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Author Topic:   KS?

Posts: 67
From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 05, 2006 04:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Rainbow said:

".....your kind words sure give a different visual impression
than that "dried up drooling old hag" which another person
here labeled me with....*sigh*"

YEP.. That was ME that said it..

And what did you say about me? Oh wait, you kept the post about my ex being well endowed and insinuated that I was a WH@RE because of that..

Oh then you said I looked like a drag queen in her 40's...

But my favorite.... was how you posted SEVERAL times that IQ called me an ANGRY
B!TCH and the sooooooooo peacefully enlighted Rainbow said... "YES, IQ WAS RIGHT WHEN HE CALLED YOU AND ANGRY B1TCH"

Stop acting like you are some kind of victim martyr Rainbow. You throw out BS derogatory words towards others, you just can't stand when someone states you are acting lower than pond scum.

I have yet to say something derogatory about your current physical attributes and I won't - as I already stated before I draw the line at attacking someone on certain levels.

You have said yourself that you are old enough to be my grandmother then you state I should know my place..etc.. blah blah blah.. so when I do call you an OLD HAG (Hag meaning a mean-spirited evil female) you act like you have never called anyone a name.

Then you state (as any pseudo-enlightened hypocrit would) that I have a demon in me. LMAO...

If anyone has a demon in their body it is someone that curses out of one side of their mouth while preaching love and light through the other.

Stop pretending you are such in innocent loving person- maybe to some people in your twit club but most of us have a good idea of the kind of person you are.

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sue g
posted July 05, 2006 05:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Rainbow is a good person....I feel that.....

That she is good and very sensitive and caring....

And that she wouldnt lash out at ALL unless she was provoked....thats my gut feeling.

That feeling comes from my

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Posts: 1
From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: May 2009

posted July 05, 2006 05:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ahh, so (assuming that Rainbow was provoked, which I don't think she was) that makes it OK?

<edit> And further, by that logic, at least half of what Pid said back to her was completely justified because at that point then she too was "provoked"?

Although seems to me that anything nasty Rainbow says to Pid is justified cause Pid is just a mean antagonizer, whereas anything Pid says to Rainbow is just mean cause Pid doesn't embody "love and light" like Rainbow is supposed to?

Gotta love how that works.

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posted July 05, 2006 06:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have no issues with either Pid or Rainbow. I really hate to see them go at it. So I hesitate to get in the middle of anything - really this is a general comment .... I've noticed lately more than a few mentions of provocation. The bad behavior of this one or that one is excused because they were provoked. Excuse me? My eight year old nephew is allowed to be emotionally provoked. My 13 year old stepson still whines but it's not my fault. Adults, on the other hand, are expected to control themselves. And when they lose control - and we all have - adults are expected to take responsibility for their words and their actions.

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sue g
posted July 05, 2006 06:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No name calling is okay, but we all have our limits, that is what I meant...

When I first joined LL, I couldnt help but notice what a nice feel there was around Rainbow, when I saw her writings and the feelings around her words.

Just my opinion and my "sense" of a person, thats all, that doenst mean you, Pid or anyone else see the lady the same way...

That was just my perception....

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Posts: 1
From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: May 2009

posted July 05, 2006 06:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Adults, on the other hand, are expected to control themselves. And when they lose control - and we all have - adults are expected to take responsibility for their words and their actions.

/applauds loudly

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sue g
posted July 05, 2006 06:07 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes I agree....personally I wouldnt resort to name calling...I feel it is childish. Am noy saying that Rainbow was right to name call Pid back..she wasnt...

But I think she is a nice person, and good of heart.

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sue g
posted July 05, 2006 06:13 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmmmm ladies....

Its just that the "dried up old hag" thing made me wince somewhat. Was trying to imagine how I would feel when I was older and a younger woman said that to me....

Not too happy, really !

I found that particular comment quite harsh and cruel....

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Posts: 67
From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 05, 2006 06:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I absolutely understand. I make no excuses for what I have said and I admit I have said it. Provoking a person or not, we are still reponsible for our actions. Me calling Rainbow an old hag was rude- I take responsiblity for that and I stand by it.

