was "surfing" on immortality when I came across this.It's tied to the old testement,Mormons and Masons. I'm getting mixed info though.Some frefer to the Melchizedek as a immortal preisthood as it's self...others claim,there is a registered community,under this name,refered to as D.O.M.,CLAIMING THEY are all immortals under this preisthood title.They are envoled in many governments(usa being started by the masons),humanitaian,spiritual and you name it.."they" have their hand in it. I hit so many sites I couldn't tell ya where they are.But I am courious to search for more.It really has my couriousidy up!!! Maybe we can all find out together!! MistyDawn IP: Logged |
ghost Knowflake Posts: 572 From: Registered: Jul 2001
posted October 10, 2001 07:01 PM
i have no idea about the mormons... but i'm afraid that there is some black magick is the church , the mad prist rasputin comes to mind... , yet he was coptic christian...i heared something that i'm not sure that is true... , that the early fathers of the church in pagan rome had invented the free masonry in order to 'get into' the paganistic roman state and to convert it into cristianity , which later on did work out... , but then again this is not a sure thing i'l have to triple check it before i'm sure. love and light , ghost
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MistyDawn Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Phx. Az USA Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 10, 2001 10:18 PM
From what I have learned over the years of my studies, ALL "churches" have a little magik in them !! I personaly dont feel there is much real spirituality left in organized religions....They are more or less about power and money...not soul growth. And I don't need to be saved from anything.....But in the true was all mystical and magic. We knew more then it seems than we know now. It's like all this "new age" stuff is just remembering all the old stuff. Universal laws and energy have not changed.We just forgot, or was forced to go against them by greeding controle freeks. "Everyone wants to rule the world" In the process of being brainwashed...we forgot.But do you notice how upset the "churches" are getting now that we are remembering? "We're all going to hell". I'm not going to "hell" for knowing, anymore than "they" are for not seeing.I don't beleive in hell anyway....some say it's here on earth....and we are to bring heaven and hell together.So many things to ponder. MistyDawnIP: Logged |
Virgo Rising Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Melb Fl Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 10, 2001 11:19 PM
Ghost, It is my understanding that Freemasonry pre-dates the Roman Catholic church (and Jesus for that matter). It goes back to Egyptian times. The Catholic church attempted to wipe out Freemasonry with the Inquisition because it feared the size and power of that secret group.------------------ Namaste IP: Logged |
chronicprincess Knowflake Posts: 3080 From: Earth Registered: May 2001
posted October 11, 2001 12:31 AM
MistyDawn~ I feel very much the way you do about organized religions and resent that churches would endeavor to *keep secrets* from their benefactors (it's congregation) which would enLighten them to be more spiritual Beings instead of the base and materialistic peoples so many have become I believe too that the *new age* is surely a great group of souls that are doing nothing more than reMembering what they knew in the beginning... it's sorta like we got very lost and now we are retracing our steps trying to find our way home... and the closer we get the more we reMember (are shown) and become aware of the *magic* we left behind, and the *all and ever connected force* we are all a part of but abandoned and left for dead on our way to this material world ~Princess IP: Logged |
ghost Knowflake Posts: 572 From: Registered: Jul 2001
posted October 11, 2001 02:26 AM
first of all princess your the bomb! i totaly belive in what you'v said as always you rock! you go girl no no no , free masonry didn't came from egypt lol , they worship egyptian godlings and like to think that they are all that BUT they are really not , they were a part of the church at it's early days , you can see it in a pope called innusios (or something like that) that his 'doctors' used to inject him with the blood of young kids in order to try and make him live forever , which never worked out naturaly in pain for the kids... love and light , ghost
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Virgo Rising Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Melb Fl Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 11, 2001 10:38 AM
