Topic: The Democrats Have Won Control of The House of Reps. ...
Petron unregistered
posted November 09, 2006 01:21 PM
quote: She accused me of using "dirty tricks"--pidaua
oh sorry pid, all i saw was you bringing up that thread in other posts ..... must be a slow day at work huh? IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2006 03:18 PM
You're so cute when you are passive aggressive. What I do on my own time or at work is none of your concern.  IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted November 09, 2006 03:44 PM
just to recap what jwhop has been saying in this thread......********** Rush Limbaugh: Why Republicans Lost
Republicans took a beating on Election Day because they abandoned their conservative principles and in the end stood for nothing, Rush Limbaugh says. In his Wednesday broadcast, America’s top talker said that until Republicans begin asking themselves what’s wrong with themselves they are never going to fix their problems. When things go wrong, Rush said, "you must look inward and ask first, ‘What did we do wrong? What could we have done better? What mistakes did we make?” Commenting that although Republicans lost, "Conservatism did not lose, Republicanism lost last night. Republicanism, being a political party first, rather than an ideological movement, is what lost last night.” The Democrats, he said "beat something last night with nothing. They advanced no agenda other than their usual anti-war position. They had no contract — they really never did get specific. Their message was one of ‘vote for us; the other guys have been in power too long.’” Rush further admonished, "There was no dominating conservative message that came from the [Republican] top and filtered down throughout in this campaign.” He added that if there was conservatism in the campaign, it was on the Democratic side: "There were conservative Democrats running for office in the House of Representatives and in a couple of Senate races won by Democrats yesterday.” He cited James Webb as an example. He also said it was conservatism that won fairly big when it was tried, but it was Democrats who ran as conservatives and not their GOP rivals. He added that the Democratic leadership had gone out and recruited conservative candidates because they knew liberals could not win running against Republicans in red states. Rush quoted Thomas Sowell as explaining that the latest example of election fraud is actually what the Democrats did — they nominated a bunch of moderate and conservative candidates for the express purpose of electing a far-left Democratic leadership. "The Democrats could not have won the House, being liberals,” Rush said. "Liberalism didn’t win anything yesterday; Republicanism lost. Conservatism was nowhere to be found except on the Democratic side.” The root of the problem, Rush said, is that "our side hungers for ideological leadership and we’re not getting it from the top. Conservatism was nowhere to be found in this campaign from the top. The Democrats beat something with nothing. They didn’t have to take a stand on anything other than their usual anti-war positions. They had no clear agenda and they didn’t dare offer one. Liberalism will still lose every time it’s offered.” Republicans, Rush said, allowed themselves to be defined. "Without elected conservative leadership from the top Republicans in the House and Senate republicans are free to freelance and say the hell with party unity.” That leads, Rush said, to the emergence of RINOs — Republicans in name only. Republicans in Congress, Rush explained, were held captive by the party’s leadership in the White House. They were put into a position of having to endorse policies with which as conservatives they disagreed. "The Democratic Party,” Rush went on to say, "is the party of entitlements; but the Republicans come up with this Medicare prescription drug plan that the polls said that the public didn’t want and was not interested in. That is not conservatism. Conservatives do not grow the government and offer entitlements as a means of buying votes. But that’s what the Republicans in Congress had to support in order to stay in line with the Party from the top. "It is silly to blame the media; it is silly to blame the Democrats; it is silly to go out and try to find all these excuses,” Rush said. "We have proved that we can beat them … we have proved that we can withstand whatever we get from the drive-by media. Conservatism does that — conservatism properly applied, proudly, eagerly, with vigor and honesty will triumph over that nine times out of 10 in this current political and social environment. It just wasn’t utilized in this campaign.” Rush also blamed the failure to embrace conservatism on Republican’s fear of being criticized from those in the so-called establishment. Republicans, he charged, go out of their way to avoid being criticized, fearing they will be characterized as extremists and kooks. As a result conservatism gets watered down, and the GOP loses the support of the nation’s conservative majority Rush stated. Anything can beat nothing, Rush concluded, "and it happened yesterday.” Rush also said that the elections liberated him. "I feel liberated, and I'm going to tell you as plainly as I can why," Rush said. "I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried. Now, you might say, 'Well, why have you been doing it?' Because the stakes are high. Even though the Republican Party let us down, to me they represent a far better future for my beliefs and therefore the country's than the