Topic: The Democrats Have Won Control of The House of Reps. ...
Petron unregistered
posted November 11, 2006 06:50 AM
ok mirandee, whatever you say sweetie.....i'm with pid on that one i guess.....  IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 11, 2006 01:06 PM
Mirandee, You are delusional. Petron read your post immediatly after you posted it. Both articles were exactly the same. I would expect an apology from you but I beleive hell would freeze over before you would admit what a liar you are. The best thing you could do to proof how dilusional you are is to save all of my post and then you can see who actually employs dirty tricks and lies. Please feel free to email Randall and ask him if I have edited that post in any way. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 11, 2006 01:19 PM
Mirandee, it amazes me..that you still.. have not looked in the mirror. ...IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 2787 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 11, 2006 02:45 PM
Mirror, mirror on the wall; who's the biggest truthteller of all?Never mind Mirandee, it's not you! IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 2787 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 11, 2006 03:21 PM
As is the usual, Mirandee just can't seem to keep anything straight in her mind.These are the their proper order for the democrat majority....per CNN..the Clinton News Network. So, I know Mirandee won't attempt to challenge their findings from exit polls. "The exit polls showed that 42 percent of voters called corruption an extremely important issue in their choices at the polls, followed by terrorism at 40 percent, the economy at 39 percent and the war in Iraq at 37 percent." What is utterly laughable is the democrat Congressman from Louisiana who was videotaped taking a $100,000 bribe from an undercover agent. His name is William What's light of the democrat rants about the culture of that this democrat was not expelled from the Congress and ran as a democrat...again. $90,000 of the marked bribe money was later found in Jefferson's freezer by agents with a search warrant...still, no move to expel Jefferson from the democrat party or his House seat...culture of corruption indeed. Another fact for the "culture of corruption" crowd; the likely chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is Alcee Hastings. Alcee Hastings was a federal judge who took bribes from the bench and was impeached by the House of Representatives. Given that Nancy Pelosi was in the House and voted for Hastings impeachment, it seems reasonable to assume Pelosi has a very poor memory. Culture of corruption indeed. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted November 12, 2006 01:09 AM
MotherKonfessor made this following comment to Mirandee..... quote: Mirandee` I just wanted to say you kick a$$. That's all. You are freakin' amazing
......MK .....and to Mirandee I want to say......
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Bear the Leo Newflake Posts: 8 From: Germany Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 13, 2006 03:40 PM
Mirandee, I think pidaua is still awaiting for your apology for your misrepresentation of the article. Rainbow, How is the circus of tumbleweeds going? LMAO IP: Logged |
Bear the Leo Newflake Posts: 8 From: Germany Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 13, 2006 03:40 PM
DPWas just really wondering how the tumble weeds were treating you, Rainbow? Are they congregating around you still? LMAO IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 13, 2006 08:54 PM
I am laughing my butt off...IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted November 13, 2006 09:25 PM
Mirandee to Pid..... quote: you are the same age as my kids, Pidaua. I was reading and studying and involved in politics when you were still sh!tting in your diapers......all you are is a loud mouthed trouble maker and a coward who wouldn't dare say the things or do the things to people in your offline life that you do on the internet for fear of being knocked down. Because personally lady, I come from Detroit, grew up on the 8 mile corridor, and I would have knocked you on your smart a$$ long ago if you did. I may be 60 but I'm still in good shape....If you want some more b!tch slapping just keep coming at me, Pidaua. I will gladly oblige you. But if you are half as smart as you say you are, I wouldn't recommend it. This was mild compared to what I can lay on you.......
OMG...., mIRANDEE.....I APPLAUD YOU Dear Lady.......the disrespectful little "know it all" HAS HAD THAT COMING FOR A LONG TIME! though I doubt she'll understand what you just told her.... due to non-operational equuipment in the brain department. .....and Mirandee, I also want to say that I really admire you for having gone back to college in your adult years, and maintaining that 4.0 average.......and most especially I admire you for taking a year of your life and serving your country in the domestic peace corps - The mark of a true participant in patriotism.... a "strong woman" indeed.... I never knew this Mirandee, but it does not surprise me at all.... and that someone here had the balls to challenge your knowledge of politics when you were attending civil rights meetings working for justice and equality at the time the challenger was dirtying her diapers is so beyond the preposterous that it's truly repugnant! Thank you Mirandee for enlightening us, even those of us who already knew it was arrogance laced with ignorance, to challenge you...a lady who has been on the earth long enough to have expereinced much of life, and garnered "some smarts" along the way.
