Topic: Mirandee...
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2006 11:17 AM
Mirandee ~I value your calm (most of the time ) voice of Sanity -- thank Heaven for your presence here!! Z IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4415 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2006 11:23 AM
quote: No, frankly I do not know what you are saying or what your point is other than to start an argument, Lotus and I never do because you come on threads, throw out one liners and never explain yourself or really give an opinion.
Indeed. And when she does muster an opinion it's so far out in left field it's ridiculous. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 12:32 PM
Mirandee..i most certainly gave you my opinion..when I said you were having two faces...I'm sure you can understand that... Defiance Violence...and you say you want peace.. it's pretty obvious. ...contradictory..just like most of your posts... IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2006 02:45 PM
Yes yes yes.... please continue to sing the praises of Mirandee - who when caught in a lie she said the following to me"Now are you really sure your are a "strong" enough woman to take me on, Pidaua? I don't think so. I think all you are is a loud mouthed trouble maker and a coward who wouldn't dare say the things or do the things to people in your offline life that you do on the internet for fear of being knocked down. Because personally lady, I come from Detroit, grew up on the 8 mile corridor, and I would have knocked you on your smart a$$ long ago if you did. I may be 60 but I am still in good shape. If you want some more b!tch slapping just keep coming at me, Pidaua. I will gladly oblige you. But if you are half as smart as you say you are, I wouldn't recommend it. This was mild compared to what I can lay on you. Truth is you haven't yet lived along enough to know even half of what I have learned about people and the world just from experience alone, Pidaua. When I served in VISTA I served people who were really tough, not just putting on a tough guy act like you do, but truly tough people who make you in comparison a piece of cake to deal with. I choose to leave you alone, Pidaua and would advise you to do the same to me. But you better never pull a lying deceptive stunt on me like you did on this thread ever again. It does show what kind of person you truly are though. " ________________________________ Moral is - if you show Mirandee's lies for what they are, if you question her flawed thinking, if you do not tow the line with her radical politics and IF you are younger than her...
You should have your a$$ b1tch-slapped because she may be 60, but she can take anyone.. hell she is from Detroit - 8-mile to be exact.... Mirandee are you Eminems Momma? Now I know why his songs are misogynistic in nature... People without moral fortitude always use violence to stop an unfavorable argument Mirandee "Because personally lady, I come from Detroit, grew up on the 8 mile corridor, and I would have knocked you on your smart a$$ long ago if you did." Yeah people.. that is ONE hell of a lady to support and back up....
Mirandee- we need people like you to be the face of the Leftest radicals of the Democrat wing of the party. You do more harm than good to your own people.
I'd love for you to make an appearance in my home town lady-as I said in the other post- you'd be kissing the ground, with your hands behind your back before you could touch my soft brown skin. I'd never do more than restrain you, because I'd love to see your flabby a$$ serving as Big Bertha's B1tch toy at the county jail.... Maybe I'd even write a grant so that you could continue your education while incarcerated.  But hey... at least some people look up to you.
