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  will jwhop ever shut up? (Page 7)

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Author Topic:   will jwhop ever shut up?
posted February 03, 2008 09:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the next thread i peeked into was the Caste thread.
"" Who would think in the 21st century that in a nation whose people consider themselves "civilized" that rape torture, murder, slavery, repression and oppression of every type imaginable would continue as an institutionalized way of life.""""

for 2000 years the Caste sysytem was nothing more than a sort of human resource exercise dividing people into classes based on their occupations. it had nothing to do with the period 17century to early 20 the century we were a British colony.long story short India went from being the richest country in the world to a poverty ridden one in 3 centuries of british colonialism that involved approx more than 10 billion pounds leeched from our economy into the British Royal treasury.during this period of unemployment and meagre incomes the upper castes decided that a lower caste blue collar member is not to have a higher caste employment , to protect their economic status.following independence in 1947 the constituion guaranteed equal fundamental rights to all citizens , no bar.

if today 100000 choose out of a BILLION to think they r superior and commit hate crimes does that make " Slavery, Torture ..." an institutionalised way of life ?

there was no mention of the fact that the caste system is unconstitutional and penalised wherever evidence is available.
this misrepresents the Govt of India as a partner in hate crimes commited against lower caste members, as well as the rest of us as being approving of the same.


the fact that the lower castes are the most poor ( as a result of british economic leeching) was mentioned.but the fact that to counter generations of poverty they were provided free education and 50 % reservations in employment by Govt. was omitted.

two cant be a coincidence i thought and posted an illexpressive outburst .not that i m ashamed of the issues that exist in my country, but at the desentisied representation of victims of such apalling crimes as helpless trash abandoned by the govt and their people when they R citizens with equal rights.

here is the response i was provided, to what i thought was an error of oversight.

""" In case you're wondering, this thread was started specifically because there were some...from other nations, including India...who were dumping on the United States, magnifying every problem and inventing problems where they couldn't find existing problems about which to rip America. """"

and that is when it hit me.
the thread about infanticide was not about giving the dead children a voice, it was about getting back at the infidels who had dared question Uncle Sam.
that explains the errors in presentation.

here is a question JW

what makes 10 million girls dispensinble tools against some nut who makes an inaccurate thread ?

the fact that they r Indians and not Americans ?
or the fact that they r dead ?

what u have done to them is as good or even better than what their parents have.
and i m not ****** about the caste thread

" The only thing one learns from these disciples of equivocation is that they are no friend of representative government, the rule of law, equality, the United States or Americans.
Get back to me when you in India turn the corner and join the civilized world. ""

ur thread does not stop anyone from posting on this forum since u r not the moderator or site administrator.
the problems faced by ur country or administration dont miraculously disappear becoz u distort facts to make it look as if those who r talking about them are uncivilised.
every economist knows our uncivilised country is the next superpower , give 15 years.besides it takes some uncivilised professionals to make India the worlds outsourcing hub with the fastest economic growth .
u didnt give any links about those threads that were maligning i m going to take ur word for it.but i maintain that this being a Global Unity forum, one needs to discuss common problems to expand their perspective.
if and only if the problem talked about is neither common, similar or interconnected would it constitute " Pointing Fingers "
i can understand ur indignation at a thread that talks about a problem with no intention but maligning america.
but , i have to say this

Deliberate misrepresentation of facts with the intention to mislead is FRAUD.
the definition does not change much from one legal system to far as India is concerned, the internet police is one of the best. all i would need is a written , signed complaint including the link address to get a case going. it would take about a week before JWHop would be facing charges of Fraud in an internet crimes court.

i dont expect or want JW to change
i dont expect him to stop verbally raping an individuals opinions ( which as v r humans can be unintentionally inaccurate )
i dont expect him to think of himself as a global citizen.
i ask for a more sensitive approach when talking about human right violations, be that in my country or any else
a member who talks about issues foreign or disconnected to his country is obviously pointing fingers.but its quite possible its a mistake of judgement.try assaulting the individuals rather than innocent citizens who have nothing to do with it.

the above is not a judgement or criticism. its not even a request or order that JW shut up.
its a plea for a better perspective that is tolerant of one another.

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posted February 03, 2008 10:31 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
its a plea for a better perspective that is tolerant of one another.

a plea for tolerance? you addressing jwhop?

