Topic: It's Like This....
Mirandee unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 02:12 AM
There are some of you here who feel that it was not the right thing to do for me to post Pidaua's cruel words to Ginny just a few days before she collaped at home and subsquently discovered that she had a malignant brain tumor. You seem to think that because Pidaua did not know that Ginny had a cancerous brain tumor when she stated these words to Ginny that not knowing somehow makes it okay and cleanses Pidaua of her cruel words. It doesn't. The whole point of my post when I posted those words of Pidaua's WAS THAT SHE DIDN'T KNOW. She never knows. Pidaua does not know the people she attacks with cruel and vile personal attacks. She knows nothing about the sort of people they truly are and she knows nothing of what is going on in the personal lives of the people who she attacks. And it is for that reason that she shouldn't be going around attacking people personally just because she disagrees with their world views, their political affiliations, their opinions or way of thinking that differs from her own. Ginny knew what was going on in her life and she knew it for the past couple of months and she was frightened by the symptoms that she was having. Ginny talked to me about her fears due the symptoms she was having in emails. Ginny went to her doctor as, like me, she felt it was probably related to her diabetes and maybe needed her insulin adjusted. Her doctor told her things were okay with the diabetes but did no further tests on her. The symptoms kept worsening and Ginny was frightened by what was happening to her and she didn't know why it was happening. The day that Pidaua said these words to her Ginny was frightened and worried and those words of Pidaua's obviously hit her hard for that reason. Though she would never let on to Pidaua that her words had an impact on her. She would not give Pidaua the satisfaction of knowing she had gotten to her with her words. Ginny told me this in email. It disburbed me that the night before her surgery as scared as she was and as worried as she was about the surgery those words of Pidaua's were still ringing in Ginny's ears and she talked to me about it. She then talked to Lialei about it as well. My intention in posting Pidaua's words was not to get even or anything other than to point out the damage you can do and the hurt you can lay on the people who you personally attack. Had things gone down differently those cruel words of Pidaua's could well have been the very last words that Ginny heard on this earth. My intention was that I hope that Pidaua learned a lesson from this. However I see from what subsequently happened with all the deleting and editing of not only just the Mirandee thread but the Dems Won Control of the House thread as well, that not only was no lesson learned from this incident with Ginny but there is no intention to ever learn from the experience. Instead there is only intention to malign more people, myself, Lialei and And. There is only intention to cover Pidaua's ass and preserve the image she likes to maintain here at LL outside of GU. Some of you may feel...probably because she told you this...that Pidaua feels bad enough over this so I shouldn't have posted her words for that reason. It would take a heart and person with compassion to feel badly and a person with a heart and compassion, a person who truly cares about the feelings of other people would never talk to people like Pidaua does in the first place. Come on people. You must have at least that much reasoning ability to see that a person who cares about the feelings of others does not treat people the way that Pidaua does! A person who cares how other people feel do not personally attack other people with cruel and vile words. I would like to think that Pidaua was sincerely remorseful. However actions speak louder than words. If Pidaua was sincerely sorry why were those 4 pages of the Mirandee thread deleted and why was the other thread edited to the point where it looks like it is Pidaua who is defending herself against Ginny instead of the other way around...the way it truly went down? Why was And's profile changed to have "psychopath" after where she is from on one of her posts and on another post of hers on that Mirandee thread it now say, "not registered?" That takes, not a sincerely remorseful person who feels badly about what she said to Ginny, but a very vindictive person. These actions are not the actions of a sincerely sorry and remorseful person at all. Nor is it a sign that Pidaua has learned one thing from this experience or even wants to learn from it. And all this deleting and editing to preserve Pidaua's image happened while Ginny is still in ICU and faces a very tough struggle ahead of her. With some people here only concerned and arguing and accusing and attacking those who loved Ginny and who only really wanted to say that I hope that this experience changes the attitude of Pidaua and some others here at GU in the future knowing what harm words can do and how hurtful they can be. There is no concern for Ginny on that altered Mirandee thread at all. Only concern for Pidaua and preserving her image and people's own personal agendas. The point is that Pidaua didn't know, she never knows what is going on in the personal lives of others and for that reason she should draw short of personal attacks. Words can be as harmful as any other weapon. In some cases more harmful. I will also say this, lay off of Lialei. Not only does she love Ginny dearly but she was also on that Mirandee thread defending her mother against the attacks because she knows me better than anyone and she knows what my intentions truly were. Anyone would defend their own mother. However what Lia said she meant from the bottom of her heart as she always does.
