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Author Topic:   The Democrats Have Won Control of The House of Reps. ...

Posts: 67
From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 14, 2006 05:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That's quite funny coming from someone that was jumping up for joy and singing the praises of Mirandee for stating she was going to b1tch-slap me.

You still can't answer the questions- but you have done wonders in proving your ethics Rainbow.

I find it to be hypocritical for you to blast other, specifically me, about knowing "you" or what you "do" yet you have some authority to know what is in my heart and how God will judge.

Must be nice having such a tight relationship with the Almighty one- maybe you should stop taking those little green pills because not only are you delusional, you are also beginning to think of yourself as God.

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posted November 14, 2006 07:14 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
PID, (tRYING TO COVER HER "firm posterior") AFTER boldly displaying

I do not have anything against old people. I love old people
Yup!she loves them alright.....loves to make fun of them!

Her kind no doubt makes fun of crippled, blind, and deaf people too)....

Such meaness is just an unfortunate character flaw in some people....

She's always talking about people showing their true colors....well she's done a damned good job of showing hers, with her belittling remarks aout the elderly.....

Way to go, Pid!

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posted November 14, 2006 07:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
try this shoe on for size, Rainbow...

how about the way you treat me???

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posted November 14, 2006 07:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've quickly become one of those that hesitates to post here. I remember the days when this sort of drivel was only an occasional thing. Today I can't find a thread without it.

uh huh.... gotta agree with u on that one tink.


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sue g
posted November 14, 2006 08:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree SGA.....

The behaviour at this forum is disgraceful...

What hope is there for humanity, and the thing that makes me laugh is the ones who engage in this appalling name calling and behaviour call themselves "christians'

Yes I am sure the Messiah would have been well impressed...."love one another"....there are displays of hate here which turn my stomach!

My 8 year old son has more respect for his brothers and sisters.

Drivel indeed....

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posted November 14, 2006 08:26 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Whsamatter Pid????

You can sure as hell can dish it out????but can't take it????

You practically take up a whole thread with a little scenario coming out of your head that makes fun of Mirandee and me with your descriptions of us as the geriatric duo with references to "depends" motorized wheel chairs, centrum silver, etc, etc...and anything else your twisted little brain can think of to poke fun of our ages......

But you pi$$ and moan

.....about my litle scenario describing your meeting with St. Peter....Sheese!

I've always been told that what's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the if you can dish it out, you'd better be prepared to take it!!!

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posted November 14, 2006 08:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sue..Love Lady..these all your Love and Light..Thanks

I think we've come a long way, baby!

LOve LOve LOve to ALL. ...

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Posts: 95
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 14, 2006 08:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BlueRoamer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have to say that this is getting out of hand even for me.

It's interesting what happens in Global Unity. It always ends up as ad hominem, people insulting people personally, instead of discussing the issues. And, it's not really a discussion, neither side is listening to the other, and neither side is going to change their mind at all. In fact, these discussions merely further the hatred between the two factions.

Insulting people's age is definitely not cool. All of us will be old with sagging behinds if we're LUCKY ENOUGH TO LIVE THAT LONG. I hope and pray that I have to lift my wet a$$ outta the toilet to keep it from flushing down the drain.

Calling people names and threatening them with violence is just ludicrous, especially for grown women. We really should know better.

It's so easy to get involved in these heated discussions and allow hate and anger seep into your heart. Which is why I try to stay away from global unity as much as possible. It's nice to come in and rub the last election in the republicans faces, but what does that really accomplish?

There's a couple really conservative people on this board, and they have great loyalty and allegiance to their party, and almost any comment made against them will fall on completely deaf ears. The same goes for the extreme leftists on the board. Most of the people here are centrists from what I can tell.

It quickly becomes apparent that it's often not about the issues, it's about the other person being in the "out-group." When someone is not in our "group" it becomes a psychological, not a political issue. We see the issues falling away and what comes out is just toxic vemon thrown at the "others." The ones who aren't like you.

So I pose this question to the people arguing here, what will this argument accomplish? Will it make you feel better? I'm certainly not advocating that people silence themselves, I'm simply suggesting that all out ad hominem wars aren't good for the soul.

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 14, 2006 09:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
disclaimer - I do not have anything against old people. I love old people and I can't wait to be an old person with my handsome hubby.
Despite your disclaimer Pid, your little vignette featuring older people who must use Depends is distasteful. I watch people changing my mother's Depends and wiping her butt whenever I go to the nursing home to visit her. There's nothing funny to me about the humiliation of losing one's bodily functions, even if you find it funny in regards to imagining that disability befalling your arch-enemies here.

BlueRoamer ~ Nicely said, O blue man, but those deaf ears..... ????

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posted November 14, 2006 10:44 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


I love this quote as it displaying your lack of dignitity

Pid, dignity disappeared from this forum way back when you told me I was a drooling old hag who would get off watching you having sex (and I don't know to which sex partner you were referring....the bear, or the beer can...)