Rainbow calling me a b1tch and referring to my "gash" was also disgusting yet she has always maintained a victim attitude.

Rainbow brings up that Isis, jwhop and I attacked her years ago and backed her into a corner, I posted those links to the threads on another KS post yet no one commented. I asked Rainbow to point where she had been the victim of the herd mentality.

In truth what I did find was repeated attacks on Isis. Several posts had Isis defending herself against 7 or 8 people. She never once screamed "No fair!". She took it.

What I want to see is for people to accept responsiblity for their words and actions. I hate this crap of hiding behind "Well, she stuck her tongue out at me, so it's okay for me to pull her hair out... I was provoked".

Rainbow has made it a mission to keep track of my various posts and then months to years later post them in an effort to hurt me. In FACT she even admitted that she was TRYING TO HIT ME BELOW THE BELT (HER WORDS) and there was not a PEEP from anyone.

LMAO.. that is what I find to be the real joke. Once again, it's okay for some people to use rude epithats, but not for all.

Then we get the sick martyr crap "Oh thank you for saying I am so pretty.. because someone here labeled me....sigh..... an old hag" waaaaaaa....... oh wait... I forgot I did call her a draq queen and said that my gay friends would even concur if I showed her picture to them.

My God.. .yet I still have to refrain from wallowing in that same gutter and breaking my own rules. LOL...

By the way Rainbow.... My gay friends think you may need to get your eyes checked (or rechecked) if you seriously think I look like a man or a drag queen. But I do thank you for comparing me to that.. how did you say "Masculine gash called Ann Coulter" Seems she is a force to be reckoned with as well.

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posted July 05, 2006 06:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thank you so much for your sincere heart feelings........ ......and you are absolutely right!........I would NEVER, EVER, say those horrible things to anyone -- unless provoked! And even provocation should not have permitted me to sink to the level of the person attempting to goad me into it!

Ms. Pid is jumping to conclusions (I could say lying - but that is such a naughty word!) with her accusations that I insinuated she was a ***** because of her description of her boyfriend's beer can size penis.

I mentioned that she spoke of it, in retaliation to her constant "goading" of my reference to Ann Coulter as "Gash Limbaugh" (which I had seen on an anti-bush site), and her trying to say what a horrible insensistive thing to say about someone - gash being same as cu*t etc....
...and she did it several times, so yes, I thought it quite hyprocritical to be so offended by the word gash, when she had spoken of a man's penis as a "beer can." She was not so sensitive about that!

Yes, I said all those other things too.....but ONLY after being called a "drooling dried up old hag" getting off on watching her having sex!


So I sunk to her level to push her buttons same as she did me....and I'm not proud of makes me as bad as her...*sigh*

....and now she's saying.....

I have yet to say something derogatory about your current physical attributes and I won't - as I already stated before I draw the line at attacking someone on certain levels.

Oh what a laugh....when did you ever draw lines with me???

How about bringing up my "eye surgery" as pure evidence that I must be an old hag....

and I NEVER said I was old enough to be your grandmother. (Heaven forbid!) I said perhaps I was - thinking at that time that you might be a teenager.

she also said.....

Stop pretending you are such in innocent loving person- maybe to some people in your twit club but most of us have a good idea of the kind of person you are

Who are the "most of us" of whom you speak?

You're the only one here, who has ever called me horrible names....and it did start two years ago when I DARED to criticize the man whom you worship.....prez bush....

Now since you've talked about putting these fueds "to bed" why don't you put your money where your big mouth is?

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posted July 05, 2006 06:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I can't believe all the posts that came up between pids post about me and my response....*sigh*

I'll have to read them.....

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posted July 05, 2006 06:41 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just read the discussions about the feud....

Interesting....perhaps now I am AM seeing who the "most of us" are?

Now let me say this.....

Check this WHOLE THREAD.....

You'll note that I MADE NO POSTS OR COMMENTS ON IT AT ALL - until the gals started to change the direction of it(for the better, I might say), by posting pics of the hunks....ONLY THEN did I come in to say something....and it was NOT negative, in any way!