Tolerance is meant for people who does not have a falsified know-it-all ego!

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posted February 03, 2008 11:29 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
venusdeindia, you know what, jwhop is lucky, cuase by creating those reactions in us, he still gets our views and can integrate them. so we have to cheer to ourselves for being capable of helping someone whose attitude is to take the good from others but gives only hatred and confrontation.

but because god loves as much jwhop as you and me, he'll help him to realise where he was wrong....

so next life for jwhop will probably be in india!!! lmao!!!!!!!!!!
(i'd love it myself, but i doubt it will make HIM happy!!!! lmao


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posted February 04, 2008 01:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Let's see acoustic; you've attempted to insert your own scale before...scales which bear no relationship of that used by Pew.

If you had noticed acoustic...I say IF because you are forever failing to notice whom is speaking and whom is being spoken to when you go off the rails with one of you flights of fancy.

In this case acoustic it's The Pew Research Center for The People & The Press who is speaking and who wrote the poll questions and the scale Pew used in their poll. There is a strong connection between Pew and the press.

It is to be presumed acoustic that these researchers are fluent in english...unlike you.

Since that must be assumed to be true of researchers investigating the relationships between the press and citizens.....then acoustic, it must also be presumed they knew and know what the hell most means in english.

Most, when used in a quantitative context means any amount over 1/2, the greater part of...anything...again more than 1/2.

That is the end of your fantasy acoustic.

In category 4...those who believe all or most of what the NY Times prints as news definition...believe more than 50% of what they read in the NY Times. That's only 21% of those polled.

That leaves 3 other categories who all believe 50% or LESS on a decending scale all the way down to little or nothing in category 1. That's 79% of those polled.

Just because you would devise a scale in uniform increments.....0-25%....26-50%...51-75%....76-100%...doesn't mean that's what Pew did or would even consider doing.

That's your own fantasy to cover your deficiency in definitions.

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posted February 04, 2008 02:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Every scale used in a survey like this is balanced between two extremes. Every one. The middle is always no opinion one way or the other, and the columns to either side indicate a preference towards one of the polls. Only on a scale of two or three could one column possibly mean 'half.' That's why I want you to go ahead and try this survey question out on your own, and see the answers you get, because guaranteed those people who choose three are saying, "I believe the publishing is more credible than not-credible."

If people were really looking to say that they believe less than half of what a source says, then wouldn't it make more sense for them to choose 2 or 1? I mean if that's what they are specifically trying to convey, why would they all tip toe around it by choosing 3? They wouldn't.

Column 3 indicates a general belief in the credibility of the source. Column 3 indicates the belief that the source is credible more often than it is not.


1. a succession or progression of steps or degrees; graduated series: the scale of taxation; the social scale.

Why are you having such a difficult time getting this? This is basic elementary stuff.

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posted February 04, 2008 11:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BornUnderDioscuri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow a whole thread dedicated to insulting someone! Hey Jwhop, isn't it sweet how much time is wasted on attacking people who disagree with one's ideas. Entertaining really. I love it. I'm not even going to go into how wrong it is to have a thread insulting one person...immature too...

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posted February 05, 2008 07:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You've got that right BUD!

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posted February 05, 2008 07:58 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
because his attitudes are not immature may be? does he not insult people who disagree with him? why would i have to be more mature than him?

come on guys you pretend too much to be good people. i think you are afraid to stand your ground against someone who speak louder than you. you are afraid of jwhop.

go deeper in your psyche and check why you forgive him. if it's not because of your fear to be publicly ridiculed by him then it's because your desire to be part of a group is so big that you cannot imagine being left out, even if it means cautioning someone who's unconditionaly vile to different view point!

COME ON GET REAL PEOPLE. YOU'RE JUST FOOLING YOURSELf!! no one else!! just pretending to be good or objective!!

or may be the other explanation to your lack of objectivity is the fact that you support each other as a loyalty, having been on this forum for long. but you cannot be more objective that that?

ok my style is quite direct but i don't think that jwhop or pidaua for exemple use a different style. and if pidaua wants to reply that it's because myself started that way, then i would say that it's sad you can not show me where i'm wrong without resorting to the same style. (which by the way is what i did with jwhop and seemed to be a problem - hummm, that's paradoxical!)


and before to judge me, go and check all the threads i started or participated, and you'll see if i'm immature.

