posted July 10, 2006 01:53 PM
Hey Lioneye, Yes.. I can talk about all of this with Mr. Leo and more. We spend hours talking about dreams, astrology, "energy vibrations" and other weird things (or what people would find weird). We both agree that we have finally found someone that won't judge us on the fact that we "feel" or "dream" about things that other's may not see. In fact, I made him a protective pouch and taught him how to perform the smudging ceremony. It was the first time I had actually done it WITH someone instead of just making a pouch for them. He totally "gets" it and it made us even closer.
I've always had incredible dreams and they tend to come in cycles. I'll dream actively for about 3 weeks straight - then there will be a lull with just average dreams.
I have Pluto conjunct Ascendant in Virgo in the 1st house. I also have Neptune in Scorpio in the 3rd house of communication. My Sun and Mercury are located in the 4th house.
Mr. Leo has Pluto in the 1st, Neptune in Sag in the 3rd with a Pisces moon and Sun in the 12th house.
We tend to finish each other's sentances or I'll be thinking of something and he says it and vice versa. We laugh about it alot, but it's pretty intense. No secrets here though - We'd pick up on it too quick.
Petron... so you won't give me any more information LOL... Maybe I will have to dream about it to find out - just kidding.