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 13, 2006 09:32 PM
the pot calling the kettle black..Attack attack attack.. Rainbow and Mirandee..both of you are.. way off course.. we are in the same boat... please don't tip it over... in your Blindness... . IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4415 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2006 11:41 AM
Democrat Reid elected Senate majority leader 38 minutes ago U.S. Sen. Harry Reid (news, bio, voting record), a moderate Nevada Democrat, was elected by colleagues on Tuesday as U.S. Senate majority leader for the 110th Congress that will convene in January.
Reid, like most fellow Democrats, favors a phased withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, a major issue in last week's elections that saw Democrats win control of the Senate and House of Representatives from President George W. Bush's Republicans. Reid has served the past two years as Senate minority leader. He replaced Tom Daschle, who was ousted by voters in his home state of South Dakota in 2004 after being denounced as "the chief obstructionist" to Bush's conservative agenda. Democrats also elected Dick Durbin of Illinois as assistant Senate majority leader. He has been Senate assistant minority leader since January 2005. Senate Republicans are to elect their leadership for the new Congress on Wednesday, while the two parties select their leadership in the House on Thursday and Friday. Copyright © 2006 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. __________________________________________ IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 11:55 AM
lotus, I would never be so careless as to find myself in the "same boat" with you, (particularly if it were sinking....) *sigh* because you see, thre's not a bit of doubt in my mind that you would try to push me overboard at the first opportunity mumbling some excuse about you doing such a thing, because you're the only one in the boat who is able to see "the whole picture." *sigh* IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 12:11 PM
Leo Bear both you and Pidaua can kiss my a$$. I am not in the military or under your command so you can stuff it, Leo Bear. It is Pid who owes not only me but a whole lot of people here at GU an apology for her behavior towards them. It seems that once again Pidaua has gone crying to her hubby after she has started trouble with other people and they stand up to her. I have a feeling that in marrying Pidaua you have began a whole new career, Leo Bear. A career of defending her against those she starts trouble with by shooting off her foul mouth at them and a career of cleaning up the problems she creates for herself. Good luck with that. I will not apologize because Pidaua did change that post of hers and probably as soon as I pointed it out on the thread. If I had her deceitful mind I would have copied her post before pointing out where she changed it. I did learn that lesson from this and will do that in the future where both she and Jwhop are concerned. I have learned that you don't point out the lies and deception of a liar without having proof as a liar will then lie their way out of their lies. Petron missed the subtle change you made and you obviously changed it before he saw it, Pid. I do not think that Petron is lying about this at all. You know full well that you edited that article and then edited and changed it back when I caught your deception, Pidaua. You live with that. You know this is true, Pidaua and I know it's true though because I did not truly believe that you were this much of a deceptive, lying human being I do not have any proof but my word against yours. You say that Petron saw it and he agrees with you, Pidaua. So what? And said she saw it and agrees with me that you changed the original post and then edited it to read the same when I pointed it out. So it is also And's word against Petron's word. I owe no one an apology and you are right, Pidaua. Hell would freeze over before I apologize to a deceitful, lying and conniving person such as yourself. I would apologize if I were wrong but in this case I am not wrong. I will not say I am wrong when I am certain beyond a doubt. Easy to see why you are such a staunch supporter of the corruptive, lying, hypocritical and deceptive Republican neo cons. They are just like you are. You know you are lying, Pidaua. That is something that you might be able to lie your way out of to those here at LL but not when you are standing before God. I am not concerned with what Petron claims he knows or anyone else here on this thread. I am only concerned with God knows regarding all of this. I realize that is not a concern of yours, Pidaua. Not now anyway. Leo Bear, are we supposed to be intimidated by your presence here on the threads? Is that why Pidaua has brought you on here? Just wondering because I'm not.  IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 12:35 PM
Mirandee and you show your true colors. ...have you no shame..respect or LOve? IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 12:37 PM
EDIT* Mirandee and Rainbow,* do you know what the two of you are doing? You are reflecting your own ugliness. ...