that's what i call immature, not showing to someone when he's wrong because of personal interest.

i didn't read anywhere that older member enjoyed more right than newbies regarding giving their ideas and being respected for it. and i can't apologise for hurting your excessive ego. those who are honest with themselves will take my view as it is i.e. objective. those who hide themselves behind their ego will be disturbed by my comments. but that's all good, at least we get to know the real you! and i prefer that. i wouldn't want to place real feelings in someone who in fact acted only on his ego's need! these people are not my cup of tea.

to give you an idea of how much i prefer objectivity to subjectivity, this is my reply to mirandee who hinted that jwhop had his place on this forum:

i agree with you, even though i'm the one who started this thread. you are right, and i was thinking the same today about pidaua and what she was teaching me in some odd ways. i'm actually grateful that she disagreed cause i've got enough critical thinking to get the best out of it.
(it doesn't mean that i like to be belittled though, but that as well i can work it out)

we all should take care of our own path. regardless of where other people are heading... but i also think this attitude is selfish and that life is meant to share experience and view points. and i think that yielding to our ego sensitivity is not the way forward. but as you very wisely meant, the aim is to change oneself, and not the world.

i'm growing up, and thus i learn to share my knowledge (even small) only with the people i love instead of spreading it around to people who disrepect it. but i'm such an idealist. and an activist one.

life is just so paradoxically beautiful. and i'm glad to understand that.

thanks mirandee for this paradoxical advice.

to everyone

ps: in one of my post i say that i don't respect older person for the sake of their age. well i was wrong. cause if it hadn't been you saying that, i might not have listened with the same attention. (in my chart i've got a perfect sextile between saturn and uranus)

thinking about it, i was probably trying to say that i don't bow before status or reputation. i confused age and status.

last thing, you shouldn't take the title of this thread at face value but look at my argument if you want to get my message. i don't wish anyone to shut up, per se. and i guess this inflamatory title was due to my impulsivity, and to a need to get my message across in the clearest way, so as jwhop couldn't have played with details to distort my idea.
i want people to share, remember. but when i read jwhop posts i'm infuriated by his disdain for others. and i wanted to treat him as he treats others so he could understand how it feels to be ridiculed or degraded for your ideas... but has you made clear, i was not doing myself a favor. but ultimately, i don't regret cause it makes sense from where i stand, and your view does as well...


ps: i may be new but i thouroughly checked threads in the past, and i've seen some posters where creating problems by insulting others, but DON'T try to put me in this category cause what i did is different. it was about jwhop and nobody on this forum can tell me honestly that jwhop plays fair! nobody! (just to give an example, he's saying to anyone who disagree with him or his sources "up yours")
and apart from this thread where i lash out on him, there's not one other thread where i express anything similar. not one! not even when pidaua plays with my username or call me a weirdo! so don't try to put me in the category of trouble makers.

having said that, i need to go and chill cause you lack of objectivity is really getting at me.

ps: thanks for giving me food for thoughts for my next session with my psychotherapist.


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posted February 05, 2008 12:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey BUD, generally speaking, leftists here chose the style of debate long ago.

The fact they believed they could get away unscathed with making personal attacks on others or on the United States and US citizens is a testament to the intellectual incapacity of leftists in general.

Their debate style, inflammatory lying rhetoric and personal attacks instead of calm, rational, logical and factual examination of issues backfired on them badly. Hence the wheezing, whining, foot stamping, holding their breath until they turn blue and screeching and shrieking in unison only shows they've gotten the full measure of their just deserves...packed down and running over.

In short form, leftists can't take their own medicine. I suppose it's never ocurred to them they have all those hot buttons sticking out all over just crying out to be pressed.

And now, like Pavlov's dog, they've been trained to screech, howl, bay at the moon and shriek in unison on command.

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posted February 05, 2008 12:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The fact they believed they could get away unscathed with making personal attacks on others or on the United States and US citizens is a testament to the intellectual incapacity of leftists in general.

No one has made more personal attacks on American citizens here than you, dear Jwhop.

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posted February 05, 2008 01:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
To show the absolute intellectual depravity of some who reside in Britain attempting to lecture citizens of the US...on anything at all; it has come to my attention a large portion of British believe Winston Churchill, King Richard the Lionhearted, Charles Dickens, Florence Nightingale, Gandhi and the Duke of Wellington were all fictional characters...myths.