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BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 95 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 04, 2006 02:54 AM
It's all very hard.It's all very sad. The pain, physical and emotional we all must go through on this earth. We reach out and try to love, but sometimes we just dont' know how. We don't know what makes us happy, and sometimes people get really sick, and sometimes people die. And it really hurts. WE dont' really know why we do what we do. We are humans, we are animals, we are not perfect. We think we are in control and sometimes we are not, but as humans we must try and choose the most compassionate path. Even if we stray from that path, and we often do, we must return to the path of love and kindness. We can't let our emotions best of us. We are humans, and we have to allow god to flow through us, to forgive and not to accuse further. I'm not demanding any sort of silence or sequestering, I'm just asking that we show compassion towards everyone involved here. Everyone deserves pity for we are human and we are meek. We are flawed and broken. This pain that we go through must have a purpose. We grow and shrink and change. We become something else. THe process of change is the most painful of all. And behind all this I hope we all remember how much Rainbow is suffering, and what a wonderful person she is. IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 03:43 AM
There are three or four posts on that Mirandee thread expressing concern for Rainbow. Tink, Niad, Bear and myself express concern and support for Raibow (even if its done in the form of an image rather than words) both in that thread and in others....If I remember rightly too, there are three or four other threads across the board in support of Rainbow. People DO care..... Of course they do. That is evident... I dont really understand the problem here to be honest. And if it helps create peace, I think all sides were wrong...I think anyone that threatens with violence or screams and shouts at another human being is wrong...anyone who uses abuse or threatens to hit someone etc etc does actually have problems and should look at their anger... Yes all sides were wrong.... Isnt LL about gathering to share, help and support each other? To have fun and heal? As adults isnt it important to get a grip on our out of control emotions and to love each other... I hope so 
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sue g unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 05:42 AM
Pid and Rainbow are caring women....I know this... I didnt like the way Pid spoke to people. and her and I had run ins a few times and she made me cringe sometimes with her outbursts....its not the way I would approach things.. BUT... She has been there for me, she was there for me more than once, when no one else was able to be. She encouraged me with my work. She said she felt familiar with me (past lives no doubt)...there is a kinship there. That doesnt mean I have to be in agreement with her. She has apologised to Rainbow...she said something to the effect of "I am sorry if I hurt you" They are both genuine and caring women that happen to clash at times...and who probably find it hard to stand back from "the argument" at times. This doenst make them bad... Now is there any way this can be healed....for the sake of Rainbow, Pid and everyone else? 