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2006 12:38 PM
Rainbow stated "OMG...., mIRANDEE.....I APPLAUD YOU Dear Lady.......the disrespectful little "know it all" HAS HAD THAT COMING FOR A LONG TIME! though I doubt she'll understand what you just told her.... due to non-operational equuipment in the brain department. "______________________________ Yep, that is an example of a post from a deranged woman. You can't even control your fingers on the key board let alone make any sense whatsoever.
Nice how you just advocated Violence as well by posting Mirandee's invitation to "B1tch-slap" me. Mirandee - Yelling at me, making threats and telling me you come from a place known for drugs, trailor trash and prostitutes in order to intimidate is indicative of the kind of human excrement that you are. I love this quote as it displaying your lack of dignitity. "you are the same age as my kids, Pidaua. I was reading and studying and involved in politics when you were still sh!tting in your diapers......all you are is a loud mouthed trouble maker and a coward who wouldn't dare say the things or do the things to people in your offline life that you do on the internet for fear of being knocked down. Because personally lady, I come from Detroit, grew up on the 8 mile corridor, and I would have knocked you on your smart a$$ long ago if you did. I may be 60 but I'm still in good shape....If you want some more b!tch slapping just keep coming at me, Pidaua. I will gladly oblige you. But if you are half as smart as you say you are, I wouldn't recommend it. This was mild compared to what I can lay on you......." _________________________ You and Rainbow are older that most of us here, so stating that you are somehow better than those of us that were "sh1tting" our diapers when you were studying (and I use that word loosely considering your lack of intellect) politics is absurd. You two were around when President Washington took office, so I'm not surprised at your elderly position in life. A lot has changed in the time that I pooped by diapers and now. People like you suffer from 'muddled' minds, for example, you keep calling people NeoCon's when you have no clue about the definition, which I have posted several times. YOU are more likely to have been a NeoCon than me, since I was never a Liberal nor a Socialist. Another example of the type of woman that you are consists of your inability to recognize the truth if it came up and b1tch slapped you and your wicked geriatric sidekick, Rainbow. Making generalizations of what I have said, who I know or what I have done in my real life is a lame attempt at trying to discredit me. You can't seem to debate me in full here, so you fell compelled to use a lie that I am an online bully but a pussy cat in real life. Everything I have said here I have said to my majority LIBERAL friends, with the exception of calling them names or insulting their intellect for they would continue to be smarter than you even after receiving a lobotomy. I have to ADVISE you not to get into this kind of debate with me again. YOU have forgotten that same tirade you launched into when you tried to prove that I knew nothing about the Military, ONLY to be b1tch-slapped once again when you found out just how involved my life IS with the Military. You skulked off to nurse your wounds under that rock you call home and you responded with "well, I didn't know". YOU did the same thing when you challenged the stats on juvenile detention and you made the mistatement that most juveniles are only in for minor infractions. YOU also insinuated that I was on the side of the cops that had to take a 16 year old into custody after she had been pulled over at 2am, breaking curfew and most likely up to no good, soley because my dad is retired law enforcement(which you then accused him of being some kind of facist). What you didn't know, was the following; the judges you accused of being appointed by Bush were not appointed by him, the girl was in violation of the law and her parents would NOT pick her up so as to teach her a lesson, as a result she was searched and thrown into detention. Our officers are not baby-sitters. YOU WERE WRONG.... You blatantly LIED about the article. Either your intellect is as sharp as Rainbows wit (which I liken to a dull butterknife) or you have a reading comprehension problem. Once again, on your one of your self-righeous tirades you accused me of altering a document. YOU then posted the exact same document - WORD FOR WORD- Petron even saw it right after you posted it and said they were the same. I did not leave out what you thought was an incriminating paragraph because it WASN'T.