But who started this all up again? Directly under MY post is pids, bringing up the past....yeah, saying "let's put it to bed" and then bringing up things I said to her....

So you intelligent, insightful ladies can draw your own conclusions....

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posted July 05, 2006 07:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thanks again...

Tink....I know you try to be fair....

Thank you too....

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Posts: 67
From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 05, 2006 07:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ummmm Rainbow....

"Yes, I said all those other things too.....but ONLY after being called a "drooling dried up old hag" getting off on watching her having sex!"

I never said anything about you watching me having sex.

You insinuated that I must have "quite a gash and had practice" to accommodate a "beer can". Then you said you only posted that because I had posted about my ex-being well endowed as a joke based on a story his ex had told about him.

If you would like we can go through the posts (at least my copied and pasted ones can't be subject to your editing).

I brought up you having "visual problems" as a result of you stating you went through my pictures on the photoshop page and said I looked "masculine, like a woman in her 40's, a drag queen and your gay friends would concur".

You are passive aggressive Rainbow. You make little nasty comments hidden behind other's words. The Ann Coulter crap was a "I heard someone call her Gash Limbaugh" Hee hee....

When I called you on it you said "I didn't say it, I just repeated words"

I called you a dried up old hag when you kept posting Solane's derogatory post to me- in fact you posted it 3 separate times in a row. Whether you realize it or not, when you post someone else's words to use against another, you might as well be saying it.

If, for example, someone took my post calling you an old hag and repeated said "Rainbow... Pidaua was right when she said this" That would be the same as that person calling it to your face - they're just being cowardly and hiding behind someone else's words.

I have called you on this several times and every time you hide by saying "'s not me... they said it... I am just repeating it" that may work for your friends in the twit club but most rationale and intelligent people know exactly what you are doing.


This new name-calling battle occured when I stated that I would never even wish ill on you and by all means you and I have been staunch enemies on this site from the beginning. You then went into your little woe is me crap again and I called you on it:


g*d-damn it, can you lay the hell of it for one moment? Do you always have to turn it into your own damn "woe is me boo hoo"? It is a WELL known fact you and I can't stand each other. Therefore whenever I must give an example of someone I can't stand but would still never try to discriminate against that would be YOU. I don't like you and you don't like me - that doesn't mean I would keep you from being a part of a site. See it for what it is and get over it. "

I NEVER ONCE INDICATED a DAMN think about you watching me have sex. I said you sure enjoy telling me to cool off if I make a sexual innuendo (in fact you told me to take a cold shower after I shared the actual joke about the ex getting the nickname) but you never say anything to others that get 100% more graphic than I ever have been.

Here's one of your better posts to me:

posted June 21, 2006 05:47 PM
Oh Pid, you're a riot!
I have gay friends too you nit wit....

What I was saying is LOOK like a guy trying to be a girl...that's all...

No insult to the gay community or my gay friends, by using the word drag queen....and you know damn well better than that...

You tried to go this route before - and it didn't work! Sorry!

In fact, if my gay friends could see your picture, they'd probably agree with me about your unisex look....

and what's don't have to convince me that some of your friends in drag look prettier than you.....that's not hard to believe at all...

Tee hee...THAT'S A GIVEN!


So, you can go to photoshop and look at Knowflake pics then come here and start calling them drag queens but when I insinuate that you need to get your eyes checked (since you and MysticGemini are the only ones that have ever called me Masculine looking or a transvestite) I am hitting below the belt.

Did I call you a derogatory name based on gender, race, religion or sexual orientation? Nope..... I don't hit on those areas.

Then again, I expect it from you. For someone full of love and light, you sure can flip into a rant pretty damn quick. It's expected of me and I own up to it...again, something you aren't capable of doing.

Oh and for the record.. since you seem to twist time-lines and facts.. the comment about the beer can was over a year and a half ago - your comment about Ann Coulter being known as Gash Limbaugh was less that 3 months ago.

"This is a lie...I don't lose arguments with her...she doesn't agrue..she name calls, and I did NOT insinuate she was a ***** , I merely pointed out that she was the one that mentioned the "size of a beer can" lover, because she was belittling me for saying that I saw where someone called Ann Coulter - Gash Limbaugh....and how inappropriate it was...but she can broadcast to the world on the net...the size of her lover's penis......this story has TWO sides...."

