posted December 07, 2006 01:18 AM
When the "glitch" happened on this thread late Friday night it happened right after Lialei posted. And copied and reposted Lia's post. She had to post as Writesomething. Here is the post that Lialei put in and read And's comments after she quotes Lialei. I have bolded And's comments: writesomething
Posts: 537
From: meet me in montauk
Registered: May 2006
posted December 02, 2006 01:54 AM
Yes, all join in to disgrace Mirandee,
who is extremely saddened by the suffering of a dear friend.
Kick her further while she's down. Don't begin to understand for one millisecond that her anger is a natural stage of grief...and in my eyes BEAUTIFUL that she would be so loyal and caring for her friend to feel the need to protect her right now from potential insincere energies.
I've known Rainbow for years. She's like a grandmother to me,
and damnit, have to say that now that I've just read Pid's words to her here, I'm angry as hell too! Natural reaction for anyone who truly cares for her.
Dredging up the past?
This was days ago. I think I can understand how Mirandee might feel upon seeing it.
No one should ever for any reason be spoken to in such a way, especially not such a sweet heart as Ginny. And this goes on daily here from Pid. Not just to anyone who has the audacity to be or think in anyway different from her or question how she treats others.
And everyone just turns and looks the other way. Or worse, encourages her to do so by telling anyone who has the self respect to defend themselves that they are "negative", or twist their words until they are no longer decipherable from what they originally were and try to make it like they're the crazy, spiteful, petty ones.
Is this the twilight zone?
Sometimes here in GU, you feel like that guy there...the one that everyone else is trying to convince he's insane, when he's really the only one who's has any sense of reality.
F*CKING APATHY and lack of COMPASSION and INTEGRITY disguised as peace and love.
It's all Images...where is substance and truth?
Yes, Ginny said things she shouldn't have here too, but in all the time I've known her, I've never witnessed her speak to anyone else in any way but gentle, compassionate and loving. Pid brought that out of her and I believe she was satiated that she could. Some kind of twisted, sadistic power game....I have no idea.
Not sure I want to dwelve that far to figure it out.
It was entirely uncharacteristic of Ginny to respond to anyone in the way she did to Pid, and I know from talks with her that it truly disturbed her that she was brought down to that level and wished she could just walk away, but felt she needed to stand and defend herself. Strong, admirable lady she is.
With Ginny it was uncharacteristic.
With Mirandee it is {i]uncharacteristic[/i].
Is it uncharacteristic of Pidaua?
Can anyone say that? (with a straight face)
Wake up, please, any out there who have any sense of decency and TRUE sincerity of care to see the TRUTH.
I do hope Pidaua's post to Ginny was sincere.
"hope whatever it is that rotting your brain right now...",
because, god, that f*cking echos in my mind right now. Hope not so for Ginny.
And perhaps you should all reread Mirandee's post concerning your accusations that she was accusing Pid of Rainbow's illness:
quote:Though I don't really believe that...
before you pick and choose what you want to hear, dismiss the bit you don't, so you can jump down her throat while she is obviously distressed and saddened of heart and could instead use some words of comfort, kindness and compassion.
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Posts: 1143
Registered: Jul 2005
posted December 02, 2006 12:24 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Lialei Edit/Delete Message
I know your intentions are from love and your focus is and has been for Ginny's welfare. And I know Ginny would see and understand that too.
I went back on my browser Lia, and its still there...great post...
and for some reason, I cant post on my regular name *AND*, it says invalid password???
Now check out what appeared on And's posts from page one of the original Mirandee thread after the "glitch." Make note of And's profile on her posts and where it says where she from:
This is how it is now when you go to page 1 December 06-06
unregistered posted November 11, 2006 03:50 AM
On December-02-06 it was this:
Posts: 1213
From: psycopath
Registered: Jun 2006
posted November 11, 2006 03:50 AM
This is how it was on the original from page 1, November-11-06
Posts: 1210
From: Meet me in Montauk
Registered: Jun 2006
posted November 11, 2006 03:50 AM
And's profile on both her Writesomething profile and her And profile for where she is from always read "Meet Me In Montauk". Is this not true, And?