Democrat Party and liberalism does." Rush went on to explain that he believes his side is worthy of victory, and that he believes it's much easier "to reform things that are going wrong on my side from a position of strength. Now I'm liberated from having to constantly come in here every day and try to buck up a bunch of people who don't deserve it, to try to carry the water and make excuses for people who don't deserve it." The nation's top talker confided "I did not want to sit here and participate, willingly, in the victory of the libs, in the victory of the Democrat Party by sabotaging my own. But now with what has happened yesterday and today, it is an entirely liberating thing. If those in our party who are going to carry the day in the future -- both in Congress and the administration -- are going to choose a different path than what most of us believe, then that's liberating. I don't say this with any animosity about anybody, and I don't mean to make this too personal." Rush explained that it has not been easy for him to endorse some of the things backed by Republicans in Congress. "There have been a bunch of things going on in Congress, some of this legislation coming out of there that I have just cringed at, and it has been difficult coming in here, trying to make the case for it when the people who are supposedly in favor of it can't even make the case themselves -- and to have to come in here and try to do their jobs ... IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted November 09, 2006 04:37 PM
MotherKonfesor..................... just wanted to say t hat I understood perfectly what you were saying about your team winnng, because you see, "MY TEAM WON TOO!"
iT FEELs good, DOESN'T IT??? YAY! YAY! YAY! .. and I also wanted to say..... welcome to the club of thinking but exasperated and weary ........individuals who try to rationalize the insipid idiotic gobblegook that comes out of Pid's "haven't got a clue, but tying to make people think I have"" head.... I'll tell you right now, it can't be rationalized, so don't even try.... As long as I've been here, I thought I had seen some pretty goofy $hit coming out of her head but the following has to be one of the most stupid comments I've ever seen....
quote: MK, That is pretty immature to equate politics and leading a nation to that of a "team" as though this was a football game.......
*sigh of exasperation!* My best advice MK, is to consider the source (some of the cheese is missing off her cracker) ......otherwise you'll go crazy attempting to try and reason with her....
it's an exercise in tutility! AG does a pretty good job with it, and I guess I've got to give him credit for at least trying.... but just because you and I and a whole bunch of other people here understand him, and his logic, doesn't mean that she does! He could be typing out pages til the cows come home, and she just wouldn't get it!*sigh*
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2006 05:00 PM
Dear Delerious Rainbow, you were crazy WELL before I ever came to the picture. Please do not even act as though you had the wherewithal to reason with yourself let alone me. LMAO....Just look at the set up of your posts.. that has crazy wacko written ALL over it.... "All we are are tumbleweeds blowing in the wind" Do you like tumbleweeds Rainbow? Do you ever feel like one? Have you ever encountered one? You seem like you would gravitate to them... Just an observation. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted November 09, 2006 06:51 PM
Considering where the observation is coming from, Pid....... an answer to the inane question is hardly worthy of my consideration.... But while we're making observations...I'd like to say, I don't know about the tumbleweed, but it sure looks to me like you've been into the locoweed, out there........  Like attracts like, aye? IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2006 06:58 PM
hee hee...... never locoweed- drugs are bad M-kay.....IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 09, 2006 09:04 PM
do you guys have a peace-pipe going?IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 2787 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2006 07:12 PM
Clinton told the dinner crowd that Americans, while more "culturally conservative" than Canadians, are at the core "a practical people," adding, "It would be a big mistake to read the results as some big move to the left in America."IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4415 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2006 07:18 PM
Even a little move to the Left is nice when the Right starts getting out of hand, and if we end up back in the center, well... that's exactly where the country wants us to be. It's the Independents who decide elections, and for the most part they're centrists.IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 2787 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2006 07:37 PM
You are incapable of understanding acoustic.The Congress did not move left...even a little to the left. The Congress moved "right" with the election of conservative Democrats...some of which are more conservative than many Republicans and far more conservative than the leadership of the democrat party and the far left radicals who support them. This election was a stake in the heart of the vampires of the radical left..including move on, dailykos, democrat underground and all the Soros backed 527c-3 groups. Neither was there a voter sentiment for pulling troops out of Iraq in the contested seats conservative Democrats won. Nor was the war a deciding factor in normally anti-war Connecticut. Ned Lamont...activist anti-war candidate lost by a ton in a reliable anti-war state to Leiberman who supports the war. Leiberman, who is a true liberal...not a radical leftist is far more conservative than Ned Lamont who is a socialist at best. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 2787 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2006 08:05 PM