So for you to say anything a bout what you consider Mirandee's "lack of dignity" is really, laughable....coming from you.....

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posted November 15, 2006 02:52 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Zala....I just want to say I'm so sorry Pid's indelicate and totally thoughtless remarks about "Depends" (tho they were aimed at Mirandee and myself) brought up unpleasant memories for you....and what you have had to experience with your own precious mom.....

I'm just so terribly embarrassed by this odious behavior on her part, and even tho PId is the one who was making fun of people who need to use "Depends" I almost feel Ishould offer you you an apology since It was because of us that her raunchy mouth got carried away with her....causing you discomfiture....

Again Zala, I am sorry.....

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posted November 15, 2006 04:01 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.

Eloquent, to the point, but yet not accusatory nor inflammatory.
Its really sad that this forum has gotten this bad.. and its spread unto other posts in other forums.


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sue g
posted November 15, 2006 04:38 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hopefully Lotus, (some of us) try and come a long way....try to be better people...

"love one another"

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sue g
posted November 15, 2006 04:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am just wondering why you guys are feeding into the name calling and abuse, by retaliating....

Unhappy people for sure.....

Love lifts, not drags us down to such dark and murky depths...

Wishing you all find love and peace in yer lives.

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posted November 15, 2006 09:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For what it's worth, here's the reason for my frustration and disappointment.... LL is an esoterically inclined site. So I trust that each of us is engaged, in our own way, in some form of religious/spiritual pilgrimage, yes? I trust that we have each acquired an interesting assortment of occult goodies along the way, yes? This forum allows us the novel opportunity to put that learning to use and view politics from a spiritual perspective. It's an intriguing proposition and it might just do us all some good on an individual level. But instead we choose to check our spiritual credentials, thoughts and beliefs at the door and allow ourselves to indulge in common chest-thumping, name-calling and generally uncouth behavior. Just the sort of ugly, mindless stupidity we could easily find at any other site.

What a waste.

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sue g
posted November 15, 2006 09:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ugly is the word that came to my mind Tink...

What a waste indeed.....



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Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 15, 2006 11:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Rainbow, stop playing the martyr...again.

You too Mirandee.

Whatever you've received here, you've earned in spades.

If you want it to stop, you already know how. Whining to your support group and showing them your owies while you deliver another 3rd person insult probably isn't going to be very effective......that is, if breaking the cycle of insult and reprisal is your goal

If this seems one sided to you, it is. It is for the simple reason that I've pointed out to you along with everyone else here that inflammatory rhetoric....let me bump that up a notch...lying inflammatory rhetoric isn't discussion. You were offered discussion numerous times and chose the former.

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Posts: 4415
From: Pleasanton, CA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 15, 2006 11:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Let's stop with the irony and falsehood. You've never offered discussion in place of emotionally charged partisan bickering. The number of people in disagreement with you whom you offer grace to can be counted on one hand.

Your gestures for "discussion" are just gestures. You've never displayed in action your willingness to discuss things in a non-emotional, non-partisan way ever, and you don't start threads that aren't expressly designed to deliver you exactly the type of partisan bickering you revel in. I don't think anyone appreciates your lip service to civility you'd never engage in.

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posted November 15, 2006 11:49 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Completely agree with Tink, Sue and SGA That's why I stopped posting here a while back. I dipped in again recently hoping to see an improvement, but if anything the bickering has got worse and much more personal. I’ve posted on the odd thread, and was ‘challenged’ (as per usual) when I simply made an observation. I’ve still not received an apology for that and needless to say I’m not holding my breath.

Political views are understandably very personal and therefore rather emotive things, however it is possible to discuss them and to differ in opinion without resorting to name calling and verbal abuse. When I first came to this forum and stumbled upon ‘Global Unity’ I was expecting a group of interesting and possibly enlightened people, sharing their views on the world and its issues in a calm, intelligent and respectful manner. What I found was a bear pit. And the awful thing is that if you stay here long enough it rubs off on you if you’re not careful and you start to join in, screaming above the melee like a harpy just to get your point across – I’m afraid I sank to that level at times too. The truth is there's almost no unity on this section of the forum and that's a great shame. This should surely be a place of debate not squabbling; a place to discuss not berate. And certainly not a place in which to threaten, bully or lie to one another.

And before either “side” chooses to rip quotes from that last sentence to twist and use to add weight and ammunition to their own little war, why not choose the less travelled path instead? That of restraint and reflection; that of real ‘Global Unity.’

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Posts: 67
From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 15, 2006 11:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmmm.... the reference to me not having children as a way of Mother Nature deeming me not worthy must have disappeared.

