posted March 07, 2003 05:16 PM
I came across this essay that really moved me and I wanted to share.
Who do we choose to be?
By Paul Jenkinson
Online Journal Contributing Writer (Australia)
March 6, 2003—And so, the question before us now in these troubled and turbulent times, as it has always been, is: "Who do we choose to be?"
These are exciting days, albeit in a scary apocalyptic kind of way. Never before in the entire planetary minute, the sweeping cosmic instant, that is humanities trumpeted existence, have we stood so close to such possibilities of collective conscious creation as we do now.
Our self-proclaimed technological wonders, for, who else is there to proclaim them such, and if there were others who could pass judgement on such things, what is to say that all our glories would not appear as anything more than the industrious workings and collective will of an unusually large species of a rather destructive ant? Who knows, perhaps to these other eyes that is exactly how we appear, after all we share far more in common with the ant than we would care to admit, or are able to see through the rose colouring of all our might, posturing and industry.
Our technological wonders now afford, to those privileged enough to afford them and luckily this number now easily constitutes critical mass, for humanity to communicate with each other across seemingly vast distances of space and time virtually instantaneously. Curiously there are many who believe and have evidence to suggest that this is a gift that we possess innately. For a common, everyday example of this gift think of a time when you have thought about someone only to have that person call you on the phone an instant later—coincidence, fluke, random chance? Perhaps this actually represents a tiny unconscious intuitive glimmer into the window of much deeper, vaster possibilities that lie dormant within us all. Didn't Jesus repeatedly say words to the effect of: that which I do/am, so too can you do/be?
Funnily enough, of all the 'gaps' that are now widening: rich and poor, consumption and resources, population and space, lifestyle and sustainability, there is one that is ever closing: science and spirituality. I have no doubt that on the splendid day when these two complete their inevitable convergence there will be many who will come together on that bridging of knowledge and truth to share a good long laugh.
This newfound ability to liaise easily, cheaply and quickly with each other via television, radio, phone, internet etc. continues to exponentially increase the amount of information available for our consumption, and we have come to love consuming.
It is ironic that the most significant danger inherent in this information explosion is posed by the very institutions of 'power,' governments, corporations, mass media, organised religion, etc., that seek to control it. Witness their misguided efforts to control and influence the channels and substance of this information and which portions of it are then deemed appropriate for our consumption.
Look no further than the creation of 'propaganda dissemination' departments installed by the most powerful government currently on earth. The carefully orchestrated and manipulated press briefings that spew continuously from democratically elected governments. The deliberate misrepresentation of the truth by all 'power' institutions, the willingness of our mainstream media to compliantly relay these messages to the masses. The vested interests inherent in the capitalist system that affects such things as: editorial content of daily newspapers heavily reliant on corporate advertising for revenue, political decisions influenced by campaign dollars and powerful lobby groups to overturn or ignore such common sense and vital legislation as the Kyoto protocol ratification (this despite thousands of the worlds most eminent ecological scientists signing documentation detailing the human causes and looming catastrophic consequences of global warming!)
The unconscious co-ordination of these 'power' groups to adopt and reiterate rhetoric and propaganda that sees people passionate enough about our dying environment to do something about it labeled 'eco-terrorists,' or peoples so desperate to escape persecution and poverty that they would risk their meagre life savings and their lives for the chance of a better life for their families labeled as 'illegals' (and then they get locked away in detention centres that the press are not allowed to enter!)
There is such a wealth of evidence available regarding these machinations it strikes me as incredible that ordinary people don't demand answers, changes, openness, transparency, etc. Yet, in a strange way this mass apathy is the most compelling proof of the insidious, infectious and successful nature of these systemic interventions and attempts to control and manipulate information and its dissemination and hence our very thoughts, values and beliefs. We are not taught or encouraged to reason, argue, question or think outside of the acceptable parameters set by 'officialdom.' We are continually sold the idea that a new 'something' (car, house, wife, runners, etc) is the answer to our increasingly common malaise and unhappiness. This despite the seemingly self-evident fact that it is not. Not surprisingly, most of the institutions of 'power' are not rushing to dispel the false notion that consumerism equals happiness.
Organised religion does not support this consumer-based agenda, I hear you say, and that is largely true as it lies outside its field of influence or concern. However, organised religion has it's own misleading ways of creating and maintaining unhappiness and dependence. Any reflection at all on the concept of a vengeful, angry, retribution seeking God to be feared and obeyed (surely a contradiction in terms?), an idea peddled by all mainstream organised religions, highlights where religion has found and keeps its hook.