The Current Crisis A Typical Midterm By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. Published 11/9/2006 12:08:24 AMWASHINGTON -- From the riotous coverage of this election, starting months ago and ending with the November 7 crescendo, one might conclude that momentous events are afoot: To the Barricades! Out with the Old, in with the New! Actually we have just endured a typical midterm election, when a president halfway through his second term suffers losses on Capitol Hill. On average that has meant 31 House seats lost and six Senate seats poof. Now, once the lawyers have conjured with the corpus delicti in all the close elections, we shall see that this is about what happened. Do not let the clang and bang of the media fool you. When President George W. Bush picked up seats in 2002, that was the unusual event, not his loss this time around. We might well ask why the media's near hysterics? To be sure there was enormous effort made by both parties, but in the end only some 40% of the electorate turned out and that was about normal for a midterm election. Once again the ordinary Americano is more sensible than the Washington elites. The 60% that does not vote is usually pretty much satisfied with the way things are. The economy is sound. No grave issue fevers the Republic, save for one, an issue that very much fevers the Washington elites. Namely, an Old Order is passing and fighting desperately to maintain its dominance in the political culture. The Democrats' victories do not signal a liberal recrudescence in the Republic. Many of the incoming Democrats ran as conservatives. That is because the conservative drift of the country continues. As many as two dozen of the newly elected Democrats ran affirming traditional social values, low taxes, or other conservative desiderata. In the long term things continue to look bleak for the Old Order. Bob Casey, the candidate who beat Senator Rick Santorum, is a social conservative whose father was barred from the 1992 Democratic convention because of his opposition to abortion. Jim Webb, who ran against Senator George Allen, was a Reagan Republican and President Ronald Reagan's Secretary of the Navy. In the House newly elected Democrats ran as advocates of gun owners' rights and traditional values. One even signed the Americans for Tax Reform's pledge against higher taxes (three Democratic incumbents in the House and one in the Senate have done the same). The Old Order and the Angry Left do remain at the top of the incoming Capitol Hill majority, and they are going to play the role that we have come to expect from them. They are going to attempt to raise taxes, spending, and the spectacle of congressional investigations. The Democrats, once they won the second midterm election of the Reagan years, entertained us with their Iran-contra hearings even as the Old Cowboy proceeded to end the Cold War with the Soviets. Expect nothing less from Madame Nancy Pelosi and the dirty-mouthed Harry Reid. There will also be drama from the Republicans and this drama will be salubrious. Starting perhaps even before this column is off to the printer, the Republican leadership of the House will be gone. Under Speaker Dennis Hastert the leaders revealed themselves to be dull-witted and inept. Their spending spree has offended the conservative rank and file for years. Hastert's flat-footed response to the Mark Foley scandal might well have cost the Republicans the election, virtually reversing the momentum that was then going their way. It is time for him to go. Most likely he will be replaced by one of the young conservatives from the solidly conservative Republican Study Committee. Indiana's Congressman Mike Pence will probably run for minority leader and Arizona's John Shadegg will run for whip. Both are splendid representatives of the New Order, the Order whose political reforms began with Ronald Reagan, continued through the Contract With America, and have been responsible for the economic growth of the past two decades that forced even Bill Clinton to intone, "The era of big government is over." Bring on the future, a future that will not include Pelosi & Reid beyond 2008.
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AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4415 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2006 08:11 PM
I'm afraid you're mistaken Jwhop. You're spinning out of control.THEY RAN AS DEMOCRATS! How many times do I have to remind you of this fact. They also WON as Democrats. They are not more conservative than Conservatives except where they are actually for fiscal responsibility. quote: Neither was there a voter sentiment for pulling troops out of Iraq in the contested seats conservative Democrats won.
Democrats weren't running on a "Let's pull the troops" platform. I can see you're clearly back in dreamland. It's all "commies" and "cut and run." That's all BS as I've pointed out to you numerous times now. quote: Leiberman, who is a true liberal...not a radical leftist is far more conservative than Ned Lamont who is a socialist at best.