Damn... the thought just occured to me.... You are going to backtrack and say you HAD to respond this way because "I" made you.... LMAO... You're a freaking joke just like many of those that support your a$$ IP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 08:25 PM
Mirandee, it's clear to see the difference in those who respect until disrespected...and respond rightly against blatant hypocrisy and injustice. Yours isn't a meaningless nor lost cause. Some of us are watching, and knowing that the difference makes all the difference.  Question authority, hell yeah! Half or more in authority are corrupt, greedy and self-gratifying. They deserve to be called up on their actions! Thank god for people like you, who question, who look past 'images' and credentials into a person's true character. Anyone who doesn't have sacred respect for life or care for other's welfare deserves to be an authority. REAL LEADERS PROMOTE PEACE  But they also hopefully would have the courage and balls to stand up for good....hell, knock someone on their ass if need be.  (don't know how many of you were thinking, damn, it's about freakin time!)  IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 08:31 PM
actions speak loud and clearclear intent to hurt. ... karma..everything you do causes a ripple..what kind of ripple do you want..cause it's gonna come back to way or the other..that's just the way it is... . IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 09:41 PM
More blatant hypocrisy coming from Pidaua's mouth: quote: People without moral fortitude always use violence to stop an unfavorable argument Mirandee
You know that better than anyone, Pidaua as you have done nothing but use verbal violence against those that do not agree with you or tow the Republican neo con line for years here at GU. I stand by what I said here and you know damn well it is you who are doing the lying here, Pidaua. You went back and edited after the fact when you were called by me on the omission you edited out of that news article that changed the meaning of the whole paragraph to read as you wanted it to read. The rest of the article was word for word what the original article stated. Except for the beginning of that one paragraph that I bolded. You dare to say I should apologize when you are lying your a$$ off on this thread, Pidaua? If I was wrong I would apologize. I have done it before although you have never once apologized to anyone for anything, Pidaua. And you even stated that my apology in admitting I was wrong to Jwhop was "not sincere." There is your character in a nutshell, Pidaua. Instead of apologizing you justify your behavior. You actually justify your verbal abuse of others by saying you have "standards." As long as you don't use race it's okay to say anything else or call someone any name you want. So long as it is not racial. LMAO The only reason for that one standard of conduct regarding race is that you are a racial mixture yourself. Otherwise that would be fair game too. It certainly has nothing to do with morals or principals on your part. That is what you do instead of apologizing. Then you judge others people's apologies. Friggin hypocrite!! Give me a break!!!! What a bunch of lame BS!!! IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 09:46 PM
Lia and Zala, Thanks for what you both said here. It is much appreciated to know that women like the two of you feel that way about me. In fact women like all the women here who have said nice things. Though Lotus is trying her best as is Pidaua to twist it around and give their own BS meaning to it all. But hey, that's their baggage not mine. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 09:47 PM
Mirandee..perhaps you should worry about yourSelf..and your own actions..that's what matters. ...IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 09:59 PM
Perhaps you should do the same and for once in your life practice what you preach, Lotus. You are a friggin hypocrite too. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 10:01 PM
that is simply not true. ...God knows that!  IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted November 15, 2006 12:05 AM
Yes, God knows, Lotus and that is where you might run into trouble. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted November 15, 2006 03:49 AM
Lia says..... quote: (don't know how many of you were thinking, damn, it's about freakin time!)
I was Lia, I was!  I found your whole post filled with much wisdom and "KNOWING" snd I know Mirandee appreciated what you had to say, too.....You have keen insight, Lia.....
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted November 15, 2006 06:47 AM
Yes..Mirandee God KNows..I already said that!When you operate from your Heart and Love and know God... when you operate from a place filled with hate..and nasty do not know God, it is that simple  Have a Ggod Day! IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 15, 2006 01:24 PM
Well Mirandee get you A$$ back to the other thread where you threatened me and answer the posts concerning how you lied. You have NO case - you lie, you cover up your lies and when you are backed into a corner, you threaten to b1tch-slap someone. I never threatened you or said anything close to that in the thread. I did ask you to apologize for saying I lied and altered an article. EVEN PETRON saw both posts - immediately after you posted it- and you still continued to allude that I must have changed it in a milisecond before anyone could see it. You may have constant bleeding heart supporters here Mirandee- but a lie is a LIE. The joke is on you because that article was harmless to Democrats and Republicans alike. Making any changes to it would not have changed the intent as their was none- you just let your hatred towards me cloud your judgement and when you could no longer spin your lies, you come out with BS trash talk. You have no moral character, which is evident in your posts. Prove what you have said- or admit you are lying. Ask Randall if my post had been altered in ANY way, shape or form on that lawyer thread. Every time someone makes an edit it is documented. If you don't have the balls to prove it- then everything you say from here on out will be considered another bald face lie. If do have to Balls to talk to Randall and he shows you how wrong you are, I will expect an apology for your accusation as well as your stupid threat. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 15, 2006 01:26 PM
"But they also hopefully would have the courage and balls to stand up for good....hell, knock someone on their ass if need be. " Lia... you are one to talk- go back to your hole that you came out of. You contribute nothing of substance to this board- a fact proved by the lower-than-pond scum company that you keep. Aligning with Mirandee and Rainbow is like swimming with raw sewage- HAVE FUN...
