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Author Topic:   Common Dream Themes

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posted February 29, 2020 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for manymoones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That is a great point, I didn’t even think about it that way!

I can be a sponge, and try to block out a lot of the rhetoric in the news as I don’t think it’s the healthiest for our minds, but you are probably accurate that it has made its way to my subconscious. You are intuitive yourself!

I wrote a great deal (and then deleted) about how lately I can’t find the words to describe anything (lol). I am in a strange place in my life journey, with yes all the ups and downs, feeling like I’m heading towards an up? But only time will tell. Can’t tell up from down lately lol. But please know I appreciate your time in reading and providing feedback on what I post from my dream land.

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posted March 20, 2020 03:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for manymoones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Had a very strange dream last night, pretty dark themes, but we are in strange “dark” times so makes sense I suppose!

However, a new animal visited my dream: 2 deer. I think I know what they symbolize for me in at least some sense. But they were beautiful and I was happy to see them

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted April 21, 2020 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted April 21, 2020 06:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I used to dream of doors not protecting me. At best I'd hold them shut with my hands, sometimes I'd wake up screaming while doing so.

I one day realized this was from my PTSD that started in childhood. I couldn't lock dangers out. And as I wasn't familiar with guns, any gun I might get in a dream would either be inert or it's fire would do nothing. Likewise, running would be slow (because as a kid I had shorter legs, and also less places to run and hide).

I also dreamed of fires chasing me (which even to this day still happen from time to time).

Working on my PTSD helped a lot. It wasn't instant, it took years. I'd chronicle the dreams and then use self-hypnosis to relive them differently. I'd also find myself as a child in self-hypnosis and teach her all I now have, and imagine her growing up so that she could take care of herself as I can.

This helped with my overall PTSD, and the common elements above are almost never present anymore in my dreams. (Interesting enough, I've gotten where I have at least limited control of fire in dreams.)

A huge lake is common, though I can often stand up in it with my head above water. I believe this was the lake that my aunt threw me into (with a life preserver on) when I was 4...and at that age the lake would seem much larger than it was.

On a related nature, I have lots of beach related dreams (but I used to be quite the surfer), and sometimes this can include tidal waves (even if I'm very far inland or get high up, it's threatening--the ones I really hate are where I'm stuck on the beach with a big cliff to climb if I want to get away). I believe tidal waves represent strong emotions. Contrary to popular belief, just because I'm not acting out like a child doesn't mean I don't have strong emotions, it's just that I control them rather than these feelings controlling me (usually), but it's still a struggle. These are different from the "big lake" dreams. (ETA: April 30, woke from a nap where I was able to travel back in time to the 1990s, when I was a teen. I was by a beach when I time traveled, and when I did the secured area to walk on became much more precarious, a thin cliff, which I presume reflects how I had less self-control and more emotional issues to work through back then.)

Beyond that, elevators and hospitals are common. I'll try research in dreams. Strangely, stores and shopping centers (and their parking lots) are common, though I don't do a lot of shopping. I'm thinking that these represent choices to me, but I don't feel like explaining my reasoning.

For better and worse, dragons are very common.

Vampires and zombies are as well, but it's very rare for these to mix (that is, a dream with zombies in it won't have a dragon, and vice versa, at least not until one leaves).

Interesting enough, me and my BFF are the shadow side to each other in each other's dreams. We're not like that to each other. We apparently represent the id or forbidden parts we repress to each other. We both find this funny.

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posted May 05, 2020 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for manymoones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for sharing, PixieJane!

I could relate to most of what you posted. I have door dreams all the time, one a couple nights ago. Usually trying to hold the door shut from whatever is on the other side, having issues with locks, etc.

My dream the other night there was an intruder coming through my door with the intent to hurt me and my family. It was terrifying. I don’t know why I have these dreams But have had them since I was a child.

Elevators and tidal waves I see quite often. Have spent many a dream at the beach. Swimming in deep waters. Very recently dreamt of dolphins and whales which I loved, and oddly enough this was right before my terrifying door dream.

Very interesting about the dragons, zombies, and vampires. These things have not made their ways into my dreams, but my sister dreams of zombies quite often. Would be interesting to see what that represents!

Very cool about the shadow side aspect between you and your BFF! Thanks again for sharing. I enjoyed reading

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posted May 06, 2020 12:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
EDIT: that probably was more intense than many here could handle.

So just to summarize, I think Walking Dead zombies represent dangerous conformist tendencies that can potentially impact our survival in a negative way, while Evil Dead (aware zombies, so to speak, and also vampires as they appear in my nightmares which are NOT as romantic figures) are more about the monstrous potential that exist in people. It's undeniable though I know many will deny it because that's what we're supposed to do, and maybe for our own peace of mind (but when asleep...)

