posted January 29, 2006 03:34 AM
I quite enjoyed reading this -----------------------------------
* Introduction to Mysticism
* A Reflection On Duality
* Reflection on Reality and Consciousness
* A Higher Aspect of Contemplation: (3 pages)
* About Spiritual Emptiness or the Void
* We are the Weavers of our Destiny
* Pilgrimage and Quest
* Mystery of Man (4 pages)
* Importance of Dreams in the Mystical Process (consciousness & Dreams)
* Guidelines to Dream Interpretation
* Consciousness & Dreams
* Inner Quest
* Plato's Allegory of the Cave
* Alice's Interpretation of Plato's Allegory of the Cave
* The Sixth and Seventh Senses of Man
* The Dark Night of the Soul
* The Master Within
* Mystery surrounding the Black Virgins
* The Mystic Heart
* What are Subpersonalities?
* Reincarnation and the Psyche
* Reincarnation and the Soul
* The Subtle Bodies of Man
* Who and What is the Daemon?
* Raymond Bernard: Visualizing & Contacting Cosmic Masters part 1 - part 2 - part 3
* List of Sacred Revelations - Starting point
* How to Work with the10 special Exercises (revised)
* Introducing the 10 special Exercises (revised)
* Unfolding the "Perfect Model" a List of 10 Special Exercises
* Consciousness and the Grail
* Perfect Model & Being
* Buddha and Christ as Perfect Models
* Hermetic Jesus Christ
* Perfect Model as a Tool
* The Spiritual Teacher and the Perfect Model
* The Pleiades
* Jesus a Gnostic point of view
* Christ or Cosmic Consciousness
* Longchenpa a Dzogchen text (an excerpt) ongchepa
* Living as a Perfect Model
* Zhine Tibetan Dream Yoga
* Zhine Tibetan Dream Yoga Part 2
* Dzogchen : The Six Vajra Verses
* Dzogchen : Practice
* Healing Sounds : Exercise
* Wei Wu Wei: 1 - This World of "Ours" : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
* Hsin - Hsin Ming by Seng - Ts'an
* Esoteric Meaning of the VOID
* What is Advaita?
* Questions & Answers Ramana Maharshi
* ATalk with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj - (an excerpt from "I AM THAT")
* What is Jivamukti ?
* Enlightenment
* Acceptance & Surrender
* What is Subjectivity?
* Who is the Seeker of truth?
*Human Relationships
* Non Dual Action
* The Ego and Subjectivity
* The Sage
* Mind Being and Consciousness
* Zen in Practice 1 - Zen in Practice 2
* Soul & Ego Personalities
* Autobiography (7 pages) - Personal Coat of arms
* The Mystery of Janus
* Mysteries of the Androgyny
* Mysteries of Eros
* Mysteries of Aphrodite
* Myth of Cupid and Psyche
* Who was Plotinus - part 1? - Who was Plotinus - part 2?
* Glossary of Terms used on this Website
* List of Link pages: 1 to 30 under revision
* Essays by Dianah: 1 - 2 - 3
* Kabbalah-Emanations from the Source: Essays & Lessons by Bob Green
* List of pages :The Kabbalah-Emanations to print (...and more to be added...)
* Chosen special Essays & Poetry by readers
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