Lieberman is a run of the mill Democrat with the exception that he sided with supporting the President over openly criticizing the President. I think we're finally seeing just how out of touch you are with both reality, and the pulse of the nation. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 2787 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2006 08:31 PM
Yes acoustic...they ran as Democrats, conservative Democrats...not leftist radical democrats which has been the core and base of the democrat party and not as "moderates".They won only because they ARE conservatives...or talked the conservative talk. What about this is confusing to you acoustic? It's crystal clear the Congress didn't move a millimeter left but in fact moved right. It's crystal clear the democrat Congress as a whole has now moved right. It's the only way they could have won majorities in both houses. Now, the fun begins when the radical leftists in the democrat leadership attempt to pass the far left agenda into law.  My advice....don't. Write legislation to raise the minimum wage...which leftist democrats killed when Republicans attempted to pass it a few months ago. Secure the amnesty for those in the country illegally. Fund the war and the military and get behind them instead of stabbing them in the radical leftists in Congress have been doing. Strictly middle of the road or it will be curtains in the elections 2 years from now. To the extent democrats attempt to implement the George Soros agenda, they are going to pay the price. One last thing. Democrats should stay far, far, far away from the North American Union. We have a score to settle with Republicans who are involved with or backing the merger of Mexico, the US and Canada into a North American Union...similar to the European Union. It's not happening and most of us don't give a tinkers damn how many Republicans we have to retire to see that it doesn't.
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Mirandee unregistered
posted November 10, 2006 09:50 PM
It seems that unable to deal with defeat both Jwhop and Pidaua are now attempting to further their patterns of denial with wishful thinking that someone the Democrats have become just like the Republicans. LMAOYeah, that'll happen!!!!!! Actually I have to agree with some of what Limbaugh says. The Republicans did abandon their conservatism and under the neo cons moved from conservatism to radicalism a long time back. Took Limbaugh long enough to notice it. Took the rest of the Republicans who abandoned ship long enough to notice it too. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4415 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2006 10:36 PM
quote: What about this is confusing to you acoustic? It's crystal clear the Congress didn't move a millimeter left but in fact moved right.
Are there more or less Democrats than there were previously? There is no possible logical way ANYONE could come to the conclusion that congress moved to the Right by electing more Democrats than they previously had. It's just possibly the most absurd thing you've ever said. In some ways I'd love for you to continue with this train of thought, though, because it just goes to show how quick you are to latch on to some bogus media's spin. Congress moved to the Right by electing more Democrats. If I were going to one of the 397 victory parties MoveOn members are throwing tomorrow night I'm sure your crack assessment of the situation would be a hit. quote: It's crystal clear the democrat Congress as a whole has now moved right. It's the only way they could have won majorities in both houses.
So the only way we could have won is through moving to the Right. Who's the chairman of the DNC who orchestrated this campaign? Yeah, that's not a real compelling argument either. quote: Now, the fun begins when the radical leftists in the democrat leadership attempt to pass the far left agenda into law.
You know, that IS pretty funny. Mostly because I doubt anyone in the new congress plans on any "far left" agenda items. quote: To the extent democrats attempt to implement the George Soros agenda, they are going to pay the price.