O.K. Wise Guy WHICH early church did the Free Masons come from? I am NOT convinced that Free Masonry is a pagan plot for takeover. If Atlantis predated all of this stuff and Atlanteans migrated to Egypt then doesn't it stand to reason that some of their knowledge filtered down thru other sects? Aren't there records that haven't been discovered yet?(for a reason) Couldn't there be some records that have been recovered but not distributed? And maybe all the white majic/black magic controversy is a circle of history that we are trying to break free of and thats why it is predominant in all religions. Maybe the message gets garbled when people divide themselves into GROUPS that insist that THEY have the only correct answer. Did I just make sense??? ------------------ Namaste IP: Logged |
Virgo Rising Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Melb Fl Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 11, 2001 10:42 AM
Where is Auriel anyway? The origional question was about Melchizedek and now I want the whole story IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25847 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted October 12, 2001 12:23 AM
Me, too! ------------------ "Man is the only animal that blushes...or needs to." Mark Twain IP: Logged |
Morning Storm Knowflake Posts: 1778 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: May 2001
posted October 12, 2001 12:30 AM
------------------ Science is presently concerned only with the material forces, failing to recognize the Spiritual Forces. Yet, what is a material force but the visible manifestation of the Spiritual Force behind it? To accept the material manifestation and deny the Spiritual Force that creates and controls it is to place yourself in the illogical position of accepting an effect--and denying its cause. Linda Goodman in Love Signs IP: Logged |
Morning Storm Knowflake Posts: 1778 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: May 2001
posted October 12, 2001 12:39 AM
BTW, Misty Dawn, the Mormons don't pass money plates. If you want to pay tithes, you have to track down the Bishop or one of his two counselors and give it to one of them directly. My kids were horrified and didn't understand why they were being asked to put their coins in the money plate when we went to church with my mom and stepfather one time. Kassiana grabbed the money out of the plate and wanted to put it in her change purse so she could get something with it. She was about 2 at the time. ------------------ Science is presently concerned only with the material forces, failing to recognize the Spiritual Forces. Yet, what is a material force but the visible manifestation of the Spiritual Force behind it? To accept the material manifestation and deny the Spiritual Force that creates and controls it is to place yourself in the illogical position of accepting an effect--and denying its cause. Linda Goodman in Love Signs IP: Logged |
chronicprincess Knowflake Posts: 3080 From: Earth Registered: May 2001
posted October 12, 2001 02:05 AM
... but what about the Melchizedek Priesthood - the original question here? ------------------ "What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince IP: Logged |
ghost Knowflake Posts: 572 From: Registered: Jul 2001
posted October 12, 2001 07:59 AM
Virgo Rising , lol the practice that the free mason are doing today is everythingy BUT original , there is nothing new about what they do , they simply copyed it from the egyptions and the hattians and the assyrians and tones of other nations , it started about 1800 years ago with the agnostic/genosis point of view that says that god is evil and there for there most be a devil worship or paganism as the early cherch called it , that is still their belife today by the by , and it's still around in stuff like crowly's magick , thalama magick and some versions of the enochain magick as well , not to mentions the genostics as a 'religion' today , and light , ghost
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Morning Storm Knowflake Posts: 1778 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: May 2001
posted October 12, 2001 11:50 AM
First of all, the Mormon "Higher Ups" as you call them, don't hide anything. It's all there for any member to read. Most just CHOOSE to be ignorant. That's their problem and shouldn't be blamed on the religion. Just like the caffeine myth. We have never been told not to use caffeine. We have been asked not to use tobacco, BLACK tea and coffee because of the tannin agents being harmful to the body. Most Mormons are ignorant to that fact too. Trust me, I think half of them go into apoplexy when I walk into an activity with a Pepsi or Coke in my hand. That is their ignorance and I can't blame that on the church. I think there are some people in the church who use fear tactics to get the members to do as they wish but it is the members who can ultimately decide if they wish to allow it. Those members have free will just as you and I do. I've never towed the line and they haven't ex-communicated me yet. In fact, I'm a well respected Primary teacher and the Bishop's kid is in my class. I say what I want