Topic: circles, numbers,rainbows and pixlepixie kinda
Devilfish unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 11:14 AM
well ive had another dream message as i posted in pixiepixels post about the rainbow in yellow wax and the ants(poem titled ,the circle) i then read more in philbirds healing circle dream post. i feel its important so i am going to share it and see what you think im in a hotel with my kids, we are getting ready to go to a family gathering, they are bathed and ready and its time for me to get ready,i have to take a shower and get dressed(im naked in a robe) im looking for a shower, but soon the hotel suite is filled with people laughing eating waiting for the gathering im stressed because i want to see where my kids are/make sure theyre ok and tell them to behave until i finish my shower i see my kids smiling & playing , so i continue to look for a shower the first two showers are in white rooms with two entrances at each side the shower/tub /toliet & they look industrial and cold and it does not seem private enough anyone could walk in (like a clean public gym bathroom) i continue to look and i walk into a BEAUTIFUL room away from everyone i feel like its up high (second story? third story? ect.) it is lined in cedar wood and softly glows with light there is a tub encased in soft rust colored marble with a beige tub inside this shower/tub sits in the middle of the room there is a shower pipe of silver that has a curving shower head highly arched & close to the ceiling the room is round or maybe octagon shaped behind the tub is one window with sunlight soft and filtering thru a sheer white curtain there is no toliet in this room only the shower/tub , a window/ and a pedastal sink with a mirror hanging above it i feel such peace , love and harmony in this room, like its a great discovery on the floor is a symbol ,a circle with something in it, im not sure if it was a swashtika or a star.the colors of this embelm are black and red i feel so lovely and peaceful in this room but i remember i have to get my clothes so when im done showering i can change into my clothes but then i look into the mirror (which is on my right) first i notice my hair (i think," i shouldve colored my roots before this gathering, oh well") then i realize im wearing clothes ,no longer a robe but a turtleneck shirt sleevless with rainbow stripes i think "where did this shirt come from? i dont even like turtleneck shirts theyre too uncomfortable and it looks kinda gawdy with these multi colored stripes, hmmm?" then i wake up. thats the end of my dream but when i wake up i remember the dream and i try to search dream dictionaries for rainbow and cedar after 30 minutes and feeling a little fustrated at my near fruitless search i check into LL and the first thing i read is Pixies poem, wow so simalar is the symbology then the next day or so i read about the rainbow by chance in a biblical reference then yesterday i read in a wiccan book the following quote"the rainbow is an arc of communication with the Gods- thus an inspired communication and vision.recreating the rainbow around your house will boost your clarvoyant capacity and ensure good luck." THEn last night i pick up my Goobers book and read canto nineteen pg. 783 to 823 and wow numbers rainbows bibles and even a reference to a pixalated salamander which fit too cause when i read pixies poem i felt" oh no no no, not this , YES this, confirmation of my revealation,rainbows and circles and numbers and love.the pixalated salamander said "dont you know that you still need him and he will always need you" which is like a poem i posted (after writing it from a dream remembered) "i always loved you always knew always all ways that 1 + 1 is one not two" now read pixies poem then this quote from Linda "i didnt even make notes ..... lets see the oober faith you brought to me was it one divided by two - makes three? or was it two into three makes one?" anyway this is spiraling into some great message for me. i just havent put it all togather yet, or more honestly put, i think im scared to. i think i keep being pointed to something that i keep trying to suppress because the thought rips me in two and i just want to be whole again, even though i know one cant supress things and be whole.yeah thats it, blah. what cha think?IP: Logged |
Devilfish unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 11:59 AM
one more thing last night i dreamed after reading canto 19 that jupiter and saturn were married like isis and osirus and their offspring was uranus and neptune (i sometimes study in my dreams) reflecting on this i ponder does this mean restriction and expansion or rephrased disiplined and enlightment bears the fruit of universal consciencness and ultimate love hmmmmmmmmm like adam and eve and male and female one mind one love one thought i go againIP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 03:15 PM
Wow Devilfish, what a cool dream! And all the little connections really make you wonder about the 'big message' in it all! I'll have to think more on it but the message I get so far has to do with duality. Feeling maybe like your being pulled in two different directions or you are searching for something that you know is there but arent exactly sure of how to get there......but you DO 'get there'. As you DID end up finding two very different kinds of bathrooms in your dream. I believe they represent different aspects of yourself. Your Higher and lower S-elves. What stands out to me is that you find two bathrooms and they are very different from one another. They seem very much opposites. One is 'cold' and 'white'. While in the other, you feel 'peaceful and lovely' in and it is full of warm colors, SOFT rust, beige lined with cedar. It's very different than the other cold white room. In the first bathroom, there are TWO entrances and TWO showers. This is the part of you that feels split or the dual nature within yourself that we all deal with. It seems industrial, cold and not private. It could represent your everyday mundane, or lower self, the one living on this earthly physical plane. You then find another bathroom (aspect of self) which you feel is "up high", possibly a second or third story (HigherS-elf). It's a "Beautiful" room and "away from everyone" (private part of yourself or one you keep hidden from most). This shower sits in the middle of the room (this is the part of you that is 'centered' - your Heart center?). The room is circular (wholeness) and it has ONE window in which soft sunlight "filters through" a sheer WHITE curtain. The "sunlight", "white" "filter" and "one" window, all speak to me of the God presence