posted November 05, 2017 08:44 AM
Hello Colorful Butterfly, and Ayelet, *Heart*Sorry I've been missing from here...
My availability on computer has been very crimped now, especially for the 'quality' times. I grab time as I find it available, and as the muse flows.
{personal sharing}
I've been having some extreme-type transits. If you knew astrology, and saw my chart, your eyes would bug? LOL.
I know MY eyes did when I suddenly realized that there are TWO halves to anyone's chart-- (4 actually, when you look at quadrants).
Today, that was like receiving mixed-messages from the universe.
This Full Moon Taurus (Moon Taurus, Sun Scorpio) was ON one of the most 'painful' aspects of my chart--
(Venus Taurus, Saturn-rx Scorpio, 5th and 11th House).
I have some gnarly 'elder transits' right now too-- the thick of it.
Energy has become thicker since beginning of this year, and going into next year.
This past week, it's been my (deceased) father's birthday.
(I never realized his Sun-Jupiter 3+ Scorpio squares my Chiron-rx Aqua H2cap; his own Chiron was Gemini, on my traditionally unaspected Sun).
So amazing to look back and reflect on relationships, being a student of astrology late in life as an elder-- someone who's 'lived all of it' already.
"Nothing you go through is wasted" .... Honestly.
But anyways... Chiron.
(Makes me chuckle knowingly, in an accepting way, while it still semi-sweetly hurts inside me... pain etched around images soooo vivid).
And Saturn --
I don't know what/how I want to really say/feel about Saturn... except, it bites.
If you're a masochist, then you'll say it's good.
If you're under its thumb, you'll KNOW the sadistic experience of that energy. ? ...
Natal and Progressed!
Inwardly I'll allow a soft joy...
Laughing is a medicine, through tears of ALL to be ever experienced, in the course of an ENTIRE life.
Leaving you these links to explore possible the personal meanings relating to the 'symbol' this celebrity possibly represents to your life.
A Celebrity's Life... I respect ALL the service they DO for us.
They are regular people ---
(mourning with Jimmy Fallon today, on the loss of his mother yesterday...)
Some have a DEEP religious faith, and wrestle with their lives, publically and personally.
Even in this next video {while Roseanne Cash sings to father}, we see the cameras shift focus momentarily on the responses of the Clintons {who were in the White House then} ... This couple have a deeply personal committed relationship AND private life, having lived a life of TRULY Public Service.
When you have "Fame" ....
It's HARD to protect yourself from other people who identify themselves with your Image.... and what they 'think' they will have when they capture you?
(I had an exceedingly small version of celebrity/popularity while I was on a worship team in a mega-church in the late 1980s/early 1990s.
A man there, after 5 years, proposed-- and I not-knowing what I'd gotten into, had become merely his trophy-bride...
Won't go into it, except, it shredded my soul and psychology.
I was soooo naïve-- believing that what he 'told' me, was true.
Once the I-do was shared, I found out within a week, 'what' I had really married. Shocking change in his personality.
{today, Venus and Vesta in Libra are ON my Neptune-rx Libra H10.}
H10 with Neptune ....
appreciation of artists, film and story-makers.
Lots of SCORPIO ...
seeing through the veil of REAL lives, with Compassion for preserving personal-life, and the many sorrows.
Celebrities have a LOT of weight on them.
They are Heroes.
They are US. They toggle the lines between being our Myths, and, needing to have the space to live their OWN lives, separately and privately.
Johnny Cash
(music) Roseanne Cash sings to her father (JFK Awards Ceremony, 1996) [6:20]
WATCH THIS ONE 'before' you listen to his song, Hurt.
DEEP DEEP symbolisms that give you background information to more fully understand the song, Hurt.
(topic) Johnny Cash's Last Interview (Aug 20, 2003) [11:01]
(music) Hurt (Johnny Cash) [4:02]
Your mention of "Ring of Fire" matches that SCORPIO energy.
"Desires" -- of ALL KINDS.
Our Relationships "to EVERYTHING" that sparks us personally.
(music) Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash, lyrics) [2:37]
Johnny Cash (in his final interview) spoke of some of his relationships...
Mentions Ray Orbison who had been trained to be a preacher(?fact check?) yet was TORN to still follow his dream of being a musician.
Johnny Cash seemed the SAME DEEP WAY. He walked so conflicted, feeling such a deep personal living relationship to the God and Love of His Soul, and, in his earth walk was feeling as though he were out of integrity, in his more human life of being a secular musician.
He mentions Jimmie Rodgers...
I LOVED that man's songs when I was a girl.
I'm certain that our Loved Ones who have departed remember us from a distance, with Love.
(music) Better Loved You'll Never Be (Jimmie Rodgers) [2:13]