To further show just how ill equipped to lecture anyone they really are; they believe Sherlock Holmes was a real live person.

Oh, but I should be the one to shut up.

Nearly quarter of Brits think Churchill a myth: poll
Mon Feb 4, 2008 11:41am AEDT

Man or myth?

Winston Churchill outside 10 Downing Street in 1943 (AFP)

Britons are losing their grip on reality, according to a poll which shows nearly a quarter think Winston Churchill was a myth, while the majority reckon Sherlock Holmes was real.

The survey found that 47 per cent thought the 12th Century English King Richard the Lionheart was a myth.

And 23 per cent thought World War II prime minister Winston Churchill was made up.

The same percentage thought Crimean War nurse Florence Nightingale did not actually exist.

Three per cent thought Charles Dickens, one of Britain's most famous writers, is a work of fiction himself.

Indian political leader Mahatma Gandhi and Battle of Waterloo victor the Duke of Wellington were also in the top 10 of people thought to be myths.

Meanwhile, 58 per cent thought Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's fictional detective Sherlock Holmes actually existed, and 33 per cent thought the same of WE Johns' fictional pilot and adventurer Biggles.

UKTV Gold television surveyed 3,000 people.

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posted February 05, 2008 01:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That's right acoustic, I have. And you know why because I've told you why. Come to think of it acoustic, I just told you why...again and for about the 4th time over the last 3 years or so.

Some people are just slow learners and that's the best that can be said about their learning ability...or learning disability.

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posted February 05, 2008 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Will it ever occur to you that the offenses you find in other people are actually better embodied in your own persona?

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posted February 05, 2008 10:14 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
all the info about the brits are addressed to me? cause in that case i'll have to let my BRIT friends know about THEIR compatriots.

you spit on people too quickly, you make too many assumptions jwhop.

we'll have a laugh, i think, cause in your very enlightning contribution to global unity, and despite your immense magnanism, you forgot to talk about the brit'capacity to laugh at themselves. something you should try sometimes.

and last thing, jwhop, you are so forgetful! you forgot to mention the millions of fascits and nationalists across Europe that would share with you their hate for anything "leftist". you see, europeans aren't that bad...well, if you like to lift your right arm at 45 degree every time you see a tank or a flag, that is... however, i wonder if even this group would have any sympathy for your nationalist soup! but you share enough to be able to understand each other perspective, i'm sure.

finally, don't distort my words. i never "made personal attacks on the united states" (whatever that mean) cause legally, you are putting yourself in trouble by manipulating MY comments.

just a litlle reminder, something that you might have missed: (quote from venusdeindia above)

Deliberate misrepresentation of facts with the intention to mislead is FRAUD.
the definition does not change much from one legal system to far as India is concerned, the internet police is one of the best. all i would need is a written , signed complaint including the link address to get a case going. it would take about a week before JWHop would be facing charges of Fraud in an internet crimes court.

so do you still want to enjoy yourself changing other people comments to suit your childish games?

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posted February 05, 2008 10:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BornUnderDioscuri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Their debate style, inflammatory lying rhetoric and personal attacks instead of calm, rational, logical and factual examination of issues backfired on them badly. Hence the wheezing, whining, foot stamping, holding their breath until they turn blue and screeching and shrieking in unison only shows they've gotten the full measure of their just deserves...packed down and running over.

Oh my goodness I just went over an argument with an uber liberal ex friend of mine...ex friend because after i disagreed with him (mind u not being a conservative) without using a single insult he has managed to go on a 3 page rhetoric of how im a racist fascist who ruined the world or something like that....i was like errrmmm okay someone needs a chill pill. Not all leftists argue like that BY far. One of my closest friends is an uber Liberal and shes very sane and well balanced. But a few ppl seriously do go overboard. Thats why im moderate...conservatives sometimes go overboard too. I should know my bf is an uber conservative.

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posted February 06, 2008 02:14 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"a plea for tolerance? you addressing jwhop?"

do i look like a half brained blonde bimbo

i didnt address that to JWFrauD or to his Big- Penis compatriots.
that was for those on this board who still have a bit of humanity left.
by which i mean , dont consider any one who aint american as a dispensible Dart - Board to cover a lack of intellect.
and that includes victims of Human Right Violations as well as " Dirt Poor" losers.


