Topic: KS?
Lialei unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 11:57 AM
If there are truly wounds from KS that need healing, I can understand the need for discussing it openly. And it would only be fair that everyone equally have their right to voice their concerns. But the key ingrediant that seems missing and that is needed for that is reception. I think that's why the further inquiries are met with exhasperation here. If it was thought that there would be reception and listening, you would find a different response than you have most probably.Should we hope that understanding and healing is truly what is wanted?
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2006 12:00 PM
quote: WaterNymph cancerrg...a big thumbsup Azalaksh..a big thumbsup...and double hearts to WaterNymph.
Why, jwhop!! I'm going to save this little out-of-context bit -- it warms my heart..... Z IP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 12:23 PM
And sure, I would like to address jwhop's post. quote: So, who's keeping this ball in the air? Petron hadn't said a word about KS since June 25th. salome hadn't said a word about KS since June 25th. Lotus hadn't said a word about KS since June 25th. Pid hasn't said anything since before June 25th. I hadn't said anything since before June 25th. Eleanore hadn't said anything since at least June 25th. TINK hadn't said anything since I don't know when.
In all fairness, and if you are so intent on keeping tabs, you would have noticed that a lot of KS members haven't spoken since around the same time. quote: So, if y'all from KS wanted this to drop off the radar, why did you start it up again and everyone from KS join in.
Once again, biased and completely an unfair judgement. Waternymph explained she wasn't here. You're doing something you have a habit of doing, which is lumping EVERYONE into One. For 100 pages or whatever of this, this have been a common tactic used. We're put in the position of defense time and again, and then when we defend ourselves from bias and distorted accusations, we are accused of being the ones not letting go. quote: It has also been suggested, rather sarcastically I might add, that Petron just happened to stumble on the one post on the entire KS site which showed the site off at it's other words, Petron must be lying about how long he was on the site looking around...and that was ALL he could find.
Let's see. Petron goes to KS, and what does he do, knowing he might have limited time there? He goes straight for Magus' posts, knowing how Magus is, that he would most likely find something derogatory that he could use against KS. He singled his focus,hoping to condemn us...and then you all expanded it to respresent the entire site again and again. I can see nothing at all honorable in Petron's intentions. quote: Let's get it straight, if there's a bad guy or guys in this sorry mess, it's not Petron, it's not Pid who stumbled onto the KS site, it's not TINK, it's not lalalinda, it's not salome, it's not Eleanore, it's not lotus and I'm damned if I'm going to take any responsibility for people from KS associating together, talking about people here behind their backs, qualifying people here to see if they're OUR type or making depraved comments about a member here.
I didn't talk behind people's backs. Nor did most there. Time and again, no one is listening to that...and on and on it will go. I have no idea what you mean about taking responsibility. But I do get the sense from what you wrote that you are trying to paint one side as good and one side as bad. In all this time, I don't recall anyone from KS trying to do that. We've approached others here as unique individuals. So why can't we be given the same kind of consideration? And I don't mean to imply that everyone has done that. There are some who haven't and it's been noticed and appreciated.
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 12:26 PM
this is about wrong and right..doing the right thing..what you say and do..your actions..speak loud and clear for yourSelf..defending a site like like defending Satan..wrong..wrong..wrong. ... IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 12:36 PM
So circular logic follows a straight line in your fantasy world psuedo Linda?IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 12:41 PM
knock it off..a line in a circle..point A to point B. ... IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 12:48 PM
It's okay to talk things out in order to help in the healing process. That is how I work things talking them out so I can heal and let go. But it's not a productive discussion when we throw accusations at people, call them names, do not listen to what the other side is saying but instead tell them they are just making excuses, etc. etc. That's an argument for the sake of arguing not a discussion. In order to have a discussion that is productive we also have to listen. I haven't seen much listening or even a willingness to make amends with the members of KS on any of these redundant KS threads. Though I have seen them reach out their hands in the gesture of making peace. If there is no willingness to bridge the gap and make amends then these threads are pointless. They serve no purpose except to keep insisting that you are right and will not be happy until everyone says you are right. People have apologized and the apologies are not accepted. People have explained their reasons and those reasons are not accepted. The people who did talk about others have admitted they did and apologized. Those that didn't talk about anyone have said so and that has not been accepted either. So the only point to continue on talking about this has to be the need to be right. People in the KS membership have stated they do not feel that starting the group was wrong. Many of us at LL who were not in the group do not feel that they did anything wrong either. Those that do feel that it was wrong are the ones who refuse to let go of it. Why should the KS members say they are wrong if they do not feel that it was wrong? Yet you continue to persist that it is wrong in your mind and, it seems, will not rest until they give up their own principals and values to suit and agree with your particular principals and values. It seems to me that you are attempting to force your conscience onto them. It seems that you want them to follow your conscience instead of their own. Apparently the non-KS people are the "Value People" and see the KS people as the "Immoral People." You're the "good guys in the white hats" they are the "bad guys in black hats." Pretty much the same way that the Republicans and Religious Right see the Democrats and anyone else who disagrees with their version of morality and principals. Maybe you people should do some serious introspection on how the thinking of the current administration is effecting your way of thinking and seeing others. Consider how it is distorting your worldview and the worldview of society as a whole. I would not give up my own values and principals just because someone else wants to force their own morals and values on me either. It is for that reason that I have to admire the members of KS for hanging onto their beliefs and principals of conduct in the face of all the attacks and the brow beating to do otherwise. I think that if it is okay for Petron to draw a correlation to the KKK on this thread to make his point it should also