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 06:06 AM
another thread to point the finger and blame'when all that is need is forgiveness to come full circle and forgive and LOve not repeat the same negative actions..this whole thing could be turned around if something bad happened to someone else.. that's not even the point.. UNDERTAKE TO DO EVERYTHING WITH LOVE and Respect for ALL.. NOW, Today! WON! FORGIVE FORGIVE FORGIVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 06:18 AM
it is not good to hang on to negative energy..we must release it..let it go.. disolve into with LOving thoughts for Rainbow and LOve and Light LOve our brothers and sisters and know we are responsible for our thoughts and actions.. Please..all I have ever tried to say is LOve Conquers ALL  IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 06:27 AM
I guess I wasn't finished...and as for the deleted posts everything happens for a reason I trust Randall had good reason, who knows how far things would have gone..and what more harmful things least it stopped people in their tracks time to stop and contemplate your actions beforehand... ALL in ALL, a lesson for ALL LOve LOve LOve IP: Logged |
thirteen unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 08:53 AM
GU is like my job. It's "at will" meaning I come here of my own free will. It does get crazy at times but Rainbow was one who did seem to handle it pretty well. I admired her ability to stay involved in GU. I don't think its true, to say anyone here caused her to have health issues. That feels a lot like blame and if she came in here , well it was her choice. I always wish it were easier in GU but the reality is, it is not so a lot of times I don't come in. Its up to me to gage how well I can handle it here at any given time. God bless Rainbow.IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Moderator Posts: 49 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 04, 2006 09:10 AM
I care very much for Rainbow, and i honestly with all my heart hope that she will be okay. But i have a question (because i obviously dont understand) are you saying that what happened is Pid's fault because she insulted someone and didnt know what goes on in their lives? And if so can any of us honestly say we know what goes on in other's lives? Personal attacks on someone for their views are wrong regardless of knowledge of their lives, but honestly you cannot blame a person's insults for making someone sick, if it isnt someone super close to them who actually makes an impact on their lives. I think both Pid and Rainbow are wonderful women like Sue said and i wish both the best and i honestly hate this constant really does take two to tangoBest of all to Rainbow and hope she recovers quickly. Love, DR ------------------ Sun-Gemini Moon-Scorpio ASC-Libra IP: Logged |
Bear the Leo Newflake Posts: 8 From: Germany Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 04, 2006 10:00 AM
Mirandee,Again you miss everything everyone here is trying to say. You keep posting that pidaua said some cruel words but dont mention any of what rainbow ever said. Pidaua has apologized for any hurt she has cause and has even offered peace on a few occasions. While rainbow never has. It is like I posted on the Mirandee thread. "It takes two to tango be it loving, argueing or fighting." So what you posted can go both ways and yet you still have a problem recognizing that. This is what every one here has been trying to say here. Take a look at what you said and how you said it. I can tell you that pidaua never asked Randall to delete anything or has never gone in and changed anything on any of her posts. I dont know how or who changed or deleted any of the pages on the Mirandee thread or any other thread for that matter. To blame her for anything of this is simply imposterous. What is even worse is to question her integrity or compassion without proof of her doing any of the things you accuse her of doing. Even after posting her post on FFA in the rainbow thread. We could take this one statement and put anybodies name in it in place of Pidaua and it would still fit. Be it yours, mine, rainbows, or anybodies name that has said anything mean or hurtful. qoute "It would take a heart and person with compassion to feel badly and a person with a heart and compassion, a person who truly cares about the feelings of other people would never talk to people like Pidaua does in the first place. Come on people. You must have at least that much reasoning ability to see that a person who cares about the feelings of others does not treat people the way that Pidaua does! A person who cares how other people feel do not personally attack other people with cruel and vile words." I could go back and post everything that everyone has ever said mean to each other and yes there have been some mean ones from both sides, but at least pidaua has the compassion to admit it. She has even stated she is sorry for any hurt she has caused unlike rainbow, or yourself. You are right actions do speak louder than words. Your actions and accusations have said enough. I have already stated and will say it again that Pidauas and I's heart are with rainbow and hope she has a speedy recovery. I will tell you they truly are. I also stated maybe some should also concetrate their emotions in a positive way. Bear IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 11:54 AM