Either your attempt to discredit me has forced you to lie or you posted your article with malicious intent, knowing full well I had not edited mine, but you wanted to accuse me of it later thinking no one would be able to come to my defense. I welcome you to copy ALL of my threads, it will do you GOOD to see what the truth looks like. It is not my fault you are an adle brained, lying, ingrat that came from a poor background. Thank God there are better representative that come from disadvantaged backgrounds that don't have to resort to "criminal" type behaviours such as lying and making threats. I would love to see you TRY to b1tch slap my a$$ Mirandee. If our past exchanges are indicative of your methods in debate, I have NOTHING to worry about because I have been wiping up the floor with you since the the inception of GU. Age does not grant you wisdom- with age wisdom SHOULD come, yet in the case of you and Rainbow - the Geriatric duo, only bitterness, lying anger has come to the fore. That is a sad state.
LMAO... YOU b1tch-slap my ass...OMG...I would consider that a threat from anyone (and it was a physical threat Mirandee "Because personally lady, I come from Detroit, grew up on the 8 mile corridor, and I would have knocked you on your smart a$$ long ago if you did. I may be 60 but I'm still in good shape....If you want some more b!tch slapping just keep coming at me, Pidaua.") else that said that to me- but considering your advanced age and how you had to pump yourself up to that level, you couldn't get a hand on me before you were kissing pavement. No worries though, I wouldn't resort to anything more than a mere restraint, your prune a$$ is not worth my firm ass in jail- but you can bet I would have loved to have seen you in an Orange jumpsuit and serving as big Bertha's b1tch-toy.
LMAO.... Haa... I am sure your kids are proud of you mommma.... LMAO.... You are one sorry woman- no wonder your best friends with Mrs. Magoo Oh and to Mrs Magoo you said "Thank you Mirandee for enlightening us, even those of us who already knew it was aggorance laced with ignorance, to challenge you...a lady who has been on the earth long enough to have expereinced much of life, and garnered "some smarts" along the way. " I'm sorry, I don't speak idiot, could you please translate what aggorance is to me? Who has street smarts, we know it ain't you unless you learned how to be savvy playing Mother Goose...
LMAO....... Thank again for the morning "funny". I needed it.
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2006 12:49 PM
Mirandee - I can only deduce from your accusation that I run to my husband as a result of a thread, or cry to my hubby as you stated, because that is what you do with your geriatric comrade.LMAO.... Bear has answered to this to you in the past and he is free to say what he wants. If you can get tumbleweed to post on your behalf again and again, Bear can speak his mind - last time I checked Randall had not deemed you the queen of free speech (or censorship). For the record - One of Bear's caliber and intellect is worth a thousand, no Million Rainbows or Mirandees. LMAO....
I'll stick to my moral, loving, husband over the cheers of shrill, lying shrews... LMAO.. "petron missed the subtle change" You are full of diaper debris Mirandee..LMAO....
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TINK unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 01:39 PM
And here I thought wisdom and calm reason came with age.  It's rare I'll point the finger at the sinner instead of the sin but ... Mirandee, those last two are really over the top. What's the problem? I've quickly become one of those that hesitates to post here. I remember the days when this sort of drivel was only an occasional thing. Today I can't find a thread without it. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 01:49 PM
Thanks for speaking up Tink!  I think all of US can hope, we can learn and undertake to do everything with LOve and Respect for ALL  I still fall..make's about always trying your best. ...
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Rainbow~ unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 04:02 PM
Pid, trying to be humorous as well as insulting, said.... quote: I'm sorry, I don't speak idiot, could you please translate...
Pid, you most certainly DO speak idiot.... fact, that's all you do speak! IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2006 04:25 PM
WOW.. that was so intelligent Rainbow.. what will you say next "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever bounces off me sticks on you".Weren't you the one giving high-fives to Mirandee for her post threatening to kick my a$$- last time I checked that is threat of bodily harm (but I don't think she'd be able to lift her cane up that high). It is nice to see the other half of the geriatric duo come back to life- how was your nap time- did the Centrum Silver finally kick in? Shouldn't be long before you and Mirandee are both sh1tting your depends.. I do hope you'll have a nice person to change them out for you.. Part 1 - The Geriatric duo take on Conservatism...