I just wish I knew why when dragons are in my dreams (and nightmares) why zombies and the Evil Dead are not...I can still be attacked by say wild boars or even other dragons even when I have a dragon ally, but not zombies. Strange, that.

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posted May 07, 2020 06:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Some ideas..

Zombies, The Dead, Vampires.
Are mindless, directionless, brain-dead organisms. A shadow type of life form on earth. They move in droves, hungering and striving to consume living (human) materials; some feed on blood--- and are dependent on 'cycles' --sundown, sunrise.

(music) Constant Craving (kd Lang, 1992, lyrics) [4:37]

Even through the darkest phase
Be it thick or thin
Always someone marches brave
Here beneath my skin

And constant craving
Has always been

Maybe a great magnet pulls
All souls towards truth

Or maybe it is life itself
Leads wisdom
To its youth

Constant craving
Has always been

Ah ha

Constant craving
Has always been

A door keeps us from seeing what's really there.
Something 'out-there' we will have to face or confront.

I have a book called "A Dictionary of Symbols", by J.E. Cirlot (Spain), 1962.
{notes, quotes, and paraphrases}

Dragons are metaphysical emblems.
They are also an amalgam of elements taken from various animals that are particularly aggressive and dangerous--
such as serpents, crocodiles, lions, as well as pre-historic animals.
So, the dragon itself stands for "things that are animal."

{Covid-19?, catastrophic losses, deaths}
dragons signify plagues which beset the country
(or the individual, if the symbol takes on a psychological implication).
… in another view,, the dragon is a symbol of "sickness".

.. they are strong and vigilant, with exceptionally keen eyesight. (seeing)
They had functions, like, guarding temples and treasures (like the griffin), as well as being turned into an allegory of 'prophecy and wisdom'.
. . .
.. Emblem, dragon biting its tail--
the Gnostic Ouroboros,
{is} a symbol of all cyclic processes --
and of time in particular

It is perhaps in China that this monster has been most utilized and has achieved its greatest degree of transfiguration.
Here it becomes 'imperial power'...
.. the generic dragon of China symbolizes the mastering and sublimation of wickedness,
because the implication is that of a "dragon conquered",
like that which obeys St. George once he has overcome it.

.. the dragon and the serpent are invested with the most profound and all-embracing cosmic significance as symbols for 'rhythmic life.'
The association of dragon/lightning/rain/fecundity {in rituals} is common in archaic Chinese texts,
for which reason the fabulous animal becomes the connecting-link between the Upper Waters and earth.
… Plays an important part as an intermediary, then, between the two extremes of the cosmic forces associated with the essential characteristics of the tree-level symbolism--
*the highest level of spirituality;
*the intermediary plan of the phenomenal life;
*and the lower level of inferior and telluric forces.
A related and powerful part of its meaning, is that of 'strength' and 'speed'.
. . .
Broadly speaking,
present-day psychology defines the dragon-symbol as 'something terrible to overcome',
for only he who conquers the dragon becomes a hero.
.. Jung goes as far to say that the dragon is a 'mother-image' (that is, a mirror of the maternal principle, or of the unconscious), and that it expresses the individual's repugnance towards incest and the fear of commit it, although he also suggests that is quite simply represents evil. (1962).
. . .
… it is still a dragon,
which has to be conquered and slain:
it is 'that which everlastingly devours its own self',
it is Mercury as an image of burning thirst or hunger or the blind impulse towards gratification',
or, in other words,
Nature enthralled and conquered by Nature,
the mystery of the lunar world of change
and becoming as opposed-- to the world of immutable being governed by Uranus.
Bohme.. defines {it as} a will which desires and yet has nothing capable of satisfying it except its own self, as 'the ability of hunger to feed itself'.

PART OF the reason I included all this material is that it relates the current astrology of the changing signs of the Moon's Nodes, for the next 18 months--
and Eclipses.

DRAGONS / Moon's Nodes
The Moon's Nodes (north and south) are also referred to as the Head of the Dragon, and the Tail of The DRAGON.
aka, Rahu (NN) and Ketu (SN).

In tropical western zodiac the {True} NODES have just shifted (May 5) from Cancer/Capricorn, to Gemini/Sagittarius. The {Mean or Average} Nodes don't change until June 5).
In Vedic sidereal astrology, the NODES already shifted a few months earlier--
coinciding with the appearance and start of the Novel Coronavirus-19 {respiratory} pandemic, first detected on earth somewhere in China.

The Chinese had celebrated their New Year with Dragon parade. Scientists think that the huge gathering (crowded social contact) aided in the spread throughout China, then the World, as a Global Pandemic.