No, I understand fully where you are coming from, Leo Bear. You, and some others here, are the ones missing what I am saying and instead you are interpreting my words and intentions, and with Randall's help distoring them, to give others at LL an inaccurate picture of what my intentions and words truly are. You are all especially missing my intentions and what I am saying if you think that my motive for what I am doing is to "bash" or get even with Pidaua. IT IS NOT and I have stated both here and on the Mirandee thread what my intentions are. I am not a vindictive person and never have been. Though admittedly (with good reason) your wife is not one of my favorite people, I have no wish to make her look bad or anything else vindictive. Pid unfortunately does a good enough job on her own of making herself look bad. She doesn't need anyone else's help. Least of all mine. Honestly I do understand your defense of your wife. I admire that and would expect no less of you. It is the same as my daughter defense of me. I actually wish Lia hadn't done that because now she is taking the heat too and she does not deserve that at all. Normally she doesn't feel the need to defend me and never has except when she felt things were going too far or were too unfair. I do not tell Lia what to think or say and she has no control over what I think or say either. Often, we do not necessarily agree with each other but we do respect each other's right to be themselves and speak and do what they feel is right. No, Discouri, I never said nor even implied that Pidaua's words had that kind of power where she could actually cause physical harm to anyone. Emotional harm, yes. And her words did cause Ginny emotional harm. I stated as much in my reply to Lotus. The point that I was attempting to make to Lotus is that while she says my actions or words have a negative impact on Ginny and acribes that kind of power to me, on the other hand Lotus says that Pidaua's negative actions or words has no impact and has no power. I was attempting to point out the contradiction of her thinking to her. But I went on to state that " I don't really believe that though." My only intention here is that we all learn a lesson from this experience about personally attacking other people here at GU. Myself included. This is not about Pidaua in herself. It's about her behavior and it is for her benefit that she learn from what happened to Ginny. NOT SOMETHING THAT SHE CAUSED BY HER WORDS OR ANY NEGATIVE ENERGY BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION but the timing of those words. This is really about Ginny and her feelings and the impact that Pidaua's words had on her. So much so that they were still on her mind going into surgery. No one here seems to me to be concerned about how Ginny felt at all. The concern seems to be more on Pid's image than on how Ginny felt about those words. Pid can't take back her words. It is over and done with. But hopefully she would learn from this experience what harm her words can have on others. When she personally attacks people on the computer she has no way of knowing what is going on in the life of that person on the other side of her screen. Actually for that reason Pidaua could be endangering herself. It is no safer online to attack people verbally than it would be offline face to face. People can Google a map right to your doorstep so that is another reason why it is not a good idea. Now that I said that the next thing we can expect here is for me to be accused of threatening to harm Pidaua which I am not doing at all. I am only saying that what Pid does here at GU can be potentially harmful to her as well as the people she personally attacks. It happens all the time. Something you need to consider, Leo Bear. If you want to be a good friend and a loving husband of Pidaua's instead of attacking me and my daughter and being codependents and enablers for Pidaua, you should be helping her to come to an understanding of why she feels the need to attack people personally online hurling all kinds of insults about their intelligence and their appearance or age. You should be encouraging her to learn to relate to people as if they had feelings instead of as if their feelings didn't matter at all. I do have the whole original Mirandee thread saved and will repost that thread so people can see what was actually said by myself and my daughter instead of what some of you here have been saying that we said and distorting the true facts. I will not have my freedom of speech silenced by a site administrator who uses "freedom of speech" as a guise for allowing both Pidaua and Jwhop to sit on their computers here day after day verbally abusing people while at the same time banning other people for much less and by editing and deleting threads at the bidding of Pidaua and squelching their freedom of speech. That was uncalled for and unfair. Randall should have just closed that thread rather than censor some on the thread while allowing others to carry on with wild accusations and distortions of what the other parties truly said. If that sounds like Randall truly believes in freedom of speech to any of you then I would say you have a problem with democracy and the constitution. If I now get banned you all will know why. Unless of course Randall deletes everything I have said. IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 12:11 PM
I agree with your words, BR. Pidaua deserves compassion as much as Ginny does. If I didn't have some compassion for Pidaua I would not care that she learn from this experience. However being surrounded by people who are codependents and enablers is not going to help Pidaua return to a path of love and kindness for her fellow man. And thereby have a happier life. It is only succeeding in enabling and empowering her to continue on as she is. Ginny has no control over what is happening to her. Pidaua does have control over her behavior and hopefully she learns to return to a path of love and compassion. Hopefully her friends and her husband will help her to do that instead of helping her to continue in her abusive behavior towards others. IP: Logged |
eatbooks unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 12:21 PM
everything happens for a reason...maybe the reason is a lesson to everyone....------------------ your pain is my pain, is that love? IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 856 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 04, 2006 12:27 PM
I found I have the full 5 pages as well in my history. Pids words speak for themselves. I do not defend them as I do not Rainbows. Both blades cut sharply. Tragically, Rainbows were being propagated by a physical illness.  That said, I believe too much power is attributed to Piduau manipulating the webmaster and the deletion of threads or altering AND`s profile. This also (as noted) occured on the K.S. thread. If Randall is being held accountable, it is each Knowflakes right and responsibility to address it to him directly. I see two other possabilities worthy of thought. 1. Hacking, the same person who altered K.S. thread. (It HAS happened before) 2. The bitterness and negativity imploded the thread, gutted it so to speak. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. God Bless us each and every one. ------------------ ~ What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world is immortal"~