" I'm not even going to go into how wrong it is to have a thread insulting one person...immature too..."

which implies u must obviously think any thread that uses human right violations to insult a particular culture to be immature times million


"finally, don't distort my words. i never "made personal attacks on the united states" (whatever that mean) cause legally, we are putting yourself in trouble by manipulating MY comments.

just a litlle reminder, something that you might have missed: (quote from venusdeindia above)
so do you still want to enjoy yourself changing other people comments to suit your childish games?"

dont hate me for for this P but i dont think its a choice


# Projection is the opposite defense mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.

# A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.

# Attributing one's own undesirable traits to other people or agencies."

# The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest.

# People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others.

# An individual who possesses malicious characteristics, but who is unwilling to perceive himself as an antagonist, convinces himself that his opponent feels and would act the same way."


must say i admire JwFrauD though.
u know P in India we say, a real Guru is he who practices what he preaches.
hence forth JW is my Guru, no joke.
he makes cowardice look so cool.
his courage in neglecting to post any response to my questions is something u miss in men in these days.then again he is the one who told me
" Choose ur battles carefully. dont fight battles u cant win"

amen, Guru JWFrauD

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posted February 06, 2008 05:08 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
venusdeindia, i don't understand your comment. i don't understand about the projection quote from wikipedia. do you imply i'm projecting something? sorry i really don't understand.

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posted February 06, 2008 05:08 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
venusdeindia, i don't understand your comment. i don't understand about the projection quote from wikipedia. do you imply i'm projecting something? sorry i really don't understand.

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posted February 06, 2008 07:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ok, i think i know what you meant

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posted February 06, 2008 10:04 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
do i look like a half brained blonde bimbo

Naww, you don't.

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posted February 06, 2008 01:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Venus said
"do i look like a half brained blonde bimbo "

Are you blonde? If not, why choose to single out a group of people based on the color of their hair and then classify them as "bimbo's"?

Hmmmm..... ironic isn't it? You stand on your soapbox pointing fingers at others for using objectionable verbage yet you are guilty of the same exact thing. Hmmm....

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posted February 06, 2008 01:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You will excuse me P but the leftists were the fascists...and still are.

Hitler and Mussolini were socialists. Perhaps it's easy to understand the antisemetic leanings of most of western Europe...when one knows these are the bastions of socialist thought.

BUD, remember there's a difference between liberals and leftists. Leftists are full of bullshiiit lying rhetoric and allegations. Anyone who disagrees with a leftist is either a fascist, and imperialist or a homophobe...whatever fits the situation...and they therefore must be shut the hell up....mainly because none of the most cherished beliefs of leftists can stand the most casual examination without producing peals of laughter.

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posted February 06, 2008 10:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BornUnderDioscuri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
VenusdeIndia - Honestly if it is aimed at insulting a culture then it is as immature. If it just states something as a fact that happens to be part of a culture, then not so much. The question is whether it was a fact or a personal interpretation. Honestly a thread attacking Jwhop isn't a concrete fact. If it was something like "hey Jwhop got this fact wrong" then okay you can back that up. But one that says "will he ever shut up"? Can it really compare? I will agree Jwhop's phrasing could be sometimes seen as harsh, but thats just him. He doesn't make this stuff up and thats why I respect him so much. His arguments are always backed up by hard facts, regardless of how he delivers them. Perhaps some things should have been better phrased. But that should be brought up IN the thread not as a separate lets attack Jwhop thread...and then there is always the "lets be a bigger person possibility". I'm not disagreeing that the title of some of the India threads have been harsh, but that isn't grounds for personal attacks.

Hmmm...on another note...why is everyone so mean to the blondes? Hillary is running for President...we cannot really say she is a moron....she has been blonde for many years....yea....much of my country is blonde...Blondes are common in the former Soviet Union and that country isn't too stupid...hmm...yea...

Jwhop- yup yup. You and my bf would get along pretty well (for the most part LOL). He is with you on the whole leftists are stupid not so much, but sometimes. He's a pretty conservative guy, but doesn't like extremes either. Most of the time again lol.

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posted February 08, 2008 03:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah BUD, extremists are the bane of the earth...and they just won't leave anyone alone until they come around to their..the extremist point of view.

Your BF sounds like a keeper.

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posted February 08, 2008 04:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
extremists are the bane of the earth


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