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  Takeing My Leave

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Author Topic:   Takeing My Leave
Meili Zhiwei
posted November 13, 2004 02:09 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dearest Members of Lindaland,

I am leaving this site for a while and I will state my protests and objections as clearly as possible. This site’s presentation is in opposition to the Teaching of Linda Goodman (may her memory be sanctified). Some years ago my Teacher introduced me to Linda’s Teaching. It is a beautiful memory and I still remember the joy that I felt as I read Linda’s words. After I found this site I inquired about her further as I was confused by the contradictions to her teaching that this site presented. In response, my Teacher said that Linda is indeed a delicate soul and that she is opposed to all vulgar expressions and crude behavior. This was an important lesson for me, in that, a beautiful Teaching and the words of a lovely soul can be twisted within mere years of her passing.

In these years, and especially recently, my Teacher also taught me how to come to peace and reconciliation with myself in order to see beauty inside so that the beauty outside may be appreciated. The world may look ugly, but that is only because we project it that way. My teacher taught me how many traditions of the peoples of the world such as the Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Daoists, Hindus, Native Americans, Celts, Confucians and Zoroastrians are all manifestations of the One Truth that is God. My Teacher speaks of how God manifested all Creation as an expression of His Love and Compassion. Finally, my Teacher tells me how violence and vulgarity destroy the fabric of peace and interrupt the Divine Music of Creation.

My other teacher is Shizuka (Loki for FK). She has always shared with me the beauty of Daoism and the subtlety of the writings of Lao Tzu. Once, just recently, she read a passage from another of her favorite Eastern Texts:

Wait until the Holy Truth
Is available to everyone
During the Great Salvation

Then all will come together
To seek the Real Master
And return to the Home in the Westland.

Not until now
Would Grandmother ever reveal
The sacred mysteries of the Kingdom
Or any mystic words.

Now is the time
Of the Great Harvest
And for all teachings
To return to One.

I have descended the Holy Truth
To save the Three Thousands.

And bestowed the name
The One All-Pervading
Upon it.

It brings salvation
To the Three Worlds
And the Four Seas.

All will ascend
The Heavenly Ladder.

Grandmother urges everyone to recognize the real from the unreal. The unreal refers to our lives, our physical bodies and the surrounding. It seems so appalling that this world which seems so solid, so substantial, is nothing but an illusion after all.

A few days ago Shizuka walked through Linda Land with me as a companion. One might say that I walk through the flower garden and sometimes bend the stems as I pass by and contemplate beauty. Shizuka however, enjoys plucking the flowers and holding them close to her nose and eyes. And these are two manifestations of a single soul that is essentially One.

During these travels to Linda Land with my Teacher and my soul sister, it seems that the only interest here centers around an obsession with IP addresses, cults, and other less mentionable subjects. Indeed this place has become a home for racism, public sexual deviance and public displays of vulgarity and these are an affront to the decency that Linda Goodman represented. Who here has seen the beauty of the Teaching? Who here has enjoyed the fragrance of the flowers in passing or in plucking? Who has turned inward to contemplate the ugliness of the nafs (ego) and felt the longing to return to the true state of the soul which is light and purity? For those of us who pass by looking for the flowers, we found them. Seeshells, Juni, Tink, and Orchid put a light in my heart and a song in my soul. The small efforts to discern truth and genuine questions of those such as Fish Kitten, IamThat, and a few others were also sweet scents in a cesspool of nafs.

Over these years I learned of the difficulty of the path and its tests and trials. Most of the time I have failed, but the Most Merciful has accepted my return again and again. The Compassion of the Creator is indeed infinite. In this Compassion and Mercy I have always found the light of hope and joy.

More recently, I would turn to my teacher with questions. Why is the Teaching not offered to the masses? Why does my teacher not come and manifest himself so that others may come to faith and joy? Again and again, in answer, I would be reminded of my own testing and trials and my own failures. And still I did not understand. And still I asked and petitioned for the Teaching to be offered to all. These last few months I have had the questioning of many years answered. And I have had my own test outside of this forum and I have once again failed. You have had your tests here and you have failed. But my Lord is sufficient for me, His Mercy infinite and His Compassion a comfort. I have come to a new peace and a new joy, and once again I will turn my face to the Beloved waiting to be tested for the sake of Him. To be allowed the possibility of one day drawing nearer to His presence. And, perhaps one day, I shall be able to say, “And where ever I turn, there is His Face”.

Peace my brothers and sisters, only peace and the return to the One.


PS. For those that note Shizuka’s engagement with two others on this board and see a contradiction, note that two things can look identical on the outside and be quite different on the inside. Fish Kitten can elaborate for those who do not understand this.

IP: Logged

posted November 13, 2004 02:38 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
May you find everything you seek. And seek the beauty in everything.

Peace along the Way.

Buh bye now.

IP: Logged

posted November 13, 2004 02:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Meilie ........sorry I never actually got to know you OR your teachings, but from what I've seen here, in the above post they make a lot of sense...

I've looked into different metaphysical schools of thought and find their teachings quite similar... in some ways....(such as our five physical senses showing us ONLY the "physical" world, which is really composed of nothing but atoms and nothing solid at it would appear to us, hence; only an illusion)

You said:

My teacher taught me how many traditions of the peoples of the world such as the Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Daoists, Hindus, Native Americans, Celts, Confucians and Zoroastrians are all manifestations of the One Truth that is God

I believe this to be true Meilie....or as one Unity teacher said, as he pointed to a circle much like an astrological horoscope, with God in the very center, as the hub, and all the different religions in what we would call the different houses, "This is God's Wheel and as you can see, there are different spokes for different folks."

I've never forgotten that...

I'm sorry you feel the need to leave....but please don't feel your presence here has been in long as your posts remain, I will go back and look a them....I'm sure they will be enriching....

Go in peace Meili......I hope one day you return.....


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posted November 13, 2004 02:49 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Twenty Six.....



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posted November 13, 2004 02:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi beautiful. Are you "seeing" the beauty in everything? (How are the peepers?)

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posted November 13, 2004 03:00 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Are you "seeing" the beauty in everything?

....and how 26......just call me "Hawkeye" now! weeeeeeeeeeee!


"Looking Thru The Eyes of Love"

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posted November 13, 2004 03:19 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good to hear.

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posted November 13, 2004 10:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sister Meili...I will miss you here. I would like to present to you the idea that when we have learned from an experience, we did not fail. Perhaps we were more attached to the preconceived outcome than to the lesson available from the experience itself if we feel it was a failure. I peeked in at the Darvish site the other day. I'm glad there is somewhere that I can find you when I need the comfort of your expression.

May your path ever unfold before your dancing feet.


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posted November 13, 2004 11:44 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Where's the smilie where everyone jumps ship?

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