- George Eliot IP: Logged |
Bear the Leo Newflake Posts: 8 From: Germany Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 04, 2006 01:19 PM
No you dont fully understand where I am coming from. Let me put it bluntly for you.There are things that rainbow has said to Pidaua that were very hurtful and have happened to my wife. Even though she has never come on here and said I hope you have now learned a lesson in compassion or love. I have even posted things on the Mirandee thread about some of the stuff Rainbow said that was very hurtful and hateful. You still act like this was all Pidaua and nobody else. Cant you see it was from a few different parties here on LL. Yet you still makes accusations that Pidaua has all this control over this website. Yes maybe you will follow your own words again "have control over her behavior and hopefully she learns to return to a path of love and compassion". Again you can replace the word "her" with anybody that has made a mean or hurtful comment. I havent come on here and attacked you or your daughter but you have come on here and made some really serious accusations towards others here. I have only come on here to show the other side of the coin since there are always to two sides of the coin. What you are missing is the hurt came from all parties yet you keep attributing it to only one person. My wife, Pidaua. If you wanted to show compassion you could have came on here like pidaua did and said something to the fact that you appreciate the fact she could come on here and show compassion by posting to rainbow in a very heartfelt way. Instead you come on here and state that you dont believe that she can have compassion. This is another example of not knowing the person on the other side of the computer like you have also been posting on here. Juniperb I have the 5 full pages as well in my history. You are right "both blades cut sharply". This is what I have been trying to tell Mirandee but she cant see it. Thank you for putting it in different words. It was a good anology. Yes, there has been too much power put into the accusation that Pidaua somehow had the control to manipulate people and things on this website. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 04, 2006 01:37 PM
I have stayed away from these these threads not out of guilt but out of compassion. I am tired of your words Mirandee because they are full of hate, bitterness and hurt. I am sorry for Rainbow, I have already stated as such and for you to keep accusing me of causing her illness or somehow contributing to it is just plain evil.I would no more attribute a diagnosis of me not being able to have children to the words that spilled forth from you or Rainbow. I would no more blame Rainbow if my violent ex came back and caused me physical harm. I believe it is you that is not seeing the truth Mirandee. Juni said it well as did my husband- WE are all guilty. You, Rainbow and I all said things that were mean, rotten and extremely hurtful. Not one of us is better than the other. I am not to blame for Rainbow's tragic diagnosis, surgery or the treatment that will follow. I will not comment further in that because I think you and I both know where your accusations stem from- as you have been prone to these attacks for a long time on LL. As to the accusations about my ability to manipulate the website. I have asked you several times to offer proof. You have accused me of doing everything from having control over Randall (a person that I have never met nor had an e-mail conversation with) or having the ability to change a website. The truth is- I have only a basic knowledge of the computer. I can barely cut / crop pics (which should be evident since when I quote I copy and paste instead of doing all the insert this and that. I just learned how to put a pic in a thread and even then I barely can get it right). I have never had the knowledge of hacking into site, altering other's posts or anything of that nature. I don't know of anyone that can do that or that I would ask to do that. You and I both know this Mirandee, I have never deleted other's posts, never hacked into a website and the edits you accuse me of do not exist. The KS thread was a fluke and MY posts along with everyone else's became re-written. If I was to go in and delete posts, why would I erase my own and those of people that stuck up for me. That would have defeated the purpose. I said some very hurtful and harsh words- but I did not go back and delete them. I admit my failings, I admit when I have stepped over the line- is it possible for you to do the same? You have personally threatened me with violence, I have been told I deserve to have been abused, I have been told should I not have kids that is because Mother Nature intended it to be that way. Can you not see the pain in that? Did you not anticipate the pain in my husband when you basically said you wished he and I could never have a child? This has to stop. This will be my last post on the matter. I meant what I said on the FFA thread and I was and continue to be concerned for Rainbow, as a human and as an American Indian. I know the pain her family is going through because I watched my own grandmother die from a cancerous tumor. That is not a pain I would wish on anyone - not even the abusive ex. If I can find the compassion for someone that has emotionally, physically and mentally abused me, how can I not find it for someone that just used hurtful words? There has been TOO TOO much negative energy being spent on these types of threads. This does NOT do Rainbow ANY good in any way. It takes more out of a soul to throw out the negative that to send the positive white light and prayers that she and her family need. I hope you take your own advice and walk away from this learning a few lessons that you have asked me to learn. From where I am standing neither of us are free from sin, how is it you keep throwing stones? ~Pidaua
***Edited to add - The initial statement I made, which was hurtful to Rainbow, especially in this circumstance, was not edited from Dem's take the house.