to say, wear what I want to wear, allow my son to have spiked hair, allow my son to wear whatever shirt he wants to wear on Sundays, and even have metaphysical books in my living room. If anyone says anything to me, (which they sometimes do about my son's hair and earring but haven't about anything else), I ask them if God is really going to keep my son out of the Celestial Kingdom because he spikes his hair as a teenager. They shut up and no one has approached me twice. Going to church there is just like anything else in life, I'm going to get out of it what I put into it. Period. Rather than looking for the negative in the church, I take home their family values and morals. Being active in the Mormon church is a wonderful way to reinforce these with my children. You can find negative in anything--including metaphysics. So, if that's what you want to talk about and look for, I'm not going to stop you. I just prefer to stay out of it. If you really want to learn about Melchizedek, go to and go to the search button on the top right hand side of the page. If you type in Melchizedek (or anything) all scripture references with what you type in will be given. Beware, ALL scripture references will be given and not just Bible references. We use more scriptures than most churches. If you type Melchezedek in the bottom one, all articles will be shown. You can read them right on-line. BTW, I wouldn't attend church there if Black Magic was used. And I DO know some of the people you consider "Higher Ups." (The church considers us ALL equal.) I used to date one of the Quorum of the 70's sons and saw A LOT. There was a great deal of light around everyone I met and it was always very peaceful. I wouldn't feel that kind of peace if there was anything dark there. Find a pix of our church president or video of him giving a talk and feel his energy. Then tell me they're practicing Black Magic. Learn to investigate and don't take things as truth just because you heard them. Love and LIGHT, ~Auriel ------------------ Science is presently concerned only with the material forces, failing to recognize the Spiritual Forces. Yet, what is a material force but the visible manifestation of the Spiritual Force behind it? To accept the material manifestation and deny the Spiritual Force that creates and controls it is to place yourself in the illogical position of accepting an effect--and denying its cause. Linda Goodman in Love Signs IP: Logged |
Virgo Rising Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Melb Fl Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 12, 2001 12:44 PM
Auriel....Amen/Awoman. I'll be reading later and Princess had better wait up for me! No beating me to the facts.,no,no,no,NO Freemasonry has the requirement of believing in God. From whatever religion. I believe they consider themselves Gnostic (which means knowledge). Weren't the Essenes Gnostics???? OH! Lightbulb! I think the reason we're butting heads here is because your faith is based on the Old Testament only. Am I correct? I will have to research a new avenue to make contact here. The whole Egyptian thing and Judiasm is still connected tho isn't it because Moses lived with an Egyptian royal family...didn't he? Wasn't he 'learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians'? Now I wish I hadn't gotten kicked out of Sunday School. I keep forgetting who is who. Isn't there a story about Moses being floated down the Nile in a reed basket? There are very similar stories that go back to the Sumarians. Who's to say who borrowed what from whom when it comes to religion? Haven't they all traded different versions of the same events that made for learning stories? So why is the Egyptian stuff so taboo,pagan,or evil. I am completely missing the evil connection to Freemasonry. Your turn........
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chronicprincess Knowflake Posts: 3080 From: Earth Registered: May 2001
posted October 12, 2001 01:50 PM
VirgoRising~ I'll wait up for ya Auriel~ I hope I didn't say something to offend you, or make you feel put on the defensive about your church... I don't believe everything I hear, that is why I asked for your own perspective - because you are a Mormon, and I respect your opinions I think the reason I don't belong to an organized religion is simply because there are too many different ones, with too many different philosophies, for there to be just One God, and one message, LOVE! Oh, and there are too many *rules* ... I don't do rules - unless I wrote them myself, of course Virgo - What is wrong with the Masons is that it IS a *secret society*, members are sworn to life long *oaths* at great risk of breaking them... and I think the *evil* part comes in the *control the world/money/power* thing they are always associated with... this is just my perception of course, I have not studied them - nor will I - cuz "it's a secret" ~Princess IP: Logged |