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  Time For True Liberals to Save Themselves...and Their Party

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Author Topic:   Time For True Liberals to Save Themselves...and Their Party

Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 02, 2008 09:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Perhaps it hasn't dawned on liberals yet that the far radical left, the Marxist Socialists have taken over the Democrat Party..lock, stock and barrel.

The people now in control of the Democrat Party are the most radical leftists in the United States. Most true liberals and conservatives who formerly called themselves Democrats have already thrown up all over their shoes and left the Democrat Party..becoming Independents and even Republicans.

The people now in charge are the move on dot org types of the leftist, Marxist Socialist bent of George Soros whose prime goal is to destroy the power and influence of the United States. He's insane of course but he's also a billionaire who has funded the takeover of the Democrat party. Move on now says they own the Democrat Party, "we bought it". One of the other far left organizations is daily kos, a vipers pit of Marxist Socialists as is democrat underground.

One need only look at the treatment Joe Lieberman received at the hands of these Marxist Socialists when he beat their Socialist candidate and retained his Senate seat.

If you're a true liberal, let me assure you that you are not nearly ideologically pure enough leftists to even begin to satisfy the unhinged leftists now in power in the Democrat Party. The Howard Deans, the Nancy Pelolis, the Harry Reids, the John Conyers the Harry Waxmans, the Maxine Waters...and Barack Hussein O'Bomber and his Marxist Socialist wife, Michelle.

You better start paying attention and kick these people out of the Democrat Party or you're going to lose it. They play rough as their theft of the nomination from Hillary proves. The ends always justify the means with Marxist Socialists...any means necessary.

Last Chance for Liberals to Survive
Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:24 AM
By: John L. Perry

“Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.” Talking about conservative Republicans? No. It’s about liberal Democrats.

Not in 140 years as a useful typing-lesson aid has that opening sentence been more germane. Now really is the time.

Compared with what conservatives have at stake in this presidential election — which is survival as a political party — liberals are in peril of being ingested alive as individuals by a Democratic Party fallen under the control of the far left.

Liberals aren’t widely admired by conservatives, but they are human beings, and their Democratic Party, until they lost the reins early in this campaign, has, along with the Republican Party, helped give America its two-party system.

With all its shortcomings, that system has been leagues ahead of the alternative, a one-party system, which on the far left or the far right spells only one thing: totalitarianism.

The one thing liberals and conservatives share in equivalent dependency is their respective roles in a two-party system. When that system is at risk, so are the two principal players. Which is another way of saying every American who believes in constitutional government is in grievous danger.

The danger from the far left — there’s no other word for it than Marxism — has been with the United States since before World War I. It has taken numerous forms and faces, but in the end it’s the same old socialist, would-be revolution.

At times, its advocates would stand up like men and wave their red banner. Most of the time, they preferred the safer course of, as they phrase it, “burrowing from within.”

After the end of the Cold War with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, domestic Marxists went to ground, lying low, biding their time, burrowing where the ground was softest — in academia, in the cinematic arts, in the environmental-extremist movement and in the masscomm media.

The Barack Obama phenomenon has given them, and him, the fig leaves they need to make an overt run for the pinnacle of power, the White House.

If the legitimate, non-revolutionary liberals in the Democratic Party allow Obama to pull this off on Nov. 4, it is they who will suffer most. The lessons wherever radicals, left or right, have gained power make that clear:

Once in control, the one-party authoritarians reach first for the throats of those closest to them. No hatred is more fierce than the true radical’s scorn for fellow travelers less ideologically pure. Ask Hillary Clinton after her loss to Obama.

If the radicals win this election, it will not be long before they chase the liberals from the temple. The only Democratic Party left then will be the monolith of the far-left revolutionaries.

If liberals think they can play meaningful, influential roles in an Obama theocracy, they’re nuts. It’s not going to happen.

The time for liberals to save their own political skins is now, before Nov. 4. They have an honorable, patriotic duty to stand up and say to America, “Stop right here! We want off this bus before it goes over the cliff. We were wrong about this Obama fellow. The evidence is now pouring in that he is not what he led us to believe. He is no liberal. He is a far-left radical and a mortal danger to this republic. Don’t give him your vote. He’s not getting mine.”

Will any of the leadership liberals do that? Do pigs fly? Do bears go in the middle of Times Square?

They’ve never tried.

If liberal Democrats fail to put country above party on Nov. 4 and if Obama wins, they can kiss their Democratic Party goodbye. They will deserve the political hell-fires they have stoked for themselves.

John L. Perry, a prize-winning newspaper editor and writer who served on White House staffs of two presidents, is a regular columnist for

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