Randall is owed an apology. IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 05:27 PM
quote: Some of you may feel...probably because she told you this...that Pidaua feels bad enough over this so I shouldn't have posted her words for that reason. It would take a heart and person with compassion to feel badly and a person with a heart and compassion, a person who truly cares about the feelings of other people would never talk to people like Pidaua does in the first place. Come on people. You must have at least that much reasoning ability to see that a person who cares about the feelings of others does not treat people the way that Pidaua does! A person who cares how other people feel do not personally attack other people with cruel and vile words. I would like to think that Pidaua was sincerely remorseful. However actions speak louder than words. If Pidaua was sincerely sorry why were those 4 pages of the Mirandee thread deleted and why was the other thread edited to the point where it looks like it is Pidaua who is defending herself against Ginny instead of the other way around...the way it truly went down? Why was And's profile changed to have "psychopath" after where she is from on one of her posts and on another post of hers on that Mirandee thread it now say, "not registered?" That takes, not a sincerely remorseful person who feels badly about what she said to Ginny, but a very vindictive person. These actions are not the actions of a sincerely sorry and remorseful person at all. Nor is it a sign that Pidaua has learned one thing from this experience or even wants to learn from it.
And, even I have to admit that Mirandee's statements are honest and true supported by a wealth of accurate facts and information. And i'd, quaintly, like to add that proven by one of my previous threads, pid did, and maybe still does, have an uncontrollable habit of verbally attacking someone based only upon her own assumptions. my previous thread: ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
Cardinalgal unregistered
posted December 04, 2006 05:29 PM
"There has been TOO TOO much negative energy being spent on these types of threads. This does NOT do Rainbow ANY good in any way. It takes more out of a soul to throw out the negative that to send the positive white light and prayers that she and her family need." IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 04, 2006 05:31 PM
That is very sweet of you Neptune....Especially since I took the time to give you advice as any guidence counselor will do when you get to college. Ironically, several people commented on how patient I was with you concerning you just didn't "get it"- yet I kept helping you clarify what, of the several entities, you wanted to do with your life. I guess that fact that I didn't immediately respond to you at the end upset you. Hell, I even asked BR to give his advice so that you would have a different perspective. If your feelings were hurt because I indicated it will incredibly hard to earn several PhD's in extremely different professions concurrently, then sorry- but that is a reality that will have to be faced. Using your anger at the honesty in my post (and might I add there was NO attack or name calling) is actually an indication that what you are doing is using one person's tragedy to attack someone else that you have now decided you don't like. I will have to say, your actions are more disgusting that someone blaming me for my words. Those that blame me are doing so out of grief, you are doing so out of bitterness and spite. Karma is an ugly thing at times Neptune... I guess you can safely say I won't be helping you out again. IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted December 05, 2006 05:02 PM
Pid, listen to yourself honey, these words of yours are personally disgusting and are subtly humiliating you, if you haven't learned that already by the reaction you get from people when they talk to you, then you obviously haven't learned from this thread. And my words are not negativity, its honesty, i'm only saying this because i'm looking out for you, and only the truth will set you free.And,at the same time, it seems to me that your not getting it that I've "got the point, and more of it.." before you 'tried' to help me. If I didn't already know all those things, I would have took it to heart, and it seems funny to me that after I told you clearly, and after it registered in your mind that I personally place an extreme importance on how to go about getting an education and everything it brings, you never replied, how ironic, maybe if you wouldn't have pre-assumed, then you wouldn't have wasted your time in the first place pid, you don't need to explain yourself, because you've done so in your own way appropriately and efficiently, quote: guess that fact that I didn't immediately respond to you at the end upset you. Hell, I even asked BR to give his advice so that you would have a different perspective. If your feelings were hurt because I indicated it will incredibly hard to earn several PhD's in extremely different professions concurrently, then sorry- but that is a reality that will have to be faced. Using your anger at the honesty in my post (and might I add there was NO attack or name calling) is actually an indication that what you are doing is using one person's tragedy to attack someone else that you have now decided you don't like.