How many times have people posted racist jokes (I believe "and" and a few others started and contributed on a thread where "Asian" people were considered funny along with several other racial groups). Only a FEW of us pointed out how offensive it was, yet several people that have just posted against my words on this thread, gave her the thumbs up.

Please- let's stop being hypocritical. IF that is how you really feel then think about all the jokes you laugh at when comedians tell them. It's all fine when it comes out of the "enlightened" ones mouths, but let one of us show Mirandee and Rainbow for the scatterbrained liars that they are and it is an all out warfare.

I started the geriatric duo to make light of the constant blather from Mirandee and Rainbow concerning their age and wisdom. If it is kosher to constantly reference my age or how brilliant they are because they are elderly, then damn it they have opened themselves up to jokes about it.

As far as this BS about "I watched my mom get her depends changed" give me a break- as though I have not watched my own family members have to go through such a tragedy? I watched my own grandmother, who was more of a mother to me than my own mom, get eaten away with cancer. I fed her, brushed her teeth and helped change her when she soiled herself.

I have done the same for my paternal grandmother who sits at 92 years of age, soiling herself and unable to feed herself - which I am happy to do when I am with her. When I visit the senior hospital I listen to their stories, their jokes about eating mashed food and wearing depends.

Any time someone makes a direct personal attack on a Conservative it is A-OKAY- say something to a former KS'er and the next thing you know, out comes the victim costume.

It is getting sickening- and now Rainbow is acting like she gives a damn about the poor elderly people and how she feels bad that I made reference to Depends.

Unless the people here that have actually acted as though their sensibilities have been offended have never laughed at a joke told by a comedian concerning old people- then stop the hypocritical crap.

No one said boo to Rainbow about my ex-fiance on this thread or about watching sex. She has manufactured that latter statement in her own mind and she knows it. Just pull up the KS thread and read it for yourselves. She is STUCK on my life and my ex's and her freaking comment about Mother Nature deeming women worthy of having a child is psycho in itself.

This all started because Mirandee accused me of editing an article which was a false allegation. I pointed it out to her, petron pointed it out to her.

So what was her response?

""you are the same age as my kids, Pidaua. I was reading and studying and involved in politics when you were still sh!tting in your diapers......all you are is a loud mouthed trouble maker and a coward who wouldn't dare say the things or do the things to people in your offline life that you do on the internet for fear of being knocked down. Because personally lady, I come from Detroit, grew up on the 8 mile corridor, and I would have knocked you on your smart a$$ long ago if you did. I may be 60 but I'm still in good shape....If you want some more b!tch slapping just keep coming at me, Pidaua. I will gladly oblige you. But if you are half as smart as you say you are, I wouldn't recommend it. This was mild compared to what I can lay on you......."

Ummm... okay... so I made a damn joke about her age ..

Oh and what did the enlightened Rainbow have to say..

"OMG...., mIRANDEE.....I APPLAUD YOU Dear Lady.......the disrespectful little "know it all" HAS HAD THAT COMING FOR A LONG TIME! though I doubt she'll understand what you just told her.... due to non-operational equuipment in the brain department. "

I think people need to look at the evolution of this thread and determine when the BS started... It started with Rainbow and her nonsense:

Posts: 5871
From: The Little River Indian Reservation
Registered: Jan 2002
posted November 09, 2006 04:37 PM

just wanted to say t hat I understood perfectly what you were saying about your team winnng, because you see, "MY TEAM WON TOO!"

iT FEELs good, DOESN'T IT???


and I also wanted to say.....

welcome to the club of thinking but exasperated and weary ........individuals who try to rationalize the insipid idiotic gobblegook that comes out of Pid's "haven't got a clue, but tying to make people think I have"" head....

I'll tell you right now, it can't be rationalized, so don't even try....

As long as I've been here, I thought I had seen some pretty goofy $hit coming out of her head but the following has to be one of the most stupid comments I've ever seen....

Actually, there was nothing in my posts calling Rainbow or Mirandee a name in the least with the exception of me calling Mirandee a liar for her accusation and inability to apologize for what she did.

Rainbow came in like a bat out of hell on page five and started with her passive aggressive tactics. If people are incensed, then start at the beginning, stop just centering on one person.

Rainbow, you know you opened it up to this and there was no reason for you to start in OTHER than to start a fight.

My subsequent posts were still innocous in nature, playing on the insane things you said- it was dropped at the locoweed crap.

But noooo.... you and Mirandee had to come out with round two and insult MY age and talk yourselves up for being old.

Round two from Mirandee consisted of this:

Posts: 1912
From: South of the Thumb Taurus, Pisces, Cancer
Registered: Sep 2004
posted November 11, 2006 02:45 AM
I just went back to show the difference and what did I find? Pidaua had edited and changed her post! I am going to have to start copying all your threads for record Pidaua because you went back and edited that post of yours to read exactly as the original article that I posted and bolded to show where you changed it read. And then after editing it you came on here and called me a liar. It did not read exactly as the original did when you first posted it, Pidaua. I double checked even before posting and bolding the part of the article that you omitted in you post.
This is the very thing that you have accused myself and others of doing which I have never done and I would swear to that truth on my part regarding editing something after the fact on a stack of bibles in front of Christ himself.

