Topic: KS?
TINK unregistered
posted July 05, 2006 08:59 PM
Pid - you don't need to explain to me. I know you've got kahunas. No fireworks here. I read that babies in the womb react the same to loud noises as do born babies, so I elected to stay away from the rockets red glare this year. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted July 05, 2006 08:59 PM
I watched them last nite, juni.....behind our casino.....they were fantastic.... Yeah, I had to have a jacket last night too....but I thought today was rather nice... Do you still have the llamas? I never hear you speak of them anymore......I thought they were so beautiful..... Love, Rainbow IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Newflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2006 09:23 PM
*Avoids the rest wisely* Tink, if you don't mind my asking.. how far along are you? Do you have any indication of gender, etc? I love pregnancy stories. If you are comfortable talking about it, or want to share, we can take the discussion to a different place... H&H perhaps? I was also wondering about Juni's llamas.
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Eleanore Moderator Posts: 112 From: Okinawa, Japan Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2006 09:50 PM
I'll sneak in to say that, Pidaua ... I've seen some of your pics in LL Photoshop and I think you're beautiful. So does my hubby, who is most assuredly not attracted to anyone remotely masculine. ****** But, yes ... Tink's baby! Share, share! And if you move this out of GU, please invite me along. I'll even sneak in some chocolate if you'd like. Shhh! I won't tell if you won't. ****** Oh yeah, hooray for Lamas! ------------------ "To learn is to live, to study is to grow, and growth is the measurement of life. The mind must be taught to think, the heart to feel, and the hands to labor. When these have been educated to their highest point, then is the time to offer them to the service of their fellowman, not before." - Manly P. Hall IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted July 05, 2006 10:24 PM
Ya know what guys????I REALLY don't think Pid looks like an ugly man either..... I ONLY said that hoping that I could hurt her as she did me. I've really tried to "transcend" my Mars in Scorpio in the first house......but sometimes those stars just seem to have their way...*sigh* Pid....I'M SORRY I SAID YOU LOOK LIKE A DRAG QUEEN! I didn't really mean it... You are a very attractive lady.... IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Newflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2006 10:55 PM
I agree. You are ALL lovely ladies.That was nice, Rainbow, thanks for that gesture of forgiveness/explanation. Sometimes the obvious needs to be stated, apologies are sometimes hard to acknowledge. And sometimes water under the bridge can be torrential and non placid. But it was nice to apologize for words said to hurt, nonetheless. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted July 05, 2006 11:04 PM
Thanks Pix....sometimes a little humbleness is good for the soul... ....and know what? You're a pretty lovely lady, yourself... IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Newflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2006 11:21 PM
As you said.. humbleness is good for the soul, so I will say thank you, and I will say it humbly. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted July 06, 2006 01:09 AM
You are most welcome, Pix.... *expressed with humbleness* IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted July 06, 2006 03:45 AM
Yes we are ALL absolutely gorgeous daaaarlings , talking of which feast yer eyes on this honey:He was a Libra....sign of balance, harmony etc
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2006 01:17 PM
Aphrodite, I have always admired you and even in the times when we disagreed, you always brought a sober point to the table which made me rethink some of my opinions. I thank you for your support and while there were some on KS that spent time being cruel - the majority of KS people never meant for such things to occur. I am not angry at anyone, because I know that we can all become extremely passionate when it comes to debate and our values. Again, thank you for your kind words. Tink, Eleanore .... thank you - you both are wonderful - I love the way you write and get to the point without being offensive... whereas I sometimes get a bit too.... Ummm.. Aries moon can we say? TINK... yes, please tell us more about the baby!!! Rainbow,
I don't think you're and old drooling hag and I won't refer to you as such again. I am sorry that it hurt your feelings. I will stay away from any derogatory comments concerning age and looks because I know those issues can hurt many people. I would like to ask one thing though. If we could stay away from the ex Taurus that would be great. I do speak of him from time to time to demonstrate a negative example. He turned out to be an extremely cruel and abusive human being and in his 31 years on this Earth he has hurt many people through his lying, abusive actions and substance abuse. He suffers from various personality disorders that I had not known in the beginning and his steroid use did not make it any better as he become a violent rageful Bull- I got out of that relationship relatively intact but had I stayed I would have ended up a statistic and not in a good way. Sometimes we have to decend into hell before we learn about heaven - I wouldn't trade it in for the world, the experience, as all experiences, made me stronger and able to fully love the man I am married to now. But it is not something I would like to relive unless in an explanation that may help someone else.