It is said that 1/3rd of all people dream precognitively.

We are exposed to news stories, and affected (and worried) as the world basically went into lock-down, social isolation, to avoid the spread of this viral pandemic. .. germ'y plague.



- :dragons

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posted May 07, 2020 10:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for manymoones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^^this is awesome, Mirage! Love the connection to the moon’s nodes.

I will come back and read through all this info again. Takes me time to “digest” Have a great night!

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posted May 09, 2020 11:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Zombies, vampires, and evil dead mean something a bit different to me, though the conformist aspects of zombies does embrace consumerism (and also "just following orders") while the other two can, at least at times, embrace the monster within that is normally held in check to function in society.

As for dragons...even when scary, they are intelligent, not animals. And I mean looking into the eyes of one makes me feel like a lower form of life. The dragons are far more intelligent than us than we are to chimpanzees.

But an interesting aspect I just noticed is that usually when dragons are after me (or are helping me attack others) they are the "western dragon" type, whereas when they're guides and allies they are usually more serpentine and very agile...I'm at a loss if they are closer to feathered serpents (in the Central American way) or eastern dragons (as in China).

In one me and a friend were on the back of a feathered serpent or eastern dragon flying to the moon, and I knew if we reached it we'd understand EVERYTHING. The dragon wanted it as much as we did. But a western dragon was going to kill us all if she could catch us first and it was unclear if she'd catch us. To my frustration I woke up before the situation could be resolved one way or another. (At the time I wondered if the western dragon represented Scorpio energy while the male dragon we were riding to the moon represented my Scorpio Jupiter.)

In a dream not too long ago a dragon was chasing me (definitely seemed an eastern dragon in this case, so it was unusual for it to be after me) and I could not hide. Just before waking up I realized there was a connection between us, and that's how the dragon could find me over and over again. I realized then that in that particular case the dragon represented something inside of me, that is an aspect of myself. Whether this was me trying to escape my negative emotions at the time, or my resisting a lesson I was supposed to be learning, or what, I don't know.

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Posts: 197358
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted May 10, 2020 06:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting about dragons. Sort of like dolphins?

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posted May 20, 2020 04:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 20, 2020 07:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mikstar     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A common dream for me is finding new secret rooms in my house.

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posted May 21, 2020 01:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My dreams have been getting weird lately. Though an interesting new and trivial development is that I use a "smart phone" like most people. I don't in my regular life, and only started dreaming about doing so recently. It's usually mundane and doesn't seem to signify anything, and what I can find online on dream meanings don't seem to fit. (I think part of it is that I see the modern phone as detrimental to social interaction with people around one's self than part of it, even if one is constantly texting others, there's a barrier there, and other problems that make me think they're not worth the convenience.)

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posted May 21, 2020 09:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 02, 2020 08:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for manymoones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello my dreamers ~

Just wanted to pop in and share an interesting phenomenon from my dream last night (this morning).

I went to sleep in my dream, and right after I fell asleep in my dream, I woke up in this life

I will be back, a lot of change in my life right now. Hard to keep up with it all! Lots of love to everyone. Wishing you all well.

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posted June 03, 2020 05:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilunatique     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Recently, I started dreaming about every type of different circumstances. Never happened to me before.

Most probably because I sent my bf a box of sweets last week as a sign of love (his taurus moon loved it lol). After i did that, my dreams now are filled with sweets. weird.

Its irks me though, .. last night i dreamt my abusive ex stalker that sent me a box of sweets that had in it dozens of boxes of different sweets. Under them, at the bottom....there were not so nice messages and threats. :/

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 04, 2020 04:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That made me hungry!

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posted June 05, 2020 05:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wish I could dream of sweets every night.

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posted June 05, 2020 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Sweet Dreams

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posted June 07, 2020 03:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SpecialK     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is a great topic! My dreams tend to be all over the place, but some recurring themes/motifs I have are:

- nighttime
- moon
- snow/ice
- old houses (usually haunted)
- forests (usually blooming and green)
- water (usually streams or lakes in the forests)

A lot of my recurring dreams involve my family (mom, dad, sisters) and I spending time in a stereotypically dilapidated Victorian mansion we all know is haunted. I've gone back to the same house in multiple dreams, but never in the same room/wing of the house. And even though something paranormal doesn't happen in every dream, we all still acknowledge that it is haunted. It seems we're always there in the middle of some effort to refurbish it for the purpose of selling, and that it was an inheritance from a dead ancestor we never met (Great-great-grandmother or somesuch). These dreams used to be scary (and sometimes still are), but they gradually became actually kind of cheerful (in one dream we were able to turn the lights back on, and found a record player to play music while we sorted through the old things), and even when the ghosts began to appear they eventually stopped scaring me. Weird to keep going back to that house, which I know is not real (and cannot be real anyway due to dream physics - shifting rooms, rooms bigger inside than outside, some rooms or wings being in different locations from previous visits, etc.)