This is the very same post where And's profile, not anyone else's profile here but just And's profile, changed twice from on the same post she posted on Nov. 11.
A "glitch" might have erased some posts but does a "glitch" change the profile of just one of the members and would a "glitch" change that profile to read from "psychopath?"
Someone was definitely messing with And's profile last Friday night.
The following is the dialouge that I had with Lotus so you can see how that went down and what I actually said. I will bold where I stated " Though I don't really believe that" after giving Lotus an example to show where she was contradicting herself by applying negative powers to me but not to Pidaua's negative words to Ginny.
Posts: 8128
From: piopolis, quebec canada
Registered: Jul 2005
posted December 01, 2006 12:49 PM "TYPE=PICT;ALT=ClickHeretoSeetheProfileforlotusheartone"
Mirandee..I think this was unfair..dragging up the make someone look is you that has learned nothing..
I know Pidaua feels horrible about Rainbow's situation...
this is just mean. ...
it was done..Pid wrote a nice reply to Rainbow..Heartfelt I Know. ...
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Posts: 8128
From: piopolis, quebec canada
Registered: Jul 2005
posted December 01, 2006 12:55 PM "TYPE=PICT;ALT=ClickHeretoSeetheProfileforlotusheartone"
"TYPE=PICT;ALT=Edit/DeleteMessage" must understand..that it is you
that brings up the negativity..even when it has bring it back
and you feed it..this does not help Rainbow's condition..Only LOve can helpForgiving all..coming full circle
In LOve and LIght for ALL. ...
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Posts: 8128
From: piopolis, quebec canada
Registered: Jul 2005
posted December 01, 2006 01:00 PM "TYPE=PICT;ALT=ClickHeretoSeetheProfileforlotusheartone"
and Mirandee..I do know that you are hurting right now..for your's a natural reaction to get angry and attack..all is forgiven..There is no negativity here..I LOve You..I LOve ALL... .
LOve and LIght. ...
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Posts: 1956
From: South of the Thumb Taurus, Pisces, Cancer
Registered: Sep 2004
posted December 01, 2006 01:17 PM "TYPE=PICT;ALT=ClickHeretoSeetheProfileforMirandee"
Of course you think it is unfair, Lotus.
But you know what? I could care less what you or any of Pidaua's other co-dependents and enablers here at LL think.
This needed to be shown. Hopefully you, Lotus and Pidaua can learn something from Rainbow's misfortune. But whether or not you or any of you do is entirely up to you and frankly, I couldn't care less at this point.
edited to add: It is your perception that I am attacking, Lotus. That is not my intention. My intention is to point out there is a lesson to be learned here by everyone. Pidaua on the most part.
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Posts: 8128
From: piopolis, quebec canada
Registered: Jul 2005
posted December 01, 2006 01:22 PM "TYPE=PICT;ALT=ClickHeretoSeetheProfileforlotusheartone"
I am sorry you feel that way..there are two sides to everything..karma and such..not evil..just karma..
everyOne must come full circle and forgiveclean slate...
new beginnings
not of carrying on Hate. ...
this can cause sickness..carrying and focus of negative thoughts are not good for you..Fear nothing..nothing can hurt you..when you have gone within and KNOW
Good Prevails
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Posts: 8128
From: piopolis, quebec canada
Registered: Jul 2005
posted December 01, 2006 01:24 PM "TYPE=PICT;ALT=ClickHeretoSeetheProfileforlotusheartone"
I was just wondering, Mirandee..
What lesson do you think you need to learn from this?
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Posts: 1956
From: South of the Thumb Taurus, Pisces, CancerRegistered: Sep 2004
posted December 01, 2006 01:25 PM "TYPE=PICT;ALT=ClickHeretoSeetheProfileforMirandee"
Lotus, Maybe it was Pidaua's negativity and her constant remarks about Ginny having brain damage that caused her cancer. Did you ever think of that? I mean with all your talk on the power of negativity and karma and all that one would think the thought might occur to you.
Evil wishes and hate directed at others can be a powerful thing.
Though I don't really believe that but as long you are directing just the negativity at me it is something for you think about????
Maybe this time you all can read with some comprehension?