Attempting to bring George Soros who's probably done more (and spent more) to foster fledgling democracies than any other single person in history isn't going to help your case. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 2787 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2006 11:10 PM
Conversation finished. You aren't capable of getting it. I doubt democrats in general are capable of getting it either...and that's the reason that starting in January, they're going to start finding out just how badly they've misanalysed the reason they became the majority party.The Republican party better get it too or they're going to find a strong competitor has arisen from among the ranks of conservative Independents, conservative Democrats and conservative Republicans, many or most of whom may disassociate from their party affiliation and form a new political party. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4415 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 11, 2006 02:28 AM
Do you get it?It looks like your running for the middle now. In January nothing extraordinary is going to happen. None of your moronic predictions are going to come true. What will happen is that everyone will realize that they are going to have to work together if they want to get anywhere in the next two years. As for me getting it, who's more right: You with your flawed notion that by voting Democrats into power America has shifted to the Right, or Me stating the obvious, which is that Howard Dean, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi weren't enough to deter a nation from going with their party? Tell me who is going to be setting the agenda now. What party will chair all committees? Which party will have control of the floor? These things don't add up to a shift to the Right. IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 11, 2006 02:45 AM
I just went back to show the difference and what did I find? Pidaua had edited and changed her post! I am going to have to start copying all your threads for record Pidaua because you went back and edited that post of yours to read exactly as the original article that I posted and bolded to show where you changed it read. And then after editing it you came on here and called me a liar. It did not read exactly as the original did when you first posted it, Pidaua. I double checked even before posting and bolding the part of the article that you omitted in you post. This is the very thing that you have accused myself and others of doing which I have never done and I would swear to that truth on my part regarding editing something after the fact on a stack of bibles in front of Christ himself. Outside of Jwhop and Pidua's others cohorts here did any of you guys see the article that Pidaua posted and then compare it to the bolded part that I posted showing where the change was? You are one really sick lady, Pidaua to pull a stunt like this. Especially when you also lie when you accuse others of the very things you do? From now on I will copy and file all of your posts so that when you go back and edit them to cover your a$$ and then come back and accuse me of being the liar or anyone else of editing our posts I can expose your lies and hypocrisy and you for the loud mouthed phoney that you are, Pidaua. A quote from Pidaua's reply to Sue: quote: I am sure jwhop can give you a run down on what happened at the hands of Mirandee and other rabid liberals on the Conscious Evolition website to the Conservatives.
Both Rainbow and myself have stated that this is just a delusion on Jwhop's part who is just as mentally ill as you are, Pidaua. It is also apparent that you actually do believe everything that Jwhop says to be true without question. Proving once again your insatient need for male approval, Pidaua. Not a characteristic of a strong woman at all but instead a very needy, insecure woman. Another quote of Pidaua's and we can all get a big laugh out of this one where she of all person's says this to me: quote: Your posts are full of bitterness and anger.
LMAOWhat are your posts full of beside BS, Pidaua if not hate and anger? Though I chose to ignore there, here I will answer the question that you posed to both me and Rainbow on another thread. You asked me if I actually knew what a neo con was. Then in your pretentious way of assuming that you are more intelligent than we are you stated it is much more extensive than we know. LMAO I bet you don't know the history behind the neo cons, Pidaua. I do. I have read extensively on it. I have always possessed a thirst for knowledge. Look it up. It's in my chart.
You are the same age as my kids, Pidaua. I was reading and studying and involved in politics when you were still sh!tting in your diapers. Since you are only about 3 or 4 years older than my youngest son, I was attending civil rights meeting and working for justice and equality in America before you were born. I worked for Robert Kennedy's campaign. So I have known the real, true heartbreaks that go along with trying to bring about the changes and equality and justice that you claim the Democrats never brought about. Just making a statement like that shows how very little you do know about politics or the history of this country, Pidaua. When my kids were grown up and on their own I went back to college where I maintained a 4.0 average. Then I gave up a year of my life to serve my country in the domestic Peace Corps that was dreamed of by JFK and came to be a reality under Lyndon Johnson known as Volunteers In Servive of America or VISTA. It is now known as Americorps but has suffered horribly under the Bush administration for lack of funding. I did all that while your idea of being a patriot was to hang out around military bases picking up soldiers, Pidaua. Now are you really sure your are a "strong" enough woman to take me on, Pidaua? I don't think so. I think all you are is a loud mouthed trouble maker and a coward who wouldn't dare say the things or do the things to people in your offline life that you do on the internet for fear of being knocked down. Because personally lady, I come from Detroit, grew