Do any of you also continuously return to the same (not-real) dream place?

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posted June 07, 2020 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In addition to the places I listed above, there are these wooded hills. They feel arid but fertile with many trees and if I were to look for them in the waking world then I'd start in southern Oregon (around Klamath). Though now that I think about it, I did go on a shamanic journey in a cave in that region...I'm not certain, but I do think I started dreaming of this location after this.

Though in at least one dream, a tidal wave came through, though high up on a hill I wasn't immediately threatened by it.

I have no idea what these woods mean.

Though in a vision I had (under the most extaordinary circumstances), still something of a dream but so much more, I was flying through a giant forest that had the World Tree at the center where I was heading. The terrain was flat and didn't feel arid, I'd be inclined to think redwoods, though this was definitely like another world, or a "world between worlds." It's possible that the dreams of the wooded hills I frequently have at other times are "the outskirts" (for want of a better word) of those woods. (This was a couple of years before I went on a shamanic trip in the Klamath region of Oregon.)

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Posts: 197358
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 07, 2020 05:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 09, 2020 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BlackSwan     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I used to dream of being stuck hostage inside a building/house/room with the knowledge that someone was coming for me and i had to find a way out of said establishment. It wasnt a impending sense of evil or doom but I knew that it was almost like a puzzle, a challenge. because there would never be a front door. I had no idea how I got there in the first place. Sometimes I would be alone sometimes I had allies and familiar faces, and we would walk around trying to find a way out. It was always low pitch light or very dark. There would always be many levels to the building or house, such as basements, stairs and attics, lots of movment.

I realized that I would have this recurring dream before making big life moves. Whether moving cities or jobs I would almost always receive this dream before a journey of some sort... Its

Kí Olódùmárè àti gbogbo Imọlẹ bùkún gbogbo àwa
Que Olódùmaré y todas las deidades nos bendiga a todos nosotros. Ashe

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posted June 12, 2020 04:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilunatique     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just had my first ever dream in a dream.
But its so weird, because someone made me have it and kept calling to ask if i received /dreamed(in the dream.) And i did.

I dreamt in my dream that i pulled tarot cards. The first and most important one was completely red. It was a red room with red curtains and a red scene on which there was a hybrid creature. Half green, half black. It was not capricorn, it was a mixture of devil with satyr face form with a tongue out. Maybe just the devil. And a big lion was running to the scene on which the devil resided as to attack it.

The rest of the cards were only from the suite of swords but it gets fuzzy and i dont remember.

Writing about the dream helps me think about it deeper tbh and i think i know why i dreamt that tarot card. (my current partner is a leo, my ex is the devil incarnated lol)

edit: damn it looked just like this!

And even the green face..... its the first pic on the Satan wikipedia. Ugh. I shudder

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posted June 12, 2020 12:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wowzers, Ilunatique!!!
The In-Between Worlds.
So symbolic, too!!
I hope you're writing those down,
and even making color sketches to go along with them?

I want you to know that you are NOT alone in what you psychically picked up on.

There are some Spiritually God-oriented astrologers/readers who reported something akin to an energetic black cloud -- presented as card pertaining to prince of darkness, at this time.

Some groups are doing an {outrageous} extra HARD-push for the exclusion of Christ {and followers} from definition of what they want to imagine and believe about the new age. To *them* it is EXCLUSIVE of belief systems of those in Abrahamic-faiths-- not Inclusive of all of humanity. {For me, that is limited-thinking, and in Error for an EVOLVED New Age-- with an eventual Ideal of Tolerance, Harmony, Peace, and Love for ALL individuals in the Human Race.}

I've been in a few astrology webinars hosted by new-age oriented groups, where board members they had, 'openly' TRASHED Jesus, and Christianity (all-the-while KNOWING that some of us were present in the chat-rooms-- I was shocked and not 'expecting' to hear hate-speech from folks that use 'Love' as part of their brand).
Several years ago, I was also present in another webinar where they announced their 'agenda' to bring 'western astrology' BACK to its roots in satanism , quoting esoteric Alice Baily materials, and her biography, as the leading basis of their Cause.
{{I had no idea that esoterism has a satanic-base to it? .. *~oy*}}
God preserves my Mind and Perceptions?
.. When you are God-Minded and Devoted To Love, then ALL things get Filtered in that Light?

So wow! Thanks for the Share!!
Stay connected and Protected 'In The Light'.

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