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 15, 2006 01:42 PM
Here is another gem from one of your fellow twit club members:"Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5871 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002 posted November 15, 2006 02:07 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I doubt PId will ever have kids, Mirandee.....I think Mother Nature intended it that way..... ________________________ Yeah, that was smart Rainbow- now you have really served to prove what a rabid idiot you really are. In this day and age a woman's worthiness is not judged by how many children she has before the age of 21. Maybe in your time it was acceptable for a woman to give up her life, soul and identity to be a man's servant, thereby giving up her dreams and just taking care of the kids. Now days we have the option to wait. We have the option to have a different kind of life, to pursue an education and wait to get married and have children. In this life, women are independent to make up our own minds instead of having a man provide for us. Let's get to the other point- You are insinuating that Mother Nature decides who it fit to be a mother. Somehow you slipped through the cracks, so I doubt there is a ruling force that is ensuring intelligent, well rounded people should have kids.
Based on your disgusting sentance, crack mothers, alcoholics, pedophiles, have been granted permission by Mother Nature to have children. Women such as Susan Smith must have made Mother Nature VERY happy when she grant that pyscho to have kids, then conveniently KILL THEM. Your theory is flawed AND disgusting. You have reached the bottom of the barrel with that one.. but lets think of the other side of what you said
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Lialei unregistered
posted December 02, 2006 12:39 AM
won't be returning here beyond this post.  maybe not LL...I don't know. I'm truly disturbed...disillusioned... in hope for decency and honor from people anymore.  Ginny, dearest, most gentle and Sweetest of Souls, I've ever had the priveledge to know...I'm going to keep envisioning all the blessings and beauty your tender heart fully deserves to Embrace.  I love You. ****for anyone who TRULY CARES....3 or 4 pages of this thread just "mysteriously" disappeared.
I blasted with the Truth, and that's not allowed here. 
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Mirandee unregistered
posted December 02, 2006 12:59 AM
What Pidaua said to Ginny just before Ginny found out that she had a cancerous brain tumor. And then came in on Ginny's thread at FFA saying twice that she "respected" Ginny. pidaua Knowflake Posts: 6153 From: Arizona - Moving to Germany to be with Bear the Leo Registered: May 2002 posted November 21, 2006 01:49 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LMAO... you are reaching.... Please review ALL of your posts. Most of us make spelling and grammar errors from time to time. Your posts are manic / neurotic in style and your rarely complete one without a completely mis-spelled word, grammar error OR you run sentences together in a psychotic style. The reason I have posted a few times on the structure is more for the fact that the style is indicative of a raving lunatic more than someone that just mis-spelled a word.
I can use spell check- how do you account for whatever it is that is eating your brain and causing you to become more and more psychotic? Randall you better just lock this thread because I am going to keep posting this and if I kicked out of LL people will know it is because I spoke the truth and that is the only reason. In fact you better lock all the threads at LL because after you pulled this stunt I will post this all over LL and in fact, I am going to post it at CE too for everyone there to see what kind of site you are running here. IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted December 02, 2006 01:46 AM
For those of you who are confused there were five pages of this thread. Randall deleted most of those right after I posted this about what Pidaua said to Ginny.Not only that what I posted here that Pidaua said to Ginny on my other thread regarding the Dems winning the house, Randall went in and deleted much of that thread too and this particular post of hers is now gone from that thread along with some other horrible things she said to Ginny. Not only does Pidaua cover her tracks by going back and editing after the fact, Randall also does it for her at her request or he has given her the ability to do that on her own. IP: Logged |
writesomething unregistered
posted December 02, 2006 01:54 AM
quote: Yes, all join in to disgrace Mirandee, who is extremely saddened by the suffering of a dear friend. Kick her further while she's down. Don't begin to understand for one millisecond that her anger is a natural stage of grief...and in my eyes BEAUTIFUL that she would be so loyal and caring for her friend to feel the need to protect her right now from potential insincere energies.I've known Rainbow for years. She's like a grandmother to me, and damnit, have to say that now that I've just read Pid's words to her here, I'm angry as hell too! Natural reaction for anyone who truly cares for her. Dredging up the past? This was days ago. I think I can understand how Mirandee might feel upon seeing it. No one should ever for any reason be spoken to in such a way, especially not such a sweet heart as Ginny. And this goes on daily here from Pid. Not just to anyone who has the audacity to be or think in anyway different from her or question how she treats others. And everyone just turns and looks the other way. Or worse, encourages her to do so by telling anyone who has the self respect to defend themselves that they are "negative", or twist their words until they are no longer decipherable from what they originally were and try to make it like they're the crazy, spiteful, petty ones. Is this the twilight zone? Sometimes here in GU, you feel like that guy there...the one that everyone else is trying to convince he's insane, when he's really the only one who's has any sense of reality. F*CKING APATHY and lack of COMPASSION and INTEGRITY disguised as peace and love. It's all Images...where is substance and truth?