Narrator "well folks, the G-duo is about to take on those pesky Republicans. Armed with Bengay, corn pads and a pack of Depends, the geriatric duo jumps into their motorized Tumbleweed wheelchairs (equipt with DEAN FOR PRES stickers on the back) and begins their descent to Pidaua's home town...." Mirandee AKA -Millennium (for obvious reasons) states to her trusty Octogenarian side kick Rainbow AKA: Pinky (and you thought that mouse only worked with the Brain)"I'll get you my pretty.. I'll get you...." To which Pinky responds "Duh.. who ya talking to boss.... ain't no pretty ones around here... do you need your medication right now?" "UGH Pinky.. do I need to get all 8-mile on your decrepit a$$? You know how I love to b1tch-slap those that cross me..I'm about to get all trailor on your saggy behind!!! I was talking about that b1tch Pidaua. Just you wait until I get my wrinkled, sun-spotted hands on her and beat her with my cane of confusion". Screams Millennium in her shrill villian voice. "Is that why happened to Shrew Pelosi Boss? Did you hit her too many times when she said she didn't want you to stalk her anymore? Or did that happen to me.. where am I... oh no... my alzheimers is kicking back in... where are my depends.. I feel like I need to pee" Cries Pinky..... "Whatever Pinky, a restraining order is just another way she is telling me she loves and respects me....Holy mother of early bird specials Pinky.. look, there's a sale at K-mart... plastic panties that won't leak when we accidently make brownies in our pants.. We need to stop and re-stock"....... Narrator "So it goes folks.. will the geriatric duo get sidetracked at the two for one plastic panty sale? Will Pidaua have anything to worry about sitting atop her hill of Truth? Will someone turn on a microwave next to the duo and short circuit their pacemakers??????"
Tune in next time the 'GERIATRIC DUO STORMS ARIZONA......" Now a break from our sponsor "Depends.. why stop going just because you can't stop going in your pants?" ************disclaimer - I do not have anything against old people. I love old people and I can't wait to be an old person with my handsome hubby. I am only making fun of a situation where once again, Mirandee and Rainbow somehow think that just because they are 100000000 years old means everyone else is ignorant  IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 04:34 PM
Question......about a firm-ass).......~~~~~~~~~~~ I note that Pid speaks with pride a bout her firm-ass."  "My firm-ass?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since having a "firm ass" is apparently of paramount importance to you, Pid, I was wondering if having a firm-ass gets you merit points into heaven? If you do indeed do have a firm ass, you'd then you'd better thank your lucky stars for such an "ass"set (if you'll excuse the pun)_ since that's about all that's gonna get you into heaven. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2006 04:50 PM
Once again.. another stupid post by Rainbow- maybe you should look at the context of my post Rainbow. Answer these questions 1) DO you think it is right for someone to threaten to b1tch-slap someone? 2) Since you hate when people brag about their backgrounds, did you think Mirandee's diatribe was warranted, especially since no one challenged or asked about her achievements? 3) Why is it you only include a portion of the post, about my rear end (which was a remark concerning age because most a$$es are flabby after 50 unless you have the willpower, stamina and a great cosmetic surgeon, none of which you or Mirandee qualify for). If my a$$ gets me to Heaven then we at least know one thing about God... God would be most assuredly a "HE" (unless God plays for Rosie O'Donnells team- either way, you'd be playing footsies with Saddam and Satan". LMAO.... OMG... Pinky.... does this mean you will concentrate on Satan now? Are you going to take my above post, twist it, turn it and state "You told me to go to hell Pidaua".
LMAO.... you know.. hell.. full of sulfur and brimstone as you so arrogantly stated.
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Rainbow~ unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 04:57 PM
St. Peter greets pid at Heaven's gate and tells her, "You ain't coming' in here lady, til you pass the "rock solid behind test." and believe me you'd better pass it, cuz you've got no other kind of points to gain entry here.....We've checked your records thoroughly and and canot find one good deed, or one act of iota of honesty or a loving heart..... You just don't pass muster..... Sorry  IP: Logged | |