That said... apology accepted Rainbow... Petron,
Weird.... I dreamed about you last night. It was pretty odd. Something about you being someone that I known for a very long time and you finally told me that you had been on this site and who you were. Please tell me you aren't a tall man, with sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. LOL... That would really freak me out. LOL
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Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted July 06, 2006 02:47 PM
Yay! It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to see Rainbow and Pidaua sharing kind words. R & P- I like you both and I'd be much happier if the both of you were gentler with eachother in the're off to a great start! IP: Logged |
TINK unregistered
posted July 06, 2006 03:08 PM
Rainbow, Pid You got married? I knew you were engaged but I didn't know you were married! Did you do the Vegas Caravan of Love through the desert thing? Many moons of happiness to you, Pid.
quote: Weird.... I dreamed about you last night. It was pretty odd. Something about you being someone that I known for a very long time and you finally told me that you had been on this site and who you were. Please tell me you aren't a tall man, with sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. LOL... That would really freak me out. LOL
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2006 03:26 PM
TINK,Yep.... we got married last Thursday 6/29/06 ... We went to Vegas (there's a blurb on it in Soul Unions) and had a BLAST!!!!! Pictures will be posted soon... Okay.... is Petron... like I described him? He was also in his late 20's to mid 30's from what I could tell. LOL....
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Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted July 06, 2006 05:17 PM
I've often wondered what the mysterious Petron looks like as well....IP: Logged |
Isis Newflake Posts: 1 From: Brisbane, Australia Registered: May 2009
posted July 06, 2006 06:44 PM
I thought Petron was a she until a few weeks ago. I dunno how/why I got that impression, but was surprised to find out that wasn't the case.IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 112 From: Okinawa, Japan Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2006 07:10 PM
Oh my goodness, congratulations, Pidaua! I'm always a bit out of the loop around here so I'm sorry I missed it before. I wish you both many long years of happiness together. ****** And, yes, it makes me feel pretty warm and fuzzy to see those apologies made and accepted by the both of you, too. ------------------ "To learn is to live, to study is to grow, and growth is the measurement of life. The mind must be taught to think, the heart to feel, and the hands to labor. When these have been educated to their highest point, then is the time to offer them to the service of their fellowman, not before." - Manly P. Hall IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted July 06, 2006 07:51 PM
wow pidua....pretty accurate.......ever been to gaithersburg maryland?....i used to live there......IP: Logged |
TINK unregistered
posted July 06, 2006 08:01 PM
freaky, huh?IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2006 08:02 PM
ewwwww.... yes, I have Petron. I lived in Annapolis, MD for a little over 6 years). I worked in Baltimore and then for a biotech company in Beltsville (I just moved to AZ in September 2004). My ex-husband used to consult for the Montgomery CO police department (he was one of the few blood spatter experts in the state but he was the commander of FS for PG County). Needless to say, I spent alot of time all over the state for my own work and with him. I'm not sure why I dreamed about you - sometimes people from various places will pop into my head -I dreamed once about Sue G- saw her almost vividly in my head... and then I saw her pic and was pretty accurate. LOL... Odd..... IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted July 06, 2006 08:09 PM
Awe, that's sweet. She dreamt about you, Petron. lol...that's odd, Pid. What happened in the dream?
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2006 08:21 PM
Hey Lioneye, Well, I was busy making some kind of arrangement and this guy kept trying to get my attention - I knew him but I didn't - like I had gone to school with him a time ago. We started talking and he seemed familiar to me in some of the things he had said- but it didn't quite connect with what I had remembered. Then he slipped and made a reference to this site- a knowflakes name that he was very close to- and bells when off. I said "I know you, your petron" he laughed and said well yes I am.. then it hit me, I had known him for a long while and he was a friend - even though I can't recall where. Crazy huh? Last night was a weird one though- even Bear was picking up on weird vibrations in the air - he's a sensitive when it comes to energy. Bisbee has alot of that, more than most towns and not all of it is good by any means. I think I've smudged my house and used over a pound of sea-salt in the 9 months I've lived here. I wasn't worried, but he felt apprehensive over the energy. Apparantly, alot of oddities occured here, from the town burning down twice to complete flooding. Hanging, miners, prostitutes, skirmishes with bandits, Apache and others were an every day occurance. When the tourists leave (around the middle of June at the latest) things become a bit darker- even though it's a beautiful town - night can be eerie to say the least. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted July 06, 2006 08:28 PM
Interesting...I'm insanely intrigued by that kind of thing. I would love to be somewhere with that kind of energy. I often wonder if I would pick up on anything. I've had a few eerie encounters when I was younger, but I didn't know then what I know now. That might actually be a good thing, though - otherwise I would have been scared out of my wits. So, your mister Leo actually engages in those kinds of conversations with you? Your so lucky. I can't find anyone who will talk at length with me about it. Too scary for most people I suppose. IP: Logged |
writesomething unregistered
posted July 06, 2006 09:01 PM
Pid- thats pretty interesting, must of been the scorpio moon that brought the dream about,do you have a strong scorpio or water influence in your chart? what are your neptune aspects? pluto aspects? I have pretty strong neptune/pluto/scorpio influences, and I have that sort of thing happen too, its sorta scary sometimes... ------------------ "WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit" "Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation" -Khalil Gibran IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted July 06, 2006 09:39 PM
I dreamt about Petron before too But this was last year so I cant remember details except we were arguing for some reason Yeah how do you look Petron? IP: Logged |