quote: Yes, Ginny said things she shouldn't have here too, but in all the time I've known her, I've never witnessed her speak to anyone else in any way but gentle, compassionate and loving. Pid brought that out of her and I believe she was satiated that she could. Some kind of twisted, sadistic power game....I have no idea. Not sure I want to dwelve that far to figure it out.It was entirely uncharacteristic of Ginny to respond to anyone in the way she did to Pid, and I know from talks with her that it truly disturbed her that she was brought down to that level and wished she could just walk away, but felt she needed to stand and defend herself. Strong, admirable lady she is. With Ginny it was uncharacteristic. With Mirandee it is {i]uncharacteristic[/i]. Is it uncharacteristic of Pidaua? Can anyone say that? (with a straight face) Wake up, please, any out there who have any sense of decency and TRUE sincerity of care to see the TRUTH. I do hope Pidaua's post to Ginny was sincere. "hope whatever it is that rotting your brain right now...", because, god, that f*cking echos in my mind right now. Hope not so for Ginny. And perhaps you should all reread Mirandee's post concerning your accusations that she was accusing Pid of Rainbow's illness: quote:Though I don't really believe that... before you pick and choose what you want to hear, dismiss the bit you don't, so you can jump down her throat while she is obviously distressed and saddened of heart and could instead use some words of comfort, kindness and compassion. IP: Logged Lialei Knowflake Posts: 1143 From: Registered: Jul 2005 posted December 02, 2006 12:24 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Lialei Edit/Delete Message Mirandee, I know your intentions are from love and your focus is and has been for Ginny's welfare. And I know Ginny would see and understand that too.
I went back on my browser Lia, and its still there...great post...
and for some reason, I cant post on my regular name *AND*, it says invalid password??? ------------------ "WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit" "Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation" -Khalil Gibran IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted December 02, 2006 02:21 AM
Some weird sh!t going on here, And. All to cover Pidaua's ass too. You are one awesome lady to have saved Lia's post and posted it here but Randall will probably delete it again too. But save it and we will keep reposting it. Randall is going to be working overtime trying to keep this off the forums to cover Pidaua's vile ass. I am doing this for Ginny. Exposing Pidaua for the vile human being she truly is will do Ginny more good than any of the phoney sentiments being expressed by some people on her thread at FFA. IP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted December 02, 2006 02:41 AM
And  thank you.  you help restore my faith. you couldn't post as "And"? Coincidental timing? Hmmmm..... Can I still post?....let's see.... IP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted December 02, 2006 02:44 AM
okIP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted December 02, 2006 04:45 AM
<<<< will do Ginny more good than any of the phoney sentiments being expressed by some people on her thread at FFA>>>>And for every "phoney" sentiment posted there(?), I am sure there are 10 genuine ones. People in general do care here at LL. It's important to remember this, or why else would we have gathered....if not to help each other. I hope Rainbow knows this....I am sure she does......  If I can send reiki to anyone, please ask....    IP: Logged | |