Let me make this quick, firstly, it didn't upset me, another assumption, the fact that you didn't reply was hurting you because it showed everyone that you were bent on trying to correct me, which in the end I proved that I needed no correction. Secondly, i never said i would be earning several phd,s I said 2, nursing and psychology, and if you weren't so busy assuming, you would have caught the part when I said both professions are built on my selfless soul and my passion for humanity, i love you and all pid, but your assumptions and replies are really disturb me, and this is just the honest truth. And thirdly, i want pid, and everyone else to know that my thread reference about pid, was to support mirandee's claim that i posted before I replied the first time, and i'm sure everyone knows, in the real world, you have to have evidence, support to back up claims, or your statements mean nothing at all. ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 05, 2006 05:07 PM
Neptune, You really need to stop making an issue out of nothing as you are only hurting your own credibility and proving how opportunistic you are. If you had a problem with our thread, why did you thank me several times?
Maybe you could spend more time answering questions concerning the specific failed policies Dr. Rice refused to follow instead of carrying your obvious spite onto this thread. Isn't enough - enough already? Especially coming from someone that has offended a number of knowflakes in Astrology and FFA? I'm sorry, but I am beginning to understand why "and" had such a problem with you. Good luck with your future- again, you can keep the negativity going if you choose to. PS... Using a chauvinistic term like "honey" to address another woman is absurd especially for a young girl that has barely finished puberty.
LOL... I so look forward to your continued enlightened posts....
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neptune5 unregistered
posted December 06, 2006 12:36 PM
just, listen to the advice everyone has given you pid, and besides don't divert attention back to me or anyone, for we all have faults, and pid has just exposed some of mine, which i feel is quite appropriate, and i'm glad to be the first to admit it.------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted December 06, 2006 01:51 PM
many of us have admitted our faults.. Neptune5, you are to be counted along with myself and pidaua..and many's like this! it's in the past, it's done, and nothing can change what happened... we have today..and everyday to come to undertake to do all things with LOve LOve LOve. ...
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 06, 2006 01:51 PM
How hypocritical of you to advise me to listen to others even as you seized the chance to use a sad event as an excuse to expose your own personal grievance. My posts to you in that thread were not aggressive, angry, cruel even close to being "mean" as you would have people believe. Look at the date of my second to last post on that thread. Do your homework and you will find that I often do not post over weekends or when I take a business trip - or when I have nothing more to say. You jumped to a false conclusion and then used your hurt feelings to insinuate yourself into a thread and start blasting me. As I stated before- I can understand the grief of some here that have used certain posts to vent their anger towards me, you do not have that luxury as I have stood up for you in many threads even when you were incredibly offensive, dismissive, self-righteous and down right condescending to fellow knowflakes. I will not make that mistake again. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted December 06, 2006 01:53 PM
it's the Art of Manipulation...because of Ego and Needs. ... IP: Logged | |