within you. Your true Self. Interesting that there is no toilet in this room. As if one isnt needed in this kind of room, it's more pure(?), clean..... The very different feelings that you get being in each room is telling too. It also seems that you may be feeling like you arent putting your best face forward to others. Or are feeling a little self conscious about your apperance. You were worried that you shouldve colored your roots and that your clothes suddenly changed from a robe to a shirt that you didnt particularly like when you realized you had to leave the peaceful bathroom (your inner private self). You had to leave your 'inner sanctuary', go face the outside world and you noticed your clothing changed at that time. Just now, reading over your dream again, I realized at the end you said, "the thought rips me in two and I just want to be whole again." I didnt remember that when I started interpreting this, but find it interesting because the strongest message I got was one of going back and forth between duality and wholeness! That's what I got so far. What do you think? Does any of this help or make sense? IP: Logged |
Devilfish unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 04:01 PM
OH WOW WOW WOW..................... 26 OH OH OH i think you are on to something!!!!!!!! Thank YOU Thank YOU Thank YOU wonder-full i feel like i am finding myself , as a little child back to love in public i think i spiral so many new things in my heart , joyfully but i am not able to share all this with others only bits and pieces this makes me long to share even more not dogma, just love, so many people are afraid /repulsed by love this makes me sad i forgot to mention , in the Goober pages i read it mentioned 17 ,my name also adds to 17 and AND i just came in from outside, i was again reading Goobers , sooooooo much sync. i started thinking about duality and onesness then i came into the house and read your post. what a day. what a blessed day. one more neato thing if i may , my maiden initials were RAH my married initials are RAM my hubbys name sounds like isis(silas) when i saw his name in Goobers i nearly fell outta bed with delight. IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 04:16 PM
Awesome!!! I can feel your childlike loving Self bursting off of the page! That's great! I know - so many people ARE afraid or repulsed by Love. So much synch! Sounds like youre 'in the flow'. I love that feeling. Very cool about the initials thing. BTW, I'm a double 17! Take care. IP: Logged |
Devilfish unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 04:25 PM
LOLOLOLOL double 17 ,another connection cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think we are post dancing here. hehe IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 04:49 PM
Yes, we are. lolol IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 05:08 PM
(this one's cuter, lol ) I'm interested in hearing Ra's take on your dream. IP: Logged |
Devilfish unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 05:27 PM
That is cute. heheheeeeee IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 474 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2005 06:43 PM
Wow. That's neat-o! IP: Logged |
SunChild Moderator Posts: 3499 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2005 07:33 PM
Wow Devilfish, that's amazing, and I think 26 did a marvelous job with helping you discover some other aspects about your dream! All of you are amazing! ------------------ "The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become." Charles Dubois IP: Logged |
Devilfish unregistered
posted July 06, 2005 09:30 PM
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Ra Moderator Posts: 332 From: Kentucky Registered: May 2009
posted July 10, 2005 01:50 PM
26T has definately pointed out some very good things , and I just wanted to add a few thoughts.The dream could suggest that you are in the midst of a transition or temporary situation (hotel), possibly involving family. Something about this situation is making you feel stress and a bit of anxiety, and all you want to do is cleanse yourself of it, wash it away. You desire peace, harmony, and privacy, but must first bypass the conflict and unrest (two) around you. So, in the dream, you find it - a place within yourself (round room/circle symbol) where you can have peace. The dream may be suggesting that you need to take some time out for yourself, to spoil or pamper yourself a bit and relax. Now, my take on the rainbow coloured turtleneck is a bit different. True, rainbow colours often indicate a spiritual bridge of sorts, wholeness, psychic functioning, etc., and something like this can still apply, but there is also a meaning that runs somewhat counter, the other side of the rainbow coin, which seems to fit within the context of this dream. You describe the shirt as "uncomfortable" and "gaudy", not exactly a positive description, which leads me to believe that the rainbow colours are more about the separateness of the colours and the energies they represent rather than wholeness. There is certainly a striving for wholeness implied, but it could also be that these rainbow stripes indicate an ordering of life's energies, a need to put them in order, even if it is "uncomfortable". Does any of this apply to you? If so, add these thoughts to the ones 26T has already given, and maybe a more complete picture can be formed. As an aside, I keep thinking it is possible that the three bathrooms could represent three situations or relationships, or two past ones (the first two bathrooms) with a future third ... is that possible? IP: Logged |
Philbird Newflake Posts: 1 From: Douglas AZ. USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 10, 2005 02:02 PM
Cool stuff!IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 474 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 10, 2005 03:50 PM
Ra~ quote: which leads me to believe that the rainbow colours are more about the separateness of the colours and the energies they represent rather than wholeness. There is certainly a striving for wholeness implied, but it could also be that these rainbow stripes indicate an ordering of life's energies, a need to put them in order, even if it is "uncomfortable".
That certainly applies to the rainbows dominating my life! Thanks for the free interp!IP: Logged |
Devilfish unregistered
posted July 10, 2005 06:10 PM
Ra , thanks for responding All you said rings true.
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26taurus unregistered
posted July 13, 2005 01:28 PM
------------------ What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly. ~Richard Bach IP: Logged | |