***for the record "I" said using the term "Gash" was the same as calling someone a "c*nt" and that was inappropriate- you never admitted the term was wrong.

As to the angry b1tch comment from IQ

"Also true, is saying that what Iqhunk said about her was right on!...because after seeing all the toxicity I believe it is..."

So for me calling her an old hag... she responded with the gash / who*re comment, calling me masculine, endorsing IQ's words..oh and then she needed to also add this:

"I explained the drag queen thing in another post...and that was also in retaliation into something ugly she said...and her trying to claim it's offensive to her gay really reaching...

Rainbow's plea to Zala:

" can draw your own conclusions.....and I trust your mature judgement.

...but it makes me sick when I see the things Pid says about me....and she DID start this a long time ago...and I sunk myself to her level by responding in kind...*sigh*

Unfortunately she has the ability to bring out the worst in me, and It's not something I'm proud of...

I realize I should ignore her...but it's not easy to see someone calling you names here, and not respond to being just as down and dirty as she can be...

You'll not be able to see ALL THE HORRIBLE things she said about me, which attributed to my careless responses.......because of the parts of this thread that came up missing...

If you check my posts on other threads and forums, you'll find that I don't respond to everyone, the way I do to Pid....but she has the ability to bring out the worst in me...unfortunately."

as I told her...I have gay friends, myself..."


Ah.. .once again Rainbow you have to find blame anywhere but within yourself.

That is truly a sad sad state of mind.

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posted July 05, 2006 07:14 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i havnt said anything because in my opinion rainbow has the upper hand and i enjoy watching her kick pidaua's butt...

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Posts: 67
From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 05, 2006 07:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
well, that doesn't surprise me Petron - two peas in a pod......

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From: Egypt
Registered: Apr 2010

posted July 05, 2006 07:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Johnny     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Guess it's probably too late to remark on Rainbow's hotness.

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posted July 05, 2006 08:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
SUE! JAMES SPADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him, hes so damn sexy...Hes an aquarius with Gemini moon, cap venus!

"WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit"

"Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation"

-Khalil Gibran

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posted July 05, 2006 08:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
quote from Johnny....

Guess it's probably too late to remark on Rainbow's hotness.

Not too late, Johnny....THANX!


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Posts: 856
From: Blue Star Kachina
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 05, 2006 08:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My maternal theory is if one has their nose sticking out too far and has a knee jerk reaction, one gets a bloody nose then cries foul. In reality, one has just hurt their self.
Examine & release the knee jerk emotion and your nose won`t fall off

btw, both ladies are easy on the eyes!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world is immortal"~

- George Eliot

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posted July 05, 2006 08:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Writesomething....thanks for sticking with the 'hunks'

...makes for a nicer thread....

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posted July 05, 2006 08:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi juni.....

How are you?

Beautiful weather, huh?

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posted July 05, 2006 08:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yes i think the hunk topic was way more interesting

"WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit"

"Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation"

-Khalil Gibran

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Posts: 856
From: Blue Star Kachina
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 05, 2006 08:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes Rainbow,it is lovely out but a tad too chilly for me. I had to wear a coat w/a hood to the lake to watch fireworks.

Anyone else watch fireworks last night?

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world is immortal"~

- George Eliot

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posted July 05, 2006 08:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Pidaua ,

I just wanted to post and say I was really disheartened to read about your findings of Kindred Spirits. I think you did the right thing by holding back whatever other stuff that was said that would hurt other people. What a terrible shock. Then you mentioned recently that few people stick up for you, and I felt bad about how you are fighing a 3 or 4 front war for your own dignity. I know we haven't always gotten along in the past, but it does not mean that I don't think of highly of you. You don't deserve to be treated this way by some of the members here or anywhere else. By the sounds of things, your life outside of here is going so well and though I know you don't need anybody to tell you who you are, it doesn't hurt to have one person say Shawnee - you have so much to offer, have accomplished so much, and are a born winner.


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