be acceptable to him and others here for me to draw a correlation to what is going on from a spiritual stand point and what is going on in this society today to make my point. Because the same people who feel it is okay to use the KKK to make a point got on my case in one of the other KS threads for drawing a comparison to a public trial and The Inquisition. Go figure. PS: Ditto to what Lialei said regarding Jwhop's post. Jwhop is consistent in only seeing one side of any issue and refusing to even consider the other side. He is also consistent in putting people and issues into a neat little box and labeling and calling others names who do not agree with his thinking. So what's to reply to? Ditto to what lioneyes said in her post too and ditto to all those who spoke about peace and love. Acceptance for the differences in other people seems to be lacking here. And since there are one or two people here at LL who have a real hard time with acceptance of the differences in others they cannot possibly possess the love they claim to have for all because without first accepting others for who they are as persons, flaws and everything, we cannot possibly have love for all. IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 12:49 PM
LOTUS....So explain how Stephanie G. can be Linda G? Why do you believe that? Where is your.. quote: a line in a circle..point A to point B. ...>>>>>trying to figure you out. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 12:54 PM
Learning and Growing. ...never a waste of time. . and the fact is..that KS ers..continue..their bad manners..drudging up the past..and passing's funny to read. . . and as I will have to choose a side good or bad..right or wrong.. your FREE WI11 choice from do right in LOve and Light for ALL.. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 12:55 PM
if you want the answer'll have to go within to don't believe anything I say anyway. ...IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:03 PM
You refuse to answer then? This site is to honor her not you. Get off your ego trip. You are NOT LINDA GOODMAN NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK. I doubt if any one else believes as you do, that you are are LG.IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:05 PM
you are the one that brought it up.. who am I?Stephanie A. Graham IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:08 PM
Yeah...after you swore you do not lie. Well saying you are Linda is a big lie. One of many of your lies. You show her no respect. Shame on you. But I pity you because a sane person would not do that. You cannot help it. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:10 PM
I do not do..though..alot..I stand by everything I've said.. family and loved ones are sacred.. have you NO RESPECT, Fayte, instrument of dense negative energy. ... IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:15 PM
Fayte..just a suggestion..think long and hard about your next action.. there is NO FOOLING GOD!. ... IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:15 PM
Quote: "I stand by everything I've said..">>>>>You said you are Linda Goodman. You said I changed my post to Johnny. You told someone they were not from where they said.(they were & are..I recieved actual postal mail from them) You said you never talked to me at anywhere but LL. I proved otherwise. You say you love everyone but call folks donkey axehole freaks and more. Want more? You are not a nice person Lotus. IP: Logged |
cancerrg unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:17 PM
as far as my thumbs up is concerned , i'll always stand by it . and i am quite proud to thumbsup a person like WM , check out her posts and then start the charcterassisination , if you haven't , let me tell you a fact , this is the first time that i have sensed frustation in her posts . so , just ask a question to yourself , do u really believe a person like her would be badmouthing someone behind their back ? IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:19 PM
Fayte..all you do is twist and turn things around to suit you.. like holding onto emails for over 6 months..come on now..that's a little strange?? careful people..she may use your emails against you, when it suits her.. no morals at all..lower and lower..she goes.. watch. ...IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:23 PM
Lotus, speaking for myself, I am not here to carry on Linda's work. She made her contribution to the world and it's all in her writings. No need to copy her. I think that Linda G would be the first to admit that there was nothing that she said spiritually that was not said before her by the likes of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and many others. You're a negative Taurean, Lotus. It is negative Taureans that like you who give us Taureans a bad reputation. Many of the worse dictators in world history have been negative Taureans. Hitler and Hussein are examples. I think Napolean was a negative Taurean too. Those negative Taureans had people put to death for being different than them and for dissenting against their way of thinking. It's only about right and wrong in the context of you being right, Lotus. You being right is what it is always about for you. Have you ever once said that you were wrong and apologized for it, Lotus?
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fayte.m unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:23 PM
Scary e-mails I keep. Like yours. You HAVE admitted to stalking. And already scared one poor fellow when you stalked him. Cancerrg I agree!
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:24 PM
Mirandee..the truth is..your opinion of me..means nothing..your actions have spoken loud and clear for you. ...God MOther and Father..are the one's whose opinion..I care about the most.. not how many people like me or dislike me.. it's all about Truth.. you are the negative energy..Mirandee. ... IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:26 PM
Fayte..please prove I've admitted to stalking..and if you can' should be banned from this site..for your continued slander..on my person. ...IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:26 PM
Poor lotus cannot and will not see. Pity her. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted July 02, 2006 01:27 PM
Prove your lie Fayte!IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Newflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2006 01:33 PM
Okay, seriously.. Fayte and Lotus.You are now both repeating the same things.. and I want to say Mirandee... I enjoyed your post.. very clear and concise. I didn't want your post to be ignored while the fight continues. Is it safe to say we've all had our say, we listened to WN have her say, because she didn't get to before.... and we accept that everyone has their own opinions, and no one can change anyone else.. so on that note.. do we need to continue? I am not saying ( as I'm sure will be interpreted, and that's why I am clarifying) I am not saying "Okay, if you disagree with me, I don't want to hear it so I will argue with you and only let people I LIKE say anything" I am saying... Does anyone have anything new to say? No? Great. This talking in circles thing has me tired.. yet I can't stop coming on here to see what was written. I am past defending. Nothing to defend as far as I am concerned... it's all been done. IP: Logged |