up on the 8 mile corridor, and I would have knocked you on your smart a$$ long ago if you did. I may be 60 but I am still in good shape. If you want some more b!tch slapping just keep coming at me, Pidaua. I will gladly oblige you. But if you are half as smart as you say you are, I wouldn't recommend it. This was mild compared to what I can lay on you. Truth is you haven't yet lived along enough to know even half of what I have learned about people and the world just from experience alone, Pidaua. When I served in VISTA I served people who were really tough, not just putting on a tough guy act like you do, but truly tough people who make you in comparison a piece of cake to deal with. I choose to leave you alone, Pidaua and would advise you to do the same to me. But you better never pull a lying deceptive stunt on me like you did on this thread ever again. It does show what kind of person you truly are though. IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 11, 2006 03:11 AM
Petron, thanks, sweetie, but the post was not the same. I even double checked before posting the original article. I don't know when Pidaua edited her post but she did edit to read the same. The change was subtle. An omission that gave a different meaning to the paragraph. In the beginning of a paragraph the original article stated that the Republicans had accused the democrats of being behind this for political reasons. But Pidaua omitted the part where it said the Republicans had accused the Democrats to read just The Democrats were behind it. I have never spoken to anyone online the way I just did Pidaua and I would not have been so angry as to do that if I did not know beyond a shadow of doubt that Pidaua did go back and edit that post and then state that I accused her of "dirty tricks" and that I was a liar. For one thing I never used the term dirty tricks but I did state, and you know this too, Petron that Pidaua and Jwhop both alter articles that they post to read as they want them to read. That time I just pointed it out is all because I am fed up with their hypocrisy and lies. It takes a real b!tch to do something like this. There just isn't any other way of saying that. IP: Logged |
and unregistered
posted November 11, 2006 03:19 AM
Mirandee- I actually remember reading that post, and she did add it on later... iam not surprised, thats the kind of lying b1tch, pidiful is.oh and of course i agree with everything you say  ------------------ "WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit"-Khalil Gibran Love truth even if it harms you, and hate lies even if they serve you. Believe what you see and lay aside what you hear. -Lebanese proverbs IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 11, 2006 03:34 AM
Getting back to the subject that Pidaua once again hijacked the thread and got us off of: Working together for the sake of country and the world would be nice and it's the way it should be. But we all know that even though Bush is saying this now right after the election he has not worked in a bi-partisan manner since he was first elected in 2000. Not once in the past 6 years has he done anything but dictate to his rubber stamping Republican Congress what he wants passed. He has completely ignored the Democrats in Congress and the voice of the people. It will be done Bush's way or no way. In short, it ain't gonna happen. If Bush doesn't cooperate and work with the Democrats in the House and Senate he will be cutting his own throat because as I stated before, 51% of Americans still want him impeached and I've gotten letters the past two days from groups and the Progressive Democrats who want that to be top priority after Jan. The elections results were more a vote against Bush and his administration than anything else. I think the Dems could have run Mickey Mouse and he would have won. It was really the voice of Americans saying well if you aren't going to impeach Bush then we want him to become a lame duck. Whether or not he does become a lame duck is pretty much up to Bush and his willingness to actually work with Congress instead of having things his own way. I don't think Bush's arrogance is going to allow for that. My perdiction? In spite of the fact that Nancy Pelosi has never been in favor of impeachment of Bush ( and no one can understand why when he has all but burned the Constitution ), he will end up being impeached along with Cheney. Why? Because those Dems in power know who they are going to answer to come the elections of 2008. It is those 51% of Americans who want Cheney and Bush impeached and those that restored the balance of power in this election. If they want a Democrat to win the presidency in 2008 Bush and Cheney will be impeached. The petitions are already going around and ground work is already being laid. IP: Logged |
Motherkonfessor unregistered
posted November 11, 2006 03:41 AM
Whoa...did I miss the day when the entire state of Connecticut voted jwhop their spokesperson? Quote: Nor was the war a deciding factor in normally anti-war Connecticut. I mean seriously, people, this is a big deal! Why wasn't this covered in the news? (probably some sort of liberal conspiracy, i bet! I think we all should really be nicer to jwhop- think of all that pressure, being the mouthpiece of every voter in a whole state. All Aboard for Sweeping Generalizations! Next stop, please exit on your right for Sweeping Generalizations!!! MK IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 11, 2006 03:50 AM
Thanks And. I'm glad you read it and know because I don't normally think the worse of people enough to copy and save their posts to make sure they don't edit it. That has never been a big concern of mine until now. But when it comes to people like Jwhop and Pid it might be a good idea if more of us start doing that. It will keep them honest anyway knowing that we are. IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 11, 2006 04:02 AM
Well, obviously Jwhop doesn't read the exit polls. The number one issue with voters was corruption. Number two was jobs, health care and the economy. Number three was the war in Iraq. IP: Logged | |