Outside of Jwhop and Pidua's others cohorts here did any of you guys see the article that Pidaua posted and then compare it to the bolded part that I posted showing where the change was?

You are one really sick lady, Pidaua to pull a stunt like this. Especially when you also lie when you accuse others of the very things you do? From now on I will copy and file all of your posts so that when you go back and edit them to cover your a$$ and then come back and accuse me of being the liar or anyone else of editing our posts I can expose your lies and hypocrisy and you for the loud mouthed phoney that you are, Pidaua. "



Mirandee's answer to that?

Posts: 1912
From: South of the Thumb Taurus, Pisces, Cancer
Registered: Sep 2004
posted November 11, 2006 03:11 AM
Petron, thanks, sweetie, but the post was not the same. I even double checked before posting the original article.
I don't know when Pidaua edited her post but she did edit to read the same. The change was subtle. An omission that gave a different meaning to the paragraph.


People.. there was NO omission. Nothing changed in that article would have had any bearing on the story. Taking anything out would not have helped in any case- it was just a stupid story on some idiot lawyer that dressed up as Bin Laden and waved a gun around at motorists. She seems to think that because this guy outed Bush for a 1972 drunk driving ticket that that would have caused me to leave out a paragraph.. that DID NOT HAPPEN.. there was no need to...

Petron's post to Mirandee:

Posts: 2780
From: Paradise
Registered: Mar 2004
posted November 11, 2006 06:50 AM
ok mirandee, whatever you say sweetie.....
i'm with pid on that one i guess..... "

To which the brilliant Mirandee answers...

Posts: 1912
From: South of the Thumb Taurus, Pisces, Cancer
Registered: Sep 2004
posted November 14, 2006 12:11 PM

Petron missed the subtle change you made and you obviously changed it before he saw it, Pid. I do not think that Petron is lying about this at all. You know full well that you edited that article and then edited and changed it back when I caught your deception, Pidaua. You live with that.


If you are going to DISH something out then you have to deal with it. I have dealt with it numerous times here and it is getting old and boring to have to deal with hypocritical cry babies that start fights and then cry to their buddies when they can't manage to end them.


Your posts are becoming more and more erratic and they look like someone that is on heavy medication. What is up with you? You are spinning out of control...

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 15, 2006 12:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Any time someone makes a direct personal attack on a Conservative it is A-OKAY- say something to a former KS'er and the next thing you know, out comes the victim costume.
Neither Rainbow nor Mirandee were former KS'er's, Pid.....
Please- let's stop being hypocritical. IF that is how you really feel then think about all the jokes you laugh at when comedians tell them.
Comedians make jokes about the handicapped too. I ain't laughing.

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posted November 15, 2006 12:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, indeed Sue!

Great post Tink!

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sue g
posted November 15, 2006 12:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think ANYONE who engages in this type of behaviour, whether they be a former KS'r a lefty, a righty, an inny, an outy, black, white, yellow, green with pink polker dots is foolish.....

And if a friend of mine carried on in this way, I would be disugusted by them...well actually I wouldnt be friends with them if they persisted with this behaviour...I dont understand why people get off on this..maybe loneliness, unhappiness, frustration, spite...? What else could it certainly aint humour.....its quite sickening actually to read!

We are all guilty of losing it at times with others, but really, this takes the biscuit. This forum is becoming a vile place....but if no one speaks out, it will just continue.

Its peurile, ridiculous, unnecessary and shows a small mind and HUGE ego....

Sort it out guys, and lets see if anyone has a big enough pair of balls to behave like a reasonable grown up person....

Although I am beginning to believe at this stage, that is out of the question.

Maybe its time for some to grow up hey?

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posted November 15, 2006 12:59 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Learn and Grow in LOve and Light!

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Posts: 67
From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 15, 2006 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No Zala - but your core group came out in her support now didn't you.

Maybe you should cast some of your sterness and self-righteous behaviour at them instead of concentrating on me.

Maybe you, sue and a few others could answer this question 'Why is it you feel compelled to blast me, but you say nothing when someone threatens to b1tch-slap someone because they come from the hood or when someone makes a threat of rape?"

When you can find it in your enlightened souls to blast ALL offenses, then get back to me - until then you are all just playing the "us against them" bullsh1t that has been rampant here since GU first started.

Hell, DayDreamer started a thread on Racism (which had nothing to do with actual racism) and then proceeded to call Isis "White Trash".

If you want to start playing politically correct police- start giving tickets to everyone and not just the people that offend your precious friends.

That is getting old..

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