Despite this situation more and more people are 'waking up' and actively responding to these distortions of reality. Witness the recent unprecedented globally coordinated mass rallies against the imminent threat of war attended by millions of concerned citizens all over the world. Also witness these peoples' democratically elected governments, in the UK, US, Australia and elsewhere, doing all they can to discredit and ignore the overwhelming opinions and will of their constituents. Look to the rise of the 'new age' movement and the incredible popularity of and resonance found within works by many wonderful writers, including Noel Donald Walsh and Paulo Coelho for example. Of course major religions denounce or simply ignore such works of inspiration whilst maintaining outdated policies, such as disallowing contraceptives, which clearly do not advance the well being of substantial numbers of their followers, let alone the wider world which we all share.
Interesting juxtapositions, interesting times.
Reading the memoirs, or listening to speeches, or looking to famous quotes, of the worlds most successful people in any field of endeavour and one is struck by the similarities of the message they give to those that would follow their lead. Here is but a fragment of relevant and applicable statements.
"Seek to be the change you wish to see"—Ghandi
"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration I don't think you can go wrong."—Ella Fitzgerald
"He who looks outside dreams. He who looks inside awakens."—Carl Jung
"As is our confidence, so is our capacity."—William Hazlitt
"I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it's going to rain, it will."—Clint Eastwood
"Obstacles cannot crush me: every obstacle yields to stern resolve."—Leonardo Da Vinci
"You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself."—Galileo
"There is no quality in this world that is not what it is merely by contrast. Nothing exists in itself."—Herman Melville
"I see Jesus Christ in every person."—Mother Theresa
The common themes in all these inspiring words are: with perseverance and self belief anything is possible, we can create whatever life we wish, the ability to do anything or be anybody is dormant within us all, strength of conviction will win the day and that reality is ours to manipulate! This is powerful, frightening stuff.
Nelson Mandela's beautifully haunting words are apt:
"Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God: your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest of the glory of God within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others."
All these, and countless other similar expressions from equally heralded figures, are all individual reflections and insights on this particular aspect of the true nature of reality. These reflections, despite their differences of perspective, tone and understanding, are all observations on this profound and deeply spiritual truth. It is no coincidence that most, if not all, of histories most influential, successful and truly powerful people have shared an understanding, at whatever level of depth, of this truth. Put as simply as I am capable of, this truth is: we create reality.
How does this work? I will attempt to explain my current, limited understanding of the mechanics that govern this law. All our actions stem from our beliefs. Our beliefs are derived from our deepest held, innermost, often unconscious, sponsoring thoughts and feelings. Ultimately all sponsoring thoughts and feelings derive themselves from one of two perspectives: love or fear. In other words: everything we feel, think, say and do is governed by whether we act out of love or fear. Therefore, if we consciously choose to always behave in accordance with our knowledge and abilities to practice these laws, we will make manifest whatever reality we seek.
"Seek to be the change you wish to see." Ghandi provides a fine example of a man who lived his life in constant accordance with this principle, coming as he did from a sponsoring thought and feeling of love, to make his reality manifest in the wider world. Hitler provides another example of a man who lived his life in accordance with this principle, out of a sponsoring thought and feeling of fear, to make his reality manifest in the wider world. Luckily in Hitler's instance the wider world eventually decided that this reality was not an acceptable one and acted to change it.
For a far more comprehensive and eloquent explanation of this I would refer you to the inspiring "Conversations with God" works of Neale Donald Walsh.
To pro-actively, consciously implement this truth/principle/law continuously in every aspect of our daily lives is the goal of our individual and collective evolution. This is the highest state of consciousness, or 'being,' that we can aspire to. Buddhists label such people within their belief system 'enlightened.'
Choosing, and constantly reaffirming that choice, all day every day, is the path to inner well-being, contentment, happiness and finally unbridled joy. There are many examples of people who successfully achieve this, from well known inspirational figures such as the Dalai Lama, to the unknown social worker or mother of three living down your street. We all know the ones, they have 'shiny' eyes, a constant smile and a presence about them that is tangible, we see them on peak hour trains and envy them their peace and joy.
This truth operates at the individual and group level and the great secret is that it is everyone's birthright. Another great secret of this truth is: it does not matter what we feel, think, or do, so long as it is in accordance with who we say we choose to be.
In reality, we are continuously defining ourselves to the world as the latest version and vision of who it is we choose to be.
In these troubled and turbulent times perhaps you could spare some time to reflect on these questions: who do I choose to be and am I behaving in accordance with that choice? What does our collective society say it chooses to be and are we behaving in accordance with that choice?